/ Canadian Navy List
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DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE THE ;/ CANADIAN NAVY LIST FOR JANUARY, 1933· CORRECTED TO 30th NOVEMBER, 1932 N.S. 98-1-3 275-12-32 (6107) OTTAWA F. A. ACLAND PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1932 ( (' 3 CONTENTS. The names oj Officers on lite Actire List oj the Rn1lal N ar1l. who are lent for aenU:e under lhe Canadian Government are included in lhe .4lphabetwal and Seniority List, oj the Officers of lhe Royal Canadian Navy. on paqes 8 and If. PAGB. Alphabetical Index of Officers- Of Royal Canadian Navy. (See above note) . 8 Alphabetical I.ist of Ships. Vessels and Establishments- Of the Royal Canadian Navy, with their Officers . 16 Officers of the Naval Staff. Ottawa . 17 Blue Ensign~Officersauthorized to fly ", .. 215 -:;onditions of Entry, Service, &c., Royal Canadian Navy- Naval Cadets , . 43 Paymaster Cadets . 47 R.atings................................................................• 52 DockYflrds- H.M.C. Dockyard, Esquima,lt, B.C., Officers of . 20 H.M .C. nockyard. Halifax, N .S., Officers of . .. 20 Rank and Command . 41 Relative Rank of Officers of Navy, Army & Air Force . 42 Royal Canadian Naval Reserve- Alphabetical List of Officers : . 22 List of Officers with seniority ,, ............•......•• 24 List of Retired Offices.......... .... .. 38 Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve- Alphabetical List of Officers................................•••........•• 26 List of Officers with seniority.............................•.••.•...•..•.. 30 List of Companies and their Officers .. 34 List of Retired Officers.. .•. ....... .. ....... ..............•.......... 39 Royal Canadian Navy- Alphabetical List of Officers of. 8 Conditions of Entry . 43 Officers of. List in Seniority . 12 Officers of, Serving in Ships of the Royal Navy . 19 Sea Cadet Corps Affiliated with the R.C.N.V.R . 40 Ships, Vessels ann Establishments- Alphabetical List of. with their Officers "....... .. .. .•.. 16 NOTE. Officers who may notice errors or omissions in the Lists are in vited to communicate direct with THE EDITOR OF THE NAVY LIST, Department of National Defence, Ottawa. The CANADIAN NAVY LIST is compiled and published by order for the con venience of the Service, but. as errors may occasionally occur. the Department of National Defence reserves the right to determine the status of any 0 Dicer according to the actual clrcumalancea of the case, independently of any entry in the N 0'DY Liat. 56191-11 4 ABBREVIATIONS, ETC. NOTES. Officers whose names are in italics in the List of Ships, Vessels and Establish ments are those ~orne as additional or supernumerary. (Act..) Acting I{ank. P. Cdt Paymaster Cadet. (A/S) Qualified in Anti-SubmarincQ.C In the seniority list denotes . Duties. a Warrant Officer or Officer C Captain. promoted therefrom who Cd. Eng Commissioned Engineer. is qualifiedfor command of Cd. Gr Commissioned Gunner. seagoing small craft under Cd. Sh Commissioned Shipwright. Art. 361 K.R. and A.!. Cat Cadet. R.C.N.V.R.. Royal Camdian Naval Cb-. Skr Chief Skipper. Volunteer Re:;erve. Cr Comm!\n~er. R. C. N. R. .. Royal Canadian Naval ( Cd. V.O Commls:-lJoned Victualling Re-serve. Officer. (S) For Signal duties. Cse. (Gr.) ..."Course for rank of Lieut;. atS. Coo ._ •••... Undergoing short course of . R.N. College, Grel;lnwICh. instruction. E. C Eng!neer Captain. Sec Secretary toa Flag Officer. E. Cr Engmeer Commander. Sg. L Surgeon Lieutenant. (G 1. For Gunnery Duties. Skr Skipper. (G) Cse Specialist Gunnery Course. S. Lt Sub-Lieutenant. Gr. Gunner. Sg. L.-Cr Surgeon Lieut.-Comman- (!) ; .. :Passed as Interpreter. der. (I) Paid as Interpreter. S. L. (E) Sub-Lieutenant (E) I.D.C. Cse Courii at Imperial Defence(T) For Torpedo Duties. L:.: Li~~ene;:t. (Temp.) Temporary ~ppointment. L.-Cr Lieutenant-Commander. W. Eng Warrant En~me~r. L(E) Lieutenant (E). ,,:. Sh W~rrant ShlpwrIght. m Hedal for War ServICe. WIT Wireless Telegraphy. Mid Midshipman. W. V. 0 Warrant Victualling Mid (E) ....• ; Midshipman (E).· Officer. (N) ; For Navigating Duties. W. W Warrant Writer. P. Cr Paymaster Commander. EB Qualified as Instructor in P. JJ. Cr Paymaster Lieut.-Corn- Physical Training. mander. (t) In Seniority List an Ac- P.L Paymaster Lieutenant. countant Officer who has p.s.c Passed Staff Course. passed the Accountant P. S. L Paymaster Sub-Lieutenant. Officers' Technical P. M. id Paymaster Midshipman. Course. HONORARY DISTINCTIONS. K~G Knight of the Garter. P.C :Member of H.M. Privy Council. G .C.B Knight Grand Cross of the Bath. G.C.S.I. Knights Grand Commanders of the Star of India. G.C.M.G Knight Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George. K.C.M.G Knight Commander of ditto. ~~AM",q.,.. ",~"""""""""",.Companion of St. Michael and St. George. G:C.I;E. ; ~ ~: Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire. G.C.V.q ::; , Knight Grand Cross of Royal Victorian Order. M.V.O ........•..................Member of the 4th and 5th Classes of ditto. D.S.C.. ".': :'.';'; ;': Distinguished Service Cross. D.S.M Distinguished Service Medal. D.S.O Companion of·t,he Distirguished Service Order. G.B.E..•....................... Knights Grar..d Cross of the Order of the British .;.' Empire. C.B.E.•.: ~ ; ..Commander of the Order.of the British Empire. O.B.E.~: .:'. '" ., ; Officer of the Order of the British Empire. M .B.E Member of the Order of the British Empire. AdC oo Honorary Aide-de-Camp to H. E. the Governor General. AdC (P) Honorary Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant Gover- nor of the Province. *Before the name of an Officer in the Seniority List denotes that he is authorizod to w('ar 8 Foreign Order on all occasions. 5 THE KING. THE GOVERNOR GENERAL AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF. HIS EXCELLENCY CAPTAIN THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF BESSBOROUGH, P.C., G.C.:M.•G. ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY. MINISTER OF NATIONAL DEFENC!:: LIEUTENANT-COLONEL THE HONOURABLE DONALD MATHESON SUTHERLAND, D.S.O., V.D., M.B. DEPUTY MINISTER OF NATIONAL DEFENCE: LIEUTENANT-COLONEL LEO R. LAFLECHE, D.S.O., CHIEF OF THE NAVAL STAFF: COMMODORE WALTER HOSE, C.B.E., R.C.N. 56191-2 6 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE NAVAL SERVICE. MINISTER OF NATIONAL DEFENCE LIEUTENANT-COLONEL THE HONOURABLE DONALD M. SUTHERLAND, D.S.O., V.D., M.B. ( DEPUTY MINISTER OF NATIONAL DEFENCE LIEUTENANT-COLONEL LEO R. LAFLECHE, D.S.O., CHIEF OF THE NAVAL STAFF Commodore WALTER HOSE, C.B.E. DIRECTOR. OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE Commander WILLIAM B. HYNES, D.S.O., RK. STAFF OFFICER Commander RONALD I. AGNEW. DIRECTOR OF NAVAL RESERVES .vacant du.ties being carried out by Lieut. Commander JOHN. C. I. EDWARDS (Asst to D.N.R) DIRECTOR OF NAVAL ENGINEERING ( Engineer-Commander THOMAS C. PHILLIPS. NAVAL SECRETARY Paymaster Commander GERALD A. YOULE, O.B.E., R.N. FINANCIAL SUPERINTENDENT . R~ .P. BROWN, ESQ. ASSISTANT TO FINANCIAL SUPERINTENDENT LoUIS J. BEAUSOLEIL, ESQ. DIRECTOR OF NAVAL STORES EDWARD LISLE, ESQ. 7 , ! ! 'I , ALPHABETICAL LIST of the ACTIVE OFFICERoS"RfJl)e ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY. ,- ;.56191.,--21: Alphabetical List of the Active Where Rank. serving. Name. Seniority. Skeena Adams, Kenneth F . L. :3 Jan. '28 H.Q Agnew, Ronald I . Cr. 1 Jan. '30 Naden Baker, Archibald H . Gr. 13 Sept. '29 Stadacona . Barnes, George B. F . L. Cr. 2 July '28 Windsor Beard, Charles T 0 Cr. 1 Sept. '26 Naden Beech, William J. R . L. Cr. 14 April '26 Saguenay.. Bidwell, Roger E. S 0 ••• L. Cr. 15 Mar. '29 Naden Brodeur, Victor G . Cr. 25 Jan. '271 Naden Brown, Charles H . Sh. L. 1 Jan. '2'7\. Vancouver. Budden, Alfred H. (Lent from R.N.).. Gr. 1 April '23 ' Erebus Clarke, Edward N 0 ••••••••• Cdt. 2 Sept. '32 Naden Cossette, Marie J. R. 0 . P.L. Cr. 1 Oct. '29 Staff Cse. Creery, Wallace B . L. Cr. 2 Sept. '28 Saguenay.. Curry, Angus D. M . E. Cr. 11 Aug. '26 Erebus Davidson, Murray N 0.·.· .. 1". Cdt. 2 Sept. '32 H.Q Da'2'J Arthur C. M '" L. Cr. (E) 1 Oct. '32 Vancouver. De wolf, Henry G . L. 1 April '26 Skeenao Donald, Colin D . L. Cr. 1 Feb. '29 H.Qo Edwards, John C. I 0 • L. Cr. 5 Sept. '26 N aden Evans, Thomas H . L. (E). 18 Aug. '28 Champlain. Finch-Noyes, Edward W 0 ••• L. 1 June '31 Naden. '" . Finlay, George . W.W. 15 Mar. '31 Vancouver. Gauvreau, Louis J. M . L.Cr. 17 Dec. '25 Champlain. Godfrey, Valentine S . L.Cr. 1 July '27 Stadacona . Gough, George A 0 ••• 0 •••• Gr. 1 July '23 (Lent from R.N.) Stadacona. Gow, Francis R. W. R 0 ••••••••••• LoCr. 1 Jan. '29 Stadacona. Grant, Harold T. W . L. Cr. 2 Nov. '28 Hood Groos, Harcld V. W . Mid. 1 Sept. '31 Cse (Gr.) Grubb, Frederick E 0 •••••• Act. S.L. 1 May '32 York Haddon, Phillip Eo . Mid. 1 Jan. '31 Naden Hart, Frederick G . L. Cr. 1 April '28 R.N Hibbard, Godfrey M . L. Cr. 1 Nov. '26 ••••••••• 0 Vancouver. Hibbard, James C 0 L. 1 Jan. '32 Stadacona . Holms, William B. L., AdC (P) . L. Cr. 24 May '31 Champlain. Hope, Adrian M 0 •••••• L.Cr. 1 Feb. '29 Naden Horne, John G. B . C.V.O. 5 April '30 H.Q Hose, WaIter, C. B. E . C. 19 Mar. '18 Naden Houghton, Frank L . L.er. 16 Dec. '26 Stadacona . Hubbard, Herbert E . W.V.O. 1 April '26 Stadacona. Hutchings, John E . Cd. Sh. 17 Nov. '30 H.Q HkN:)':~I.I~~~.~:'..~'.~'?'. ~~~~~ ~~~~ Cr. 30 June '21 Stadacona . Jefferson, Frank H . E. Cr. 4 June '27 York Jewkes, Bill . Mid. 1 Jan. '31 Stadacona . Johnson, William D 0 Cd. Gr. 30 Nov. '25 •••••••••••••••• Skeena... " Jones, George C.... 0 Cr. 1 Jan. '29 9 Officers of the Royal Canadian Navy Where serving. Name. Rank.