CEU eTD Collection


MA ThesisStudies inMedieval ACRALIZATION OF LAND Central European University CENTRAL EUROPE Karen Stark May 2014


CEU eTD Collection

CULT SITES ANDS CULT SITES THE Central European University,fulfillmentBudapest, oftherequirement partial in Accepted inconformancewiththe standards CEU. of the totheDepartmentThesis submitted Studies, ofMedieval ______of the MasterArts degree of Studies. inMedieval SAINTS, STONES, AND STONES, SAINTS, SPRINGS:

______Chair, Examination CommitteeChair, Examination ACRALIZATION OF LAND (United States ofAmerica) CENTRAL EUROPE Thesis Supervisor Karen Stark May 2014 Examiner Examiner Budapest by



CEU eTD Collection

CULT SITES ANDS CULT SITES THE Central European University,fulfillmentBudapest, oftherequirements partial in Accepted inconformancewiththe standards C of the totheDepartmentThesis submitted Studies, ofMedieval ______of theMasterArts degree of Studies. inMedieval SAINTS, STONES, AND STONES, SAINTS, SPRINGS: ACRALIZATION OF LAND (United State CENTRAL EUROPE External Reader Karen Stark May 2014 Budapest by s ofAmerica)



CEU eTD Collection

CULT SITES ANDS CULT SITES THE Central European University,fulfillmentBudapest, oftherequirements partial in Accepted inconformancewiththe standards CEU. of the Thesis submit ______of theMasterArts degree of Studies. inMedieval SAINTS, STONES, AND STONES, SAINTS, SPRINGS:

ted totheDepartmentStudies, of Medieval ACRALIZATION OF LAND (United States ofAmerica) CENTRAL EUROPE External Supervisor Karen Stark May 2014 Budapest by ______


CEU eTD Collection Budapest, 2014 May 21 degree. academic an for education higher of institution other any to form this in submitted par been has no that declare also I copyright. thesis institution‘s the or of person‘s part any no on and infringes others, of work the of made was use illegitimate and unidentified ext such only and research my on based work, own my exclusively is thesis present the that herewith undersigned, the I,

ernal information as properly credited in notes and bibliography. I declare that no no that declare I bibliography. and notes in credited properly as information ernal Karen Stark Karen

, candidate for the MA degree in Medieval Studies, declare Studies, Medieval in degree MA the for candidate , ______Signature

t of the thesis the of t

CEU eTD Collection my research. Italian and Latin with help kind Itranslations. tothankmy Finally, like would parents andsister forgracious their his for Verde Aniello to and translations, Hungarian beg to me helped who Konrád, Eszter to indebted also am I writing. my on feedback valuable her for Rasson Judith to and places, holy European Central and saints European Central on knowledge vast their me with shared Cristian develop and I and invaluable, been have guidance and support Their supervisors, Laszlovszky. my foremost, and first thank, to like would I - ioa Gşa, Ildi Gaşpar, Nicolae

as a scholar under their teaching. A big thank you also to Stanislava Kuzmova, Stanislava to also you thank big A teaching. their under scholar a as kó

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS spei Mari Csepregi, in learning Hungarian and assisted me with numerous with me assisted and Hungarian learning in ne áh, n Barx . ohni who Romhányi F. Beatrix and Sághy, anne

áo Kaizy n József and Klaniczay Gábor have been able to grow to able been have

support of


ER ONE: HAGIOGRAPHY, Capistran‘s Well Skalka nad Váhom St. Martin‘sSt. Mountain Marianka Mátraverebély Holy Well Ulrich‘sSt. Spring Gellért Hill of Pool IslandMargaret GóraJasna Ivy Well


...... St.

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37 36 32 29 28 26 25 20 16 13 10 99 71 59 53 40

ii 7 7 1 v

CEU eTD Collection 1 Fig. 13 Fig. 12 Fig. 11 Fig. 10 Fig. 9 Fig. 8 Fig. 7 Fig. 6 Fig. 5 Fig. 4 Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Fig. 1

Please note: Unless otherwise noted, all photographs taken photographs all noted, otherwise Unless note: Please

t Urc' Wl ad hpl ih h Prs Cuc o Church Parish the thebackground.Clement in with Chapel and Well Ulrich's St. honfoglalástól az Árpád az honfoglalástól György. southern the at 13th Buda, depicting Map Cambridge: 20. Book Geography, CambridgeUniversity Press, 2006. Historical in 1795 to Studies origins its from Cracow, of Development geography Urban and Trade map. the of center bottom the in seen is Skałka 10th Cracow, of Map Capistran's Well. of site Possible Olomouc. in cloister Observant the inside Well of site Capistran's Well. Possible Olomouc. at convent the outside well Stone Anno Sextus Liber SzéchényiLibrary, 1618 Urbium Hohenberg. Mundi Franz and Georg B showing map Ottoman (here, Werbil). Close települései http://lazarus.elte.hu/~guszlev/lazar/ térkép 1528. G Hungariae, Antal Tabula or Map Lazar Hermits'c See fn.full references. 127for 13th Europe, Central in routes trade militaryandMajor Cserháti Erdészet (2014). Mátravereb at plaque from Image 1962. in Spring Ladislaus's from water collect Pilgrims depicting wolf Gerard's and St. tame fawn. Plaque Pl aque dedicated Gerard. toSt.

- up of Lazar Map showing the location of Mátraverebély of location the showing Map Lazar of up

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Heiligenbrunn, Austria.


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by the author, April 2014. byauthor, the

n oad A economic An Poland: in

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of the map. Györffy, map. the of Plihál oon: N Cologne:

l t Bakonybél at ll - ors‖ Kelet forrás,‖ Ktln and Katalin , Carter, F. W F. Carter, Cambridge . .―

A Lázár Lázár A

- 14th c. 14th ational ational Braun, [The [The f St. St. f - .

103 102 102 101 100 108 107 106 106 105 104 42 99

CEU eTD Collection Fig. 31 Fig. 30 Fig. 29 Fig. 28 Fig. 27 Fig. 26 Fig. 25 Fig. 24 Fig. 23 Fig. 22 Fig. 21 Fig. 20 Fig. 19 Fig. 18 Fig. 17 Fig. 16 Fig. 15 Fig. 14

odu mp f rcw rm h Nrmug Chronicle, Nuremburg the from Cracow of map Woodcut aAkadémiai chiefcity].Fig. Budapest: Kiadó,1997. 7,95. Age Arpadian the in settlement original The Budapest: of formation point. focal the as Góra Jasna with built was city the how Illustrates View the thirteenth century T from countryside surrounding Abbey. the of View Views Pest. offrom Hill Gellért the of Ruins Dominican co Margaret'sSt. gravecurrently atIsland. as appearsMargaret it ―Lourdes‖ offeringsgrotto withvotive style atMarianka. The whichthe poolinto holyflows. atMarianka stream The Church Michaelat andthe ofSt. Pauline cloister Ska The of Pool Plaque at Mátraverebélydescribing thewell's origins. is site currently re undergoing massive The Mátraverebély. at church pilgrimage the of View The at holywell andBakonybél. chapel The Wells.‖ ―Capistran's possible the Franciscan tothechurch right. just stands of one of view Side A pilgrim Spring. water with bottles Ulrich‘s St. fills from behind. Ulrich'sSt. and Clement's bee Chapel. can Well Church seen Vah the overlooking Vahóm River. nad Skalka at monastery The Füssel, 2001. 1493 of Chronicle Nuremberg annotated and complete Hartmann. Schedel, 1493. he basilica of basilica

of Jasna Góra from the main street of Częstochowa. Częstochowa. of street main the from Góra Jasna of


Stanislaus. Pannonhalma Abbey Pannonhalma .

nventIsland. onMargaret iii

Chronicle of the World. The The World. the of Chronicle itr o Budapest of history

novations. , originally constructed in constructed originally ,

to the development of development the to

from the the from

, ed. ,

ł ka.

S. S.

109 82 80 78 7 7 73 97 95 94 92 90 89 87 86 84 84 82 6 5

CEU eTD Collection Fig. 32

up to the sixteenth century.‖ Thesis, CEU, Budapest: 2013. 2013. Budapest: CEU, Fig. 2,100. Thesis, century.‖ sixteenth the to up ‗miracle Cz Ladyof Magdalena. ―Our Aerial view of theMonastery Góra ofJasna - w orking‘ Marian icons and images in the Latin West West Latin the in images and icons Marian orking‘ iv

ęsto chowa as a model: A study A of model: a chowaas . D ę b n a , 98

CEU eTD Collection


Analecta Cracoviensia kiadó, Nap Budapest: stirpis augmented. 1 and repr. regumque 1938; Hungarica, ducum Litter. tempore gestarum Hungaricum Arpadianae Rerum Scriptores SeriesMonumenta nova Historica Poloniae Monumenta Historica Poloniae MagyarArchívum Kamarai Katolicki UniwersytetLubelski LevéltárDiplomatikai Gyűjtemény) (Mohács Előtti Central European University Budapesti Műszaki Cracow 999.


Egyetem Továbbképző Intézete TovábbképzőEgyetem előadássorozatából ed. , v

ń mrcs znptr. uaet Academia Budapest: Szentpétery. Emericus

ska (JagiellonianLibrary)

. Series

2. (Cracow, 1


CEU eTD Collection 2 cosmology whose Christians by defined is space ―sacred because, particularly Europe, medieval in space sacred study to wishing scholar any confronts that profane,‖ the and sacred They religiosity. and wellsto humble of elements In chapels, and churches relic. to addition sacred a of place dwelling the or vision, divine a of site the birthplace, saint‘s a o one be also may they but martyrdom, saint‘s a of or site the been have may places these Canterbury, God of power and sanctuaries presence spiritual places, the sacred host these to with believed rife is Europe medieval of landscape The blood. saint‘s the of drops contain to said water of pool a cult Thomas‘s of focus the with sanctuary, this of notice took soon pilgrims Faithful Cathedral. Canterbury in shed been had blood archbishop‘s the after Becket Thomas St. of

T. S. Eliot, Eliot, S. T. These sacred landscapes present a multilayered image of medieval thought, culture, thought, medieval of image multilayered a present landscapes sacred These martyrdom the of dramatization Eliot‘s S. T. of chorus bythe spoken are words These Fordwelt, wherevera has has a wherever martyr givenbloodfor his saint the Though trampleit,though armies come over sightseers with guide books Murder in the Cathedral the in Murder To theprayer death inforgotten thedesert, in places bythebroken From that groundFrom thatwhich thatforever the earth. springs renews Thereground, thesanctity isholy and notdepart from shall it —

Fromgnawseas whereat thewestern theIona, coast of also acquired sacred this character.

also also present the problem of the ―Durkheimian juxtapos ―Durkheimian the of problem the present

(Orlando, FL: (Orlando, INTRODUCTION imperial column blood ofChrist, look ing over it; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Mifflin Houghton 1

holy ground, and the site site the and ground, holy

the landscape the

- T. S. Eliot, Eliot, T. S. —

from magnificent mountains magnificent from , 2014), 87. 2014), , Murder intheCathedr hs ans Lk at Like saints. his f

eae a became

ition between thebetween ition 2

revered al

CEU eTD Collection (Ashgate: Aldershot, 2006). Aldershot, (Ashgate: Spicer, Andrew 2004); Ltd., Publishing Tempus 28 Ages Middle Early 6 santità della ( 5 4 1915), see: Europe 3 as such sites pilgrimage and cult analyzed has Klaniczay Gábor conducted. been has research bee has topic the West, communal, personal, andcommunity, lay the and Church the between relationship the devotion, popular contemporary about much from attention scholarsAndrewReynolds, suchas James considerable drawn has landscape and space sacred Kingdom United the Ages. Middle the in studies religious of forefront the to sanctuaries of study the brought spac sacred Lucetta of study and the Gajano pioneered Boesch have Scaraffia Sofia years. so or thirty past the in European western especially in scholarship, attention much garnered has that topic a is nature and Christianity was believedona itself spatiallevel. tomanifest of opposite the denote profanus and term), the of understanding present our (in sacred considered be could that places and words Latin the of creation.‖ God‘s as world whole the regards W. Rome: École Française de Rome, 2000 Rome, de Française École Rome: Andrew Andrew André Vauchez, ed., Vauchez, André Hamilton, and Spicer

Davies, É mile 36

( Central Europe possesses many possesses Europe Central the and landscape,‖ of ―sacralization the space, Sacred Hants, England: Ashgate, 2005 Ashgate, England: Hants, - pcrn Srh aitn ed. Hamilton, Sarah Spicerand 42.

indicating any area outside area any indicating Durkheim, Durkheim,

G. G. (Turin: Rosenberg & Sellier, 1990). Sellier, & (Turin: Rosenberg

Halsall, and A. Reynolds, ed. Reynolds, A. and Halsall,

( sacer Li Defini h Eeetr Frs f h Rlgos Life Religious the of Forms Elementary The Turnhout: Brepols, 2006 Brepols, Turnhout:

eux Sacrés, Lieux de culte, sanctuaires culte, de Lieux Sacrés, eux sacer


ng the Holy the ng and less studied in Central and Eastern Europe, though some substantial some though Europe, Eastern and Central in studied less . 4 profanus

Therefore, even fro even Therefore, ); Sofia Boesch Gajano Boesch Sofia ); , repr. , , , 3. , Defining the Holy: Sacred Space in Medieval and Early Modern Modern Early and Medieval in Space Sacred Holy: the Defining

the temple, or temple, the and regional identity. However, in comparison with t with comparison in However,identity. regional and , which was spatial in nature: in spatial was which , ,

2008 People and People ―natural‖

); James Bond, Bond, James ); eiig the Defining Bond, Andrew buta and toname few. Spicer, ) 2 . 3

For the Durkheimian division of the sacred and profane, and sacred the of division Durkheimian the For Another layer layer Another

cult sites, which have the potential to reveal to potential the have which sites, cult Space in the Middle Ages, 300 Ages, Middle the in Space m its earliest usage in Europe, in usage earliest its m i Erp, hl Adé ace has Vauchez André while Europe, in e

sacrum and Lucetta Scaraffia Lucetta and Monastic Landscapes Monastic oy Sce Sae n al Mdr Europe Modern Early in Space Sacred Holy. , Collection de Collection , trans. , is added by the original meaning original the by added is , and ,

relationship between medieval between relationship

J.W. Swain (London: Macmillan, Macmillan, (London: Swain J.W. which

l'École française de Rome 273 273 Rome de française l'École sacer , ed., ,

(Stroud, Gloucestershire: Gloucestershire: (Stroud, eventually began to began eventually referring to objects to referring

- Luoghi sacri e spazi spazi e sacri Luoghi 1300. Studies in the in Studies 1300.


―sacred‖ 6


he In

CEU eTD Collection Hungariae Klastrompuszta to Meri Istvan digs Paul St. of Hermits the of Cross Holy Kovalovsz Hegyalján 2013); Script., (Budapest: GIS] with examinations archaeological háttérrel térinformatikai Látos, Tamás and Kohán, Balázs Klastrompuszta] in legends the the by work the topic birthday] Kubinyi Tanulmányok landscape the in monasteries [Medieval kolostortájak‖ ( 2013 Royal Medieval th and Period 2010); Kiadó, Gondolat (Budapest: Ages], Middle fenn hatóak nemtart Hungary Medieval Late b landscape Hungary to Medieval approach Cistercian and order hermetic (Budapest sources] The world: outside the of middle 11 a tájszemlélet ciszterci és Remeterendi közepén: Hungary], medieval 8 (Budapest: Enik see: Hungary of outside locations to Hungarians by pilgrimage in Medioevo,‖ nel 2013), in periferia,‖ alla santuari 7 (in noparticular order) site cult ―natural‖ eleven an following the examine from will I study and this In perspective angle. interdisciplinary broader a from region the at looks that one Europe, Central of Laszlovsky, andF.among Szabó, Beatrix Romhányi.Urbán, Máté themJózsef Péter landscapes Island Margaret

Budapest: Budapest: áé rá, Pls aádkeyk kskzpoi ayrrzgn [P Magyarországon‖ későközépkori a zarándokhelyek ―Pálos Urbán, Máté See, for example: Gábor Gábor example: for See, Miracoli. Dai segni alla storia alla segni Dai Miracoli. , 207 ),

19 What is mi is What , -

ed. Gyöngyi Kovács ( Kovács Gyöngyi ed.

34 ki

Puie rais n h Aaj eyla ein (ikl: emn tó Múzeum, Ottó Herman (Miskolc: Region] Hegyalja Abaúj the in Friaries [Pauline Magyar Tudományos Akadémia MagyarTudományos (1992): 173 (1992): - E & rhelnu, 2003); Archaeolingua, & CEU 218; ,

; Klaniczay, ― Klaniczay, ;

e Franciscan Friary at Visegrád. at Friary Franciscan e     in particular in ―Palos remeték szent Kereszt szent remeték ―Palos

aae t Visegrád at Palace in ósf Laszlo József Ivy (Hungary) Well Gellért (Hungary) Hill Capistran‘s (Czech Republic) Well Ulrich‘sSt. Spring (Austria)

Luoghi sacri e sacri Luoghi ET BK ötnlmu. otr Ik, 2013 Isk., Doktori Történelemtud. BTK ELTE : Ofr: rhepes 20) Barx . Romhányi, F. Beatrix 2005); Archaeopress, (Oxford: Glét il ad Budaszentlőrinc. and Hill, Gellért ,

alsuoáy szeml Vallástudományi – ssing from this corpus is an over an is corpus this from ssing following scholars: scholars: following -

András hetvenedik születésnapjára születésnapjára hetvenedik András 207. áo gzákds középkorban a gazdálkodás Pálos ,‖ ,‖

[Research of historical pathways in the Pilis: the in pathways historical of [Research Ordini religiosi e santuari in etá mo etá in santuari e religiosi Ordini Il monte di San Gherardo e l'isola di Sant di l'isola e Gherardo San di monte Il : Klaniczay Periodica

have have sk and vszky

Budapest: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, 2004 Tudományegyetem, Loránd Eötvös Budapest: ( , ed. , oo: ósf tia űeőéi á, n.d. Ház, Művelődési Attila József Dorog:

Történeti útvonalak kutatása a Pilisben: tájrégészeti Pilisben: a kutatása útvonalak Történeti spazi della santità della spazi also

, ,

ed. Sofia Boesch Gajano and M. Modica ( Modica M. and Gajano Boesch Sofia ― Polytechnica Domenicani, eremiti paolini e fr e paolini eremiti Domenicani,

been been

egl Bzs n Jze Laszlovszky József and Buzás Gergely István Méri, István - , ée Saó ed. Szabó, Péter Kolostora: Meri Istvan ásatása Klastrompusztán‖ [The Abbey of the the of Abbey [The Klastrompusztán‖ ásatása Istvan Meri Kolostora:

Történettudományi Intézete Történettudományi e

József Laszlovszky, Laszlovszky, József Royal Residence and the Foundation of Religious Religious of Foundation the and Residence Royal

/ (09: 63 (2009): 5/1 the the foci

43 ósf Laszlovszky, József , 267 , 3 - 2 sáai elbeszél századi 12. , medieval monastic landscapes] monastic medieval ,

A klastrompusztai legendák nyomában legendák klastrompusztai A 21) 53 (2012): of researchof of - 284; Klaniczay, ― Klaniczay, 284;

[ Ett mngmn o te Pa the of management [Estate Studies in honor of András Kubinyi‘s seventieth seventieth Kubinyi‘s András of honor in Studies , - - derna arching analysis of the sacred landscape sacred the of analysis arching 85; People and Nature in Historical Perspective Perspective Historical in Nature and People ―Középkori kolostorok a tájban, középkori középkori tájban, a kolostorok ―Középkori - 7 Károly áé Urbán, Máté ő 6 Romhányi, 56; , ed. Lucia M. Lucia ed. , a Margh a

); Csukovits, Csukovits, adcp studies Landscape

landscape archaeological and landscape landscape and archaeological landscape Péter Szabó, Szabó, Péter , 2003). , ancescani osservanti ungheresi osservanti ancescani

ő ― East The Royal Palace Palace Royal The

―Life in the Pauline Monasteries of of Monasteries Pauline the in ―Life ], Belényesy, orsk alapján források Miracoli di punizione e punizione di Miracoli

Rome: Viella, 2000 Viella, Rome: Buda a santità della spazi gli erita: ); ); Communicationes archaeologicae archaeologicae Communicationes -

auline pilgrimage sites in late late in sites pilgrimage auline Lászlo Ferenczi, Márton Deák, Deák, Márton Ferenczi, Lászlo Central European scholars, Central Középkori magyar zarándokok magyar Középkori

iáo kvl hl a világ a hely kívüli Világon M. Olivieri (Bari: Edipuglia, Edipuglia, (Bari: Olivieri M.

), 337 ), ( llik flik nélkül földiek a lelkiek A Budapest: Archaeolingua, Archaeolingua, Budapest: odad n Frss in Forests and Woodland , in ,

áo klsoo Abaúj kolostorok Pálos - tájtörténeti vizsgálatok vizsgálatok tájtörténeti

Quasi liber et picture et liber Quasi - 349. See also on the on also See 349. uline monks in the the in monks uline

sd n narrative on ased Or lc i the in place [Our in the Sigismund Sigismund the in

n monastic and [On the track of of track the [On Houses,‖ ) , 109 , 04; Júlia 2004); 8 malefizia

- 137.

e i l i e

i n

The The For oro oro ,‖ s - ;

CEU eTD Collection which each site is known, see: Appendix: Site Catalogue, Catalogue, Site Appendix: see: known, is site each which For feature. topographical or environmental the of nature vill not the and Well‖ ―Ivy use I Thus, site. ofthe aspect natural the to refers closely most that one the is site each for use I name the that note and Also name. site the with interact people medieval did 9 How not? did landscapes and sites natural other did why and How questions: following the answer InformationGeographic System (GIS). the accounts, miracle and hagiography histo the of that perspectives: three from sites these analyzing be will I necessary. approach interdisciplinary an makes them, of lack the rather, gebut cohesive Ages Middle the during kingdom Hungarian the of extent greatest the near very or within is here focus the is that Europe Central in area precise The material. which for sites cult those represent does it exhaustive, wells. and caves, mountains, hills, including site sacred the of aspect a shown. plausibly be can heritage medieval

Here I list each site‘s each list I Here geographical or natural feature, such as height or water, constitutes a major or even or water, a constitutes defining major geographicalfeature,as height suchor natural or rical and folkloric sources, and finally the spatial aspects using historical maps and and maps historical using aspects spatial the finally and sources, folkloric and rical Through an interdisciplinary approach I will dissect the ―sacralization‖ process and and process ―sacralization‖ the dissect will I approach interdisciplinary an Through o nature The a which for Europe sitesofCentral ―natural‖ ofthecult sample These a sitesrepresent       

Skalka nad Váhom () Marianka (Slovakia) ofSt Pool GóraJasna (Poland) Martin‘sSt. Mountain (Hungary) Mátraverebély (Hungary) Holy Well IslandMargaret (Hungary) ographical areaographical

location by the modern the by location f m f

y topic and the problems with the with problems the and topic y . Stanislaus (Poland)


- day country name. Where possible, I use the Anglicized form of form Anglicized the use I possible, Where name. country day age name of Bakonybél, to draw attention to the supposed holy holy supposed the to attention draw to ofBakonybél, name age

By ―natural‖ cult site, I mean holy sites for which which for sites holy mean I site, cult ―natural‖ By 4 9


more details on each site, including other names by by names other including site, each on details more

these natural sites become ―sacred,‖ while ―sacred,‖ become sites natural these

hr is there contemporary , thus cons thus , the

ot eeat source relevant most While this list is not is list this While written written t it uting a broad, a uting sources, or, sources, CEU eTD Collection the Environment the nature with 13 it.‖ in actions‘ and objects forms, the on ‗attention focusing ‗lens‘, a as acting communities of identities religious the for foci as interpreted 12 in 11 10 But asc and monasticism medieval of context the in especially temptation, with rid and corrupted conception this polarize to scholarship medieval in tendency a been has There landscape because of ―focusing signifya they ontheland. sort lens‖ the of interpretation the to vital are and ignored be cannot chapels and shrines this of focus the be will elements natural The elements orientation.‖ for points‘ ‗fix different many I viewpoint. two a imagenot was this landscape,―butof today. andAges Middle the both in complicated thi extend some to and land,‖ of area an of features visible the ―all as defined is simplest its at landscape Today, defined. attempt todisco are societies that meaning fate,‖ is ―Geography Europe? Central in religion medieval identity? of facetsvarious perceptionto contributeinteractionand this did how and sites theseperceive Laszlovszky József

Roger S. S S. Roger ―Landscape,‖ pcr n Hmlo ue th use Hamilton and Spicer People and Nature in Historical in Perspective Nature and People eticism, or romanticized in the same context, particualarly in the figure of St. Francis. St. of figure the in particualarly context, same the in romanticized or eticism, ,

n fact in The medieva B : efore the sacralization of landscape can be examined, landscape itself must be be must itself landscape examined, be can landscape of sacralization the efore ,

n finally, and natural elements elements natural St. Francis of Assissi and Nature: Tradition and Innovation in Wester in Innovation and Tradition Nature: and Assissi of Francis St. orrell discusses these views in detail, and in particular the image of St. Francis an Francis St. of image the particular in and detail, in views these discusses orrell ws ‗mosaic‘ a was t , Oxford D Oxford

(Oxford: Oxford Universit Oxford (Oxford: h ise s a mr cmlx wt mdea attds oad nature towards attitudes medieval with complex, more far is issue the ver true if holds this inmedieval Central Europe. , ― , Space and Place: Text and Object, Human Object, and Text Place: and Space l conception of nature, the foundation of landscape, isa oflandscape, foundation ofl conception nature,the

ictionary of English of ictionary

Defining ht r What iae f ―es i te otx o hl sts aig ―S saying, sites holy of context the in ―lens‖ a of image e —


ole did these sacred landscapes play in the bigger picture of of picture bigger the in play landscapes sacred these did ole the

s was true for the Middle Ages, although the concept is more more is concept the although Ages, Middle the for true was s ye ersnain ih ay ifrn vepit ad with and viewpoints different many with representation type vegetation, topography, animals topography, vegetation,

Holy y Press, 1988). yPress, ,4.

(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 991. 2010), University Press, Oxford (Oxford: , 86. ,

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus famously said, said, famously Heraclitus philosopher Greek The

- 11 dimensional representation from a very a fromdimensionalrepresentation particular 5

This representation was composed of multiple of composed was representation This study; 10 shaped

The medieval person did have a perceptiona have did person medieval The

however, constructed elements such as such elements constructed however, - Nature Interaction and Topographical Studies Topographical and Interaction Nature

by their surroundings; this study will will study this surroundings; their by 12

and constructed elements. constructed and n

Christian Attitudes toward toward Attitudes Christian multifaceted

d his relationship relationship his d acred spaces are are spaces acred — either as as either

one. one. 13 ,‖ ,‖

CEU eTD Collection 14 medieval Central Europe. in landscape of notion multifaceted this of sacralization the of process the of uncovering multi a analysis, following elements landscape and nature of aspects many the Therefore, Ages. Middle the in concept multidimensional a was landscape the that means sinful, thus and man, t and God, by created both as world natural the of conception vernacular in represented epics. and as poems lyric as outlook such literature barbaric or folk the and tradition, philosophic or interpretation influenced classically or classical the by affected simultaneously

These three viewpoints taken from: Sorrell, from: Sorrell, taken viewpoints three These

will be considered as a whole as whole a as considered be will

- ehdlgcl n itricpiay prah il upr the support will approach interdisciplinary and methodological

St. Francis of Assissi and Nature and Assissi of Francis St. 14

These influences, compounded with the medieval the with compounded influences, These 6

representing ―landscape,‖ in this study. In the In study. this in ―landscape,‖ representing —

from the role of animals to the to animals of role the from hus sacred, and corrupted by corrupted and sacred, hus , 10 , - 14. 14.

, the scientific the , CEU eTD Collection 15 S at cave same the inhabited consecutively who hermits both were Benedict from disciple Hungaryhis and scholars) Slovakian and Polish amongstcontested is issue (thoughthe Poland to came likely who Andrew, Benedict. and Andrew Saints of vitae the in 1.1 such portrayaccounts tothesite. wanted of writers the how as well as space sacred valued and with interacted pilgrims how reflecting r particularly are shown, be will as site, each to related miracles The are connected. saint the and place the how and ―holy,‖ became it how revered, be to began question the or location the of translati character spiritual the in transition pivotal a marked that site the with interaction saint‘s the of description the to referring legends, foundation and accounts the type saint orrelicas treatedthe site. thenatural of aswell inthetext of features characteristics, other among on, dependent case, each in different notably is role its site, each hagiogra the in important clearly is place While place. on emphasis of degrees varying with site each at landscape the of function and role the of Pool the Island, Margaret Góra, Jasna Váhom, s these to related literature The Ages. Middle the to dating accounts miracle

CHAPTER ONE: HAGIOGRAPHY, Please note that the sites are not listed in any particular order. in particular listed any not are sites that note the Please The representation of landscape and its place in the hagiographic narrative is evi is narrative hagiographic the in place its and landscape of representation The Váhomnad Skalka lo analysis following The and hagiography related have five study, this in identified sites cult eleven the Of on of a sacred object to the site. the to object sacred a of on

oks at each site individually and considers both the miracle the both considers and individually site each at oks SACRED LANDSCAPE



The foundation stories establish how the place in place the how establish stories foundation The 7

h ad ial acut ascae with associated accounts miracle and phy St.

Stanislaus, and Gellért Hill Hill Gellért and Stanislaus,


ites –

– Skalka nad nad Skalka

kalka nad nad kalka illustrates evealing, dent CEU eTD Collection 19 18 Solitude Andreas ―Saint 17 see: Istria, in Jahrbuch Pola Ungarn from originated actually saints the that Slovak ofsaints Benedict, and Zoerard [Saint Slovenska‖ Liptovo of history cultural the Svorada Zoerardus 330 1965), Cuore, Sacro di Cattolica Università XII. K lands] Zoerard], St. of centuries], X Przesz Nasza Poli a of [Millenary Dunajcem‖ nad Świrad article polskiego: several eremity wrote who Kapiszewski, Henryk by led was debate the Cr Klaniczay, Gábor (Tenth Europe Central Of Age Christianization The Of Saints in Martyr,‖ the Benedict and Confessor 16 tale same The one. common a was respect, innate an of out body sacred the to drawn or God by commanded if something.‖ ban the on year entire an for sitting observed was eagle ―an until recovered be not could just body Benedict‘s cave. flowed the below which River, Vah the into body his threw and hermit the murdered treasure, when passed had years Three disciples. and masters hermitic of case the in common was as cave, same the in live to began Benedict labor. physical pious do to order in is, that work,‖ to order a into ―go to needing and desert‖ the of solitude having the as ―entered described is he hermitage his enters Andrew When hermit. a of vita the in see 106 year to expect would one the motifs nature and environment the to around references are text the throughout Pécs, of bishop the Maurus, by work hagiographic single a in treated be to them caused place, sacred same the to connection their especially Slovakia. Váhom,

łoczowski - Ibid., 333. Ibid., Miladinov, oee, ept ter omn itr, hy lo a dis had also they history, common their despite However, o mr o ti dbt see: debate this on more For XI wieku XI ti el scna etmn itrainl d sui: edl, 0 agos 30 Mendola, studio: di internazionale settimana seconda della Atti az Przesz Nasza : E : ( K. počiatko K.

Nasza Przeszłość Nasza remitism in Central Europe between East and West and East between Europe Central remitismin Rm: dzoe oinm 16) Fr h Soa sd se Jzf únk ― Kútnik, Jozef see: side Slovak the For 1966). Hosianum, Edizione (Rome: , ‖ [Hermit Zoerard in Pannonia. On Polish Pannonian relations at the turn of the tenth to eleven to tenth the of turn the at relations Pannonian Polish On Pannonia. in Zoerard [Hermit ‖

―L‘Érémitisme dans la territoires la dans ―L‘Érémitisme łość ―Lives of the Holy Hermits Zoerard the Confessor and Benedict the Martyr,‖ Benedict and the Confessor Zoerard Hermits Holy ―Livesofthe 19 Nasza Przeszłość Nasza

This motif, the watchful animal guarding the remains of the deceased saint, as saint, deceased the of remains the guarding animal watchful the motif, This

8 (1958): 45 (1958): 8 7 (1976), 65 (1976), 7 istian Gașpar, and Marina Miladinov (Budapest: (Budapest: Miladinov Marina and Gașpar, istian łość m kultúrnych dejín Liptova dejín kultúrnych m 16

is told in the life of the Polish bishop St. Adalbert, in which an eagle also also eagle an which in Adalbert, St. bishop Polish the of life the in told is

h sit‘ ay omnlte ad oncin, n, wud argue, would I and, connections, and commonalities many saints‘ The

3 (1966): 23 10 (1959): 17 (1959): 10 ) - - ], ], 81; ― 81; 71. Nové obzory Nové

Blessed Maurus, Bishop of Pécs, Pécs, of Bishop Maurus, Blessed 15 (1964): 5 (1964): 15

Eremita Swirad w Panonii. Ze stosunków polsko stosunków Ze Panonii. w Swirad Eremita ks of the river Vah, as if it were intending to watch over over watch to intending were it if as Vah, river the of ks

65 Vitae Sanctorum Aetatis Conversionis Europae Centralis(Saec. X Centralis(Saec. Europae Conversionis Aetatis Sanctorum Vitae - - 103. 103. 68;

XI (1968), 5 (1968), XI - salves occidentaux,‖ in occidentaux,‖ salves ―Cztery 31; ―Eremita Świrad na ziemi rodzinnej‖ rodzinnej‖ ziemi na Świrad ―Eremita 31; o adtoa spotr i te oih ruet see: argument Polish the if supporters additional For )‖ [On the origins of hermit Zoerard (about the beginnings of beginnings the (about Zoerard hermit of origins the [On )‖ - 54; and Józef Tadeusz Milik, Milik, Tadeusz Józef and 54; hee, hnig h cv cnand oe great some contained cave the thinking thieves, 8

źródła do żywota św. Świrada św. żywota do źródła ia], ia], - 122; Rudolf Holinka, ―Sv. Svorad a Benedikr, sv Benedikr, a Svorad ―Sv. Holinka, Rudolf 122; Bratislava -

Eleventh Centuries) Eleventh (Zagreb: (Zagreb: tinct cults. See: Marina Miladinov, Miladinov, Marina See: cults. tinct sh Hermit: Zoerard aboce the Dunajec River], Dunajec the aboce Zoerard Hermit: sh CEU Lvs f h Holy the of ―Lives L’Eremitismo in Occidente nei secoli XI e XI secoli nei Occidente in L’Eremitismo 18

Leykam s 8 (1934), 304 (1934), 8

Following the death of Andrew, of death the Following nte atr nldn: ―Tysiąclecie including: matter the on

Press, 2013), 318. The Polish side of side Polish The 318. 2013), Press,

- oiaypr ftefrs in forest the of part solitary orr: Pl o a Istrian? an or Pole A Zoerard: , 2008), , Ś to , wiety trans. Marina Miladinov, Miladinov, Marina trans. - 6 settembre 1962 1962 settembre 6 - ‖ - pannonskich na przelomie przelomie na pannonskich 52. Imre Boba has argued has Boba Imre 52. [Four sources on the life life the on sources [Four

187. Ś [Hermit Zoerard in our our in Zoerard [Hermit wierad, Saint Andrew Andrew Saint wierad, O pôvode pustovníka pustovníka pôvode O emt Zead the Zoerard Hermits 329.



Margins of of Margins Scattered (Milan: Jerzy Jerzy - XI)/ ě ed. ed. tci tci th th , ‖ CEU eTD Collection 24 23 22 1962), Naukowe, Wydawnictwo Państwowe (Warsaw: Karwasińska prior vita martyris, et 21 83 1962), Naukowe, Wydawnictwo Państwowe (Warsaw: pierwszy 39 so the in Bruno and Adalbert SS. of Martyrdoms 20 place, sacred a considered already was site the that suggests Benedict and Andrew Saints death. his until An St. and God serve and there stay will he that and cell‖ the leave never would ―he that vows then man The life. to back him brought had Andrew St. that and fear in the process;instead ofleaving however, inthe forest, theman they decide: hermits. the and thieves the between parallel paradoxical a draw to intended perhaps or observation passing a just either t gathered are episode inBenedict‘s life. it.‖ guarding eagle an sign, approach birdofdivine no orders.could prey wild beast, No following eagle an by guarded was body holy most his days thirty for bishop, and martyr great a such of merits the reveal might God almighty that order in ―Yet, presence: eagle‘s Stanislaus. St. Bishop, Polish another of life the in again it see shall we and days, several for head decapitated his over watch stood G Cristian na Rutkowsk Anna Ibid., 335 Ibid., Ibid. Miladinov - 40; 40;

S. Adalberti, Pragensis episcopi et martyris, vita prior vita martyris, et episcopi Pragensis Adalberti, S.

The other thieves, shocked, begin to flee when the resurrected man tells them not to not them tells man resurrected the when flee to begin shocked, thieves, other The deadback manbegan tocome to the and body his to returned spirit his suddenly when earth, the to remains his commend to wanted they and night the of middle the now was It inside. it laid a at still was placewaythat the on when robberdied the Butthereabout. persons reachedall had fame whose Andrew, man aforementioned the of cell the to him take ...to thieves of band A miracle. later a in emphasized is itself cave the of importance The Te is lf o te ihp n mry S. Adalbert] St. martyr and bishop the of life first [The - aspar, 2013, 2013, aspar, , 6. Margins of Solitude of Margins

ogether in the forest and described as ―mostly inhabit[ing] solitary places,‖ places,‖ solitary inhabit[ing] ―mostly as described and forest the in ogether a 24 - Płachcińska, ―Pasje świętych Wojciecha i Brunona z tzw. kodeksu z Tegernsee‖ [The [The Tegernsee‖ z kodeksu tzw. z Brunona i Wojciecha świętych ―Pasje Płachcińska,

h fc ta te hee big hi wudd opno t te ae of cave the to companion wounded their bring thieves the that fact The

Ś fair distance. Nevertheless, they brought his body to the cell and cell the to body his brought they Nevertheless, distance. fair [Saint Adalbert, bishop and martyr, the first life], life], first the martyr, and bishop Adalbert, [Saint w . Wojciecha biskupa i me i biskupa Wojciecha .

22 21 , 335.

A fight breaks out among them and one man is severely i severely is man one and them among out breaks fight A

It would be reasonable reasonable be would It


Adalbert‘s vita explicitly states the im the states explicitly vita Adalbert‘s

life. - called codex of Tegernsee], Tegernsee], of codex called 9 ̨cze 23

nnika z nnika - 84.

, ywot pierwszy ̇ywot to extend this reasoning to the parallel the to reasoning this extend to

in ,


MPH N.S., 4.1, 4.1, N.S., MPH 83 w . Wojciecha biskupa i me i biskupa Wojciecha . - 84. that place, as the they divine saw

: Studia Źródłoznawcze Studia

S. Adalberti, Pragensis episcopi episcopi Pragensis Adalberti, S. P NS 4.1 N.S. MPH ed.

awg Karwasińska Jadwiga drew at that place place that at drew

portance of the of portance czennika z ̨czennika ed. ,

40 (2002): 40 Jadwiga njured ywot ̇ywot

CEU eTD Collection 203. 26 25 legends relic in found Madonna. relic holy most its house to constructed was which century, fourteenth late the in monastery Pauline the of foundation the before place sacred a as known of. composed is mountain mundane more much something to instead, but place, ofthe character sacred toany refers title not thatthe suggested been has capacity. it However, sp or sacred considered be would site the that sense make would it beautiful; is, that well, as texts Latin s Góra,‖ ―Jasna name Polish the of choice to significance spiritual some attach to tempted be may One ambiguous. more is itself, mountain the place, natural the of status sacred the Here 1.2 the place ofexpression hisreligiosity. to central becomes cell, the at stay to promise thief‘s the by Finally, vital. is cave the at present physically being site. the overseeing Church, the to connected anyone all of least present, be to appears else one no and moreover, injured there, had they bringing themselves Thefelt aman comfortable thieves i presumably men, holy the with associations its of because ince this translates as ―Bright‖ or ―Luminous Mountain.‖ This is the title used in medieval medieval in used title the is This Mountain.‖ ―Luminous or ―Bright‖ as translates this ince ez rc, ―The Groch, Jerzy This assumption is supported by, for example, Marina Miladinov in: in: Miladinov example,Marina for by, is supported assumption This


Furthermore, it is not eno not is it Furthermore, h tasain tr, howeve story, translation The ca different A GóraJasna

T own

e s rsne i te otmoay ieaue eae t Jsa Góra. Jasna to related literature contemporary the in presented is se – - formative formative

divine intervention in the selection of a shrine site shrine a of selection the in intervention divine 26

n at hr i ltl evide little is there fact In

lrs Mons Clarus F ugh for the thieves to pray to Andrew for their companion; their for Andrew to pray to thieves the for ugh unction of the Jasna Góra Góra Jasna the of unction , otis lmns eiicn o a omn topos common a of reminiscent elements contains r, 10 Te adcp o Jsa óa s tiig and striking is Góra Jasna of landscape The .

– S c t sget ht an Gr was Góra Jasna that suggest to nce

hrine,‖ hrine,‖

the bright white limestone that the that limestone white bright the Margins of Solitude of Margins n an unofficial, popular capacity. capacity. popular unofficial, an n eerns Cracoviensis Peregrinus –

h pitn o te Black the of painting the — , , 186.

a feature found found feature a ecial in some in ecial

3 (1996): (1996): 3 CEU eTD Collection C 31 Spain 30 Central Medieval 29 75. 1981), 28 santità 27 promise the with content was Virgin the that indicate to seeming move, to able finally is cart in painting image. sacred the of place resting parallel far. too of purpose the with lives saints‘ in desi topos common a was this However, king. saintly the and Opole of Duke the of name shared the considering especially episode, this to parallel animal.‖ draft any cart the but Székesfehérvár, twelfth move. to able finally was cart the Virginpaintingand the soonafter, Mary, toplacethevenerable inamonastery, promising to prayed Ladislaus horses. more adding after even move not would cart the but goods, other the loaded He him. with homeland his to back picture the take to decided castle, the of siege a following and Belz, of castle the at painting the discovered Opole of Ladislaus Duke Częstochowa. of Madonna Black the for case the was latter The sp a from move to relic the carry to helping animal or cart the of inability the by or moved being after location certain a at reappearing miraculously relic the by typically, kno it made shrines. remote of stories the in often most Ladislai Legenda Jr. Christian, A. William z oet Maniura Robert This topos reached as far as sixteenth as far as reached topos This ―Sh Nolan, Lee Mary ę s t gnating a ―chosen‖ place for a relic or holy image, so it may be problematic to carry the the carry to problematic be may it so image, holy or relic a for place ―chosen‖ a gnating o , , 75 c ,

h 79. - Later, the text states that Ladislaus chose the mountain, mountain, the chose Ladislaus that states text the Later, o century vita of St. Ladislaus. After the saint‘s death, he was meant to be buried at buried be to meant was he death, saint‘s the After Ladislaus. St. of vita century .



(Woodbridge: Boydell, Boydell, (Woodbridge: a wn that it wanted to be worshipped in a particular place. This was demonstrated, was This place. particular a in worshipped be to wanted it that wn

monastery, not specifying Jasna Góra in particular in his prayer until after the after until prayer his in particular in Góra Jasna specifying not monastery, , Europ 30

, 523, quoted fro quoted 523, , Pilgrimage to to Pilgrimage

29 rine Locations: Ideals and Realities in Continental Europe,‖ Europe,‖ Continental in Realities and Ideals Locations: rine

e It is possible Itis

( Cambridge:C ,

Local Religion in Sixteenth in Religion Local , divinely inspired, ―set out for out ―set inspired, divinely , I mages in the the in mages m:

This 2004 Gábor Klaniczay, Klaniczay, Gábor

that the author of the Częstochowa legend wanted to draw a draw to wanted legend Częstochowa the of author the that - ambridge University Press, 2002) Press, University ambridge 31 century Spain, see: Spain, century ),


However, in his prayer, his in However, 196.

F 27 ifteenth ifteenth 11

is conspicuously reminiscent o reminiscent conspicuously is

In these legends, a relic, sacred image, or statue or image, sacred relic, a legends, these In

- Century Spain Century Holy Rulers and Blessed Princesses: Dyna Princesses: Blessed and Rulers Holy C Christian, Jr. Christian, entury: The The entury:

( Várad on its own, unassisted by unassisted own, its on Várad Princeton: P Princeton: Ladislaus promises to place the place to promises Ladislaus , 175. 175. , ,

O Local Religion in Sixteenth in Religion Local rigins of the the of rigins

qui dicebatur Clarus dicebatur qui image on a cart along with with along cart a on image

in rinceton University Press, Press, University rinceton Luoghi sacri e spazi della spazi e sacri Luoghi f C

ult of Our Lady of of Lady Our of ult a story from the from story a ecific spot. ecific stic Cults in Cults stic - the as , C entury entury 28

CEU eTD Collection 35 34 in the accounts, Duke by one strategic 33 a was Madonna Black 32 the of host the as Góra Jasna of choice sacred place. a Góra Jasna consider to inclined more were pilgrims thus, landscape; the in feature singular Jasn of case the in and meaningful, pilgrimage the made that sphere sacred specific a to sphere mundane not is vow ―the C of Lady Our of cult emphasis the but the of Virgin, analysis his In significant. the is Mountain Bright the of on accounts miracle the shrine throughout the to or Virgin the to simply or Częstochowa pilgrim the that explicitly state vows these of Many shrine. the to go to vow a makes individual an after occur actually itself. shrine the near or at occur ten only and Virgin the c them of onlynine stories,miracle 300 than more records. earlier of copies likely are texts the of some least at although monastery, place more are thant emphasized and space monastery, the of records miracle extant the at looking However, image. the of translation the and monastery the of establishment the to prior place sacred a as regarded been have to Virgin. the of image the house to Ladislaus by presented of place inthe not but place, resting proper a of Maniura Ibid., 114. Ibid., 113. 104, Ibid., miracle the in image the of role the at particular in looking detail, in miracles these analyzes Maniura Robert ht a b ddcd rm oh the both from deduced be can What the from survive century sixteenth the to fifteenth late the from dating texts Five offering‖ votive ―monumental a essentially was Góra Jasna at monastery The ,

Pilgrimage to I to Pilgrimage

a Góra the significance of place was likely magnified simply by being a striking striking a being by simply magnified likely was place of significance the Góra a

chapter ―Miracle,‖ Ibid., 95 Ibid., ―Miracle,‖ chapter

translatio to

h iae but image the zęstochowa, Robert Maniura emphasizes that in these miracle accounts miracle these in that emphasizes Maniura Robert zęstochowa, mages in the the magesin

topos isnoticeablytopos absent.

il o to go will

F the Bright Mountain in particular. Thus, here the specificity specificity the here Thus, particular. in Mountain Bright the ifteenth ifteenth - o o to go to 115.

lrm Montem Clarum C entury he image miraculous itself. 12

h image.‖ the translatio , 116. , ontain explicit references to the painting ofpainting the to references explicit ontain

32 n te ial storie miracle the and Ohr os r md t g to go to made are vows Other . 35

In th In

34 t a te oeet rm the from movement the was It

h mjrt o te miracles the of majority The e text, the site does not seem not does site the text, e

i ta the that is s 33

Of the Of CEU eTD Collection de l’Église au Moyen Âge Moyen au l’Église de d‘Auxerre, Médiévales 37 I 36 records, IV,inhabited fromKingBéla her 1252until death which she 1270. in of daughter the house to there constructed was convent Dominican a before convents and religious of connotati history long a had already Island Margaret fused. more are presence saint‘s the and land the site, the with interacting by sanctity granted otherwise or died lived, saint a A of hagiography the in detailed that to similar landscape, sacralized conceptof explicit morea offerGóra, Jasna of those than 1.3 of cult the for typical saints andChristian intheM relics was which process, this through so becomes but itself, in sacred be to need not does mountain the Thus effect. and presence spiritual Virgin‘s the of border moun is the it finally and which complex, in monastic the chapel enclosed, the permeating outward, radiates sacrality that but Góra, Jasna at sacré du pilgrims association. totheformation probably contributed ofthis fact, in and, this to receptive quite were pilgrims mountain; the to extended painting sacred h at case the often is as But, sacrality. inherent mountain‘s the patronage,‖ of pattern ―wider a and factors political by influenced Ladislaus, mages in the the in mages

Dominique Iogna Prat, ―La spatialisati ―La Prat, Iogna Dominique For more details on Ladislaus‘ patronage efforts and the political landscape see: Maniura, Maniura, see: landscape political the and efforts patronage Ladislaus‘ on details more For hogot Ma Throughout date earlier slightly a of them of most Island, Margaret to related stories miracle The Margaret Island t referred has Prat Iogna Dominique what see we Góra Jasna At ,‖ a theme evident from antiquity.from evident theme a ,‖ the island and the Danube play Danube the and island the ons before it became associated with Margaret; it was the site of a series of chapels of series a of site the was it Margaret; with associated became it before ons F ifteenth ifteenth Études et travaux et Études C


(v. 800 (v. grts ia ad ial acut, s el s n e canonization her in as well as accounts, miracle and vitae rgaret‘s


116 -

v. 1200) (Paris: (Paris: v.1200)

- 121. ndrew and Benedict.At these types of cult sites, those where those sites, cult of types these Benedict.At and ndrew on du sacré dans l‘Occident latin (IVe latin l‘Occident dans sacré du on

iddle Ages. 1 (1988 1

- prominent roles. A punishment miracle involving a a involving miracle punishment A roles. prominent 1989): 44 1989): 37 Seuil 13

The Black Madonna is the focus of sacred powersacred of focus the is Madonna BlackThe

, 2006), 168 2006), , -

57; Id., Id., 57; tain itself, with the natural physical physical natural the with itself, tain - La Maison Dieu. Une histoire monumentale monumentale histoire Une Dieu. Maison La 203.

oly places, the presence of the of presence the places, oly -

XIIIe siècles),‖ Centre d‘Études d‘Études Centre siècles),‖ XIIIe

o as ― as o 36 la spatialisation spatialisation la

rather than by than rather igiae to Pilgrimage CEU eTD Collection 40 Margaret. (2014). Blessed of life The Árpád. 39 of house Be Ibolya by the withtrans. notes by Szabó miracles], and of actions, Margaret, Margaret Virgin the of Saint life the of of Examination trials canonization and legend Margit Vizsgálat élettörténete. Margit Boldog in: bibliography and Klaniczay Gábort Klaniczay, [ Gábor and Klaniczay Tibor 2013); Cerf, du Éditions Les (Paris: Deák, Hedvig Viktória see: general 1997). Harrassowitz, (Wiesbaden: Scribner W. R. and Hsia C. P. in Sainthood,‖ Female Medieval Late i see: particular 38 t on life her of most spent saint the because profound more heart, butalsoby physicallyis atlast beingtomb,Ponsa cured. at her No tomb. Margaret‘s at once intensifies and shoulder, his to spreads pain the Danube the crossing before Even Danube. the across him take to meant is sacré LadyOur companions Mary theVirgin agree, statesthat:and thetext his tri a they make suggests later he venture.When the abandon to convincehim suggests that they companions Margaret, tohis St. tothethey ashrine but make pilgrimage of that role the shows vividly records, canonization and vita her in both found Ponsa, named layman n h legen The

Iogna Prat, ―La IognaPrat, rnlto fo te nulse manuscript unpublished the from Translation Gábor Klaniczay has written extensively on the miracles of Margaret; for his analysis of this miracle in in miracle this of analysis his for Margaret; of miracles the on extensively written has Klaniczay Gábor Ordini religiosi e santuari in et in santuari e religiosi Ordini

h lnsae urudn Mrae‘ srn pae i hr cult. her in played shrine Margaret‘s surrounding landscape the .‖

40 Compared to other sanctuaries, I would argue that the sacrality of Margaret Island is Island Margaret of sacrality the that argue would I sanctuaries, other to Compared ― is again effectiveness and agency miracle‘s this to Integral more coming. the all cure in long not a was cure a of fervor, in increased blessing had petitions the his When insistently. for begging kept and tomb, the of base the all tears his shed man repentant the and worse, much grew pain the hesitation...Meanwhile of fault the from been have to ought it as purified been yet not had mind his because creator the from blessing or mercy afor the of tomb the approached he trembling and Fearful astray. led be himself letting for punished been had he that realized once at He chest. his below way little a even down it move or hand right His Danube. the crossed totally became had they before shoulder his which to pain, spread violent a by seized was hand right his boat, the took they When

ds ds Ponsa begins to feel pain in his hand immediately upon stepping onto the boat that boat the onto stepping upon immediately hand his in pain feel to begins Ponsa n simt o Sit Margaret] Saint of stigmata and ―Domenicani eremiti paolini e francescani. Osservanti ungheresi e i e ungheresi Osservanti francescani. e paolini eremiti ―Domenicani

spatialisation du Sacré du spatialisation 39

Ibolya Bellus Bellus Ibolya

numb and stiff, so that he did not have the strength to lift it up it lift to strength the have not did he that so stiff, and numb (Budapest: (Budapest: á moderna á

La légende de sainte Marguerite de Hongrie et l’hagiographie dominicaine l’hagiographie et Hongrie de Marguerite sainte de légende La Problems in the the in Problems ,‖ Árpád

44 - , 19 , Balassi Kiadó Balassi 57. - ái zn Mri lgéib eedj é seté vts pere. avatási szentté és legendája legrégibb Margit Szent házi

zze éeéő, aaatsrl s csodatetteiről és magatartásáról életéről, szűznek (

- f Ildikó of Budapest si vri Mrae, u h rcie no received he but Margaret, virgin esaid 34; Id. 34; 14 H

istorical istorical , ―

Agmnu, 94. S 1994). :Argumentum, Miraculum Csepregi: ―Life of Blessed Margaret of Hungary,‖ Hungary,‖ of Margaret Blessed of ―Life Csepregi: , 1999), 5 1999), , A

For literature For nthropology of of nthropology t only through prayer and a contrite contrite a and prayer through only t - 26.


he island as well as died there. there. died as well as island he d maleficium

more profusely at the at profusely more Szent Margit legendái és stigmái és legendái Margit Szent on the miracles of Maragret in Maragret of miracles the on E

ee also the introduction by by introduction the also ee loro santuari alla periferia,‖ periferia,‖ alla santuari loro arly arly 38 :

spa la

n h soy Ponsa story, the In Reflections Concerning Concerning Reflections M odern Europe odern p to the island ofisland the to p llus and Zsuzsanna Zsuzsanna and llus ilsto du tialisation

Te oldest [The , ed. R. ed. ,

CEU eTD Collection l 43 Europe Medieval Early in Magic of Rise The Flint, J. I. Valerie see: Willibrord, St. of life the from cattle, and spring sacred with complete island, holy pagan 42 ( Long Climatic and and ―Floods Kiss, Andrea Ordinis see: Danube the Hungary,‖ Medieval in of Changes Danubii, flooding the of context insula the in event de gloriosae 191 186, virginis monasterii Romano Hungarorum Historicorum Collegio diocesis, sanctimonialis Vesprimiensis filiae, Praedicatorum, regis Hungarorum 41 shrines. holiness andspiritualpower can more be Ponsa‘s felt intensely painincreases. and cults. mythology earth. and water elements, two between point meeting a places, liminal are they because power spiritual urba themain in were located shrine her if say, than, intensely more there exist to considered be could aura sacred Margaret‘s use, religious of history a with and world mundane the from separated physically landscape and elements, the specifically itself. with the Danube with power spiritual Margaret‘s of connection the illustrates miracle floo it that extent an such to rose water river the instantly andlying not was she that confessor her her he but confessor, refused her. Marcellus, tobelieve Margaret prayed tothe Virgin show to bu convent island‘s the one of floor main the entered it that level a such to risen had Danube the case, such one In lifetime. her during occurred that miracles the in even evident was landscape the to connection Margaret‘s ‘isola di Santa Margherita,‖ Margherita,‖ Santa ‘isoladi Saarbrücken See, for example: Klaniczay, ―Domenica Klaniczay, example: for See, V Klaniczay, i l ded the monastery and Marcellus had to climb a tree to escape the rising waters. rising the escape to tree a climb to had Marcellus and monastery the ded m 42 o s

- G ―enclose‖ way, a in could, itself island The Thus in the case of Ponsa, as he comes nearer to Margaret‘s relics Margaret‘s to nearer comes he as Ponsa, of case the in Thus 43

192, 223, 242 223, 192, F br lnca adess hs cneti scaiy i hs ok n peripheral on work his in sacrality‖ ―concentric this addresses Klaniczay ábor

r He states that the island had long been a sacred place, but it was the foundation of foundation the was it but place, sacred a been long had island the that states He a , m , : hr s ogtaiin fhl sad i Europe. in islands holy of tradition long a is There k ―Il monte di San Gherardo e l e Gherardo San di monte ―Il n hne n ae eivl Hungary: Medieval Late in Change VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Dr. Verlag VDM o ́ i edieval legends such as Avalon Island of the tales of King Arthur, and pagan pagan and Arthur, King of tales the of Island Avalon as such legends edieval , ed. , , - IV. Belae virginis, Margarethae beatae miraculis et conversatione vita, super Inquisitio 243.

267 Natural causes may have attributed to this miracle story, for interpret for story, miracle this to attributed have may causes Natural

- (PhD diss (PhD 284.

, 2010). ,

ildings. About a week later, Margaret related the event to event the related Margaret later, week a About ildings. in ‘isola di Santa Margherita,‖ 268. Valerie Flint gives Flint Valerie 268. Margherita,‖ Santa di ‘isola . n area of Buda. Islands also have a propensity for hosting hosting forIslandspropensity ahave also Buda. areaofn n ,

i CEU, Budapest), Budapest), CEU, , (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991), 212. 1991), Press, Clarendon (Oxford:

eremiti paolini e francescani‖ e paolini eremiti 1896 Monum ),

15 ete eet i te 30 i te ugra Kingdom Hungarian the in 1310s the in events Weather 280 na oaa psoau Vesprimiensis episcopatus Romana enta

- 281; and the same story told by other witnesses: 183, 183, witnesses: other by told story same the and 281; 228 agrts arlt. eas i i a is it Because sacrality. Margaret‘s - 232, and Andr and 232, ; Id. ; hywr eta to central were They , ―Il monte di San Gherardo e Gherardo San di monte ―Il , á s Vadas, Vadas, s

and her island her and - Weather Anomalies Anomalies Weather em Water Term

the example of a of example the

( I ations of this this of ations Budapest

41 Celtic Celtic -

Level Level , her , This :

CEU eTD Collection (Cracow: Typographia Ephemeridum ―Czas‖ F. Kluczycki, 1887) Kluczycki, F. ―Czas‖ Ephemeridum (Cracow: Typographia Cracoviensis, episcopi Stanislai sanctissimi C diss., (PhD Cult,‖ and Image His of Construction the in Role Their 46 45 francesc e paolini eremiti ―Domenicani 44 while himself him killed bishop, the murdering into others coerce to failing after Boleslaus, D to according particularly, II, Boleslaus had Stanislaus Bishop The 1465. and the Stanislaus, St. of life the for source principal the in found be can pool miraculous purportedly this of origins The of Pool the here, considered sites cult the of another at of 1.4 sacredits role. the down burned lost island Turks the relics, Margaret‘s and the convent the of absence the 1541 in and convent, Dominican In them. with relics Margaret‘s carrying invasion, th 1540, In there. relics her of presence the on character attraction Margaret‘sandits a pilgrimage as of siteduring tomb theMiddle Ages. paradoxical This periphery. sacred the of embodiment Hill. Gellért at edge‖ ―spiritual southern the complement to edge‖ ―spiritual northern the city, on existed Island Margaret states, Klaniczay as center,‖ ―heavenly a being Despite Buda. of capital new Béla‘s King of center‖ ―heavenly symbolic the island the made Aquincum of colony conv Dominican the in: Island, Margaret and Hill Gellért by marked periphery, spiritual dual a of idea this discusses Klaniczay

Klaniczay, Stanislava Kuzmova, ―Preaching Saint Stanislaus: Medieval Sermons on Saint Stanislaus of Cracow and and Cracow of Stanislaus Saint on Sermons Medieval Stanislaus: Saint ―Preaching Kuzmova, Stanislava 44

Therefore there is a symbolic conception of the island as both a spiritual center and an and center spiritual a both as island the of conception symbolic a is there Therefore Indeed, water as a sacred conduit appears in many many in appears conduit sacred a as water Indeed, Pool of dependent was sacrality Island‘s Margaret however. sanctity, lasting a not was This ― Il monte di San Gherardo Gherardo monte San di Il 45



n tee t h pit where point the at there ent –

and of course Margaret‘s int Margaret‘s course of and Vita S. Stanislai S. Vita

ani,‖ 20. ani,‖ e l‘isola di Santa Margherita,‖ 274. l‘isola SantaMargherita,‖ e di ‖


Joannis Dlugossii Opera omnia Opera Dlugossii Joannis og en n poet f h cret oih king, Polish current the of opponent an been long

written by Jan D Jan by written 16 ł gs, o hs rd ad eul immorality. sexual and pride his for ugosz,

e nuns of the island escaped from the Turkish Turkish the from escaped island the of nuns e

l Bd, et ad h fre Roma former the and Pest, Buda, Old egral connection to the convent convent the to connection egral ,

26 - natural 32 EU, 2010), 45; 2010), EU, St. ł combination magnified the holy holy the magnified combination ugosz (1415 ugosz

Stanislaus at Skałka in Cracow. in Skałka at Stanislaus

cult sites. This was the case the was This sites. cult

1, ed. I. Polkowski and Z. Pauli Pauli Z. and Polkowski I. ed. 1, Joannes Dlugossius, Dlugossius, Joannes - 1480) between 1461 between 1480) the edge of the of edge the —

― that that Vita Vita

46 n

CEU eTD Collection Wydawnicztwo Naukowe, 1 Naukowe, Wydawnicztwo 49 Ignat sanent explicatur variarum credimus nos aegritudinum latius sequentibus ut in Domino, dante quod, mutavisse: suam potestas, naturam quodammodo et esse, non est cetero de aptas attributa tempore adhibeantu usus eo ad quando si et ab passiones, divina singularis et corporis, repertus, desiderabatur sacri qui quoque articulus prodebat: scrutinio, supereminens viscera et in c adhibito quidam captus, candor nautis luminis a superni facile verteret, itaque nando se quocumque glutiverat, illum divi reperiendum atque requirendum quoque hunc et sed proiectus: 48 Koz of Nicholas by sermon inthe 61 a Birthday fifth naukowej pracy czterdziestolecie i – Carthusian of Memories the of Light the in University kartuz wspomie wietle w uniwersytet jego i ―Kraków Nowak, 1435),‖ Vereins des Mitteilungsblatt Hellweg. am (um Gottes der Schönheit die über Lied 1461) (died Preussen von Dominikus Kartauser Virginis Mariae Beatae 1200 gemmaria Kings Polish of Patronage by noticed was miracle 47 D whether however, question, the begs century thirteenth the of corporis sacri properties miraculous with endowed was pool the Thereafter body. bishop‘s the belly the of out finger the out cut who fishermen, by caught was and light white spiritual a with glow to began fish The fish. a by eaten was and lake nearby a into fell finger his of portion a and collectedhowever, be could body the of collected notably, by, was over watched was and body onlookers, pious by together the of Most pieces. many into dismembered and murdered brutally tradition. oralearlier even an likelyreflected itself fifteenth century, thefrom whi the turnof source inanearlier found however,also can it be Cracow. celebrati was Stanislaus etero corpori appositus, magnitudinem auxit apud singulos miraculi. Sed et lacus praedicti undis, ex contactu ex undis, praedicti lacus et Sed miraculi. singulos apud auxit magnitudinem appositus, corpori etero

Wojciech Kętrzyński, Wojciech lacum proximum in articulus, indice ex defuisse dextrae manus notabatur unus frustis beati corporis tot Ex Europa. Studia z dziejów redniowiecza ofiarowane Jerzemu Wyrozumskiemu w szedziesi piat rocznice urodzin urodzin rocznice piat szedziesi w Wyrozumskiemu Jerzemu ofiarowane redniowiecza dziejów z Studia Europa. umv, Pecig an Stanislau Saint ―Preaching Kuzmova, - 67. Kuzmova also discovered that the episode withthe lost finger is is finger lost withthe episode the that discovered also Kuzmova 67. ius Polkowski and Żegota Pauli ( Pauli Żegota and Polkowski ius h eioe ht e t te rain f h sce po i fud n D in found is pool sacred the of creation the to led that episode The

nd the Fo the nd . 48

Nearly the same miracle is recorded in the life of of life the in recorded is miracle same the Nearly

ed., , Jan Długosz, Długosz, Jan , rtieth Anniversary of Work] of Anniversary rtieth

Agnieszka Agnieszka

961 ―Miracula Sancti Adalberti,‖ in Adalberti,‖ Sancti ―Miracula ng mass at St. Michael‘s Church at Skałka, outside the city walls of walls city the outside Skałka, at Church Michael‘s St. at mass ng atog n sce po ws cetd i Aabr‘ case. Adalbert‘s in ―created‖ was pool sacred no although , ) , , 221 ł ow (Sermon VIII), MS. BJ 1614, f. 79v 1614, BJ MS. VIII), ow(Sermon - [

1455 Studies from Medieval History offered to Jerzy Wyrozumski on the Sixty the on Wyrozumski Jerzy to offered History Medieval from Studies Ronowska f 1433 of - Cracow: Typographia Ephemeri Cracow: Typographia 38 , 46 s,‖ ia acism Saili psoi Cracov episcopi Stanislai sanctissimi Vita


für die Erhaltung des Essener Münsters Münsters Essener des Erhaltung die für with variant readings p. 904 withp. readings variant Cao: nm 2008) Unum, (Cracow: r humanos r - 9 Fr oe bu te author the about more For 39. - ł - 7; Also from Kuzmova, 47, fn. 181: 181: fn. 47, Kuzmova, from Also 7; ugosz directly appropriated the story from Adalbert‘s from story the appropriated directly ugosz are ( Sadraei 17 , ed. Krzysztof Baczkowski et al. ( al. et Baczkowski Krzysztof ed. ,

, Dominic of Prussia (1384 Prussia of Dominic

inficiunt illos potius; quam explent, declarantes se illis se declarantes explent, quam potius; illos inficiunt ae Ptie Te ut f an Sailu ad the and Stanislaus Saint of Cult The Patriae: Pater 47

of the fish and reunited it with the rest of rest the with it reunited and fish the of MPH, 4 ( 4 MPH,

a Dominika z Prus (1384 Prus z Dominika a D ł ugosz records that Stanislaus had beenhad Stanislaus that records ugosz , na monstravit miseratio. Piscem enim, qui enim, Piscem miseratio. monstravit na 6f. i Dmnc f Pruss of Dominic in 365ff.) dum ―Czas‖ Fr. Kluczycki, 1887), 73 1887), Kluczycki, Fr. ―Czas‖ dum - 7. Lwow, 1884; repr. Warsaw: Państwowe Państwowe Warsaw: repr. 1884; Lwow, mentioned in the 1430s, before D before 1430s, the in mentioned

- 80r.


see St. - 1460 17 (1964): 17 :

iensis Adalbert from the turn the from Adalbert K. J. Klinkhammer, ―Des ―Des Klinkhammer, J. K. h ery con o this of account early The )] - Cracow: Secesja, 1995), 1995), Secesja, Cracow: 1460)‖ [ 1460)‖ , in , .

pr omnia Opera custodia Cracovia Cracovia

159 ł gs‘ vita; ugosz‘s Cracow and Its and Cracow - 162; and Z. and H. 162; ex contactu contactu ex Das Münster Münster Das ia‘s ia‘s . Not all Not . –

49 Polonia Corona Corona ł

ugosz, ugosz,

1 This - , 4.

e ch

d. - CEU eTD Collection stone fenced off by pillars seen today in front of the Church ofSt Michael. Church front the ofin today seen pillars fencedby off stone ( trees willow by surrounded lake small or pool natural a 52 2008) DiG, Ages](Warsaw: ś 51 50 ve the return to scribe cathedral the by instructed was She grasshoppers. with filled was it that find to frightened was she collected had she from water collected instead servant unknowing an how recounts miracle curious One times. of handful a to attested only interestingly, is, pool miraculousthe brief qualities. The pool‘s mentionofthe creationmiraclean initial beyondthe itself pool the or Skałka miraclesoccurringat multiple sanctity. saint‘s the to claim physical his after years ten than p less The 1088, martyrdom. in Cathedral Wawel nearby the to transferred was body his there, buried initially and martyred was Stanislaus because important was site the controlledstructures, invessels portable and makingit and manageable. time same the At water. in completely and exponential dissolve can an all is is it Water because sanctity saint. of transfer a a such of for conduit part excellent a least at or saint, a with contact physical of virtue by holy well.‖done as withother motifs had actually he as earlier, Stanislaus St. about tradition the to incorporated been had what h that argues Stanislaus, St. on sermons medieval the of analysis her in Kuzmova, Stanislava vita. redniowieczu redniowieczu

Here it should be noted that the use of ―lacum‖ and the servant the and ―lacum‖ of use the that noted be should it Here 47. Stanislaus,‖ Saint ―Preaching Kuzmova, Maria Maria e did not, but that the story is evidence of an earlier tradition and that he ―only repeated repeated ―only he that and tradition earlier an of evidence is story the that but not, did e This miracle was particul was miracle This explicitl pool the with episode This Starnawska, [ The Life of Saints After Life. The Relics in Religiou in Relics The Life. After Saints of Life The

ool miracle allowed the community at Skałka to make some sort of of sort some make to Skałka at community the allowed miracle ool Ś

ięc ż witęych - woman who meant to draw water for washing fr washing for water draw to meant who woman , 126 ly into water just as, if we allow the metaphor, salt dissolves equally dissolves salt metaphor, the allow we if as, just water into ly - 7 . lacum Sancti Stanislai Sancti lacum

ce o yi Rlki w utre rel kulturze w Relikwie życiu po ycie 50 arly important for the cult of St. Stanislaus at Skałka. While Skałka. at Stanislaus St. of cult the for important arly


This claim was further intensified by the recording of recording the by intensified further was claim This 18 ilsrts o a aua pae ol become could place natural a how illustrates y


ae, lhuh li, a b ecoe and enclosed be can fluid, although water, quae habet sal habet quae ssel of grasshoppers to the lake, and, after after and, lake, the to grasshoppers of ssel . 52 -

woman‘s blunder would indicate that this was this that indicate would blunder woman‘s After returning to the bucket of water of bucket the to returning After miraculous s Culture in Polish Lands in the the in Lands Polish in Culture s ices ad littora ad ices

gje n zeic plkc w polskich ziemiach na igijnej - consuming

power of thewater of power the

om the Vistula River River Vistula the om ), not the pool lined with with lined pool the not ), –

sacred power power sacred Middle Middle d CEU eTD Collection ecelesiam de Rupella adiit, et Sanctum Dei victimia et oblationibus honoravi oblationibus et victimia Dei et adiit, Sanctum Rupella de ecelesiam satisfaciens, suo voto illico atque persensit; se absolutum penitus et refrigeratum febribus illico emisit, fideliter inc non et convertit: patrocinia se Stanislai 55 vas aqua lacum, est emissa vase totaliter de aqua donec ratio in nulla curru sed eos; cum minabat ingressus ascensis, complens, equis domini replens, iussa servus, Et adduceret. tantocius praedicto, defecisset, opus consummandum ad aqua familiari cum et sua: domo in cervisiam braxat Kazimiriensis, civis Glathky, 54 Stanislai sanctissimi Vita glorificaverunt, Stanislaum in ignorantiam Sanctum per sed et industria, ex Deum non quod ignosci, astantes, sibi postulantes vidissent cum, Quod apparuit. cicada nulla amplius l aquam in cicadis cum ollam 53 healing Marcus ofCracow: of miraculousthe example, forConsider, Michael‘sChurch. St. entrywayofthroughthe stepped at church vowing person afflicted the involved simply miracles Most invention. century fifteenth a largely was place miraculous a as role its pool, the regarding traditions folk been mir these of precisely, more or Skałka, at happening as recorded are miracles of number insignificant not a However, 1088. or tomb designated for pool. the into back poured bu beer,brewing of purpose the for lake the from water draw to attempts man a instance this In follows. incident similar relief. and astonishment everyone‘s to much disappeared grasshoppers the all so, doing Sine mora mulier, olla simul cum cicadia accepta, ad lacum Sancti Stanislai cum tota familia sua pergit, et pergit, sua familia tota cum Stanislai Sancti lacum ad accepta, cicadia cum simul olla mulier, mora Sine Marcus civis Cracoviensis, febribus quatitur, et physicorum praetermissis suffragiis, ad sanctissimi Patris Patris sanctissimi ad suffragiis, praetermissis physicorum et quatitur, febribus Cracoviensis, civis Marcus lu qou i au eudm au acdt iauu. i gadeu, oans oie cognomento nomine, Iohannes grandaevus, Vir miraculum. accidit lacus eiusdem aqua in quoque Allud

o h cuc o Rpla ad ooe te an o Gd ih feig and offerings with God of Saint sacrifices. the honored and Rupella, of church the to went he satisfied, immediately hence within; from freed feeling began he and Stanislaus‘s visiting of vow his made faithfully had he as soon As useless. not was that and Stanislaus: Father holy most the of protection the to turned science, of opinion fever, a with trembling Cracow, of citizen Marcus, have to noted are vita Stanislaus‘ in recorded miracles the of Most u pacpt u int cru qi, a aue e au aci tnsa, r cnumno labore consummando pro Stanislai, Sancti lacu de aquae vas equis, curru iuncto ut praecepit, suo Cracoviensis ecclesia Cracoviensis Skałka if Stanislaus would heal them, or else the afflicted are healed once having having once healed are afflicted the else or them, heal would Stanislaus if Skałka acles actually do not mention the pool at all, indicating that while there may have have may there while that indicating all, at pool the mention not do actually acles sacred 55 ecclesia Sancti Michaelis de Rupella de Michaelis Sancti ecclesia

dwelling [ dwelling

, 168. ,

purposes. acus vertit, Mira res! Quam cito enim illae cicadae aquae lacus admixtae sunt, admixtae lacus aquae cicadae illae enim cito Quam res! Mira vertit, acus

t his team of horses refuses to leave the place until all the waterisallthe placeuntil leavethe refuses to horsesof teamhis t 54


n oh ae te esg i clear is message the cases both In

— .


that is, Wawel Cathedral, where Stanislaus was buried in buried was Stanislaus where Cathedral, Wawel is, that ] in Rupella, the fever immediately co immediately fever the Rupella, in ]

assum. Quamprimum enim votum visitandi limina eius in Rupella in eius limina visitandi votum enim Quamprimum assum. 19 ne equi progredi de loco poterant, nec currum trahere, trahere, currum nec poterant, loco de progredi equi ne

, or following a vow to go there. Most there. go to vow a following or ,

and having disregarded the disregarded having and eius sanctitatem deliquissent sanctitatem eius t . Ibid., Ibid., 165. –

hs is this

oled down down oled

occurred at his his at occurred sacred

o ot the to go to .

Długosz, Długosz, water 53

A CEU eTD Collection János János of legends l nagyobb és kisebb 58 see: century; ofthe twelfth 57 56 people. Christianiza the secure to efforts his in king the aid son, to and Imre, king‘s Prince the to tutor spiritual a as serve to ―persuaded‖ was saint the that Gerard with taken so was who Stephen, King Christian the met he There weather. stormy to due Hungary in detained was but 1020, ca. Land Holy the to pilgrimage a make to attempted piously He high a to born was Gerard eleventh latecentury, the in completed source reliable more and older the be to many by thought Gerard, St. of 1.5 Stanislaus. of place burial symbolic the as Skałka saw still faithful the Cathedral, Wawel to translated martyrdom his of time the from at Stanislaus of cult strong a for evidence further be could This earlier. centuries half a and three Cathedral Wawel at place prominent and permanent its to moved been already had body Stanislaus‘s when 1460, and 1441 between occurred apparently miracles these Stan

The initial The 165. 162, Ibid., For contributions to this debate see: Miladinov, Miladinov, see: debate this to contributions For islai in Rupellam in islai Horváthand Despite holding these prestigious positions (or perhaps because of them) Gerard was Gerard them) of because perhaps (or positions prestigious these holding Despite l the with interaction similar A Gellért Hill occurred have to said are miracles Other

57 Saint

and the and Vita minor Vita

bishop of Csanád. There are two main sources for Gerard‘s life: the life: Gerard‘s sourcesfor main aretwo ThereCsanád. of bishop Gerard], in Gerard],

György Székely György egendájának keletkezéstörténete‖ [The history of the formation of the greater and lesser lesser and greater the of formation the of history [The keletkezéstörténete‖ egendájának

Vita maior Vita

was probably completed sometime before 1083 and took its final form by the first half half first the by form final its took and 1083 before sometime completed probably was

Gábor Klaniczay, ―Il monte di San Gherardo e l'isol e Gherardo monte San Klaniczay,di ―Il Gábor or at Stanislaus Stanislaus at or

Középkori kútfő Középkori - ranking Venetian family and entered religious life at a young age. age. young a at life religious entered and family Venetian ranking

, dating to the fourteenth century. fourteenth the to dating , (Budapest: (Budapest: — ink kritikus kérdései kritikus ink

andscape is illustrated in another martyrdom story, that story, martyrdom another in illustrated is andscape o tog i fc, ht og fe hs oy a been has body his after long that fact, in strong, so sepulcrum in Rupellam in sepulcrum Akadémiai Kiadó Akadémiai 20 agn o Solitude of Margins

d ubm etsii atrs Sancti Martyris beatissimi tumbam ad ,

[A wellspring of critical medieval issues], ed. issues], medieval critical of wellspring [A 1974 ),137 135 , . 56 58 - 45. 45.

a di Santa Margherita,‖ 268. Margherita,‖ Santa di a This might seem odd since odd seem might This - According to both sources, both to According ; ao Cóa ― Csóka, Lajos 6;

tion of the Hungarian Hungarian the of tion Vita minor, Vita Szent Gellért Gellért Szent Skałka

CEU eTD Collection Hungarian name, Gellért, in English as well as Hungarian, and will thus be referred to as ―Gellért Hill‖ hereafter. Hill‖ ―Gellért as to referred be will thus and Hungarian, wellas as English in Gellért, name, Hungarian 62 waspagan. a theeldest 61 Solitude 60 59 sources death. ofhis containThe twovariants earlier Kelenföld) called him for named be later would that hill the near Buda, in Danube the of banks the atPest. togreetin 1046,Gerard Vazul, went potential two successors,thesonsof out to blessing his give to refused Gerard 1038, in Stephen St. of death the Following Hungary. in officials church of corruption the and pagans oppose to continued and 1030 in Csanád of bishop made w figure, public very Both under andremain the fawn Gerard‘sincomplete wolfcare harmony. wolf wounded a oftells secondTheGerard. with remains fawn the but rushingstag, a scaredby off is doeThe feet. his at down lie andGerard to come fawn her and doe a first, the In byGerard. tamed and The nature. with connection vita his hermit, a of life the ex would one As Benedict. and Andrew saints hermit the of lives the write later would n monk a companion, one for save isolation complete solitude. of comfort the to drawn

While Gerard is the Anglicized version Anglicized the is Gerard While since especially sons, Vazul‘s supported actually Gerard if uncertain is It Árpád. of house the of was Vazul Miladinov, oe eald omns n hs psd wt frhr eeecs a be can references further with episode this on comments detailed More , , 138 horses, overturned the carriage, threw the father to the ground, and with a a with and ground, the to father the and threw carriage, blessing the Lord‘s a overturned horses, the saying to was due father him the cro the of sign the making touch pagans the no against do And which protection. carriage, the the at in stones sitting throwing were father and him surrounded people of crowd great ...a r (Székesfehérvár) Fehérvár from travelling Gerard, when time, this at was It But Gerard was not solely a hermit. His situation was more complex as he was also ahealso wasas complex more was situation His hermit.solely a not wasGerard But - the next Hungarian king Hungarian next the Margins of Solitude of Margins 9 ;

139, fn. 139, 504.

that ta Grr mt gop f otl pgn ad i martyrdom. his and pagans hostile of group a met Gerard that , I bid.

ith important missionary, ecclesiastical, and political activity. political and ecclesiastical, missionary, important ith comes to Gerard and also lies at his feet until he has fully recovered. fully has he until feet his at lies also and Gerard to comes , 141. ,

, 138. ,

Vita maior Vita

otis psds ht mhsz Grr‘ rltosi and relationship Gerard‘s emphasize that episodes contains

ss. Eventually the pagans, grabbing the heads of the of heads the grabbing pagans, the Eventually ss. 59 , Samuel Aba. When Samuel Aba‘s successor, Peter, died Peter, successor, Aba‘s Samuel When Aba. Samuel , of the saint‘s name, the hill which is named for him is called by his his by called is him for named is which hill the name, saint‘s the of

e ie fr eea yas t aoyé a a emt in hermit a as Bakonybél at years several for lived He

includes two stories of wild animals being drawn to drawn being animals wild of stories two includes 21

Vita minor amed Maurus amed


read in: Miladinov, Miladinov, in: read ates that, ates that, —

the same Maurus who who Maurus same the 60

(at this time this (at Margins of of Margins 61 He was He

eached pect in pect 62


CEU eTD Collection 68 67 (Budapes hagyományvilágából 66 city]chief a of the development Ageto alakulásig 65 64 63 in 1273,it 1236. in Martyr privileges encounter we when century, f althoughthe century, elevenththe as early as possibly hill the of base the at built was Gerard to dedicated church A sanctuary. important an became martyrdom his of place the however, Csanád, at cult Gerard‘s of growth the became unsurprisingly, Csanád, life, his during place the stone important this and body Gerard‘s of presence the altar. an as used and Csanád to brought was that stone large a to refers account Pest) Belvárosi inthe previoustold version, thepagans, Klaniczay Bálint, Sándor Ibid. Klaniczay, György (ed.), Madzsar Emericus

, 502. English translation from Miladinov, fromMiladinov, English, 502. translation and seven years later his body was relocated to Csanád. to relocated was body his later years seven and Afte and eventually carried the priests therockaway. Gerard of head the smashed had they which on rock the from away blood the wash not years,could it seven for it over flowed frequently Danube the though l chest they that, his after lance; pierced a with they breathing, still was him he since pushed But and Kelenföld. cart the a down on him threw chariot, the from down him ...dragged the in included version The Lord.in the asleep fell he and chest his into lance a threw they this said he when And do.‖ they what not know they for sin, this for them judge not do Lord, my Christ, first the of manner his upon fell Pannonia of martyr first the martyr, the in So, him. stone to continuing were passion furious t: Szent István Társulat, 1977), 431. 1977), Társulat, t: Szent István

Györffy [The formation of Budapest: The history of Budapest, from the ori the from Budapest, of history The Budapest: of formation [The ,

plébániatemplom ― first beganbe called toHill. Gellért ―Il monte di San Gherardo e l'isola di Santa Margherita l'isola Santa e di Gherardo monte San di ―Il Il monte di San Gherardo e SanGherardo di monte Il r Gerard‘s murder, he was buried at Holy Mary Church in Pest (the site oftoday‘s site Pest (the HolyMary in atChurch buried was he Gerard‘s murder, r nei aedru I ad I A Mária A II. and I. Kalendarium Ünnepi , 67 Pest

[Marian and other impo other and [Marian The saint‘s continued connection to the site is exemplified by the fact that fact the by exemplified is site the to connection continued saint‘s The 63 -

Buda kialakulása: Budapest története a honfoglalástól az Árpád az honfoglalástól a története Budapest kialakulása: Buda Legenda S. Gerhardi Episcopi S. Gerhardi Legenda , the Church of the Holy Virgin, which is the parish church of of church parish the is which Virgin, Holy the of Church the ,

(Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1997), 91. 1997), Kiadó, Akadémiai (Budapest:

l'isola SantaMargherita di irst evidence for the site does not come until the thirteenth the until come not does site the for evidence irst Vita maior Vita even skull... his smashed and rock a on him aid rtant feasts from the Hungarian a Hungarian the from feasts rtant

Margins of Solitude of Margins that 22 were granted to the Church of St. Gerard the the Gerard St. of Church the to granted were 68

, SRH , 478. II, is more detaile more is - nee é jlsb npk aa é közép és hazai napok jelesebb és ünnepek , 64

as well as to Gerard‘s connections to connections Gerard‘s to as well as ,‖ 268. ,‖ knees and cried aloud: ―Jesus ―Jesus aloud: cried andknees ,‖269; Bálint, Bálint, ,‖269;

, 141. ,


center of his cult. Prior to the to Prior cult. his of center

d. After the initial stoning as stoning initial the After d. The episode at the end the at episode The ginal settlement in the Arpadian Arpadian the in settlement ginal

nd central European traditions] European central nd Ünnepi Kalendarium Ünnepi - kor végi székvárossá székvárossá végi kor 66

Because of Because , -

európai európai of this of 432.

CEU eTD Collection 71 70 69 physicality and spirituality a for need human the both satisfying pre permanent its and martyr general. in persons religious of suffering the then and asceticism, blood, martyr‘s of that to Ages Middle the in broadened blo of conception the is belief Christian of core the at Thus, mankind. of all of sins the for atonement the to led that blood Christ‘s of shedding the was It importance. its witness to religiosity medieval in blood, and body actual Christ‘s of centrality the at look only need One Christian. medieval the for profound in the on elaboration the certainly, But presence.sacred his by literally,stained thus, and martyrdom saint‘s the of place the was it that importantly, more and there built church a Kelen at Gerard for cult local strong a already was there that venture would I Buda, in sanctuary Gerard‘s ofcurators the of partthe on promotion of act byan motivated been have certainlymight vita del santo culto conseguenza,nel di e, martirio supposto nel ruolo unechiesa, la dietro innalzava si che for provocasse reliquie ― Budasaying, at churchthe the in additions the on comments places, holy associated relic.‖ a of as rock legitimisation the giving to of antiquity purpose the for ―apparently occurred, addition the that says Be Klaniczay, ― Klaniczay, Miladinov, ttina Bildhauer, ttinaBildhauer, Vita maior The spilling of martyr‘s blood on the land and especially it‘s staining of this land was land this of staining it‘s especially and land the on blood martyr‘s of spilling The t that agree I while However, vita, later the in rock bloodied the of appearance the on remarking Miladinov, Marina .‖ 70 Margins of Solitude of Margins Il monte di San Gherardo e l'isola di Santa Margherita l'isola Santa e di Gherardo monte San di Il

The chronology supportthis. to certainly seems föld before this addition. This is evidenced by the fact that there was already was there that fact the by evidenced is This addition. this before föld

Medieval Blood Medieval compounded placethis the importance significantly. of

se nei curatori del santuario, l’idea di attribuire al monte roccioso roccioso monte al attribuire di l’idea santuario, del curatori nei se , 142. , Azzarderei l'ipotesi che l’esigenza di compensare la mancanza di mancanza la compensare di l’esigenzache l'ipotesi Azzarderei 71

ec a a pcfc lc wud rw iu Crsin t it, to Christians pious draw would place specific a at sence It makes sense, then, that the emphasis on the blood shed by a by shed blood the on emphasis the that then, sense, makes It ( Cardiff: University of Wales Press, Cardiff:ofWales University


Gábor he emphasis on the hill and bloodied rock in the later the in rock bloodied and hill the on emphasis he

23 lnca, n i aayi o Grr‘ lf and life Gerard‘s of analysis his in Klaniczay,

od‘s atoning properties, a concept that that concept a properties, atoning od‘s ,‖ 269. ,‖ Vita maior Vita

2006), 141. 2006),

in other words, the desire desire the words, other in

from the standpoint of standpoint the from

Gerard‘s death death Gerard‘s the Eucharist, Eucharist, the CEU eTD Collection Zone Books, 2011), 129. 2011), ZoneBooks, 72 examined below. be will religiosity of form European Central medieval singularly a reflect features these How the and place, space, of function and representation the regarding antiquity late allowed thesite tolay a claimthe lasting presence onthe physical saint. of cult there;enoughepisode ascreate finger, successful withhis the with the a water to been have not would site the at martyrdom Stanislaus‘ of memory the instance, for Cracow, physical However, of was miracle. interaction the in difference the made that there being actually not and place this go to intent the was it thus and shrine the to go to vows after occurred miracles the the of mind the in formed was sacred as conception its that sense the in ―made,‖ still was place sacred the was, site the of physicality actual the as important As expression. religious their focus to them allowed and imaginations landscape the in feature natural prominent A matters. landscape that simply, is, accounts miracle and hagiography the relatedand The geographical times. theme todifferent basicin locations,seen saints, unifying for ―holy matter.‖ Caroline Bynum Walker Bynum Caroline remnants in originating discussedabove areoftraditions andMany motifs topoi of the they although features, similar exhibit together considered stories these of All

72 ten vital if a cult at a certain location was to be successful. At Skałka in Skałka At successful. be to was location certain a at cult a if vital ten

, Christian Materiality: An Essay on Religion in Late Medieval Europe Medieval Late in Religion on Essay An Materiality: Christian —

muti, ae o spring or cave, mountain, a pilgrim. This was true for Jasna Góra, where most of most Góra,where Jasna for true was This pilgrim. 24

capt rd igis religious pilgrims‘ ured

landscape. landscape. (New York: York: (New conduit,

are CEU eTD Collection collecting hiking movement] hiking collecting jelvényszerz See guides. and booklets pilgrimage modern actually are resourc best The scale. regional or national 74 Counter (Budapest: (1770 Europe Southeast and Balázs 2010); Bloomsbury, 73 earliest. the at century eighteenth the to dating documentation historical have only Europe Central best. at weak were connotations pedigr amedieval sacred thus manywells received and attractive, especially wells holy as such places sacred made that nature of romanticising a with coincided romanticism national This Europe. Central of much in identity religious well lasting and of end the Following problems. present can places these sitesandinteractions individuals‘ sites through these with miracl witho sites these of however, benefit, the m have do They study. this in considered sites six remaining the associated explicitlywith texts thereare nosuch hagiographiccontemporary texts; possessing wh a as Europe medieval the of many for case the fact, in is, This origins. medieval its of proof a for thing rare a is it however,

There is currently no academic literature academic no currently is There i romanticism on more For edie CHAPTER TWO: BETWEEN HISTORYCHAPTER AND HISTORIC BETWEEN FOLKLORE: TWO: THE a hsoia connections historical val - oee, ahr hn mere than rather However, holy of ―reality‖ folkloric or traditional the and historical the between Differentiating characte are features environmental Sacred Reformation in Central Europe: 1580 Styria Europe: Central in Reformation 74

CEU Press, 2007). For more on the Counter the on more For 2007). Press, CEU ő túramozgalom igazolófüzete túramozgalom ő

into the nineteenth century there was a resurgence of i of resurgence a was there century nineteenth the into ut the benefit of hagiographic of benefit the ut

Trencsényi and Michal and Trencsényi

(Vasas SC Természetbarát Szakosztálya, 2004). Szakosztálya, Természetbarát SC (Vasas “REALITY” OF LANDSCAPE“REALITY” SACRED - ed. Prickett, Stephen see: Europe n 1945) ole. The sites discussed in the previous chapter have the luxury of of luxury the have chapter previous the in discussed sites The ole.

o. II Vol. n rc fl taiin. u hw hud coas interpret scholars should how But traditions. folk rich and 73 natural

ned mn o te upsdy eivl oy el in wells holy medieval supposedly the of many Indeed, es for es [Holy wells of Hungary: Personal completion booklet of the badge the of booklet completion Personal Hungary: of wells [Holy oatc neto, ay f h sce sts n Central in sites sacred the of many invention, romantic analyzing National Romanticism Romanticism National

comprehensive collections of collections comprehensive cult site in Central Europe to have solid historical solid have to Europe Central in site cult

25 Kopeček, ed. Kopeček, - 1630

the holy wells of Central Europe Central of wells holy the -

Reformation in Central Europe see: see: Europe Central in Reformation ,

for Hungary, for instance, instance, for Hungary, for texts that detail both saints‘ interaction with interaction saints‘ both detail that texts

(Clarendon Press: Oxford, 2001). Oxford, (ClarendonPress: ee where before they had none or else such else none such ee or had before where they Ottoman ristic of many medieval sacred sacred medieval many of ristic , , European Romanticism: A Reader A Romanticism: European Discourses of Collective Identity in Central Central in Identity Collective of Discourses -

h Frain f ainl Movements National of Formation The rule and the Counter the and

the holy wells of wells holy the

Szentkutak Magyarországon: Magyarországon: Szentkutak es? es? natural nterest in national and national in nterest

as a whole a as Regina P Regina

cult sites across sites cult -

Central Europe Europe Central Reformation , either on a a on either , örtner

(London: sites; , The -

CEU eTD Collection where a large (46 square meters) square (46 large a where walls, very its on imprinted is convent the to connection His city. the in convent Observant an founding as well as Olomouc in movement Observant the promoting and preaching 1453 in 1456.The preacher notfall inbattle, but did Belgrade of Battle the in participated even Capistran Turks. the against crusade the in subject heresy against preaching career vicious often and vivacious the of support in preaching Poland, to Croatia from well a C Siena. of Bernardino St. under study to began and religion towards life his redirected he time, of period short afor prison into castAfterbeing career. political apursued Capis John fifteenth famed the with associated well revered, highly 2.1 sit separately. holy these at process sacralization the about more reveal can together sources historical and folkloric the considering thus, tradition; folkloric the frequentlysupports actually evidence historical the here, considered sites the to regards In localsmall, further, circleextend evenconnections ona regional or and national making very areflect might It community.a of traditions and collectivememory the ofrepresentation the as such cases in especiallyhistorian, the for tool valuable a is Folklore veneration. local and folklore, tradition, oral through years of hundreds over pedigree holy their preserved have Europe - known Franciscan preacher and inquisitor and travelled throughout Italy and beyond, and Italy throughout travelled and inquisitor and preacher Franciscan known ro t hs rsdn atvte, John activities, crusading his to Prior once but known, little a today is there Olomouc of town Moravian the in Located Capistran’s Well

tran (1386 tran se where more traditional historical sources are lacking. Folklore is a a is Folklore lacking. are sources historical traditional more where se - 1456). John Capistran was born in Naples and as a young man actively man young a as and Naples in born was Capistran John 1456).

fresco was painted in the choir in 1468. It depicts the Battle the depicts It 1468. in choir the in painted was fresco 26

died shortlyfrom thereafter aita set h yas ewe 15 and 1451 between years the spent Capistran Observant Franciscan movement. Franciscan Observant - century inquisitor and preacher, St. St. preacher, and inquisitor century s hn f hy ee considered were they if than es and the Jews, he found his ideal his found he Jews, the and

illness. apistran became apistran

After a a After

scale. scale. CEU eTD Collection Central Europe, 1450 Europe, Central ab78 ipsae aquae from quoted nam traditio, universalis et 1610 communis est ut benedictam, infirm Capistrano S. a fontem aquae 77 monks. toOrthodox sellit to order in it removed later and well convent‘s a into body saint‘s the thrown supposedly Turks the century seventeenth from comes reference seventeenth known a earliest of author The Firmanus, unknown. C. is Josephus Capistran and well the between connection exact the chapel his near Croatia 76 65 Szende Katalin Spekner, Enikő Farbaky, Péter 1458 Court Royal Hungarian the in Renewal and Tradition King: the Corvinus, 223 (1996): Czec the in Jesus of name the of symbols [Bernardinian 2000); Press, a well Pod of George King waragainst his during Olomouc to Corvinus, Mattias son,King Hunyadi‘s visit of ofthe theon occasion painted victory into Hungarians the led had who Hunyadi John features prominently 75 development. cannot (1642 Olomouc of occupation the during fever, particularly diseases, various cure to waters well‘s even used having as recorded were soldiers Swedish century. seventeenth the earliest, the at from, illness cure to ―ble the used community local the that ascertained be can it reference this From century, which states: nineteenth early to seventeenth the from dating convent, Observant Olomouc‘s hist known one only currently of Belgrade, holdingwith Capistran inthe centeraofChrist. of portrait combat

Habet hic Conventus quoque sub fornice extremo claustri versus Occidentem scaturientem saluberrimae saluberrimae scaturientem Occidentem versus claustri extremo fornice sub quoque Conventus hic Habet painting the Capistran John St. to addition In motivations. political had also fresco the of painting The

This is one of two wells associated with St. John Capistran. The other ―Capistran‘s Well‖ is located in Ilok, Ilok, in located is Well‖ ―Capistran‘s other The Capistran. John St. with associated wells two of one is This ai Cain n Ean Flo, ed. Fulton, Elaine and Craciun Maria - 76. 76. - 84 scin , n Zmk Aci Opava Archiv Zemský in: 7, section 1804, niu, tu eim erctniu hute ut salutares sunt haustae febricitantibus etiam atque antibus, s to glorify the king of Hungary. Hungary. of king the glorify to s

Miraculous association with the well gradually dwindled, however, and today the the today and however, dwindled, gradually well the with association Miraculous cured waters wholesome these for andillness fever. also drew out community, the of tradition popular the a spr bubbling west facing cloister the of arch outermost the under has also Convent This convent. this near well a on mark metaphorical his left also Capistran e ofre ad t s possible is it and confirmed be - 34; Antonin Kalous, ―Bohemians and Moravians in the Court of ,‖ in in Corvinus,‖ Matthias of Court the in Moravians and ―Bohemians Kalous, Antonin 34; Andrić, v Hoi, Bradnk smoy mn Je Iména symboly ―Bernardinské Hlobil, Ivo

ě The Miracles of St. John Capistra John St. of Miracles The - brad 1800 and tomb. No miraculous qualities are associated with the waters of the well in Ilok and Ilok in well the of waters the with associated are qualities miraculous No tomb. and ing of the most nourishing water blessed by blessed water nourishing most the of ing


The fresco thus served both to promote Capistran and the Observant movement as movement Observant the and Capistran promote to both served thus fresco The (Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2011), 233. 2011), Ltd, Publishing Ashgate (Farnham: Andri

oric reference to this ―holy‖ well; it appears in the chronicle of chronicle the in appears it well; ―holy‖ this to reference oric - 1650). ć tno Andri Stanko , , The Miracles of St. John Capistran John St. of Miracles The omnte o Dvto: eiiu Odr ad oit i East in Society and Orders Religious Devotion: of Communities 78 77 , and András Végh (Budapest: Budapest History Museum History Budapest (Budapest: Végh András and , -

century chronicle century s o te el durin well the of Use

- that veneration of Capistran‘s well was a later later a was well Capistran‘s of veneration that lmu, riikptí Olomou Arcibiskupství Olomouc, 27 n ć

, 313 , , h Mrce o S. on Capistran John St. of Miracles The h lands as propagated by John Capistran], Capistran], John by propagated as lands h , 347 , í v žíš .

. ekc zmc šířen zemích českzch of Ilok, who recorded that at the end of the the of end the at that recorded who Ilok, of rnikn v lmui s. Bernardina sv. u Olomouci v Františkáni

te ide gs however, Ages, Middle the g St. , 53, , 313. 53, during the battle. The fresco was fresco The battle. the during -

1490 Capistran, so it is it so Capistran, , Exhibition catalog Exhibition , c, sg. Bb 38, Kart. 412, 412, Kart. 38, Bb sg. c,

é Janem Kapistránem‖ Kapistránem‖ Janem é

75 Bdps: CEU (Budapest:

ssed‖ waters ssed‖ 76

hr is There Um Matthias Matthias , 2008), 2008), , ě ue ed. ue ni

44 , CEU eTD Collection 80 Städte deutscher Namen Auflage erweiterte Bischof, Bach, Adolf Name geographischen Kiadó Akadémiai Kiss, 79 d lamb white a water of lack their about quarry. marble a in slave a as work to Sea Black the Érdy the in life Clement‘s 1 (ca. I Clement Pope with 890 (c. Augsburg of Ulrich for named Ulrichsquelle, to the of one of saint patron a as chosen was he that chance churche various the discussing Bálint, Sándor Mária Kalendarium: saints different two to attributed is holiness its however, veneration; of modern in Heiligenbrunn of village named 2.2 historical documentation left the monastery theFranciscans when did. relevant further even possibly and well the involving traditions that possible Itis Franciscans. thoug life, of way holy their to return to allowed were and reinstated be to pleaded Dominicans the however, time; this at dissolved were monasteries Dominican and Franciscan Both II. Joseph under occurred that may This unknown. largely is past holy well‘s

Sándor Bálint, Bálint, Sándor German the from name its takes village The

ödaz nvk tmlga szótára etimológiai nevek Földrajzi Unlike Capistran‘s Well at Olomouc, Ulrichsquelle (St. Ulrich‘s Spring), in the aptly the in Spring), Ulrich‘s (St. Ulrichsquelle Olomouc, at Well Capistran‘s Unlike Ulrich’sSt. Sp nee rsae i AC rlr nc Hruf ud Bedeutung. und Herkunft nach erklärt ABC im Ortsnamen Unsere etce Namenkunde Deutsche Ünnepi Kalendarium Ünnepi igging in the earth with its right leg. Clement took it as a sign, dug at the spot, the at dug sign, a as it took Clement leg. right its with earth the in igging

17) J J Egli, J. J. 1978); , (Bonn: (Bonn: alr räe Zet, emht ud ebset Auflage verbesserte und vermehrte Zweite, Erdäme. aller n

(Berlin: -

ünnepek és jelesebb napok hazai és közép és hazai napok jelesebb és ünnepek Bildungsverlag Ein Bildungsverlag ring Clement tells them to pray to them tells Clement - kódex st



nt n hi oiia mnsey bt ht f h Observant the of that but monastery, original their in not h

– 2/1 (Heidelberg: (Heidelberg: 2/1 ,

557. . The codex tells that Clement was exiled to Chersonesos on Chersonesos to exiled was Clement that tells codex The . 101). Bálint substantiates his claim by relating a story from story a relating by claim his substantiates Bálint 101). oia egahc. Sprach geographica. Nomina -


, 1961), 108; R. Fischer, E. Eichler, H. Naumann, and H. Walter, Walter, H. and Naumann, H. Eichler, E. Fischer, R. 108; 1961), , heilige [ tmlgcl itoay f egahcl names geographical of dictionary Etymological , 1963), 103. 1963), , - 28 day Austria, possesses a relatively unbroken line unbroken relatively a possesses Austria, day , ―holy,‖ and and ―holy,‖ ,

. Winter C. s named for St. Clement St. for named s be

due partly to partly due . Clement prayed with them and them with prayed Clement .

15) 49 Wlem trfl ad Heinz and Sturmfels Wilhelm 409; 1953), , In response to the miners‘ complaint miners‘ the to response In bru

– old holy wells. holy old nnen

973), although he links the well well the links he although 973), -

, ―well, fountain, spring, font.‖ Lajos font.‖ spring, fountain, ―well, ,

- the dissolution of monasteries of dissolution the und Sacherklärung von 42 000 000 42 von Sacherklärung und európai hagyományvilágából európai rte vresre n stark und verbesserte Dritte,

(n.d.: Leipzig, 1893), 399; 399; 1893), Leipzig, (n.d.: , states, ―It is not by not is ―It states, , 80 . 79

Bálint is referring is Bálint

n his In ],(Budapest: ],(Budapest: Ünnepi A soon saw saw , CEU eTD Collection (Unterweitersdorf: Freya (Unterweitersdorf: Rittsteuer, Ruricka, Wolf and Hirsch Josef Siegfried (1998); Heiligenbrunn example: for including, 17. und 85 16. im 167. 1962): Landesarchiv, (Eisenstadt: Burgenländ. Güssing Herrschaft der Bauernstand Der known was Heiligenbrunn vineas 84 Fratres idem habent civilis ac ecclesiasticus castri noui territoriis in fontem sacrum eundem Circa Castri. ferrei Comes temporis tunc Augidius, signauit metis et signis certis Belae 83 &Co, AntonSchroll (Vienna: 82 81 before heritage religious a had Bakonybél but Bakonybél, at hermit a as years seven spent Gerard transformed. left Gerard that place only the not was Hill Gellért but above, detail 2.3 previouslyClement. dedicated to been had well the if uncertain is it though Heiligenbrunn, of well the including saint, the n so and Ulrich St. of veneration the them with brought i hill small a from chapel and wells the overlooks Clement St. of church parish The Ulrich. of both well, the behind just stands chapel small a Today, clear. entirely in reference Heiligenbrunn. to the well at Ulrich. or Clement ― as Gotthard St. of monastery the of Cistercians the to given donations the amongst fountain the lists 1198 from Clement. St. for and cleansprang drinkingwaterforth. mdaey eid hm fg 1) (fig. them behind mmediately

This is also found in written form, including various pamphlets, a plaque at the site it site the at plaque a pamphlets, various including form, written in found also is This ... Bálint, The The Schmeller Adelheid Concessit idem Comes ad sacrum fontem et capellam cum vinea, cui terram adiacentem, ex mand ex adiacentem, terram cui vinea, cum capellam et fontem sacrum ad Comes idem Concessit ―Heiligenbrunn‖ ―Heiligenbrunn‖ St. Ivy Well not are Clement and Ulrich of links the concerning chronology and details The named indeed and origin medieval of is Heiligenbrunn at church parish Catholic The Ünne

Gerard‘s presence in the Hungarian landscape at Gellért Hill has been d been has Hill Gellért at landscape Hungarian the in presence Gerard‘s pi Kalendarium pi 82

The well too was known from the from known was too well The 83

- II (Bu II it ed. Kitt,


d arm fontem sacrum ad From as early asFrom V entry entry

in manus in erlag erlag dapest: typis typogr. Regiae Universitatis U Regiae Universitatis typis typogr. dapest:

, , 557. 1976), 129. 1976), otis suc a contains , 2002) Dehio

cripts dating from 1198 onwards found in: found onwards 1198 from dating cripts . 85


Lcl rdto hls ht aain etes n h area the in settlers Bavarian that holds tradition Local . Handbuch Handbuch

as 1339 the Hungarian ― Hungarian the 1339 as 81 u Krhnecihe o Heiligenbrunn von Kirchengeschichte Zur

,‖ though it does not associate the well with either either with well the associate not does it though ,‖ ic ls o te various the of list cinct 84

29 –

Die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs Österreichs Kunstdenkmäler Die .Gög Fejé ...György Heilige Quellen Niederösterreich und Burgenland und Niederösterreich Quellen Heilige

Jahrhundert Middle Ages as a as Ages Middle amed various chapels and wells for for wells and chapels various amed Szent Kut Kut Szent r ed., , ngaricae,

, names names ugnädsh Forschungen Burgenländische Codex diplomaticus Hungariae Hungariae diplomaticus Codex

Vera Zimányi a Zimányi Vera

1829), 326 1829), y which by [sic]‖ can [sic]‖ fons sacrum fons which are named for named are which self, and local histories local and self, – , Ortschronik von von Ortschronik ,

- h hl we holy the 7. Burgenland/Wien also nd Gisela Auer, Gisela nd

iscussed in iscussed . A charter A . be found be ato regis regis ato l at ll 46 ,

CEU eTD Collection 89 88 Scriptores Historica Germaniae in 1840 Hahn, (Hanover: 9 and 8 chapters Hildesheim, of Wolfhere see: Regensburg of Arnold and Hildesheim of Wolfhere contemporaries his by Gunther Souabe de et Bavière Monostor 1018 sources and ed., Magyarországon. középkori a monostorok Kiállitá Bencés Hungary. Medieval in Monasteries Benedictine Plantavit: és m király István Társulat Benedek Miladinov see: life Gunther‘s 19 Kiadó, Akadémiai (Budapest: 9 lexikon, Gisela. to him link not do and birth imperial or noble 87 86 Gerard and Gunther both of hermitage the the twohermit saints.Accordingwell was tradition the area tolocal thesite of surrounding the betweenconfluence some to led have may and before, onlyshortly was Gunther‘shermit presence St. at Gerard‘s whilenotsimultaneous with Bakonybél, which stay charters. medieval its well as abbey Benedictine the destroyed thirteenth a of account on be may This dubious. more are village the in well holy the to connection his hermitageand his of location the documented well is Bakonybél to ―Mogus‖ of register the in 1086, from benefice a by supported claim a spot, this at died Gunther St. Rock Gellért called now Spring, Ivy the Queen relationship. andclose had Giselaa recommendation whom with the hermit, and at monk 1018, German a in Gunther, St. Maurice of encouragement St. martyr the of honor in here abbey this in settle to decided Gerard

Csóka, ―Bakonybél,‖ 77. ―Bakonybél,‖ Csóka, Mátyás Bél, Csóka Gáspár Madzsar A remeteélet iskolájában: Válogatott források és tanulmányok és források Válogatott iskolájában: remeteélet A - 1998 si katalogus si , - Gunther ren 1902 , 2002); 2002); , - ,

14. 14. praed ] Legenda S. Gerhardi Episcopi S. Legenda Hsoy f h Sit arc Mnsey n é, 1018 Bél, in Monastery Maurice Saint the of [History d

(Budapest: L‘Harmattan, 2005); 2005); L‘Harmattan, (Budapest:

- története Veszpré S 1916 zázad

states that Gunther was a relative of Gisela, however other historians simply say he was of of was he say simply historians other however Gisela, of relative a was Gunther that states ű Genevieve Bührer Genevieve ium ve had had

), 9 ), (Pannonhalma:

, 876 , [King Stephen and his work],(Budapest: his and Stephen [King

- m vármegye leírása vármegye m [ ia Godehardi Vita ), 196 ), Bél. at tomb Gunther‘s mentions which ,

nylpda f h Ery ugra Hsoy (9th History Hungarian Early the of Encyclopedia - [ 123; P. Váczy, P. 123; established a he a established

History of the order of Saint Benedict at pannonhalma], VIII (Budapest: (Budapest: VIII pannonhalma], at Benedict Saint of order the of History -

973 - , 218, and Arnold of Regensburg, Regensburg, of Arnold and 218,

Margins of Solitude of Margins (Paris: Picard, 1997), 152, 180. For the most important hagiographic writings on on writings hagiographic important most the For 180. 152, 1997), Picard, (Paris: 4 (Hanover: Hahn, 1840 Hahn, (Hanover: 4 94), 77, cf. Miladinov, Miladinov, cf. 77, 94),

- Pannonhalmi Főapátság Pannonhalmi Thierry regione heremum regione

Levéltári Közlemények Levéltári psoi posterior episcopi , 472 ,

(Veszprém: Veszprém Megyei Levéltár, 1989), 67. 1989), Levéltár, Megyei Veszprém (Veszprém: rmitage at Bakony at rmitage ,

87 Évêques et pouvoir dans le royaume de Germanie: les Églises les Germanie: de royaume le dans pouvoir et Évêques Anzel

or Ivy ( Ivy or , 84 , 30 , which would account for the assocation of the the of assocation the for account would which , mVásárhelyi, mVásárhelyi,

- Gáspár Csóka Gáspár 90; L. Erdélyi and P. Sörös, ed., Sörös, P. and Erdélyi L. 90; - Margins of Solitude of Margins ), ), 546 Borostyán , . , 2001), , 86 Monumenta Germaniae Historica Scriptores Scriptores Historica Germaniae Monumenta

Ex libris de s. Emmerammo s. de libris Ex Gondolat


St. 74. 8 (Buda 8 bél, possibly at the top of a rock near near rock a of top the at possibly bél,

A Béli Szent Mauríciusz Monostor története, története, Monostor Mauríciusz Szent Béli A

[ The hermit's life in school: Selected studies studies Selected school: in life hermit's The Stephen h Stephen

593; Izsák Baán OSB and Géza Xeravits, Xeravits, Géza and OSB Baán Izsák 593; , ) S ) ―Bakonybél,‖ ―Bakonybél,‖ - 326 1977), , pest: 1930), 314 1930), pest: 88 1998] (Bakonybél: (Bakonybél: 1998] tone

While St. Gerard‘s connection Gerard‘s St. While – 4h centuries) 14th 89 , 85. For more on Bakonybél and and Bakonybél on more For 85. , .

t a as b de o the to due be also may It Mátyás Bél has stated that stated has Bél Mátyás ad founded a Benedictine a founded ad - 7; Imre Takács, Imre 7; Takács, in the sites connected toconnected sites the Korai Korai - A pannonhalmi Szent pannonhalmi A 331; 331; , 2, 61 2, ,

- he ], century fire century

Szent Mauríciusz Mauríciusz Szent ed.

György magyar történeti magyar n hs wife his and - 8, 8,

Gyula Szent István István Szent Monumenta Paradisum Paradisum Györffy, Györffy, Kristó that that

11 de -

CEU eTD Collection 94 abbey ofthe church 93 1018 története Monostor Mauríciusz Szent Béli 92 Hungary] medieval in chapters collegiate 91 2014 20, Bakonybél,‖ Monostor Mauríciusz ―Szent unknown), (author form written 90 not explicitly tothe well. Gerard link does still it well, the fed that springs three the of naming Gerard‘s of claim Bálint‘s supports as: simply is charter 1397 a in as known is currently well The him. for named never was it well, the with associated historically is Gerard although and century atwolf feetsit his (f tame a which in life saint‘s the from scene the depicts itself well the inside plaque her lived Gerard that states well the near plaque a Gerard; to connections the see still can one area, surrounding the and well the of arrangement Mary. Virgin the of Assumption the and Gerard St. of feast the on mid the in still that notes he further, Trinity; the forwell the fed that threesprings the named Gerard that and site ofGerard‘s hermitage. cemetery local the identified have Bakonybél, at abbey Benedictine the of analysis her in Romhányi Rock ―Gellért as well the near outcrop rock Vásárhelyi eti F Romhányi, F. Beatrix Bál Hungary,‖ in Monks Benedictine First ―The Sólymos, Szilveszter in also made is well holy the near located hermitage, same the at lived Gerard and Gunther that assertion The int also recounts other traditions surrounding the well, for instance, that angels fly to the well from the the from well the to fly angels that instance, for well, the surrounding traditions other recounts also int . I believe Bálint is accurate when he describes the well at Bakonybél as a a as Bakonybél at well the describes he when accurate is Bálint believe I nineteent the in originated both plaque latter the likely and former the However, Sá

ndor Bálint stated that the well at Bakonybél is a reminder of Gerard‘s hermitage, Gerard‘s of reminder a is Bakonybél at well the that stated Bálint ndor ,

at the site the at A Béli Szent Mauríciusz Monostor története 1018 története Monostor Mauríciusz Szent Béli A - twentieth century the people o people the century twentieth

every night. night. every , in signage outside the Sa the outside signage in , ig

. 2 and 3) . 2 ootrk és Kolostorok 92 Bálint, Bálint,

abbatia trium fontium de Beél de fontium trium abbatia .

Ünnepi Kálendarium Ünnepi , or a remote hill a little east of Gunther‘s hermitage Gunther‘s of east little a hill remote a or ,

(Budapest: Pytheas, 2000), Pytheas, (Budapest: ássátlnk kzpoi Magyarországo középkori a társaskáptalanok Borostyán

- 1998 int Maurice Church and in pamphlets available at the church, church, the at available pamphlets in and Church Maurice int 31 , 45. f the village the f

. ‖ -

kút 90 e as a hermit between 1023 and 1030 and a a and 1030 and 1023 between hermit a as e

T , 431. ,

( (Ivy Well) and its first historical mention historical first its and Well) (Ivy i i te seto md b Barx F. Beatrix by made assertion the is his - Szent Mauríciusz Monostor Mauríciusz Szent 1998

, , 48. 12

honored the we the honored Paradisum Plantavit Paradisum .

. 94

Whi 91 93 le this reference partially reference this le

however other scholars scholars other however Looking at the modern the at Looking ll with a procession procession a with ll , n.d.) acquired April acquired n.d.) , n , 593; 593; ,

Mnseis and [Monasteries Vásárhelyi

fawn and fawn

as the the as , A h CEU eTD Collection 97 2014 May7, 96 95 the remarkab is legend This Ladislaus. St. of horse the of itself) print hoof the simply variants, other in (or hoof the of nail the from associated the and folklorepicture a fitsinto larger ofHungarian religious culture. claims popular many substantiate do sources historical the however purp the of much off write to tempting be Itwould cures. marvelous and Mary, Virginthe of visions horse,Ladislaus‘s St. of print hoof miraculous the includes which century, eleventh the in beginning history popular rich a has pilgri 200,000 over attracting currently Hungary, in well holy 2.4 modern uncertain. and medieval times its still sacred character is there spent time his through Gerard with connection unique people‘s local the of reminder a and ―reminder,‖

Tekla Dömötör, Dömötör, Tekla Bálint, ―Történet,‖ ―Történet,‖ Hungarian Simpliccissimus . The holy character of the well, however, is something that can only be substantiat be only can that something is however, well, the of character holy The . osbc ad hn i hre upd ih i aant rc, water rock, a against him with jumped horse his when in and arduously prayed He horseback follows. as God to water this for prayed L he St. that sayof day the on year every well that to pilgrimage a make thereto custom the is it for procession, church a during once seen have myself This water. of lack a from suffered all they and enemy the from to army his with caused he which Jászó in well rockyplace mountainous, high,a springin a me showed they So Transylvania. and ori source well‘s holy the legend, to According famous most the far by is Mátraverebély of village Hungarian the near well holy The Mátraverebély WellHoly . Ü Of king St. Ladislaus they tell quite many other wondrous deeds in Hungary in deeds wondrous other many quite tell they Ladislaus St. king Of

nnepi Kálendarium nnepi 97 .


Mátraverebély Today this spring this Today

a m a Hungarian FolkBeliefs Hungarian odern reminder of Gerard‘s time in the in time Gerard‘s of reminder odern

ly similar to a well formation legend from Jászó from legend formation well a to similar ly - znkt Mgaosá Nmei Kegyhelye Nemzeti Magyarország Szentkút, , , 431.

has dried up, but it was still flowing still was it but up, dried has in 1683whichstates,

(Budapest: Corvina Kiadó, 1981, 1982) repr. 1981, Kiadó, Corvina (Budapest: orted history of the well as later romantic invention, invention, romantic later as well the historyof orted 32

where once he was forced to retreat to forcedwas heonce where

ginates from a spring that was created created was that spring a from ginates village

, s annually. ms , a reminder of his hermitage,his of reminder a ,


as late as 1962 (fig. 4 (fig. 1962 as late as adislaus. They adislaus. ,248. - Debr 96

ő Mátraverebély d recorded in recorded d , accessed accessed ed in ed ). CEU eTD Collection etimológiai szótára etimológiai korában Hunyadiak földrajza Matraverebély or Verebély as to referred is village 104 103 102 101 100 L E warrior of weapon by caused (w saint by caused stone see: motifs 99 Dynasty Arpadian the of Saints The N 98 branc the in him to appeared arms, her in Jesus baby the with Mary, Virgin the water, for look to went child the called then area, the in sheep tending were who child mute his the to thirteenth the from which that and century), literature eighteenth popular the in significantly varies date purported century. eighteenth the until actively recorded not which was (crosswort, herb‖Ladislaus‘s ―St. called plant medicinal a of name the by plants, sacred of appearance animals, the to attached frequently was he and lifetime, his in even hagiography. all ston were ground in the on preserved placed had he that helmet and shield his of mark the and spear, his of mark the footprints, his and stone; into holes bored have to reported are tears saint‘s egends lements in in lements

é Zoltán Magyar, Magyar, Zoltán ósf Turóczi József Magyar Veréb was granted the rights of a market town by King Sigismund in 1398 (1398: Dl. 8316). Today the the Today 8316). Dl. (1398: 1398 in Sigismund King by town market a of rights the granted was Veréb p Dömötör, Dömötör, Ibid. Magyar, ‖

T u

, rev. ed. ( ed. rev. , d The spring supposedly attracted pilgrims thr pilgrims attracted supposedly spring The fi tale formation well The immediately and wondrous it this well remains from day. sprang this to , o , wells, and rocks. and wells, o. (uaet np, 1963 n.p., (Budapest: 4 vol. m Motif A972.1. A972.1. Indentions on rocks from imprint of gods and saints and gods of imprint from rocks on Indentions A972.1. A972.1. Hungarian Royal Saints Royal Hungarian F á Hungarian Folk Beliefs Folk Hungarian first recorded n olktales, olktales, y 100 o - - Index of Early Hungarian Saints Hungarian Early of Index s Trostler Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1955 Press, University Indiana Bloomington:

Motif , 412. , é Legends surrounding the figure of St. Ladislaus are thought to have started have to thought are Ladislaus St. of figure the surrounding Legends , vol. 1 ( 1 vol. , s

I e. s B hes of a nearby tree, telling him where to find water. The boy found the the found boy The water. find to where him telling tree, nearby a of hes m - allads, allads,


ne o Ery ugra Saint Hungarian Early of Index 99 e ed., , r e

t Budapest: Budapest: i hre o ws trbtd ih uentrl blte i his in abilities supernatural with attributed was too horse His t , in , in e 101 ; r j M ayr Simplicissimus Magyar A972.4. A972.4. Imprint of horse in rocks in horse of Imprint A972.4. A972.4. e 1583 S s

yths, yths, One of the most enduring signs of signs enduring most the of One z tith Thompson, Thompson, tith

, 107 , (Herne: Gabriele Schäfer Verl Schäfer Gabriele (Herne: t , 247. , ő

K . Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Tudományos Magyar F 102 ö

ables, ables, n - The legends. Ladislaus‘ of motifs the into well quite ts

97, 3 1987), y

v attached it to the Virgin Mary, involved a shepherd and and shepherd a involved Mary, Virgin the to it attached k i a M d ó edieval edieval ,

, 1956), 1956), , Motif 142. 18; 18; . 33

György Györffy, Györffy, György

es Csánki, Dezső - [ index of of index R The Hungarian The Simplicissimus s quoted from Zoltán Magyar, Magyar, Zoltán fromquoted oma (Herne: 103 oughout the Middle Ages, but cures were cures but Ages, Middle the oughout - nces, nces, 1958

The first known miracle (although the (although miracle known first The ag, 2012), 145 ag,2012), F olk aree Schäfer Gabriele ) E .

- xempla, xempla, Az Árpád Az literature: A A literature: ,

Magyarország történelmi földrajza a a földrajza történelmi Magyarország 1890 ; his A972.5.6. A972.5.6. Hole in stone stone in Hole A972.5.6. A972.5.6. Veréb or Veréb - 1913 F - ; abliaux, abliaux, 6. - folk worship is witnessed is worship folk kori Magydarország történeti történeti Magydarország kori A972.3.1. A972.3.1. Holes in Holes A972.3.1. A972.3.1.

), 93; Kiss, 93; ), C 2009) , lassification of of lassification Hungarian Royal Saints: Saints: Royal Hungarian Gentiana cruciata Gentiana Verebély. ] ( ] J est Budapest 132. , - 98 books, and and books,

Földrajzi nevek Földrajzi

o similar For 104 : N ― arrative arrative

M When L u ̋ ocal v e l ), t

CEU eTD Collection eprbs uaui. au Rm au Sntm erm uno ds oebi An Duodecimo Anno Novembris Idus Nov., 9 Quinto 1400 312, Petrum Sanctum apud Rome Datum duraturis. futuris temporibus perpetuis Presentibus indulgemus. . et . consulenda. merito audire sit Apostolica Sedes dumtaxat que propter fuerint, precedentes talia in immediate ac . valeant Assumptionis impendere . absolutionem debitam festivitatem . . . . dictam personis ydoneos eisdem dies presbiteros tres alias per duodecim se et per Assumptionis . . . ecclesie poss eligere parochialis confessores dicte rector filius dilectus ut quotienscumque virginis, Margarete . . . nichilominus Et consequuntur. sancte visitantes quomodolibet celebratur, Sabbati die in Margarete sancte festivitas festivitate in ecclesias diocesis, Leodiensis Aquisgrani, de Marie beate Collegiatam non nec et annuatim, Augusti diebus secundo M indulgentias et primo Assisinates, beate muros illas extra Angelis quam adiutrices, concedimus, porrexerint peccatorum manus suorum huiusmodi remissionem conservationem ad et annuatim, primis visitaverint a qui confessis, et penitentibus vere usque vesperis omnibus conservetur, etiam et frequentetur, honoribus congruis 107 the 106 to reference any is charter 105 this from missing is What it. promote to efforts making be therefore can we site the it at leaders church that or pilgrimage of place a alreadywas Assissi; site the that assumed and Aachen at sites pilgrimage the of those as indulgences diocesis to addressed is offers 1400 I Boniface Pope to attributed charter A records. papal by confirmed amongst many landmarks fountain or well only the and marker boundary a as serve to community the to enough important and known was it that is here important is territori record to is purpose primary whose charter a in marker boundary as simply well the to refers charter The Mátraverebély. today‘s surrounding and in territory the in persons charter original an of 1444 year the in made transcription a is there Eger of Chapter the From pilgrimage. of place and shrine a charters in known place pointed out,drank shehad from cured andwas ofhis it, muteness. Dömötör, Cupientes igitur, ut parochialis ecclesia beate Marie de Vereb, Strigoniensis diocesis, a Christifidelibus Christifidelibus a diocesis, Strigoniensis Vereb, de Marie beate ecclesia parochialis ut igitur, Cupientes MS Dl. 1303, 1444 1303, Dl. MS This seco This was spring The site. this to references historical are there legends, these to addition In . 107 Hungarian Folk Beliefs Folk Hungarian oiae Xs hre gatd h prs cuc o Mtáeeéy h same the Mátráverebély of church parish the granted charter IX‘s Boniface

ad secundos vesperos festivitatis Assumptionis beate Marie virginis predictam ecclesiam devote devote ecclesiam predictam virginis Marie beate Assumptionis festivitatis vesperos secundos ad Monumenta Vaticana historiam regni Hungariæ illustrantia ...... illustrantia Hungariæ regni historiam Vaticana Monumenta d otm Vereb fontem ad nd claim, Mátráverebély‘s position as a shrine and place of pilgrimage, is is pilgrimage, of place and shrine a as position Mátráverebély‘s claim, nd - since 1290 and by 1400 the papacy confirmed Mátráverebély‘s position as position Mátráverebély‘s confirmed papacy the 1400 by and 1290 since 06 it et etiam deputare, qui confessiones quarumcumque personarum . . . in ipsa festivitate ipsa in . . . personarum quarumcumque confessiones qui deputare, etiam et it

- 01, MKA, 01,

mentioned inthecharter


Neo 247. aohai ecei bae ai d Vrb Strigoniensis Vereb, de Marie beate ecclesia parochialis . 106 -

regestrata acta regestrata from

ee h wl i rfre t a a on o rfrne a reference, of point a as to referred is well the Here

1290 describing the areas of land owned by various by owned land of areas the describing 1290 34

(Q 311) (Q

. o e mentioned be to

re igns e otucl, la dca de dictam alias Portiuncula, de virginis arie .

iniungere penitentiam salutarem, nisi forsan nisi salutarem, penitentiam iniungere atog i i ol one only is it although , IV

X, from November 9, 9, November from X, (Budapest: 1884 (Budapest: 105 al boundaries. What What boundaries. al


) 252. . Charter dicta,


CEU eTD Collection (Budapest: Márton Áron Kiadó, 1994), 171 1994), Áron Márton Kiadó, (Budapest: országa Mária 111 110 Klaniczay, Gábor 2009), Press, Rubin, Miri 109 28 emlékezete zarandokhely Egy Magyarország: Főegyházmegye Budapesti ed., 108 can It period. Modern Early the than earlier any pilgrims attracted it that or Ages Middle the the virginwell as th as vita. his in Virgin the to devotion promoted having as noted was himself Gerard St. and king saint St St. by Virgin the to dedicated was country The Christianization. its in early very from Hungary Christian in presence significant a had onwards, century twelfth the from Europe Central Mar the Although Ages. Middle later the of phenomenon a solely as Hungary in cult Marian the of promotion the view not need one and qualities, miraculous attributed is that well the but statue Mátráverebély‘s not is it Mariazell, at unlike ar services religious where Lourdes at cave the of reconstruction a well: thefrom steps just located is site pilgrimageMarian popular a of recreation similarlyinspired the and pilgrimage Mariazell inAustria?as places such Marian other of popularity the and Ages Middle High the in cult Marian the of growth the by in later a fountain the to VirginMarythe of connection the wasOr Vereb? miraculous tradition: Christian medieval in Mary Virgin the of role the on discussion succinct a for book Rubin‘s Miri See see: Hungary with relationship its specifically and Mariazell at cult pilgrimage the For - Sólymos, Madzsar szeptember 12 szeptember aizl é Mgaosá:60 é 650 Magyarország: és Mariazell 110

It is uncertain if the holy well of Mátraverebély was actually considered sacred during during sacredconsidered actually was Mátraverebély of well holy the if uncertain Itis Mary Virgin the of statue the in instance, for seen, be can Mariazell of influence The It could even be said that Gerard was in a sense the, ―founder of the Hungarian cult ofcult Hungarian the of ―founder the, sense a in was Gerard that said be even Itcould child Jesus like the one at Mariazell at one the like Jesus child ,

Legenda S. Gerhardi Episcopi S. Legenda Paradisum Plantavit Paradisum Emotion and and Emotion esp ad fontem Vereb fontem ad - sm é Set svn‖ n ósf öö, ed., Török, József in István,‖ Szent és eszme . 17 .

Holy Rulers and Blessed Princesses Blessed and Rulers Holy (Budapest: (Budapest: - 19. For a discussion of how the cult of Mary was adopted in the kingdom of Hungary see: see: Hungary of kingdom the in adopted was Mary of cult the how of discussion a For 19.

e of idea Devotion 20) ad seily Ptr abk ad zbls Serf Szabolcs and Farbaky Péter especially: and 2003), , Budapesti Tört Budapesti , 596. On the concept of the ― the of concept the On 596. , . Can one assume that the fountain was the primary attraction at attraction primary the was fountain the that assume one Can .

: h Maig f ay n eivl eiiu Cultures Religious Medieval in Mary of Meaning The Regnum Marianum Regnum vlái kapcsolatai vallási v , 473 , - 98. énetiMúzeum . Budapest Történeti Múzeum Kiscelli Múzeumában, 2004. május 2004. Múzeumában, Kiscelli Múzeum Történeti Budapest

- 4.

35 , which , , 139 ,

ephen according to the to according ephen 108 , 2004). , -

42. , 109 .‖

tioim Antiquum Strigonium stands in the chapel of Mátráverebély. A Mátráverebély. of chapel the in stands Regnum Marianum Regnum 111

the Virgin Mary ( Mary Virgin the otr t pso. zn István Szent apostol. et Doctor

a cl bcm mr pplr in popular more became cult ian ,‖ see: Dezs see: ,‖

Legenda maior Legenda 6

Nagyboldogasszony (Esztergom: őző vention, influenced vention, Walter Brunner et al. et Brunner Walter hl. However, held. e ed., ,

ő Bdps: CEU (Budapest:

Dümmerth, ―A Dümmerth, - aizl és Mariazell tanulmányok Esztergom

of the the of ) - ,

CEU eTD Collection 113 ( 112 unsubstantiated claim. a by carved was the statue specialist‖ ―unknown an by research to according 1030, in tree linden a from carved was statue the tradition folk to according though that claim Barna Gábor and Bálint Sándor statue the of origin The documentation. historical than folklore of more composed is past Marianka‘s however, Unfortunately, place. sacred formidable a it making stream) case, this in (or well holy the and statue miraculous The childwas drank it, healed,and from spread. thespring‘s properties miraculous drink. should child the which from stream a find would he tree that under and hidden, been cer a to forest nearby the to go to him telling dream, a in him to appeared Mary Virgin The child. disfigured his help to Mary Virgin the to prayed man a when century thirteenth the until there forgotten was statue The thieves). from it hide to done th versions, alternate in (or, tree a of hollow the in statue the hid hermit the century resemblance striking a Mariank of forest the in lived hermits century eleventh early the as early as legend, to According striking. more are Marianka and Mariazell between similarities the however, Here, Slovakia. of Mariazell 2.5 concerning wouldbe based theholy well evidence. onfolkloric and Ages Middle the a church a was there that however, said, be Budapest: Szent István Társulat, 1994 Társulat, Szent István Budapest:

Ibid., 338. Ibid., Barna, Gábor and Bálint Sándor t aina hn a obnto o to pilgrimage two of combination a then, Marianka At consi be can Mátráverebély If Marianka

a. One of these hermits carved a statue of the Virgin and Child, which bears which Child, and Virgin the of statue a carved hermits these of One a.

that there also existed a well near this church; any further assumptions assumptions further any church; this near well a existed also there that

to the Mariazell statue Mariazell the to lkl Hnain ats bten 20 n 1260, and 1240 between artist Hungarian) (likely

Búcsújáró Magyarok: A magyarorsz A Magyarok: Búcsújáró ) , 74. ,

dered the Mariazell of Hungary, then Marianka is the the is Marianka then Hungary, of Mariazell the dered

is dubious. In their study on Hungarian pilgrimages, Hungarian on study their In dubious. is t Mátraverebély that likely hosted p hosted likely that Mátraverebély t 36

. During pagan uprisings in the mid the in uprisings pagan During . - g bcúáá tréee s néprajza és története búcsújárás ági site archetypes is present: the the present: is archetypes site

tain tree where the statue had had statue the where tree tain ilgrims during ilgrims 113 112

- clearly a

eleventh is was was is

CEU eTD Collection super destructione regni Hungarie per Tartaros facta Tartaros per Hungarie regni destructione super annotated, see: translation English newest the For Hungarians the occupauerunt regiones eorum et uastauerunt regna et gentes pannoniorum et sclauorum uenerunt, rabuceam et rabam ad usque egressi inde Et sunt. leti facti ascendentes montem Et biberunt. animalia eorum quam ipsi tam 116 115 Magyarok Búcsújáró 1870 története helyrajzi MDCCCXCIV annum usque tempribus Némethy, Lajos 10; 1980), Magyarországon középkori a emlékei 114 the land of Pannonia, theyexceedinglybecamehappy.‖ of beauty the seen and mountain the ascended Having Sabaria. of spring the of drank beasts and Árpád Prince thirteenth Hungarorum Gesta is mountain The name. (316 Tours of Martin St. tradition to According characteristics. spiritual or religious other by overshadowed a with association its to due holy or special 2.6 considered Ages was orif intheit holy Middle again anEarly invention. Modern stream the if uncertain is it Ages, Middle the in place pilgrimage important an time. the at Hungary in place pilgrimage important most the 1377, in Marianka at monastery Pauline a founded Mariazell, at basilica the built also had who Hungary, of Great the Louis Dux autem arpad et sui milites sic eundo iuxta montem sancti martinj castra metati sunt, et de fonte sabarie sabarie fonte de et sunt, metati castra martinj sancti montem iuxta eundo sic milites sui et arpad autem Dux Martin Romhányi, - 1876), 165 1876), St. Martin’sSt. Mountain King as significance, spiritual some of place a been have must Marianka However,

Č nnm Bl Rgs Notari Regis Bele Anonymi - i

etr crnce eonig h mvmns f rne rá‘ am sae, ―... states, army Árpád‘s Prince of movements the recounting chronicle century čo, čo, Martin‘s Mountain in the village of Pannonhalma is a case of a place considered place a of case a is Pannonhalma of village the in Mountain Martin‘s Kolostorok és társaskáptalanok és Kolostorok , ― - - László Veszprémy and Frank Schaer Frank and Veszprémy László 172; 172; AMariazelli 397) was bor was 397) [Topographical history of Hungary] of history [Topographical , , 74

Documenta Artis Paulinorum Artis Documenta his warriors encamped beside St. Martin‘s Mountain, and they and their their and they and Mountain, Martin‘s St. beside encamped warriors his , the oldest extant chronicle of the history of the Hungarians. This This Hungarians. the of history the of chronicle extant oldest the ,

Series parochiarum et parochorum Archi parochorum et parochiarum Series called ―St. Martin‘s Mountain,‖ in Mountain,‖ Martin‘s ―St. called

Sz űzanyaTi n at the base of this mountain, this of base the at n

[ Architecture of t ofArchitecture

114 i Gesta Hungarorum: Magistri Rogerii Epistola in miserabile carmen carmen miserabile in Epistola Rogerii Magistri Hungarorum: Gesta i (Strigonii: (Strigonii:

atn ay Lsl Vspéy ad áo M Bak M. János and Veszprémy, László Rady, Martyn

sztelete Poszonyban,‖ in Poszonyban,‖ sztelete and, according to some scholars, Marianka then became then Marianka scholars, some to according and, . For the For . , 43; Tamás Guzsik and Rudolf Fehérváry, Fehérváry, Rudolf and Guzsik Tamás 43; , Typis G. Buzárovits G. Typis

37 I. Kézirat. (Budapest: 1975 (Budapest: Kézirat. I.

, ed. and trans. (Budapest: Central European Press, 1999). 1999). Press, European Central (Budapest: trans. and ed. , (Budapest: (Budapest: Latin Hungary medieval in order Pauline he I - III (Pest: Eggenberger Ferdinánd Akad. Könyvárusnál, Akad. Ferdinánd Eggenberger (Pest: III

saint, but where the association was later later was association the where but saint,

text see: text CEU 116 et uisa puchritu(di)ne terre pannonie, njimis pannonie, terre puchritu(di)ne uisa et Mariazell és Magyarország és Mariazell Simon Kézai Simon

- and therefore the place took on his on took place the therefore and Press, 2010), 107. 2010), Press, , 1894), 160; Jakab Rupp, Rupp, Jakab 160; 1894), , dioecesis Strigoniensis: dioecesis

115 the

While Marianka was certainly was Marianka While

Anonymi Bele Regis Notarii Regis Bele Anonymi - 78), 278 78), , Gesta Hungarorum/D Gesta

- 364; 364; A pálosrend építészeti építészeti pálosrend A ]

Bálint and Barna and Bálint (Budapest: BME, (Budapest:

e. tas, and trans., ed., , , ab antiquissimis antiquissimis ab

217. Magyaror

itself was was itself

eeds of eeds szág szág ,

CEU eTD Collection 121 120 5. 1996), Főapátság Pannonhalmi (Pannonhalma: 119 118 Auxerre 1 1954), of &Sheed Ward, Germanus and Arles of Honoratus Hippo, of Augustine Ambrose, Tours, Tours,‖ of Martin Saint of Life ―The in Severus, Sulpicius 117 to route pilgrimage the on was site the since especially place, the visit did probably althou presence, saintly Martin‘s host to believed sanctuary a or pilgrimagesite never important an it became but Martin, St. with association its becauseof be calleda ―symbol ofWe could truly Archabbey Pannonhalma the Ages, Middle the of height the By kings. Hungarian the and popes the from both privileges and grants gain and grow to continued abbey The of settled theirat lives ashermits, the some spent least at had whom of many monks, Benedictine first the of Some Cassino. Monte of monastery Benedictine the of that as privileges same the monastery the granted Stephen traditions.‖ Benedictine old with accordance ―in monastery, Benedictine first the of site the as Martin St. of Mount characteristically was account oforigin. the dual for traditions would which Mountain, Martin‘s St. at name same the by known spring a also was there of Mount the from kilometers 100 over located Szombathely, of city Hungarian the with equated typically Pannonia. in Sabaria, in born was Martin that states death, former‘s the before Hungar Gesta

Csóka, 588 Hungary,‖ in Monks Benedictine First ―The Sólymos, Pernoud, Régine Gáspár Csóka, Csóka, Gáspár t Mri‘ Muti ws osdrd a considered was Mountain Martin‘s St. impress mountain‘s the Martin, with association This his by written Martin, St. of life The Panno orum nhal St. annam: itra Gie o h Hsoy n Sgt o te eeitn Abbey Benedictine the of Sights and History the to Guide Pictorial Pannonhalma:

Martin of Tours: Soldier, Bishop, and Saint and Bishop, Soldier, Tours: of Martin ma Martin. , 107, fn 107, , - , 2. ,


nw as known 119 .

3. chronicle, mentioned previously the in demonstrated as However, stern monasticism.‖ Prince Géza founded the mona the founded Géza Prince

―mountain a abbey 118

38 , and the abbey developed a heremitic tradition abbeya and heremitic the developed ,

friend Sulpicius Severus (c. 360 (c. Severus Sulpicius friend

121 - oe, al otiue t te hie f the of choice the to contributed all lover,‖

The Western Fathers Being the Lives of Martin of Martin of Lives the Being Fathers Western The os sacer mons - 596, 596,

(San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2006), 1 2006), Press, Ignatius Francisco: (San Paradisum Plantavit Paradisum stery here in 996 and in 1002 King 1002 in and 996 in here stery ive view, view, ive

rm h ery ide Ages Middle early the from gh we can assume pilgrims pilgrims assume can we gh and because Benedict because and , trans. , .

- F. R. Hoare R. F. c. 420) in 397 in 420) c. 117

Sabaria is Sabaria

2 (NY: (NY: - . 19; 120

CEU eTD Collection éve 123 Jerusalem to Journey pilgri future for tone the set have may they themselves in religious not were events these While Pannonhalma. at Land Holy the to way their 122 was tha later imposedonthem ―medieval the was it proven, be cannot sites these of sacrality medieval actual the if Even were. Góra Jasna or Island Margaret that way same the in Ages, Middle the during the that certainty with said be cannot it However, tradition. folkloric or foundation, monastic church, pilgrimage a of instance, for presence, the express sources two these What identified. coincidesometimes differ,sometimes and butbothc officially were sites such how and when reveal sources historic and years of hundreds for communities local in circulated have that indicates question in sites the with associated folklore Instead, ambienceamongst theholy unique places ofHungary. ecclesiastic and tradition, hermitic Martin, St. Jerusalem of Crusade First the of leaders the entertained and received Coloman King how describes Aachen of Albert For more on the history of Pannonhalma see: Imre Takács, ed., ed., Takács, Imre see: Pannonhalma of history the on more For

(P annonhalma,Hungary connection spiritual or religious of sort some had all above discussed sites The sites. six above interpretation of the the for ofhagiography benefit the donothave We . 122

It did, however, possess a multilayered spiritual character with its connectionto its with character spiritual multilayered a possess however, Itdid, , Vol. ,

1 : Pannonhalmi Főapátság, 1996) Főapátság, : Pannonhalmi ms passing through the area. Albert (of Aachen), (of Albert area. the through passing ms , trans. Susan B. Edgington( B. , trans.Susan

t made sitesduring themsacred period. theEarlyModern 39 al importance, which imbued it with a spiritual a with it imbued which importance, al

Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2013 Ltd., AshgatePublishing,

se places in the landscape were holy sites sites holy were landscape the in places se and Takács, ed., ed., Takács, and ases be can revealing. 123

Mo ns sacer, 996 sacer, ns popular motifs and traditions traditions and motifs popular Paradisum plantavit Paradisum Albert of Aachen's History of the of History Aachen's of Albert - 1996: Pannonhalma 1000 Pannonhalma 1996: ), 44, 45, 47, 269. 47, 45, ), 44,


- ness‖ that ness‖

by CEU eTD Collection study is described in greater detail in: Mary Lee Nolan and Sidney Nolan, Nolan, Sidney and Nolan Lee WesternEurope Mary in: detail greater in described is study santità della 124 spiritual the greater the travelled one further the and pilgrimage, to central the was for journey distance, of benefit additional the had sites Peripheral man. of world constructed a well as temptation faced they where saints hermit early the and Christ of desert the both representing appeal, multi a had It well. as lure its had periphery the But Constantinople. East, the in and a well the as Jerusalem, in center, spiritual ultimate exemplified is This community. a of backbone economic) the often (and spiritual the as serve could and people of number greater a by reached be could they attractiveness; ―cent in located Shrines sacrality. to geography of contribution the is what and sacred becomes place a how it, that study, this in the addressed problems major of one the to also relates problem This periphery.‖ ―sacred the and center‖ ―celestial sacredChristian ofThe thebasic dichotom examines oneof study problems space, the shrines. 6,000 over of analysis an Europe,‖ Continental in Realities and Ideals Locations: miracles,possible thesaint. and with relationship journey, spiritual her or his of perception pilgrim‘s the to essential absolutely are site the arrangementof and location the here for sites, pilgrimage for true especially is This elements. i by determined largely is place a perceives and with interacts one how and places, essentially, still, are sites these but places, these decipher to beginning in element necessary sources written the CHAPTER THREE: CENTRALITY VS REMOTENESS: CHAPTER CENTRALITY THREE:

ay e Nln ―hie oain: das n Raiis n otnna Erp, in Europe,‖ Continental in Realities and Ideals Locations: ―Shrine Nolan, Lee Mary In 1990 Mary Lee Nolan completed a large, comprehensive study entitled, ―Shrine ―Shrine entitled, study comprehensive large, a completed Nolan Lee Mary 1990 In of standpoint the from sites of selection a analyzed have I chapters preceding the In , ed. , , Studies in Religion Studies , in

Sofia Boesch Gajano and Gajano Boesch Sofia – s a ―Garden of Eden‖ in the earthly world, unspoilt and separate from the the from separate and unspoilt world, earthly the in Eden‖ of ―Garden a s

the hagiography, historical documents, and folklore. This is a useful and and usefula is This folklore.and documents, hagiography,historical the

(Chapel Hill: Hill: (Chapel

Lucetta Scaraffia Lucetta SACRED SITES The Univ The 40 s the center of Christianity in the West, Rome, West, the in Christianity of center the s


(Torino: (Torino: ity of North Carolina Press, 1992). Press, Carolina ofNorth ity

Rosenberg & Sellier & Rosenberg

A SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF ANALYSIS A SPATIAL ers,‖ had their advantages and advantages their had ers,‖ hita Plrmg i Modern in Pilgrimage Christian Luoghi sacri e spazi spazi e sacri Luoghi , 1990), 75 1990), ,

ts spatial spatial ts - y the of layered - 84. The 84. 124

CEU eTD Collection o e osdrd s uh laig e o eiv ta mn ae iey f early of likely are many that 82. 4, 81, 5, pp. Table Locations,‖ believe to me leading such, as considered be to began features sacred these when of indication no is there but site), the at power imag sacred of focus the necessarily sacred or relics to addition (in feature‖ 126 Pilgrimage Excluding n Norway. did and she Finland, Denmark, Austria, Sweden, Netherlands, Kingdom, United Luxembourg, Belgium, 125 of a ―sacredenvironmental feature.‖ were shrines the of percent four only which in study Nolan‘s unlike feature, natural or topographical a by defined largely is place holy the that element additional the is there study this In difference? pronounced a there is or Europe, Western a ideals same the uphold shrines Europe‘s Central Do Europe? Central medieval century. twentieth later the in active still reward. However, of the shrines Nolan includes, about forty about includes, Nolan shrines the of However,

Nolan analyzes shrines located in Italy, France, Spain, West Germany, Austria, Portugal, Switzerland, Switzerland, Portugal, Austria, Germany, West Spain, France, Italy, in located shrines analyzes Nolan In Nolan‘s study she considers Christian shrines located in Western Europe that were were that Europe Western in located shrines Christian considers she study Nolan‘s In

, 5. ,

ot include shrines located in the countries considered in this study. Nolan, Nolan, study. this in considered countries the in located shrines include ot


es that the site might host; the environmental feature was not not was feature environmental the host; might site the that es 41 125 -

four percent contain one or more ―sacred environmental environmental ―sacred more or one contain percent four

u hw o oa‘ rsls opr with compare results Nolan‘s do how But considered holy solely because because solely holy considered oen origin. modern Nolan, ―Shrine ―Shrine Nolan, s those of those s Christian Christian CEU eTD Collection origin. 127

Please note: Cities are given by thei by given are Cities note: Please

Figure 5 . Major military and trade and Major routesmilitary Central. in 13th Europe,

r modern r - day names and in the language of their modern their of language the in and names day 42

- 14th c. 14th - day coutry of of coutry day 127

CEU eTD Collection A 1795 P to University Cambridge origins its from Cracow, Carter, W. F. from maps following ( K and military primary the For 129 future. inthe analyses fromwouldgreatlysuch benefit Europe ofCentral 128 their to contributes that distance the is sacredness. it as world secular our to close something not w the of things springsare or mountains as such features natural sacred Mátraverebély, Góra, andincomparatively are located areas. Jasna remote thr Only city. or town a of kilometers twenty within are two further a and cities, in located also are which of five roads, along located are Six cities. or towns years in used ofisvalid for the case still many sotheCapistr hundreds later, map of be to continued map the on pictured Olomouc through running road the and Bohemia in town k been have would earliest the at Well Capistran‘s existence. into come time this by had Olomouc focus. our is thirteenth the from dating the major roads towns,cities, and Europe. ofCentral i as well centersas population from distance its analyze to is site a centralityof remotenessor measure information. Systems) Information Budapest r ges, 72 and Fig. 11. Principal Principal Fig. and 11. ges,72

i I have created this map with GIS using several other maps depicting trade and military roads as a reference. a as roads military and trade depicting maps other several using GIS with map this created have I tim this at data my of analyses statistical complete to GIS use not do I s t ó , ed., ed., , nown by the mid the by nown People often associate associate often People near very or in located are sites the of many how is striking most perhaps is What routes trade and military the and cities and towns major the illustrates map above The (GeographicGIS use and maps historic analyzeI centrality or remotenessmeasure To : ts accessibility. I thus am looking at the relationship between relationship the at looking am thus I accessibility. ts A K k This is a concept addressed by Victor W. Turner and Edith L. B. Turner, in their in Turner, B. L. Edith and Turner W. Victor by addressed concept a is This o a 128 129 r d a é i m

m ehp bt te ipet n te ot meitl idctv wy to way indicative immediately most the and simplest the both Perhaps l o te ut ie aaye i ti suy elcig aita‘ Wl at Well Capistran‘s neglecting study this in analyzed sites cult the of All i a a i g

K y ress, 2006): Fig. 9. Cracow‘s land routes with northern Hungary in the Later Middle Middle Later the in Hungary northern with routes land Cracow‘s 9. Fig. 2006): ress, a

i a r as a as d

t ó o ̈ trade routes in Hungary I used the map created by created map the used I Hungary in routes trade - r 1994) , fifteenth century, however Olomouc continued to be an important important an be to continued Olomouc however century, fifteenth t

e t to the fourteenth centuries found in the area of Central Europe that Europe Central of area the in found centuries fourteenth the to method to store, organize, georeference and visualize geographical visualize and georeference organize, store, to method ́ rade rade n e t i

natural . l r e Fr hs ras xedn no extending roads those For . outes from Cracow, 95. outes fromCracow, rd ad ra Dvlpet n oad A eooi gorpy of geography economic An Poland: in Development Urban and Trade x Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography (Book 20) 20) (Book Geography Historical in Studies Cambridge i k o n

cult sites with remoteness. There is the assumption that assumption the is There remoteness. with sites cult (9 - 4 sz.) 14. 43

[ EarlyHungarian lexiconhistorical

t o Hnay no oad ue the used I Poland into Hungary of rth e, however, research on the sacred sites sacred the on research however, e,

Attila Zsoldos Attila ilderness, of the forest, the of ilderness, natural e sites: ee

cult sites, and sites, cult

found in: found ( Bakonybél, 9 (Cambridge: an‘s well. th - 14

thc Gyula .)] .)]

CEU eTD Collection Csoport 1437 133 132 131 Univers 130 eremitism fig. 8 1528, ca. from Hungary of map printed extant earliest the Map, Lazar or Hungariae Tabula the in include century. fourteenth the in town important an also was twelfth Cistercian and Benedictine both of site the Pásztó, of right. roy a previously also and Steven, King by 1020 and 1016 between founded monastery, Benedictine of site the also was it but haven, hermit‘s a been have may Bakonybél isolated. entirely as sites these of think cannot we But chosen. was surpris not is it time, the at nature of romanticism and climate religious 6 hermit s the was Bakonybél element. eremitic the is there Certainly unique? Góra Jasna and Mátraverebély, Bakonybél, inhabitated areas. land, uncultivated any or woodland the to refer simply might periphery.‖ sacred a liminal of sense the in pilgrimage of definition ). These hermits‘ caves were not used until the eighteenth century, however, and given the the given and however, century, eighteenth the until used not were caves hermits‘ These ).

Ibid., 68; Ilona Valter, ―Pásztó, egy Zsigmond ―Pásztó, Ilona Valter, 68; Ibid., Romhányi, Romhányi, and Turner Witter Victor .

). 131 I Katalógus, ed. László Beke, László ed. Katalógus, I s‘ caves at Mátraverebély carved into the nearby hill and ov and nearby hill the Mátraverebélyinto carvedat s‘ caves ity Press ity ,

an Gr, h northern the Góra, Jasna is why So 1

Mátraverebély too, while more remote, was less than ten kilometers from the village the from kilometers ten than less was remote, more while too, Mátraverebély 987), 987), 271 as Kolostorok és társaskáptalanok Kolostorok és társaskáptalanok Kolostorok

, 2013), , it was the site of a Pauline foundation. The Order of Order The foundation. Pauline a of site the was it where it is depicted by an icon of a church and the title ―Werbil‖ (fig. 7 (fig. ―Werbil‖ title the and church a of icon an by depicted is it where - 282.

eoees h ecpin n nt h rl i ti cs? ht makes What case? this in rule the not and exception the remoteness

34. ite of the hermitage of both saints both of hermitage the of ite 130


u, n at wa dnts ―idres i sbetv. Wilderness subjective. is ―wilderness‖ a denotes what fact, in But,

Edith L. B. Turner B. L. Edith

Mátraverebély itself, however, was considered important enough toenough important considered was however, itself, Mátraverebély

Ernő Marosi, and and Marosi, Ernő its own right own its ot f h sts n te ot eoe as hd ik to links had also remote, most the and sites the of most , 68. , , 12; - , kori mez kori

Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Christian in Pilgrimage and Image Gáspár, ―Bakonybél,‖ 77 Gáspár, 44 —

it was had the privilege of a market town from town market a of privilege the had was it Tünde ity, as a ―movement from a mundane center to to center mundane a from ―movement a as ity, ő város,‖ in város,‖

Wehli( al

Günther and Gerard. There are several several are There Gerard. and Günther curia, Budapest Művészet Zsigmond király korában 1387 korában király Zsigmond Művészet making it a ―center‖ in its own its in ―center‖ a it making regardless of the distance from distance the of regardless - century foundations. century .

: erlooking the holy well (fig.holywellerlooking the

M St. T A

Paul the First H First the Paul M ing that a remote site site remote a that ing Culture u ̋ v e ́ s z e t

t (NY: (NY: o ̈ r t e ́ n 132 e Columbia Columbia t i

Pásztó K ermit u

and and t a t o – ́

CEU eTD Collection 139 138 ―The Andrén, view,‖ Anders of point is: spatial 45/1, GIS, a from of Scandinavia capabilities of Christianization analytical the statistical places: the of significance use not does it though study, present Inter and Archaeology Mounds of Journal Burial ―Adena Abrams, M. Elliot Age Bronze Topouzi, Vajk in Crete,‖ Eastern in sanctuaries Megarry, Will example: for see, periods, wi intervisibility and viewshed of analysis 137 136 135 134 paradoxically of history a has Order Pauline the and foundations Pauline of sites also are Stanislaus, St. of Pool the and Marianka places, holy ―central‖ our of two Firstly, place. holy case by motivatedmore was mendicant character thelater of theorder. this in selection site so over,‖ took they church whose parish the to ministered ―explicitly loca central a in located was 1421, in founded Beszowa, at monastery Pauline The foundations. Pauline Polish other to compared if pronounced more is Góra Jasna at Order Pauline the of character hermitic th in place singular a is mountain it by standards, tall particularly not although level, sea above m 295 reaches it point tallest impressive. certainly is which Góra, Jasna of viewshed the is location remote a of l remote relatively a been have still would Góra Jasna and town small a but was Częstochowa 1382, in monastery Pauline the of foundation the before plac isolated contemplation. spiritual to attracted be would monks Pauline that surprise no is namesake. their given surprising not strong, particularly were elements eremitic the but elements, eremitic and mendicant, monastic, of comprised character, mixed a had

Maniura, Town ―The Groch, from benefit would Europe Central of sites cult the of study future study, this of scope the within not Though Town ―The JerzyGroch, ― Urbán, Máté ― Romhányi,

zvrni ( Szeverényi, Archaeology in Religious Change Religious in Archaeology

However, the Pauline link c link Pauline the However, ―GIS Variations on a Cretan a on Variations ―GIS , Pilgrimage to Images to Pilgrimage Aegaeum Life in the Pauline Monasteries of Late Medieval Hungary LateMedieval of Monasteries LifePauline in the Pálos zarándokhelyek Pálos uaet Acaoiga 2011 Archaeolingua, Budapest: -

Formative Function of the Jasna Góra Shrine,‖ 203. Shrine,‖ Góra Jasna Function ofthe Formative 24, ed. 24,

24/1 (Spring, 1999): 97 1999): (Spring, 24/1

- Formative Function of the Jasna Góra Shrine,‖ 204. Góra Jasna ofthe Function Formative 135

K. P. Foster and R. and Foster P. K. in n n motn rue o h ct o Lbi. h monastery The Lublin. of city the to route important an on tion

Today Jasna Góra is surrounded by the city of Częstochowa, but Częstochowa, of city the by surrounded is Góra Jasna Today On the Road to Reconstructing the Past the Reconstructing to Road the On , 132 ,

- a kés a

133. Theme: Minoan Peak Sanctuaries,‖ i Sanctuaries,‖ Peak Minoan Theme: (March 2013): 27 2013): (March

―Pastoralism and Peak? A GIS Study into the origins of Minoan pe Minoan of origins the into Study GIS A Peak? and ―Pastoralism annot be the sole justification for the remote nature of this this of nature remote the for justification sole the be annot th GIS. Such studies have been revealing in other regions and time time and regions other in revealing been have studies Such GIS. th

ő e surrounding area, which is comparatively flat. comparatively is which area, surrounding e

középko - 111. Another revealin Another 111. Laffineur, ( Laffineur, , 415 ), 45 ri Magyarországon,‖ 64. Magyarországon,‖ ri

- Hamlet Visibility: A GIS Approach,‖ Approach,‖ GIS A Visibility: Hamlet - - 2 S Soetens S. 22; 45

Liège/Austin, 2003 Liège/Austin, ocation. g study that has a parallel approach to the to approach parallel a has that study g , ed. , A Sri, K Sarris, A. , ,‖ 53 ,‖

n Erzs -

6. 136 Metron: Measuring the Aegean Aegean the Measuring Metron:

), 483 ), ébet Jerem, Ferenc Redő Ferenc Jerem, ébet

Adding to the attraction the to Adding 139 Vntehye ad S. and Vansteenhuyse, .

- 488; John Waldron and and Waldron John 488; s iel o quiet for ideal es, World Archa World 134 Midcontinental Midcontinental

As such it such As 137 138

At its At eology

, The

and and ak ak

CEU eTD Collection oet . aks ―o o Erh ol Pae Bcm Holy,‖ 258. 1994), Become Places Could Earth on ―How Markus, A. Robert 141 140 the to significant is that locations these within placement precise their is it however visible, more sacrality? site‘s the to contribute significantly place secular important already an within site holy a of location the did But communicate. God and man where point a spheres, earthly and heavenly the in extent some to ―centers‖ centre.‖ a becomes and andthus mountain‘ meet‘] [‗whereearth heaven ‗sacred a to assimilated is residence royal or town sacred every extension, by and palace, kilometers from Körmend. Gy city, nearest the from either locations isolated exactly not are major a on or cities in located neither are sites two remaining The cities. major within located all are Stanislaus St. of Pool the and Skałka, Hill, Gellért Island, Margaret was Order atime whenwas thePauline in Fi the Paul St. of bodythe received they when order their forvictory major a achieved had Paulines the Góra, Jasna at foundation the before year The order. the with acquainted became likely he where court his in time some spent and Hungary of Great Duke geography. Loui ofKing of relative a kind was monastery, certainPauline the of afounder the Opole, of of Ladislaus attraction the than politics with do to more has foundin

Urbán, ― Urbán, ica E Mircea r ocpin s ard Te five The sacred. as conception ir Thes plac holy to referred has Eliade Mircea Well, Capistran‘s remoteness. to dominant clearly is centrality map above the In g monast g

Pálos zarándokhelyek Pálos

liade, liade, e sites were situated in central locations, making them more easily accessible and accessible easily more them making locations, central in situated were sites e atrs n oprtv Religion Comparative in Patterns eries in more central locations central more in eries

őr, őr, a késa

and Ulrich‘s Spring in Heiligenbrunn is a little over 15 15 over little a is Heiligenbrunn in Spring Ulrich‘s and ő

középkori Magyarországon,‖ 64. Magyarországon,‖ középkori a Eid dsrbs big fcl on bten the between point focal a being describes, Eliade way

ut lcs oae i cte wr all were cities in located places cult – vogue

Pannonhalma is located about twenty kilometers kilometers twenty about located is Pannonhalma 46 , trans. R. Sheed (London: Sheed & Ward, 1958), 375; 375; 1958), Ward, & Sheed (London: Sheed R. trans. ,

. 140 . s s cnrs‖ aig ―vr tml or temple ―Every saying, ―centres,‖ as es

The presence of the Paulines at Jasna Góra Jasna at Paulines the of presence The ora o Crsin Studies Christian of Journal

rst Hermit. Certainly this Hermit. rst 141

All holy places areAll holy places

located on the the on located road, but they but road,

, o (Fall 3 No. 2, s the the s CEU eTD Collection 146 145 80. 1, Table 144 Olomouc 143 Gherardo monte San di Periferia,‖ Alla Santuari Loro i e Ungheresi Osservanti Francescani e Paolini Eremiti ―Domenicani, 142 favored location aand prominent greater over more viewshed. t of base the at but top, the on not built was Gerard St. to dedicated church the although city, the overlooks Hill Gellért b kilometers few a or cities, and towns of edges the on are shrines other ―many that and shrines,‖ for chosen been often have centers, urban overlooking hilltops permits, topography ―where that instance, for resolutio found remoteness and centrality conveniently the close for casual pilgrim. Tr cities, Kazimierz of area central 12 of city the was time the at what of outside 11 and 10 (fig. gardens cloister ch the of walls the outside just well marble locations possible two in situated and clothing, washed women the where city the of walls the at located was well the monastery, the at tradition to the of edge the at was foundation its of time the at which nort southern edge(fig. 9 Buda‘s frame Hill Gellért and Island Margaret periphery. city‘s respective

). In the Middle Ag Middle the In ). Nolan, ―Shrine Locations,‖ 77. Locations,‖ ―Shrine Nolan, Locations ―Shrine Nolan, Locations,‖ ―Shrine Nolan, Shrines.‖ ―Intermediate as analyzes she shrines the of 70% about classifies Nolan communication Personal perip sacred the as sites two these of role The This trend is concurrent with Nolan‘s finds. Nolan‘s with concurrent is trend This , April 19, 2014. April 19, , enčín and Bratislava, respectively, putting them outside the secular sphere but still but sphere secular the outside them putting respectively, Bratislava, and enčín . Lastly, Skałka and Marianka are located about ten kilometers from important important from kilometers ten about located are Marianka and Skałka Lastly, .


e l'isola di Santa Margherita,‖ 267 SantaMargherita,‖ di l'isola e ).

eyond in the countryside or village.‖ or countryside the in eyond 142 es the Vistula River split into tributaries around around tributaries into split River Vistula the es

,‖ 76 ,‖ with Dominican Brother Pavel Mayer, chaplain of the church, church, the of chaplain Mayer, Pavel Brother Dominican with —

Capistran‘s was inthe Well Observant located ofOlomouc, Convent

Wawel, where the cathedral and Royal Court are lo are Court Royal and cathedral the where Wawel, -

7. e il ( hill he

). 143 i. 13 fig.

iial, h Po o S. tnsas a lctd just located was Stanislaus St. of Pool the Similarly,

n through compromise resolutions. compromise through n hery in Buda is analyzed in detail by Gábor Klaniczay in: in: Klaniczay Gábor by detail in analyzed is Buda in hery urch, or at the site of a more humble spigot in the in spigot humble more a of site the at or urch, 47 ) Cracow .

In - 284. 284. hs ae h eat pt f atro was martyrdom of spot exact the case this 144 , in the near the in ,

She claims that the opposing ideals of ideals opposing the that claims She –

either 146

This is evident in Buda, where Buda, in evident is This wn. According to the present the to According wn. by suburb of Kazimier of suburb by

where today stands a grand grand a stands today where Cracow Klášter Dominikánů Dominikánů Klášter 145 cated , dividing the the dividing ,

Nolan states, Nolan en and hern 19 — z (fig. z -

34 from ; ―Il

CEU eTD Collection 149 19. fn. 17, Stanislaus,‖ Saint ―Preaching Kuzmova, and Sadraei, (Pozna Canonisation] kanonizacji Gerard [ biskupa‖ 1088 to dating the For Stanis I S [ St of Remains i 148 5. 1795 to 147 Ska to Wawel from procession a make to required be would Ska at tomb Stanislaus‘s from processions included earlier) possibly scholars some to according (though century sixteenth the in celebrations beginning Liturgical center. city the to return martyr‘s the saw Wawel at cathedral the translation the 1088/89, ca. martyrdom, his yearsafter Ten center. city the from retreat of sort a as pray to Skałka to come had Stanislaus St. martyrdom, his of day the On city. the of periphery sacred represented also pool, holy the extension by and low flat, the on unnoticed almost map, the cityscape the dominating outcropping limestone a on situated distin a with city the of periphery sacred the marking map, the of edge the on up rises Hill Gellért Buda,

siue f Histor of nstitute Med in Mendicants e t


l Kuzmova, ―Preaching Saint Stanislaus,‖ 110 Stanislaus,‖ Saint ―Preaching Kuzmova, ( Starnawska Maria see, recently Most Carter, W. F. e d w Vita minor Vita ł i a ka. a ł

awa awa i c

, j ź Labud 149 a Pater Patriae Pater The situation at Skałka is the inversion of that of Gellért Hill. In representations of representations In Hill. Gellért of that of inversion the is Skałka at situation The Cambridge S Cambridge r

o s h Cl o Bso Sit Stan Saint Bishop of Cult The ́ d

z [

Concernin t lo eae rdtoa ta o te ucsin f nw oih ig te king the king, Polish new a of succession the on that traditional became also It ł c [ a an Sailu, h Bso o Cao, h Pls Pto Sit Mu Saint. Patron Polish the Cracow, of Bishop the Stanislaus, Saint z

Sailu b Bso Padt] in Prandota], Bishop by Stanislaus . a, a, ct natural feature. Maps depicting Maps feature. natural ct ą D , 282; and II and 282; , t k Trade and Urban Development in Poland: An economic geography of Cracow, from its origins its from Cracow, of geography economic An Poland: in Development Urban and Trade o o Ś m ́ i Cao 4] Cracow in y w wiety i ieval Cracow. Collected Studies], ed. K. O K. ed. Studies], Collected Cracow. ieval n

ś ń i tudies in Historical Geography, Book 20(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 2006), Press, University Cambridge 20(Cambridge: Book Geography, Historical in tudies w k , g the Report on St. Stanislaus] (repr. Stanislaus] St. on Report the g

: Instytut historii Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza, 2000), 2000), Mickiewicza, Adama Uniwersytetu historii Instytut : see in addition to addition in see a 17


Saiłw pzz ikp Padt‖ [ Prandotę‖ biskupa przez Stanisława . Stanisław skiego Instyt skiego - 26. See also the dating given in the in given dating the also See 26. I, 1, 394), and in the Short Cracow Annals. For a more detailed bibliography, see: see: bibliography, detailed more a For Annals. Cracow Short the in and 394), 1, I,

, Bi (Cracow: Esprit, 2008), 419; Marian Plezia, Plezia, Marian 419; 2008), Esprit, (Cracow: skup krakowski, patron polski. polski. patron krakowski, skup utu Historycznego w Krakowie 4 [ 4 Krakowie w Historycznego utu Ś

Starnawska więtych życie po życiu po życie więtych islaus before the Canonisation], Canonisation], the before islaus - 11.

- 48 edkni śenoicnm Kra średniowiecznym w Mendykanci ly : Jerzy Ra Jerzy

ing suburb of suburb ing Cracow

Bydg Wawel to his place of martyrdom at at martyrdom of place his to Wawel ż jman, , Stanislaus vitae: ( vitae: Stanislaus ó , however, show Wawel in the middle, middle, the in Wawel show however, , esp g oszcz: Wydawnictwo Homini, 1999) Homini, Wydawnictwo oszcz: Dominicans, St. Hyacinth and Elevation of of Elevation and Hyacinth St. Dominicans, , T. Ga T. , . ―Przedkanonizacyjny kult ―Przedkanonizacyjny 200 Kazimierz (fig. 14 (fig. Kazimierz Ś Studies and Sources of the Dominican the of Sources and Studies - ł l 203 uszka, and A. and uszka, ; a 147 az Przesz Nasza d a ) m

ł ; Skałka lies on the edge of edge the on lies Skałka of his body from Ska bodyfrom his of a eoe h dy f his of day the before ka i Idem

z Vita maior Vita a b 134 Dooko o , ́ j ―Dominikanie s t -

w 8, 142 8, Zajchowska rder rder ł kowie o a ł ść

a , II, 20 (ff.) 388 (ff.) 20 II, ,

– sprawy 0 (1993) 80 ). But Skał But ). –

- ,

3; Roż 3; ś męczeń Z Martyrdom Stanis w. b i o , , r św , 425

ś nowska

s wi 70 stwa t 9 : . ł u ka to ka Jacek Jacek ę d - - ł 458 102. tego tego i awa awa - , ka, o 18; 148 ́ w - – – 9 - .

CEU eTD Collection 153 152 Cracow] Witkowska, Aleksandra 151 in Poland,‖ Ritual Monarchic Medieval of Ceremonies Coronation the in ―Gesture Canoni of Polsce w kościoła [ AC [ przedrozbiorowym‖ 112; Stansilaus,‖ Poland,‖ 150 visible be still to said even is blood his Indeed, place. a with connection a form to saint a for way the site. at him to dedicated was chapel a 1208 by and Váhom nad Skalka at cult the of focus the was who Benedict was it Benedict, and Andrew both of sanctuary a was site the While thrivi a still was there here but Buda, with Island Margaret and Hill Gellért or Ska did as Trenčín with relationship of kind same the have not did Benedict s about Wawelcompared Cathedral.at five toonly twenty worship.‖ while patronage; national and episcopal dynastic, the to pertaining cult official the of centre ―the became Wawel remarks, Kuzmova the Stanislava of symbols physical the Cathedral, and Castle Wawel the at Stanislaus coronation, inremembrance patron‘s ofthe Polish Processions in Honour of St. Stanislaus Martyr Stanislaus St. of Honour in Processions

Miladinov, Miladinov, 110. Stanislaus,‖ Saint ―Preaching Kuzmova, pre the on more For umv, Pecig an Sailu, 10 Fr h caatr f tnsass ut t Ska at cult Stanislaus‘s of character the For 110. Stanislaus,‖ Saint ―Preaching Kuzmova, 9 (1979), 608 (1979), 9 153


ix kilometers from the neighboring city of Trenčín. The sanctuary of Sts. Andrew and and Andrew Sts. of sanctuary The Trenčín. of city neighboring the from kilometers ix This is not surprising as this was the site of his martyrdo his of site the was this as surprising not is This Not all sites were so close to their patrons and pilgrims. Skalka nad Váhom is located is Váhom nad Skalka pilgrims. and patrons their to close so were sites all Not of cult the of character the illustrate Skałka of depictions and processions These i o te forty the of six ( n h cave the in Lublin: Tow Lublin: h Frin urel Review Quarterly Foreign The sation] 151 Margins of Solitude of Margins

hs s ofre b te ial acut in accounts miracle the by confirmed is This Skałka , , - . 750 . 13; and idem, ―Procesje ku czci św. Stanisława biskupa i m i biskupa Stanisława św. czci ku ―Procesje idem, and 13; ed ed Micha . . to Wawel from Stanislaus St. of Honour in Processions arzystwo naukowe KUL, 1984 naukowe KUL, arzystwo J -

Andrzej A Andrzej á lecie kanonizacji [ kanonizacji lecie

n aalln te sann o bod a Glét il n cnrbtn an contributing and Hill Gellért at blood‖ of ―staining the paralleling -

and Wawel. Wawel was the center of center the was Wawel Wawel. and coronation process of Polish kings see, for example: Richard Roepell, ―History of of ―History Roepell, Richard example: for see, kings Polish of process coronation o ut p Kulty ł Jagosz, ―Procesje ku czci św. Stanisława z Wawelu na Skałkę w okresie okresie w Skałkę na Wawelu z Stanisława św. czci ku ―Procesje Jagosz, ł s

B - w mrce rcre b D by recorded miracles two a k

(Berkeley: University of Cal of University (Berkeley: ą , 186 , . tniczne piętnastowiecznego Krakowa piętnastowiecznego tniczne

N a p - 7. i ó

kwk, (Cracow: rkowski, St Stanislaus in the Life of the Church in Poland. 75 Poland. in Church the of Life the in Stanislaus St , 28 , Part 1 (Hamburg: 1840): 327; Kuzmova, ―Preaching Saint Saint ―Preaching Kuzmova, 327; 1840): (Hamburg: 1 Part ,

- Bi 152 49 shop from Wawel to to Wawel from shop ) .

murder by king. a Polish ifornia Press, 1990), 152 1990), iforniaPress, Skałka ługosz Skałka ooain: eivl n Ery Modern Early and Medieval Coronations: , 2003), 2003), , Cracow a D Jan

Skałka Plrm ut i Fifteenth in Cults [Pilgrim were associated with Skałka, Skałka, with associated were

eae h fcs f folk of focus the became Skałka m, perhaps the most reliable most the perhaps m, 161

ę czennika zWawelu na na zWawelu czennika ługosz state and the sacred. As As sacred. the and state ], in ], , prominently displaying prominently , - 172; Aleksander Gieysztor, Gieysztor, Aleksander 172;

Before Pa Before - Ś 162. więty Stanisław w życiu w Stanisław więty s ie f h saint, the of life ‘s 150

ł ka with ka

rtition Period], in Period], rtition 0th Anniversary Anniversary 0th ng local cult. local ng ł ka see also: also: see ka Cracow - Skałkę,‖ Skałkę,‖ Century Century

CEU eTD Collection Miladinov, ―Margins of Solitude,‖ 187. ofSolitude,‖ ―Margins Miladinov, sixteenth the was in famous site particularly The thrown. been have to believed was body Benedict‘s where Thurzo Count by River Vah the along 157 156 155 (Budapest: 154 1 in Island Margaret on established also later was convent Franciscan A buildings. military two of site the was itself Island Margaret and invasion, Mongol the after central was the site of daughter his of home future the as island the choosing for motivation practical had also Béla 1246. in there daughter his for convent i the on existed already abbey Premonstratensian A Island. Margaret at is latter the of example evident most the Perhaps site. a of sacralization the inspired or on spurred foundation the times other at reputation, part site a at founded was monastery the times Nitra, thesaints‘cult remained popular almost ninetyawayat kilometersSkałka. Nitra. of saints patron became Benedict and Andrew Stanislaus, martyr the like And Zobor. Mount hermitage, first his of site the to city closest the also was which Nitra, of bishopric the in St to martyrdom his of place the from translated was body Benedict‘s there. rest not did bodies saints‘ the though Benedict, and Andrew with connection the by motivatedlargely A site. the selectio site at the and I, Jacob established Bishop by 1224 was in here founded was which abbey Benedictine community, monastic the and site the between additional, visual attraction element for Sólymos Sólymos, Sólymos, Szilveszter A church was built at Skałka on the presumed exact location of the hermitage and in 1520 a chapel was built built was chapel a 1520 in and hermitage the of location exact presumed the on Skałka at built was church A 156 M that was Trenčín, of city nearby the with relationship the than important More

Though the center of Andrew and Benedict‘s and Andrew of center the Though , Magyar Egyháztörténeti En MagyarEgyháztörténeti ost Szent Zoerard Szent Zoerard Szent roy natural al gardens. The island was part of Béla‘s building program in which the Danube Béla‘s which program in the gardens. building The part islandwas of al 155

aalln te rnlto o Sailu‘ bd t Wwl ahda, St. Cathedral, Wawel to body Stanislaus‘s of translation the Paralleling Szent Zoerard Szent

cult sites had some sort of relationship with a monastic foundation. At foundation. monastic a with relationship of sort some had sites cult - - András (Szórád)és Benedek András (Szórád)és Benedek András - centu ln bfr Kn Bl bgn osrcin f Dominican a of construction began Béla King before sland - ciklopédia Munkaközösség ciklopédia

András (Szórád) és Benedek remeték élete és kultusza Magyarországon kultusza és élete remeték Benedek és (Szórád) András ry when it drew in pilgrims from across the Vah valley and Moravia. and valley Vah the across from pilgrims in drew it when ry

pilgrims — 50

the queen had a residence there and there residence a had queen the , 14. , Miladinov, 15; ,

. 154 ly due to the site‘s already known sacred sacred known already site‘s the to due ly

, 1996), 19. 1996), , cult was in an official sense located at located sense official an in was cult Margins of Solitude of Margins

. Emmeram‘s Cathedral Cathedral Emmeram‘s . , 187. , 157

it was also was it

270, an 270, n was was n

CEU eTD Collection 160 159 Marga on foundations és társaskáptalanok Kolostorok monastic the of description 158 oftenfollow the than other notonehad tofully to thesacralization process. solidify or bottom top the could from occur environmental feature.afinal particular contributed of ―choice‖ tothe places otherscertain over of certain in cults promotion andof the circumstances fate.Political Europe. Christian medieval in case the not is cultures, come in true maybe while which holy, considered be would mountains espe places make also community, a of periphery the on presence site‘s a particular in qualities, spatial Certain outcroppings rocky fountains, mountains, true? fate,‖ is ―geography attemptsboth ofthese failed canonization was and properlycanonized shenot 1943. until t proved Margaret St. of cult The island. the on tomb her and Margaret to connected miracles of and sanctity Margaret‘s of testimonyprovided people 130 over time which years,at these between proceedingsoccurred sacra this to essential as 1276 to 1273 years connectionwith its ofway camebysacralization nunnery, the to retireme his in illustrated is Béla King of time the in remoteness importance, island‘s the to contributed institutions royal and religious of settlements urban of periphery the on presence islands the of indicator

Ibid. ― Klaniczay, áo Klaniczay, Gábor

Central shrines only accounted for a little over a tenth of the total shrines in Mary Lee Mary in shrines total the of tenth a over little a for accounted only shrines Central Heraclitus, philosopher Greek of axiom the is Europe Central medieval in So Il monte di San Gherard monte San di Il cially receptive to sacred nuances. But i But nuances. sacred to receptive cially u ti aoe i nt ae h iln sce. h iln‘ definitive island‘s The sacred. island the make not did alone this but I mne i a Gherard San di monte ―Il

, 16. ,


— o e l'isola di Santa Margherita,‖ 272. Margherita,‖ l'isola Santa e di o o be one of the most important in Hungary, even though though even Hungary, in important most the of one be o

— Natural but

by popular veneratio by popular

ny o n xet Cran aua features natural Certain extent. an to only e 'sl d Sna ageia‖ 267 Margherita,‖ Santa di l'isola e o

51 cult sites were just as much victims of chance of victims much as just were sites cult — ret Island and a succinct bibliography see: Romhányi, Romhányi, see: bibliography succinct a and Island ret

trc siiul n rlgos connotations. religious and spiritual attract iain process. lization St.

Margaret. Gábor Klaniczay pinpoints the Margaret. pinpoints GáborKlaniczay f this were universally true the true universally were this f n or official promotion official promotion n or

nt to the royal curia attached curia royal the to nt 159

w cnnzto trial canonization Two

This was a process that a processThis wasthat . 158

The concentration The - 284. For a detailed detailed a For 284. n is sacred its and –

but more —

hills, n all n

160 as

CEU eTD Collection NY: see, religions major in liminality 162 161 of towns, cities,orterritorial othertrue. holds units, and Turner Edith assertion the then, Europe Central medieval of case the In periphery. sacred these of all almost ―centrality‖ their Despite study Nolan‘s

Turner & Turner, & Turner, Turner 80. 1, Table Locations,‖ ―Shrine Nolan, Cornell University Press, 1975 Press, CornellUniversity , 161

Image and Pilgrimage Pilgrimage and Image that mo that

hl oe hl o te site the of half over while

st holy places in major religions are located on the edge or periphery edgeorperiphery the religions on located are inmajor st holy places Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors: Symbolic Action in Human Society Human in Action Symbolic Metaphors: and Fields, Dramas, ).

in Christian Culture Christian in 52


aaye hr cn e aeoie a such. as categorized be can here analyzed s 162

, 241. For more on the Victor Turners‘ views on views Turners‘ Victor the more on For 241. ,

cult sites adhere to the concept of the of concept the to adhere sites cult made by Victor Victor by made

(Ithaca, CEU eTD Collection 163 literat hagiographic the In landscape. the to figure saint‘s a tied further power spiritual of conduits as blood and water on Emphasis space. and place of importance of expressionfemale religious of examples best the Hungary of and one importantin saints most the of one Island, Margaret of Margaret St. of figure the in expressed is religiosity century Hungary medieval in made pilgrimages of percent ten and sites pilgrimage were Hungary medieval in monasteries Pauline the of third one fact In century. fourteenth the of end the by prominence in grown of of the firstinteractions (Christian) religious wi of some record vitae their Thus 1083. in Hungary medieval in canonized be to saints first the amongst were significantly, saints, three All well. as this reflect vitae his and figure complex St. though both, in present are topoi hermetic typical the and saints hermit relateto both Hill), (Gellért Gerard St. and Váhom) nad (Skalka Benedict and Andrew eleventh earlier The miracles. and legends origin Hill Gellért and Stanislaus, St. of material hagiographic is there accounts

Máté Urbán, Urbán, Máté the period. St. St.

Stanislaus present later expressions of medieval religiosity in Central Europe. The Pool Pool The Europe. Central in religiosity medieval of expressions later present Stanislaus Stanislaus and Jasna Góra were Góra Jasna and Stanislaus n l fv o tee ie, h hgorpy n mrce tre epaie the emphasized stories miracle and hagiography the sites, these of five all In fourteenth The sites these examined have I te f the ,

―Pálos Zarándokhelyek A Késő AKéső Zarándokhelyek ―Pálos llrc a olkloric

- century hagiography related Margaret Island, Jasna Góra, and the Pool Pool the and Góra, Jasna Island, Margaret related hagiography century ee o aln plrmg sites. pilgrimage Pauline to were d itrc ore, and sources, historic nd

— Skalka nad Váhom, Jasna Góra, Margaret Island, the Pool Pool the Island, Margaret Góra, Jasna Váhom, nad Skalka

exhibit some similar features by way of their assoc their of way by features similar some exhibit from three perspectives: perspectives: three from

CONCLUSION both intimately tied with the Pauline Order, which had had which Order, Pauline the with tied intimately both Középkori Magyarországon,‖ Magyarországon,‖ Középkori 53 th the landscape Hungary. inmedieval

pta aayi. h fv sts o which for sites five The analysis. spatial - etr hagiography century


nte eape f fourteenth of example Another the 64.


ure the sacred place sacred the ure Gerard was a more more a was Gerard rpy n miracle and graphy concerning

s iated iated aints CEU eTD Collection commonalities of religious expression as well. Miri Rubin in her work on the role of the the of are role the There on work her Europe. in Rubin Western Miri well. as modern expression religious of in commonalities shrines of majority the representing shrines‖ ― with findings similar reflected locations shrine of study Nolan‘s Lee Mary regions. two the between commonalities are there certainly and Europe, Western in findings by tributarytheVistulaRiver) Stanislaus. water ofSt. (the of Pool as atthe capacity some in sphere mundane the from ―separated‖ and expe we would mystique the preserved they However, accessible. and prominent more them making roads, and towns important verynear locatedwere herediscussed sites the of periphery. Most ce of ideals shrine connotations have wi site Mountai Martin‘s St. At Gellért‘sRock. and Ivy Well the like features landscape its to andBakonybél, perma Gerard, and Gunther as such hermits, of presence The landscape. the affected religion which in ways other reveal oth many about said be can than more is exist have to proven be can sites these stories, miracle medieval without Even Mountain. Martin‘s St. and Marianka, Mátraverebély, Well, multi saint‘s interaction withthe site,and especially ifthe sainthad died there. the of virtue by earth, on saint the of representation actual and symbolic the becomes often - faceted character of the final six sites six final the of character faceted th the Hungarian church Hungarian the th The sacred periphery as embodied in these these in embodied as periphery sacred The these Collectively, folklori and historic present, are sources hagiographic no When n, legend, a strategic location strategic a legend, ct to find at find to ct

become become ntrality and remoteness find compromise in the concept of the sacred sacred the of concept the in compromise find remoteness and ntrality natural equivalent to natural ety once tee w frin ans o h vlae of village the to saints foreign two these connected nently


cult sites by their locations at the edge of towns or centers, or towns of edge the at locations their by sites cult

ut ie ehbt oe eiiie atrs Te opposing The patterns. definitive some exhibit sites cult

the tenth century tenth the , and an impressive height, also permanently linked the the linked permanently also height, impressive an and , the mountain‘sidentity. er supposedly medieval natural medieval supposedly er 54 –

ed in the Middle Ages in some capacity, which capacity, some in Ages Middle the in ed

Capistran‘s Well, St. Ulrich‘s Spring, the Ivy the Spring, Ulrich‘s St. Well, Capistran‘s natural


— cult sites seems to reflect similar reflect to seems sites cult by height like at Gellért Hill, or Hill, Gellért at like height by , so much so that it that so much so ,

c sources attest to the to attest sources c

cult sites. They also They sites. cult

intermediate ‘s religious ‘s CEU eTD Collection 10, and 58 and 10, Future the for Directions Research Archaeology: Church ― I Landscape,‖ the Histori of Study 2005) Press, University Oxford Ireland Walsham, 165 164 so threat real very the of because practices and places pagan of denunciation stricter a and Christianization of number smaller population. general the convert to effort an in missionaries medieval by Christianized hol many Britain In Europe. to compared fewer much i that aspect the Perhaps Europe. of parts other from considerably differ that characteristics singular exhibited study this in examined Europe the ‗periphery‘ T not. than alike more apart, than akin more seem congregation Cluniac the of leaders the by and Hungary of King the by Mary towards made Abbey Cluny the by promotion parallel the and Hungary of Stephen St. by cult Marian the of promotion the of example the offers She dichotomy. ―periphery‖ a as the toostrict EasternEurope ―center‖Western and asand Europe Central the we that remark insightful the made has religion, medieval in Mary Virgin bid Identifying the Archaeology of the Earl the of Archaeology the Identifying o dsuso o te aa or pagan the of discussion For Miri Rubin, Rubin, Miri , ― .,

hrhs n h Ery nls Landscap English Early the in Churches ( Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011 Press, University Oxford: Oxford Nevertheless - h Rfrain f h Lnsae Rlgo, dniy ad eoy n Ea in Memory and Identity, Religion, Landscape: the of Reformation The 9 respectively. 9

Emotion and Devotion and Emotion c Churches and Churchyards Churchyards and Churches c

areas such as the British Isles, another supposed ―frontier‖ region of medieval of region ―frontier‖ supposed another Isles, British the as such areas natural in Della Hooke (ed.), (ed.), Hooke Della in

are often best lookedat d in are often

that occurred in Central Europe and particularly in the Hungarian kingdom, kingdom, Hungarian the in particularly and Europe Central in occurred that , it cannot be ignored that the the that ignored be cannot it , natural

ut ie i Cnrl uoe hn n etr Erp, n especially and Europe, Western in than Europe Central in sites cult

, 221 ,

ut ie i Cnrl uoe a b a eut f h ―quicker‖ the of result a be may Europe Central in sites cult gn o mdea wl cls n eivl rti ad ae see Wales and Britain medieval in cults well medieval of igins

- sts r cniee t hv oiial be pgn sites, pagan been originally have to considered are sites y 8, 471 8, , 19. , Anglo y Church in Wales and Cornwall,‖ in John Blair and Carol Pyrah, ed. Pyrah, Carol and Blair John in Cornwall,‖ and Wales in Church y

- 89; Warwick Rodwell, Rodwell, Warwick 89; - Saxon Sett Saxon ( London: Batsford, Ltd., Batsford, London: ) , 34 , ifferent combinations...‖ ifferent : Socia e: - 55 5; 5;

lements John John s at first at s

(York: l and Cultural Contexts,‖ and Nancy Edwards, Edwards, Nancy and Contexts,‖ Cultural and l Blair, Blair, hey suggest that events at the ‗center‘ and ‗center‘ the at events that suggest hey

natural (Oxford Council for British for Council The Church in Anglo in Church The The Archaeology of the English Church: The Church: English theof Archaeology The most most , sayi , 1981); 1981);

: Oxford University Press University Oxford : ut ie i te ra f Central of area the in sites cult striking is that there simply are simply there that is striking ng, ― John Blair, ― Blair, John Taken together, the moves moves the together, Taken 164

Archaeology, 1996), 1996), Archaeology, l Mdr Bian and Britain Modern rly - Saxon Society Saxon Min

need not make make not need ster Churches in in Churches ster , 1988), 1988), , :


(Oxford: 165 35

The - 6 58; - 7, - ,

CEU eTD Collection (Byzantinoslavica, 1990). (Byzantinoslavica, Mid the (Cambridge Slavs Civilization and History Europe Eastern and Central of Making The see: Klaniczay, Europe Central in church ofthe eastern 169 100. Lovas Borbála R in Andrew,‖ Zoerard Szent formái 168 167 217 ofMosavia,‖ Case The Century: Sixteenth ―Bounda zone: border a as Poland of discussion a for volume 195 2002), Ashgate, (Aldershot: Berend Nora and Abulafia David Bere Nora and 1000 c. Hungary, Medieval in ‘Pagans’ and Muslims 166 the near Zebegény and respecti Óvár Visegrád, and at of hermitages monasteries as identified caves of clusters example, in rece who Gerard St. of figure the in illustrated as practice western with simultaneously present were eremitism Bulgarian and Rus, Kievan Greek, Oriental, asceticism of forms practiced who Benedict and Andrew regions.‖ and hostile desert or uninhabited the similar in originated once had that spirituality stimulated and inspired evidently charac frontier ―the that and ideas,‖ religious of transplantation the for soil virgin presented Christianity new and old of border ―the saying, point this on elaborates sout and Catholic the While this. suggests area this of landscape sacred the and zone, frontier a were here discussed Europe calledgroups ―pagan‖ presentedsonearCentral eastern Europe‘s border. esearchers esearchers

Sólymos, ―The First Benedictine Monks inHungary,‖ Monks Benedictine First ―The Sólymos, see: asceticism, sleep of forms strict particular, In Miladinov, Berend, Nora see: ―frontier,‖ a as kingdom Hungarian the on more For Italywhose was likel anderemitism

(New Brunswick (New - for are, There cultures. of confluence this by affected was too landscape religious The difficu is It 9 en oad their Poland, hern th :

Conference Cambridge U Cambridge o h 12 the to Mű & Szerző. Fiatal kutatók konferenciája konferenciája kutatók Fiatal Szerző. & Mű Margins of Solitude of Margins , nd, ―Hungary, ‗the Gate of Christendom,‖ in in Christendom,‖ of Gate ‗the ―Hungary, nd, Zsófia Nádor Zsófia - lt to do more than conjecture on this point; however, the areas of Central of areas the however, point; this on conjecture than more do to lt András vitájában. The Extreme Forms of Ascetic Practice in the Life of Saint Zoerard Saint of Life the in Practice Ascetic of Forms Extreme The vitájában. András :

Rutgers University Press, Press, University Rutgers

(New Brunswick (New th


niversity Press niversity td Volume Study Centuries , Church Emőke Rita Szilágyi (Arianna Könyvek 4.) 4.) Könyvek (Arianna Szilágyi Rita Emőke

, 18. , location made other influences inevitable. Marina Miladinov Miladinov Marina inevitable. influences other made location

. Papers read at the Byzantinological Symposoim Bechyné 1990 1990 Bechyné Symposoim Byzantinological the at read Papers .

was the official church in the medieval Hungarian kingdom Hungarian medieval the in church official the was , 1970); Vladimir Vav Vladimir 1970); , : , d Zói Áns Bartók, Ágnes Zsófia ed. ],

Rutgers University Press, 1962); Id., Id., 1962); Press, University Rutgers

(Polish Research Centre London, 1949); 1949); London, Centre Research (Polish y byItalian influenced Romauld. theSt. - 238. 167 1971); A. P. Vlasto, Vlasto, P. A. 1971);


hs s lutae, o example for illustrated, is This - c. 1300 1300 c.

Holy Ruler and Blessed Princesses Blessed and Ruler Holy Krisztina Ilkó, ―Az aszkézis gyakorlatának szélsőséges szélsőséges gyakorlatának aszkézis ―Az Ilkó, Krisztina

ey Te oatre hd en one by founded been had monasteries The vely. Paradisum Plantavit Paradisum Medieval Frontiers: Concepts and Practices and Concepts Frontiers: Medieval – (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 2001), Press, University Cambridge (Cambridge: ries and Men in Poland from the Twelfth to the the to Twelfth the from Poland in Men and ries

ř ínek, ed. ínek, Tanulmánykötet - 216. See Brendan Smith‘s text in the same same the in text Smith‘s Brendan See 216.

unique to the Eastern tradition. Eastern the to unique The Entry of the Slavs into Christiandom into Slavs the of Entry The

óa mk Dobozy Emőke Nóra , Byzantium and Its Neighbours from from Neighbours Its and Byzantium (Budapest: ELTE BTK, 2012), BTK, ELTE (Budapest: At the Gate of Christendom of Gate the At , 595 , ived his religious education religious his ived Byzantine Missions among the among Missions Byzantine

[ - ok & Author & Works 6. For more on the influence more theonFor influence 6. Id., Id., ter of Eastern Europe Europe Eastern of ter 166 The The , 99; 99; ,


169 Slavs in European in Slavs n h hermits the in , Francis Dvornik, Francis Dvornik,

áo Förköli Gábor s . Young Young . : Jews, :

, ed. , 91 168 – - ,

CEU eTD Collection Geo 171 caves in and monasteries history ofthe detailed a for ofOrganisation,‖ 170 landscap the in Sta Gerard, signify Saints identity. Hungarian historical physicallyand religious they saints; these with associated be would region the of many that then sense makes It kingdom. Hungarian medieval b alliance the Church kingships, and Christian thenew ofthisalliance.‖ and thetoken of manifestation the once at rather, was, he counterweight; its o adversary the not was regions these in evolved that type saint new The Europeancore they that meant status newcomer ―very regions‘ frontier these Klaniczay, Gábor of words the In saints. royal of cult the of growth the facilitated it so Christianity, western and eastern both of influence the facilitated Europe Central of soil‖ ―virgin the way same the contributed who saints with Stanislaus) (St. Stanislaus St. of Pool the and Benedict), St. and Andrew saints remaining Mátr and Margaret landscape. sacred the of formation the influenced also which active the and promotion ofthe cult texts, hagiographic related Hungary, in canonized be to saints first the of two to connection a of advantage the had which Váhom, nad Skalka at Benedict and Andrew Monastery. Cave Kievan the from entourage Anastasia‘s wife Andrew‘s from monks of number a by inhabited were caves the that community academicthe in consensusthe is it and 1055, in Andrew King

See Marina Miladinov‘s chapter, ―The laurae of Tihan of laurae ―The chapter, Miladinov‘s Marina See Klaniczay, graphy of Religion: Faith, Place, and Space and Place, Faith, Religion: of graphy These dynastic saints dynastic These the of distinction additional the had Europe Central averebély (St. Ladislaus) were Ladislaus) (St. averebély oy ues n Besd Princesses Blessed and Rulers Holy –

were unencumbered by paradigms of sainthood inherited from late antiquity.late frominherited sainthood of byparadigms unencumbered were 170 —

However, these cav these However,

bythe Benedictinesite. monksat elr Hl ad h Iy el S. ead, kla a Vhm (St. Váhom nad Skalka Gerard), (St. Well Ivy the and Hill Gellért

to the very early Christianization process in Central Europe. In Europe. Central in process Christianization early very the to

represented both the secular and religious identit religious and secular the both represented es never became became never es

(NY: (NY: both associated with royal saints, and many of the of many and saints, royal with associated both 57 , 99. On this concept see also: also: see concept this On 99. , RowmanLittlefield &

y and Visegrád and the Import of the Oriental Model Model Oriental the of Import the and Visegrád and y natural

Margins of Solitude of Margins prominent nislaus, Andrew, and Benedict and Andrew, nislaus, , 2008), esp. esp. 167. 2008), ,

cult sites, unlike the cave of cave the unlike sites, cult natural dynastic cult of saints, of cult dynastic 171

Island (St. Margaret) (St. Island f secular power, nor nor power, secular f oe W Stump W. Roger

— , 157 ,

were associated were cult sites of the the of sites cult

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CEU eTD Collection European ofnature,and and their culture. conceptions religion, breache been East between and Europe Eastern and Central within regions different from scholars between both promotion, andpilgrimage individuals of attention one from born not ―speaking according landscape the transforming landscap between relationship Central wa Europe during presence. tran would they so area, the of of character beginnings religious the signified that natural also seems it region and Europe the Central in in Christianization canonized saints first the of some as - Central Eurpoean scholars and the West. West. the and scholars Eurpoean Central It is my hope that this this that hope my is It landscape of sacralization the indeed, that, show sites these Collectively

to individuals, suggesting individuals, to d in Central Europe and it offers us novel insights into the minds of medieval of minds the into insights novel us offers it and Europe Central in d event; the accumulation of spiritua of accumulation the event; bt ly ok and folk lay both , s a multifaceted and complex complex s amultifaceted and sites acquired connotations. sites sacred study will help to foster future dialogue amongst scholars amongst dialogue future foster to help will study e and religion emerges: with individuals ―choosing‖ and and ―choosing‖ individuals with emerges: religion and e

into what it could best transform. Most holy sites we sites holy Most transform. best could it what into

to their needs and desires, and the landscape also also landscape the and desires, and needs their to 58 h eceisia elite, ecclesiastical the

Sacred landscape is a topic that has only just just only has that topic a is landscape Sacred l and religious connections religious and l fr te physic the sform process.In process this codependent a

just just as they transformed the the transformed they as and al landscape by their their by landscape al through patronage, patronage, through

garner in medieval in ed

the the — re re

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oe dpoaiu Hnaie clsatcs c civilis ac ecclesiasticus Hungariae diplomaticus Codex

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iesat Burgenländ. Eisenstadt: CEU eTD Collection 0921, Acaooia sts eodd y h GA idn Landscap Hidden Italy),‖ (Lazio, Lepini GIA the by recorded sites ―Archaeological 2009/2010, 172 LATLatin = Croatian = CRO Slovakian = SLV Serbian = SRB = POL Polish ItalianIT= Hungarian= HUN German GER = Czech = CZ Languages: ABBREVIATIONS Each entrycatalogue site contains inthe the following information SITE DESCRIPTION features include: origin. of country day) this in refere considered easy site for each study of overview brief a provide to is catalogue this of purpose The ORGANIZATION CATA OF IV. III. II.

I. oe fr hs aaou tkn from taken catalogue this for Model

8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

the cult site. including is Second connotation site medieval the primary the to that according ―Folkloric tradition‖ will tofolkloricbeentered. tradition case related the In material chronicles. source and hagiography primary Known Sources: Primary and relics associated Ages.Middle relevant durin site the of including transformation and development site the to related the dates important of summary Brief Description: Saint(s): Name of associated saint(s) Elevation: (meters) the site, noted. unlessotherwise entry the of front in directly taken are coordinates GPS All Coordinates: GPS Location: Geographical modern location; Identifiers: name, site toponym(s) local andHills Mountains (height) Islands Bodies of water Caves

ary Literature: Includes a selection of the main secondary literature related to to related literature secondary main the of selection a Includes Literature: ary

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172 :

Landscape - wa g the g y of y - CEU eTD Collection I. 173 Vahómnad I.1 Skalka Slovakia

The saint‘s Slavic name is Zoerard, at the time he assumed the habit he took the Christian name Andrew. name Christian the hetook habit the the at time heassumed Zoerard, is saint‘sname Slavic The 3. 2. 1. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4.

CAVES SecondaryLiterature: Primary Sources: Description: Saint(s): Elevation: Coordinates: GPS Location: Identifiers:

Marina Miladinov, Miladinov, Marina Central (Budapest: Miladinov European 2013),315 University Press, Marina and Gașpar, Centuries), Eleventh X Ag (Saec. Christianization Centralis Europae and Confessor in the Miladinov, Marina Zoerard by annotated and trans. Hermits Martyr,‖ the Benedict Holy the of Be et Zoerardi Pécs, of Bishop Maurus, Blessed saints. two the of honor Activethirteenth cult sitefrom thecentury onwards. in century thirteenth the early in cave the disciple near founded Benedict‘s his was Abbey of Benedictine and site Zoerard the of and Benedict, hermitage the of Site AD); Benedek(HUN) (SLV (10 Benedict & (HUN) Świerad Sworad, Swirad, Andrew 276 N 48.54'52.2" E018.04'24.4" Trenčín, Slovakia Váhom nad Skalka, Veľká Skalka, Stará(SLV) Skalka Skalka (HUN); Vágsziklás E é Szent Zoerard 2008) International, Leykam Eur Central l g e y t e


á é 72 z s t k - ö

Zoerard u r t l é t u n s p Bten at n West and East Between ope e z t - a i nedicti ia Sntrm eai Conversionis Aetatis Sanctorum Vitae


E 173 M n

n d a c

r (c. 980 (c. g i agn o Sltd: rmts in Eremitism Solitude: of Margins á k o Cnrl uoe (Tenth Europe Central of e y s l

a o (1064 or shortly before) shortly or (1064

ed. Gábor Klaniczay, Cristian Cristian Klaniczay, Gábor ed. th r p ( o

S é century r d z s - ó i z 1h .; orru (LAT) Zoerardus c.); 11th a r


á g M d ; o ) u - n XI n S – é


z ( ); András, Szórád Szórád András, ); s Legenda sanctorum sanctorum Legenda ) 1012, 1033 or 1037 or 1033 1012, a i Budapest Sit o The of Saints /

l k B v ö - e e

337. z n s ö atro. A martyrdom. z e s t d

e s e r

é k

g S

- r , 1996). :

o e (Zagr , ́ l Magyar m

kláštor, kláštor, y ―Lives ―Lives m e t o é

eb: eb: k s

- ; , CEU eTD Collection Figure 15 . The monastery at Skalka nad Vahóm nad monastery atSkalka the . The VahRiver. overlooking 73

CEU eTD Collection II. II.1 Ulrich’s Spring Austria

3. 2. 1. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4.

BODIES OFBODIES WATER SecondaryLiterature: Primary Sources: Description: Saint(s): Elevation: Coordinates: GPS Location: Identifiers:

ugnad Ven] (Vienna: Vienna] / Burgenland Manual [Dehio Österreichs Kunstdenkmäler Schmeller Adelheid Forschungen (Eisenstadt:Landesarchiv, Burgenländ. 1962):167 Burgenländische Jahrhundert, Universitatis Bau Regiae see: charter typogr. 326 1829), Ungaricae, typis II civilis ac (Budapest: ecclesiasticus Hungariae charter: diplomaticus 1198 the Forr 1198 from date charters important most Two is chapel The 1198. associated with thehermitage of in documented first Clement, was St. which to dedicated church parish a at Located (LAT)Romanus & Ulri c. (1st Clement Chapel)223 (Well 222 (Well) N 47.01'31.1" E016.24'56.6" Chapel) (Well N 47.01'31.3" E016.24'59.0" (Well) Heil (GER); Ulrichsquelle Clemenskirche (GER); Ulrich Clement; St. of Church Parish ugnädsh Forschungen ( Jahrhundert, 17. Burgenländische und 16. im Güssing Herrschaft der Zeit der Wandel im Wallfahrtsortes des Geschichte bewegte 129 1976), Eisenstadt

rsad e Hrshf Gsig m 6 ud 17. und 16. im Güssing Herrschaft der ernstand igenbrunn, Austria; Szentkút (HUN)Szentkút igenbrunn, Austria; ( Passau 74


Cada Huber, Claudia ; : B 1999 Vera Zimányi and Gisela Auer, Auer, Gisela and Zimányi Vera u r - g

The historical monuments in Austria in monuments historical The e -


.) - l 101); Kelemen (HUN); Clemens Clemens (HUN); Kelemen 101); ; Kitt (ed.), Kitt ä n V d - ch ofAugsburgch (c. 890 e 7. i r s a c

h yry eé ed., Fejé, György Z For reference to the 1339 1339 the to reference For e i

m - L forrás (HUN) a a Dehio

́ n n St. Anton Schroll & Co, Co, & Schroll Anton – y d Heiligenbrunn: Die Die Heiligenbrunn:

i e

, Ulrich. s , a - Der Bauernstand Bauernstand Der Burgenla r Handbuch Handbuch c h

i v Issue


and 1339. 1339. and – nd/Wien

973) Codex Codex 46 , – .

Der Der Die Die 46


CEU eTD Collection Figure 16 . St. Ulrich's Well and Chapel. Clement's Chapel. Chu Welland Ulrich's . St. 75

r ch ca n be n

seen behind. seen

CEU eTD Collection Figure 17 . A pilgrim .

fills bottles with bottleswater with fromfills 76

St. Ulrich’s Spring Ulrich’s St. .

CEU eTD Collection Well II.3 Capistran's Czech Republic 3. 2. 1. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4.

SecondaryLiterature: Primary Sources: Description: Saint(s): Elevation: Coordinates: GPS Location: Identifiers:

(Budapest: Central European University Press, 2000). Andrić, Stanko in Arcibiskupství Olomouc 7, section Bernardina sv. u Olomouci v Františkáni during 1453, and which he time well. supposedlyblessed the 1451 in town the visited Capistran John convent. Observant town‘s the of chronicle later d well The Јован (CRO); Capestrano (IT) Kapistran da Giovanni San (SRB); Kapistran Ivan Jovan Капистран, (POL); Kapistran Jan (SLO); Kapistran Janez (HUN); János Kapisztrán Joh 237 N 49.35‘47.2‖ E017.15‘00.9‖ Iuliomontium (LAT)or Olomucium(GER); Republic;Olmütz Czech Olomouc, Kostel Mary; Virgin NeposkvrnenehoPanny poceti (CZ) Marie the of Conception Observant Immaculate Franciscan Olomouc Church, Convent; Observant Olomouc Cpsrn (1386 Capistran n


ates to the mid the to ates

: h Mrce o S. on Capistran John St. of Miracles The esý rhv Opava Archiv Zemský -

bevn Cuc o t of Church Observant , sg.Bb 412. 38,Kart. , - 1456), John of Capistrano; Capistrano; of John 1456), - 15th ce 15th

ntury, according to a a to according ntury,

, 1610 ,

- Olomouc, Olomouc,

- 1804, he he

CEU eTD Collection justto thestands right. Figure 18 . Side view of of one view of . Side

the possible “ 78 Capistran's Well


The FranciscanThe church

CEU eTD Collection Spring II.4 Ivy Hungary 4. 3. 2. 1. 8. 7. 6. 5.

SecondaryLiterature: Primary Sources: Description: Saint(s): Elevation: Coordinates: GPS Location: Identifiers:

Kolostorok és társaskáptalanok a középkori középkori a társaskáptalanok és Kolostorok 77 1994), 9 Kiadó, Akadémiai lexikon, történeti magyar ―Bakony Csóka, Gáspár repr. 1999. Episcopi in Gerhardi time his to references Bakonybél. for vitae Gerard‘s St. See o hermitage. tradition, the to according location, the was which Mary, located Virgin is the of spring chapel the The outside here. located chapel a of of saint monk a Gunther, Germany St. Altaich, of hermitage the formerly and 1016 between Maurice 1020. St. martyr the of honor a of Site 1045); Günter (HUN) (980 Gerard 28 284 (Well) N 47.14'39.1" E017.43'57.6" Chapel) (Well N 47.14'39.4" E017.43'57.6" (Well) Bakonybél, Hungary kápolna (HUN) Borostyán Well; Gellért‘s Spring, Saint 1903 Benedek A Magyarországon

b 4 (Well Chapel)4 (Well a k -

o 79 4). ead pn svn er hr i a in here years seven spent Gerard n y


b R Benedictine abbey founded by St. Stephen in in Stephen St. by founded abbey Benedictine e



l n i -

d 06; elr (U) Gnhr (955 Gunther & (HUN) Gellért 1046); a aza, mrcs ed., Emericus, Madzsar,

p t

o a ̈ r ́ (yha: 00, 9 2000), (Pytheas: , t t s .

e , SRH II, 461 II, SRH , a ́ n ́ In 1251 Gerard was made patron patron made was Gerard 1251 In g


t t e o ̈ r 8 , é, i Kit, yl, Korai Gyula, Kristó, in bél,‖ t - é 9 (Budapest: Stephaneum, Stephaneum, (Budapest: 9 n e ; Beatrix F. Romhányi, Romhányi, F. Beatrix ; - t 4 sáa (Budap század 14. e , - 0.Bdps, 1938, Budapest, 506. Pannonhalmi Szent

; P te Gerard‘s the f - o kút, Szentkút kút, n g eed S. Legenda

r á hermitage, c z

S ö r est: est: ö s - - - , CEU eTD Collection Figure 19 . The holy well and chapel atBakonybél. and well holy . The 80

CEU eTD Collection II.5 Mátraverebély Well Holy 4. 3. 2. 1. 8. 7. 6. 5.

SecondaryLiterature: Primary Sources: Description: Saint(s): Elevat Coordinates: GPS Location: Identifiers: ion: ion:

Athenaeum 1982). Printing House, Dömötör, Tekla 9 1400 1400: Nov., IX, Boniface Charter, Papal ; 311). (Q charter): 1444 1303, 1290 Dl. MS of (copy 1444 Eger, Charter, Chapter major are a powers near curative became well‘s typically Vir attributed tothe built quickly The was center. it pilgrimage church and a Mátraverebély century fourteenth the of horse the of hoof the of footprint the Mátraveof village the atlocated well holy the feeds that spring the legend, to According Virgin Mary (1040 Ladislas 298 (Hermits‘ Caves) Ladislaus264 (St. Spring) Church)287 (Well N 48.00‘12.0‖ Caves) (Hermits‘ E019.45‘50.0‖ LadisluasN 48.00‘14.1‖ (St. E019.45‘29.8‖ Spring) N 48.00‘02.4‖ Church) (Well E019.45‘32.6‖ Mátraverebély, Hungary St. of Well Well, Kegyhely, Holy leap; the Ladislaus‘s of Shrine National 81 Monumenta Vaticana


- 1095), Ladislaus; László (HUN); & the & (HUN); László Ladislaus; 1095), ugra Fl Beliefs Folk Hungarian

- (HUN) 06 Mátraverebély

- 01, MKA, 01,

IV gin Mary. , Charter 312,252. rebély had as its source source its as had rebély

- Neo znkt Nemzeti Szentkút

- St. regestrata acta regestrata

Ladislas. By Ladislas.By

(Budapest: (Budapest:

CEU eTD Collection Figure massiveundergoing renovations. Figure 21 20 . Plaque atMátraverebély. the describing . View of the pilgrimage church at Mátraverebély. The site is currently currently is site The Mátraverebély. at church pilgrimage the of View .


well's origins. well's

CEU eTD Collection Stanislaus II.6 Pool St. of Poland 3. 2. 1. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4.

SecondaryLiterature: Primary Sources: Description: Saint(s): Elevation: Coordinates: GPS Location: Identifiers:

Outline of the History of the Church of Church the of History the of Outline Kr dzi w Stanisława ―Zarys Krauze, 1984) KUL, Naukowego Towarzystwa Fifteenth Witkowska, Krakowa piętnastowiecznego Aleksandra Cracoviensis Opera Dlugosz, Stanislai Jan century); (fourteenth Poland], Maioris Poloniae Chronica pilgrims. many attracted glow, and powers, miraculous to with attributed began and T finger it. find to the clerics the allowing ate fish A pool. in fell the the finger his of in portion Stanislaus‘s a origins dismembered, After been had its 1079. in has Stanislaus Stanislaus‘ of martyrdom St. of Pool The (1030 Stanislaus 207 (Church) 207 (Pool) N 50.02'52.2" E019.56'21.9" (Church) N 50.02'54.5" E019.56'17.1" (Pool) Kraków, Poland Fathers Pauline Church on theRock; (POL) Skałka and Martyr and Bishop Stanislaus St and Archangel the Michael St of Church życiu kościoa Polsce, w Skałka] of History in Stanislaus Skałka] ― Zbudniewek, at Stanislaus biskup Stanisława 275 (1997): 17 1472] until Skaka at Stanislaus 83

In .

- etr Cracow] Century

- Ś oni Duosi eirs canonici senioris Dlugossii Joannis 305; Wiesław Skiernia, ―Sadzawka św. ―Sadzawka Skiernia, Wiesław 305;

- w akowie na Skałce do 1472 roku‖ [ roku‖ 1472 do Skałce na akowie 1079); (POL) Stanisław Saiłw dijc Sak‖ [ Skałki‖ dziejach w Stanisław . n Sac‖ [ Skałce‖ na a . (1460s) jw ko ejów esp. 330 esp. ii. 595 ibid.: ,

[ (Lublin: Wydawnictwo Wydawnictwo (Lublin: The Pilgrim Cults Cults Pilgrim The ś [Chronicle of Greater Greater of [Chronicle , in , , - cioła śś. Michała i i Michała śś. cioła hereafter the pool was pool the hereafter 347. tda Claromontana Studia

h Poo The ut p Kulty Ś więty Stanisław w Stanisław więty

St. , -

623; Janusz Janusz 623; 83

Michael and Michael Monastery; Monastery; - l of Saint Saint of l 86; Teofil Teofil 86; ia S. Vita ą tnicze in the the in An St.

CEU eTD Collection Figure Figure

22 23 . The Pool . The of . The Church of St. Michael t St. and of Church . The St.


84 he Pauline cloister atSka

ł ka.

CEU eTD Collection II.7 Marianka Slovakia 3. 2. 1. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4.

SecondaryLiterature: Primary Sources: Description: Saint(s): Elevation: Coordinates: GPS Location: Identifiers:

epiu uqe annum usque tempribus Archi LajosNémethy, 10; medieval in order középkori Magyarországon c Fehérváry, Rudolf 1377 and társaskáptalanok a és Kolostorok with beginning wi associated are Marianka to related documents important most The Louis King statue. the and founded a Paulineat monastery the sitein1377. stream the of location the indicating Mary Virgin strea the from vision a following the near tree a rediscovered later was in which carved had he that Mary of statue a water hid hermit a a legend into to According fountain. redirected now is which stream, sacred T Virgin Mary 256 (Pilgrimage Church) Chapel)277 (Well 267 (Well) N 48.14‘52.8‖ (Pilgrimage E017.03‘52.7‖ Church) N 48.14‘51.5‖ Chapel) (Well E017.04‘09.0‖ N 48.14‘50.8‖ (Well) E017.04‘08.2‖ Marianka, Slovaki Mariathal, Vallis Thal Mariana Maria (GER); (LAT) (SLV); Marianka mgaosái úsjrs ötnt é néprajza és története István(Budapest: Szent Társulat, 1994). búcsújárás magyarországi A Gábor and Bálint Sándor TypisBuzárovits, 1894),160 G. he focus at the holy site of Marianka is, historically, a a historically, is, Marianka of site holy the at focus he - 85 ieei Srgness a antiquissimis ab Strigoniensis: dioecesis

h h mnsi fudto there, foundation monastic the th a

Hungary] (Budapest: BME, 1980), 1980), BME, (Budapest: Hungary] áivly (HUN); Máriavölgy Series parochiarum et parochorum parochorum et parochiarum Series A pálosrend építészeti emlékei a a emlékei építészeti pálosrend A

Barna, Búcsújáró Magyarok: Magyarok: Búcsújáró Barna,

[Architecture of the Pauline [Architecture the Pauline of MDCCCXCIV (Strigonii: (Strigonii: MDCCCXCIV

in the thi the in harter .

4; aá Guzsik Tamás 43; ,

see: ,

rteenth century century rteenth Marient(h)al, Marient(h)al,

Romhányi, Romhányi,

m, m,

CEU eTD Collection Figure

24 . The pool into which the holy which stream atMarianka into flows. pool . The 86

CEU eTD Collection Figure

25 . “ Lour des”

style grotto with votive offerings atMar grotto votivestyle offerings with 87


CEU eTD Collection III. lengends see: lengends Praedicatorum Ordinis Generale 162 1896), Danubii, insula de diocesis gloriosae Vesprimis virginis Praedicatorum, monasterii Ordinis sanctimonialis filiae, regis Hungarorum IV. Belae virginis, Franknói, Vilmos see: trials B canonization P. Kornél ed. Legend, Margaret oldest ű 176 175 174 MargaretIII.1 Island Hungary y é a eöib ai Margit latin legösibb a és gye Klaniczay, Gábor Marcellus, t stands as it tomb Margaret‘s in of front Taken

3. 2. 1. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4.

ISLANDS SecondaryLiterature: Primary Sources: Description: Saint(s) Elevation: Coordinates: GPS Location: Identifiers:

- 8 ( 383 Bellus and Sza Bellusand ia agrt d Ugra rii Predicatorum Ordinis Ungaria de Margarite Vita ca aoiains . agrte Bbitea Batthyányana Bibliotheca Margaritae, S. canonisationis Acta

The Uses of Supernatural Power Supernatural Usesof The


Árpád - legenda , Convento di Santa Sabina, X/1930). For a list of references to her other other her to references of list a For X/1930). Sabina, Santa di Convento ,

- Házi Szent Margit legrégibb lengendája és szentté avatási pere, 24. avatási pere, és szentté lengendája legrégibb Margit Szent Házi

Inqui Te aoiain ra o te lsd age o Hnay n the and Hungary of Margret Blesed the of trial canonization The / ő in , e Sehnu, uaet 13) 17 1937), Budapest, (Stephaneum, le eta Europe Central Princesses Blessed Klaniczay, G. 1979); Társulat, István Szent (Budapest: Island] the and Arpad the of Margaret Ilo betweenand 1274. 1271 the Margaret, St. vetus, Legenda of life first The century. thirteenth the in beginning Hungarian, Latinand both in Margaret ar There that early by called the name regularlyby thefifteenth century. in was and Island‖ century ―Margaret fourteenth as known became first island The cult. her of focus the was and miracles and island the on buried was she 1270 in death her After 1252. in to for built nunnery moved she a which IV, Béla King of of daughter Margaret, site the was Island Margaret Margaret (1242 109 N 47.31'45.2" E019.03'05.4 Budapest, Hungary leporum (LAT) Rabbit Mary, Virgin Margit the Island; of Island Island, Margaret Press, 2002 sitio super vita, conversatione et miraculis beatae Margarethae beatae miraculis et conversatione vita, super sitio na Király, Király, na ouet Rmn eicpts Vesprimi episcopatus Romana Monumenta

oday. 88

(Oxford: Polity Press, 1990), 115. 1990), PolityPress, (Oxford:

e numerous medieval sources related to to related sources medieval numerous e ) ,

195 Árpádházi Szent Margit és a sziget a és Margit Szent Árpádházi


her shrine there became a site of many of site a became there shrine her

– was written by her confessor, Marcellus confessor, her by written was zgt Nua Sie (U) I (HUN); Sziget Nyulak Sziget,

1270); Margit (HUN)1270); in , - 294. ( Cambridge

Dnsi Cls n Medieval in Cults Dynastic : Árpád

176 hazi Boldog Margit szenttéavasási szenttéavasási Margit Boldog hazi

" 174 175 :


, 317. R. III. 5.; 5.; III. R. 317. , 3 Fr h acut f her of account the For 43. abig Universit Cambridge

Hol ensis y Rulers and Rulers y , I (Budapest, (Budapest, I , Archivio

[Saint nsula nsula

y CEU eTD Collection Figure

26 . St. Margaret's grave currently asit . St. 89


at Margaret Island.

CEU eTD Collection


27 . Ruins of the of Ruins Dominican conventonMargaret Island. . 90

CEU eTD Collection IV. 178 177 IV.1 Gellért Hill Hungary

Taken at Taken Hill Géllert at Cave Church The

3. 2. 1. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4.

HILLS AND MOUNTAINSHILLS SecondaryLiterature: Primary Sources: Description: Saint(s): Elevation: Coordinates: GPS Location: Identif

the North point of the base of the hill on the Danube side. Danube the of on the hill base the of point North iers:

was founded by the Pauline Order in 1926. Order by Pauline wasthe founded

l'isola di Santa Margherita: gli spazi della santità a a in santità Medioevo,‖ della nel spazi Buda gli Margherita: Santa di Árpád l'isola e Gherardo San az di monte ―Il Klaniczay, Gábor ; 1997) honfoglalástól alakulásig székvárossá a története Györffy, György repr. 1999. Episcopi Gerhardi Hill. Gellért at martyrdom his to references for vitae Gerard‘s St. See continuessurvives, it but tobe considereda site. sacred longer no church The century. eleventh the in hill the d church A 1046. in pagans by here martyred was the Gellért Danube. of banks the along Buda in located is Hill Gellért Gerard (980 113 (SBase) 135 (N Base) 212 (Peak) 119 (Cave Church) N 47.29‘06.5‖ (S E019.03‘08.5‖ N 47.29‘20.0‖Base) (N E019.02‘50.3‖ N 47.29‘14.4‖ (Peak) E019.02‘37.2‖ N 47.29‘05.7‖ (Cave E019.03‘08.2‖ Church) Budapest, Hungary Gerard; ofSt. Hill West and East LeykamInternational, 2008. Between Europe Central 1990) Miladinov, Marina Sellier, & Rosenberg (Torino: santità 91 , eds. Sofia Boesch Gajano and Lucetta Scaraffia LucettaScaraffia andGajano Boesch Sofia eds. ,

edicated to Gellért was built at the base of of base the at built was Gellért to edicated -

1046); Gellért (HUN) Gellért 1046);

Madzs Kelenföld, Kelenföld, , SRH II, 461 II, SRH ,


agn o Solitude: of Margins

r Eeiu, ed., Emericus, ar, - Bdps: Akadémiai (Budapest: Buda kialakulása: Budapest Budapest kialakulása: Buda Luoghi sacri e spazi della della spazi e sacri Luoghi


- Base) 0.Bdps, 1938, Budapest, 506.


hegy (HUN) hegy

, 267 267 , 178

Eremitism in in Eremitism eed S. Legenda - végi kor 177 – (Zagreb: (Zagreb:

Kiadó, Kiadó, 284 ; ; 284

CEU eTD Collection Figure

28 . Views of Gellért of Views fromPest. Hill . 92

CEU eTD Collection IV.2 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 8. 7. 6. St.

SecondaryLiterature: Primary Sources: Des Saint(s): Elevation: Coordinates: GPS Location: Identifiers:

Martin’s Mountain cription:

István(Budapest: Szent Társulat, 1902 Sörös (eds.), I Pongrác and Erdélyi László 1996); Főapátság, éve. 1000 Takács, Imre Central European University 2010). Press, Bak(Budapest: M. an andVeszprémy, János László Rady, and trans., ed., sorrowful Tartars], the the by to Epistle Hungary Hungarians: of kingdom of the destruction lament uponthe the of deeds facta Tartaros per H Hungarie regni destructione Gesta super carmen miserabile Notarii in Epistola Rogerii Magistri Regis Bele Anonymi founded hereGéza. by Prince was Abbey Benedictine a 996 In century. fourth the in of Tours of Martin of birthplace the being Mount it to due sacred the tradition, to According Martin ofTours (316 274 N 47.33'10.4" E017.45'37.3" Pannonhalma, Hungary Márton (HUN), Bencés Pannonhalmi (HUN) Föapátság Archabbey; Pannonhalma Benedic Millenary

93 Pnohli őptá története Főapátság Pannonhalmi A

os ae, 996 sacer, Mons - III.

tine Abbey of Pannonhalma, Pannonhalma, of Abbey tine - 397)

(Pannonhalma: Pannonhalmi Pannonhalmi (Pannonhalma:

- 1996: Pannonhalma Pannonhalma 1996: notated by Martyn Martyn by notated - - hegyi Apátság Apátság hegyi 1916). St.


atn is Martin

I .

- [The [The VII. VII. CEU eTD Collection Figure

29 . View of the surroundingcountryside of View from. Pannonhalma Abbey. 94

CEU eTD Collection century. Figure 30

. The basilica of Pannonhalma Abbey, originally constructed in the thirteenth the in constructed originally Abbey, Pannonhalma of basilica The 95

CEU eTD Collection 179 GóraIV.2 Jasna Poland

At it 4. 3. 2. 1. 8. 7. 6. 5.

s tallest point theJas point stallest

SecondaryLiterature: Primary Sources: Description: Saint(s): Elevation: Coordinates: GPS Location: Identifiers:

na Góra hill reached 295 m above sea level. m sea 295 above hill reached naGóra

etr: h Oiis f h Cl o Or ay of Lady Our of Cult the Częstochowa of Origins The Century: Maniura, Robert montem Clarum in miracle tothe 1470s. records been have unde imaginis et advenerit Olsztyn referta, et Czastochovvie quomodo miraculis stupendis Mariae et entitled is pulchra, 1524 in v the published Another in pulpit codexprinted monastery. a the in of found archive is 1474, from oldest, The of thegreatest Europe. in one and Poland, in site pilgrimage greatest the site the making translation its since mountain the to pilgrims of attracte painting The Virgin. the to belonging by painted of supposedly Madonna was painting Black The site. the the to Częstochowa of of image Ladislaus the Duke brought 1382. Opole in founded ―Bright order, as Pauline of Polish monastery Góra Jasna of the site the is from Mountain,‖ translated Góra, Jasna Virgin Mary 124 N 50.48'43.9" E019.05'53.1" Częstochowa, (POL); Clar Częstochowa (POL), Góra Jasna Mary; Virgin Blessed the of Shrine Monastery, Góra Jasna Mountain, Bright University 2010). Press, Religion L A a n d n 179 y a

o 96 N


i C

, Tr. Guy Torr. (Cracow: Jagiellonian Jagiellonian (Cracow: Torr. Guy Tr. , e d z e z ̨ St. ́ s w us Mons (LAT) us Mons


o i

( e Poland Poland Luke the Apostle on the wood of a table table a of wood the on Apostle the Luke c Woodbridge d h z o Pilgrimage to Images in the Fifteenth Fifteenth the in Images to Pilgrimage ́ w , a The Image andtheFigure




o : l

i s

The Boydell Press h

C . The earliest extant extant earliest The . lue n Popular and ulture

ersion from a a from ersion d throngs throngs d Historia Historia , 2004 : Our the ) ; CEU eTD Collection city was built with Jasna built with city was Góra asthefocalpoint. Figure

31 . View of Jasnamain Góra of View the Illustrates street Częstochowa. the fromof . how 97

CEU eTD Collection Figure

32 . Aerial v . iew of the Monastery of Jasnaiew Góra. of 98

CEU eTD Collection 180 background. Figure


1 S. lihs el n Cae ad aih hrh f t Clement St. of church parish and Chapel and Well Ulrich's St. . follows the sequence that the figures follow in the text.in follow the figures that the sequence followsthe



n the in

CEU eTD Collection Figure 2. Plaque toGerard atBakonybél. St. dedicated 1 00

CEU eTD Collection tame wolf and and tamefawn wolf Figure

3 . Plaque in the inner wall of the Ivy Wall at Bakonybél depicting St. Gerard's St. depicting Bakonybél at Wall Ivy the of wall inner the in Plaque . .


CEU eTD Collection Figure Figure

4 6. . Pilgrims incollect water 1962. . Spring from Ladislaus's Hermits' Caves atMátraverebély.Hermits' Caves 102

CEU eTD Collection Figure 7 . Lazar Map or Tabula Hungariae, 1528. Tabula Map or . Lazar 103

CEU eTD Collection

Figure 8 . Close . - up of Lazar the location of Mátraverebélyup of (here, Map showing Werbil). 104

CEU eTD Collection


9 . Ottoman map showing Budaand Pestmap showing from east.. Ottoman the 105

CEU eTD Collection Capistran's Well. Figure Figure

1 11 0 . Stone well outside the outside convent at. Stone well Olomouc. . Well inside the inside Well .

garden of the of garden 106 Obersvant cloister in Olomouc in cloister Obersvant

. P . ossibl e siteof e

CEU eTD Collection the bottom c Figure

12 . Map of of Map . enter map. the of Cracow , 10th ,

- 12th c. The church of St. Michael at Michael St. of church The c. 12th 107


is seen in seen is

CEU eTD Collection the of map.base Figure

1 3 . Map depicting Buda, 13th Buda, depicting Map .

- 14th c. Notice St. Gellért Chapel at the southern the at Chapel Gellért St. Notice c. 14th 108

CEU eTD Collection Figure

14 . Woodcut map of Cracow of frommap Nuremburg Chronicle, 1493. . Woodcut the 109