Your guide to getting the most from your summit.

www.legalnurseconsultantsummit.com I’m really excited to welcome you to Legal Nurse Consultant Summit™. My team and I have had a wonderful time creating this event for you, and the line- up of guests you’ll get to hear from are incredible.

During the summit, you’ll have access to interviews with some of the nation’s leading healthcare professionals, legal experts, and legal nurse consultants. You’ll learn from their experience and stories, get inspired, model their strategies and tactics, and also meet fellow leaders in our community.

This document is the LNC Summit Handbook. We put this together to help you get the most from this online event. Use it to mark off what sessions you want to watch or plan on watching, and to note any insights or ideas you have along the way. At the end of the summit, you can review your notes and start taking action.

Free Pass holders will have access to each new session for 24 hours once it has gone live. We’ll send you a daily email with links to each new session so that you don’t miss anything.

To get unlimited access to all the summit content, even after the event is over, as well as bonus content, consider upgrading to a VIP Pass.

We’d like to also thank all of our incredible summit guests who have taken the time to share with you some real insights and actionable tactics.

Finally, THANK YOU for attending this summit and joining us on this adventure!

Rachel Cartwright, PhD, MS, RN, LHRM Quality and Compliance Keynote Speaker Founder of Legal Nurse Consultant Summit™


Opening Keynote Laura Glidewell

Session Titles Calvin Glidewell Jane Shufro

 Developing a Culture of Safety: A Hospital CEO’s Perspective.

 How to Minimize HIPAA Exposures and Linn F. Freedman, Esq. Dr. Mila Carlson Cybersecurity Risks  The Interaction of Clinical Risk Management and Liability Litigation

Teri Hughes Dr. Kathleen C. Ashton  Digital Evidence and EMRs  Legal Aspects of Documentation  Occupational Therapy: A Valued Component of Case Review Scott Greene Deborah Ward  Does Your Management of Pressure Injuries Measure Up?  : From Staff Nurse to

Expert Witness Christie Paige Michelle Smeltzer  Critical Thinking: The Missing Link in Case Analysis  Stress Management Designed for Nurses Stephanie Peters Shelene Giles  Perianesthesia Nurse Expert: A Unique Niche  Succession Planning: Why It is Important For Your Business Tara Bohannon Kathryn Rattigan, Esq.  : Preparing to Give Testimony  Achieving a Successful Work-life Balance  Working with Subcontractors Michelle Myers Glower Karen Apy  Nursing: Beyond the Bedside & Into the Courtroom  The Intersection Between Medicine and Kathy Ferrell Closing Keynote Law: LNC Responsibilities and Tips to Mitigate Risk  Business Go-getter

Legal Nurse Consultant Summit™ Guest Name:

INSIGHT: What are the key ideas or aha moments that you have taken away from this summit session?

INTEGRATION: How could these insights be integrated in your own work as a healthcare leader or legal nurse consultant?

ACTION: If you could pick just one thing (a strategy, technique, ritual, or further reading) to act on from this session, what would it be?

Legal Nurse Consultant Summit™ Want Lifetime Access, Bonus Offers + More With A VIP Pass? Want to get even more benefits from your Legal Nurse Consultant SummitTM experience, even after it finishes? Upgrading to a VIP Pass might be the next step for you.

You’ll get lifetime access to all the summit sessions, valuable bonus content, and private networking groups.


Here is what you receive as a VIP Pass holder:

LIFETIME ACCESS After they air, get all the summit sessions to listen to and watch on your schedule, in your order, now, in the future – whenever you need them. ($297 value)

LEGEL NURSE CONSULTANT DIGITAL THREE PACK The Ultimate Pocket Guide for Legal Nurse Consultants Surefire Ways for Selling Legal Nurse Consulting Services Sample Reports for Legal Nurse Consultants ($115 value)

PRIVATE FACEBOOK AND LINKEDIN GROUPS This is where we will meet up after each session during the summit to share, discuss, and ask questions about strategies and tactics. Use this time to jot down action items in this handbook.

MLC ACADEMY You’ll receive a no expiration date discount worth $150 to apply to any course of your choosing.

BONUS: 1-HOUR CONSULTATION You will be able to schedule a career consultation with Dr. Rachel Cartwright to discuss your goals, strategies and tactics. ($300 value)

BONUS #2: 20 AUDIO DOWNLOADS Prefer to listen to the summit sessions in the car, at the gym, or on the move? No problem! We have included audio downloads.

PRIORITY SUPPORT We have an awesome customer support team on hand for any of your questions or queries. JOIN THE VIP EXPERIENCE Legal Nurse Consultant Summit™