The Critical Period Hypothesis for Language Acquisition: A Look at the Controversy* Patricia Andrew FES-Acatlán The age factor in second language acquisition (SLA) has long been a controversial topic among researchers and one that has been surrounded by popular beliefs as well. Many of these beliefs have been called into question in recent years and the search for answers has generated a large body of research on the subject. This paper explores the issue of age in SLA, focusing specifically on the debate surrounding the Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH). After a brief discussion of the CPH andfirst language acquisition , a more extensive examination of the different positions on the CPH and SLA is made. Finally , consideration is given to alternative explanations of age effects in SLA. While no irrefutable conclusions can be offered, it is clear that the ramifications for second-language teachers, educational planners and second language theorists are great enough to warrant a careful reappraisal of the CPH. Palabras clave: hipótesis del periodo crítico, edad, adquisición de lenguas Fecha de recepción del artículo: abril de 2004 Patricia Andrew FES-Acatlán Ahuehuetes 42, Izcalli del Bosque, Naucalpan, 53278, Estado de México. Correo electrónico:
[email protected] * A briefer version of this paper was presented at the XVIII FEULE (Foro de Especialistas Universitarios en Lenguas Extranjeras) convention in Tijuana, B.C., in March 2004, and a summary will appear in the published proceedings of that event. Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada, núm. 40, 2004 14 Patricia Andrew El factor edad en la adquisición de una segunda lengua ha sido un tema controvertido entre investigadores, y uno también rodeado de creencias populares.