The Port Albert Tattler—FREE

Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 Feb 2020

The “TRUE “Cost of the Worst Bushfires Since Black Saturday

The bushfire emergency that began in Australia in September 2019 and has worsened steadily since then has already cost at least 29 lives, destroyed thousands of homes and other buildings , burned millions of acres of forest and farmland and the economic costs are only just beginning to emerge and the bushfire months of February and March are still to come. The Australian government, which only a month ago was treating the crisis as a state-level rather than national problem, has announced an emergency package of $ 2 billion dollars. While it is promising that the government has finally abandoned the fiction that such disasters can be managed by state governments alone, this is just a drop in the bucket. When environmental and health costs are taken into account, economists estimate the TRUE cost to be more than $ 100 billion. So far, insurance claims arising from the fires have totaled $ 700 million alone. But this will be a tiny fraction of the total dam- age to private property. Many properties are uninsured or underinsured and many of those affected haven't even found out whether their homes have survived, let alone filled out claims. With over 2,400 homes damaged or destroyed, along with vehicles, fences, farmland and commercial forests, the final damage to private property is likely to be between $ 5—10 billion dollars. As a comparison, the damaging Queensland floods and hurricane of 2011 produced insurance claims of $3.6 billion many of them coming in weeks or months after the disaster took place. Damage to public infrastructure, including roads, bridges, electricity and water supply systems will be of a similar magnitude and the need to rebuild to a higher standard in preparation for future disasters will add greatly to the cost. The bushfires have effectively wiped out the tourist season for much of South East Australia and have dealt a huge blow to its international image as a tourist destination, worth $20 billion a year in international income. Perhaps largest of all, but impossible to measure, is the destruction of natural ecosystems. It has been estimated that 600million plus native animals have died, and whole species have almost certainly been wiped out. The results of billions of dollars spent on preserving these ecosystems have been destroyed in just a few weeks. To prevent this type of massive destruction in the future, there needs to be a fully-fledged national organization, capable of mounting a rapid response to disasters requiring evacuations, relief efforts and mobilization of large numbers of personnel. A budget of $1 billion a year (or $4 billion over the four-year budgeting period used in Australia) would be conservative at best. By the time a full accounting has been done, it would not be surprising if the cost of this disaster exceeded $ 100 billion . Austra- lia is suffering the consequences of global inaction on climate change. Sadly, our own government is among the worst in the world in this respect, both in rejecting action to reduce our own emissions and in sabotaging global negotiations. Australia's leaders must learn from this catastrophe and ensure that there is a plan for an event of this magnitude in the future — or it could cost even more next time. Yet in all of this NOT ONE WORDFROM THE GREENS !!!!!!!!

Proudly supported by Wellington Shire Council. Editors: Port Albert Progress Association. All care is taken to ensure that the information provided is true and correct at the time of publication. All content provided remains the property of the writers. Submissions can be made anytime by email to: [email protected].


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

ARTISTS FOR GIPPSLAND 2020 Gippsland Bushfire Appeal Auction Artists everywhere are invited to help raise funds for the 2020 Gippsland Bushfire Appeal. Gippsland Art Gallery is calling on artists to support the fire relief effort by submitting artworks for a fundraising auction. All artworks will be displayed at the Gallery from 15 February to 15 March culminating in an auction on the final day, Sunday March 15. Artists may submit as many artworks as they like (no limit) in any medium and at any size (within reason please!). All money raised will be donated to the Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund (GERF) to help support those who have lost their homes and property in the devastating East Gippsland bushfires. Artworks can be dropped off at the Gallery during opening hours up until Sunday 9 February (we will begin hanging the following day). For those who would like to participate but are unable to get their artworks to the Gallery, please get in touch with us asap and we will do our best to arrange collection. Please contact Simon Gregg at the Gallery at [email protected], or phone on 03 5142 3078 or 0432 899 703 if you need your work collected or for any other information. And please spread the word! PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AS BEST YOU CAN AND EITHER RETURN WITH YOUR ARTWORK OR EMAIL DIRECTLY TO SIMON GREGG: [email protected] Artist Name: Title of Artwork: Date of Artwork: Medium of Artwork: Donor Name (if different from artist): Donor contact details: (phone, address, email) O Please tick this box if you don’t want the donor name to be public THE BELOW FIELDS ARE OPTIONAL Credit line or acknowledgement: (ie. Courtesy of Smith Gallery) Reserve Price: Payment to Artist: (must not be higher than the reserve) Statement about the Artwork: (please keep short, not more than 40 words) WE SINCERELY THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. TOGETHER WE CAN HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOST SO MUCH.

3 4

A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Port Albert Progress Association—Community Membership— Now Due

Calling all residence and holiday owners of Port Albert—Membership to Port Albert Progress Association are now open. Like all rural communities without the support of the residence it is always difficult to have a voice with the many levels of government from Federal to State and local . A cohesive community gets things done , they are heard and the community benefits. Port Albert Progress Association is the conduit between all levels of government and through this Association the com- munity can stay informed of what is happening whether good or bad and have a voice. Major projects the Association are working on is the artistic improvement on the towns water tower , safe swimming area in Rutter Park , lighting of the anchor on the roundabout and free WIFI. A major Council initiative is to seal a number of streets in the Port Albert precinct that if completed will improve the beauty of our town not to mention the dust. The Progress Association’s other initiatives are to conduct events that the whole community can enjoy such as Australia Day in the Park , Anzac Day Dawn Service and Sausage Sizzle , Community BBQ’S , New Years Eve for Kids and Adults to enjoy , Theme Nights , Historical Cemetery Walking Tours and much more. Plus of course the monthly Port Albert Community Tattler. Nominated Community Working Group’s are the Safe Swimming Area and Water Tower Projects depicting the history and nature of Port Albert which has received community approval , however are not part of the Port Albert Progress as- sociation and run by independent community parties. The Progress Association is all voluntary with many hours given both by the executive and committee members to assist in making Port Albert a great place to live , visit or enjoy as a day trip. Strong organizations are successful because of its members and in Port Albert we have over 300 permanent residence and that again in holiday owners and would like the membership of Progress to be a solid reflection of the community. A membership of 150 plus would be a solid reflection and voice of the community. Your support would be greatly appreciated so Progress can be your voice and maintain having ongoing community events for years to come. Please join now by completing the membership form on page 6.


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020




NAME: ...... …………………………………………………………………………………………. ADDRESS: ...... P/CODE: ...... TELEPHONE NO:……...... EMAIL: ......

MEMBERSHIP TYPE: SINGLE FAMILY Fee’s are due each 1st January $5.00 $10.00

Membership Fees can be paid by direct deposit or cheque, please circle which:

Cheque enclosed Direct Deposit

Please return this form completed to: [email protected]

Or by post to: PO Box 7 Port Albert Vic 3971

Direct Deposit to: BSB: 633-000Acct: 162 752 075 Reference: Family Name and Initials please

SIGNED: ...... DATE: ......


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Promotion and Marketing of Historic Port Albert—February 9—40 Tour Operators to visit Port Albert

On Sunday February 9 , Port Albert will be host to 40 tour operators from all over Australia showcasing our part of the Gipp- sland region for prospective day excursions in 2020—2021. Brought to us through our networking with Destination Gippsland, the key marketing organisation for the Gippsland Region, specifically Marketing Manager Alison Conroy, we are front and centre to impress with our unique and fascinating history, our stunning beauty, our charm, our hospitality and our amazing sites of interest. We have a great morning planned and look forward to exciting future rewards for both our Region, and the Port Albert commu- nity.

Arriving to the charm of the beautifully haunting Alberton Cemetery at 9.30 am , Progress Member Marcus McKenzie will strut his stuff to enthral with his colourful narrative of our predecessors. A 40 minute amble to whet the appetite of adven- turous travellers and history buffs alike.

Off next to the iconic Port Albert Maritime Museum for a local morning tea, and brief look at the incredible events which have shaped the Port before our arrival and beyond.

From PAMM local artist and Progress Member, Warren Curry will escort the guests through the Port, highlighting our local amenities and historic buildings which still link us to our ever intriguing bygone days.

The morning concluding at Wildfish restaurant where guests will be treated to what we all know is the best fish (and chips) luncheon Gippsland wide.

We will be screening a stunning photographic presentation demonstrating the diversity of our area courtesy PAPA member Ori Millo.

Michael Hobson and Warren will host the luncheon where guests will also have the opportunity to sample local wines , beers and will have a small collection of local merchandise available for purchase.

A huge coup by Progress to bring these travel groups here with the potential to include Port Albert on itineraries of travellers excited about exploring our corner of Australia.

If you see our guests around on February 9 ……don’t forget to smile and wave…Let’s show these guests we are a tourist friendly destination not to be missed in the wider Gippsland Region Cherie Smirl


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Promotion and Marketing of Historic Port Albert

The new Port Albert Promotional Brochure is leaping forward……

We are receiving numerous photographic images from our appeal to photographers out there.

Hope you will add to the growing collection by emailing them to myself [email protected] – SLR only please.

Check the Visit Port Albert Facebook page or contact me for more details .

Yes there will be prizes for photographs selected by the graphic designer.

We have no funding this year for this project, but can cover the costs of the initial print of 5000 from advertising income.

We have 20 committed advertisers but still looking for 7 more @ $50 for a standard advertising space. (Larger space – higher cost).

Let me know if you want to get on board this exciting PAPA initiative…….the more the merrier (and the better Port Albert will look to visitors considering exploring Gippsland).

Cherie Smirl for Port Albert Progress Association [email protected]


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Maritime Museum News—Submitted by Venetia Beaney

Mailmen of Bass Strait. In days gone by every Tuesday fortnight a small boat loaded with mail, supplies and sometimes passen- gers would head out from Port Albert to deliver their cargo to the lighthouses in Bass Strait. First stop , 19 nautical miles from Port Albert, then on to Wilsons Promontory , 16.5 nautical miles from Cliffy Island. Next stop Deal Island, 46 nautical miles from Wilson’s Promontory before heading home to Port Albert, 65 nautical miles from Deal Island. The boat would arrive home late Wednesday or early Thursday depending on weather and how long unloading took. Today all lighthouses have been converted to automatic with service only required annually. The days of regular deliveries by sea have passed into history. Helicopters now carry service personnel on their occasional visits to the islands of Bass Strait.

Nautical Trivia— Hunky Dori A way of saying something is just fine or perfect. Believed to have been coined by American sailors who used it to describe a particular street in Japan called Honcho-Dori.

Gippsland Regional Maritime Museum

Opening Hours—September—May 10.00am—4.00pm—Every Day

A vivid insight into the early history of Port Albert as the gateway to Gippsland and its colourful maritime history. 78 Tarraville Rd, Port Albert, Contact # 51832520


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Dear Editor, I would like to convey my heartiest congratulations to the Port Albert Progress Association on its New Years Eve Market initiative. My stall was well supported by locals and visitors alike and networking with market goers brought many people to my not-for-profit recycle outlet over the following days offering me great acknowledgement and business. I cannot commend highly enough the organisation of the NYE celebrations and the united community spirit in the light of the cancellation of the much anticipated fireworks display………so much to be proud of. Thank you Port Albert Progress Association, especially Jenny Smith and your committed band of helpers. Cherie Smirl Tumaini for Africa Gallery and Accommodation Suite 13 Wharf Street , Port Albert


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Port Albert Yacht Club News

“JAFFA” WINS AROUND SUNDAY ISLAND RACE 16 Yachts battled for the honour of winning the annual Around Sunday Island Trailable Yacht Race from Port Albert Yacht Club in December and Boomerang 20, “Jaffa” sailed by Brendan Brown was the victor. Unfortunately boat numbers were reduced as some sailors cancelled because of the extreme winds which had prevailed for the week leading up to the race. The Officer of the Day, Ian Nicol made the call to postpone the race until the next day when the weather was due to im- prove, and so it did! Race conditions were a little light for a dramatic start but followers on the wharf enjoyed the spectacle and the tension in the air! With a building south easterly breeze spinnakers were soon hoisted giving the boats a good start sailing with the tide up the Midge channel but battling the outgoing tide on their run home.

They sailed an anti-clockwise course around the Island with two divisions comprising faster and slower boats.

Over 15 nautical miles it took the fastest yacht a Trimaran, “Triple Espresso”, Corsair 28 sailed by Andrew McColl, La- trobe Valley Yacht Club only 2 hours and 53 minutes to complete the race roughly 35 minutes slower than his fast sail last year. The Overall Winner was “Jaffa”, well sailed by Brendan Brown from Trailable Yacht Club. Local boat, a Cole 23 skippered by Alastair Finlay crewed by Libby Nicol and David Finlay returned a very creditable 4th place, in Di- vision 2.

Division 2 winner was also “Jaffa”. Second placegetters in Division 2 were Latrobe Valley Yacht Club sailors, Ross Phil- lips, Kylie Wight and Dave Strowbridge who were pleased with their results. The club was pleased to see new members, Ben Couper, Matt Kelly and Dan Macey crewing in the race and enjoying the tale-telling afterwards. Despite the race being postponed a day the club still hosted a dinner on Saturday evening for about 50 members and visi- tors followed by an entertaining illustrated talk by local sailors, Gus Hughes and Bruce Atkin who spoke to an attentive audience about their sailing experiences on “Friendly Light”, Gus and Lynne’s Hughes’ Falmouth Pilot boat. People were thrilled to see the wonderful photos of Port Davey and the Tasmanian South and West coast taken on their visits. Fellow sailors enjoyed swapping sailing experiences in Tasmanian waters also. The Commodore and Committee were pleased to host this the 3rd event of the State’s 7 race Traveller Series for Australian Sailing’s, Victorian Trailable Yacht Division. It looks forward to next year’s race when once again the Port will be fes- tooned with colourful sails and weekend visitors following the race. Port Albert Yacht Club is always happy to teach newcomers how to sail its fleet of dinghies and to “come and try” before making a decision to join the club. Contact: [email protected]


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Port Albert Yacht Club News


105547 = "Friendly Light" Falmouth pilot boat sailing in local waters.

220755 = Trailer Sailors vying for the best start in the Around Sunday Island Race.

220223 = "Triple Expresso" ,Trimaran roaring home in the race.


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Port Albert Yacht Club—Bushfire Relief Trivia Night—March 7





A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Historic Port Albert Boat Club— Seaside Festival—March 7—Rutter Park

SEASIDE FESTIVAL 2020—PORT ALBERT—7th March—11.00am— 3.00pm—Rutter Park This Fabulous Day attracted over 300 people at its first event last year and expect this year to be bigger and better so why not come along to a fun family event as on the day there will be :


There will be displays from the :

Water Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade and Coast Guard

A great fun day for all to enjoy

Calling all Farmers Market Stall Holders :

Why not set up a stall on the day and showcase your home grown, home made, home produced prod- ucts to a captive audience.

Book your spot early, don’t miss this great opportunity, contact HPABC Troy on 0428 826476


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

What’s Happening Around Our Region— Approved Permit Alberton Wind

The Nationals Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien has slammed the Andrews Labor Government for its decision to approve a permit for the Alberton wind farm over the busy Christmas/New Year period and while Gippslanders are distracted by the bushfire crisis.

Mr. O’Brien said that he was astounded to learn that the Minister for Planning, Richard Wynne had signed off on permit ap- proval just three days before Christmas and that local objectors weren’t notified until December 30.

“This is a sneaky and deceitful government that has no care for the interests of the people of Gippsland,” Mr. O’Brien said.

“The proposed Alberton wind farm has been strongly opposed by hundreds of locals in the Alberton, Gelliondale and Yarram areas and yet the government is trying to sneak through its decision to approve it when most of Australia is shutdown.

“On top of this, many of the local residents are involved in their local CFA brigades and have been actively involved in strike teams fighting the fires in East Gippsland.

“To have the government try and sneak this announcement out at this time is just disgraceful.”

Mr. O’Brien said residents had 28 days to object via the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT), but that clock was already ticking.

“I’ve written to the Minister today calling on him to extend the time available for objectors to take the matter to VCAT given the timing of the decision.

“People are preoccupied over the Christmas/New Year period and many have been actively fighting bushfires in East Gipp- sland.

“The very least the Minister can do is extend the time to enable them to lodge an appeal at VCAT given he refused to meet with opponents and additionally refused to appoint a planning panel to allow residents to have their say.

“Myself and most of the residents objecting to the wind farm do not oppose renewable energy, but we think this is simply the wrong place for a wind farm.

“It is relatively closely settled with many small farms and rural lots as well as being immediately adjacent to a Ramsar listed wetland area.

“This is not the place for a wind farm and the Minister’s sneaky approach to approve it under the cover of darkness suggests perhaps in his heart of hearts he agrees.”


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Valentines Day—Friday February 14

To all you romantics out there . Don’t forget Valentines Day Friday February 14.

Plan that special card , gift or night our for your valentine now !!!

Support Local !! Buy Local !!


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Meerkat Menu of the Month!

CHICKEN, MUSHROOM AND SPINACH PASTA 1tbs olive oil 500gm chicken thigh fillets 30gm butter 1 leek, white part sliced 300gm swiss brown mushrooms, sliced 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1litre chicken stock 200ml light cooking cream 2tbs thymes leaves 1tbs dijon mustard 400gm pasta 120gm spinach ½ cup grated parmesan

METHOD Heat oil in large saucepan or deep frying pan over medium heat. Season chicken, add to pan and cook for 5 minutes, turning often till golden all over. Transfer to a bowl. Add butter, leek, mushroom and garlic to the pan. Cook, stirring occasion- ally, for 10 minutes or until softened. Add stock, cream, 11/2 tbs of the thyme and mustard and bring to a simmer. Stir in pasta, cover and cook for 10 minutes. Remove lid and return chicken to pan. Cook for 5 minutes or until pasta is tender and Sauce has reduced a little. Remove from heat. Stand for 5 minutes. Stir in spinach and season. Top with remaining thyme and parmesan.


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Calender of Events— 2020

Port Albert Progress Events

March 7— Alberton Cemetery Walking Tours—Alberton Cemetery @ 5.30pm—Bookings Essential

April 11 —Alberton Cemetery Walking Tours—Alberton Cemetery @ 5.30pm—Bookings Essential

April 25—ANZAC Day Ceremony—Dawn Service— Anzac Memorial—Rutter Park—All Welcome

May 15 — Community BBQ—Port Albert Aquatic Centre— 6.00pm—10.00pm - All Welcome

Australian Coast Guard—Port Albert Events

April 12—Coast Guard Fundraiser—Live Music / Raffles & More— Port Albert Aquatic Centre—From 6.00pm June 6 —Coast Guard Fundraiser—Live Music / Raffles & More— Port Albert Aquatic Centre—From 6.00pm Tarra Festival— Port Albert Fireworks April 12—Fireworks & Family Entertainment—Rutter Park—From 2.00pm—All Welcome Port Albert Yacht Club March 1—10.30am—Tin Mine Cove Cruise & Picnic—Trailer Sailors day cruise to Tin Mine Cove depart Port Welshpool March 7—7.00pm— Bushfire Relief Fundraiser Trivia Night—Get a table together and support the bushfire relief. May 3—10.30am—Commodores Cup & SG Regatta— V Port Albert for the SG Trophy July 25—6.30pm—Christmas in July—Book a table for this iconic event. Historic Port Albert Boat Club March 7—Seaside Festival in Rutter Park—All Welcome—Fun and Games for all the family March 8—Historic Port Albert Boat Club Annual Boat Race—Contact HPABC @ 0428 826476 March 8—Blessing of the Fleet—Rutter Park—10.00—11.00am

Support & Enjoy Events in Port Albert 2020

Any upcoming events you would like to have advertised via the Port Albert Community Tattler don't hesitate to send through to : [email protected] and we would be more than happy to attach & help our community stay informed


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 128 February 2020

What’s on in February

Mirboo North Italian Festa— Sunday February 9 The Mirboo North Italian Festa is a free family day celebrating all things Italian. Set in the beautiful sur- rounds of Baromi Park, the day will feature over 40 fabulous food stalls of authentic Italian favourites with a full afternoon of on stage entertainment in- cluding music, singing, dancing, comedy, as well as spaghetti eating and grape stomping competitions. So much fun for everyone.

Food is the hero with cooking demonstrations by real Italian Nonnas and guest chefs with Nonna's Secret Recipe cookbooks available for sale.

For those interested the day starts at 10:00am with an outdoor Mass celebrating St. Paul - Patron Saint of the many Italians who migrated to Mirboo North in the 1950s, a tradition still alive in Italy and carried on in Australia today.

Meeniyan Garlic Festival - Saturday February 15

It’s time to celebrate all things garlic at the Meeniyan Garlic Festival, a Festival dedicated to Garlic. A showcase of South Gippsland as a premier foodbowl – and a way to experience the beauty of our hinter- land towns. Acclaimed guitarist and rock legend John Rees from Men at Work will anchor a full-day program featur- ing local and visiting artists. Chill out with a good feed, and listen to some great music. There will be live performances on three stages.

Entry fee of $10 will provide you with an entry wrist- band and a festival guide with map, directions and the festival program. Don’t forget to bring a hat, sun- screen and water bottle – refills are free.


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

What’s on in February

112th Foster Show—Saturday February 22

The Foster Show is a celebration of agriculture, the foundation of many families and businesses in South Gippsland. We're proud to offer an event true to what country shows started as - a showcase of the best stock, produce and crafts in the district and the opportunity for locals to catch up with old mates and check out what's new in farming and their community.

Frankie J Holden and Wilbur Wilde — Saturday February 22

The Yarram Regent Theatre’s 90th birthday celebration is not to be missed! Presented by Guts of Gippsland . Come for an amazing evening with Frankie J Holden and Wilbur Wilde, legends of Australian entertainment. Doors open at 7:30pm and the bar will be open (no BYO).

Boolarra Folk Festival— Saturday February 29

The Boolarra Folk Festival is a FREE annual commu- nity event held in the beautiful country township of Boolarra.

Come along and enjoy the relaxed and friendly atmos- phere, whilst enjoying some fantastic live music. Our Art, Craft and Food Market will once again provide visi- tors with the opportunity to discover the work of many local artisans.


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Federal Government Grants to Effected Small Businesses in East Gippsland

The Federal Government is providing grants of up to $50,000 to businesses that were directly damaged by fires in East Gippsland. Small businesses that have received physical damage as part of the recent bushfires can receive financial assistance to accompany their insurance payout. To be eligible businesses will need to provide proof that they are a small business of 20 employees or less, in one of the disaster declared areas and have sustained significant physical damage. Small businesses who have suffered loss of assets or revenue are also eligible to apply for concessional loans of up to $500,000 to restore or replace assets and for working capital. These loans will be available with no repayments or interest for the first two years. The subsequent interest rate would be set at 50 per cent of the ten-year Commonwealth government bond rate (currently around 0.6%). To find out more businesses can contact the Small Business Bushfire Financial Support Line on 13 28 46 or visit : Darren understands many businesses in the electorate, while not sustaining direct damage from fires, have been significantly impacted as a result of the drop in visitor numbers. He is working with the local, state and federal governments on how they can best address this. All levels of government must work together to maximise local job opportunities, cut through bureaucracy and tape and find the funds to deliver the recovery and new infrastructure we need.

Kind Regards

Office of the Hon Darren Chester MP Federal Member for Gippsland Minister for Veterans and Defence Personnel Deputy Leader of the House Sale office phone 03 5144 6744


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Visit Community Announcement @ January 20,2020

Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, Martin Pakula today announced a raft of measures to help regional Victoria affected by the recent bushfires. As part of this announcement, the Visit Vic- toria initiatives that we have been working on with many of you were made public, and we are looking forward to putting these into action.

After speaking with people in Victoria’s regions, we know that in too many places, in particular in our industry, have been heavily impacted by the bushfires. Visit Victoria is ready to play its part in helping these people get their businesses up and running again by driving more people back into regional Victoria, starting today.

What you will see from us is the use of the full suite of marketing tools we have to focus on making people aware of the events, places and experiences available across Victoria. We will be using television, radio, print and online with the aim of getting people into the regions across the critical up-coming holiday periods.

These marketing activities will include full-page advertisements in newspapers, television broadcasts through the Australian Open and Grand Prix, taking television and radio shows that typically broadcast from Melbourne into regional Victoria, and a comprehensive social media campaign to reach millions of people.

Developed in consultation with the regional tourism boards (RTBs), it will highlight the many regional communi- ties currently welcoming visitors and encourage bookings, particularly over the Australia Day, Labour Day and Easter long weekends.

These activities will be rolled out at an intrastate, interstate and international level to help attract visitors and re- build our brand as a safe and attractive tourist destination.

While it’s been an incredibly difficult time for many, we have also seen the best in Victorians wanting to help. We’ve received overwhelming offers of support from the community – including from high-profile Victorians who have offered to lend their voice to help spread our message to visit regional Victoria.

Victorians leading the charge include Rachel Griffiths, Dave Hughes, Andy Lee and Nick Dal Santo among many others, including tennis star Caroline Wozniacki. They are recording video messages encouraging people to help by visiting regional communities and will share it with their significant number of social media followers.

Continued next page >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Visit Victoria Community Announcement @ January 20,2020

Continued from previous page >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

We all know how just how many AFL footballers and cricketers come from regional Victoria and these people too are now lining up to help with Travis Boak, Ben McEvoy, Ollie Wines, and Cameron White having already recorded messages and many others have pledged their support.

Local tourism operators will also be encouraged to record videos to share their personal stories to emphasise the importance of visiting regional communities right now.

We’re also receiving significant support from our media partners – including Nine, 3AW and the Herald Sun – among others who will be coming out to the regions to help promote the people, place and events to their millions of viewers, listeners and readers.

As soon as it’s safe to do so, we will also be ready to start promoting those destinations which have been directly fire-affected, including far East Gippsland and parts of the North East, to help give them the boost when they need it most.

As part of today’s announcement, the Victorian Government also announced it is working with more than 115 major organisations to hold multi-day stays – including conferences, events or meetings – in regional Victoria.

I appreciate the support we have already received from RTBs, industry associations such as the Victoria Tourism Industry Council and as well as many of the operators directly.

We are committed to continuing to work with you to ensure we are supporting you as best we can and look for- ward to continuing to hear your feedback about what is happening in your area.


Brendan McClements

Chief Executive Officer, Visit Victoria


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Wellington Shire Council Community News

Community Assistance Grants Open For 2020

Wellington Shire Council is ready to assist community groups with their applications for the 2020 Community As- sistance Grants. These grants will be awarded to community groups, events and capital works projects that build capacity, promote participation and work together to maintain community assets and support cultural development.

Applications are currently being invited from not-for-profit groups seeking funding of $2,001 to $5,000 in the fol- lowing categories:

Community Events - applications will be considered for events that celebrate the community, or aspects of culture and identity Community Projects - applications will be considered for projects that fulfil a demonstrated community need and benefit the diverse community Community Facilities – applications will be considered that increase the access and use of a facility for the commu- nity. Wellington Shire Council Mayor Alan Hall said previous successful applicants presented strong cases of how Coun- cil funding would greatly benefit the communities of Wellington Shire.

“In our last funding round, Council was proud to provide funding to 37 community groups to the tune of $165,000 for their projects, events and capital works,” Cr Hall said.

“I look forward to seeing a broad range of applications again through this round and encourage groups seeking fund- ing to take advantage of the assistance Council is offering to help with their applications.

“Council staff are more than willing to help you get your applications across the line, so please call Council’s Com- munity Facilities Planning and Grants Officer and you will be provided with the necessary paperwork for your ap- plication and valuable assistance with your grant submission. ”

In 2020 Council will offer two rounds of Community Assistance Grants, , applications open in January and June as well as Quick Response Grants of up to $2,000 for minor community events, projects and facilities which are avail- able all year round.

To obtain your CAG application form, please contact Council’s Community Facilities Planning and Grants Officer on 1300 366 244.

Applications close 4pm Monday, 2 March 2020.


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Wellington Shire Council Community News

New Program To Assist With Community Projects

Wellington Shire Council has introduced a new way to help community groups and individuals organise successful community projects. Through the Community Collaborations Program, communities who have a project idea that provides broad commu- nity benefit may request for Council support and advice. Wellington Shire Council Mayor Alan Hall said the new program would better support those with great ideas see their projects through to fruition. “An individual or group may come to Council seeking advice on how to progress a project idea or how to assist their own community to create, develop and manage their own projects,” he said. “They may require advice on potential funding sources or appropriate state or local authorities that may assist with their project idea. “Where there is a direct alignment with Council’s strategies and policies, Council may also participate in the work of the community project. “This program will assist people with the next steps.” The Community Collaborations program also offers a series of free community sessions for different sectors of com- munity throughout the year including current offerings of “Placemaking in Your Community” and “Crowdfunding for Community Groups” sessions. For more details (including program information guidelines and application form, free community resource and ses- sions) visit Council’s website and search for Community Collaborations, or email: com- [email protected]


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Wellington Shire Community News


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Wellington Shire Community News


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Community Assistance Notice Board—Emergency & Port Albert Community Directory

Emergency Contact List

Police , Fire & Emergency Service—000

King Street Medical Clinic , 6 King Street , Yarram— 51825533 ( Monday—Friday—9.00am—5.00pm )

Yarram & District Health Service / Hospital , 85 Commercial Road , Yarram—51820222

Yarram Medical Centre , 121 Commercial Road , Yarram—51820333 ( Monday—Friday 9.00am—5.30pm

Yarram Dental Group , 39 Bland Street , Yarram—51826606 ( Monday—Wednesday 9.00am—6.00pm ) - Appointments Essential

Yarram Veterinary Clinic , 230 Commercial Street , Yarram—51825400 ( Mon—Fri 8.30am—5.30pm—Sat 9.00am—12.00 noon )

Yarram Pharmacy , 199 Commercial Street , Yarram—51825005 ( Mon—Fri 8.30am—5.30pm—Sat 9.00am—12.00 noon )

Port Albert Community Directory

 Port Albert CFA-Fire Brigade-Meetings Monday Night 7.30pm-CFA Meeting Rooms

 Port Albert Progress Association – Meets every second Tuesday of the month, CFA meeting rooms, 7pm . Email portalbert- [email protected]

 Port Albert Mechanics Hall Committee of Management –Contact 0431734236 Email : [email protected]

 Port Albert Coast Guard – Part of Australia Volunteer Coast Guards – For Membership - https:// membership - Contact : (03) 5183 2555

 Port Albert Sports and Light Game Fishing – Local Fishing Competitions and Team Events - Contact : Charles 0427532961

Email : [email protected]

 Port Albert Maritime Museum – Contact : David Dickson 51832520

 The Friends of St John’s Inc. - Contact : President Ray Walka - Email: [email protected]

 Port Albert Yacht Club – Sailing Lessons, Competitions & Other Events – Email : [email protected]

or Contact : 0417106279

 The Historic Port Albert Boat Club Inc – Contacts: President Ces 0428 826 476, Vice President Chris Beer 0427826 119


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Local Recurring Events

YARRAM YARRAM Courthouse Market Scout Hall PRODUCE , HOME , GARDEN VARIOUS STALLS—8.000am—1.00pm Every Friday from 10.00am—1.00pm 1st Sunday of the month Yarram Library No Markets July / August ROCK , RHYTHM & RHYME Ship Inn Motel Music for Babies & Toddlers OPEN MIC—ALL WELCOME Every Friday from 9.30am An open mic where anyone can come Yarram Library along & sing or play an instrument. PRESCHOOL STORY TIME 1st Sunday of each month 1.00pm—6.00pm Every Thursday from 11.00am PORT ALBERT Holy Trinity Market PRODUCE , CRAFTS , HOME , GARDEN CRAFTS , PLANTS , FOOD 4th Sunday of the month—9.00am—1.00pm 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month—10.00am—2.00pm Port Albert Hall Holy Trinity Anglican Church Bicentennial Gardens St JOHN’S Port Albert—2 services per month 1st & 3rd Sun days @ 9.00am—Everyone is welcome and a friendly cuppa PRODUCE SWAP after the service. Contact Sue on 0484903590 should you re 3rd Saturday of the month @ 9.00am quire further information GORMANDALE HOMEGROWN FOOD / HANDMADE GOODS SWAP 3rd Saturday of the month @ 2.00pm Gormandale Community House


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020


Hats, Bumper Stickers & Magnets are available for purchase.

All proceeds go directly to the cost of produc- ing the merchandise, events, production of The Port Albert Tattler & co-contribution of com- munity projects and initiatives.

The next Progress Meeting will be held on Tuesday February Merchandise can be purchased from the 11, 2020 , starting at 7pm in the CFA Meeting Room. Port Albert General Store, Port Albert Wharf Fish & Chips, Port Albert Maritime Museum, All are welcome to attend as your views and thoughts are appre- Castim By The Jetty and Courthouse Gallery in ciated in the goal to have Port Albert the Jewel in Gippsland Yarram.


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020

Promote Your Business B y A d vert i sing In The Port Albert Community Tat t l er & Port Albert “Enjoy the Experience “web page for only : 12 Month Advertising 1st of July – 30th of June 1 x Block Size/Business Card - $120 per year 2 X Block Size - $200 per year 3 X Block Size - $300 per year 4 X Block Size - $400 per year Casual Advertisements $30 per 1 Block per


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020


A Port to Call Home

Port Albert’s FREE Community Newsletter! Issue No 125 February 2020