Last Updated 07.04.2011 LIST of PARTICIPANTS WORLD FORUM

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Last Updated 07.04.2011 LIST of PARTICIPANTS WORLD FORUM Last updated 07.04.2011 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS WORLD FORUM ON INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE BAKU, AZERBAIJAN 7-9 APRIL, 2011 Name, Surname Country, Organization Contacts 1. Mr. Hans D’ORVILLE UNESCO, Assistant of Director General for Strategic Planning 2. Mrs. Katerina STENOU UNESCO, Director of the [email protected] Division for culture and intercultural dialogue 3. Ms. Liubava MOREVA UNESCO Moscow Office, [email protected] Programme Specialist for Culture 4. Dr. Abdulaziz Othman İSESCO, Director General [email protected] ALTWAIJRI 5. Mr. Mohamed RIFFI İSESCO, Officer in [email protected], Charge of Protocol and [email protected] Public Relations Division 6. Mr. Halit EREN IRCICA, Director General [email protected], [email protected] 7. Mr. Dussen KASSEINOV TURKSOY, Secretary [email protected] General m 8. Mr. Eflatun NEIMTEZADE TURKSOY, Professor of Gazi University 9. Mr.Askar TURGANBAYEV TURKSOY, Representative of Kazakhstan in TURKSOY 10. Mr. Evgeny NOVOZHILOV Commonwealth of [email protected] Independent States, Deputy Chairman of Executive Committee 11. Mr. Mevlüt ÇAVUŞOĞLU Council of Europe, [email protected] President Parliamentary Assembly 12. Mr. Erdogan DENIZ Council of Europe, Assistant to Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu 13. Mr. Artemy KARPENKO Council of Europe, Assistant to Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu 14. Mr. Robert PALMER Council of Europe, [email protected] Director of Culture, Cultural and Natural Heritage 15. Ms. Janis SYMONS Council of Europe, [email protected] Assistant of Robert Palmer 16. Mrs. Irena GUIDIKOVA Council of Europe, [email protected] Coordinator for Intercultural cities programme 17. Mr. Guiseppe ZAFFUTO Council of Europe, [email protected] Director of Communication, Media Officers/Spokepersons’ Service 18. Mr. Ralf Rene Council of Europe, [email protected] WEINGARTNER Director of Youth and Sport 19. Mr. Denis HUBER CoE North South Center, [email protected] Executive Director of North South Center 20. Mr. Eberhard KELSCH CoE North South Center, [email protected] Vice chair of the NSC Center, Executive 21. Ms. Dalia SENDRA CoE North South Center, [email protected] RODRIGUEZ Member of NSC Secretariat 22. Mr. Karl-Erik NORRMAN European Cultural karl- Parliament, Secretary erik.norrman@kulturparlam General 23. Mr. Denis LOCTIER Euronews, “Focus” [email protected] producer 24. Mr. Nial Michael O’REILLY Euronews, Moderator [email protected] 25. Mr. Terry Michael WINN Euronews 26. Mr. Victor ANGELO Portugal, Former Deputy j.v. [email protected] Secretary general of UN, member of NSC think tank 27. Mr. Marc SCHEUER UNAOC, Director of [email protected] Secretariat 28. Mr. Jean Christophe BAS UNAOC, Adviser [email protected] 29. Mr. Zaim KHENCHELAOUI Algeria, Director of [email protected] National Prehistoric, Anthropological and Historical Research Center 30. Mr. Slimane HACHI Algeria, Chairman of [email protected] National Prehistoric, Anthropological and Historical Research Center 31. Ms. Elaine HARGROVE Austria, Program Director office@women-without- for Women without Borders 32. Mr. Walter SCHWIMMER Austria, World Public [email protected] Dialogue of Civilizations, Former Secretary-General Council of Europe (1999- 2004) 33. Mr. Woflgang PINEGGER Austria, Advisor to Mr. [email protected] Schwimmer 34. Mr. Norbert RIEDL Austria, Head of [email protected] Department for bi and multilateral cultural affairs 35. Mr. Ernst GAMILLSCHEGG Austria, Austrian National Library 36. Mr. Johann KOCHLER Austria, University of [email protected] Innsbruck, Professor, President of IPO 37. Mr. Sayed Makhdoom Afghanistan, Minister of RAHEEN Information and Culture 38. Mr. Peter GORGIEVSKI Australia, Global Dialogue info@globaldialoguefoundat Foundation 39. Ms. Armanda Juan Jośe Argentina, Ambassador of [email protected] MAFFEI Argentine Republic in m Turkey 40. Mr. Javier Marcelo POSSE Argentina, National New [email protected] Agency, Head of Department 41. Mr. Mikhail BARAZNA Belarus, Rector of [email protected] National Academy of Arts 42. Mr. Anatol LAZAREVICH Belarus, Director of [email protected] Philosophical Institute 43. Mrs. Anna-Marie LIZIN Belgium, Honorary [email protected] Speaker of the senate of Kingdom of Belgium 44. Mr. Murat DAOUDOV Belgium, Member of NSC [email protected] think tank 45. Ms. Djamilia Akhmedovna Belgium, Spouse of Mr. DOUKIYEVA Murat DAOUDOV 46. Ms. Stephanie de Windisch Belgium, Princess GRAETZ 47. Mr. Vezhdi RASHIDOV Bulgaria, Minister of [email protected] Culture 48. Ms. Deiana DANAILOVA Bulgaria, Director of Cultural Policy Directorate 49. Mr. Pavel VASEV Bulgaria, Director of the National Theatre in Sofia 50. Ms. Mariana ARSENOVA Bulgaria, Deputy Director of the National Music and Ballet Center 51. Mr.Boris HAMALSKI Bulgaria, Bulgarian News [email protected] Agency, Editor in Chief of International News 52. Ms. Rosa ALEGRIA Brasil, Co chair of [email protected] Brazilian Node at the millennium Project 53. Ms. Adina OTHMAN Brunei Darussalam, Deputy Minister 54. Ms. Hajah Fatimah SALLEH Brunei Darussalam, Director of Culture and Arts 55. Mr. Azlan OMAR Brunei Darussalam, Acting Assistant Director 56. Ms. Rabiatou Mamboune Cameroon, Princess [email protected] NJOYA Writer, translator 57. Mr. El Hadj Abdoulaye Cameroon, Prince [email protected] Fehou NJOYA 58. Mr. Pan GUANG China, Director of [email protected] International Affairs Institute in Shangai 59. MR. Zongli SONG China, Marketing Center Director of General Bureau of Eurosia, XINHUA Agency 60. Mr. Tiegang ZHANG China, Director General of Bureau of Eurosia, XINHUA Agency 61. Mr. Jiří BESSER Czech Republic, Minister [email protected] of Culture 62. Mr. Petr HNIZDO Czech Republic, Director of International Relations Department 63. Mr.David MAJER Czech Republic, Museum [email protected] of Ostrava 64. Mr. Yaromir KAINC Czech Republic, Vsudybyl yaromir.kainc@e- magazine Publisher 65. Mr. Vladimir BURES Czech Republic, Vsudybyl magazine 66. Mr. Abel Enrique Prieto Cuba, Minister of Culture JIMENEZ 67. Ms. Maria Elena Saldago Cuba, Chief of Cabinet CABRERA 68. Mr. Rogelio Miguel Riveron Cuba, Letras Cubanas MORALES publishing editorial director 69. Ms. Basma El HUSSEINY Egypt, Culture Resource [email protected] Managing Director 70. Mr. Mohamed SALAMA Egypt, Deputy chief editor salama_20002010@yahoo. OF AL MASAEYA com newspaper 71. Ms. Pakinam Egypt, Director of Center [email protected] ELSHARKAWY for Civilization Studies and Dialogue of Cultures, FEPS, Cairo University 72. Mr. Mustafa ELLABBAD Egypt, Director of Al Sharq [email protected] Center for Regional and Strategic Studies 73. Mr. Florent STORA France, Diplomatic Councellor of the Ministry of Culture and Communication 74. Mr. Philippe France, Commissioner of COSTAMAGNA “Pleasure of France” Exhibition 75. Mr. Francis PISANI France, Le Media A Paris [email protected] 76. Mr. Jean-Yves CAMUS France, Head of International Relations Department, Mayor’s Office of Paris 77. Ms. Rachida DATI France, AR embassy in France 78. Mr. Philip James KYLE France 79. Ms. Nathalie GOULET France, Member of Parliament 80. Mr. Heinrich KREFT Germany, Special [email protected] Representative for Dialogue among Civilizatioons 81. Mr. Holger BUNK Germany, Head of [email protected] culturology department of Stuttgart state academy of fine arts and design 82. Ms. Giuli ALASANIA Georgia, Chair of the [email protected] Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia 83. Ms.Manana SANADZE Georgia, Rector of the [email protected] University of Georgia 84. Mr. Zurab DVALI Georgia, Georgian Public [email protected] Broadcaster, General Producer broadcasting on the languages of national minorities 85. Mr. Malkhaz Georgia, Georgian Public [email protected] VARDOSANIDZE Broadcaster, Regional Producer broadcasting on the languages of national minorities 86. Ms. Maria ANDREADAKI- Greece, Director General [email protected] VLAZAKI for Antiquities and Cultural Heritage 87. Ms. Stamatia Greece, Director for HADZINIKOLAOU Modern Cultural Heritage 88. Ms. Lila de Chaves Greece, Secretary [email protected] CHRONOPOULOS General of World Federation of Friends of Museums 89. Ms. Eleni KARAINDRU Greece, Piano-player 90. Ms. Ifigenia KATSARIDOU Greece [email protected] 91. Mr. Botond ELEKES Hungary, Head of the [email protected] cabinet, ministry of ua national resources 92. Ms. Erika VACZKO Hungary, Head of Cultural [email protected] diplomacy division 93. Mr. Andrash BIRO SZOLT Hungary, President of [email protected] Magyar-Turan Foundation 94. Ms. Borbala Hungary, Researcher [email protected] OBRUSANSZKY 95. Mr. Janos SIPOS Hungary, Frantz Liszt [email protected] Academy 96. Mr. Eldar ALIEV Hungary, Hungarian State [email protected] Opera and Ballet Theatre 97. Mr. Claudio GUGEROTTI Holy See, Apostolic Nuncio, Vatican Ambassador 98. Mr. Filippo CIAMPANELLI Holy See, Secretary to the embassy 99. Mr.Naveen SHARMA India, Athena Ventures Chairman 100. Mr. Asghar HUSAIN India, Special Advisor to the president of Al Jaber Foundation 101. Mr.Vishal GAHRANA India, Managing Director 102. Ms.Reema Gahrana India, Director 103. Mr. Surya YUGA Indonesia, Senior advisor to the Minister of Culture and Tourism 104. Mr. Wahyu WARSITA Indonesia, Assistant Deputy Director for UNESCO 105. Mr. Oscar MOTULOH Indonesia, Director of ANTARA Gallery for Journalism 106. Mr. Taher Naser Mahmood Iraq, Deputy Minister of AL HAMMOOD Culture 107. Mr. Aqeel Ibrahim Iraq,
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