MaMarkrk MeyerhoferMeyerhofer Senior Director Charter Government AffairsAffairs COMMUNICATIONS January 2525,, 20212021 The Honorable Michelle L.L. Phillips, Secretary NYS Public Public Service Service CommissionCommission Three Empire State Plaza Albany, NYNY 1222312223-1350-1350 RE: Franchise Renewal —– Spectrum Spectrum Northeast, Northeast, LLC, locally locally known known as as Charter Charter Com Communicationsmunications andand thethe Village of Sherman,Sherman, NYNY Dear Secretary Phillips: We are herewith filingfiling via email,email, the following: 1. RR-2-2 ApplicationApplication forfor FranchiseFranchise Renewal, Renewal, channel channel lineuplineup andand ratesrates 2. Municipal ResolutionResolution granting granting renewa renewall dated dated NovemberNovember 1818,, 20202020 3. Fully executed executed copy of Franchise RenRenewalewal AgreementAgreement dated January 2020,, 20212021 4. Published legallegal noticesnotices We hereby request approvalapproval by the Commission of this application pursuantpursuant toto sectionsection 222 of the PublicPublic Service Law. If youyou havehave anyany question questions,s, pleaseplease feelfeel frfreeee to contact me at 716-686-4446716-686-4446 oror viavia email at
[email protected]. Sincerely, Mark MeyerhoferMeyerhofer Senior Director, Government AffairsAffairs Charter CommunicationsCommunications 355 CHICAGOCHICAGO STREET,STREET, BUFFALO, BUFFALO, NY NY 14240 14240 O:0: 716-686-4446716-686-4446
[email protected] STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLIC