Weekly News Sheet Sunday 20Th June 2021 Third Sunday After Trinity

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Weekly News Sheet Sunday 20Th June 2021 Third Sunday After Trinity Weekly News Sheet Sunday 20th June 2021 Third Sunday after Trinity 10am United Parish Holy Communion Service with the licensing of Reverend Canon John Harkin as our Interim Priest in Charge at St Peter and St Paul’s Church The Collect for the third Sunday after Trinity God our saviour, look on this wounded world in pity and in power; hold us fast to Your promises of peace won for us by Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. Janet Adams, Joseph Adams, Bob Arnold, Sylvia Boxall, Elaine Brown, Christopher Chamberlain, Steve Daniels, Jeffrey Lunn. Please let the Parish Office know if you would like a name added to the list for prayer. CONTACTS Clergy: Reverend Canon John Harkin (Interim Priest in Charge) 07792 321921 Working days - Sunday, Monday and Tuesday [email protected] Reverend Sheila Samuels (Curate) 01483 913380 (Day off Friday) [email protected] Churchwardens: William Bryans - 07522 405778 Beatrix Richards - 07780 958226 Hon Parish Treasurer: Andrew Bolton - 01483 429078 Director of Music: Matthew Greenfield - 01483 497456 [email protected] Organist: John Belcher - 01483 414858 PCC Secretary: Jacky Tickner - 01483 415702 Pastoral Assistants: Barbara Stokes 01483 421924, Derek Randell 01483 428240, Jeannie Campbell 01483 420317 and Jacky Tickner 01483 415702 Safeguarding Officer: Sarah Higgins - 01483 418454 Children and Families Worker: Vickie Nye - [email protected] Sunday Club Co-ordinator: Sarah Bryans - [email protected] St Mark’s Centre Co-ordinator: Karen Milton - 01483 418741 [email protected] Parish Office at St Peter & St Paul’s Church: Parish Administrator Sarah Bryans Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - currently furloughed part time [email protected] Parish Baptism Co-ordinator: Didi Cooles - [email protected] The Friends of St Peter and St Paul: Liz Coult - [email protected] Mothers Union Contact: Gillian Martin - 01483 429640 Thank You “I just wanted to thank you and the Godalming congregation for the lovely flowers you gave me last Sunday, the scent is amazing and really lifts my spirits when I’m feeling a little stressed by moving preparations. I will always be grateful to the Parish of Godalming for setting me on the path to ordination and for making me so welcome on my reappearances! I will continue to hold you and the parish in my prayers. Every blessing. Maggie.” Please hold Maggie and John in your prayers as they prepare to move to Devon this summer. Thank You Our very grateful thanks to Mike Hawkey of Busbridge Church for our new website! Mike has extremely generously given of his time and talent to design and build our fantastic new website. On behalf of all us, thank you very much Mike. The Vision Moving Forward - Canon John I shared at the APCM, as the PCC had previously been advised by the Archdeacon, that the Bishop is appointing me until the end of next year to address the following 4 key areas: 1. To co-ordinate the restoration and reconstruction of church life and mission in Godalming following Covid-19 and to prepare it for a future which is sustainable and integral to a diverse, secure and vibrant wider Anglican town ministry. 2. To focus on Goal 9 of TCTL and co-ordinate a plan for the financial sustainability and viability of Godalming Parish Church and begin implementation of the plan. 3. To focus on Goal 12 of TCTL and to co-ordinate a plan for a scheme that would make the church building fit for the 21st century needs of the church and town. 4. To work with the Area Dean and Archdeacon as they lead on conversations around future patterns of ministry in Godalming and to help prepare for the implementation of whatever the plan will look like following the interim ministry. Transforming Church, Transforming Lives (TCTL) are the 12 Diocesan goals. These will very much occupy the PCC over the next 18 months, and I pray all of you too will share on this journey as we address what we are being called to do under God. I ask you to make these four areas very much a priority in your prayers, and I encourage you to support and encourage one another in the unity of the faith, as we go forward into the future together. Thank you. Community Survey on Ockford Ridge/Aarons Hill Reverend Sheila Samuels will be leading St Mark’s Church in carrying out a community survey in the local area to find out about social and spiritual needs. This mission opportunity is available to all who worship at St Mark’s Church, St Peter and St Paul’s Church and Busbridge and Hambledon United Benefice. This opportunity to get out in the local community and support St Mark’s Church in their mission to reach out to the community will begin on Monday 5th July, taking up to 3 weeks to complete. You are invited to assist in delivering the community surveys and/or collecting them. Training will be given to everyone who volunteers. We need people for 1 hour at different times during the day and evening and need a minimum of 2 people for a session to take place. There is a sign-up sheet so please email Sheila for a list of days and times, there is no obligation to sign up just because you request a sign-up sheet. At the start of each session we will gather at St Mark’s Church to pray before we set out together. We will have a designated route and streets to deliver to at each session. Volunteers will go as a group and deliver letters through letter boxes in pairs. After all surveys are delivered, we will then return to ask people to return any completed surveys. Sheila has led this missional activity before, and Christians often surprise themselves by stepping out in faith and blessing a local area. If you are concerned about going back to collect survey results, you can be assured that when Sheila has led this before, it’s been great to give residents space to talk and for us as the church to listen. If you are interested and have questions that you would like answered then call Sheila 01483 913380 or email [email protected]. Alternatively come along to one of the Zoom presentations she will be giving on the purpose of ‘Community Surveys and Mission’ and how it will work around St Mark’s Church. This is an opportunity to hear all about it and ask any questions. Thank you. Octots and Sunday Club Octots has recommenced and it was a joy to hear laughter and fun in the Octagon again. Our thanks to Vickie and her wonderful helpers, who worked tirelessly to enable the group to restart. The sessions continue until the start of the summer holidays, from 10am to 11am. Please pray for Vickie and the team as they continue to welcome the children, and their parents/carers, back to the Octagon. Please note that all adult places must be booked in advance via Eventbrite. Pray too for Sarah Bryans and Sarah Higgins as they plan to welcome children back to Sunday Club, starting on Sunday 20th June. Due to the current restrictions on Sunday children’s work, we will not be able to welcome any children who are under the age of 5, and those over the age of 12 will be required to wear a mask during the session. We ask that parents bring the children to the Octagon for the session. Thank you. Please note we are unable to offer a supervised crèche at the present time. However, parents are welcome to use the crèche area on Sunday mornings from 10am, although this is at your own risk and you will be responsible for supervising your children. Thank you. Volunteers Required Please Our caretaker Ken will be having an operation on the 29th June and will need up to six weeks recovery time. Thank you to those of you who have already volunteered to step forward to help with the cleaning, although a few more people would be appreciated please. This would include cleaning between user groups in the Octagon on a Monday and Friday, and cleaning the church on a Monday and Friday. If you are able to help with a couple of hours of your time, please talk with Sarah. Thank you. Lin and Dave Allen invite you to a Cream Tea in their garden on Saturday 3rd July from 3pm to 5pm. All proceeds will go to St Mark's Church. Monthly Parish Prayer Meeting Have you joined us yet for a time of prayer together? We meet monthly and our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th July at 7.30pm for an hour. Tony Gordon-Smith will be leading and link details will be available from Liz Coult email [email protected]. Fundraising Support I will be walking 100km over a weekend in September with one of my sisters, Kate, to raise money for a cause which is very close to our hearts. As some of you will be aware, our Mum is living with the effects of Alzheimer’s and now has very little understanding or recognition of the world around her. We would be enormously grateful for any contribution towards our target. You can donate to my JustGiving page Thank you. Sarah and Kate. Archbishop of Canterbury We are delighted that the Archbishop of Canterbury will visit Godalming Deanery during the weekend of 25th/26th September to address a large public event. He will be offering to launch Autumn process evangelism courses run by parishes.
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