Mm Camp Fund Just Took the If
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VOLUME 87. No 46. South Amboy, N. J , Saturday, February 16,1918 Price Three Qent*. job to keep things right. "It If Visit The Schools Week Junior Red Cross Work necessary" be said, "to come out to drill regularly in order to be well MM CAMP FUND Starts Next Monday JUST TOOK THE Taken Up By Schools IF trained In case of any emergency." After a few remarks further the The State Commissioner of Educa- Since Tuesday, February 12, and company was dismissed. tion has recommended that tbe week continuing for ten days the Chapter He then addressed tbe band. He , ^ beginning Monday, February 18, be cms School Committee of the local Red said that he bad heard a good many observed throughout the state as Cross is conducting a campaign In .,.«.,. military bands during his time but ttaifhU tf Co\mb*s "Go Over The Visit-the Schools Week, and in ac- Contracts at Gaverameiit Shel every school, Public and Parochial, Members Ot (lOVCrflOf S Staff Visit there were few who couliJ play bet- Tat" to Their Campaign, a cordance with this recommendation to promote the organization of the This City and find Gaod Progress ter than the Third Battalion band the pupils of the local schools are Plant Caught Hdpim Thcmsclvi s school Junior Red Cross. The or- although they had been organized Caamiltm feel Pleased by the inviting anil urging parents and ta Water WtUwrf Ptfwisswn ganization is complete when tho —Band flighty Complimented on only a short time. He said there Pr«NBt Response of the People others to visit the schools. school fund represents the equiva- Good Musk f urnished 100 Per was only one other band in Neif in tbe circular which Dr. Kendall TktMfht It Was a Perth Amboy lent of ,25c for every pupil. This Jersey thut had anything on the —Gran* Knight Nagle Extends has sent out to school officials and MaiN-Caiwcil Issues More Notes fund is used to purchase material Cent. Attendance of Members is local organization and that could "put it over" on them mid that waa teachers, be clearly sets forth the which Is made up by tbe pupils into I Qcdittd to Company. ^Thanks. objects of this movement and cites ta Meet Demands. lied Cross supplies the Oamtlon band which had been m uross supplies. 1 JT "^ ' the benefits resulting from it. "Co organized a long time. He spoka If the Junior Red Cross is to im \f. ,, " " The closing week of (he Knights operating between the homes and tbo National war service orgnntzn veiling the olllcia of the band having an opportunity Tho regular bi-monthly meeting o n. Vntlniml war Hprvlffi nrirnnizn- f °" Tuesday ev Columbus War Camp Fund cam- schools is always necessary, but this tion it must roach overy school In and muster of Company F to play for the big men of trie state paign will go down as the greatest the Common Council was held in nnd the Third llattulion Bond tool at tlie military camp at Sea Girt year It Is particularly fitting that the Council Chamber of tho City Hal tlio country. For tills reason the ton week of the campaign. Rev. W. A. school officials and teachers employ lilnco In the armory cf Company V next summer. Following the official en WodneBduy ovoning of this week days between Lincoln's blrthdiiy, Gllflllan, rector ot the Church of every afiency to make this' co-opera- mi Fiist (street, The luapcction was Inspection the band rendered several '" The meeting being held on Wednes- Fobrunry 12, and Washington's birth- Our Lady of Victories, sent in a tion mere vital and effective. There conducted by Inspector General Pat- selections linisliiiiK up with the "Star day Instead of Tuesday on ucuoun day, February 22, bavobcen sot asldo check for $980.13 which was the re- is an enormous interest in tbe war, an mi enrollment week for the schools .turson of tho Governor's Staff assisted Spangled Banner." sult of the campaign In Sayrevllle, of Tuesday IJCIIIK U legal holiday. as tin ro should be, but this interest In the country, livery Mate in the hy Alajor Ilorden head of tho Third South River and Parlln. Have previ- After the lull cull, which showed should not detract from the interest country will aim within tbat week Miittallon. Karly in the day th ously acknowledged the sum of $319.98 all tlio councllinen In thoir places, in tho school and groat as this In- to niiiUo "Kvory School ii lied Cross inspecting party consisting of mem- as Parlln's donation to this fund the clerk read tho minutes of the Next Big Play Will Be terest already is we imiBt all strive Auxiliary ami ii center for I'utrlotio bers ot the Governor's Official Staff which makes tbe total amount from pruvlouH meeting and of the special to make it greater." Sorvlco." and the staff of Major Borden arriv- 'tha Sayrevllle district the large sum meeting. Thero being no errors or Pays to Advertise" nuring the week all classos will Will you beli) to Kiiln 100% en- ed In this city. Governor Edga was of $1,300.11 which shows that the corrections they were approved by unable to be present at the inspoc/4 head of the Sayrevllle campaign left follow the regular schedule except Councilman Stuntou, rollment? St, Patrick's Day will be observed on Thursday, February 21, when tlon In this city on account of a no atone unturned to do their bit A lengthy petition of the Public The local Chapter School Commit- in St. Mary's Hall this year an usual. liutriotlo exercises will be held by too luiH prepared a letter stating the Hpeaklng engagement at tha State Following the custom of many years for the welfare and comfort of the Service (Jan Company to the Hoard Captltal, Tuesday being Lincoln'^, Midler*. There also waa received the several departments aa follows: aims find IHUIIOKOB of the organiza- a play, vupper and dance will bt of iPubllc Utilities, to charge an ad nirthday. tke - large individual subscription from High School — 8.15 p. m. illtlonnl twenty-life cents IIICI'OUHO In tion and has rcc|ucBtod tho teachers given on Monday, March ISth, at „ „ . Fifth anand Sixth Crudes, School to distribute copies of the letter to The first official duty of tbe In- St. Patrick's Day proper falls on a tho gas rato was read. Councilman specting party was to visit the Hon. Thomas J. Scully, for 1100.00 ^ 2_2 30 p. m. ' piilillx for their parents. Although Sunday, for which we thank him. Parlseu offered u motion that the headquarters of the local organiza f hih thk hi jf Primary tirades. School Nn. 2— communication be referred to the the letter Is addressed to parents It The Robert Kiuniet Dramatic Aa- Tto following la the final list* ot 1.15 p. in. Is really Intended for every person tions and to pass on the recommend sociatlon has selected a strong caat subscribers which we wish to thank council as a committee of the whole ed changes to be made, In order t Special Class, City Hall—2.30 p. m. Councilman Hackett took exception Interested In Red Cross work, The and rehearsals are well under way, . for th«lr most generous donation, All Grades, School No. 1—2.30 p. m. letter IH as follows: increase the floor apace. After taking Tha play that will be given Is a and 11 every soldier could only send to this motion and said that imme an inventory of the state's property Within the past two years, Domes- dlate action should be taken. He Dear Parents: three-act farce lately produced by but his words ot thanks It would tic Science, Physical Training, Music In response to an urgent appeal and Inspecting the "paper work" ot Georgo M, Cohan in New Vork City. nald that during the past few month: President Wilson, Junior Red vibrate over the whole district covered and a class for sub-normal children from the company the officers made a ton It is entitled "It Pays to AdvertiaeJ^" by South Amboy Council No. 42t tot the gau company bad been "Garfleld- Cross Auxiliaries are being formed ot the city, especial attention being have been added to the work In our in the schools throughout our coun- The fact that It Is a "Cohan" ft&/ Ills fine showing. The .amount ex- ing" and "Hoovering" beyond a rea made to tbe waterfront, and road local schools, besides , the manual sonable measure. He called the at- try. The purpose Is twofold—to give duction leave no doubt as to Us en- yscted from the recent K. of C. training course has been extended. the 22,000,000 school children of leading to the munition plants. tertalning qualities, but what addi tention ot the council to tbe recent America training in the permanent MlBftrelt will amount to 9200.00. Class work. In any of these depart- Promptly at seven o'clock Colonel to lta interest is that it is founded Tha grand total of this campaign action of tho body In declining to duties of good citizenship, and to Patterson directed Mr. Pateman, the ments may be seen throughout the give to every child, an opportunity on actual facts of to-day with which amounts to 93,052.59. give any permission to the gas com- band leader, to line bis men up for entire week as scheduled below: pany to make any more new taps to do actual work.