The seven are:

1. 2. 3. Holy 4. 5. Marriage 6. 7. of the Sick

Each provides Grace, 's strength, to us during a different time in our life.

Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation are the sacraments that make us become part of God's family. Together they are known as the Sacraments of Initiation. Baptism makes us adopted children of God.

Holy Eucharist feeds us and strengthens us, helping us to become the person God created us to be.

Confirmation is when God gives to us more Graces, more Gifts, through His , so we can to do the work God created us to do.

Holy Orders and the Sacrament of Marriage are meant to strengthen us as we choose a path of life that we will follow the rest of our lives.

Holy Orders is for men only. It is the Sacrament that men receive when they become a . As a Priest, they are set apart to live a life of service to anyone God sends to them.

The Sacrament of Marriage is for men and women who choose to live no longer as a single person but become joined to each other in a union that will last until one of them dies. The Grace of this Sacrament helps each person give themselves totally to the other in the good times and bad times of life.

Penance (or Reconciliation) and the are the Sacraments of Healing.

Penance allows us to make up with God for any wrong we have done to Him.

The Anointing of the Sick strengthens us spiritually when we are in need and may strengthen us physically if we are sick or injured.

Symbols and signs of the Sacraments


In Baptism we receive new life in . Baptism takes away original and gives us a new birth in the Holy Spirit. The symbol for Baptism is water.

The waters of Baptism wash us clean of our . A Candle and Oil are also used.


Through Penance we receive God's forgiveness. Forgiveness requires being sorry for our sins. In Penance we receive ' healing grace through by the priest.

The signs of this sacrament are our confession of sins and the words of absolution.

Holy Eucharist

The Eucharist nourishes our life of faith.

The symbols for the Holy Eucharist are bread and wine, which become the Body and Blood of Christ.


The symbols for Confirmation are Oil and the . Confirmation is often depicted with Tongues of Fire, signifying the Power of the Holy Spirit coming onto the person being Confirmed.


In Marriage or Matrimony, a baptized man and woman are united with each other as a sign of the unity between Jesus and His . Matrimony requires the consent of the couple, as expressed in the marriage promises. The couple and their wedding rings are the signs of this sacrament. Holy Orders

In Holy Orders men are ordained as , deacons, or . Priests serve as spiritual leaders of their communities, and deacons serve to remind us of our baptismal call to help others. Bishops carry on the teachings of the apostles. The signs of this sacrament are the laying on of hands and anointing with oil by the . During the Sacrament of Holy Orders the person receives the Book of the as they commissioned to go forth and preach.

Anointing of the Sick

This sacrament unites a sick person's suffering with that of Jesus and brings forgiveness of sins. Oil, a symbol of strength, is the sign of this sacrament. A person is anointed with oil and receives the laying on of hands from a priest.