8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1866. MATTERS OVER THE Thf First of Apkil. Yesterday bolnjz Stjbpectfd of Store RonBrny. On MAIUUKU. RIVER. the first day of April, a number of tricks were Sunday morning a boot and shoe store on South r.OON SMITH March 80, by Rer. William plajcdonthe unsuspecting in several quarters street, below Kighth, was entered and robbed. Cooper.D. D., WILLIAMSON BOON to SAIiAU TiKrum.icAN Meeting. On Saturday ot the city. Among the best jokes of the day Three colored men were arrested on suspicion 64I1IH, botn of West Philadelphia. vvenhiK the lit publican of Oiundcn city and was that which appeared in tine of the Sunday of committing the bmglary, and commuted by FRANKS SMITH. At Camden, N. J , on the county held a luifrc and enthusiastic meeting was bo hearing. everirg ot March 13, by tne Kov. T. O. Sparks, Mr. papers. It Ftatod, in what purported to Alderman Swilt lor a further 1- t the County Court lloise, In order to vive HAKKY HANKS, ol Philadelphia, to MlM a genuine telegraphic despatch, that President AMANDA or Lllzabcth, county, W est txpiredon in repaid to tho Senatorial question, Satur- In our article on Saturday SMITH, Kent TTnWP.TJ.PnTTP.TTP. Johnson had arrived in the city late on Correction. Virginia. , 'which Benms to be so prolific ol agitation at the day night and would address a delegation ot his on the "Derlneer Pistol," the types continually present, and to Indicate their disapprobation of admirers hailing from the Twenty-secon- d Ward, made the name Derringer." It is the spurious V co u purHiied by M. rtcovel in re- (.pelt two the tho James on the political" issues of the day. at the Oirard imitations which are with "r's", the BIRCH ALL. On dii:d.81M ultimo. MARY KM MA, ference to hc meeting of the Legislature. genuine having but one. Toayold nuintentionally the joint House, m Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. At daughter ot Lllas and Sarah Bircball, in the 22d year by Thomas Knight, F.aq., was elected Chairman, the time ntsted quite a number of persons as- deceiving our readers, we make the correction. ol her age. Deprived of Its Horrors Purifying and (1. W. Gilbert acted s Secretary. T he relatives friends of family are rospect-toll- y sembled bcttfre the hotel in question, but it is On Saturday and the and Enriching the Blood. William C Mulligan, Chairman ol the Commit- almost needless to add that President Johnson A Stbat Ton of Iron. invited to attend tho funeral, from tho reunion co tee on Resolutions presented the t'ollo A'tiifT, evening a ton of railroad Iron was found at of her parents, Prico street, Germuntown, on did not make his appearance, and the light soon IV 1 A which vere unanimously adopted: on together, Taylor's wharf, above Coatcs street, with no Wconcsday at 1 o'clock. JVO IS THE TIME 0 DSE PRE VENTIVE. broke the minds ol those gathered ot was conveyed Whmtat. The teat ol John V. Stockton, in the that they had been badly "sold." person in charge the same. It BOY EK. Suddenly, on the 30til instant, Mrs. United Mates .ouato liai boon dociitred vacant, Among the persons sold on tho above an- to the Eleventh Ward Station House, w here It ANN BOYKK, relict of the laic Jamos Boyer, in tho Is Equal Uepub-lioa- n year her ago. There None to Helmbold's and to appointment ol a sncco sor from tun nouncement was a corpulent gentleman con- awaits an owner. 60th oi fart ol New Jersey ban hron thus tar ( 1 lie relatives and friends of the family are respect- nected with staff of the city. Offi-CK- R. Highly Concentrated Fluid tratedtiy the conduct or Ja:nui At iScovol, xmator the repoitoiial Charged with Assaulting an fully invited to attend the funoral, from ber lato resi- from Mm coui.iy ol Camden, in ihe Iximsiature ot Not wishing to miss a verbatim report of tho James Giller was arrested yesterday, dence, York road, below Bruuchtown, on I nesday Extract Sarsaparllla. Mew Jersey, who has voted with tho Drmoorats for speech ot President Johnson, be repaired at an charged with being concerned in the late assault, morning, April 3, at 12 o'clock. To proceed to Ut-manto- ; tnoroforo, for Cemetery. tne pui pose ot preventing a Joint meettni-- early hour to the house of a phonoiiiaphcr, on Otlicer Carmichnel. (liller was committed to THE CHOLERA be it resolved bv the nepubicuu citizens ot Camden the purpose of securing the speech for a morning answer by Alderman Tittermary. EYKF.. At Chester, Ta . suddenly, on the even- oanty, a follows: papet. was called on, not ing of March 80, lrttiu, KEDF.CCA EYRE, Is defective vltalization ol the blood, and when the blood upon The reporter who P. relict ottcs It Reunited, That wo look witti indignation the feeling disposed to leave his hotwe, having Dougherty ol William Lyre, .)r , in the 48th year of her ago. GIVING TOWER, ca.l upou him w.tiyMit Charged with Riot. John LIFE course of Senator fcovel, and retired nt a late In morning, positively arrested yesterday, The rolatives and friends and thnoo of tho lamily power ol delay go me lluif, and to co-o- kiio hour the and John Conncry were it oaufFS relaxation of the contractile the to into joint lire-men- are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, trom to Tho gen- being 's bho a ot tne tu ami the Intestines open ttieir Republican tho LopiHlati J reiused perform the work. humous charged with concerned in the late Fouith-da- y V vrtr,i tu wlb the members of in her lato residence, on ( cdnesIay) next, myriad bii d and ail the alinimliioaa ornesu-ma- t. s t) tleman then sought for person, but in Twenty-fourt- h the clcc ion of a UinK'd Ma Houatorj that dr another riot in the Ward. They the 4th Inntant, to leave the house at 11 o'clock. Inn material pasres off lrom the liowels nl dictate to party who aceoniplishmtr this he was also toiled. by Alderman Allen. e'. nrt recognize nstit to the were both committed Burial at Chester Sural Cemetery. KK AM) RLOOD I KE8ISTB DISEASE, MANUFACTUKERS t.o we bin repaired person Continental, HEALTHY nha'l thoir choice; and that shall reirard He then In to the On riAnd while there may he no occasion for alarm, tliota e FKANCE.-- Sunday morning.Aprll 1, RACHEL to no his duty in this crista an an infamous and took hie position with many others witn In a Dangerous Condition. The of imj urt blvvdue most llahlc to sutler. placed confldenco FRANCE. betrayal ol the party which in pencil and paper in nunti, ready to take oown sewer at Julianna and Callow hill streets is in a Tho relatives and frlnndt, also Spring Garden Tont. him and ot him in rower the remarks of the di"tmguishcd speaker. dangerous condition, and should receive imme- No. 6, ot Drmds, Tent, 21, HHII HUH Kcsoivcd, '1 hat we recommend Alexander G. Cat. Order Powhatan No. and Alter w aitiner for some time, one after another diate attention at the hands of the proper Cedar lent, aro invitod to attend tho funora, at n t, ii nun tell as the choieo of this county for the vacant seat ' HHit HUH we discovered that they hud been duped, and the authorities. No. 267 Chester street, on Wednesday morning at 7 n the United states senate; and do bj knowluir To proceed Doylestown, iiiiii nun the value of his past services, appreciating his hlirli crowd soon became much diminibhcd In num- o'clock. to Pa. HUH HUM ability and InleiriUy, and In the lull confldenco that bers. SrKCiAL Meeting of Councils. A spe- IECKEY. On the 1st Instant, Mr. JOilN HIIHIIHIIHHIIK in tkese oays of unfaithful public men no will be The mortlllcatlon of the nnxlons reporter can cial meeting ot Councils will be twld this LECKEY , in the 48d year or his ago. 11IIU HHII 3 The relatives She-kina- n IIHI1 HHII found troe to bis country and his political Iricuds. be better imagined tunii described, when, wlih afternoon at o'clock, to take action on the and trends ol the lamlly, alo HUH Ftrcet-clcanin- g Lodge, 246, lllltl Alter the adoption of th above resolutions, the few remaining oues. he was obliged to leave recent veto of the bill by tho No. A. Y. fit., are roxpcctfu.ly Hilt HHII George Court of Common Pleas. invited to attend his Itinera!, from his lato residence, II UU HUH lion. W. N. Oustis, Representative in the the spot under the conviction that he had been No 6C0 Otis street, below Amber, Nineteenth Ward, House from Camden city, was introduced and led into an error in rcsucct to tne real meaning on Thursday afternoon at 8 o'clock, without further made an able and eloquent speech, Rivintc a lull of the despatch, it being intended solely lor an Dwelling Robbkd. Last evening the notice. To proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery. IN THE S1KINO IIONTH8 the system natiimtly d welling of Mr. W. C. Stiles, on Pulaski avenue, uml'-uoi- s a rlisnge, and H BOLD rt tllOilLY nd complete explanation of matt cm couucciCd April Icol trick. McCOFMICK. On 1st ins-an- -- the Mrs. EMILY OP sbovvin-- j conclusively 11 Twenti second Ward, wns broken into, and a CONO.NTKATKI) IX1KACT SAHSAl'AUILLA with tho question, and was also stated that the President would A.
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