JOM Volume 27, Number 1, 2012 Viewpoint Article 13 Metabolic Correction: A Functional Explanation of Orthomolecular Medicine Michael J. Gonzalez, DSc, PhD, FACN;1 Jorge R. Miranda Massari, PharmD2 1 Corresponding author, University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, RECNAC 2 Project, School of Public Health, Dept. Human Development, Nutrition Program, GPO Box 365067, San Juan, PR 00936, Email:
[email protected]; 2 University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, School of Pharmacy, Dept Pharmacy Practice Abstract Vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients take critical roles in a wide variety of highly complex and integrated cellular processes in human biochemistry. !e rate and extent of the enzy- matic activity that determines these processes depend on the bioavailability of these micronutrients. !e healthy state where optimal (maximum) functioning, health and wellbeing is achieved; may be attained by metabolic optimization. !is state is achieved when we facilitate the metabolism to reach full velocity and completion of reactions which can be considered the optimal metabolic equilibrium. A combination of genetic makeup, diet, trauma, diseases, toxins and environmental stressors among others are conditions that will often elevate the demand of nutrients in order to achieve the optimal metabolic equilibrium. Metabolic Correction is a functional biochemical/physiological concept that explains how improvements in cellular biochemistry help the body achieve metabolic or physiological optimization. Brilliant minds such as Roger J. Williams, Linus C. Pauling, Je"rey Bland and Bruce N. Ames have contributed in a fundamental way to our understanding of the importance of micro- nutrients to attain the healthy state. !e Metabolic Correction concept becomes important since our food is decreasing in nutritional value; diseases increase the demand for nutrients and medications can deplete nutrients.