Bradford Core Strategy Partial Review PO

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Bradford Core Strategy Partial Review PO This page has been left intentionally blank Scope of the consultation What is this This document sets out the preferred options for the Bradford Core document? Strategy Partial Review (CSPR). It provides the Council’s preferred policy options for strategic growth, housing, employment, transport and environmental issues. Purpose and We are seeking views on: scope of the consultation: The preferred option policies and any suggested changes. Alternatives to the preferred policy options. Comments on supporting documentation. Geographical The proposals in this document relate to the Bradford District. scope: Impact A number of impact assessments will support the preparation of the assessment CSPR, including: and other supporting Sustainability Appraisal (SA) (including Strategic Environmental documents: Assessment (SEA) – Scoping Report; Sustainability Appraisal (SA) (including Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) – Draft Report; Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) ; Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA); Health Impact Assessment (HIA); Core Strategy Partial Review Scoping Report - Statement of Consultation. A range of evidence material has also been produced to support the plan and is available on the Council’s website. i Basic information Timescale of This consultation will begin on 30th July 2019 and end at 5pm on consultation: 24th September 2019 How to respond The consultation will be carried out in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and national guidance. The consultation documents will be made available on the Bradford Council website. Paper copies of the documents will be provided at the following locations and will be available to view during normal opening hours: Britannia House Bradford City Library Bradford Local Studies Library Keighley Town Hall Keighley Library Shipley Library Bingley Library Ilkley Library If you wish to make a representation to the consultation please visit: policy/core-strategy-dpd/ to complete the online survey or download documents, including the electronic comments form. To assist in the swift and cost efficient processing of representations we are encouraging the use and completion of the online survey. email: [email protected] (Please title your email ‘Core Strategy Partial Review’) Post: Core Strategy Partial Review, Department of Place, Local Plans Team, 4th Floor, Britannia House, Bradford, BD1 1HX Enquiries If you have any enquiries regarding this consultation please contact the Local Plans Team. Email: [email protected] Phone: 01274 433679 Confidentiality and Data Protection Act 2018 data protection Personal information provided as part of a representation cannot be treated as confidential as the Council is obliged to make representations available for public inspection. However, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 the personal information you provide will only be used by the Council for the purpose of preparing the Local Plan. ii Local Plans Privacy Statement Sets out how the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CBMDC) Local Plans team processes your personal data. This notice should also be read in conjunction with the Council’s Corporate Privacy Notice and other specific service notices, which are available to view at: iii Contents Page Page No. A.1 Core Strategy Partial Review 2 A.2 Preparation of the Review 3 A.3 Key Directions 4 A.4 Timescales 7 A.5 How to Use this Document 7 Section 1: Introduction 9 Section 2: Background and Context 13 Section 3: Spatial Vision, Objectives and Core Policies 15 Spatial Vision 17 Strategic Objectives 18 Strategic Core Policy SC1: Overall Approach and Key Spatial Priorities 20 Strategic Core Policy SC2: Climate Change, Environmental Sustainability and 23 Resource Uses Strategic Core Policy SC5: Location of Development 27 Strategic Core Policy SC6: Green Infrastructure 29 Strategic Core Policy SC7: Green Belt and Safeguarded Land 33 Strategic Core Policy SC8: Protecting the South Pennine Moors and their 41 Zone of Influence Strategic Core Policy SC10: Creating Healthy Places 45 Draft Key Diagram 52 Section 4: Sub Area Policies 56 Sub Area Policy BD1: The Regional City of Bradford including Shipley and 57 Lower Baildon Sub Area Policy BD2: Investment Priorities for the Regional City of Bradford 63 including Shipley and Lower Baildon Sub Area Policy AD1: Airedale 64 Sub Area Policy AD2: Investment Priorities for Airedale 68 Sub Area Policy WD1: Wharfedale 70 Sub Area Policy WD2: Investment Priorities for Wharfedale 73 Sub Area Policy PN1: South Pennine Towns and Villages 74 Sub Area Policy PN2: Investment Priorities for the Pennine Towns and 77 Villages iv Section 5: Thematic Policies 79 Economy and Jobs 79 Policy EC1: Creating a Successful and Competitive Bradford District 83 economy within the Leeds City Region Policy EC2: Employment Land, Jobs and Skills Requirements 87 Policy EC3: Employment Land and Skills Requirement 92 Policy EC5: City, Town, District and Local Centres 95 Transport and Movement 101 Policy TR1: Travel Reduction and Modal Shift 105 Policy TR2: Parking Policy 108 Policy TR3: Integrating Sustainable Transport and Development 111 Policy TR5: Strategic Transport Delivery 114 Policy TR6: Freight 119 Housing 123 Policy HO1: The District’s Housing Requirement 126 Policy HO2: Strategic Sources of Supply 133 Policy HO3: Distribution of Housing Development 138 Policy HO4: Phasing the Release of Housing Sites 154 Policy HO5: Density of Housing Schemes 157 Policy HO6: Maximising the use of Previously Developed Land 159 Policy HO8: Housing Mix 161 Policy HO9: Housing Quality 164 Policy HO11: Affordable Housing 168 Policy HO12: Provision of Sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling 171 Showpeople Environment 175 Policy EN2: Biodiversity and Geodiversity 178 Policy EN5: Tree and Woodlands 187 Policy EN6: Energy 189 Policy EN7: Flood Risk 192 Policy EN8: Environmental Protection 197 Minerals, Waste Management and Design 202 Section 6: Implementation and Delivery 204 Policy ID2: Viability 207 v Appendices Appendix 1: From Scoping Stage to Preferred Options 210 Appendix 2: Accessibility Standards 218 Appendix 3: Parking Standards 220 Appendix 4: Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) and Local Geological Sites (LGS) 226 Appendix 5: Suggested Biodiversity Improvements 227 vi Welcome Core Strategy Partial Review – Preferred Options A.1 Core Strategy Partial Review A.1.1 The Core Strategy forms an essential part of the Local Plan for Bradford setting out the strategic planning policies for the District and the key policies to help determine planning applications. It covers a broad range of important policy topics, including housing, employment, transport, retail, leisure and environmental policy areas. With such a focus it is vital that the Core Strategy is both relevant and up to date. In light of significant changes to national planning policy and local strategies since the plan was adopted, the Council started consultation on the scope of a formal review of the plan in January 2019. A.1.2 National planning policy and guidance has undergone a range of significant changes since the adoption of the existing Core Strategy with the National Planning Policy Framework last updated in February 2019. Major changes have included: the introduction of a standard method to the calculation of housing need; widening definitions of affordable housing; reinforcing the importance of examining all reasonable alternatives before concluding that exceptional circumstances may exist to justify changes to Green Belt boundaries, and ensuring that site deliverability and viability are central to plan-making. There is also discussion nationally about how the planning system should support the transition to a low carbon future, particularly in light of climate change and the introduction of bio-diversity net gain for developments to help protect and grow our natural capital. A.1.3 In addition to changes in national policy the review has also been stimulated by the adoption of a new local economic growth strategy and a clear focus upon the development and delivery of major transport projects including Northern Powerhouse Rail. A.1.4 Earlier this year we asked for views on the scope of the review and the key policies which should be subject to the review and in response received over 1,600 individual comments. This publication considers the representations made during this stage of the consultation, together with a wide range of new evidence material to establish the Council’s preferred policy options. 2 A.2 Preparation of the Review A.2.1 The Core Strategy Partial Review is accompanied by an extensive set of new technical evidence to support the various policy positions taken within the review. These include: Strategic Housing and Market Assessment (SHMA) Draft Report and Household Survey. Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showperson Accommodation Assessment Draft Report Employment Needs Assessment and Land Review (Part 1) Draft Report Retail and Leisure Study Draft Report Local Infrastructure Plan (Baseline Report) Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 1 Draft Report Whole Plan Viability Assessment Initial Findings Report A.2.2 In addition to technical evidence the plan has also been developed in consideration of various impact appraisals and assessments including a Sustainability Appraisal (SA), Habitat Regulations
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