From: John Osborne <
[email protected]> Sent: Monday, August 26, 2019 3:21 PM To: Stoltz, Carrie R - DNR Cc: Bob Scarcelli (
[email protected]) Subject: Response to July 25, 2019 Correspondence related to Rhinelander Municipal Well No. 7; BRRTS # 02-44-584094 Attachments: FINAL 20.0156342.00 Response to Request for Information_Rhinelander WI 8-26-19.pdf Greetings Carrie: In a letter dated July 25, 2019 you requested Charter NEX at 3606 Red Arrow Drive in Rhinelander, WI provide to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources information related to its operations in response to the detection of PFAS in Rhinelander Municipal Well No. 7. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., (GZA) has worked with Charter NEX staff to compile and review relevant information and prepare the attached letter with supporting documentation for your review. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. We would appreciate you confirming receipt of this letter. Thank you, John John C. Osborne, P.G. Principal Hydrogeologist/ Senior Vice President GZA | 20900 Swenson Drive, Suite 150| Waukesha, WI 53186 Direct: 262-754-2590 | Cell: 262-424-2042 |
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