Early Renaissance Art in Italy - SUNY Cortland SUNY Cortland, Art and Art History Department

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Early Renaissance Art in Italy - SUNY Cortland SUNY Cortland, Art and Art History Department ATH 340 Early Renaissance Art In Italy - SUNY Cortland SUNY Cortland, Art and Art History Department SYLLABUS Professor: Erika Fowler-Decatur Office: Dowd 204 Email: [email protected] Phone: 607.753.4100 Office Hours: Tues/Thurs 11:30 am–2:00 pm or by appointment Catalog Listing: (C) Architecture, sculpture, and painting from the late 13th through 15th centuries. Works by Giotto, Brunelleschi, Donatello, Masaccio, Fra Angelico, Botticelli, etc., studied in their social and cultural contexts. Prerequisite: ATH 120, 121 or 122, or permission of instructor. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.); Frequency code C = offered at least once every two years Course Description This course will cover art and architecture in Italy during the Early Renaissance from the late 1200s, or Duecento, through the late fifteenth century, or Quattrocento. Works by Giotto, Brunelleschi, Donatello, Masaccio, Fra Angelico, and Botticelli among others will be studied in their social and cultural contexts. Course Objectives This course will provide an overview of the artistic developments that occurred during the early Renaissance in the urban centers of Florence, papal Rome, Pisa, and Siena among others. You will become familiar with the impact of patronage on the creation of art and architecture in terms of stylistic innovation and iconography during this period. In addition, because this is a “Writing Intensive” course, you will complete a thoughtful, scholarly paper on an agreed upon topic within early Renaissance art. Textbook: John T. Paoletti & Gary M. Radke, Art in Renaissance Italy 4th ed. (2011) Additional readings will be required throughout the course. Course Requirements and Percentage of Final Grade Participation: 20% Midterm Exam: 25% Paper: 30% Final Exam: 25% Participation: It is imperative that you come to class having thoroughly read and thought about the assigned readings. You are expected to actively engage with the material by asking questions and offering observations during class discussions. Attendance is essential since you must be present to participate. Exams: The midterm and final exams will consist of multiple choice questions. Failure to attend an exam without an official university excuse will result in a grade of zero. Paper: You are expected to write an 8-10 page paper with proper endnotes and bibliography. The paper and drafts must be submitted both via Blackboard and as a hard copy. Topic and bibliography: 5% First draft: 20% Second draft and peer review: 20% Presentation: 5% Final draft: 50% All elements of the paper are due in class on the day specified in the Tentative Sequence of Topics. Classroom Etiquette: -Do not arrive late. -Turn off and put away cell phones, computers and other electronic devices before class. -Beverages are allowed but not food. -Do not engage in private conversation during class. (Do pose appropriate questions to the entire group.) Academic dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated. Cheating on an exam in any way will result in a grade of zero on that exam, and the Academic Grievance Tribunal will be notified of the incident. As stated in section 340.02 of the SUNY Cortland College Handbook, cheating includes: A. Looking and/or copying from another student's paper during an examination or in-class assignment B. Allowing another student to look or copy from one's work during an examination or in-class assignment C. Possessing crib sheets, answer sheets and other information not authorized by the instructor during an examination or in-class assignment D. Writing an answer to an in-class examination or assignment and submitting it as written in class E. Taking an examination for another student F. Allowing or arranging for a second party to take an examination or other in-class assignment G. Allowing one's own work to be copied and submitted by another student H. Altering or falsifying examination or assignment results after they have been evaluated by the instructor and returned I. Possessing and using an electronic device such as a cell phone, personal digital assistant or Blackberry device not authorized by the instructor. As stated in section 340.02 of the SUNY Cortland College Handbook regarding plagiarism: Students are expected to submit and present work that is their own with proper documentation and acknowledgment when the work of others is consulted and used. Plagiarism can be intentional by deliberately presenting the work of others as one's own, or inadvertent by accidentally omitting or erroneously citing sources. Examples of plagiarism that can occur in research papers, lab reports, written reports, oral presentations as well as other assignments are: A. Failure to use quotation marks: sources quoted directly must be shown with quotation marks in the body of the project and with the appropriate citation in the references, notes or footnotes B. Undocumented paraphrasing: sources "put into one's own words" must have the source cited properly in the body of the project and in references, notes or footnotes C. Creating false documentation: purposefully presenting wrong information in references or citations or manufacturing false information used in references, notes and footnotes The following is an important excerpt from the “Statement of Academic Integrity” found in section 340.01 of the SUNY Cortland College Handbook: “The College is an academic community whose mission is to promote scholarship through the acquisition, preservation and transmission of knowledge. Fundamental to this goal is the institution's dedication to academic integrity. Providing an atmosphere that promotes honesty and the free exchange of ideas is the essence of academic integrity. In this setting all members of the institution have an obligation to uphold high intellectual and ethical standards. …students must recognize that their role in their education is active; they are responsible for their own learning. Specifically, it is the responsibility of students to protect their own work from inappropriate use by others and to protect the work of other people by providing proper citation of ideas and research findings to the appropriate source.” Accommodation of Disabilities: If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accommodations, please contact the Office of Student Disability Services located in B-1 Van Hoesen Hall or call (607) 753-2066 for an appointment. Information regarding your disability will be treated in a confidential manner. Because many accommodations require early planning, requests for accommodations should be made as early as possible. TENTATIVE SEQUENCE OF TOPICS 8/30: Introduction 9/1: Italian City-States/Age of Saint Francis/What was the Renaissance?/ Nicola Pisano 9/6: The Renewal of Christian Rome: Pietro Cavallini, Jacopo Torriti 9/8: Cimabue (Cenni di Pepi) and Duccio di Buoninsegna 9/13: Giotto di Bondone 9/15: Andrea Pisano (Giotto’s successor), Ambrogio Lorenzetti 9/20: The Plague, Orcagna 9/22: Communes and Guilds/1401 competition for the doors of the Baptistry, Florence: Lorenzo Ghiberti vs. Filippo Brunelleschi 9/27: Or San Michele 9/29: Filippo Brunelleschi 10/4: Masolino, Masaccio, Gentile da Fabriano 10/6: Donatello, Luca del Robbia PAPER TOPIC AND BIBLIOGRAPHY DUE 10/11: REVIEW CLASS 10/13: MIDTERM EXAM (FALL BREAK Fri-Sun) 10/18: Andrea del Verocchio 10/20: Fra Filippo Lippi, Fra Angelico (San Marco), Michelozzo 10/25: Paolo Uccello, Andrea del Castagno FIRST DRAFT OF PAPER DUE 10/27: Piero della Francesca, Pollaiulo brothers 11/1: Andrea Mantegna 11/3: Leon Battista Alberti 11/8: SECOND DRAFT OF PAPER DUE, PEER REVIEW 11/10: Venice, Bellini 11/15: Sandro Botticelli 11/17: PAPER PRESENTATIONS (FINAL DRAFT DUE) 11/22: PAPER PRESENTATIONS (FINAL DRAFT DUE) THANKSGIVING BREAK STARTS WED 11/29: Portraiture 12/1: Introduction to Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo 12/6: REVIEW CLASS FINAL EXAMS: 12/12 – 12/16 .
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