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February 2019 Vol. XXXVI Poche Parole No. 6 PRESERVING AND PROMOTING ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE SOCIAL MEETINGS AND EVENTS OVERVIEW FESTA DI CARNEVALE 2019 - IN COLLABORATION WITH LE D.I.V.E. AND ITALIANS IN DC Sunday, February 24th, 3:30pm at the Chevy Chase Village Hall 5906 Connecticut Ave. NW, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE n January 20 we had a crowd of over The Italian word “Carnevale” refers to a 50 people come to the ICS head- Christian interpretation of the expression Oquarters to listen to Prof. Gianni Cicali’s “carnem levare” (to abstain from meat), a presentation on “The Grand Tour and the celebration of merry making that reached birth of the myth of Italy”. The presenta- its climax in Italy in cities like Venice, tion was very engaging and it explained Rome, Florence, Naples, Ivrea and Turin the passion with which Italian patrons during the middle ages, and is believed to invested in talented painters, sculptors, have derived from the pagan Saturnalian architects and other artists, who contrib- feast of ancient Rome. This city in fact has uted to what came to be known as the been most notable as a center of carnival Italian Renaissance. It also covered the activity, and the splendor and riches of subject of the beginning of the launch of the festivities that marked its observance tourism in Italy. in Rome have rarely been surpassed else- where. We look forward to your participa- Our next event will occur on February 24 tion and anticipate a festive atmosphere and is intended to celebrate Carnevale at for adults and children alike. the Chevy Chase Village Hall. In collabo- ration with Le D.I.V.E. and Italians in DC, - Luigi M. De Luca, President ICS we will provide music by the i-Talians, and beverages. Please contribute a Carnival dessert. Other details are specified in this issue. Come in a costume and join in the fun. WWW.ITALIANCULTURALSOCIETY.ORG 301-215-7885 February 2019 Vol. XXXVI Poche Parole No. 6 PRESERVING AND PROMOTING ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS TABLE OF CONTENTS Luigi De Luca: President January Social Event............................................3-6 Francesca Casazza: Executive Director February Social Event - Festa di Carnevale.............7 Arrigo Mongini: Vice President From the ILP............................................................8 Bruce Esposito: Treasurer Letterature Italiana............................................9-10 Chiara Gastaldi: Secretary - Events Advertisements...............................................10-11 Stefania Amodeo: Hospitality Ellen Coppley: Fundraising THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS Carola Mamberto: Communication and Events PLATINUM SPONSOR GALA 2018: Sara Forden: Communication and Events Mediaset Italia Giovanna Sedda: Marketing Material Paolo Vidoli: Admin. Consultant and Hospitality SILVER: Romeo Segnan: Member At Large Marco Stilli Team- TTR Sotheby’s International Annelise Brody: Events and ILP Advisor Realty, Bethesda Travel Center David Flaxman: Music and culture David Cieslikowski: Photographer BRONZE: Pirelli, Colavita, The Capital Group, Capital One WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Bank, JTP Printing, Inc. Single: Carlos Franzetti, Emily Alexander, Kathryn Eszeki, Sara Kaul, Mary Haber BEVERAGE SPONSOR: Campari, Il Canale in collaboration with Impero Couple/Family: Mary Ellen Cosentino & spouse, Wine, Il Cantiniere Imports and distributing, Inc. Pamina Firchow & Fabrizio Ciccone and family, Maurizio Guadagni and family APPETIZER, DESSERT, COFFEE SPONSORS: La Tomate – Executive Chef Domenico Apollaro, Bronze Sponsor 2018/2019: Dolci e Gelati – Chef Gianluigi Dellaccio, Illy Redfin INDIVIDUAL DONORS: Ellen & Jackson Fund, Anonymous 2 WWW.ITALIANCULTURALSOCIETY.ORG 301-215-7885 February 2019 Vol. XXXVI No. 6 Poche Parole PRESERVING AND PROMOTING ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE JANUARY SOCIAL EVENT WITH DR. CICALI BY LUIGI M. DE LUCA Il Professor Gianni Cicali dell’Universita’ di Georgetown e’ Ourt gues speaker for January 20 was Prof. Gianni Cicali stato il nostro speaker domenica 20 gennaio. of Georgetown University. His presentation on “The Nella sua presentazione su “Il Grand-Tour e la nascita Grand Tour and the birth of the myth of Italy” gave an del mito dell’Italia” Cicali ha riassunto in modo elegante articulated and entertaining synopsis of the very fruitful e divertente il periodo fecondo di eventi e conquiste period that followed the Middle Ages in the Italian culturali, il periodo che ha seguito il Medioevo in Italia e peninsula and mainly in Tuscany. It explained the passion soprattutto in Toscana. Cicali ha spiegato come i diversi with which Italian patrons invested in talented painters, mecenati hanno investito somme ingenti di denaro nella sculptors, architects and other artists, who contributed produzione di opere di pittura, scultura, architettura ed to what came to be known as the Italian Renaissance. It altre discipline che poi sono venute a rappresentare il also covered the subject of the beginning of the launch of Rinascimento Italiano. Il professore ha anche spiegato tourism in Italy. Cicali started his lecture with the images come queste opere e la loro ammirazione hanno creato of Imperial Rome, with the Tiber river as the centerpiece quanto e’ poi diventato la ragione fondamentale del for the beginning of the legend of Romulus and Remus and Grand-Tour e del mito della nostra Italia, che ha attratto e the site where most typical Roman buildings such as the continua ad attrarre tanti visitatori. Fabricius bridge (now in ruins) and the Castel Sant’Angelo Cicali ha cominciato la sua conferenza con delle immagini are portrayed. He then switched to the equally important della Roma imperiale, col suo Tevere al centro della subject of the Florentine language and of its becoming leggenda di Romolo e Remo. Questo fiume ha visto tante the official language of Italy through the writings of the vicende della Roma antica dal Ponte Milvio al Ponte Geniuses that were Dante, Petrarca and Boccaccio. Dante Fabricius (adesso in rovina) ed al Castel Sant’Angelo. is celebrated all over the world and his statue in Meridian Dal trattamento del mondo dell’antica Roma, Cicali ha Park had been the subject of a previous talk by Prof. Charles poi parlato della lingua Fiorentina e di come questa sia Russell. Banks and merchants greatly contributed to the divenuta la lingua ufficiale della penisola attraverso gli Renaissance by providing support for artists of different scritti dei geni della letteratura italiana Dante, Petrarca e disciplines, including sculptors, painters and architects. Boccaccio. Ha poi fatto vedere la statua di Dante situata Professor Cicali proceeded with showing the painting of nel Meridian Park. Questa statua era stata l’argomento di the Ideal City now at the Walters gallery. The Ideal City is una conferenza del Professor Charles Russell sempre nella a 15th-century painting usually attributed to the architect nostra sede. Banche e compagnie mercantili contribuirono and artist Fra Carnevale. The painting consists of a city al Rinascimento sovvenzionando in modo concreto gli landscape, uncontaminated by human activity. There artisti di diverse discipline, compresi scultori, pittori are five structures that define the space. At the center ed architetti. Cicali ha continuato mostrando un’opera is a Roman triumphal arch, reminiscent of the Arch of fondamentale, l’illustrazione della Città Ideale che ora Constantine in Rome; the amphitheater, which recalls e’ conservata presso la Walter Gallery di Baltimora. the shape of the Colosseum in Rome, and which could Quest’opera e’ attribuita al pittore Fra Carnevale e represent the importance of providing entertainment for rappresenta una scena cittadina incontaminata da the well-being of the people. The octagonal building is the alcuna attivita’ umana. Cinque strutture architettoniche only structure not specifically Roman, being modeled after 4833 RUGBY AVE, SUITE #201, BETHESDA, MD 20814 3 February 2019 Vol. XXXVI Poche Parole No. 6 PRESERVING AND PROMOTING ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE definiscono lo spazio centrale, fra queste c’e’ un Arco di the Baptistery in Florence. Finally, Cicali argued that the Trionfo simile all’Arco di Costantino; un anfiteatro che space encircled by these monuments was a typical Italian ricorda il Colosseo, e che rappresenterebbe l’importanza Piazza where human activity, including political exchange di offrire spettacoli per il benessere ed il divertimento del and social discourse usually took place and still do in popolo. Un palazzo ottagonale e’ l’unica struttura non- different cities and even more so in small urban centers. romana, ma che ricorda il Battistero di Firenze. Cicali ha This most fruitful period of flourishing arts, including concluso che lo spazio rappresentato in quest’opera e’ architecture, painting, and sculpture is defined by the una piazza italiana tipica, dove le attivita’ umane, incluse building of the huge Cathedral of Florence (Santa Maria lo scambio di vedute politiche ed in generale l’interazione del Fiore). The Florentines outdid all their competitors sociale avvengono, come d’altra parte si puo’ osservare to the North and South of the peninsula and produced tuttora anche nei piccoli centri urbani. Questo periodo di a beautiful structure, which however, because of its grande produttivita’ artistico-culturale ha coinciso con la humongous size, could not be covered by a dome at the costruzione dell’enorme cattedrale di Firenze, Santa Maria center and remained without one for some one hundred del Fiore. I Fiorentini