Full schedule of PrideFest’s 25th anniver- sary events. Page 20

The voice of progress for Wisconsin’s LGBT community

May 31, 2012 | Vol. 3, No. 15 Today’s out gay military

pHOTO: Adam Horwitz Navy group at Great Lakes boosts Pride, p. 4

NAACP: Mar- Countering anti- How Wisconsin Locals take Milwaukee’s gay Personal chefs riage equality is gay stigma in passed first gay center stage at Pride: A time- make outdoor a civil right, p. 6 Milwaukee, p. 8 rights law, p. 12 PrideFest, p. 19 line, p. 24 dining easy, p. 54 show your pride at the polls – vote june 5, p. 16 2 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 LGBT news with a twist WiGWAG By Lisa Neff & Louis Weisberg

testant to compete Ohio, school district negoti- say to a student who is getting The industry, which is fighting in the Miss Uni- ated with Lambda Legal over bullied for being gay or ?” standards to reduce harmful pol- verse Canada pag- a principal’s decision to ban a the organization asked in a state- lutants, advertised for the activ- eant reached the student from wearing a “Jesus ment. ists on Craigslist. penultimate round Is Not A Homophobe” T-shirt. before losing her The principal required the stu- But who is she? Proud debut bid to win the title. Jenna dent to turn the shirt inside out You know the fight for equality Adam Lambert’s new album Talackova, 23, did leave the glitzy and ordered him not to wear it has reached a milestone when “Trespassing” debuted at No. 1 pageant with a Miss Congenial- again. In the next term, Maverick it seems that every week a on the Billboard Top 200 Album Photo: Rightwingwatch.org ity prize. And, with some help Couch asked permission to wear celebrity is outed who WigWag Chart. It’s the first time an openly from celebrity attorney Gloria the shirt and was denied. Later, has never even heard of. Most gay artist has ever done that. Ads that Allred, she already had secured with Lambda on his side, he was recently, “Secrets of a Restaurant “The music industry in general make kids gay for herself and future transgen- told he could wear it one day Chef” host Anne Burrell has con- is a tough market for a gay man. OneMillionMoms, a sub-club of der contestants the opportunity a year – for the annual Day of firmed that she’s a lesbian and in It’s really conservative. It’s hard,” the ultra-right American Family to compete. Silence. Now, under the court a committed relationship with Lambert said during an interview Association, is targeting GAP for order, he can wear it all the time, a woman. The Food Network in March. Fortunately, his fans its BeOne T-shirt campaign and Not so over anytime. star made the announcement just have proven things do get better. a billboard featuring two hand- the rainbow days after “Chopped” host Ted some young guys in one hand- The Southern Poverty Law Cen- More from Allen referred to her sexual- Not even some gray T-shirt. Don’t think the ter is taking on school officials Leviticus ity in an interview on SiriusXM going there call for a boycott has anything to in Savannah, Tenn., where an A middle school social studies radio. “Anne doesn’t feel she was Lady Gaga has taken Indonesia do with fabric or fashion. OMM, administrator banned the wear- teacher in Buhler, Kan., is under outed,” her press rep said. “She off the schedule of her “Born which earlier this year called for ing of gay Pride symbols, includ- fire for a Facebook post that has made no secret of her rela- That Way” world tour due to a boycott of JC Penney for hiring ing rainbows, which “advertise compares being gay to being a tionship.” security concerns. Tour promot- spokeswoman Ellen DeGeneres, or promote sex.” The SPLC murderer. Jack Conkling, who is ers have received serious threats complains, “GAP needs to seri- said schools are not totalitarian also an assistant women’s bas- Rent an activist from religious radicals in the ously consider how their immor- enclaves. Anymore. ketball coach, wrote that homo- Apparently unable to find real Muslim country who oppose the al advertising affects the youth of sexuality “ranks in God’s eyes activists, the coal industry paid sexual authenticity that Gaga our nation.” WWJD, with the same as murder, lying, steal- people $50 to wear pro-coal espouses. a T-shirt? ing, or cheating.” Kansas Equality T-shirts at Environmental Pro- Miss Congeniality A federal court has approved a Coalition condemned Conkling’s tection Agency hearings held in The first-ever transgender con- judgment that the Waynesville, post. “What would Mr. Conkling and Washington, D.C.

Leonard Sobczak WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 3

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www.mandelgroup.com 4 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 First-ever military group eases integration of out recruits at Naval Station Great Lakes

By Louis Weisberg mentation in 1993. ‘I don’t want Staff writer President Barack Obama The military is often an finally signed a bill repealing tolerance. agent of social change, and DADT in 2010, but the ban the integration of out gays wasn’t officially lifted until I want the and is no excep- September 2011. tion. The overriding need to Jessie Virga, 21, joined the same rights, defend the nation, particu- Navy shortly before DADT protections larly during times of war, has was lifted, and she said the sometimes forced military difference for her has been and leaders to rise above the significant. Virga, who is prejudices that divide society bisexual, said she “was walk- responsibilities at large in order to fill their ing on egg shells” prior to the ranks. policy change that allows her as everyone World War II helped to to serve openly. spark the movements for “Knowing that I can be else.’ racial integration and wom- who I am at work allows en’s rights during the second me to dedicate more of people to its meetings. The half of the last century. Over- my thoughts and energy to phenomenon that natives call seas combat opened doors work,” she said. “Midwest nice” has allowed for women to assume work- “I feel like you can’t members to feel comfort- place roles formerly filled give 100 percent of your- able off base as well as on by men only. And once the self to something if you’re base. Locals in the area sur- military demonstrated that not comfortable and happy rounding the base are very blacks and whites could live with yourself,” said Robert welcoming, they say. together, the foundation of Baumgartner, 21, an out gay “I wear my GLASS shirt America’s apartheid society man who joined the Navy in out all the time in the area,” began to crumble. the final months of DADT. Virga said. World War II had a hand He said that he would have “The support we’ve had in the modern gay rights enlisted even if the policy from the local community movement as well. Although was not in the process of and the local media in the homosexual acts were ille- being overturned, but that region, particularly Chicago, gal in the military, countless “it was relieving” when it has really made a difference,” closeted and not-so-closeted finally was. Baumgartner said. Spin, a gay gay men distinguished them- “I was with someone (a bar in Chicago’s Boystown selves in combat. When the partner) at the time, and neighborhood, staged a war ended, many gay men it was great being able to fundraiser for the group. who had for the first time include him in my work envi- GLASS members plan to experienced the freedom of ronment,” Baumgartner said. march in the Pride parades in big cities chose not to return Baumgartner and Virga both Milwaukee and Chicago. to small-town America. are members of Gay, Lesbian As gay, lesbian and bisexual Instead they congregated in and Supporting Sailors, the sailors trained at Great Lakes burgeoning gay havens such first-ever military-sanctioned PHOTO: Adam Horwitz receive duty orders to other as New York and San Fran- gay, lesbian and bisexual affin- Robert Baumgartner, Kristen Cross and Jessie Virga are GLASS members stations, they are taking the cisco, where they began to ity group. The group held its who are currently awaiting orders at Naval Station Great Lakes. concept of GLASS with them organize and develop politi- first meeting at Naval Station and trying to form chapters cally. Great Lakes on Feb. 13, draw- to undergo training before found in GLASS have helped from Great Lakes command, on other bases, Cross said. Harvey Milk was among ing about 75 people. receiving orders, members Cross, who is bisexual, make said Great Lakes spokesman GLASS co-founder Ann Fos- the closeted gays who served It’s fitting that the group say. the transition to military life. Matt Mogle. ter is said to be currently in the Navy during the Kore- formed at Great Lakes. The Like the military as a Members engage in orga- “The captain (Randall trying to start a group in San an War. He was so proud Navy’s largest training center whole, GLASS members nized events such as cook- J. Lynch) thinks this is one Diego. of his military service that – and its only boot camp – come from a variety of back- outs and bowling nights. They of the greatest things ever,” he wore a brass belt buckle Great Lakes processes about grounds. “We try to keep field calls from recruits who Mogle said. “He gives them Disparities bearing his Navy insignia until 40,000 recruits annually. membership as broad and all- are struggling with coming- great support.” Despite all the positive the day he was assassinated. Since the days when Theo- inclusive as possible – all age out issues or who have stan- In fact, Lynch famously is developments for gay, lesbian But the military lagged dore Roosevelt was com- groups, active duty personnel, dard policy questions. said to have responded to and bisexual servicemem- behind society at large when mander in chief, recruits from veterans, straight, LGBT,” said “Just to be able to go to a the request to form GLASS bers, great disparities remain. it came to gay acceptance. every geographic region of Baumgartner, a native Ken- GLASS meeting where there by saying, “I wish I’d thought “I hear the fact that if Despite polls that showed the country and nearly every tuckian who serves as the are other people like them of it myself.” a person is sent overseas, overwhelming public support religious and ethnic back- group’s vice president. makes it easier to come out,” “It was pretty much just a a partner isn’t allowed to for allowing gays and les- ground have launched their Kristen Cross, 26, had Virga said. matter of filling out the paper travel with them,” said Ellen bians to serve, the Armed naval stints and careers at the worked at the Navy Fed- The only report of harass- work, just like for any other Kozel, president and director Forces continued to ban out 1,600-acre campus in North eral Credit Union for several ment the group has received group,” Baumgartner said. of Milwaukee’s Veterans for servicemembers. In 2010, it Chicago, Ill. years before enlisting. She so far was that someone GLASS members say the Diversity Inc. (formerly “Vets was estimated that 13,500 GLASS has become a said that now she might make removed a flyer announcing geographic location of Great Do Ask, Do Tell”). gays and lesbians had been source of great pride to the a career in the Navy, if she a GLASS meeting. Lakes has played a role in “Transgender people discharged under the mili- gay, lesbian and bisexual sail- can get into officer training. Formed by servicemem- facilitating the develop- aren’t covered under the tary ban known as “don’t ask, ors stationed at Great Lakes, The Navy’s new openness bers, the group got immedi- ment of the group, which repeal. Housing isn’t covered don’t tell” since its imple- most of whom are there and the camaraderie she’s ate and enthusiastic support regularly attracts 25 to 30 under the repeal. I believe WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 5 that medical benefits for or lesbian servicemember “Do they intend to have a partners aren’t covered. So ever to be reinstated to her network, so they can get the there’s still a lot of things that position – by court order – word out and challenge nasti- regular soldiers and sailors in the United States military ness?” Ben-Shalom asked. are entitled to that aren’t after being discharged for her Still, she said she would available to gay soldiers and sexual orientation. rejoin the Army if she could. sailors.” Even though the Army In fact, the first thing she GLASS members acknowl- eventually forced Ben-Shalom thought when DADT was edge the disparities but main- out, her successful service in lifted was, “whether I could tain that their desire to serve the U.S. Army Reserves as an go back in the military.” the country makes it worth out lesbian undermined the “It was my privilege and enduring the downside. military’s opposition. my pride to be of service to “You have to learn to take “I don’t want tolerance,” my country,” she said. “Just one for the team in the mili- Ben-Shalom said. “I want because America doesn’t tary for the greater good,” the same rights, protections love me as much as I love Virga said. and responsibilities as every her, I shouldn’t turn my back. “Anything you get into, other citizen. We’ve been I was proud to wear the uni- there’s going to be pros and dying for our country all form of my country.” cons,” Cross added. “If things along, although we couldn’t But she urged activists do change, that would be say anything about it.” not to stop until there’s full great.” Ben-Shalom warns that equality for LGBT people in Former Army drill sergeant while gay, lesbian and bisexual the Armed Forces. Miriam Ben-Shalom said the personnel are protected at “I think it’s time to stop lingering disparities mean Naval Station Great Lakes being complacent,” she said. there is still a lot of work by enlightened leadership, “Look at all the energy after to be done before equality is conditions might be different Stonewall. We need to go achieved in the Armed Forc- “when they might go on to back to our roots.” es. A native Milwaukeean, other commands that aren’t Ben-Shalom was the first gay so enlightened.”

From the revolution to the repeal 1776: Gen. George Washington approves the dishonorable discharge of Lt. Frederick Gotthold Enslin for sodomy and perjury. 1942: A formal policy is instituted that provides for gays and bisexuals – even though celibate – to be given a “blue discharge” and made ineligible for GI benefits. 1947: A policy revision provides for gay or bisexual servicemembers to be given an “undesirable discharge”; those found guilty of same-sex relationships are to be given a “dishonorable discharge.” 1957: Navy Capt. S.H. Crittenden Jr. conducts a review, and the resulting report finds “no sound basis for the belief that homosexuals posed a security risk.” The report is buried for decades. 1975: Air Force Tech Sgt. Leonard Matlovich, recipient of the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart, challenges the military ban on gay servicemembers. 1982: President Ronald Reagan issues a defense directive stating that “homosexuality is incompatible with military service” and that those who engage in same-sex acts must be discharged. 1992: U.S. Navy Petty Off. Allen Schindler Jr. is beaten to death by two shipmates because he is gay. Democratic presidential candidate Bill Clinton pledges to lift the ban against gays in the military if elected to the White House. 1993: President Bill Clinton, with military leaders and a hostile Congress opposing an end to the ban on gays in the military, compromises and approves “don’t ask, don’t tell.” The policy bans the military from asking about a servicemember’s sexual orientation and prohibits gays from coming out. 1994: A federal court reinstates openly lesbian Army Col. Grethe Cammermeyer to the Washington State National Guard. 2000: A report from Servicemembers Legal Defense Network documents military witch hunts under DADT, along with harassment, assaults and at least one killing. 2003: Former President Bill Clinton calls for a repeal of DADT. 2008: All the Democratic candidates for president pledge to end DADT if elected to the White House. Republican candidates for the job pledge to uphold the policy. 2009: A Gallup poll shows that 69 percent of Americans support repealing DADT and allowing gays and lesbians to serve in the military. 2010: President Barack Obama, in his first State of the Union address, pledges to “finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are” and Pentagon chiefs prepare a proposal for Congress, 1721 WEST CANAL STREET • MILWAUKEE, WI 53233 • 1-800-PAYSBIG • PAYSBIG.COM • OPEN 24/7 • MUST BE AT LEAST 21 YEARS OLD TO ENTER CASINO; 18 TO PLAY BINGO • WINNERS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES • MANAGEMENT RESERVES ALL RIGHTS which votes to repeal the policy in December. GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1-800-426-2535 2011: The Pentagon readies for repeal, which is finalized in September. ©2012 FOREST COUNTY POTAWATOMI COMMUNITY, WISCONSIN – L.N. 6 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012

Got news? Tell us PRIDE 2012 [email protected]. NAACP: Marriage is a civil right By Lisa Neff ‘It’s time the Amendment, which says in Staff writer part, that no state “shall deny The NAACP, longtime shameful to any person within its juris- champion of the civil rights diction the equal protection movement, recently adopted myth that of the laws.” a resolution affirming that “Marriage equality is just marriage is a civil right and the African- that, the right to be treated stating that denying the right American equally in the eyes of the to gays is wrong. government,” she said. On May 19, the board of community is Since at least the 1990s, directors for the 103-year- the NAACP and affiliated old NAACP met at its head- somehow out state conferences have chal- quarters on Hope Drive in lenged marriage discrimina- Baltimore and approved a of lockstep tion against gays and lesbians. resolution that reads: The national organization “The NAACP Consti- with the rest opposed passage of the anti- tution affirmatively states of the country gay our objective to ensure the in 1996 and state confer- ‘political, educational, social on marriage ences fought anti-gay amend- and economic equality’ of ments, including the ballot all people. Therefore, the equality is initiatives in North Carolina NAACP has opposed and and California. will continue to oppose any retired – once In those fights and oth- national, state, local policy or ers, NAACP leaders often legislative initiative that seeks and for all.’ looked back to the struggle to codify discrimination or against marriage inequality as hatred into the law or to represented in Loving v. Vir- remove the Constitutional in the 20th century. ginia, the landmark 1967 case rights of LGBT citizens. We “When people ask why in which the U.S. Supreme PHOTO: NAACP FLICKR support marriage equality the NAACP stands firmly Court declared unconstitu- NAACP president and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous at a rally on Martin consistent with equal pro- for marriage equality, we say tional Virginia’s anti-miscege- Luther King Jr. Day in South Carolina. tection under the law pro- that we have always stood nation statute, which banned vided under the Fourteenth against laws which demean, interracial marriage. Amendment of the United dehumanize or discriminate Speaking to the press on in life. I support the free- he doesn’t “see any reason connected across ethnic, States Constitution. Further, against any person in this May 21, NAACP president dom to marry for all. That’s not to say that (same-sex racial and sexual orientation we strongly affirm the reli- great country,” said Roslyn M. and CEO Benjamin Todd Jeal- what Loving, and loving, are couples) should be able to lines than organizations like gious freedoms of all people Brock, NAACP board chair. ous recited the words that all about.” get married under the laws NOM seem to be aware.” as protected by the First “That is our legacy. For over Mildred Loving wrote a year Jealous said the board’s of their state or the laws of An NBC/Wall Street Jour- Amendment.” 103 years we have stood before she died: “I am proud recent resolution makes the country.” nal poll conducted in May The NAACP, the largest, against such laws, and while that Richard’s and my name the NAACP’s support for American Civil Liberties found that half of African- oldest and most widely rec- the nature of the struggle is on a court case that can marriage equality for gays Union legislative representa- Americans back marriage ognized grassroots civil rights may change, our bedrock help reinforce the love, the unequivocal. tive Ian Thompson said the equality. A Washington Post organization in the country, commitment to equality of all commitment, the fairness “What has really changed NAACP’s resolution signals poll showed that 54 percent was established in 1909. The people under the law never and the family that so many and why this statement the failure of the National of African-Americans backed group’s name is synonymous will.” people, black or white, young now?” Jealous said. “What Organization for Marriage’s the president’s statement on with civil rights achievements Brock focused on the 14th or old, gay or straight seek has changed is that this is the divide-and-conquer strategy. marriage equality, and a Pub- first time that we have made Earlier this year, an inves- lic Policy Poll taken in North a full statement on marriage tigation of NOM’s campaign Carolina after Obama’s equality that goes beyond finance practices in Maine announcement showed an Savvy opticians the circumstances of any one produced internal memos 11-point increase in support The perfect frame proposed law or any one outlining the anti-gay group’s for marriage equality among state. We feel it is important attempt to pit blacks against blacks in the state. is just the beginning that everyone understand gays to drive a wedge “It’s time the shameful our commitment to equality between two core Demo- myth that the African-Amer- under the Constitution and cratic Party constituencies. ican community is somehow 1568 N. FArwell Ave. | MilwAukee | 414.221.7055 | BroNzeopTicAl.coM to marriage equality.” “Underpinning this strat- out of lockstep with the rest Brilliant service visit our website for special-offer coupons and more. The historic NAACP egy is a really poisonous of the country on marriage endorsement followed an assumption that the LGBT equality is retired – once and announcement from Presi- community is separate and for all,” said Joe Solmonese, dent Barack Obama that his apart and in one corner, while outgoing president of the exploration of the issue has racial and ethnic minorities Human Rights Campaign, the led him to support legaliz- are in another,” Thompson nation’s largest LGBT group. Are you ready to have fun ing same-sex marriage. Days said. “Of course we know “The facts and clear momen- later, former Secretary of this is not the case. America tum toward marriage speak getting new eyeglasses? proud sponsor Milwaukee lGBT Film/video Festival State Colin Powell said that is much more diverse and for themselves.”

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Got news? Tell us PRIDE 2012 [email protected]. Love stories Landmark project uses personal stories to combat stigma fueling HIV epidemic among black youth

By Louis Weisberg present the project’s materi- get sprung on them that the Staff writer als to large groups. Presenta- people they’ve been seeing Kingston Lenard has tions have been made at Mil- are gay,” Hollander adds. always loved and accepted waukee’s High School of the “The mass media is just his gay uncle, but the idea of Arts, Riverside High School, getting you happy and com- becoming a spokesmodel for Safe Schools Safe Communi- fortable with the imagery,” LGBT equality never crossed ties, Black Health Coalition, Hollander says. “This is not his mind. Boys & Girls Clubs and Lind- an event, it’s a process. It’s a Recently, however, Lena- sey Heights Resource Fair. journey.” rd became part of a proj- The project, created and Acceptance Journeys ect known as Acceptance managed by Diverse & Resil- began as an HIV interven- Journeys. Soon the straight ient, is being closely watched tion program, and it’s based 21-year-old will have his face by the U.S. Centers for Dis- on information gleaned from appearing next to that of his ease Control and Preven- research that the CDC con- uncle Ronnie Grace on post- tion, as well as public health ducted in Milwaukee in 2009. ers and billboards through- officials in other cities for Alarmed by a local spike in out Milwaukee. Accompany- possible expansion, says D&R new HIV infections among ing the image will be the executive director Gary Hol- gay and bisexual African- story of their loving and lander. American males ages 19 to mutually supportive relation- In March, a radio com- 24, CDC researchers inves- ship – a story designed to ponent of the project was tigated not only patterns of inspire LGBT acceptance. launched, ratcheting up transmission and risk behav- “A lot of people were the messaging a notch. Ini- ior, but also what Hollander surprised when I told them tially, the campaign asked calls the “community ecolo- about this,” Lenard says. “But members of the public to gy” behind the problem. That when I tell them who it’s for consider whose lives they term refers to the matrix of and why I’m doing it, then I could change with love. But self-reinforcing social condi- get their support.” in a radio message featur- tions – such as racial dis- Milwaukee Mayor Tom ing Kingston Lenard’s cousin crimination and homophobia Barrett rolled-out Accep- Miracal Lenard, she says that – that continue to stoke the tance Journeys at Milwaukee she loves her gay uncle just epidemic among young black City Hall on Oct. 12, 2011 – as he is. The spot is currently males who have sex with National Coming Out Day. In airing on V100.7 (WKKV-FM) other males, even as new the ensuing months, images and 1290 (WMCS-AM) radio infections in other demo- of LGBT people with their stations. graphic groups have leveled friends, co-workers, family In coming months, the off or decreased. members, neighbors, pastors, project will continue to Typical HIV-prevention etc., have appeared all over sharpen the message of programs focus on testing the city. Hundreds of packets LGBT acceptance. The proj- for the virus, disseminating of palm cards that include ect’s first phase was designed condoms and transmission the images on one side and to spark public interest, but information and counseling the stories behind the pic- the billboards and posters high-risk individuals about tures on the other side have didn’t specifically mention harm reduction. But unlike been passed out at churches, the its LGBT component. other prevention programs schools and events through- “We’ve been showing lots for gay and bisexual men, out the city. and lots of gay people to this one focuses on soci- United Way and the the world, only people don’t ety at large. For instance, YWCA are among the local realize that they’re gay,” Hol- the program shows how the agencies that have trained lander says. But in the proj- marginalization of gay and staff and volunteers in how to ect’s next phase, “it’s going to JOURNEYS next page The front and back side of an Acceptance Journeys’ palm card. WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 9 PRIDE 2012 JOURNEYS from page 8 ‘It took us to bisexual men leads to lower self-esteem; in turn, lower another level self-esteem contributes to of support. It problems such as alcohol and substance abuse, which can really sparked result in risky behavior. “We’re asking straight some sweet people to look at themselves and how their behavior is conversations. affecting other people. We are challenging them to step Not only up,” says Kofi Short, the pro- were family gram’s coordinator. “We’re trying to change members the context,” Hollander Collage compiled by MMK Design explains. “We’re not asking saying they Billboards and posters displayed on public transit as part of the Acceptance Journeys campaign. gay people to change their behavior, we’re expecting support us, straight people to change.” The project’s architects they showed ultimately decided to frame us by being a its messaging within personal stories of acceptance and part of this love, because those stories resonate universally in a way project.’ that statistics never could. Campaign participants say the experience of sharing their bonds of family and concerning their attitudes friendship have made those toward LGBT people. The bonds even deeper. results will be compared to “We’ve always been close those of similar surveys con- as a family, but, if anything, ducted in Cleveland and St. we got even closer” by par- Louis, where people will not ticipating in Acceptance Jour- be exposed to the campaign, neys, says Kingston Lenard. Hollander says. “It took us to another So far, Acceptance Jour- level of support,” Grace says. neys has had an overwhelm- “It really sparked some sweet ingly positive reception in conversations. Not only were Milwaukee, say its organizers. family members saying they Presentations are given by support us, they showed it pairs, with one LGBT per- by being a part of this project, son and a straight ally. “What which is really, really special.” we’re doing is modeling that Working on the project relationship for people,” IF IT WERE THIS EASY TO SEE, YOU WOULDN’T NEED A SCREENING. has also deepened Kings- Short says. ton Lenard’s commitment “Most of the places where to equality. “I’m feeling a lot we present, people ask for better about the movement more packets,” Grace says. and getting this out to every- Can sharing personal sto- body,” he says. “At the end of ries of loving relationships the day, everyone is human. reduce the stigma – both I think people will get that internalized and societal – message. If it can affect one that fuels HIV transmission? person, that will be good Can it lead communities to enough.” not merely tolerate their Despite the emotional LGBT residents but accept nature of the campaign, it is them? based in solid science. CDC Those are audacious goals, researchers plan to evalu- but Acceptance Journeys is ate its effectiveness by sur- counting on the universality veying populations exposed of love to achieve them. to the Milwaukee campaign Make an appointment for an expert, fast, affordable breast and cervical cancer screening at plannedparenthoodsaveslives.com/cancer

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The creditor and issuer of FlexPerks credit cards is U.S. Bank National Association ND, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc., and the cards are available to legal United States residents only. ©2012 U.S. Bank. All rights reserved. 12 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 The past as inspiration Remembering when Wisconsin led the nation with progressive laws

By Andrea Rottmann the first lawmaker to bring Special to WiG gay rights into the political In February 1982, Wiscon- discourse of the Legislature. sin made history when it In 1967, he introduced a bill became the first state to to decriminalize homosexu- enact a law protecting lesbi- ality and all consenting sexual ans and gays from discrimina- practices. At the time, Wis- tion in employment, housing consin law prohibited oral and public accommodations. and anal sex for everyone, The Badger State remained including married couples. the only state with a gay The laws were still being rights law until the end of enforced, although on an the 1980s. Even today, only irregular basis. 21 states and the District of In 1971, two years after Columbia offer some form the Stonewall riots in New of legal protection against York, Barbee introduced a bill discrimination for gays and to protect gays and lesbians lesbians; an even smaller from job discrimination. In a number include transgender radio interview that year, he people. explained why he supported The year 1982 was not gay rights. a particularly good one for “A significant number any progressive cause, let of people in this country alone gay rights. The backlash enjoy members of their own against the social and political sex, and they do not bother changes of the 1960s was in people who don’t want this full swing. The religious right enjoyment,” he told listen- had gained a solid footing ers. “And they should not be in the GOP and in public harassed and beaten down discourse. and brutalized and insulted In 1982, the Equal Rights and kept out of jobs and so Amendment, designed to forth.” constitutionally guarantee the Barbee was in sync with PHOTO: Courtesy Dave Clarenbach equal treatment of women his times, but the Legislature Gov. Lee Dreyfus, center, signs Wisconsin’s landmark gay rights bill into law in 1982 as Leon Rouse and men, died – three states lagged behind. His bills never and then Rep. David Clarenbach look on. short of the number needed came close to passage. But for passage. Also in 1982, sci- he succeeded in putting the scene. Though he never came many urban areas across the a repeal drive against the Wauwatosa in hopes of hav- entists came up with a name rights of lesbians and gays on out publicly during his politi- U.S. By the mid-’70s, 15 cities city’s gay rights ordinance. ing him “cured.” Ironically, it for the new fatal disease that the legislative agenda. cal career, Clarenbach made had passed some kind of gay He failed, thanks to the quick was there that Rouse learned was disproportionally affect- When Barbee left the no secret of his sexuality, rights legislation, and eight reaction of lesbian and gay about gay support groups in ing gay men: AIDS. Assembly in 1976, freshman and he was a reliable ally to states had repealed their activists and supportive local Milwaukee. Wisconsin helped elect lawmaker David Clarenbach the LGBT community. Ses- sodomy laws. Gay and lesbian politicians. Bryant’s campaign A master’s student work- Ronald Reagan in 1980, and it of Madison took up the sion after session, he steadily infrastructures were growing gave an enormous boost to ing at the hospital told Rouse was governed by a Republi- cause. Clarenbach joined the built support for both a non- in all major cities and col- gay organizing nationwide. about the Gay People’s Union, can. How did this largely rural Assembly at age 21, having discrimination bill and a sex lege towns. Gay communi- In Milwaukee, a political the city’s major gay rights and heavily Catholic state in been politically active since reform bill in the Assembly. ties were thriving in places science major named Leon organization at the time. She the upper Midwest become high school. Like his mentor like San Francisco and, on a Rouse watched Bryant cel- suggested to Rouse’s par- the nation’s gay rights leader? Barbee, he came to gay rights Community smaller scale, Milwaukee. ebrate her victory on the ents that they let him go to There are many reasons. through civil rights. building news. Pounding on her podi- a meeting. “Once he sees It happened because law- During Clarenbach’s 1970 In June 1969, gay, lesbian Anita Bryant um, she proclaimed “The all those men dressed as makers put fairness before high school spring break, he and transgender patrons of In the summer of 1977, a ‘normal’ majority have said, women, and all those women partisanship. It happened went south to register black the Stonewall Inn in New popular singer and second ‘Enough! Enough! Enough!’” dressed like men, he’ll realize because religious leaders voters in rural Mississippi, an York City resisted a police runner-up for Miss America “Those were the words he’s not one of them,” she agreed that queer people experience that “framed my raid, and coverage of the used her celebrity to lash that got me into action,” argued, playing to his parents’ needed their advocacy as life’s commitment to social event and the ensuing riots back at the nation’s burgeon- Rouse recalls today. Bry- stereotypes. At the GPU much as any other oppressed change,” as he recalled 40 mobilized thousands of ing gay rights movement. ant had recruited the man meetings, Rouse realized that group. But most importantly, years later. “It was here, in gays and lesbians across the Anita Bryant, an evangelical whose church-based activism he was indeed one of them. it happened because a few the Deep South, that I saw nation. Queer people in Wis- Christian known primarily as would be crucial to passing He found friends and when passionate, determined and denial of basic civil rights and consin started organizing the face of Florida orange gay rights in Wisconsin five he turned 18, he left home talented people worked its impact on the real lives of publicly just a few months juice, allied with conservative years later. and moved to Milwaukee. ceaselessly until they had real people.” after Stonewall. Their activ- clergy to drive the repeal In 1978, as a student at made it happen. After returning to Madi- ism bore its first political of Miami’s gay rights ordi- Leon Rouse UW-Milwaukee, Rouse won This is their story. son, Clarenbach joined dem- fruit in 1975, when the Madi- nance. Their success resulted Leon Rouse was born into his first fight for gay rights onstrations for civil rights son City Council revised its in repeal drives around the a conservative Catholic fam- when he succeeded in per- Lloyd Barbee and against the war in Viet- Equal Opportunity Ordi- country, showing how fragile ily in northern Wisconsin in suading the entire UW Sys- and David nam. He also realized that nance to protect lesbians and the achievements of the gay 1957. At 17, he came out tem to adopt a policy against Clarenbach he was attracted to men, and gays from discrimination. rights movement were. to his parents, who com- discrimination on the basis of Civil rights activist Lloyd tentatively explored Madi- Madison’s ordinance mir- In Madison, Bryant inspired mitted him to the Milwau- sexual orientation. After this Barbee from Milwaukee was son’s nascent gay and lesbian rored local legislation in a Baptist preacher to mount kee Psychiatric Hospital in achievement, he directed his WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 13 activism toward legal change of the state’s believers, the us – fare better when they sexuality is admirable, it’s islation. on the local and state levels. Roman Catholic Church was are able to develop stable whether discrimination is Despite enormous chang- Learn more: He studied the recent repeal the most influential denomi- relationships, when they are tolerable,” he appealed to es in attitudes toward queer View documents drives and found that in Seat- nation in Wisconsin, and its not relegated to a same-sex the Assembly, framing the bill people, and significant legal from Rep. David Clar- tle, the mainline churches had most influential leader was society, when they are loved as a question of civil rights. progress on the local, state enbach’s files at Turn- spoken out against repeal the archbishop of Milwaukee. and respected as people try- Clarenbach put particular and federal levels, many of the ing Points in Wisconsin and the ordinance survived. Rouse knew that even the ing to grow, humanly and effort in finding Republican problems that Barbee, Clar- History: http://www. Rouse borrowed the strat- most reactionary lawmaker spiritually.” allies. He also brought to enbach, and Rouse worked wisconsinhistory.org/ egy. He was going to beat would listen to the arch- Weakland was sensitive to bear his strong ties with so hard to overcome persist turningpoints/search. the fundamentalists at their bishop’s word. the issue because two Cath- progressive interest groups today. In April, 14-year-old asp?id=1750 own game. Since 1977, Rembert G. olic teenagers in Milwaukee and labor. And he didn’t shy Kenneth Weishuhn of Iowa Listen to Lloyd Bar- In 1978, Rouse organized Weakland had led the arch- had recently committed sui- away from trading his vote to took his life after classmates bee’s radio interview ministers from the Catholic, diocese. He was an outspo- cide, not knowing how to win over conservative legisla- bullied him for being gay, online at the Gay Peo- Lutheran, United Methodist, ken advocate for reform who deal with their homosexual- tors, supporting a controver- the latest victim of a series ple’s Union Collection, Episcopal, United Church of believed that the church had ity. His column could also be sial Milwaukee police bill in of suicides among queer part of the University of Christ and United Presbyte- to open itself to the world read, though, as a coming-to- exchange for their vote for teenagers and young adults. Wisconsin’s Digital Col- rian denominations, as well and the massive changes that terms with his own homo- the gay rights bill. While discrimination against lections: http://tinyurl. as a rabbi, to join him on society was going through. sexuality. In the summer of Testimony to an endur- lesbians and gays continues com/barbee-interview the board of a new organi- Rouse approached him in Mil- 1979, Weakland acted out ing progressive tradition in to be outlawed here, so is Learn about Madi- zation called the Commit- waukee’s downtown Cathe- his attraction to men for Wisconsin, the bill found the same-sex marriage. And our son’s LGBT community tee for Fundamental Judeo- dral after Mass and asked him the first and only time in a support of 10 Republican historic law urgently needs at the UW-Madison Christian Human Rights. The for his help. Weakland voiced gay relationship that lasted representatives and passed to be updated to include Oral History Project: cumbersome name wasn’t his support in a letter distrib- only briefly. His column, writ- both houses with bipartisan transgender people, who still http://lgbt.wisc.edu/aca- just descriptive; it could also uted among legislators, and ten just three months after votes. Gov. Lee Dreyfus, a have no remedy against dis- demics/ohp.php be read as an ironic imita- he publicly asked Catholics he ended the relationship, Republican, chose to sign the crimination. Delve into Wiscon- tion of fundamentalist lingo. to respect gay people and to is thus also a very personal bill into law despite a mas- Let’s ask our state’s legisla- sin’s queer history at Members of the committee back their struggle for rights reflection. sive last-minute campaign by tors to look back 30 years the Milwaukee GLBT lobbied their superiors as in a column for Milwaukee’s Christian fundamentalists. “I and take inspiration from History Project: http:// well as their political repre- weekly Catholic newspaper Success have decided to sign this bill Wisconsin’s pioneering step www.mkelgbthist.org/ sentatives, traveling to the in July 1980. Whereas Rouse and the for one basic reason, to pro- toward full equality. Capitol to testify in favor of “We have to see gay peo- committee assembled reli- tect one’s right to privacy,” the gay rights bill. ple ... as persons worthy of gious support, Clarenbach he explained. Andrea Rottmann is a histo- in gender and diversity history, respect and friendship,” he and other progressive legisla- After 15 years of activism, rian interested in the history of awarded by the Freie Univer- Archbishop wrote. “We must be con- tors organized the necessary the bill finally became law on the LGBT movement in the U.S. sität Berlin, Germany. In the fall, Rembert cerned, also, about their votes. Feb. 25, 1982, adding another and in Germany. Her thesis on she will continue her studies in Weakland rights. It seems clear to me “The question before us first to the state’s history of Wisconsin’s gay rights law won a PhD program at the Univer- With almost 50 percent that gay people – like all of today is not whether homo- pioneering progressive leg- the prize for the best thesis sity of Michigan in Ann Arbor. 14 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012

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BY THE NUMBERS { Editorial } Pride’s progress… Walker out = state forward 0 Pride events in ’69 Gov. Scott Walker has received an obscene amount of money from donors in the fossil fuel, manufacturing and home-building industries. In return, he has represented their interests with unflinching determination, guiding their 3 Pride events in ’70 agenda – as articulated by the American Legislative Exchange Council – ver- batim through the Legislature without debate. On June 5, voters in Wisconsin will have an unusual opportunity to decide 14 Pride events in ’72 whether this agenda has benefitted the state. Compared with the rest of the country, Wisconsin has fared poorly during the nearly year and a half since Walker took office. Regardless of whose sta- 500 + Pride events in 2012 tistics you’re looking at, the state has lost a disproportionate number of jobs. Our quality of life has diminished and the state is more divided than ever due to Walker’s self-professed divide-and-conquer style of leadership. Sources: InterPride, Wikipedia His so-called “business-friendly” policies have benefited big business at the expense of small businesses and workers. By his standards, states such as Mis- sissippi are the nation’s most business friendly – states that spend the least and have the fewest regulations while providing the lowest standard of living. Walker claimed that cutting taxes for the very rich, limiting worker’s rights and dismantling regulations to protect consumers and the environment would { June 5 voter info } create job growth. But it hasn’t worked out that way. Walker is simply regur- gitating the trickle-down promises we’ve heard for the last 30 years, which have never come to fruition anywhere. But unfortunately, there’s been a lot of On June 5, voters in Wis- polling places due to redis- consin at least 28 days before negative trickle-down from Walker’s agenda. consin return to the polls. tricting, the Wisconsin Elec- the election. Environmental inspections of air and water quality have dropped alarmingly, At the statewide level, they’ll tion Protection hotline will • You can register to vote giving Walker’s benefactors license to pollute our environment without fear decide whether to retain or be staffed with attorneys. anytime before the election, of reprisal. Seventy-three percent of school districts in the state cut teachers recall Republican Gov. Scott Voters can call 1-866-OUR- and even at the polls on elec- during the 2011-12 school year. Walker’s cuts have also hurt the University of Walker, who faces Demo- Vote with questions or to tion day using an accepted Wisconsin System and technical colleges in the state. cratic Milwaukee Mayor Tom report problems. document that includes your Walker eliminated state remedies for unequal pay for women. He’s cur- Barrett on the ballot. Also, voters can obtain name and voting address. tailed women’s reproductive freedom and reduced uninsured women’s access The statewide bal- “Know Your Voting Rights” • You can vote if you are to health services. He’s gotten rid of science-based sex education. lot also includes a contest guides – in English and Span- a student living away from Possible criminal proceedings against Walker are also a major issue. There’s between GOP Lt. Gov. ish – from the ACLU of Wis- your parents and elect to a potentially devastating federal investigation surrounding his Milwaukee Rebecca Kleefisch and consin Foundation at aclu-wi. get involved in your college County Executive office staff that’s resulted in numerous indictments. He’s Democratic Madison fire- org/Issues/votingrights. town. created a criminal defense fund that he’s poured more than $160,000 into fighter Mahlon Mitchell. The guides clarify that vot- • You can vote if you have during the past six weeks. State law only allows elected officials to start such Voters also will decide ers do not need a photo a felony conviction but com- a fund if they’re under investigation for violating state campaign finance or races for four Republican- ID for the recall election pleted your sentence. election laws. held senate seats. because of pending legal chal- • You can vote early, at All politicians spin their achievements, but Walker is uniquely shameless. To assist voters with ques- lenges to the law. your clerk’s office, through His campaign ads claim that he eliminated Wisconsin’s budget deficit. But in tions about photo ID require- Also: June 1. requesting federal waivers to cut BadgerCare, a program that provides afford- ments (there are none), sign- • You can vote if you are • You can follow voting able health coverage to the working poor, Walker filed a claim with the federal ing poll books, registration at least 18 years old, a U.S. issues in Wisconsin on Twit- government stating that the state has a structural budget deficit. requirements and changing citizen and a resident of Wis- ter at @EPWisco. There are many reasons to get rid of Walker and not one to retain him. He has imperiled our future to reward his backers and boost his national profile. If he’s re-elected, the state may have to suffer through his criminal indictment. It’s an unfortunate corollary of our political system that all elected officials Our mission owe fealty to special interests of some stripe. Walker’s allegiance is to inter- To inform, engage and empower Wisconsin’s LGBT community by providing a professional, ests that are not in the interest of Wisconsin. They are not idealistic interests independent print and online source for news and commentary, as well as coverage of political that want to create a cleaner planet and more just society. They are interests that only want to grab as much money as they can right now, without concern and cultural issues. – Louis Weisberg, publisher/editor in chief, 414-961-3240. for the future or who gets hurt in the process..

CEO/Principal Graphic Design Distribution Leonard Sobczak Maureen M. Kane Manager Robert Wright Publisher/ SALES REPS office assistant Editor in Chief Brody Hess, Deb Rosado Louis Weisberg Anita Gielow The Wisconsin Gazette is published every other week NATIONAL and distributed throughout the Milwaukee area, Madison, NATIONAL NEWS Editor ADVERTISING CONTRIBUTORS Racine, Kenosha, and 40 other cities statewide. Lisa Neff Debra Brehmer, Mike Muckian, Kat To have WiG delivered to your address, contact Rivendell Media, 212-242-6863 [email protected] or call 414-961-3240, ext. 101 Murrell, Jamakaya, Jody Hirsh, Adam OPERATIONS & SALES Entertainment Horwitz, Jay Rath WiG Publishing, LLC. © 2012 MANAGER Editor Please recirculate and recycle this publication. Dave Pionke Gregg Shapiro WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 17 ON THE RECORD Celebrate Pride season Woo-hoo, Pride season is for a celebration of pride and loud booms are heard and “Claiming that someone else’s again upon us! Time to don tolerance? Sad. the crowd starts moving marriage is against your religion is our gay apparel and boo- I’ve had a special weakness en masse to the shoreline like being angry with someone for gie on down to that annual for the “drag races” at past to find good seats. Let the eating a donut because you’re on a Opinion reunion known as PrideFest. JAMAKAYA PrideFests, which always left “oohs” and “aahs” begin! diet.” I’m getting to the age me in stitches. Contestants Amazingly, this is the 25th – AN UNATTRIBUTED STATEMENT making where blaring outdoor music of all genders, sizes, colors anniversary year for Pride- the rounds on Facebook pages. doesn’t appeal to me that me. Everyone is so open, and ages don outrageous Fest, which has been at Maier much, but what I love more it seems easier to start up drag costumes, do their best Festival Park since 1996. I’m “If American women want to know where all the than ever is the people- conversations and meet new to run a footrace (those worried that many of us take manly men have gone, they can blame the feminists. watching. I’m delighted every friends there than it does at spike heels can be treacher- the event for granted. Pride- Not only can men no longer hold the door open year to rediscover how many other places. ous) and then face off in a Fest struggles financially from for women, they can’t even save a woman’s life and ways there are to be gay. Or, The festival also serves as lip-synching competition. A year to year. Good weath- get a gracious thank you. Most women like big, more precisely, to express a kind of reunion. I often run more zany, chaotic event has er and big crowds in some strong, John-Wayne-type men. But feminists have our gayness. into friends I haven’t seen never been devised. Well, not years sustain it through the made a lot of men afraid to be manly.” Cutting edge is too mild for years – or at least since until “Ru Paul’s Drag Race” years when frigid weather – PHYLLIS SCHAFLY writing for the Eagle and clichéd a term to describe the last PrideFest – and it’s anyway. keeps attendance and income Forum. the breadth of LGBT styles. wonderful to catch up on I’m also a real sucker for down. From daring and wacky and what’s happening in each oth- the fireworks. Because of the We learned recently with “I’ve been waiting to do this for a long time.” weird to jaw-dropping “did ers’ lives. long festival season at the the crisis at the Milwaukee – QUEEN LATIFAH, addressing the crowd at the you see that?” exoticism, no The anti-gay zealots lakefront, Milwaukee has a LGBT Community Center 20th annual Long Beach Lesbian & Gay Pride Festi- accoutrements or ornamen- preaching hell and damna- glut of pyrotechnics. But the how precarious our institu- val, where she recently performed. Some observers tation are beyond imagining. tion outside the gate have fireworks and laser shows at tions are. I’m sure that Pride- thought the movie star/singer, long-rumored to be Retro or futuristic, butch or become a regular feature of PrideFest have always given Fest, like the LGBT center, gay, was officially coming out of the closet with that femme, leather or feathers, PrideFest. They used to piss me extra goosebumps, I can use some new benefac- statement. bushy or waxed, overdressed me off, but lately I just think guess in part because they’re tors and volunteer energy. or nearly nude, most queers they’re pathetic. Public opin- “ours” and there are not While enjoying the festival “In terms of the legal matter of creating a con- are certainly not shy about ion is rapidly turning against that many Pride festivals this year, please be cognizant tract between two people that’s called marriage, expressing themselves, and them and they are clearly around the country that can of what a precious resource and allowing them to live together with the protec- PrideFest is the place to do it. on the wrong side of history. boast such a lavish display. I it is for all of us and consider tion of law, it seems to me is the way we should The exuberance and What kind of person spends love those moments when donating whatever time or be moving in this country. And so I support the friendliness of people at whole days spewing hatred the main stage concert is money you can. president’s decision.” PrideFest is another plus for at others who are gathered coming to an end, several Join WiG on Facebook. – Former Secretary of State COLIN POWELL speaking in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

“Why do homosexuals bother you so much?” – CNN’s BROOKE BALDWIN questioning gay- God’s work of art obsessed Christian right leader Tony Perkins. Coming out while remain- How can The verse promises that “I just refuse to hide. I did that way too many ing Christian poses several who we are matters, and years and it’s just not healthy. …My life is not about challenges. The apostle Paul’s we not take what we do matters too. money.” acerbic comments about Faith Gaze How God put us together – BOB PAGE the owner of a china shop in gay and lesbian sex come to andrew warner pride in – our unique combination Greensboro, N.C., commenting on all the hate mind. After one makes peace of all the gifts and flaws that mail and calls he’s received since publicly opposing with 10 or so biblical pas- tures; I needed to find pride ourselves make us up, shape that pur- Amendment One, his state’s recently enacted ban sages, one challenge remains: in my identity, pride in who when God pose. It may not be easy to on legal same-sex relationships. Page’s business has pride. God created me to be, pride find, it may not be clear, but plummeted. He and his partner of 23 years are the The Christian tradition to push back against the bul- takes such everyone has a purpose. fathers of 13-year-old twins. long looked askance at pride. lies, and pride to demand It may be in lifting up a “Myself being a gay person, (I felt it was) a kind Pride made the list of the the best in friendships and pride in us? teenager overwhelmed with of slap in my face that I couldn’t have that same “seven deadly sins.” These relationships. a negative self-image. It may experience. So I thought that I would put a ban on were seen as the gateway to A friend pointed me to be in comforting a grieving bachelorette parties until every person will have all debauched behavior. The a line in the Bible: “You are humanity in all our diversity friend, caring for a neighbor the right to have a marriage and be able to marry Christian tradition taught God’s work of art, created in treasured as God’s works who has trouble caring for their loved one.” humility as the cure for pride. Christ Jesus, for good works of art. herself. Your good work may – DAVID COOLE, founder of The Abbey in Los But I quickly found humil- prepared beforehand, which The original word in scrip- be confronting racism, ral- Angeles, one of the world’s most popular gay bars, ity was no virtue when are to be your way of life.” ture translated as “work of lying for rights, speaking for announcing that his establishment would cease coming out. Humility causes It became my favorite verse, art” can also mean poem. justice, building community hosting bachelorette parties until all of his patrons us to think, “Who am I to one that points to who we “You are God’s poem.” Hear- through action. have the legal right to get married. disagree with the apostle really are and how we are ing the affirmation this way We all have pride and a Paul?” Humility leaves us seen by God: a work of art, a allowed me to see my life purpose. “Missiongathering Christian Church is sorry for silent when bullies make masterpiece, worthy to be in as a creative, playful articu- True pride comes when the narrow-minded, judgmental, deceptive, manipu- homophobic slurs or bosses the Louvre. How can we not lation of God’s love. Poets the poetry of our lives lative actions of those who denied rights and equal- discriminate. The humble take pride in ourselves when use words for their evocative speaks to God’s great love. ity to so many in the name of God.” don’t object. Humility keeps God takes such pride in us? power, a sense that stretches Take pride in this: you are - A BILLBOARD outside of Char- us in destructive relation- Imagine: Every human, in beyond the apparent mean- God’s poem, give voice to lotte, N.C., on the Billy Graham ships. The path to shame is all our rich diversity, all our ing of a word to open up God’s love. Highway. paved with humility. beauty and imperfections, many different resonances. As a gay Christian I need- every toned muscle and We are a poetic expression Something to share? ed more than a rationaliza- wart, every orientation from of God’s love, an unstruc- Email lweisberg@ tion for troublesome scrip- sensual to asexual – all of tured lyricism of compassion. wisconsingazette.com. 18 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012

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HIV Testing Program includes Be ABLE Be African Americans HIV testing, prevention Building Lives of Empowerment education, and referrals to An opportunity for gay and services for African American bisexual African American men gay and bisexual men in between the ages of 21 and 35 Milwaukee. Walk-ins welcome to build social support through at Diverse & Resilient. (2439 open conversations about racial N. Holton Street, Milwaukee) and sexual identity. • Thursday, 4pm – 8pm Be ABLE holds weekend • Friday, 3pm – 7pm retreats and weekly group sessions where African American Appointments also available, gay and bisexual men can just call 414.390.0444. discuss the different factors that may place them at risk for HIV and STDs. “ I am proud to honor 25 years of Pridefest Contact and the communities it brings together.” 414.390.0444 Chris Allen, –State Representative Sandy Pasch

Be ABLE Authorized and paid for by Friends of Sandy Pasch, Jackie Boynton, Treasurer www.diverseandresilient.org African Americans Building Lives of Empowerment WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 19 PRIDEFEST 2012 HomegrownHomegrown PridePride PPriderideFFestest 20122012 showcasesshowcases locallocal queerqueer talenttalent t esy By Louis Weisberg Staff writer he headliners draw the largest crowds and attract

GOD-DES & She C o ur : P hoto most of the media attention at PrideFest. But Tthis year’s event, which lights up the Summerfest Grounds from June 8 to June 10, deserves as much appre- ciation for its strong line-up of local LGBT and allied entertainers as for its stars. Wisconsin performers are welcoming this year’s “extra emphasis on the local talent,” as PrideFest president Scott Gunkel puts it. They say it’s an honor to present their acts to a hometown audience, to the region that nurtured and influenced their creative growth. t esy In a sense, this year’s PrideFest is a reunion for some of gay Wiscon- sin’s cultural ambassadors. “Throughout my career, I’ll always be repre- senting Milwaukee,” says Shane Ashton, who grew up in Laona and now makes Milwaukee his home base. “I’m happy and proud and honored to : C o ur : P hoto take the (Miller Lite) stage.” Shane Ashton Gunkel says festival organizers decided to go local as a way of cel- ebrating the event’s 25th anniversary. In addition to featuring more home- grown talent, PrideFest 2012 will give

locals more time on the main stage ton and longer sets, Gunkel says. Perhaps the best known Wiscon- sin group on the schedule is GOD- DES & She. Originally from Madison, the duo has described their work as “hip-hop/pop/soul.” The two per- form at 7 p.m. on June 10. Soon to record their fourth full- length album, GOD-DES & She Honey LaBronx Manon H all i b ur : P hoto y gained national attention after being a featured on “The L Word.” Their TALENT page 21

Annie B. and the Vagabond Company : J a mes C on w : P hoto 20 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 PRIDEFEST 2012 PrideFest Milwaukee 2012 Schedule of Events Friday, June 8 through Sunday, June 10 at Henry Maier Festival Park LAKE MICHIGAN C Leather Show 1:15 P.M. N 5:15 P.M. E Meditation Practice E LGBT Dance Milwaukee 1:30 P.M. 5:30 P.M. A Pulsations A Tyne Darling 2:00 P.M. E MILWAUKEE PUMPWORKS 6:00 P.M. D Fifty Shades of Rainbow HEALTH & GAY ARTS CENTER DANCE ARENA I (MGAC) STAGE F C DJ Ken-E C Jordin Baas WELLNESS B Lisa Ridgely AREA CHILDREN’S YOUTH AREA B V-Squared H C STAGE G G A Pride O\of Dancers: Interna- B VA Programming ARTS & CULTURE & FAMILY AREA B tional Celebration of Dance 2:15 P.M. $ AREA (PLAYGROUND) WOM!NZ SPOT D B How Does She Do It? E ZUMBA! info LOUNGE & CAFE STONEWALL 6:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. STAGE D Victory Garden Initiative & a B Nomadic LIMBS hosts Rachel Fruity Nutty Affair Malehorn 7:00 P.M. C To be announced WILLIAMSBURG A Mia LaBlon 3:15 P.M. MARKETPLACE CHILDREN’S entrance STAGE C Dance Hosted by Zander Man- E Milwaukee MCC Church HARBOR DRIVE $ der, DJ Ron G 3:30 P.M. A Miller Lite Mainstage CHICAGO STREET G Singer Songwriter LGBT New D Financial Planning for Domestic Talent Showcase with Mallori B Wom!Nz Spot Lounge & Cafe Partners A $ Reichenberger B Women’s Voices Milwaukee C Pumpworks Dance Arena MILLER LITE 7:30 P.M. A Martine Locke D Stonewall Stage G Mgac Stage MAIN STAGE G Brody Hess 4:00 P.M. E Health & Wellness Area H Arts & Culture 8:00 P.M. B Big Bad Gina (acoustic) F Youth Area I Children’s Stage D Milwaukee LGBT Film/Video 4:15 P.M. Festival E Tamarind Tribal Belly Dance 9:00 P.M. E Yoga & Financial Literacy Pre- B Spoken Word Open Mic 5:00 P.M. FRIDAY, JUNE 8 A Sue Debaco & Double Down sentation B Roxie Beane A Ronnie Nyles & Tallulah Who G Jordin Baas & the Family Band 2:00 P.M. 8:30 P.M. C Joe Neary 3:30 P.M. C DJ John Murges C DJ Kelly (Milwaukee) B Jude Kinnear A Jayme Dawicki D Celebration of Our Relation- H Posters from Milwaukee LGBT 10:00 P.M. B Women’s VA Programming G Jordin Baas & the Family Band ships Film/Video Festival B Annie B 2:30 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. G Hot Topic Comedy C Dave Audé 4:00 P.M. A ABBA Salute G International Celebration of A The 2012 PrideFest Drag Show 10:15 P.M. D Nikki Rashan reads from her 9:30 P.M. Dance B Women’s Open Mic A Belinda Carlisle book “Cyber Case” Fireworks B Mandy Cappleman C DJ NMF 5:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M 10:00 P.M. C Joe Neary B Spoken Word Open Mic C DJ Shawna SATURDAY, JUNE 9 B The Miltown Kings B LeAnna Eden I Bob Bohm’s Family Magic Show G Hot Topic Comedy 7:00 P.M. B Riverwest Artists ALL DAY Open Grass PrideFest B Nomadic LIMBS hosts Bea 10:35 P.M. A GOD-DES & She Volleyball Tournament Castaneda G LGBT New Talent Showcase 5:15 P.M. A Taylor Dayne A Shane Ashton 12:00 P.M. 3:15 P.M. 7:30 P.M. A Annie B & the Vagabond Com- E Nia Dance G Brody Hess 6:00 P.M. pany SUNDAY, JUNE 10 C DJ Chris Spinazzola G International Celebration of 3:30 P.M. C DJ Kelly Dance D The Miltown Kings present ALL DAY Open Grass PrideFest 8:00 P.M. H Multiple Displays “How to be a Drag King” Volleyball Tournament C Sharon Needles 6:30 P.M. B The Dots 4:00 P.M. B Open MIC D Interfaith Prayer Service B Riverwest Artists 12:00 P.M. F Alliance School Graduation A Corky Morgan 8:30 P.M. 6:45 P.M. 1:00 P.M. A Berlin A Opening Ceremonies A BIG BAD GINA C DJ J-FLO D Playing with your food with C Brew City Sisters H Displays all day. G Jordin Baas & the Family Band 7:00 P.M. Felisha Wild!! B 2 Girlz B Riverwest Artists 9:00 P.M. C DJ Kelly C Lady Gia Presents 25 years of B Jennifer Cintron Cuevas C Psycho Bitch & Terri Bristol G LGBT New Talent Showcase 4:15 P.M. Glitz & Glamour E Vegan Drag Queen Cooking B BrewCity Boiz & Babez I Bob Bohm’s Survivor Family 12:15 P.M. 9:30 p.m. Show with Honey LaBronx E Pilates G Hot Topic Comedy 8:00 P.M. Game Show A Honey LaBronx 5:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 11:30 P.M. 1:15 P.M. D How to Support Non-Norma- C Sharon Needles Meet ‘n’ Greet G Brody Hess A City of Festivals Men’s Cho- I The Rock n’ Roll Variety Juggling B Spoken Word Open Mic tive Gender Expression in Kids Show rus & Perfect Harmony Men’s B Adoption & Foster Parenting D Milwaukee LGBT Film/Video Chorus B Adoption & Foster Parenting Festival Stories & Discussion Stories & Discussion EDITOR’S NOTE: Acts, times and venues are subject to change with little notice, so check at the Information Desk for the most current schedule or visit www.pridefest.com WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 21 ‘I’m ready to give Milwaukee a show’ TALENT from page 19 Company, welcomes her – at 8 p.m. on opening night, song “Love You Better” PrideFest appearance as an just before headliner Belinda reached the No. 1 spot on opportunity to show her Carlisle. LOGO. support for Pride to the resi- “Now I’m really ready Ashton, who takes the dents of her native state. to give Milwaukee, Wis., a Miller Lite Stage at 5:15 p.m. “I have performed at Walk- show,” LaBronx says. on June 8, says performing at er’s Pint and other venues LaBronx’s life has changed PrideFest will be a highlight like that,” Annie B. says. considerably since child- in what’s been an extraordi- “I was featured in an LGBT hood in Milwaukee. LBronx nary year for him. His song publication in Kansas. But this moved to 12 SATURDAY “Heartbeat” was featured is our first time performing years ago and became both in the most recent release at PrideFest, and we’re really a drag queen and a vegan. JUNE from the gay movie franchise excited. It’s a huge honor Now she exploits the atten- “Eating Out.” Some proceeds to be able to celebrate the tion that comes with dressing from the song have been LGBT community. I know in drag to spread the word donated to The Trevor Proj- that there’s a lot of issues about animal rights and the 23 ect, Ashton says. that they’re still facing, and it’s vegan diet. She even has a PABST Growing up gay in a small a bummer that those issues drag queen vegan cooking Wisconsin town had a pro- are still there.” show on the Web at vegan- found influence on Ashton Annie B. & the Vagabond dragqueen.com. and his music. “It was a hard Company performs on the LaBronx also holds mock $32.50 time, and I think it changed main stage at noon on June wedding celebrations to draw me to what I am today. I 9. In addition, Annie B. per- attention to gay and lesbian feel like it made me a deep- forms a solo acoustic on the inequality. “They don’t call me er person. I feel like I’m a Wom!nz stage on June 8, at the vegan Harriet Tubman for more compassionate person. 10 p.m. nothing,” LaBronx says. “I do … It definitely has inspired This year will mark Honey try to use any and all oppor- my music today. I’ve tried LaBronx’s second turn on tunities I can as an opportu- to write songs about that the stage at PrideFest after nity to carry a message.” FRIDAY period of my life. But I’ve a less-than-auspicious debut LaBronx’s LGBT activism never been able to finish it, last year. The Milwaukee began during youth, assisting it’s a hard subject for me.” native was scheduled to Mike Lisowski in organizing AUG In addition, Ashton’s musi- appear on Sunday at 1 p.m., Milwaukee’s first same-sex cal inspiration has come from when everyone was leav- prom. some of the great divas of ing PrideFest to attend the Due to the absence of his formative years, particu- parade in Walker’s Point. marriage equality in Wiscon- 10 larly Whitney Houston, Mari- LaBronx’s mother valiantly sin, LaBronx’s PrideFest per- PABST ah Carey, Celine Dion and tried to drum up an audi- formance will be bittersweet. Beyonce. ence among the few people “I’m going to be looking out “Listening to these artists, remaining on the Summerfest over a sea of second-class I sort of learned to sing from grounds, LaBronx says. citizens,” she says. “And I them, how to harmonize “My mom was walking the want them to be as angry FRIDAY with myself,” he says. entire festival grounds hand- about that as I am. It’s hard to LGBT ally Annie B., who’s ing out my fliers saying,’Oh go home and look at a bunch scheduled to perform at you should come see my of people who aren’t free. SEPT PrideFest both as a solo act son, he’s a really good drag I’d like to work that into the and as part of the group queen.’” dialogue with my audience in Annie B. & the Vagabond This year, LaBronx got an some way.” enviable slot on the schedule 07PABST the best of PRoDUceD BY SheRPA conceRTS & Wisconsin’s The PABST TheATeR dragsters PrideFest Milwaukee celebrates 25 years of glamour with a special drag show at 4 p.m. on June 8. Wisconsin’s ever-popular Harmo- ny Breeze, left, stars. Other stars include: Symphony Alexan- der-Love, Anastasia Deverreoux, Shawna “The White Trash Barbie” Love, “First Lady of Milwaukee” Jackie Roberts, Trina Lynn, Jaida Dumar, and Milwaukee drag icon Shannon Dupree. 22 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 Lounging by the lake PrideFest hosts Wom!nz Spot lounge, cafe

By Lisa Neff The cafe offerings include to attend. Matter of fact, I Riverwest artists. Staff writer coffee, tea, H2O, cookies encourage men to be part Lounge performers include A new lounge is opening and scones provided by Bella of this experience, you just LeAnna Eden, BrewCity Boiz in Milwaukee – an intimate Caffe. Also on the cafe menu might learn a thing or two.” and Babez, Lezy Desy, Annie space with an impressive are the Soup Market’s vege- Knuteson, a former board B., The Dots, Jude Kinnear, 2 entertainment lineup. tarian tomato bisque, African member at the community Girlz, V-Squared, Roxie Beane, The open sign goes up peanut and chicken soup and center, joined the PrideFest Miltown Kings, Jennifer Cin- June 8. And it comes down chicken dumpling soup. board in September, when tron Cuevas, Lisa Ridgely, June 10. PrideFest board mem- organizers were reviewing a Mandy Cappleman and Big The Wom!nz Spot Lounge ber and women’s outreach community survey. Bad Gina, who’s performing and Cafe is a new, 25th anni- director Stephanie A. Knute- “We were seeing that a lot an acoustic show. versary amenity for Pride- son says Wom!nz Spot was of women are attending the In booking performers – Fest. Organizers invite fes- designed by women for festival and finding that there all of them are volunteering tivalgoers to stroll toward women. aren’t a whole lot of things their time – there was a the south end of the festi- But, she stresses, Wom!nz to do,” Knuteson says. “We focus on local and regional val grounds, take the stairs Spot is not a separat- took notice.” talent, says Knuteson, who is or elevator to the second ist stronghold. “It’s a space She suggested the wom- Wisconsin-raised. There also level and relax in an open-air accepting of all,” Knuteson en’s space and the concept was a focus on bringing new PHOTO: ANDREW HINKLE space with a hoppy brew in says. “We’re not segregating quickly caught on – with both voices and faces to Pride- The Miltown Kings perform at the Wom!nz Spot the lounge or a coffee brew ourselves. …The premise is the PrideFest committee Fest, such as BrewCity Boiz Lounge at 10 p.m. on June 9. in the cafe while listening to this is a women’s space, a and the community. Within and Roxie Beane, an acoustic An effort has been made are needed for the weekend, an acoustic set or a poetry place celebrating women’s 36 hours of a shout-out to funk-rock artist who has a to create a family-friendly but also for post-PrideFest, reading, watching a dance culture and women artists. women artists, the weekend strong Milwaukee following environment, says Knuteson, as Wom!nz Spot supporters performance or visiting with And we’re saying, if you want schedule was filled. but has never performed at who with Jaeschke is raising plan for Pride 2013 and orga- women artists and activists. to celebrate that with us, you The cafe will feature an PrideFest. two teenagers. nize other events – maybe a In the volunteer-staffed are welcome.” open mic for spoken word, While she probably won’t She also promises a space picnic, maybe a concert. In lounge, the menu includes PrideFest president Scott discussions on wide-ranging be lounging, Knuteson is like- that appeals to young LGBT the survey that led to Pride- bottled water, soda pop, beer Gunkel adds, “While the area issues, performances by ly to spend much of the event Pride-goers and where new- Fest sponsoring Wom!nz and wine. Tips benefit the is built around women, it the NomadicLIMBS Dancer in Wom!nz Spot Lounge and comers to PrideFest are Spot, women expressed a Milwaukee LGBT Commu- is not gender exclusive – Troupe, Women’s Voices Mil- Cafe with Misty Jaeschke, her encouraged to get involved. desire for more activities nity Center. men are more than welcome waukee and a showcase for partner. Volunteers, Knuteson says, year ’round.

Photo: Courtesy PUMP! Dance Pavilion at PrideFest 2010. PumpWorks Dance Arena Going to PrideFest to dance? Then head over to the PumpWorks Dance Arena. On June 8, DJs Kelly (a fixture of the Milwaukee gay community), Shawna (a Milwaukee native) and John Murges spin tracks to get you moving. The dance party continues on June 9 with DJ sets by Ken-E and Dave Aude, in addition to performances by Joe Neary and Brew City Sisters, as well as Lady Gia Presents 25 years of Glitz & Glamour and a Leather Show. PumpWorks keeps it pumping on June 10 with DJs J-Flo (from Milwaukee), NMF (New Music Freak) and Chris Spinazzola, alongside return performances by Jordin Baas and Joe Neary, and a special guest appearance by RuPaul’s Drag Race winner Sharon Needles. – Gregg Shapiro WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 23 Choral work focuses on the lives of Midwestern gays

By Michael Muckian Contributing writer Perfect Harmony Men’s Chorus, Madison’s gay and gay-friendly vocal perfor- mance group, is celebrating 15 years of singing together by showcasing the lives of its members in “Heartlands,” an original work by out com- poser Arthur Durkee. Think of it as “Farm Boys” author Will Fellows’ oral his- tory of rural gay Midwestern men set to music. “‘Heartlands’ was writ- ten primarily from personal stories given to me by men in the chorus,” says Dur- kee, a Madison-based “free- lance creative” who, in addi- tion to being a musician and composer, is also a writer, photographer and graphic designer. “I received a wealth of information on the stories of their lives, which I set to music in various styles.” PHMC will premiere the PHOTO: Ken Forney 70-minute work in Madison Madison’s Perfect Harmony Men’s Chorus and Milwaukee’s City of Festivals Men’s Chorus perform at PrideFest Milwaukee and Milwaukee, on June 16 on June 9. The ensembles present the world premiere of Arthur Durkee’s “Heartlands” on June 16 at the Madison Masonic and 17, respectively. The City Center Auditorium and June 17 at Milwaukee’s Plymouth Church UCC. Details at www.perfectharmonychorus.org. of Festivals Men’s Chorus, Milwaukee’s newest gay male in the Midwest.” bells. When the new commis- ensemble, will add its voices Durkee’s composition sion came up, his selection th to the work as well. has both artistic sensitivity was a foregone conclusion. 38 National Women’s t Main Stage Schedule u In addition, the two groups and social credibility for the “Arthur had some advan- Music Festival Thursday will perform at PrideFest on LGBT community, Forney tages in that, first and fore- Sistah Ngoma June 9. says. By exploring the gay most, we loved his music,” “COFMC is our Milwau- Lynette Margulies experience in settings where Forney says. “As someone Goddistas kee sibling chorus and is con- sexual orientation is often who lives in Wisconsin, Nervous But Excited cluding its first season -per repressed, the chorus and Arthur has greater access to forming these joint concerts the composer have captured us, important for collecting Ladies Must Swing with us,” says artistic director the lives of a generation. stories and collaborating on Friday Ken Forney. ”Bringing both of Part of PHMC’s mission is the end product.” Melanie DeMore our choruses together builds to build LGBT tolerance in Durkee also will sing with community between the two Emma’s Revolution smaller communities outside the chorus during its pre- Holly Near groups and makes both of Madison. “Through ‘Heart- miere concerts and offer an Sugarbeach our voices stronger.” lands’ we can share stories audience talkback session “Heartlands” was com- that … can create change after the June 16 Madison Saturday posed for a male chorus and and promote acceptance of premiere. A Rainbow Path piano, with soloists on sev- LGBT people,” Forney says. The commission of Art by UrsulaRoma.com Big Bad Gina eral of its 19 individual move- “We recognize that Madi- “Heartlands” represents a ments, says Durkee, who is Toshi Reagon son can often be seen as milestone in PHMC’s career All Festival Jam a member of the Madison post-gay, so we reach out and helps fulfill the mission of June 28-July 1 2012 Music Collective, which pro- to people wherever we can creating a permanent orato- Sunday motes the performance of be a catalyst for change,” ry that tells the LGBT story, Marriott Madison West Hotel WIA’s Got Talent live, improvised music. Writ- he explains. “‘Heartlands’ Forney says. Dana Goldberg ten for both amateur and 1313 John Q. Hammons Dr. definitely carries themes to “There is only a small col- Middleton Wisconsin 53562 Julie Goldman professional voices, “Heart- which our rural neighbors lection of music that speaks lands” features a few vocally can relate, and we’ll use it as to our stories, and you won’t Drum Chorus with Wahru t Day Stage Schedule u challenging modern sections. a door-opener and to help us find them at major music Performer Workshops “While I was sorting share our message.” publishing houses,” Forney Friday Festival Vocal Chorus through the material given Durkee was a natu- says. “LGBT history has not Chris Collier Open Mic w me by the men of the cho- ral choice for the “Heart- been taught in public schools, Workshops Summer Osborne rus, several common threads lands” commission, Forney and our lives have not been Live & Silent Auctions Leela and Ellie Grace emerged, as well as life stories says. He’d worked with the well represented. Creating Marketplace w Live Music Dances that were of special interest,” ensemble before. In 2009 more music and supporting Saturday Durkee says. “‘Heartlands’ he composed “Weavers of composers who are writ- Mary Watkins became a weave of stories, Light,” a celebration of the ing about our experience is BrownPaperTickets.com Jamie Anderson with an emotional arc com- winter solstice for chorus, a way of giving back to the Sharon Katz & the Peace Train mon to many gay men living piano, flute and orchestral larger community.” WIAonline.org 24 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 PRIDE 2012 Flashback On PrideFest’s 25th anniversary, WiG rewinds the years

1969: On June 28, police raid the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar 1978: The Milwaukee Police Department launches a series 1989: On June 17, in New York City’s Greenwich Village. Raids had of raids against gay bathhouses, leading to the arrest about 500 been common, but this time a crowd forms, the of dozens of men and fueling street demonstrations. people join in mood is explosive, people riot and the modern gay Average monthly rent: $260. the MLGPC two- rights movement has its symbolic start. 1979: The first National March on Washington for Gay mile march from Also this is the year that the Homosexual Alliance and Lesbian Rights takes place, with hundreds Walker’s Point to for Equality and Outreach are founded in Madison. traveling from Milwaukee to attend. Cathedral Square, Topping the charts: “Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet” Invented: The snowboard and the Sony Walkman. where another and “Get Back.” 500 people are assembled. Mayor John Norquist issues a Pride proclamation that concludes, “We are proud of who you are.” And for that, religious right leaders threaten a recall. Cost of a gallon of gas: 97 cents. 1990: Pride participants march and rally at Cathedral Square on June 16, celebrating the arrival of “the gay 90s.” Also this year, a Milwaukee 1980: A Pride celebration includes an art show, a picnic, chapter of ACT a film festival, a parade and a rally at MacArthur UP! forms. Square June 21-29. On computers: Running for the White House: Ronald Reagan and Microsoft releases Jimmy Carter. Windows 3.0. 1970: The activist groups Gay Liberation Front, Gay Liberation Organization and Homosexual Freedom 1981: Pride, held June 27, includes a parade and a rally at League are established in Milwaukee. Juneau Park. 1991: The Pride celebration shifts to the lakefront and On bedside tables: Richard Bach’s “Jonathan Livingston Also, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Juneau Park, where on June 15 the addition of food Seagull.” Prevention reports the first cases of what would and entertainment creates a festival atmosphere. become known as AIDS. Also this year, Jeffrey Dahmer is arrested for Average income: $21,050. multiple murders and the community demands 1982: Wisconsin becomes the first state in the U.S. reform in the Milwaukee Police Department. to enact a law banning discrimination based on In fashion: Flannel and Nirvana. sexual orientation. Also this year, the Cream City 1992: The “Power of Pride” takes place June 14 in Juneau Foundation forms. Park. U.S. Postage stamp: 20 cents. Also this year, Mayor John Norquist vetoes a $5,000 1983: Gov. Anthony Earl appoints the Governor’s Council allocation of city festival funds for PrideFest. on Gay and Lesbian Issues. Also, the state’s sodomy On the way to the White House: Bill Clinton. law is repealed, decriminalizing same-sex sex. 1993: The PrideFest theme is “Forward in Pride” and the New Dodge Ram truck: $5,665. celebration June 12-13 includes a festival at Juneau 1987: An estimated 200,000 people attend the Second Park and a parade. National March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Also this year, U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl votes for the Rights in October and return home inspired. The anti-gay military ban and then explains to critics Pride movement truly takes hold. that he is not “gay or lesbian.” The March on On television: “The Simpsons.” Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights takes place in April. 1988: The Milwaukee Lesbian/Gay Pride Committee hosts In the tabloids: Michael Jackson is accused of child on Sept. 10 a Pride picnic at Mitchell Park, a formal sexual abuse. ball, a town hall meeting, a film festival and a softball tournament. 1994: MLGPC dissolves, PrideFest incorporates and the 1974: The Gay Peoples Union, founded in 1971, hosts 350 Also this year, Wisconsin lawmakers pass a hate celebration moves to Veterans Park, taking place people at its GPU Ball, held in June and considered crimes bill that becomes model legislation for other June 11-12. Milwaukee’s first Pride-like event. states. At the market: The first genetically engineered tomatoes. Also, around this time in Madison, activists begin Running for the White House: George Herbert Walker 1995: PrideFest, held June 10-11, achieves a national holding Pride picnics and parades. Bush and Michael Dukakis. first with the addition of a laser light show and Cost of a gallon of gas: 55 cents. fireworks display. There’s also a lighted-boat parade. WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 25 PRIDE 2012

2006: PrideFest takes place June 9-11, returning to a three- day celebration. On tour: Madonna. 2007: PrideFest takes place June 8-10, with attendance surpassing 28,000. On everyone’s wish list: Apple’s new iPhone. 2008: PrideFest takes place June 6-8. Also this year, NEWPride or Pride Alive is created to hold Pride celebrations in Green Bay, with the first taking place in Joannes Park and drawing more than 2,000 people. Introduced to the lower 48: Sarah Palin.

Opening ceremony of PrideFest 2001.

2001: “People-Pride-Power” takes place June 8-10. 1996: PrideFest moves to Henry W. Maier Festival Park, aka In the White House: George W. Bush. the Summerfest grounds, with professional amenities – the first event in the City of Festivals season and 2002: PrideFest expansion continues, with national an expansion of days. Driving, torrential rains June performers drawing a record 18,604 people to the 7-9 mean PrideFest ’96 will be remembered as park June 7-9. “RainFest.” Going off the tube: “The X-Files.” Also this year, Bette Midler draws record crowds and 2003: PrideFest, held June 6-8, incurs a nearly bankrupting revenues for AIDS Walk Wisconsin. debt, leading – with the aid of the Cream City In the lab: Dolly the sheep is cloned. Foundation – to the formation of a task force 1997: PrideFest, held June 6-8, features four entertainment charged with reducing the debt and producing a 2004 stages, lectures, a volleyball tournament, a celebration. commitment ceremony, fireworks display, 100 In the headlines: Martha Stewart indicted in a securities vendors, a parade and a massive dance tent. investigation. In the news: Timothy McVeigh is convicted of murder and conspiracy. 1998: PrideFest moves to Aug. 28-30 to accommodate the Harley-Davidson Anniversary Celebration. Also this year, the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center is founded. 2009: PrideFest takes place June 12-14, with attendance On the radio: Snoop Dogg. surpassing 29,000. In the White House: Barack Obama. 2010: PrideFest, held June 11-13, features the addition of a health and wellness area and a dance stage with an LED screen. In the news: A massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 2011: A history display becomes a permanent part of PrideFest, held June 10-12. Unemployment: 9.2 percent

2004: A pared-down PrideFest takes place June 5-6 with Scene from Milwaukee’s 1999 Pride parade. perfect weather and more than 15,000 people 2012: PrideFest celebrates its 25th anniversary June 8-10. attending. – Lisa Neff 1999: A date change is needed in 1999, too, when PrideFest In Stevens Point, the Central Wisconsin Pride Committee – “Courage to Build Bridges” – is held Aug. 6-8. is founded. Sources: PrideFest Milwaukee, Wisconsin LGBT History At the movies: “The Sixth Sense.” A gallon of gas: $2.10. ProjeCT. 2000: PrideFest – “Proud from the Inside and Out” – 2005: PrideFest takes place June 11-12 and the parade is takes place June 9-11, with a first night parade. The organized separately. This becomes the pattern for Photos courtesy of UWM Libraries/Archives LGBT Millennium March on Washington takes place in April. future Prides. Collection Average cost of a new house: $134,500. Average cost of a new house: $297,000. 26 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 Ingredients for Life. Exclusive OpenThe Rainmaker House House

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By Will Fellows from the rest of the popula- same sex should be recog- Special to WiG ‘It is estimated tion only in terms of their nized and provided for by law A stroll down memory sex object-choices (which and should have exactly the lane reminds us how far there are they would wish to have same status and confer the we’ve come in 50 years. regarded as, for them, natu- same benefits and responsi- In the quarter of a century 12 million ral); and they would wish bilities as heterosexual mar- since PrideFest was born, homosexuals to be accepted on the basis riages.” back when Ronald Reagan of their worth as individuals Masters viewed this goal was president and AIDS was in the U.S. For (apart from their sexual incli- as absurd. “Probably most wiping out a generation of nations and behavior). inverts recognize that the gay men, life for LGBT people that reason, “Almost equally basically notion of legalized as well as in this country has moved … they want to be freed from religiously sanctioned homo- forward dramatically. But if this book the laws that brand them as sexual marriage belongs to you look back yet another 25 criminals, even though, as is the utopian compartment of years, you’ll get an even more should be usually the case, their prohib- the homophile movement,” striking picture of the rapid must reading ited sex acts occur between he writes. “Can even the pace of cultural change. consenting and responsible most starry-eyed crusader Fifty years ago, John F. for every adults.” for homosexual ‘rights’ really Kennedy was in the White Having stated these “most imagine an American politi- House and gay people were citizen.’ fundamental declared wants cian arising from his chair in emerging from the shadows. of homosexuals,” Masters a legislative body to propose Homophile organizations devotes the rest of the chap- tax relief – what would be that started in California in ter to detailing and com- called a ‘subsidy for perver- the 1950s – the Mattachine menting on nine “quite spe- sion’ – for sex deviates?” Society, ONE Incorporated which would elect its own cific wants of homosexuals 4) “Homosexual married and the Daughters of Bilitis candidates on every level, and – wants often held to be couples – ‘married’ in the – were articulating a “gay which would be able to pres- ‘rights.’” sense just discussed – should agenda” and inspiring indi- sure non-invert office-hold- 1) “The homosexual, male be permitted to adopt chil- viduals in cities across the ers to back legislation favor- or female, should be permit- dren if they meet the usual country to get involved. able to the invert minority.” ted, like any other citizen, to standards applied to hetero- A book from 1962, “The Barack Obama was just a serve his or her country as a sexual couples. Homosexual Revolution,” babby, but America’s homo- member of any branch of its “Here we have the invert’s provides a fascinating win- sexuals were getting ready Armed Forces. notorious ‘blind spot’… at its dow into this time. The book for him. “Those who seriously blindest,” Masters observes. Photo: AP/Kay Tobin Lahusen jacket features a stark color As a commentator, Mas- envision a situation where “Obviously, none of the Barbara Gittings and others demonstrate for scheme of red and black ters is quite well informed – at the present time – homosexual wishes I have gay rights in Philadelphia in the mid-1960s. (reminiscent of books that and progressive for the times. known homosexuals could listed would meet with quite addressed the Communist He projects not only brisk meet with official sanction such violent opposition and and necessary subject for the invert should be reli- threat), a bold title and an opinions, but also a sense as members of the Armed antagonism as this one. That serious artistic treatment. giously accepted subject only attention-getting subtitle: “A of humor that distinguishes Forces are visionaries who our society would, in any This is not to say that pros- to the same criteria applied challenging exposé of the him from the pack of authors have far exceeded the earth- foreseeable near-future, turn elytizing should be tolerat- to heterosexuals. social and political directions addressing “the homosexual bound realm of the reali- over infants and children ed, that aesthetic standards “The invert has a very of a minority group.” problem” during that period. ties of the human psyche to ‘married’ homosexuals should not be required and strong and seemingly quite The author, psychologist In chapter 10, “What Do and emotions,” Masters con- for rearing is a notion so maintained, or that it should legitimate case against the R.E.L. Masters, was among the Homosexuals Want?” cludes. improbable that it seems ever be permissible to treat churches,” Masters says. the first to make the case Masters draws on his knowl- 2) “Homosexuals should rather incredible it should be the subject as though homo- “Either they reject his desire that homosexuals constitut- edge of the homophile not be disqualified from any advanced at all.” sexuality were a glamorous to worship his God, or they ed a minority group. Even groups to give a detailed government job, ‘sensitive’ 5) “Bans on realistic rep- and especially desirable way insist that within the church for many gays, the “minority and insightful sketch of the or otherwise, simply on the resentations of homosexual of life (which obviously, with he practice hypocrisy and group” concept was new and nascent gay agenda. Reading basis of sexual orientation.” life in films, on television and the rarest if any exceptions, deceit – approaching his disconcerting. this chapter 50 years after Masters predicts: “Until elsewhere, should be elimi- it is not). But neither should Maker in heterosexual dis- “It has been said that there its publication illustrates public attitudes change con- nated. Artistic treatment of it be thought necessary, if guise, traveling incognito on are 12 million homosexuals dramatically the extraordi- siderably more than they homosexuality should be the subject is dealt with, the voyage of the spirit. in the U.S.,” the book jacket nary changes that have taken have to date, or at least until subject only to the same to behave like intellectual “It would seem that the states. “For that reason – and place, including many that the the laws and the official posi- general criteria of good taste adolescents and insist that churches are behaving quite in the light of the Homophile author deemed inconceivable tion of the government have and aesthetic merit applied homosexuals must be pun- properly in withholding the goals – this book should be to the point of absurdity. changed, this condition, right to the treatment of het- ished in the end, meet with sacraments of marriage from must reading for every citi- What follows is a distillation or wrong, will continue to erosexual relationships and calamities, or otherwise be those whose union is regard- zen.” of the chapter. exist and render the homo- behavior. ‘made to pay’ for their trans- ed by them as sinful. But “To accomplish (their) “Most basically,” Masters sexual unfit for important “Sexual inversion is the gressions.” how is a church to justify ends, the Homophile Move- begins, “what homosexuals government service.” central fact of millions of 6) “Homosexual love and its refusal to accept into its ment seeks to create a want is to be regarded as 3) “Marriages between human lives,” Masters com- marriage should be recog- homosexual voting bloc – ordinary citizens who differ homosexual members of the ments. “Thus it is a proper nized by the churches, and AGENDA next page WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 29 PRIDE 2012

AGENDA from prior page formist mindset that pre- the heterosexual press. For “We rather take it for vailed among gays and les- example, male pinup pho- granted that the unescorted ranks any man or woman bians: “(Many homosexuals) tos and advertisements for female in a typical hetero- sincerely hungering after the wishfully suppose that if only homosexual ‘lonely hearts’ sexual bar is likely to have love and knowledge of God? all lesbians would look and or ‘pen-pal’ clubs should be advances made to her,” Mas- “While churches have behave femininely, and if all allowed.” ters reminds readers. “When labored mightily to salvage males would look and behave “It may well be … that tol- this occurs, we do not expect the souls of head-hunters, masculinely, then the social erance of a certain amount her to vomit, to fall into cannibals, murderers, dere- integration of homosexuals of objectionable material is convulsions, or to call the licts, atheists, etc., they seem as a whole would be much the price a society has to police, or even – unless the to have avoided ever coming facilitated if not completely pay if it is to enjoy the ben- approach is an extremely to grips with the problem of accomplished. efits of freedom,” Masters crude one – to assault physi- the salvation of homosexuals.” “Yet the real moral and asserts. “Certainly, the gain cally the person making the 7) “Homosexuals should argumentative strength from eliminating what is truly advance. We expect her, if be permitted to wear cloth- would seem to lie with the objectionable cannot begin she is unreceptive, to ‘simply ing appropriate to their swish and the butch, who to counterbalance the losses say no.’” natures, just as heterosexuals assert that ‘it is nobody’s certain to result whenever are permitted to wear cloth- damned business’ what the the self-appointed censors Will Fellows is a Milwaukee ing appropriate to theirs.” individual wears, so long as and their ignorant (and non- writer whose most recent book Masters condemns the his or her true sex may be reading!) backers are per- is “Gay Bar: The Fabulous, True common police practice of discerned, and so long as mitted to regulate the flow Story of a Daring Woman and enforcing a sex-based dress – in keeping with the near- of literature for the whole Her Boys in the 1950s.” code, stating that “within universal taboo of civilized population.” decidedly liberal limitations, peoples – the genitals and a 9) “Homosexuals should individuals in a free society few other body parts are not have the same freedom to – as ours professes to be – exposed.” make romantic or sexual Photo: uwm libraries/archives collection should be permitted to dress 8) “The homosexual press advances to persons they Two unidentified men enjoy a dance at a gay as they choose.” should enjoy a freedom fully find attractive as have het- house party in Milwaukee, circa the early 1960s. He also criticizes the con- equal to that enjoyed by erosexuals.”

Diverse Music for a Diverse city www.radiomilwaukee.org 30 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 Gay humorist David Leddick still going strong in his 80s By Gregg Shapiro most part was very closeted. A lot of this is pertinent Yeah, sure, of course. I’m Staff writer I never was myself. for everybody, not just gay such a ham. I thought, “I don’t Dancer, playwright, actor What was the inspi- people. It’s how to live your want to write some boring, and Lambda Literary Award- ration for the book? life in the 21st century. A pompous, dictatorial thing. I winning writer David Leddick The inspiration was the lot of older people are living wanted it to be fun.” I told is still going strong in his younger generation, but in a 20th-century manner, my nephew, “I don’t think I’ve early 80s. His latest book, the I really am speaking to an where you’re very concerned ever experienced homopho- colorful and humorous self- older generation. Here in about what other people bia,” and he said, “You just help tome “How to Be Gay Miami I see a lot of people think of you, which is not never noticed.” It would have in the 21st Century” (White living in terms of a world that 21st century. You have to be to be pretty direct before Lake Press) is chock full of doesn’t really exist. They’re yourself. It isn’t a matter of it would ring any bells with advice and illustrated with not constrained. I have a blog, being caught. I love this cen- me. I don’t mind doing crazy campy photographs featuring “David’s Gay Dish,” and on tury. You can’t get away with pictures. People are much the author. Already at work Fridays I have a mini show anything. You’re anti-gay, and more willing to accept and on his next theatrical pro- called “Come on out with then you’re at the airport learn when it’s couched in an ductions, as well as numer- David Leddick.” I have a lot with your boyfriend, some- amusing way. ous books, Leddick took time of friends here, and I invite one takes your picture, thou- In the book, you out of his busy schedule for them to come be on camera. sands know within minutes address coming out an interview over lunch at They won’t be on the show, (laughs), which is fantastic. later in life. Balan’s in Miami Beach, Fla. because they don’t want to I think also because people It’s a must! I always say you be filmed saying they’re gay. are living longer. If you’re 65, can’t lay down to die thinking Gregg Shapiro: Did How old are these you might live to be 100. For you didn’t do something you you ever think you people? 30 years of your life, are you wanted to do. I exhort peo- would write a “how- In their 40s, 50s, 70s. I don’t going to sit on your butt? ple: “Nobody cares, you’re to” or advice book? push it, but I say to them, No! You can do all the stuff free to live your life, don’t David Leddick: No. The “You think there’s anyone in that you haven’t done yet. think everybody cares, they need preceded the concept. I this world who doesn’t think That’s my big thing. More don’t.” It doesn’t take that was a child in the 1930s, and you’re gay? Hello!” (Laughs.) than gay rights, it’s getting much bravery. I realized that these younger They have an innate reluc- older people to realize they You also wrote a full- people in their 20s – the tance, whereas the younger have a lot of living to do and length book titled “The gay world they’re in – is ones don’t have it at all. they can do it. Secret Lives of Married completely different. They Who do you see as Did you always plan Men,” about gay men nutty and kind of a wild guy, I had a sister near my age think differently about it. The the target audience for to be the model in the married to women. and it’s a side of him they and two older brothers. I world I came out of for the the book? photos in the book? Yes. It kind of pisses me off don’t know at all. I thought, don’t think it ever came up. that a gay man will marry a “That’s not right.” You should I had a boyfriend when I was woman, waste her time, have be involved with someone four. He was going to marry children who never really that you really want to sleep me when we grew up. It was know them. I have this friend, with. Everybody’s entitled to pre-gayness. I was in rural WWee’’rree a fraternity brother, who has it. Michigan. I think they had two daughters. He came out Did you come out to a kind of Victorian mental- in his 60s, got a divorce, your parents? ity. I think they knew boys PPrroouudd ttoo moved to Paris. His daugh- My father died when slept together when women ters have visited him, I’ve I was young, and I think I weren’t available. There was a met them, and I realized they would’ve had a big problem if kind of “don’t ask, don’t tell” bbee yyoouurr don’t even know who he is. he hadn’t. But I was brought freedom. NNeeiigghhbboorrss Because he’s really funny and up by a working mother, and Join WiG on Facebook. ManyMany of ofour our young young adults HHaappppyy PPrriiddee adults have no family 3349 N. HALSTED, CHICAGO ffrroomm yyoouurr FFrriieennddss have no family to sustain VALET PARKING AVAILABLE to sustain & nurture them. Galleries, directions & more at iinn CChhiiccaaggoo and nurture them. SidetrackChicago.com Q-BLOK supported by: You can help! Here’s how... Volunteers are needed to help our LGBT young adults thrive and succeed. Be trained and matched with a young independent person ages 18 to 25 and help them with social, Funded by The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act emotional and day-to-day living support. Work with, and be supported by Q-BLOK’s collaborative partners: Pathfinders, the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center, and Lad Lake. Make a difference in the lives of our community’s young people! For more information, please contact: 414.271.1560 [email protected] .com/SidetrackBar WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 31

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We We were convinced and we justice and government that der rights legislation in the modification or health treat- developed two bills: one deal- still believe that the gender what was at stake was the world. University teacher and ments. ing with the documentation identity law was much more right to identity, to be who activist Alejandro Nasif Salum, The law in Argentina is and the other with the com- important because the con- you actually are and receive secretary of international rela- really the only one with all prehensive health care. Both sequences on the lives of comprehensive health care. tions for Argentina Federation these advances at the same together contained all the trans people would be enor- All this was possible with LGBT, explains the importance time and in a single act that points that stand in the act mous. It was a law much the tireless work of activists of the new law and describes deals comprehensively with finally enacted. Later, other more difficult to explain to of civil society organizations. the long, united effort to pass the rights of trans people. organizations focused on society, more complex, full In the case of the FALGBT, the bill. Photo: Facebook Everyone is asking, “How sexual diversity had a simi- of details, technicalities and we are deeply proud to be a Alejandro Nasif Salum did you do it?” It is not easy lar rule that gathered both queer theory. Equal marriage network that brings together By Alejandro Nasif Unlike what happens in to answer that question, but issues in one project. All was simple: “We want the more than 60 organizations Salum other countries, he or she reviewing what happened in these rules were unified into same rights, with the same and contains activists from Contributing writer will not need the interven- the past few years we could a single project agreed upon name,” we insisted. the groups of gay men, lesbi- The Congress of Argen- tion of any judge or a medi- understand the process a by the civil society organiza- After the enactment of the ans, bisexuals and transgen- tina on May 9 enacted the cal diagnosis or witnesses or little better. tions and the lawmakers who Gender Identity Act, while der people. We believe that Gender Identity and Health have to wait a certain period The law that passed is promoted the change. celebrating, we reflected: If this diversity is what we must Comprehensive Care for before being granted the not the first initiative to be It would be difficult to this act had been discussed a get working among organiza- Trans People Act. It is the change of documentation. introduced in the Argentine understand how such few years ago, we would have tions around the world – to first time that the Argen- Moreover, both the public Congress. In 2007, Argen- an advanced bill could be negotiated every point and share experiences, to net- tinean Congress fully rec- and private health systems tine Federation for Lesbians, adopted without regard to surely would have obtained work and to ensure that the ognized the rights of trans must ensure comprehensive Gay, Bisexuals and Trans and one central fact: In mid-2010 a much more conservative progress made in each coun- people, and the legislation health care for trans peo- Association of Transsexuals, Argentina recognized the measure. The key was to have try drives change elsewhere is the most advanced in the ple, and will have to cover Transvestites and Transgen- right of marriage for same- installed the issue in public in the world. world in this regard. hormone treatments, sex- dered of Argentina devel- sex couples. The discussion opinion over the years. We are united by the same From now on, anyone, just reassignment surgery or any oped with the Socialist MEP of the Equal Marriage Act But that was not all. Both stories and the same causes. by manifesting his or her other treatment they need. Silvia Augsburguer the first set in the society the issue for the Equal Marriage Act And probably it is when we will through an affidavit, may There is no need of judi- draft of a Gender Identity of LGBT rights as something and the Law of Gender Iden- are united in our diversity request in the civil registry cial intervention or diagnosis Law, which was introduced in that should be recognized tity, the FALGBT organized a that we will achieve full rec- the change of sex and name of “gender dysphoria” or a congress. The law was never and protected. campaign that aimed to get ognition of our rights, and in his or her identity card and “gender identity disorder.” In addressed and was intro- Since then, the activists of the commitment and work of with hard work we will get birth certificate. this sense, we could say that duced again in 2009, without the FALGBT insisted on the the courts, the congress and, to real social equality.


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EQUALITY WISCONSIN WISHES EVERYONE A HAPPY PRIDE! www.equalitywi.org 414.431.1306 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 35 What to do when pets don’t get along By Leanne Italie a new home has crossed my mind, not so AP writer much for our sake but because I hate that Kelly Lucas blissfully wed three years ago. they have to go through rotations and get For her cats, it was more like hell. annoyed at each other,” Lucas said. “But I’m Happy to have married another cat per- selfish and can’t stand the thought of being son, she and her husband were hopeful they without them.” could blend their pets: two males for her and Making it work involves many variables. a plump old moody female for him. It was a But Valarie Tynes, a veterinarian and behav- no-go, then and now. iorist in Sweetwater, Texas, has one key “I wouldn’t call them oil and water,” Lucas observation: said. “It’s more like gasoline and fire. Boom! “The first thing pet owners should be It’s been over three years and they still hate aware of is the importance that early social- each other with a passion.” ization plays in future behavior of a dog or The Atlanta couple, who also have an cat,” she said. “A cat or a dog that has not 18-month-old human baby, keep their ani- spent much, if any, time around other dogs mal camps apart using a Plexiglas-reinforced and/or cats during their adolescence will be screen door on the stairs of their two-story much less likely to ever get along well with house. It’s a measure they had hoped would other animals.” be temporary. Getting two adult cats to live in peace can “We rotate them around so that they all take longer and pose greater challenges than get the opportunity to be in all parts of the blending unrelated dogs, Tynes said. house and hang out with all of us,” Lucas said. When combining dogs, Green suggests “It’s nerve-racking, to say the least.” introducing them on neutral territory first, Merging pets usually has a happy ending, using leashes. “Do it in a neighbor’s yard or but it can take time, patience, medication the park or a friend’s house, where the dogs (for the pet), or the help of an animal trainer don’t have a stake.” or behaviorist, said Dr. Chessie Green, who Don’t convey your own anxiety by hold- heads the North Carolina Veterinary Medical ing the leashes too tight. “Dogs can read home, she said. rier at first, or try a pheromone spray lightly Association in Raleigh, N.C. that,” Green said. “Everybody in the environ- Providing separate spaces at first is a good around the house to create neutral territory. “It goes pretty well for probably eight out ment needs to stay calm.” idea. That can mean giving dogs their own Hard-luck cases can take a year or two. of 10 of my clients who blend their families,” Let them sniff each other and investigate, rooms or crates, especially when nobody is “Some cats end up preferring their own she said. and pay attention to their body language. home. Make sure to reward good behavior space,” Green said. “They won’t necessarily Suzanne Finch in San Diego has had her Are their ears down or back, indicating anxi- and set up separate feeding stations to avoid be buddies, but in the majority of cases they share of CATastrophes. The fur flew in 1990, ety, fear or aggression? Are their tails up or conflict, Green said. won’t kill each other either.” when she realized just how much her boy- down? Down might mean they’re feeling anx- But if a truly bad situation doesn’t improve friend’s cat hated her three cats – and her ious or scared; up signals confidence. A tail over time – it could take six weeks or lon- for that matter – after the whole gang moved straight out can mean either neutral feelings ger – and health issues have been ruled out, in together. or aggression, Green said. an animal behaviorist should be consulted, “My boyfriend’s cat loved him and was a Barking is OK. “It’s just another means Green said. jealous mistress. One of mine was a queen of communication for dogs. They may even “Behavioral medication may be needed,” bee,” Finch said. “His would pee on the carpet growl or snarl at each other a little bit, and she said. “Or it could be a medical problem and my Queenie would poop on the carpet. that’s OK initially, because it’s establishing that can exacerbate behavior problems and We finally had to put plastic drop cloths all who’s dominant and who’s submissive. They make them aggressive or not get along.” over the floor for the entire time we were have to get that straightened out first. You’ve Much of the same advice goes for cats, or Kathryn Christensen, DVM together.” got to let it happen.” mixing cats and dogs. That turned out to be four long years, until What happens on neutral ground may or When mixing dogs and cats, Green said, Nikkie Seibert, DVM he and his cat moved to Detroit and she may not carry over to cohabitation, Green “make sure the cat has a place to get away stayed in California. said, noting that some breeds, such as terriers, from the dog, whether it’s on a counter or Quality Feline Medicine & Surgery Does love – or, for platonic roommates, are more territorial than others. “You might in another room separated by a baby gate.” simple convenience – trump all when pets have to do it all over again” when you get Let cats sniff each other through a bar- Dentistry • Boarding • Grooming can’t get along? “I’ll admit the thought of finding them Nutritional Consultations Behavioral Consultations Ready for a Food • Supplies • Gifts Cat Adoptions through Local Rescue New Direction? Groups John Meier, M.Ed. LPC Guidance & Support for: Milwaukeeʼs ultimutt day out with your pooch! We Do House • Self-Esteem July 21 11am - 5pm Calls! • Relationships McKinley Park on Milwaukeeʼs Lakefront

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May 31, 2012 31, May | COM . ETTE Z WISCONSINGA WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 39 Appeals planned in Rutgers spy case

By Lisa Neff Staff writer Prosecutors likely will appeal the sentencing of former Rutgers Univer- sity student Dharun Ravi to 30 days in a county jail for using a webcam to spy on his gay roommate kiss- ing another man and then creating a cover-up. Prosecutors and their supporters say Ravi got petty time for a serious crime. The 30-day sen- tence handed down on May 21 is a third of the 90-day mandatory sen- tence for a third shoplift- ing offense in New Jersey. Ravi was not accused of a role in the suicide of his roommate, Tyler Clemen- ti. Clementi jumped from the George Washington Bridge just days after he learned of Ravi’s spying in September 2010. That At the three-hour sen- he did not apologize extreme that Ravi should nation?” same autumn, at least 10 tencing hearing broadcast because he didn’t want to have gotten no jail time at Other LGBT leaders gay students in unrelated on television and the appear insincere. all, and today’s sentencing also expressed disap- cases committed suicide Web, New Jersey Supe- To Ravi, Berman spoke is closer to that extreme pointment with the sen- after being harassed by rior Court Judge Glenn sternly, suggesting a tough than the other. This was tence. peers, fueling a national Berman heard from both sentence would follow. “I not merely a childhood “This is an outrageous focus on anti-LGBT bul- the Clementi and Ravi heard this jury say ‘guilty’ prank gone awry. This was slap in the face to all who lying. families. 288 times – 24 questions, not a crime without bias.” believe in equal justice,” Ravi and Clementi, both Ravi’s mother, through 12 jurors – that’s the mul- Ravi, in a text message New York City Council of whom were freshmen, tears, talked about her tiplication,” the judge said. to a friend before Clem- Speaker Christine Quinn were randomly assigned son hiding out at home “And I haven’t heard you enti’s death, said, “Keep said in a statement. “We to share a dorm room. this past year, losing apologize once.” the gays away.” He also continue to work to make The trial record shows weight and being forced But then Berman texted, “I saw him making sure that all LGBT people they didn’t talk much and to go to school online. ordered Ravi to serve out with a dude. Yay.” In are accepted as equals.” that Ravi wasn’t happy She blamed the media, 30 days in the Middlesex an effort to manufacture Yet others in the com- about having a gay room- alleging the press miscon- County jail, three years of a pro-gay reputation as he munity supported Ber- mate. He was however, strued the facts in the probation and 300 hours came under police inves- man’s sentence or said excited about going to a case. of community service. tigation, Ravi created a Ravi shouldn’t go to jail at friend’s dorm room on Ravi’s father also said Ravi, the judge said, did series of text messages all. Bill Dobbs, a longtime Sept. 19 and remotely his son was falsely por- not commit a hate crime that read false with the gay activist in New York accessing his comput- trayed: “Dharun was not and is not hateful, but he jury. and civil libertarian, said er webcam, which was raised to hate gays.” did act “out of colossal “Since the verdict, New Jersey’s hate crime turned to capture Clem- Clementi’s mother, insensitivity.” Dharun Ravi’s extraor- law has “got so many enti kissing another man. referring to her son’s New Jersey’s largest dinary lawyers and their problems that it should Ravi boasted about what death, said, “I felt like a statewide LGBT organiza- media operation have de- be repealed” and conser- he saw on Twitter. piece of me died in Sep- tion, Garden State Equal- emphasized these facts, vative gay writer Andrew Two days later, after tember 2010.” ity, had encouraged a fair stunningly able to recast Sullivan characterized the Clementi asked again to Father Joseph Clementi sentence, but GSE chair Ravi in the role of victim, prosecution of Ravi as a have the dorm room to said he wanted justice Steven Goldstein said scapegoat and even folk “judicial witch hunt.” entertain a guest, Ravi and accountability, not Berman didn’t find bal- hero,” Goldstein said. Middlesex County told his Twitter followers revenge. ance. He added, “Those who Prosecutor Bruce Kaplan they’d be able to watch Brother James Clemen- “We opposed throw- have opposed giving Dha- said he will appeal the a same-sex encounter on ti said he wanted Ravi to ing the book at Dharun run Ravi jail time have sentence. the Web. The next night, show remorse, to apolo- Ravi,” Goldstein said. “We asked, hasn’t he suffered “The imposition of this Clementi, who followed gize. “For so long I have have spoken out against enough? But we believe term is insufficient under Ravi’s Twitter feed, com- craved to hear some small giving him the maximum there’s another question: the sentencing laws of this mitted suicide. amount of recognition, sentence of 10 years in jail Has Dharun Ravi done state, the facts that were In March, Ravi was awareness and humanity and against deporting him. enough? Has he done determined by a jury and convicted of 15 criminal from Mr. Ravi,” he said. “I That would have been enough to use his place long-standing appellate counts, including invasion have had to accept that vengeance beyond punish- in history to speak out precedent,” he said. of privacy, tampering with this likely will never hap- ment and beyond sending against student bullying Ravi may also file an evidence and bias intimi- pen.” a message to the rest of and to make a positive appeal of his conviction. dation. For the most seri- The judge did not hear society. But we have simi- impact on millions of ous charges, he faced 10 from Ravi, who later said larly rejected the other lives across our state and Join WiG on Facebook. years in prison. 40 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 THERE’S POWER IN OUR PRIDE.

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About the Gay & Lesbian Community Survey®: Tremendous strides toward full equality have been achieved by our communities over the past decade. There’s Power in Our Pride. Power to make a difference!

Gay and lesbian survey studies have opened doors (and minds) in leading corporations and organizations, which in turn have recog- nized the value of their LGBT employees through the establishment of equal hiring policies and domestic partner benefits. This has been a catalyst, leading to sweeping changes in political and social inclusivity.

Demographic reports also influence marketing investment. Virtually absent until recently, we now see a growing variety of a products and services represented in gay media, celebrating our diversity. Ads keep LGBT publications and websites in business, serving their communities with independent news and information.

Beyond simply advertising, though, these companies support us in many ways, including sponsoring community events and funding Vintagecommunity-based Architecture charities in orderOutside to earn our loyalty. Modern Updates Inside Taking an annual pulse on market trends through surveys helps demonstrate the LGBT community’s growing power, and influences Basic Luxurypositive change. / Studio to 3 Bedrooms

We respect your privacy. All personal survey data is held securely by Community Marketing, Inc., a gay-owned and operated, independent market research and communications firm based in San Francisco, and will not be sold to third parties414.271.6200 or used for marketing purposes. CMI was founded in 1992 and is proudly NGLCC-Certified. Thank you!

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® 2012 Community Marketing, Inc., 584 Castro St. #834, San Francisco CA 94114 USA www.CommunityMarketingInc.com Gay & Lesbian Community Survey and LGBT Market Research & Development Lab are trademarks of Community Marketing, Inc. WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 41 Acceptance Journeys ImagineI M ag IMoren E MorE What if you felt safe everywhere, all of the time?

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Acceptance Journeys is a project of Diverse & Resilient, Inc. The end of anti- gay and anti-transgender oppression is key to our health and well-being. diverseandresilient.org/imaginemore 2439 N. Holton St. Milwaukee, WI 53212 | 414.390.0444 Ronnie and his niece, Miracal journey2accept.org 42 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 New plea delays trial in lesbian activist’s death By Lisa Neff Harrell on Jan. 2 in the 3800 Baker, according to police plea in mid-April. competency and whether the Oct. 15. Staff writer block of North 24th Street. papers, said Harrell was his On May 18, represented case could proceed. Last September, in a sepa- The Milwaukee man The Milwaukee Police wife’s lover and she had been by attorney Robert Haney, The next day, Haney asked rate case, Baker pleaded accused of fatally shooting Department says Harrell, harassing him. He was con- Baker appeared in court for for a trial postponement and guilty to domestic abuse. He lesbian activist Desiree Marie 43, was found dead in her cluding a drug deal when a plea hearing and made a to enter a new plea – not received a sentence of nine Harrell on Jan. 2 has changed Buick Regal, slumped over in he saw Harrell drive by. He guilty plea. guilty by reason of mental months in jail, which was his plea to not guilty by rea- the front seat and shot eight followed her and, after she But, according to the court defect or disease – for Baker. stayed, and two years’ proba- son of mental defect. times. angered him, he shot her record, the plea was not Now Baker must undergo tion. He also was ordered Raymond Earl Baker, 35, A candlelight vigil took with a .40-caliber Glock that accepted because the parties an examination by a court- not to have any contact with made the plea on May 22, the place two days later for Har- he hid in a trash cash. could not agree on the facts ordered psychiatrist or psy- the victim, to undergo a men- day after he was scheduled rell. Baker pleaded not guilty in the complaint. chologist. tal health evaluation, maintain to go to trial on a charge The next day, MPD to intentional homicide on So Baker was ordered to A doctor’s report on the sobriety, complete a bat- of first-degree intentional announced the arrest of Jan. 17. go to trial on May 21, when psychiatric examination is terer’s intervention program, homicide. Baker, who allegedly con- The court record contains there were questions raised due June 26. maintain employment and Baker faces up to life in fessed after attempting to a note that attorneys were about the defendant not A pre-trial hearing is set not possess any weapons. prison if convicted of killing give authorities a false alibi. attempting to negotiate a being on his medication, his for Sept. 14 and a trial for Join WiG on Facebook.

Synod of the Evangelical written throughout her information. said opposition would be REGIONAL Briefs Lutheran Church in America suburban Detroit home that lifted if lawmakers added an has overwhelmingly passed a was destroyed by arson. Christian opt-out clause so students resolution to publicly oppose Tawana Williams said her conservatives could skip events and lessons Former priests knows is about love and the amendment, becom- home in Novi, Mich., was oppose anti- they find objectionable. oppose anti-gay inclusion. ing the fifth synod in Min- burned down while she and bullying bill Supporters of the bill say amendment in “Enshrining discrimination nesota to do so. The Saint her partner were in Las Vegas. The Illinois Family Institute it doesn’t contain anything Minnesota does not promote marriage. Paul Area Synod has more Williams said the threats and claims proposed anti-bullying about homosexuality or A group of 80 former It simply diminishes us all,” than 145,000 members and slurs were written on the legislation would be used by promote LGBT civil rights. Catholic priests came out Estrem said. includes 112 congregations. refrigerator, the walls and in “homosexual activist organi- Rather, the legislation spells against the proposed Min- The Church strongly sup- the couple’s bedroom. zations” that want to indoc- out steps schools must take nesota constitutional amend- ports the November ballot Arson destroys Police say they’re trinate students and teachers. to prevent bullying, such as ment banning gay marriage. measure, which would define suburban investigating and seeking tips So the group is opposing publishing a policy in a hand- John Estrem, a former marriage as between one Detroit home in the May 20 fire. the bill as it currently stands book or on the Web. rector at the Cathedral of man and one woman. A woman says anti- The couple has offered in Springfield. St. Paul, said the Church he Also, the Saint Paul Area gay threats and slurs were a $5,000 reward for IFI lobbyist Ralph Rivera – from WiG and AP reports The perfect money management tool... YOUR HOME’S EQUITY! Go ahead and make home improvements and updates, buy that car, reduce your debt on high interest credit cards and much more. With a line of credit from North Shore Bank you are able to take advantage of these money-saving benefits. WHAT’S MISSING? • While your principal will remain the same, you can maximize your cash flow with interest only payments. • Convert to a fixed rate loan with terms from 12- 120 months and up to a 20-year amortization. FISCAL YEAR-END • Your interest may be tax deductible, consult a FUND DRIVE tax advisor for details. • Save with no closing costs for loan requests of GIVE BY JUNE 30TH $5,000 - $100,000. wuwm.com/give ! 414.227.3210 Rate as of 5/17/12 was 4.00% APR. Standard variable rate applies with floor of 4.00% APR, maximum rate of 19.9% APR. Homeowners insurance required. $50 annual fee. Fees based on home equity lines under $100,000. LISTENERS, LIKE YOU, MAKE MILWAUKEE PUBLIC RADIO POSSIBLE. Let us help you secure a great rate! Call our 24/7 Loan Center at 800.292.9370, visit a Personal Banker at a North Shore Bank office, or for locations and additional information please visit northshorebank.com. ON-AIR ON-LINE MOBILE 89.7 FM / HD-1: IN-DEPTH NEWS WUWM 2 / HD-2: MUSIC 24/7 WUWM.COM

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Got news? Tell us [email protected].

REGIOnal5 GAzE Gay Waukesha Republican investigated for possible dirty trick against Democrats Louis Weisberg ing to sell it to you for a cer- PolitiScoop he believes the gay aides. Tim Russell, a gay dence seized in an ongoing “daddies” and “sons,” accord- Staff writer tain price. Name that price offer was a serious dirty former associate and close John Doe probe of Walker’s ing to the complaint against A Waukesha Republican and we can work something Republican trick and that companion of the governor Milwaukee County staffers. Pierick. volunteer was investigated out. This is not a joke, and Turner was acting as a stooge who served as Milwaukee Pierick was not part of Walk- A lengthy chat in which – but not charged – by the I actually have their entire for higher party officials. County housing adminis- er’s administration but cam- Pierick attempts to arrange a Milwaukee County District Dropbox username and pass- “It’s a funny shop they trator under Walker, was paigned on his behalf with three-way sexual tryst involv- Attorney’s office for allegedly word, please respond D.T.” run there with the Wauke- charged with three counts of Russell. ing him, Russell and the teen, offering to sell party secrets Zielinski alerted authori- sha Republican Party,” Zie- theft for embezzling money Pierick was an adminis- who repeatedly claimed to to Democrats related to the ties, who searched all digital linski said. “I fail to believe from a fund intended for trative assistant with the be over 18, is transcribed in June 5 recall election. equipment used by Turner, that some 19-year-old would veterans. Department of Public the complaint. According to investigators’ including computers at the act alone to try to entrap A 40-page complaint filed Instruction, a state agency Among the usernames reports, Erik Turner, 19, was Waukesha Republican Party Democratic officials, using by Milwaukee County District that provides education for that Pierick and/or Russell cruising the Internet looking Victory office. Investigators specific knowledge of highly Attorney John Chisholm’s homeless youth. used on pornographic fetish for gay hook-ups the same learned through the search sensitive information. But the office charged that some Prosecutors said the sites were “Walker04” and day he contacted Democrat- warrant that Turner accessed ethic of dirty tricks starts of the stolen money was charges against Pierick “TRusell.” ic Party of Wisconsin spokes- the man4men69@hotmail at the top and seems to spent on vacations in Hawaii resulted after they inadver- Although Walker appears man Graeme Zielinski with address from various loca- have found its way down to and a Caribbean cruise with tently discovered porno- to have many closeted the offer. tions, including the WisGOP low-level Republican activists. Russell’s longtime domestic graphic images of underage gay supporters and close Using the email address offices. I am sympathetic to a kid partner Brian Pierick. Some males on Russell’s computer. gay friends, he has actively [email protected], Turner told “Today’s TMJ who is being used as a patsy, of the money was used to Also found were graphic opposed LGBT civil rights, Turner wrote to Zielinski: “I 4” that he was innocent of however.” renew Walker’s website. text-message chats with a including domestic partner have the Republican Party of wrongdoing and “was just This isn’t the first time Pierick was taken into then 17-year-old Waukesha benefits for same-sex cou- Wisconsin’s Dropbox pass- screwing around with the Gov. Scott Walker has faced custody on charges of child boy that included references ples and even the hospital word and account. I am will- people.” But Zielinski told embarrassment involving enticement, based on evi- to sexual “role play” between visitation rights.

fighting for fairness and equality for LGBT Wisconsinites

From our Milwaukee Board Members: HAPPY PRIDE Fair Wisconsin Education Fund Robert Starshak, Ginny Finn, Jerry Janis Jr., Ruth Irvings, Steven Miller Fair Wisconsin Inc. Jason Rae, Ross Draegert, Dennis Kohler, Laurie Guilbault

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Wisconsin Gazette entertainment Gay partnersWiGOUT! with a unique artistic connection on exhibit in Milwaukee By Michael Muckian the entire work,” Miller says. It’s not about a queer rela- and existential separateness. a strong reaction,” the art- is,” he says. Contributing writer “It’s a living metaphor of our tionship.” Some of their most popu- ist explains. “It’s really about Time will tell. Until then, To artists Dutes Miller and time together.” Expressions of that rela- lar performance pieces even everyone’s relationship, not they’ll continue to crochet. Stan Shellabarger, ultimate The couple’s time together tionship extend to everything explore afterlife possibilities. just ours.” loss is a part of true love. began when the two former they do, including the series In Portland, the pair Given the subject matter of many of their works, it That duality is a foundation art majors met in ceramics of silhouettes of the artists mounted a performance On view of their truth, and it’s echoed class at Illinois State Univer- that grace Inova’s wall. Some piece called “Untitled would be fitting for the artists “Miller and Shel- both in their work and in sity at Normal in the late show the pair with their (Graves).” Both artists dug to have an epitaph in mind to labarger: Hiding in the their lives. 1980s. After each earned a beards intertwined, oth- proportionally sized side- define their conjoined career. Light,” curated by Josie The Chicago-based hus- bachelor of fine arts degree ers with the artists making by-side graves, laid down in But Miller hesitates when Osborne, runs through band-and-husband artistic in 1991, they moved as a cou- contact in other gentle and them and then dug a tunnel asked to create the perfect July 15 at UWM’s Peck team explores the deeper ple to Madison, where Shel- meaningful ways. between the two so they phrase to memorialize them School of Art Inova/ human and artistic con- labarger earned a masters Over the course of nearly could hold hands. The work for future generations. Kenilworth, 2155 N. tinuum in their installation in fine arts at the University 20 years, Miller and Shella- speaks to life after death and “It would be great to be Prospect Ave., Milwau- “Miller and Shellabarger: Hid- of Wisconsin in 1996. The barger have worked in mul- the ability of love to endure, remembered for how we kee. Info: www.uwm. ing in the Light.” The installa- pair then moved to Chicago, tiple media, both individu- Shellabarger says. might have changed people’s edu/psoa/inova. tion runs through July 15 at where they have continued ally and together, investigating “When people see the minds about what a gay cou- Inova/Kenilworth, the gallery to practice their art and live issues of love, relationship (‘Graves’) piece, they have ple looks like and what love affiliated with UWM’s Peck their lives. School of the Arts on Mil- With shaved heads, long waukee’s East Side. beards and a work-wear In addition to following wardrobe that could cause their individual muses in a them to be mistaken for variety of media, Miller and northern Wisconsin bachelor Shellabarger are perfor- farmers or members of a mance artists, and the state- ZZ Top tribute band, Mill- ments they choose to make er and Shellabarger appear often govern the art form an unlikely pair of gay men, they select. especially when crocheting in “We use the medium to both artistic and non-artistic define the artistic process, settings. They’ve crocheted in and the process is part of galleries, coffee houses and metaphor,” says Miller, 45, public parks from Basel, Swit- whose unusual first name zerland, to Portland, Ore., as was also his grandfather’s they continue their work. nickname. “My preferred The artists are often medium for our collabora- approached by people tive work is performance art. intrigued by their unusual For me, that’s the most sat- appearance and their even isfying.” more unusual work. They The pair’s best-known always engage the audience, performance piece opened but they never try to explain their Inova showing on April their art. 20, when each sat across “We don’t try to tell peo- from the other crocheting ple what the performance opposite ends of a long pink means,” says Shellabarger, tube. Known as “Untitled 43. “You don’t walk up to (Crochet),” the artists began a painting and ask it what knitting the work in 2003, it’s about. The audience ulti- starting with a single chain mately decides what a piece of crochet that closed into means.” a circle. It eventually grew The same holds true for to its current 65-foot length, audience members who and it represents the couple’s learn the artists are gay enduring relationship. despite their non-stereotyp- “It’s not for sale and it’s ical appearance, he says. Photo Courtesy never going to be finished “We don’t care that we’re Dutes Miller and husband Stan Shellabarger have been crocheting opposite ends of a long pink tube until one of us can no longer queer. It doesn’t seem unnat- together in public displays since 2003. “It’s not for sale, and it’s never going to be finished until one crochet. It will then be the ural,” Shellabarger says. “Our of us can no longer crochet,” Miller says. “It will then be the other person’s job to unravel the entire other person’s job to unravel work is about a relationship. work. It’s a living metaphor of our time together.” 48 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 Anshaw’s book on loss resonates Gregg Shapiro: pany of dogs, I guess I would while I’m painting, but I could “Carry the One” has say. I go to the dog beach never do that while I’m writ- received exceptional every day with (my dog) Tom. ing. I’m using my brain in dif- Interview press. Were you pre- For him, mostly, but maybe ferent ways. I think I’m writ- pared for the recep- a quarter of it is for me ing in a more conscious way Gregg Shapiro tion? to play with other dogs, to than I am painting. Because Carol Anshaw: No, of have them come up to me. if you ask me what am I “Carry the One” (Simon course! I’m a total worry- I’m honored if a great Dane thinking while I’m painting, I and Schuster, 2012), the wart. So I imagined horrible, comes up to me and stands would have a hard time call- fourth novel by author and savage (laughs) reviews. But next to me and allows me to ing that up. painter Carol Anshaw, is one they haven’t been. On the pet him or her (laughs). Dogs of the best-reviewed novels other hand, it’s a book I are great. They’re just too The relationship of of 2012. The story concerns took a very long time writ- wonderful. And once you the siblings – Carmen, a group of friends, including ing, and … I revised it and know them, you get a little Alice and Nick – are siblings Carmen, Alice and revised it. I compressed it glimpse of their world. at the center of the Nick, who are involved in from 350 to 250 pages. I get novel. Do you have sib- an accident resulting in the so many emails every day You write, “Painting lings, and if so, how death of a young girl named from readers who, in one was a world without does your relationship Casey. Casey is “the one” in way or another, so appreci- clocks.” Would you with them compare to the title whom the survivors ate the book in the ways say that that is true of the one shared by the of the accident carry with that I wanted people to get writing, too? siblings in “Carry the them for the rest of their it. That’s an author’s dream. No. No, when I’m paint- One”? lives. Forget the cocktail party or ing, I could lose four or five I’ve always longed for a Each survivor finds a way the Amazon ranking. hours. I know that I’m thirsty sister. I don’t have one. My trifuge spinning around this of coming to terms with the er) Doug’s addictions, and I or I have to pee or whatever brother’s addictions are craziness, entering a world tragedy. Alice, for instance, asked him while he was still Dogs play a support- it is that brings me back, gets Nick’s, and he also did not that you have no understand- paints portraits of the child. alive and he said, “Yeah, get ing role in “Carry the me out of that chair to go make it. ing of. Throughout the novel, the stories out there.” I cre- One,” as they did in down the hall. That never Anshaw balances the sor- ated a different person, but “Lucky in the Corner.” happens to me with writing. So you made a very Nick is portrayed as row with generous doses of with his addictions. You see a What can you tell me There are a lot of differences personal investment in something of a hope- humor, which is only one of lot about addicts in literature, about the role dogs between the ways that you this book. less case when it comes the reasons why the book is but not so much about the play in your life? use your brain. I can tell I had wanted to write a to addiction and recov- such a triumph. families and how far down It’s huge. I enjoy the com- because I play rock music character with (my broth- that pulls everybody; the cen- ery. Do you think Nick,


JULY 17 - 22 • Marcus Center 414.273.7206 • MarcusCenter.org • Ticketmaster.com Groups 10+ Save! Call 414.273.7121 EXT 210 Visit WiG at wisconsingazette.com updated all day. WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 49

“Carry the One” at is available in Milwaukee at Boswell Books, 2559 N. Downer, and Outwords Books, 2710 N. 25TH ANNIVERSARY and by extension, Murray. Doug, is an exception to the rule – or do you He wasn’t just an alcoholic, think it is possible for he was an addict, too. A bar- an addict to overcome rel of fun there. But I wish he addictions? was still alive every day. think that their rela- After Doug died, a friend tionships were doomed JUNE 8-10 of mine who is big in AA told How long has he regardless? me that … (Doug) was the been gone? I think it’s more an autho- worst she’d ever heard of. He died on New Year’s rial convenience. To have the His stories to me … he told Eve of 2003/2004. His death changes in their relationships me that there were people certificate says 2004. be signals of how they’re worse than him. There was a SPECIAL "1988" changing as people. I needed guy who lost his stomach to The intimate rela- some shifting around. whiskey, and he had a feeding tionships in “Carry the tube. And they came into the One” don’t seem to In terms of relation- hospital room, and he was last. Is that a reflection ships, do you consider pouring a fifth of bourbon of the lasting impact yourself a cynic or a SCREENINGS down the feeding tube. It can of the traumatic event hopeless romantic? get worse than my brother, that the characters A hopeless romantic, total- AT STONEWALL STAGE but he was pretty ferocious. shared? Or do you ly (laughs). FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS! ThankThank youyou arts.uwm.edu/lgbtfilm WisconsinWisconsin GazetteGazette andand readersreaders forfor youryour supportsupport inin mymy successfulsuccessful re-election.re-election. -Tony Zielinski, 14th District Alderman www.tonyzielinski.com

Paid for by Citizens for T. Anthony Zielinski, Dan Hau, Treasurer 50 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 PRIDE 2012 BOOKS Pride pages Gregg Shapiro New and upcoming books

Reeling and • Punk cabaret diva and first- and Acceptance by Moth- rocking rate belter Storm Large ers of Transgender and • Hal Leonards’ Music on recounts her life with a Gender Variant Children” Film series presents books bipolar mother as well as (Cleis, 2012), edited by about two movies close to her sexual awakening and Rachel Pepper, consists of queer readers’ hearts: “The exploration in the mem- 32 essays written by moth- Rocky Horror Picture oir “Crazy Enough” (Free ers from all walks of life. Show” (Limelight Editions, Press, 2012). 2012) by Dave Thomson • Arriving just after the Poetry of pride examines what is, to this DVD/Blu-ray release of • “He Will Laugh” (Lethe day, still one of the gayest “My Week with Mari- Press, 2012), Doug Ray’s movie musicals of all time; lyn,” the colorfully illus- powerful debut poetry col- and “Purple Rain” (Lime- trated “Dressing Marilyn: lection, relates the story light Editions, 2012) by How a Hollywood Icon of how two young men John Kenneth Muir looks Was styled by William met and fell in love – and at Prince’s ground-breaking Travilla” (Applause, 2012), the profound impact of the 1984 movie debut. by Andrew Hansford with suicide of one of them. Karen Homer, is a perfect • In “Dear Cary: My Life • Lesléa Newman, the prolific fit. With Cary Grant” lesbian author of “Heather (itbooks, 2011/2012), now • “Film Noir: The Directors” Has Two Mommies,” pres- “growing old Reflections on Being out in paperback, ageless, ter Q” (Arthur A. Levine (Limelight Editions, 2012), ents “October Mourning” and falling in love.” Human” (Scientific Ameri- Oscar-nominated movie Books/Scholastic 2012), edited by Alain Silver and (Candlewick Press, 2012), a can/FSG, 2012) by Jesse star Dyan Cannon writes features more than 60 • Examining the camaraderie James Ursini, features cycle of poems about Mat- Bering answers a variety of about her tumultuous mar- writers and illustrators between straight women queer filmmaker Nicho- thew Shepard. fascinating questions about riage to silver screen leg- corresponding with “their and gay men, “Odd Cou- las Ray and the iconic Ida which many of us have end Cary Grant. younger selves.” ples” (Duke University Lupino among its many wondered. Telling the Press, 2012) is Anna Mura- • Actor Steve Gutten- subjects. • “Chicago Whispers: A truth co’s study of “friendships at • Told in brief, insightful berg, who played queer History of LGBT Chi- • Originally published in the intersection of gender essays, “Red Nails, Black onscreen in “P.S. Your Cat cago Before Stonewall” Trans- 2006 as “Religion Gone and sexual orientation.” Skates: Gender, Cash, and Is Dead!” and also starred (University of Wisconsin formative texts Bad: The Hidden Dangers Pleasure On and Off the with the Village People in Press, 2012) by St. Sukie • Picking up where Clint • Featuring a new epilogue, of the Christian Right,” Ice” (Duke University “Can’t Stop the Music” de la Croix, includes a Eastwood’s Hoover biopic the paperback edition of the retitled paperback edi- Press, 2012) tells of queer tells his story in “The Gut- forward by gay historian “J. Edgar” left off, Darwin “Transition: Becoming tion is “Holy Terror: Lies critic Erica Rand’s experi- tenberg Bible” (Thomas John D’Emilio and covers a Porter’s “J. Edgar Hoover Who I Was Always Meant the Christian Right Tells ences in the slippery world Dunne/St. Martin’s, 2012). period of almost 300 years. & Clyde Tolson” (Blood to Be” (Plume, 2011/2012) Us to Deny Gay Equal- of ice skating. Moon, 2012), promises to • Johan Kugelberg writes by Chaz Bono is the tri- ity” (Magnus Books, 2012). • Written and illustrated be an investigation into about music and pop umphant story of the most The paperback includes an (with watercolors) by “the sexual secrets of Fictionally culture in the essay col- famous trans man of our updated preface by author the late gay writer Clyde America’s most famous speaking lection “Brad Pitt’s Dog” time. Mel White. Phillip Wachsberger, “Into men and women.” • What queer person (Zero Books, 2012), which the Garden with Charles” • “Transitions of the Heart: • Edited by Sarah Moon, the doesn’t love shoes? Adri- includes pieces dating from (Farrar Straus Giroux, • “Why Is the Penis Shaped Stories of Love, Struggle Y/A anthology “The Let- ana Trigiani’s New York 2003 to 2011. 2012) is a memoir about Like That? ... and Other Times bestselling novel “The Shoemaker’s Wife” (Harper, 2012) has some- thing to fit almost every reader. ARRESTED? • Earning comparisons to the work of Mary Renault, Madeline Miller’s acclaimed C A L L novel “The Song of Achil- les” (Ecco, 2012) retells the “Iliad” with a queer twist. • Denver-based writer Jerry L. Wheeler’s “Strawberries and Other Erotic Fruits” Local. Recognized. Respected. (Lethe Press, 2012), is an erotic collection of 14 sto- Sexual Conduct • DWI • Assault • Indecent Exposure ries that proves oranges 414.276.8662 really aren’t the only fruit. Drugs • Theft • Internet Solicitation • Pornography MilwaukeeCriminalLawyers.com • Due out in the fall, the WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 51

Y/A book “One in Every new novel “The Heart’s Crowd” (Arsenal Pulp, History” (Lethe Press, 2012) contains more than 2012). 40 short stories, both new • The debut novel by Boi- and drawn from other col- Party.com co-director and lections, by Ivan E. Coyote. a C air to head promoter Justin Like • With a more than a subtle Zirilli, “Gulliver Takes Man- nod to Bette Midler, “Songs hattan” (Amazon Encore, remember For the New Depression” 2012) tells the story of the (Circumspect Press, 2012) titular Gulliver, who leaves is the debut novel by film- everything behind in L.A. The maker and writer Kergan and escapes to New York Edwards-Stout. to make a new beginning. Villa Terrace Decorative • Patrick Flannery’s first • Described as “a work of Arts Museum and the Charles Allis Art novel “Absolution” (Riv- dream logic,” Lambda Lit- erhead, 2012) is set in erary and Ferro-Grumley Museum’s premier fund raising event brings together modern-day South Africa Award finalist Daniel Allen community friends of the museums for one night in June, and focuses on acclaimed Cox’s new novel “Base- but isolated South Afri- ment of Wolves” (Arsenal for a chair-ity auction. can writer Clare and her Pulp, 2012) is set in Holly- obsessive biographer Sam. wood and centers on actor One of a kind chairs created by members of the community will be auctioned Michael-David and his rap- • “A Sea of White Impa- live at this distinguished event, Wed. June 20, 2012 beginning at 6:00 p.m. idly deteriorating world. tiens” (Robertson Publish- Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum This year’s contributors include, Wisconsin Public ing, 2012) by Chris Murphy • Chris Kenry’s fourth novel, introduces us to the Gal- “The Survival Methods and Radio, The Green Team, Jewish Museum Milwaukee, Samara Garden and Home, Third Coast Digest, lagher family, including nine Mating Rituals of Men and Pink Banana Theatre Company, HANmade Milwaukee, Zhou Hongtao, The Business Journal Serving children, in Book 1 of the Marine Mammals” (Kens- Impatiens series. ington, 2012) finds chil- Greater Milwaukee, Moss Floral Design Studio, and more… Photos & chair information dren’s book author Davis • Celebrity and fashion living through desperate are available at www.villaterracemuseum.org. Chairs will also be at the Villa journalist Rupert James times. enters the romance/mys- Terrace’s Renaissance Garden opening, Sun. June 3, 2012 for viewing. tery novel fray with “Silk” • In the historical romance $25 Admission includes hors ‘d oeuvres & cash bar. (Cleis, 2012), which proves “Purgatory” (Bear Bones that revenge is always in Books, 2012), poet and [email protected] or call Ann Steinbach fashion. writer Jeff Mann writes at 414/278-8295. about two young Civil War • “Architect, friend, lover, soldiers, fighting on oppo- mystery” Edward is the site sides, but falling in love. main character in Lewis DeSimone’s anticipated

Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum Charles Allis Art Museum FIND US ON TWITTER! 2220 N. Terrace Avenue 1801 N. Prospect Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53202 Milwaukee, WI 53202 @wigazette Charles Allis www.villaterracemuseum.org Villa Terrace www.charlesallis.org Art Museum www.charlesallis.org 52 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012

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arts.uwm.edu/quartet WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 53 Dancer inspired by ‘Billy Elliott’ at Overture Center for the York’s Joffrey Ballet School, of the play’s main character. Arts July 10-15. The Badger Howard came to dance late. “This is the most difficult States tour concludes in Mil- He found he had to prove thing I’ve ever done,” he says. Theater waukee, where Marcus Cen- himself repeatedly, not only “But it has made me a much Michael Muckian ter for the Performing Arts to others but also to himself. stronger person, not only hosts the show July 17-22. “I did have very supportive physically but internally.” “Billy Elliott the Musical” With music by Elton John friends and family and am Howard believes the has become one of the most and book and lyrics by Lee very grateful for that,” says struggle overcome by Billy highly decorated and beloved Hall, who wrote the screen- Howard, who’s part of the is something that not only musicals to hit the boards in play for the film version of touring show’s ensemble and inspired him but also can the past decade. Out actor/ the story, the multiple Tony one of several understudies inspire all gay people. dancer Christopher Howard Award-winning musical tells for Older Billy. “But I didn’t The play’s much talked- believes that’s because the the tale of a young boy living start dancing until I was 18, about scene in which Billy’s narrative about a little boy in northern England during and I had to continually prove friend Michael kisses him on who would rather dance than a coal miners’ strike in the that I was good enough, no the cheek is something of a box has redemptive qualities. 1980s. When both his wid- matter what anyone said.” model for gay-straight rela- “I believe ‘Billy Elliott’s’ owed father and brother lose As an out-of-work actor, tions, Howard implies. Billy greatest message is that the their jobs, the family tries to Howard answered the cast- tells his friend he is not gay, main character realizes he prevail upon young Bill to ing call almost as a fluke. but he does not reject the can’t give up, no matter what box, just as his father did at “I auditioned on whim,” other child. That’s how life it takes to succeed,” says his age. he says. “All I knew about should be, and it’s the sort of Howard, 26, a cast member Billy tries and fails. But he the show is that it was about understanding that sets “Billy of the touring production discovers that his true tal- miners and tap dancing.” Elliott the Musical” apart that’s set to perform at three ents lie in ballet. In order to The show, in fact, has mul- from the crowd, he says. different Wisconsin venues achieve his dream of becom- tiple forms of dance, includ- “The message behind over the next two months. ing a dancer, Billy must first ing tap, ballet and partner the show is very power- “That message has spoken overcome the disapproval of dancing. Even after he was ful,” Howard says. “I believe Photo: Courtesy Christopher Howard. to me.” his family, friends and society. hired, Howard didn’t feel he it speaks loudly to the gay “Billy Elliott the Musical” Howard sees some par- was right for the show and community.” opens June 19 at the Fox allels to his own career. A worried he would embar- On stage Cities Performing Arts Cen- graduate of the theater arts rass himself or fail. An inter- “Billy Elliott the Musical” makes multiple stops in Wis- ter in Appleton, closing June program at the State Univer- nal struggle to prove himself Visit WiG: consin during June and July. For general information, tour 24. The show next travels sity of New York-Buffalo and ensued. He turned for inspi- dates and tickets, visit www.ticketmaster.com. to Madison for a six-day run scholarship recipient to New ration to the perseverance wisconsingazette.com

HeartlandsWIGazetteCOLORAD.ind 1 5/11/12, 7:30 PM 54 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 Hold the mayo! Personal chefs add creativity, convenience to outdoor parties

By Michael Muckian grilling, the demand for per- Contributing writer sonal chefs also is catching Sami Fgaier’s first experi- fire. Although growth has ence with outdoor grilling been slower in the con- was no different than that servative Midwest than on of other boys his age on the coasts, more people are the Kerkennah Islands in his turning to personal chefs due native Tunisia. to their increasingly busy life- “We’d build a fire on the styles and desire for healthier, beach, get some mussels better-prepared food. And from the Mediterranean and they are discovering they throw them into the flames,” don’t have be Oprah Winfrey Photo Courtesy Personal chef Sami Fgaier puts the finishing touch on a creation. said Fgaier, 37, now owner of to afford it. Madison-based Le Personal “Chef Sami catered my and-breakfast, but was ulti- “make-ahead meals.” Clients with keeping food prepara- pleting her culinary degree Chef. “The shells would open fifth 29th birthday party,” mately put off by the long contract for two weeks’ tion surfaces clean, this is at Milwaukee Area Technical up in the heat and the mus- says gay client Ed Edney. hours and loss of weekends worth of meals, which he where many people miss College. “Is it adequate for sels would cook very nicely.” According to the San and holidays. The flexibility prepares in their homes the mark,” Walker says. “No what you will be doing? Does Mussels still feature prom- Diego-based American Per- and opportunities of a per- using his own materials and one wants uninvited guests it have the proper equipment inently in the indoor and sonal & Private Chef Asso- sonal chef were more to his utensils. The meals are then at their cookout, and this or facilities to keep the food outdoor menus Fgaier pre- ciation, there are more than liking. stored in the refrigerator or includes bacteria and virus- warm prior to serving?” pares as a personal chef for 11,000 personal chefs in “I once spent an hour dis- freezer for later consump- es.” Like other chefs, Her- clients in southern Wisconsin the United States – about cussing the virtues of a Yukon tion. Rochelle Herrmann, a rela- rmann advises outdoor party and northern Illinois. As the 4,500 of them are association Gold potato with another “I want to thank Chef Shel tively new personal chef and planners to step away from weather turns warmer, he members. Of that number, chef,” says Walker, a gradu- for making our lives so much owner of Milwaukee-based the potato salad, because the says, the demand for outdoor Wisconsin has 20 association ate of the Culinary Business easier,” says frequent client Chef-n-Stuff, a firm that mayo could spoil in the heat catered affairs heats up. members, and the number is Academy in Albuquerque, Denise Cawley. “You get a lot focuses on cooking educa- and cause illness. Instead, “I always associate out- growing. N.M. “Friends and family for what you pay.” tion as well as personal chef she stresses creative sum- door events with grilling,” Sheldon “Chef Shel” Walk- encouraged me to pursue a Walker also does dinner services, agrees that cleanli- mer foods that blend flavors says Fgaier, who started Le er, 49, is among those who career in the culinary indus- parties and, this time of year, ness should be at the top of and textures, such as match- Personal Chef in 2009 after prepare restaurant-quality try and, after 23 years in sees many of them moving a chef’s list. She advocates ing blueberries with cracked seven years in the kitchen dishes in private homes. A banking, the personal chef outside. Food safety is one careful advance planning and black pepper or a molé at the former Le Chardon- former bank branch manager business turned out to be a of the most important issues making sure that the chef will sauce of chocolate and jala- nay Restaurant in Madison. and the former interim direc- perfect fit.” to consider when working be working in a setup that peno peppers. Until now, her “It helps if the clients have tor of the Milwaukee LGBT Walker, who opened outdoors, he says. meets his or her needs. strawberry basil lemonade a good grill, but a good chef Community Center, Walker Haute Dish, A Personal Chef “Keeping cold foods below “Look at the space had been a well-kept secret. can make any grill work.” had toyed with the idea of Service in Milwaukee in 2009, 40 degrees and hot foods you’ll be working in,” says “Create a puree of fresh In addition to outdoor opening a restaurant or bed- specializes in what he calls above 140 degrees. Along Herrmann, 41, who is com- strawberries, water and

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Six dazzling summer wines Just like pairing beer and burgers, culinary creativity calls for alluring wines. Here are six winners you might not have considered: Biohof Pratsch 2011 Gruner Veltliner ($13) This light-bodied Austrian is a suitable alternative for those who want to move beyond cloying German Rieslings. A fruit-forward spicy nose of peach and apricot gives way to a tangy white-pepper palate and well-rounded body. It works as a light aperitif, salads and seafood dishes. Ramon Bilboa 2011 Valinas Albarino ($14) The Albarino grape is a delightful Spaniard too often overlooked. In this wine, the results are bright gold and greenish hues, giving way to pineapple-mango flavors with stronger citric notes and a lingering finish. Best served with cheese, lobster salad and shellfish. H&B 2011 Rosé Languedoc ($12) Nothing says summer like chilled rosé, and this wine from southern France’s Languedoc- Roussillon region makes a light-bodied, yet elegant statement with a crisp, refreshing edge and fine finish. Serve alone or with grilled veggies. Ghost Pines 2009 Winemaker’s Red Blend ($21) Sourced from multiple California AVA vineyards, this red wine from Michael Eddy has a blackberry-pepper nose and flavor profile that includes licorice, dark berries, cedar and dried herbs with a long, lingering finish. Best with heartier fare, such as steaks and roasts. Peter Lehman’s 2009 Clancy’s Red ($15) A striking red from Australia’s famous Barossa region, this wine’s raspberry nose leads to a flavor palate of dark plums and chocolate that’s well-balanced and complex. Try with grilled meats or aged cheeses. Photo Courtesy Primus Carmenere 2010 ($17) Sheldon Walker examines fresh produce. Chile can be credited with helping save the Carmenere grape after it was destroyed by blight in its native Bordeaux a century ago. This particular example adds a little bit of sugar, then strain the mixture says. “Generally it is best to are best – and end with Cabernet Sauvignon to provide a wine with flavors of dark cherries and currants shrouded through a cheesecloth to offer items that are familiar fresh fruit. Fgaier’s favorite is in a smoky spice with hints of chocolate on the palate. Perfect for outdoor steak entrees. remove any pulp,” Herrmann to your guests, as well as fresh watermelon cubed and – Mike Muckian says. “Add fresh squeezed something to surprise them.” mixed with feta cheese and lemons without the seeds, For Fgaier, the best out- fresh mint. and add more water and door menus strike a balance “You don’t want to hire sugar to taste. Then add among the various elements. me to cook hamburgers and chopped fresh basil leaves.” Start with a crisp Salade chicken,” Fgaier says. “That’s Walker agrees with the Niçoise, he says, followed something you can too easily need for creativity. “Outdoor by fresh fish on the grill do yourself.” menus can be a lot of fun,” he – swordfish or mahi mahi Find recipes, next page

How to contact Sami Fagier, Le Personal Chef, Madison: www.lepersonalchef.com Rochelle Herrmann, Milwaukee: www.chef-n-stuff.blogspot.com Sheldon Walker, Haute Dish, A Personal Chef Service, Milwaukee: www.hautedishwi.com Italian Lunch Buffet Tuesday thru Friday – 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. $9.95 Lunch menu available ‘til 4 p.m. Sunday Special! 1/2 Price Bottle of Wine with purchase of two dinner entrees Sunday – 4 p.m. to close All You Can Eat Pasta Bowls Wednesday – $12 Celebrating 15 Years! Happy Hour – 3 to 6 p.m. Drink Specials & Half-Price Appetizers Check out our new lunch menu! Chef Peter offers burgers, sandwiches, salads & more! 3468 N. Oakland Ave., Milwaukee Just 2 blocks from UWM & close to downtown Public parking lot on the corner of Edgewood & Oakland Like us on Facebook (414) 963-9623 to receive specials! www.atouchofsicily.com 56 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 PRIDE 2012 Chef Shel’s Recipes Insider secrets from the pros Peach and Brie Quesadillas 2 large peaches peeled and thinly sliced 1 tsp of honey Chef Sami’s earl 3 ounces of Brie, sliced (he prefers a double-cream Brie) Kerkennah-style Shrimp, Fig and White P Onion Skewers 4 ( 8”) flour tortillas Recipe for honey lemon dressing: Oil for brushing quesadillas 1/2 pound large shrimp (21/35) 8 black figs cut in half 1 cup of extra virgin olive oil Set your grill to a medium or indirect heat. 1 bag of white pearl onions (blanched 2 tbsp honey and individually peeled, they should be Juice of 2 lemons In a bowl, combine peaches and honey. soft and halfway done) 1/2 tsp white pepper Place 1/4 of the Brie and spoon peach mixture on one tortilla and 2/3 cup olive oil 1/2 tsp fine sea salt fold in half (be careful not to overload the tortilla). 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar Whisk all ingredients very well Grill approximately. 2 minutes per side, until cheese is melted. 4 garlic cloves minced until almost creamy texture. Repeat with remaining tortillas. 1/2 tbsp coarse sea salt These are great as is or with a drizzle of honey. 1/2 tsp cracked black pepper 1/2 tsp smoked Spanish paprika Try other fruit and cheese combination, such as apple and cheddar, 2 tbsp fresh thyme for example.

In a large glass bowl, combine olive oil, garlic, sea salt, cracked black pepper and thyme. Mix thoroughly. Add shrimp and pearl onions to mix, cover with plastic and refrigerate for two hours. Preheat an outdoor grill to high heat. Make skewers with shrimp, white pearl onions and figs. Make sure they are pushed well together so they can withstand the grill. Grill 3-4 minutes per side. Drizzle with honey lemon dressing and enjoy!

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between interviews with Carthage, Texas, townsfolk, who mostly praise Bernie, and the Film dramatization of the tale. The most popular man in Carthage, Bernie is described as a GREGG SHAPIRO showman with the ability to make the world seem kind – a heaven-bound soul. His habit of Jack Black shows new looking after the elderly widows of the East life as a gay funeral Texas town gains Bernie access to the home, director in ‘Bernie’ life, favors and ultimately bank account of his Jack Black gives a career-defining perfor- polar opposite, the universally despised Mar- mance as the titular gay funeral director- jorie. The unlikely pair become close friends, turned-murderer in Richard Linklater’s low- as well as dining and travelling companions. key new flick “Bernie.” But Shirley MacLaine But the relationship has a dark side, with as Marjorie, the wealthy widow who’s the the demanding, condescending and socially object of Bernie’s affection, gobbles enough awkward Marjorie practically making the scenery for both of them. accommodating Bernie her servant as well Based on a true story, “Bernie” alternates as her business manager. He sorts her pills, folds her laundry, gives her pedicures, plucks her chin hairs and so on. Tensions arise in the relationship and town gossip only adds fuel to fire. Finally, the docile Bernie reaches his break- PHOTO: Courtesy ing point, shoots Marjorie and hides her body Shirley MacLaine and Jack Black in “Bernie.” in her freezer. From there the movie turns to the murder investigation and resulting trial. of the Apollo 11 launch to ensure that the Homophobic district attorney Danny Buck younger K (Josh Brolin doing a bang-up job of ‘Men in Black 3’ (Matthew McConaughey) promises to bring channeling Jones) kills Boris once and for all. Bernie to justice. In addition to marvelous and mind-blowing has equal doses of Don’t go to see “Bernie” expecting the special effects, “MIB3” features terrific sup- comedic and touching usual kind of Linklater fare. See it for Black’s porting performances by Michael Stuhlbarg restrained performance. (as gentle alien Griffin) and Emma Thompson moments, as well as (as Agent O), among others. “MIB3” ties up ‘Men in Black 3’ is a some loose ends, including explaining what enough special effects satisfying blockbuster happened to J’s absentee dad. Put this one on that ties up loose ends your summer movie list. to keep the audience “Men in Black 3” is precisely what a summer blockbuster should be. First and ‘What to Expect’ delivers engaged. foremost, it’s entertaining – with equal doses a stillborn rom-com of comedic and touching moments. It’s got There’s so much wrong with “What to 2639 N. Downer Ave. enough special effects to keep the audience Expect When You’re Expecting” that it’s dif- (Rodrigo Santoro), Wendy (Elizabeth Banks) engaged without going overboard (although ficult to know where to begin. Often tasteless and Gary (Ben Falcone), Rosie (Anna Ken- Above Sendiks the 3D is completely unnecessary). As the and offensive, “WTEWYE” feels immediately drick) and Marco (Chace Crawford), Skyler third installment in a series, “Men in Black 3” dated and tired. In spite of a few timely ref- (Brooklyn Decker) and Remington (Dennis Milwaukee, WI 53211 not only stands up to its predecessors, but erences (such as food trucks and reality TV Quaid), and Kara (Wendi McLendon-Covey) (414) 964-4088 also improves on them by answering previ- shows featuring competing dancing celebri- and Craig (Thomas Lennon). They muddle ously unanswered questions in ways both ties and competing obese people), this movie through the perils of pregnancies planned Massage • Facial satisfying and sensible. could have been made in the 1980s or 1990s. and unplanned, as well as potential parent- Director Barry Sonnenfeld returns to The irresponsible screenplay by “Whip It” hood, with various degrees of success. Bank- Manicure • Pedicure direct agents J (Will Smith) and K (Tommy scribe Shauna Cross and Heather Hach ing on the frank humor of “Bridesmaids” (as Lee Jones) for the film. This time out, Boris seems to exist in another time period. It’s well as some casting similarities), it would Make-Up • Hair (Jemaine Clement), a vicious Boglodite space 2012 – doesn’t anyone have safe sex any- appear that some suit was hoping to cash in Waxing thug locked up in a maximum security lunar more? It’s 2012, where are the sane same-sex on the irreverence trend. But this comedy is prison, escapes to enact revenge on K and parents? stillborn. www.StudioDAngeliSalonSpa.com enslave and slaughter the inhabitants of Earth. The couples include some familiar faces: Not even pretty Crawford or a usually In order to prevent this, J must travel back Jules (Cameron Diaz) and Evan (Matthew shirtless Joe Manganiello (as the single Davis, in time to 1969 Cape Canaveral on the day Morrison), Holly (Jennifer Lopez) and Alex through whom a few of the fathers live vicar- iously) can resuscitate this fiasco. If ever a movie func- tioned as a strong argument for keeping abortion safe and legal (if not mandatory), it’s this one.

FIND US ON TWITTER! @wigazette WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 59 Chicago’s out JC Brooks riding retro soul wave

soul got political. Before that soul was a freeing, fun, for- In performance get your troubles music. At JC Brooks & the Uptown Sound perform at 6 p.m. on Interview the beginning of the 2000s, June 14 as part of Jazz in the Park at Cathedral Square Park, 825 N. Jefferson in Milwaukee. GREGG SHAPIRO there was so much focus on overproducing and math Chicago’s go-to party band rock and things like that – cially when I feel like the guys come in and sweep up. these days is JC Brooks & overly complex music. We band, not consciously, pushes I’m sure there are gay guys in the Uptown Sound. The retro just wanted to strip it down, this aside. I’m gay. I’ve never the audience, but no guys are soul group is perhaps most get it simple and have dance- said anything else in any ever coming up to me and famous for playing at Mayor able shit. I think it’s coming interview. But not everybody talking to me after shows. Rahm Emanuel’s inaugural back around, because I think reads interviews, and I don’t party in Grant Park in May the political side to it does want to alienate the females 2011, but the group’s star speak to soul. It’s a time for That could change. in the audience. It’s awesome Here’s hoping. has been on the ascendency action as you’ve seen this for the band, because I’m the since its amped-up cover of past year. I was so proud best lead man ever because, Jeff Tweedy’s “I Am Trying to when the Occupy Movement after shows girls are like, Visit WiG: Break Your Heart” went viral. started. I was floored! We “Hey can I buy you a drink?” Uptown Sound’s version won still do something! We get wisconsingazette.com It’s taught me how to politely PHOTO: Bloodshot Records the admiration of Tweedy out into the streets, oh my put someone off. The other Updated all day. JC Brooks, left, and the Uptown Sound. himself, leading to invitations God! I thought the time for to play at higher profile gigs. that was gone. Although gay sensibility is not something that fans asso- You have also estab- ciate with the group, front lished yourself as an man Jayson (aka JC) Brooks actor, most recently is openly gay. I spoke with in the Chicago pro- Brooks earlier this year, fol- duction of the Tony- lowing the release of the Award winning musical group’s sophomore album “Passing Strange.” Do “Want More.” you consider yourself an actor who sings, or Gregg Shapiro: Unlike a singer who acts? Chicago’s previous I’m an actor who sings. mayor, Emanuel actu- It’s something that came up ally likes cool music. in a conversation a couple Rated one of the top art festivals in the country, • Great Live Music and Delectable Food We saw him at Susan of years ago. I could tell that Werner’s show at Chi- the band got kind of bristly LFOA is a fundraiser for the Milwaukee Art Museum • Lakefront Late Night! On Friday, I’m Not a Pilot cago’s Old Town School when I said it. People are like, featuring paintings, jewelry, photography, and much and Evan Christian rock ‘til 11p.m. of Folk Music. “Brother’s like an old soul more by 180 jury-selected artists. Weather is never • Milwaukee Magazine Wine Garden Relax on a Brooks: Also, he has to singer.”And I’m like, “No, I’m a problem since all of the art is displayed under a support the arts or the art- just acting like a soul singer.” comfortable sofa under MAM’s Calatrava-designed ists will dredge up his bal- 60,000 square foot tent or in the museum itself. “wings,” overlooking the lake. lerina past (laughs). Did you go to school Your admission also includes the Museum’s feature • “Posters of Paris” Sand Sculpture A team of for theater? exhibition and permanent collection. international champion sand sculptors turn 50 tons Yes, Twinkle-Toes Yes, I graduated from Point Emanuel. Are JC Park College in Pittsburgh of sand into images from turn-of-the century Paris. Brooks & the Uptown with a BA in theater. When Sound on the Obamas’ I started school I was kind radar as well? of anti-musical, but as a high I doubt it. But I hope so. school graduation present, He’s inviting people like my mother got me tick- Beyoncé to perform. If we ets to “Rent” and I saw it get mentioned in the same and thought, “Holy shit, this lungful as Beyoncé that is what musicals can be.” would be great. “Rent” is the reason that I decided to choose musical “Want More” fits in theater as a major. with the soul revival currently taking place. You performed at Why do you think this the Alt Q Festival at style of music is hav- the Old Town School of ing such a strong resur- Folk Music in May. gence? I’ve always been look- Looking back, it seems that ing for a way to be more there’s always something bad involved on the social and going on in society. I think we active side of the commu- sayitliveit.com were hitting a point as a soci- nity, not just patronizing bars ety, similar to the last time (laughs). Because I’m very that soul music was around, involved in that part of the when great social change community (laughs). It gives sayit-liveit.com was needed. They needed a me another connection to kind of free music, and then the community at large. Espe- 60 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 Dialing for divas recently released a live disc. where Over the Rainbow,” We have Madonna to Part of the “Legends of “The Man That Got Away,” blame for train wrecks such Broadway” series, Minnelli’s “Zing Went the Strings of My as Katy Perry. Madonna gave Music “Live at the Winter Garden” Heart” and “Get Happy.” a whole generation of teenile gregg shapiro isn’t on par with the cele- performers of questionable brated “Liza With a Z” album. Madonna talents (hello, Britney!) per- Idina Menzel It does, however, possess a Still shameless and some- mission to strut their limited Idina Menzel is one of pleasing pleasantness. Pat- what out of touch after all stuff. On the expanded reis- those larger-than-life per- ter songs, such as “And I in these years, Madonna fol- sue of her mega-bestselling formers whose brilliance My Chair” and the politically lows up the worst album of sophomore spin “Teenage can’t really be captured in a incorrect “Exactly Like Me,” her career (“Hard Candy”) Dream,” Perry trades in the recording studio. But you can and such covers as “Quiet with one that isn’t much bet- faux-Pink pre-fab rock snarl hear her shine on the live Thing” and Stevie Wonder’s ter. The drug that Madon- of her ridiculously popu- “Chess in Concert” CD and “You and I” make the disc na’s “MDNA” most closely lar debut disc and aims her especially on her new disc recommended for hardcore resembles is Milk of Mag- sites on Lady Gaga’s dance “Live: Barefoot at the Sym- and casual fans alike. nesia. Clearly, Madonna is in diva crown. A little long in phony.” Intended as a com- desperate need of new song- the tooth to be anyone’s panion to her live DVD, the “End of the writing partners – just lis- “teenage dream,” Perry does disc covers virtually all the Rainbow” ten to the embarrassing “I’m her best Ke$ha (remember bases, including songs from In the show “End of the Addicted” and then book the her?) on “Last Friday Night “Rent” and “Wicked.” A born Rainbow,” British actress material mom into Hazelden. (T.G.I.F.).” “California Gurls,” storyteller, Menzel regales Tracie Bennett portrayed She could also use a decent featuring Snoop Dogg (why?), the audience with personal Liza’s mother Judy Garland therapist (check out the vit- is a gooey concoction, and anecdotes about Barbra Stre- on London’s West End – and riol and violence on “Gang “Peacock” never takes wing. isand, appearing on “Glee” now on Broadway – to great Bang” and “I Don’t Give A”). “The One That Got Away,” and falling in love with a gay acclaim. The 12-track cast Mostly derivative (“Give Me yet another cookie-cutter drama teacher. recording “Tracie Bennett All Your Luvin’”) and dull Max Martin composition, and Sings Judy: Songs from the (“Superstar”), “MDNA” tries the squirm-worthy “Hum- Liza Minnelli Broadway Production ‘End of to redeem itself with “I’m a mingbird Heartbeat” don’t Like Idina Menzel, with the Rainbow’ and other Gar- Sinner” and “Falling Free.” help. But the album’s center- whom she shares much land Classics” features such piece “Circle the Drain” is a in common, Liza Minnelli Garland standards as “Some- Katy Perry knockout, and “Not Like the Movies” does reel in listen- Photo: Amazon.com ers. Only the acoustic ver- Idina Menzel performs at the Marcus Center for sion “Part of Me” qualifies the Performing Arts on June 20. as a bonus among the bonus tracks. (featuring Calvin Harris) and day Cake”) or a tear-jerking “Where Have You Been” rock diva (“Farewell,” “We Rihanna raised her stock among the All Want Love”)? And does Rihanna sharpened her dance club queens. But are anyone really care? focus on the dance floor we any closer to figuring out with her “Talk That Talk” (Def who this publicity monger Jam) disc. High energy tracks really is? 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DVDiva Gay Gregg Shapiro docs ‘Love in Action’ Broadcasting Network’s cov- has a proud, erage and interviews with happy ending LIA’s former executive direc- Directed by gay filmmaker tor John Smid (who came Morgan Jon Fox (“Blue Cit- out – again – in October rus Hearts”), “This is What 2011, after the film was Love in Action Looks Like” released and finally admit- is a scathing exposé of Chris- ted that changing one’s sex- tian ex-gay ministries that ual orientation is impossible). attests to the power of social Fox even includes footage of media. Exodus International’s Alan The doc begins in 2005, Chambers, who speaks in the when Zach Stark’s fundamen- calm, reassuring tone of a talist Christian parents sent cult leader. the 16-year-old to Love In The film also captures Action’s ex-gay youth camp revealing interviews with to get the gay out of him. former LIA clients, including Zach’s blog about the situ- playwright Peterson Toscano, ation went viral, resulting in Memphis Flyer writer Chris protests at Love In Action’s Davis and protest organizer Memphis, Tenn., headquar- Janessa Williams. The film’s ters. Diane Sawyer, Paula happy ending shows Zach as Zahn, Montel Williams and a well-adjusted gay college other national media figures student in 2010. covered the story. DVD special features Photo: Facebook Fox formats the film to include Morgan Jon Fox’s sur- “We Were Here” airs on PBS stations on June 14. look like a social media site. prise marriage proposal to He presents both sides of the his partner at the Memphis with the story of how each graphs capture the essence Were Here” is a profoundly filmmakers and a series of story, including the Christian premiere of the film. interviewee arrived in San of the AIDS epidemic’s early moving film. PSAs about HIV from the Francisco’s Castro district in days and underscore how far DVD bonus features mid-1990s. ‘We Were Here’ the 1970s, when it was the we’ve come since then. “We include interviews with the Captures documents the epicenter of gay liberation. the essence early days of But the thrill was short-lived AIDS for florist Guy, nurse Eileen, of the AIDS “The Cockettes” co-direc- artist David and political tors David Weissman and Bill activists Paul and Ed. First epidemic’s Weber again point their lens came the 1978 assassination Pain isn’t at San Francisco with their of Harvey Milk. Then, in June early days and incredibly powerful doc “We of 1981, came the news that Were Here: The AIDS Years about 20 percent of the Cas- pretty. But underscores in San Francisco.” The “we” tro’s gay male population was how far we’ve of the title are the five main infected with the virus that interview subjects featured – would later be identified as it’s manageable. come since Ed Wolf, Paul Boneberg, Dan- HIV. iel Goldstein, Guy Clark and What follows is a portrait Comprehensive, then. Eileen Glutzer. While their of those heart-wrenching stories are deeply personal, years of sudden loss, ter- individualized they resonate in the most ror, sorrow, confusion, rage, universal of ways. politics and redemption. The treatment for neck The documentary begins period video and still photo- and back pain in a caring COMPLETE LAWN CARE setting. WE WASH WINDOWS & CLEAN GUTTERS WE CHANGE STORM WINDOWS & SCREENS Steven Donatello, MD Watertower Pain Consultants 575 W. River Woods Pkwy 9233 N. Green Bay Road Suite #205 Brown Deer, WI 53209 Call Us Today! (414) 332-8887 Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-270-8150 414-962-6700 or 262-242-1888 or [email protected] 62 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012 63

WiGOUT June 9, Saturday PrideFest weekend continues with Taylor Dane as tonight’s headliner. Visit pridefest.com for the complete schedule of events ON THE and performers. TOWN Edited and compiled by Gregg Shapiro

Graffiti 6

Navy Band Great Lakes and more. Call the Villa Terrace at 414-271- May 31, Thursday 3656 or visit www.villaterracemuseum.org. The UWM Department of Dance presents “Summerdances: Destiny/Chance & Circumstances,” new works from faculty members, through June 2 at 7:30 p.m. at UWM Mainstage Theatre, 2400 E. Kenwood Blvd. Call 414-229-4308. June 4, Monday Shank Hall, 1434 N. Farwell, welcomes dance-pop act Graffiti 6 at 8 p.m. Call 414-276-7288. An exhibit inspired by three book collaborations by photographer Kander & Ebb’s musical “Chicago” has been extended through James Caulfield and architectural writer Patrick F. Cannon runs June 2 at the Racine Theatre Guild, 2519 Northwestern (Highway through Oct. 31 at the Frank Lloyd Wright Visitor Center at Taliesin, 38) in Racine. Call 262-633-4218. 5607 County Road C (at the intersection of Highway 23 and County Road C) in Spring Green. Call 608-588-7900. Terri Nunn

June 1, Friday June 7, Thursday June 10, Sunday StageQ presents “Queer Shorts 7,” featuring 11 one-act plays, PrideFest weekend wraps up with Berlin (featuring Terri Nunn) through June 9 at Bartell Theatre, 113 E. Mifflin in Madison. Call Jazz in the Park presents Reverend Raven at 6 p.m. in Cathedral as tonight’s headliner. Visit pridefest.com for the complete schedule 608-204-0280. Square Park, 825 N. Jefferson. of events and performers. Bay View Gallery Night, an evening of exploration in the Bay The world’s first (and only) science fiction football musical Iron & Wine performs at 7 p.m. in the pavilion at Ravinia View community, from 5 to 9 p.m., features more than 50 local comedy, “Packer Fans from Outer Space,” runs through July 22 Festival, 200-231 Ravinia Park Road in Highland Park, Ill. Call 847- artists and 20 local bands. For venues and show times, go to www. in Vogel Hall at Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, at the corner 266-5100. bayviewgallerynight.com. of Water and State. Call 414-273-2787.

June 2, Saturday June 13, Wednesday American Folklore Theatre in Door County presents the world Carte Blanche Studios Theatre, 1024 S. Fifth, presents “The premiere of “Victory Farm,” set in World War II Door County, Comedy of Errors” through June 17. Call 262-716-4689 through Aug. 25 at the Amphitheatre in Peninsula State Park in Fish Creek.

Miller & Shellabarger: Hiding in the Light Villa Terrace June 8, Friday JC Brooks June 3, Sunday PrideFest weekend begins today, with Belinda Carlisle as Skylight Music Theatre presents “Sunday in the Park With tonight’s headliner. Visit pridefest.com for the complete schedule of June 14, Thursday George” through June 10 in the Cabot Theatre at Broadway events and performers. Theatre Center, 158 N. Broadway. Call 414-291-7800. “Miller & Shellabarger: Hiding in the Light,” the Jazz in the Park presents JC Brooks and the Uptown Sound The Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, 2220 N. Terrace collaborative work of husband and husband artists Dutes Miller and at 6 p.m. in Cathedral Square Park, 825 N. Jefferson. Ave. in Milwaukee, opens the Renaissance Garden at 1 p.m. In Stan Shellabarger, runs through July 15 at Inova/Kenilworth, 2155 celebration of the garden’s 10th anniversary, the museum offers free N. Prospect, with an opening reception tonight from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. admission from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Festivities include a musical kick-off by the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music Jazz Students, Fair Winds 64 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | May 31, 2012

UWM is proud to be named America's "No. 12 gay-friendly" university and celebrate LGBT+ communities and culture. UWM takes great pride in: Annual Drag Show Archives and Special Collections of the UWM Libraries Chancellor's Advisory Committee on LGBT Issues Faculty & Staff Caucus Lavender Graduation LGBT Alumni Chapter LGBT Resource Center LGBT Studies Certificate Program Milwaukee LGBT Film/Video Festival Out in Science, Technology, Engineering &

2 Mathematics (OSTEM) student chapter 1 0 2

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C Embrace Pride!

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