MATTERS OVER THE Thf First of Apkil. Yesterday bolnjz Stjbpectfd of Store RonBrny. On MAIUUKU. . RIVER. the first day of April, a number of tricks were Sunday morning a boot and shoe store on South r.OON SMITH March 80, by Rer. William plajcdonthe unsuspecting in several quarters street, below Kighth, was entered and robbed. Cooper.D. D., WILLIAMSON BOON to SAIiAU TiKrum.icAN Meeting. On Saturday ot the city. Among the best jokes of the day Three colored men were arrested on suspicion 64I1IH, botn of West Philadelphia. vvenhiK the lit publican of Oiundcn city and was that which appeared in tine of the Sunday of committing the bmglary, and commuted by FRANKS SMITH. At Camden, N. J , on the county held a luifrc and enthusiastic meeting was bo hearing. everirg ot March 13, by tne Kov. T. O. Sparks, Mr. papers. It Ftatod, in what purported to Alderman Swilt lor a further 1- t the County Court lloise, In order to vive HAKKY HANKS, ol Philadelphia, to MlM a genuine telegraphic despatch, that President AMANDA or Lllzabcth, county, W est txpiredon in repaid to tho Senatorial question, Satur- In our article on Saturday SMITH, Kent TTnWP.TJ.PnTTP.TTP. Johnson had arrived in the city late on Correction. Virginia. , 'which Benms to be so prolific ol agitation at the day night and would address a delegation ot his on the "Derlneer ," the types continually present, and to Indicate their disapprobation of admirers hailing from the Twenty-secon- d Ward, made the name Derringer." It is the spurious V co u purHiied by M. rtcovel in re- (.pelt two the tho James on the political" issues of the day. at the Oirard imitations which are with "r's", the BIRCH ALL. On dii:d.81M ultimo. MARY KM MA, ference to hc meeting of the Legislature. genuine having but one. Toayold nuintentionally the joint House, m Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. At daughter ot Lllas and Sarah Bircball, in the 22d year by Thomas Knight, F.aq., was elected Chairman, the time ntsted quite a number of persons as- deceiving our readers, we make the correction. ol her age. Deprived of Its Horrors Purifying and (1. W. Gilbert acted s Secretary. T he relatives friends of family are rospect-toll- y sembled bcttfre the hotel in question, but it is On Saturday and the and Enriching the Blood. William C Mulligan, Chairman ol the Commit- almost needless to add that President Johnson A Stbat Ton of Iron. invited to attend tho funeral, from tho reunion co tee on Resolutions presented the t'ollo A'tiifT, evening a ton of railroad Iron was found at of her parents, Prico street, Germuntown, on did not make his appearance, and the light soon IV 1 A which vere unanimously adopted: on together, Taylor's wharf, above Coatcs street, with no Wconcsday at 1 o'clock. JVO IS THE TIME 0 DSE PRE VENTIVE. broke the minds ol those gathered ot was conveyed Whmtat. The teat ol John V. Stockton, in the that they had been badly "sold." person in charge the same. It BOY EK. Suddenly, on the 30til instant, Mrs. United Mates .ouato liai boon dociitred vacant, Among the persons sold on tho above an- to the Eleventh Ward Station House, w here It ANN BOYKK, relict of the laic Jamos Boyer, in tho Is Equal Uepub-lioa- n year her ago. There None to Helmbold's and to appointment ol a sncco sor from tun nouncement was a corpulent gentleman con- awaits an owner. 60th oi fart ol New Jersey ban hron thus tar ( 1 lie relatives and friends of the family are respect- nected with staff of the city. Offi-CK- R. Highly Concentrated Fluid tratedtiy the conduct or Ja:nui At iScovol, xmator the repoitoiial Charged with Assaulting an fully invited to attend the funoral, from ber lato resi- from Mm coui.iy ol Camden, in ihe Iximsiature ot Not wishing to miss a verbatim report of tho James Giller was arrested yesterday, dence, York road, below Bruuchtown, on I nesday Extract Sarsaparllla. Mew Jersey, who has voted with tho Drmoorats for speech ot President Johnson, be repaired at an charged with being concerned in the late assault, morning, April 3, at 12 o'clock. To proceed to Ut-manto- ; tnoroforo, for Cemetery. tne pui pose ot preventing a Joint meettni-- early hour to the house of a phonoiiiaphcr, on Otlicer Carmichnel. (liller was committed to THE CHOLERA be it resolved bv the nepubicuu citizens ot Camden the purpose of securing the speech for a morning answer by Alderman Tittermary. EYKF.. At Chester, Ta . suddenly, on the even- oanty, a follows: papet. was called on, not ing of March 80, lrttiu, KEDF.CCA EYRE, Is defective vltalization ol the blood, and when the blood upon The reporter who P. relict ottcs It Reunited, That wo look witti indignation the feeling disposed to leave his hotwe, having Dougherty ol William Lyre, .)r , in the 48th year of her ago. GIVING TOWER, ca.l upou him w.tiyMit Charged with Riot. John LIFE course of Senator fcovel, and retired nt a late In morning, positively arrested yesterday, The rolatives and friends and thnoo of tho lamily power ol delay go me lluif, and to co-o- kiio hour the and John Conncry were it oaufFS relaxation of the contractile the to into joint lire-men- are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, trom to Tho gen- being 's bho a ot tne tu ami the Intestines open ttieir Republican tho LopiHlati J reiused perform the work. humous charged with concerned in the late Fouith-da- y V vrtr,i tu wlb the members of in her lato residence, on ( cdnesIay) next, myriad bii d and ail the alinimliioaa ornesu-ma- t. s t) tleman then sought for person, but in Twenty-fourt- h the clcc ion of a UinK'd Ma Houatorj that dr another riot in the Ward. They the 4th Inntant, to leave the house at 11 o'clock. Inn material pasres off lrom the liowels nl dictate to party who aceoniplishmtr this he was also toiled. by Alderman Allen. e'. nrt recognize nstit to the were both committed Burial at Chester Sural Cemetery. KK AM) RLOOD I KE8ISTB DISEASE, MANUFACTUKERS t.o we bin repaired person Continental, HEALTHY nha'l thoir choice; and that shall reirard He then In to the On riAnd while there may he no occasion for alarm, tliota e FKANCE.-- Sunday morning.Aprll 1, RACHEL to no his duty in this crista an an infamous and took hie position with many others witn In a Dangerous Condition. The of imj urt blvvdue most llahlc to sutler. placed confldenco FRANCE. betrayal ol the party which in pencil and paper in nunti, ready to take oown sewer at Julianna and Callow hill streets is in a Tho relatives and frlnndt, also Spring Garden Tont. him and ot him in rower the remarks of the di"tmguishcd speaker. dangerous condition, and should receive imme- No. 6, ot Drmds, Tent, 21, HHII HUH Kcsoivcd, '1 hat we recommend Alexander G. Cat. Order Powhatan No. and Alter w aitiner for some time, one after another diate attention at the hands of the proper Cedar lent, aro invitod to attend tho funora, at n t, ii nun tell as the choieo of this county for the vacant seat ' HHit HUH we discovered that they hud been duped, and the authorities. No. 267 Chester street, on Wednesday morning at 7 n the United states senate; and do bj knowluir To proceed Doylestown, iiiiii nun the value of his past services, appreciating his hlirli crowd soon became much diminibhcd In num- o'clock. to Pa. HUH HUM ability and InleiriUy, and In the lull confldenco that bers. SrKCiAL Meeting of Councils. A spe- IECKEY. On the 1st Instant, Mr. JOilN HIIHIIHIIHHIIK in tkese oays of unfaithful public men no will be The mortlllcatlon of the nnxlons reporter can cial meeting ot Councils will be twld this LECKEY , in the 48d year or his ago. 11IIU HHII 3 The relatives She-kina- n IIHI1 HHII found troe to bis country and his political Iricuds. be better imagined tunii described, when, wlih afternoon at o'clock, to take on the and trends ol the lamlly, alo HUH Ftrcet-clcanin- g Lodge, 246, lllltl Alter the adoption of th above resolutions, the few remaining oues. he was obliged to leave recent veto of the bill by tho No. A. Y. fit., are roxpcctfu.ly Hilt HHII George Court of Common Pleas. invited to attend his Itinera!, from his lato residence, II UU HUH lion. W. N. Oustis, Representative in the the spot under the conviction that he had been No 6C0 Otis street, below Amber, Nineteenth Ward, House from Camden city, was introduced and led into an error in rcsucct to tne real meaning on Thursday afternoon at 8 o'clock, without further made an able and eloquent speech, Rivintc a lull of the despatch, it being intended solely lor an Dwelling Robbkd. Last evening the notice. To proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery. IN THE S1KINO IIONTH8 the system natiimtly d welling of Mr. W. C. Stiles, on Pulaski avenue, uml'-uoi- s a rlisnge, and H BOLD rt tllOilLY nd complete explanation of matt cm couucciCd April Icol trick. McCOFMICK. On 1st ins-an- -- the Mrs. EMILY OP sbovvin-- j conclusively 11 Twenti second Ward, wns broken into, and a CONO.NTKATKI) IX1KACT SAHSAl'AUILLA with tho question, and was also stated that the President would A. McCOKMICK, widow of thelateT. 15. MoCor-mlc- ts an of the greatest va'un. that had it not been lor the d'fiatlbctlou of some. attend divine service nt a church in Cue western piece of liucn only carried off. in the 47th year ol her sge. 01VIi.G UL0O2 IO Hlb 1'ALLID CHEEK. The vncart Kent in the United Stutca Senate would part of the city. The effect of this win that a Tho relatives and inonds o! the family are respnot--. AND OF now have been filled by a miuikI and patriotic niiinbcr ol persons wended their way during tho "Wno Wrote Shake ppeark'b Plats? A doubt ally invited to attend tbo funeral, from ber lato BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. jrentlcnuin. The speech ot Mr. Cuntm was afternoon to the church in question, 'the ser has rccoi tly been taised as to who was tho autnor of residence, No, 623 l ino street, on Ihursday morning loudly appluuded, profound ot pastor, very at 8j o'clock. F.KKEEEKF.EKE and listened to with mon the however, constituted tno that popular book generally known as "The rbbbbELbtEJU iittention. oniy attraction, and the hoax was the means of Dramatic Works William Shakespeare." Some PiEKIE On tho 3lst ultimo, aftor a lingering EKE of il.'ncis, WILLIAM S. FIKK1U, in tne 63d year of In order to create a counter demonstration milking not a tew individuals attend church ior think it was Lord Bacon, R. age. ELK Mr. Scovel hired a bund ot which skirted Orst tunc in long period. and that Lord didu'l his EKE music, the a Bis relatives and male friends are Invited EKE for the court bouse, followed by a crowd of At the American Mechanics' Hall a largo con consider it worth whilo to mention tho fact, because to attend LEE he know ttiat the people of country would find the funeral, from his lato residonco, No. 816 N. EEI KbJS Uemocrats, and some licpubltcuiiB who wont course of persons were assembled to listen to a this Sixth street, on Tuesday morning, Apnl 8. at 0 Eh R there to see tne sport; but as the meeting had discourse irom a clergyman ot tne iuetnouist out the whole truth aud more toa. Perhaps there o'c.ock. EEK EE K adjourned, the band repaired to James' house Epifcopnl Church. A lady, lust previous to the never was any such person as Shakespeare; and, in RICH ARDSON. On the 81st instant, JAMES C. to sereuade him. Here most of those who sermon, banded to one of the gentlemen present that case, it would seem very probable that ho never RJCHAKDsON,in the 40th yearot ois ago. EEEEEEICtELb attended the meeting and a large crowd of a notice to be read from nulnit. which was His relatives and friends invited to the wroto those, pluyt. These are important ; but are attend tho JL)en;ocrats Kco-vel- 's doubt gathered, liopiue to hear Mr. given to the clergytnnfl officiating. The notice funeral, from his late residonco, No. 813 Goskill ERUPTIVE anil luckily there is no doubt about tho best and cheapest on Tuesday April 8, 3 IT ERADICATES ULCERATIVE attempt to justify his course; but the m:iu purported to be that ot a meeting to uc lieu m street, a.toriioon. at o'clock. DlSEAMt.lS 01 the IHUOAI, NOE, EYES, bVELIOS, "with an empty pocket (who) deiies the world, uid of tho First Congregational Church. clothing in the city being sold at b ALt and tKl, rl.li'h so Ontlitiiro tho uppearauue, the liesh, and the devil," did not make his A number of names of prominent clergymen Tower Hall, rARDSTlCKS OF FIVE PATTERNS, AUNE I'VROI. O tte evil el.cctH oi meiuury aud reiiievinir ail 613 L Measures, and a vane y of Rules, 'fane Measures, talnU. Hit leinuaiitaof horedlturv or otlior-nnnt- Ho ncnt a proxy, however, who said were ulluded to in tne notice as those who re No. Mauket stubhp, taken ey ADULTS and CHILDREN with Mr. UKMiliTT & CO. Hoard Measures, and 'tailors' hqnar. s. lor file nt tue --r- a that Scovel would address tlicsn on another to take part in the exercises. Among the names Store of Tit CM AN & 8IIAW. pcriCtt8AEbl. nm sm 111 TT n ia f ik r r and more suitable t nose 8I)S M A M A IM I IM occasion. were niso oi a numncrot laymen, one oi KiTReua Oxide Cas, as an Anaesthetic Aoent Ho. (Elpnt Thlrtyflvs) AKKKT Ht.. boluw Mnth. ILL rrirt. it It Tootb-Dbawi.n- r The popular indtsnation against James M. was poem o tt whom announced to deliver a entitled kob "To U. Colton is duo I.l.L, wide-sprea- h T)RASS STOP Hcovel is deep and d his assumption Young Man a reviving use important; HINGES, BRASS BUTTS, WITH 1.14 "The who Never Saw Woman." the credit ot the oi this .1 ) ltraKS of dictatorial prerogatives in tho nomination of The clergyman at this point becoming some agent in the practice ol dentistry, ' Latter from Pins (fur avoiding corrosion). Loose Joint I.l.L, ('(irvorlitin. lira's IlinKcs, tor sunliiv mucluuo covers, etc., aud a LLL the man lor Senator being retrarded as the acme what contused, appealed to u gentleman in re. burfjeon variety of regular llmss Hinges, for b describing tho results several case sale I.l.L of impudence. This stern and decided disap- gard to the matter. Not having auy explanation, Aiter ol of TRC.MAM JE Sn.W. LLL Surgery, where Dr. Colton has admrnisiered tho NoM5(rifihtTlilrty-flvc- ) , proval of his rouree is so sienifiennt that it he became excited, and louudit hard to proceed. MAUKET St below Slnth. LLL Mr. a a most salu- Nitrous Oxido Gas, Dr. Curnoclian adds : "if ILL ehonld teach Scovel lesson of declaring that the noiioe was not ortnodox. similar lavorablo results are mot wiih by others, tho yoR HARKING NAMES ON CLOTHING' WE ILL tary chun.cier, one that he will remember tor The ailuir created no iitib stir among the audi- Mitrous Oxide Can will supersede all aiwathetic J lun lxhto order small Bten'-l- 'Intcs with hmsh I.LLI Ll.Lf T.LLL several yeurs to come. The Republicans ot ence, and the matter was not explained atisfue-torii- y vow in use." and Ink; also Hrniifls ior murkint; cat.le or onla, aud LLL.LLLLLLLLL Camden teel deeply incensed at this wanton be- until it wus suiiiestcd lhat the notice was Dr. t olton, whose office is at No. 787 Walnut Steel Aibbabitana Figure funclies in sets or sltiK y. petted made Mr. - sticct, has used tho gas three 'lltUMAN UllrtW. Not a lew oi' the worft that afTeol mantrtiil trayal, aiter they have and intended as a first of April sell. Tim most amuti- lor year, without a No 8SSfElplitThlrv-flve- ) M AKKKT St . bolow Ninth. that, en- or aci iacvt. atn-- iii ui tLecorruptiou that aiicuinu ntcs lu the blood. beovel all he has been politically and nigpart was the npology ouercd by Uio reve- tatlure Ot tl.ut hu e keen to 1 all ilie discoveries pur'e it trusted him with so much power. gentleman while. A N ' S T O N I C A L E. ec.uul tn enect llomiliold's L'onipound Ex-nu- rend lor his confused manner Economy IOR out, none tan ' Pat's M JOilDAN'rt TONIC ALE. a ami reading the notice. "My income." said Pat, for tho year 'Cfi, oi baispuril it cleanses renuvatus the Tius Camden Churches. The sixty JORDAN'S TUMC ALB. h ood. Instllx the vlyorof hi ulth into the sys em. and Washington street a of W as over l600, as 1 wos dist-aiio-. At wharf number alive; JORDAN 8 TONKJ AT.K. purges out the luuiorswhluli make Itstium-lste- s members who left Third M. K. I. , the Sheet of large calibre were on some freight Hut, be jot era, 1 ope 'twill bo under this year. It Is rccomm curled by physiclnns ol this aud otiier the healihv luncilon-- ot' tne body, and expels ine Church have organized into a new religious cars, marked tor route to different torts. And thin oi the Income lax, 'laith, I'll get 0eur." places us a mertnr nic. und requires but a tri.U io disorders that glow and rankle lu the blood. undvi convince the skeptical oi ita me it. t'o bo ussociation under the titl" of the "Centenary A tiiteeu-inc- was lying on the ground Pat's economy is piactised by tlioe who buy low mot tireat 11. E. Church," and have Rev. Mr. Baker had, whtlesale and roiall, ot I'. 1. J.iIiDVN", HMMM MMM if the uwniting IruDsportalion, and had not been regu- priced ana nearly valueless olothing because it is low No. 1'KAK S'root MllU M M Jiltll for their pastor. Yesterday they held service larly labelled, whensome wag procured sotno priced, a suif of Clothing to be cheap must look rlinmpanne Cider, by the dozen, bottled, or by the 1M 1 M M MM VI in the Odd Fellows' null, hue intend at an early well until it is worn out. Such poods can be had barrel. Uj JnMM it M MMH wuite paint, and tne loiiowirg words were soon M day to commence the ereciion of a new church at low figures at Charles Stokes & Co.'s oue-pric- o MUN M MMM blazcned lorth conspicuously on the niece of (Jiotlung Store, under tho Continental. M MM M M MMM ediiice suitable to their use. aitillery: "To Colonel John O'Mahony, Head THE FLORENCE MMM M M MMM On Sunday morniug sixteen new members Cen Ire Femnn Brotherhood, Dublin Castle, A Ukiveiisal Ekmedy. ' Brown's Bionchial M M XI M M MUU were received Tabernacle Baptist LOCK AND KK0T STITCE MM At M M into the Dublin, Ireland." for Coughs, Colds, Bronchial a flec- M M MMM Church, having the right baud of fellowship Troches," and MMM public confi- MUM M MMM extended to them. In the evening several other Buildings Euectkd di'uung Months tions, now stands tho first in favor aud sr:viNC. MACHINES, V MUU persona were baptized by immersion. lollowing buildingthe dence; this result has been acquired by a tost of A re the next sod the only inuiily machinrs warraute l to of March. The permits many years. ttlve enthe tatislactlon, or monoy returned. Scrofulous, merci rial, and stphllttlc diseases destroy Yesterday being Easter Sunday all the were Issued by the Buildir.g Inspectors during Its merits and ex'ensive use havo whatever pan the? may at tne k. huusamls die churches in Camden were well attended, aud the March: caused the Troches to bo countoi feitod, and wo irom protruutcu illxenscs ot th s class, and from services appropriate to tho occasion. month of SAL,jUSliOOlK, ihe abuse of mercury. Visit any hospital, asy.um. and the (our-stoi- y purchasers bo ou Dwellings, 1 Would caution to their guard prisons, nnd callsiy j otirsi 11 oi i e tnnhtuiness of this Ko. GZO CHESNUT r following Dwellings, tiiree-ftor- y 141 against wortuless Imitations, - STREET asu-- ion. The K.mt.tu beat leslnts tne Inroads ot theso Directors Elected. The dixeases by a ludiciotis cjuiljinatioti ot Tonics. Dwellings, two si oi v til N. It. All kinds ef fine Sewing and Stitching promptly , named cenilemen were on Friday elected by To Catch Mice. On going to bed put crumbs beln. Pocd's I'lKhly oncentruted i'iuid Extract ia I'hiladel-phi- u l!rev.eno done In the neatest manner. the stockholders oi tho Camden and Hank Building 1 iu your mouth aud lie with it open, and when a Is aTonic oi the real eat value arresting the Operators taught ou the Horenco. without chance, at moi-- Inveterate dlscnso after the ulands urn destroyed, Steamboat Feiry Company, nt their annual Club House 1 mouse's whiskers tickle your throat bito. Wo atiecteiL en- the office. aud the tones already this is the testimony meeting, directors of said Couinany tor tho en- Coach HoUiO 1 never tried tbo above, but we have tried, to our 88tf ot tlmu'auus who h ve used an J prescribed It for Ujo suing year: Benjamin Fih, J. L. McKnight, Factories 7 tire satisfaction, the coal prepared by W. W. Alter, tho rcuowned dealer, at No 957 la.tl,carfc BBIJBnB1,B Richard Shlppen, Charles E. De Haven, A. V. 1 Noith Ninth street, T AVOISIC Oilioes 5 below Girard avenue. We do not know a solitary WllllS iinliiiiiiinuB Mart. ley, A. J. Fish, Judw T. Jones Yorke, ol a person dealing onco Alter, Dim ttim WTTTTinW RTT A TiV.St instance with but V William C. Sh on 1 STORE FRONTS, J. XI w fU XX XX X M II. Gatzmer. J. Bullitt. - w regular Office, rOKKAILIj:0.9, libit ltlili J JJ Shedi- 8 hat became a customer. Branch llllB 11B11 Shops 20 Sixth aud Spring Garden. GUARDS PAJiTITIOKS, ETC uuiiitRunii fscbool House 1 llimUlSLUH C I T Y I NTELLI GENCE Storehouse 1 Lace Curtains. No neod waiting any longer for IRON UEPSTKADS AND WIRE WORK, libU MI1B Slaughter House 1 cheap Luce Curtains. Patten has just roturuod lrom In variety, manufacture! by . MM . HUB or see New York auction sales with an ot Cur- HBB BliU l f Additional Local Jkma Third Page. Stab'es 16 imnuuse lot lUUlBBBBBU ' Stores.-- . 8 tains, bought at less price than before the war, and M. & HONS, liLBI11!1! will be sold meat W. Henry Patten's Cuitaiu Store, WAIvKIt BERGER, TDK MUT:DEREB, PlIBENOLOGI- - 267 No. 1108 Chesuut street. 8 20 6niSp No. f! North SIXTH Btrcet. AN INTEREST ISO LET1ER Is published in the cai.ly Considered. Mr. Johu L. Capen, an Alterations and additions... Hl Mi'dico-- ( btrurulral Review, on the subiect of the ex- Cipert 1'hrenologHt of this city, lust before the From Auction. We have jut added to our 1795. tract ot earbupurula in veneieat ailccUous, by Beujainlii Bcvger, Total 'some ele.aiit Lac-- ; Cut tains from auction. Gold ESTABLISHED Iruvers, b. H. ..cic. Spcaklngoi Syphilis, and dlsoases tnuiol Christian made a minute exami- .388 down aud prices nmcii lower. Call, and see Lace arUlng ri ui the excess of mercui v, he states, "J'tal no nation of the occipital developments of the Curtains, m all vneiie., of styles, at prices to suit rim. ay is qual lu tn t x fact tiuriaparnia its pow r wn tehed mun. Since his sudden and mysteri- Police During Month' i) & Co., tstxliaorduiary.mtre so than anyvihtr drug lam Arrests tub the times. eltv, Caukinoton It is in the str c;est sense a tvttic, with ous death be 35111 ar-ns- ts 723 this document will reaa with of Makch. During the month of March No. Chesnut street. thts invaluable at tribuit ,that it ts ai plicable to a state interest, not oniy by those who give credence to were made by the Police of the city. Thuy A. S. KOBINSON, ot the systtm so sunken and yet so imtahie as irn-d- - science Phrenology, likewise Lace Cuutains. Slightly damaged real Lice o,htr lit lotite unavaitub e or the of but to those were distributed ainoug the dillereut districts aa heavily which aro rs substances vf cast "Who delight in the irttidy of Cuiiaitis, woiked, sotno of tho injumus." curious and abstruse lollows: moft elegant ever introduced in this market. Also, Freitcli Plate LooIiing-GIassc- s, subjects. We civc Mr. Capeu's statement entire, District. A'u. of Arret '$. District. A a. of Arrests. Nottingham Curtains from auction, some as low as OOOO and suggest that it is worthy of tho con-sid- ra- 1 89 12. 14') one doLar, seliina off at Patten's Curtain Store, No. . OOOOOO tion of our learned savans: 2 WMi 89 1418 Chesnut street. ENGRAVINGS PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS ETC Ooo OOO 8. 483 14 OtJO ooo PHRENOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION. 64 OOO OuO 4. 8M 15 63 Keddckd Fine Photographs, cveiv va-rio-iv Mr. Berger You predominance Prices ooo ooo Christian have of 6. 2ii8 18 41 ot stjlo, artistically exeouted and exquisrtoly Manufacturer of all kinds of ooo OoO the bilious temperament, bareiy diges- (! with enouirii 177 K'eserve Corps 14--i fiuihed. Go to B. F. Ketmer's, No. 624 Arch street, ooo ooo tive power to properly support your frame and brain 7 113 Harbor Police ol and obtain tho best at moderate chargos. OoO OOt! J)y tukinir feood caieof yourself. Tho teuduncv to 8 'J ( htsnut Hill 6 I'ortrait, unci Pic- uoo ooo ..dyt-pepsi- very WI1.D0W Selling Window sdiado is stron?; while the nervous system I' lift Itocgar Detectives 46 Sua dl9 Off. jFraineH is not sufficiently iino to rernlato your habits. You IP 2:,S Pork Police 0 oflered at sacrifices, from one dollar upward. Xnoo ture to Order. are not so promptly warned by j our foohngs of tho 11 ISO in need al shades would do well to select them now, approach of as persons, while stock is comploto low, TWO TABLl.f-rOONSFU- ol the ExlMCt Of Sarsa- disease the majority of and the aud prices at v. is equal to Lisbon vitality may Le No. 1108 Chesnut No. 10 CHESNUT STREET, parllla. added lo a pint of utor, the seriously exhausted without your DtsnoNEST Jo- Patten's, street. Dlel Dr.uk.aud one bottle is eqna to a Ml on of tlio knowledge. Colored Domestics. fartapariila, or dococilon as uxualy mude Day. & al Hvrup ol the Your organization is adapted to sephine Judis and Frances Johnson are ladies of Opening Charles Oakford Sons' la nocci-sar- v N. E activity, and with open stylos DOOR AROVE THE CONTINENTAL, 'lhe uecoctlou is exceedliiK troub me, as it CORNER the dochueot vitality you will grow more feeble, color. The twain were employed at a residence Hotel, will their spring of Ladies', TDIRD lo prepare it freah evary day, and the s.vrui l stf l sleoplcsii, Mibes', and Children's Huts and Caps, on Thursday Clonal) lo, as It Is weukor more restless and and morn irritable. in the Filth Ward, in the capacity of domestics. PlilLADKLPOIA. 3 16 more oliii than the decactloa; The social biain is not largo, aud your attachments One hundred dollars worth of clothing were next. or a fluid saturated with sULiir Is susceptible of hMilinu in general are slight; but towards a low very Kind' In so.utiou much leaf extrnoilvo mutter, than waior i wns established soiling ofT largo . you may leel stolen from he houc, and it Fatten is his stock of Window aion, und hasyiup lsoiherwise ob.lectlunalne for the Iricuf.s considerable affoctiou.' beyond doubt or venture just as cheap as his Call boj patient is Ireiiucutiy uauscaU'd, and bis aioiiiucli sur- You are sensitive to (rnicism lrom Ii lends, unless perad that Joepbiue Shades Curtains. and OLDEST AND LARGEST and Frances stole ttiid clothing. They were them. No, 1408 Che-nu- t street. 'JIIE feited, bv the larne proportion oi suvar he obliged to guardedly administered, aud your jealousy is easily take wan each dobe 01 biirapnril a. and which Is ol no aroused. arrested jestarday evening, and on the person Hkrma ou IIuptube treated with professional use whatever, except lo ke p the decoction lrom snoll-h'f- . There is no indication of a combat ivo or destruo. of one was found an undergirment, which was ski 1, and trusses ot approved construction applied SADDLE AND HARNESS Here tho advantages and superiority of the F.uld tive tendency, if in health. W bile in your present identilied as the property ol lute employer. cor. Extract lu a comparative view are tuin.my,iy uiuunesu you her by V. ii. Aecaies, ol iwoutu ana Uace streets. condition would be likely to bo extreme y ex Auumber of pawu tickets were also recovered MANUFACTURING ESTADLISHJUIiNT IN TUB LLL citable-an- passionate, and also lnaousible to conse- The new refutation Navy Cap reoently adoped, Is lrom the prisoncis. Alderman Tittermary com- COUNTRY. LLL, quences, except so far as your own observation or mitted them to prison. ready ana for salolto olliceis, ai the army aud navy LLL .experience can point out its danger. iuinlHlung estab ishuieut of Charles OaklorU & LLL OF You have verv large flrninest, and a tonilency to Sons, Continental liopth LLL brood over tanplbH evils, and their imporiunoe may Knocked Down and Robbed. James LLL exaggerated greatly it are euiplovcd. Mctiowun was on Saturday night See Patten's Auction Curtains, cheap. No. 1408 LACEY, MEEKEK & CO,, LLL .le vcu not arrested at LLL Keguir.r occupation in the open air, a sufficient Twenty-thir- d highway Chesnut street. and Market streets tor LLL v to keepiyuu out ot embarrassment, are robbery. He stepped up to a man named George Ll.L iH'Cvitsai'y to fuhuro boultn andchcerlu ncss. L.arriugan, who resides at Thirty fourth and 10-40'- ISM'n. No, 1216 CHESNUT STREET, I.LLLLLLLLLL lu'tellccttjal organs are iuliy developod; Lar-ringe- INT) NOTES, Ihe but Market streets, u COMPOUNII RKUT LLLLLLLLLLL tthe and activity of the brain su in- and asked him the time. quality are not nulled a gold was Cold and silver, Bought and Sold ny OFFER OF U1EIR OWN MANUFACTURE I to give a ciear undeiftaiiulng ot subjects which out watch and about & dent to comply with the request, was imme- Dkkxkl Co., No. 84 S. TUird stroot. Helmbold's EX'l It ACT Bl'C'UU Cures Kidney Dlnease re not experimental. when ho i.l LX I li AC r 11U 'UU Cure- Khou.imtis n &-- HARNESS, from 22 80 to n.n Your lai'go caution must bo extensively trained diately knocked down and the watch stolen. CouroKR, Due May 1st, HI CCT 10 Helmbold's 1 XTR ACT LCCIill Cures Urlnaiy Diseases. 80 00 3M) nd educated before it can produoo a wise McCowan wts subsequently arrested aud the Wanted bv Du ex el & Co., llOHT BAROUCHE do to Heluibold s r.A i It tu t auunn t.urea (iravei. and it exercise will prouueo little else than watch was recovered. Alderman Joues com- NO 84 SOUTH 1 UlltD STREET. 1IEAVV do do 7l0to80fl He nn old's EX TRACT BUClifT Cures Strioturej. 1 X I K&C'I' l i t HIT Cures Dropsy . aupdiuv at present. mitted the prisoner in default ol $501)0 bail. SS, mtASH MOUNTED HARNESS 27 50 to 90 tiiinbid'a Jienevolcnoe is sufficiently largo to make von kind Reduction! Induction!! tXPRI Eur the diseases named above and for tveaknesst-- AND htLF-A- T JUST1NQ 15u0 to SO uw una FOURTH AXD MARKET STRE W lion your own wants are supplied; but under tho WA!ON and Pains in tne huck. reinaie vuuiiiia ur SS025 SO arising from of auy kind, is In- p ree ore ot personal wants you will bo iuaitlbrout Serious A. man Stock & Co.'s Pianos for 8r,25. 81 AGE AND TEAM do 30 00 to orders execises it Railroad Accident. " 676 valuable. be liable lo extreme irritability. pro-r- named L. Thoma-- , 17211 " " " 475. LADIES' SADDLE, Oo 12 00 to 150 Mid In the t John who resides at No. & ' .condition ot health, your propensities Kavon Bacon's, 6o0 " 450. do 8M0 at may en Cuilton 6treet, aud employed at Langstreet'a tyjo UENTS' do' to 78 tir elv .overpower your Judgment and svmnathios. " 4oo. DDDflDDDD planing mill, Uermantown, while proceeding to 11 aineB Brothers', 460 " 8"i). Mountings, Bits, Rosctts, Horse Covers, DDlJl)ULIDID l"bc;acQuiBitive teudeucy ib strongly indicated, but " trldles, DDD DDD the latter plucethis morning In the eight o'clock " " 400 " 8)0. Combs, Foaps, lilacking, Ladles' is D oi tuwuuiiiumru uy suinoient calculation to 00 was severely injured. liiusbes, and Gents DID DDD regu iar w activity, or wise in direction. train, Ho was standing J. K. Gould, Travelling and Tourist Sags and Backs. Lunch Baskets, J'DD DDD the platform of one ot cars, Seventh ana streets. In. ire M not .uflicieut uctiviiy of brain to produce oh the playiu" with chesnut Dressing and Shirt Cares. Trunks aud Valises. DDI) DDD id-ai- exercise ; bui exciting causes may arouse the brakes, when he fell, while the was DDD DDD barm train & 8 96nirp tii-- v or anotner, each being d istorted or nenring Tioga station, aud had a leg W. B., Good Clo'hing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market, No. llf) CHKSNUTST, DDD DDD oac k and arm DlD DDD Jerwantot the equal activity of other lacul badly crushed W. & B., Good Clothing, Oak Hal!, Sixth and Market, D! HDD ties. W. fc I!., Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. DDDDDDDDD Bogus Money. Q OFFERING MACHINES. DDDDDDDD - Passing A man named W. & B Good Clothing, Oak Market, West Philadelphia Hall, Sixth and ' Faib- at Tho James Bird was arrested at Eighth and Filbert B h W. It Good Clothing, Oak Hal (.Slxthand Market. ladies of Kt' Agatha's Church. Thirty-sixt- aud streets tor attempting to pass $1, 2, GOFFERING MACHINES treeta, and $3 W. B Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Market. Sycamore Mantua village, will hold a notes on the De Sola Bank of Nebraska, re- Sixth and THESE EXTRACTS H AVE BEEN ADMITTED TO Tnirty-eevent- h U i A u M Y . are Fair at thtl Commissioners' Hall, deemable In Wall street, New York. There is no ' A larire assortmont''of Goflorlnn Macbinos just USE IN THE lTED blAit-- aim aiso Majke streets, during two in very general use In all tho State HOSPITALS and and t the net weeks, such bank in existence. Bird had $31 of George." i 1N8 ITU e tomorrow The the J RE AT ECONOMY TO HOUSEKEEPERS BY received por steamer "Bt. fiTi.i.i hami'AKY UiiNH tbrouuhout the rrnnmonrin morninar. church "queer" in his possession when arrested. Alder- f purchasing Ice ( reams, ( tikes, Biscuits, land as well as In private practice, aud are considered and at . -- n debt, the proceeds of ' BIT1 lemeuu-a- is somewhat and the man Jones held him in the tuui of $20110 to KILLl"r, So. 1116 UACtt bireet. 4 It 3t FOR SALE as uivaluab bi appropriated to gettlement. ani l, hy am, DnronrsTS. J'air are to ltt answer. Prlneinal Depot HELMbOLD'i DRUG AND TRUSSES, 8UPP0RTER8, BRACES, CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, ' rniLADELPIIIA. Ego-nog- o. ... . 694 YORK, u,,.1 Mil ntlin U,,r..l.al- u..nl ...... c i No BKOADU AY, NEW The Effects of Durinu Charged with being Concerned a r " wi ma ISAAC TOWN SEND, in i'i"iuw r 1U4 TEN STHEET, PHILAOELPHIA. night large Stabbing mos lauDrovea klniis. Infinitely minni-ln- in AND NO. 8. Hi Saturday nk'ht. ytterday, and last a Case. Conrad has ar- Ilouse-Fiirnithin- g everywhere. iithmal been all oilier., at No. 60 Norm KKVKNTH Laities 6tore' of tho lato JOHN A Sold bv Drug? Iiti number of arres.'-- were made by the police of rested as being accessory to stabbing of street ARE OF COUNTERFEITS. 814 the attended by Mis. Dr. Atol l, KNAC'HAN. Male aeimrt-tue- . TEW the ditlerent distinct of parties wuo were too Louis Ludy, in the upper part of the city, re- by a competent surjroon. a i3 3mru ML'EFHKT, effects oi eeg-noe- g and kin- cently. He hilarious tinder the' was taken before Alderman Shoe- JVo. 022 CHESNU1 STREET, dred bibibles. In th Fomth District alone maker, who committed him to await the result BROWN BREAD BAKERY,' NO. lorty-tw- of Mr. Ludy 's BOSTON ftxreets werO jnde. injuries. btruet. 4 23t 124 . Helow Tentb Street.