





Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd) In English Education Department

By: SILVIA GESTIANA Student Number: 1601070121

Tarbiyah and Teaching Training Faculty English Education Department

Sponsor: Drs. Kuryani, M. Pd Co-Sponsor: Linda Septiyana, M. Pd




BY: SILVIA GESTIANA This study aims to find out moral and educational values of Sami Yusuf song lyrics, to explain moral and educational values which are represented in Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics, and to analyze of moral and educational values that are found in Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics. This study is focused on finding and analyzing the use of moral and educational values based on its types. The type that was used in this research was content analysis with descriptive analysis. The data collecting techniques that were used by researcher were observation and documentation. The result shows that the moral value contains in the lyrics of Sami Yusuf‟s song is about thirty two times that are justice, courage, self-control, truthfulness & uprightness, trustworthiness & fidelity, trust and faith, modesty, humility & aloofness, and love of the remote. At the same time, the educational value that are found in Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics is about thirty two times that deals with honesty, courage, peace, self-reliance & potential, self-discipline & moderation, loyalty & dependability, respect, love, sensitive & unselfishness, kindness & friendliness, and justice & mercy. Furthermore the highest moral value that is found is trust & faith which is 12 times and percentage of 38%, while the lowest is found justice because is only found once with a percentage of 3%. In educational value the highest percentage is 19%, which is honesty as many as 6 times, while the least rarely are peace, respect, and love that is only found once with a percentage of 3% each of them. In addition, researcher hopes that this research can be helpful and reference to other researchers who will make research with the same topic or type of research.

Keyword: Moral Value, Educational Value, Sami Yusuf‟s Song Lyrics


OLEH: SILVIA GESTIANA Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan nilai moral dan nilai pendidikan di dalam lagu Sami Yusuf, menjelaskan nilai moral dan pendidikan yng direpresentasikan dalam lirik lagu, dan mennganalisis nilai moral dan nilai pendidikan didalam lirik lagu sami yusuf. Penelitian ini terfokus untuk menemukan dan menganalisis pada penggunaan educational value berdasarkan jenis-jenisnya. Tipe yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah content analisis dengan descriptive sebagai karakteristiknya. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai moral yang terkandung dalam lirik lagu Sami Yusuf adalah sebanyak tiga puluh dua kali yaitu justice, courage, self-control, truthfulness & uprightness, trustworthiness & fidelity, trust and faith, modesty, humility & aloofness, and love of the remote. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menemukan jenis penggunaan honesty, courage, peace, self-reliance & potential, self-discipline & moderation, loyalty & dependability, respect, love, sensitive & unselfishness, kindness & friendliness, and justice & mercy. In addition, jenis penggunaan yang paling sering digunakan dalam lirik lagu ini adalah jenis trust & faith dengan 12 kali ditemukan dan sekitar 28 persent. Sedangkan tipe yang nilai pendidikan yang plaing sering ditemukan adalah honesty dengan ditemukan sebanyak 6 kali dengan 19 persen. Sebagai tambahan, peneliti berharap bahwa penelitiannya dapat membantu dan menjadi referensi bagi peneliti lainnya yang ingin membuat penelitian yang sama. Kata Kunci: Nilai moral, nilai pendidikan, lirik lagu Sami Yusuf


ِ ْ َ ۡح َسۡنتُۡم َ ۡح َسۡنتُۡم ِِلَۡنفُ ِس ُك ۡم ۖ َو ِ ۡ َ َس ۡاتُۡم َف َل َها (And We said): “if you do good, you do good for your ownselves, and if you do

evil (you do it) againts yourselves (Al Isra:7)

ِ َّن َّن َ َ تَ َ ِا ْح َسا َ َ َل ُ ِّ َ ْ ٍء

Verily, God commands good to all things.(H.R.Muslim)

Right is right, even no one is doing it. Wrong is wrong, even everyone is doing it.

-Augustine of Hippo-


This undergraduate thesis is heatedly dedicated to:

A special fell of gratitude to all of my family especially my beloved parents

(Bapak Sugirin dan Ibu Towiyatin) and my beloved brother and sister (Yosi

Wibowo and Reni Tia Wahyuni) who always smiles whatever I have done and

always love me unconditionally, may Allah bless you as always

All of my friends at IMBI and campus and all persons who meant to me and

happily fulfilled my day while writing this research.

All of my lectures of English Education Department of IAIN Metro

My Beloved Almamater ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful and The Most Compassionate.

Alhamdulillahirobbil‟alamin the foremost thanks for all the things are given by

Allah subhanahu wa ta‟ala. The Lord of the world, The Owner of every soul.

Shalawat and Salam are also delivered to The Great Revolusioner, Prophet

Muhammad SAW. who saved us from the darkness to the lightness.

The great gratitute presents to the Almighty God for His guidance, blessing, mercy, love, opprtunity have given in completing this undergraduate thesis with title “An Analysis of Moral and Educational Values in Sami Yusuf’s Song

Lyrics” as the partial requirements in achieving undergraduate degree at English

Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, State Institute

For Islamic Studies of Metro.

However, this achievement would not be attained without support, motivation, advice, encouragement, and also help from many people or institutions. An exclusive thank for my beloved parents, Mr. Sugirin and Mrs.

Towiyatin, who always smiles whatever I have done and loves me unconditionally, may Allah bless you as always. My deepest thanks for all my family whenever you are, thank you for supporting me.

My sincerely appreciation for Drs. Kuryani Utih, M.Pd and Linda

Septiyana, M.Pd for being my advisor and my co-advisor who have generously and patiently guided me throughout entirely process in writing this undergraduate thesis with all their knowledge, conctructive suggestions.


COVER ...... i

COVER PAGE ...... ii

APPROVAL PAGE ...... iii


ABSTRACT ...... v


MOTTO ...... ix




LIST OF TABLE...... xv

LIST OF FIGURE...... xvi


A. Background of Study...... 1 B. Research Question ...... 5 C. Objective and Benefit of Study ...... 6 D. Prior Research ...... 7 E. Research Methodology...... 9 1. Type and Characteristic of Research ...... 9 2. Data Source ...... 11 3. Data Collecting Technique ...... 12 4. Data Validity Testing Technique ...... 14 5. Data Analysis Technique ...... 15 6. Research Approach ...... 16


A. Concept of Sami Yusuf Biography ...... 19 B. Concept of Moral Value ...... 20 1. Definition of Moral Value ...... 22 2. Types of Moral Value ...... 23 3. Benefits of Moral Value ...... 32 C. Concept of Educational Value ...... 33 1. Definition of Educational Value ...... 33 2. Function of Educational Value...... 35 3. Types of Educational Value ...... 35 D. Concept of Sami Yusuf Song Lyrics ...... 39 1. Definition of Song lyrics ...... 40 E. Moral and Educational Value of Sami Yusuf song Lyrics ...... 44 1. Moral Value of Sami Yusuf song Lyrics ...... 44 2. Educational Value of Sami Yusuf song lyrics ...... 44


A. Research Result ...... 45 1. Moral and Educational Values that was Found in Sami Yusuf song lyrics ...... 46 2. Explaining about Moral and Educational Values which are represented in Sami Yusuf song lyrics ...... 55 3. Analyzing of Moral and Educational Values that Found in Sami Yusuf song lyrics ...... 71 B. Discussion ...... 73


A. Conclusion...... 77 B. Suggestion ...... 78





Table 1 Data Coding Result of Moral Value in ...... 46

Table 2 Data Coding Result of Educational Value in Album ...... 51

Table 3 Percentage of Data Finding in Moral Value ...... 75

Table 4 Percentage of Data Finding in Educational Value ...... 75


Figure 1 The components in Data Analysis Miles Huberman Model ...... 15

Figure 2 Step to Conduct Approach ...... 18

Figure 3 Chart of Number Moral Value in Album ...... 72

Figure 4 Chart of Number Eeducaional Value in Album ...... 73


Appendix 1 Song Lyrics in Sami Yusuf‟s song

Appendix 2 Web Pages of Song Lyrics



Introduction is the first chapter of the undergraduate thesis that delivers a reader's understanding of what the research problem is and why researcher interests in conducting this research. This chapter consists background of study, research question, objective and benefit of study, prior research, and also research methodology.

A. Background of Study

As a tool of communication, language plays an important role in

interaction. Clark in Luke stated that language is a tool that do tasks more

efficient get the goal.1 Human as social creatures need something for the

interaction because human as social creatures cannot live alone. The

interaction will create communication among two people or more. Through

language, people can deliver what people wants because language can

express the feeling or idea. Language is the most important part of

determining whether the interaction runs well or not.

Language can be delivered by spoken or written. Written means that

language is not just based on conversation. Written language can also like

text. In text, language is written become paragraph, sentence, phrase or

word. Jan Van Luxemburg stated that text has a certain meaning. Text

means a set of words can also be interpreted as a sign (language) that has a

1 Joice Yulinda Luke, “The Use of Code-Mixing Among Pamonanese In Parata Ndaya Closed-Group Facebook”. Jurnal Lingua Cultura. Vol. 9, No. 1, 2015, 41 2

relationship among each other, between sign and user sign, or between sign

and meaning or text content.2 The relationship between text and sign is

meaning or content.

Language also can be delivered through various media. The media

can be used such as movie, novel, drama, song, etc. Song can be called

language because song has meaning inside through lyrics. Song lyrics that

have been written by song writer can represent the feelings or ideas that

want to deliver to the listeners. The song sings the lyrics which are

meaningful with the expectation that listeners can enjoy and receive the

feeling and meaning of the lyrics. The text in the lyrics of a song that has

been sung are a language of meaning.The meaning of the lyrics can be

various, like message, story, advise, or value. The something meaning can

be delivered such as moral and educational values.

Moral value is all things or aspects that regulate human life to

always doing well in his life that has been arranged in religion or culture.

Educational value is something that developing the fundamental intellectual

and emotional person to become a better life that comes from self. So, if the

moral value leads to a rule of social life, then the educational value leads to

larger scope that are development of personality in intellectual, social,

emotional, and spiritual.

2 Jan van Luxemburg, Mieke Bal, and Willem G. Weststeijn, Tentang Sastra, trans. Akhadiati Ikram (Jakarta: Intermasa, 1989), 51. 3

Based on Hartmann, moral value has three groups. The first group

contains justice, wisdom, courage, self control and the Aristotelian virtues.

Then the second group contains brotherly love, truthfulness and

uprightness, trustworthiness and fidelity, trust and faith, modesty, humility

aloofness, and the values of social intercourse. And the last, the third group

contains love of the remote, radiant virtue, personality and personal love.3

In other hand, educational values divided in two kinds. The kinds of

values are values of being and values of giving. In values of being consists

honesty, courage, peace, self-reliance and potential, self discipline and

moderation, and fidelity & chastity. While in values of giving consists

loyalty & dependability, respect, love, unselfishness & sensitive, kindness

and friendliness and last justice and mercy.4

In addition, Sami Yusuf is a British Songwriter. Sami Yusuf has

talent in musician and singing from his family, especially from his father.

Since childhood, Yusuf has learned music instruments and singing. Yusuf

continued to develop the talents. Even though, Yusuf had the intention to

back out from music. Therefore Yusuf had a wish to give change the Islamic

world, Yusuf learned law to support his wishes. Thankfully, because of

support from best friend, Yusuf continues of singing career. Yusuf‟s friend

told that through the song, Yusuf can still deliver a positive message and

3 Nicolai Hartmann, Ethics Moral Values (: Unwin Ltd, 2004), 15–18. 4 Linda & Richard Eyre, Teaching Your Children Values (New York: R.M Eyre & Association, 1993), 7. 4

invite others to love God and Prophet. Then Sami Yusuf kept on developing the potential and released his first album in 2003.

The album includes fifteen songs. Previously, Yusuf once said that would make music and do something dignified and respectable. Therefore, there is no wonder in the song lyrics that there are much positive things.

Furthermore, researcher does not take all song lyrics of Sami Yusuf, but just took five song lyrics that have interesting in moral and educational values as the object of research.

Lyrics: Part of Wherever You Are

To see your smile

I would pass every trial

Desperately I await

The day when I'm by your side

In the lyrics of the song to see your smile, I would pass every trial means someone who struggles just to see the smiles of others. The smile here is not just a regular smile, but can be mean a response from someone.

To getting response, singer dares to face thing cannot expect. In these lyrics there is courage because the person dares to face the challenge even though the trial is heavy. The value of courage is included to moral and educational values. 5

Part of Trials of Life song lyrics)

I only want the things

You know is best for me

I‟d gladly sacrifice

If that‟s what you decree

In the lyrics of „I‟d gladly sacrifice‟ means people who can sacrifice

without scary or hesitate. The lyric is included in moral value that is love of

the remote.

Based on the explanation above, the lyrics can be said that there is a

moral and educational value at the song lyrics of Sami Yusuf. In this case,

researcher will try to find out and analyze of moral and educational values

in the Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics.

B. Research Question

Based on the background of study and focus of study above, the

researcher formulates the problems are:

1. What are moral and educational values that can be found in the Sami

Yusuf‟s Song Lyrics?

2. Why the lyrics of song can be represented as moral and educational


3. How is analysis of moral and educational values that is found?


C. Objective and Benefit of Study

1. Objective of the Study

From the formulation of the problem described above, the research

aims to:

a. Find out moral and educational values in Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics.

b. Explain moral and educational values which are represented in Sami

Yusuf‟s song lyrics.

c. Analyze of moral and educational values that is found in Sami

Yusuf‟s song lyrics.

2. Benefit of the Study

a. Theoretically

The result this study is expected to be helpful to the world of

linguistic and can contribute to the development of moral and

educational values.

b. Practically

This study is aimed to give one learning reference, especially in

the term moral and educational values that can find in the lyrics of

song. Also can be inspiration to the other researchers who interest to

conduct study about moral and educational values in lyrics of song.


c. Academically

This study can be used as a reference for teachers to choose

media for learning especially song that are full of meaning and value

of life.

D. Prior Research

Based on the results of a researcher's review on the issues studied

titled "An Analysis of Moral and Educational Values in Sami Yusuf‟s Song

Lyrics”. There have been some previous researches are related to the title as

research, including:

1. An Analysis of Moral and Educational Values on Madura Folk Songs.

The journal is written by a combination of several peoples in the

Department of Language and Literature represented by representative of

authors in 2015. In Madura Folks Song, there is song lyrics which

contain moral and educational values for the People of Madura. In the

song Tondu ' Majang, there is moral value that revealed In the lyrics of

the song Abantal omba ' asapo ' angen. Value contained in this song

because the responsibility which must Madura Coastal Communities to

work every day to feed the children and their families and still work

without a good condition and weather. While from the lyrics, the moral

value inside is courage and educational value inside is brave because the

lyrics said about strength mental to face of all the dangers.5

5 Abd. Wakil (Corresponding Authors), “An Analysis of Moral and Educational Values on Madura Folk Songs”, (Journal of Malang University, 2015). 8

This research has a difference with the title that researcher has

appointed, because the lyrics that is used of research is different. The

study used the lyrics of Madura song, while the researcher uses the song

lyrics of Sami Yusuf, so the lyrics that are find and analysis will be

different too.

2. An Analysis of Indonesian Moral Values Found in the Song Lyrics

Forgive Me Album by . The journal was written by Lutfy

Dawn Hidayah in 2017. The results of this study discussed about moral

values.In addition, there are several Indonesian Moral Values that are

found in the song lyrics album by Maher Zain. They are three types of

moral values that similar with the Indonesian moral values such as

religiosity, peace loving and communicative. So, the moral values that

most frequent in the song lyrics are religiosity, love and affection and


This research has different with the title that researcher has

appointed. These differences are in the song lyrics and value of research.

If in the above research only discusses about moral value, researcher

besides moral value also take another like educational values. The lyrics

of the song are also different. Researcher tooks the lyrics in Sami Yusuf


6 Lutfy Fajar Hudayah, “An Analysis of Indonesian Moral Values Found in the Song Lyrics Forgive Me Album By Maher Zain”, (Journal of UAD Yogyakarta, 2017) 9

3. An Analysis of Educational Values in "Life of Pi" Movie. This thesis was

written by Selvy Dwi Suryati, Student Number of 1411040348 and Study

Program in English Education in 2018. The results of this research are

some educational values in the "Life of Pi" movie like: never give up,

grateful, religious, peace, loyalty, diligent, not selfish, purity, respect.

Furthermore, there are three benefits of watching "Life of Pi" movie.

They are medium of education, medium of entertainment, source of


This research has different with the title that researcher has

appointed. These differences are in the song lyrics and value of research.

If in this study only discusses about educational value, researcher besides

educational also take moral value. The lyrics of the song are also

different. Researcher has taken other song lyrics. The song lyrics that is

taken by researcher is song lyrics that is Sami Yusuf song.

E. Research Methodology

1. Type and Characteristic of Research

a. Type of Research

The research is qualitative research. Qualitative research

understands by focusing and depth of understanding analysis on the

total picture or phenomenon rather than a numeric analysis of data.8

7 Selvy Dwi Suryati, “An Analysis of Educational Values in “Life of PI” Movie”, (Undergraduate thesis of Raden Intan State Islamic University, 2018). 8Donald Ary, Lucy Cheser Jacobs, and Chris Sorensen, Introduction to Research in Education, Eight Edition (USA: Wadsworth, 2010), 29. 10

So, qualitative research focuses on analyzing a study using words

with less importance on numbers.

This research uses the type of document or content analysis

research. Ary in the book said that “content analysis is a type of

research that purposed to identifying specified characteristics

materials”.9 The analyzed material can be written or visual material

which is certainly the song lyrics text can be one of the materials that

can be analyzed. Researcher uses this type because it fits one of the

objectives of the content analysis. The objective identifies specified

characteristic. So, the type will be used by researcher to identify

specified characteristic of material that means of moral and

educational values in Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics.

b. Characteristic of Research

The characteristic of the research is descriptive. Descriptive

is present detailed data in text.10 Descriptive is suitable with the

research because this research needs a something that can analyze

completely and well. The researcher will try to describe

systematically about subject matter. So, researcher uses a qualitative

to do this research entitled ""An Analysis of Moral and Educational

Values in Sami Yusuf‟s Song Lyrics”.

9 Ibid., 457. 10 J.R. Raco, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Jenis, Karakteristik, dan Keunggulannya (Jakarta: PT Grasindo, 2010), 60 11

2. Data Source

Data is important about the information that can be collected for

the research. Based on Gibson, there are two data that are primary and

secondary data.

a. Primary source

Primary data is firsthand data that is produced by someone

who had experience or data. It is directly data.11 The primary data is

directly related to the situation or context will be researched. The data

that become the primary source in this research is the five lyrics in

Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics. The song lyrics become the object of

research and the content in the text because will be directly researched


b. Secondary source

Secondary data usually refers to secondhand data that is

written by someone who heard and know about experience, event, or

related something. It is indirectly experience.12 So, secondary data get

from another people that is indirectly connection but has relation

content with the matery. The data source is used to support and more

complete the primary data. Researcher collects the data from any

kinds of books, journals, articles, and other materials of theories of

moral value, educational value, and lyrics of song theories that are

related to the research.

11William J. Gibson and Andrew Brown, Working with Qualitative Data (London: SAGE, 2009), 66. 12Ibid. 12

3. Data Collecting Technique

The method of collecting data is the most major step in research,

since the main purpose of the research is to obtain data. Creswell

explained that there are several methods in collect the data. There are

observation, interview, questionnaire, documentation, and audio-visual

material.13 While based on Patton in Raco, the documents are written and

stored material. Documents can be memorabilia or correspondence.

There are also documents that are audio-visual.14 So according to Patton,

audio visual cannot be separated to documentation because audio visual

include to the one of data in documentation type. In this research,

methods of data collection that will be used by researcher are observation

and documentation.

a. Observation

Creswell said that observation is one of method to collect of

data. The way of the method is researcher takes notes on the behavior

and activity of individual at the research site.15 Donald Ary explained

more detailed, observation is a basic method for obtaining data in

qualitative research in get comprehensive picture of situation16 and the

13 John W. Creswell, Research Design Quallitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approach, Third Edition, (California: Sage Publication, 2009), 178. 14J.R. Raco, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif., 111. 15 John W Creswell, Research Design., 181 16 Donald Ary, Lucy Cheser Jacobs, and Chris Sorensen, Introduction to., 216. 13

products is narrative to complete description of behavior in a specific


Because this research is included in the content analysis of a

data that is Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics, researcher do not go in the field

of observation. In observation, researcher observes data from multiple

online sites to download journals, scientific articles, and books that

relate with song lyrics of Sami Yusuf. Researcher also visits and

observes data from a digilib (online library).

b. Documentation

According to Bachtiar, documentation is process to look for, to

choose, and to accumulate data accordingly to research.18 Creswell

explained that the document processing involves collecting public

documents like newspaper or official reports, and also personal

documents like journal, article, diaries, letter, and website as

electronic data.19 In addition, the activity in collecting documentation

also creates a note, describes of data, and also makes connection with

other phenomen.

So, documentation is a way for researcher to looking for, to

choosing, and to collecting data and also makes well to research.

Using the method of documentation, researcher gets several of data

17 Ibid., 431. 18Wardi Bachtiar, Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Dakwah (Jakarta: Logos, 2001), 77. 19 John W.Creswell, Research Design., 181. 14

that is needed in research such as journal, article, website, textbook,

images, etc.

4. Data Validity Testing Technique

In validity, the researcher checks for the accuracy of the result

that uses certain procedures.20 The validity of data technique is a way for

researcher to measure the degree of confidence in the process of

collecting research data. In this study, researcher uses triangulation as a

technique validity. Based on John Creswell on the book, triangulate

compares data sources of information by examining evidence from the

sources and using it to build a coherent justification and for research.21 In

using triangulation, data that has been obtained that will be checked

again and compare with the other sources resulting in the next


5. Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis techniques are very influential in determining the

contents of research and making conclusion. Besides, according to Miles

and Huberman, analysis can be defined as three activities that are data

condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing & verification.22

20 John W Creswell, Research Design., 190. 21Ibid., 191 22Mathew B. Miles, A.Michael Huberman, and Johny Saldana, Qualitative Data Analysis, A Methods Sourcebook, Third Edition (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publication, 2014), 8. 15

Figure 1

The Components in the Data Analysis Miles and Huberman Model23

Data Collection Data Display

Data Conclusion: drawing/verifying Condensation

a. Data Condensation

Miles and Huberman said that the process of condensing data

is to select, to focus, to simplify, to abstract, and to transform the data

that appears in written field notes or transcriptions.24 In the activity,

researcher will looks, focuses, and chooses the needed data. After that,

data of sentence is given mark, and is separated data between needed

or not, and then move the needed data in other place.

b. Data Display

According to Miles, display is usually an organized, condensed

collection of information that enables information to be drawn and

acted upon for next step.25 In this step, the data which reflect

displayed or showed not only generally but specifically and clearly. In

the way, researcher will separate data based on type or category

23 Ibid., 10 24Ibid., 8 25Ibid. 16

(moral or educational values) and make table to more noticeable the

make analysis based on type of words.

c. Conclusion Drawing and verification

In the way, Miles and Hubberman said that conclusion is not

just about data collection. Although data collection is over, there is

another something that influences it. Its are collect of field note,

coding storage, and retrieval methods of funding agency.26

In concluding and verifying, the result of researcher will be based

on the problem of the research and the theory of moral and educational

values that will be used.

6. Research Approach

In the study, researcher will use qualitative approach which related

to moral and educational values Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics. The following

are several steps to conduct this approach in the research:

a. Organize and prepare. Researcher will prepare the data to be used. In

this step, researcher will organize the data and select data from the

data source so that the data to be need and discussed is ready for


b. Read through all the data. This activity means reading the entire data

for the purpose of obtaining the general idea to further begin to note

the intent of the material. So, the step makes researcher know about

what the data is.

26Ibid., 9 17

c. Begin detailed analysis with a coding process. Coding is the way to

develop data. In this case researcher will mark and retrieve the text

or data that have to be researched, divide sentences according to the

data source category.

d. Further categorized data will be processed into a description that

corresponds to its category. The description means to creat and more

detail in to explain data. In this case, researcher categorizes the

research in the content analysis of a data.

e. From the description, researcher will analyze and interpret the data

finding. In this case, researcher will analyze the moral and

educational values in Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics.

f. Making interpretation or meaning of data. This step suggests that

what the data get. Therefore, the data can be obtained easily, then

researcher will interpret and give a description of the meaning or

category of the word after all the procedures are done. This phase

also makes researcher should see the validity of the research.27

27 John W. Creswell, Research Design., 185 & 186 18

Figure 2

Step to Conduct Approach; John W.Creswell Model28

Interpreting the meaning of Themes or Description

Interrelating Themes/Description Validating and the Accuracy of the Information (e.g. grounded theory, case study)

Themes Description

Coding of the Data (hand or computer)

Reading Through All Data

Organizing and Preparing Data for Analysis

Raw Data (transcript, fieldnotes, images, etc)

28 Ibid., 185

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW Theoretical review is a concept that becomes a strong base related about object research. This chapter consists concept of Sami Yusuf Biography, moral value, educational value, Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics, also moral and educational values of Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics.

A. Concept of Sami Yusuf Biography

Sami Yusuf is a British Muslim singer. As British singer-songwriter,

Yusuf also can to be composer, producer and multi-instrumentalist musician.1

Yusuf was born with the original name Siamak Radnamish, Sami Yusuf born

in Teheren- on 19 July 1980. Yusuf was born in a Muslim family. At the

age of three years old, Yusuf had lived in London.2 Sami Yusuf has an art and

music talent from his father. Since young, Yusuf has learned to play music

instruments and singing. His talent in the field of art and music develops from

the support of his family and friends.

At the age of sixteen years old, Yusuf almost left the music world and

began to learn the law with the aim to give changes to the Islamic world. But

because of his best friend, Yusuf was given an advice that through the song,

Yusuf could still convey positive messages and invite people to love God and

the Prophet. Then no wonder in the lyrics of Yusuf‟s song, there are many

1 Cut Della Humaira, “Analysis of Themes and Values in Sami Yusuf Songs” (UIN Ar- Raniri Banda Aceh, 2020), 6. 2 Carl Morris, “Finding a Voice: Young , Music, and Religious Change in Britanian” (Taylor Francise, 2016), 13. 20

messages and values includes. Born in an mucisian's family, Yusuf often

involved his brother in drafting the song's lyrics.

At first, Yusuf just make producing and demo-recording for another

singer and still develop his own ability by himself. Yusuf made music and

committed to make music and doing something dignified and respectable. At

the twenty three years old, Yusuf began his self-produced and released his

debut album. In 2003, Yusuf released his debut album, AlMuallim, to launch

the music world and sold more than two Million Copies in the world. This

makes Yusuf enter into a appreciated musician. Then Yusuf made a

comeback with the album Al-Mu'allim (2003), My Ummah (2005), Without

You (2009), Wherever You Are (2010), Salaam (2012), The Center (2014),

Song Of The Way Vol. 1 (2015), Barakah (2016), and Barakah (Deluxe

version) (2016). But because Yusuf‟s Without You album changed the label,

then in another source Without You album is not included as official album.3

The researcher chooses five song lyrics in Wherever You Are album

B. Concept of Moral Value

Based on Jack R. Fraenkel in Elly M setiadi, a value is an idea and a

concept about what someone thinks about the important of life.4 Herbert

Larry in Elly M Setiadi added that “value is standard or set of principles”.5

Raths, Harmin and Simon in Taylor also describe that values as decision of

3 Elmiyati dan Azka Juanda, “An Analysis of Figurative Language in Sami Yusuf Songs on Wherever You Are Album”, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2015, 1. 4 Elly M. Setiadi, Kama A. Hakam, dan Ridwan Effendi, Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya Dasar (Jakarta: Kencana, 2006), 123. 5 Setiadi, Hakam, dan Effendi, 123. 21

someone to make proud, do well, and act repeatedly.6 At the above

explanation, the value can be interpreted as a concept that is important

because value can be standard to do something and become one of

principles that can handle and also be practiced in life. Therefore, the

importance of value for people in community life is very important because

it affects of social life. The value will be used by someone in daily activity.

Based on John Dewey in Elly M. Setiadi, value is object of social

interest.7 Encyclopedia Britainica in Elly M. Setiadi also stated that similar

about value. Based on Encyclopedia, value is quality of an object that

concerns a type of appreciation or interest.8 The above explanation means

that the value influences the quality of the object that what brings.

Essentially, the value associated with many things fixed has a particular

focus. In the section, research is talking about moral or educational values;

it means that moral and educational values become the interest of the object.

According to Indrya in the journal there are some values that are

usually contained in a literary work include: hedonic value, artistic value,

cultural value, ethical value, moral, religion, and practical value or

educational value.9 In this case, researcher only focuses on the fourth and

fifth point that is about moral and educational values.

6 . J.Mark Halstead dan Monica J.Taylor, Values in Education and Education in Values (London: Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2005), 4. 7 Setiadi, Hakam, dan Effendi, Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya Dasar, 123. 8 Ibid. 9 Indrya Mulyaningsih, “Nilai Keagamaan dan Nilai Pendidikan dalam Antologi Puisi „Tadarus‟ Karya A. Mustofa Bisri,” Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra 1, no. 1 (2014): 23. 22

1. Definition of Moral Value

Burhanudin Salam in book of Etika Sosial explained that morality

is a system of value about how we should live well as good human.

Morality also contains such as advice, regulation, injunction or any

other policy in a tradition of belief in religion, culture, or behaviour.10

After that Hume as the philosopher in Taylor stated that moral as one

thing to know virtue and then another to conform it.11 In the life of

society, there are many rules governed the life of people. The

regulation will make people to be a good figure if can do well. There

are a lot of rules in the community that must be observed, such as rules

when eating, communicating with older person, making a clothes and

other rules. The moral point is the product of this rules are made and

obeyed with the purpose of life properly.

While based on Churchill in Muhammad Chowdhury stated that

moral is referred to human behaviour which is the practical activity.12 It

means that moral is always related to human activities because moral is

not just a science but also practice. People can be said to have good

moral if the behaviour is in accordance with the prevailing regulations.

10 Burhanuddin Salam, Etika Sosial Asas Moral dalam Kehidupan Manusia (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2002), 3. 11 Halstead dan J.Taylor, Values in Education and Education in Values, 43. 12 Mohammad Chowdhury, “Emphasizing Morals, Values, Ethics, And Character Education In Science Education And Science Teaching” 4, no. 2 (2016): 1. 23

Audi said that “moral value is an important kind of instrumental

value.”13 Important kind is means something that good as from rules.

Moral value is something that is inherent and reflects on the person who

demands to be believed, exercised in life, or the demands of conduct

that is in accordance with the provisions of either sourced from the state

law, customs, or religion.14 This attitude demands that will make people

become good people. When the person is able to carry out the terms and

conditions, it is assured that the person has good quality.

Rohmat Mulyana in the book explained that the value and moral

are two interrelated words so that it can be put together into moral

value. In terms of the moral value there is a new meaning that describes

the existence of moral qualities.15

2. Types of Moral Value

Nicolai Hartmann divided the groups of special moral values

into three groups according to its nature. The first group contains

justice, wisdom, courage, self control and the Aristotelian virtues. The

second group contains brotherly love, truthfulness and uprightness,

trustworthiness and fidelity, trust and faith, modesty, humility,

aloofness and the values of social intercourse. The third group contains

love of the remote, radiant virtue, personality and personal love.

13 Robert Audi, Moral Value and Human Diversity (New York: Oxford University Press Inc, 2007), 47. 14 Qiqi Yuliati Qiqi Yuliati Zakiyah dan A. Rusdiana, Pendidikan Nilai Kajian Teori dan Praktik di Sekolah (Bandung: CV Pustaka Setia, 2014), 283. 15 Rohmat Mulyana, Mengartikulasikan Pendidikan Nilai (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2011), 17. 24

a. First Group

1) Justice

Justice based on Hartman “the person that justice who

does right or aims to do, see, and treat others in the light of the

equality that is required.”16 From the explanation, justice is a

condition given in a balanced environment to all persons in

accordance with the rights granted and according to the necessary


2) Wisdom

Hartmann at the book explains that wisdom is “a value

that people to choice of the ends and bravely to the execution of

them.”17 Hartmann also stated that the predestination or decision

in wisdom is a special kind of responsibility, be it one's own or

someone else's.18 Then Hartman added that the attitude of the

wise man to the life and personality for others is by no exhausted

and bored to choose right action19. So, wisdom is a person's

ability to make good decisions for self or group. The decision

made should be the best decision that has more little disadvantage

for anybody with thinking over of good or bad effect from it.

16 Nicolai Hartmann, “Ethics Moral Values,” ed. oleh J. H Muirhead dan Stanton Coit (London: Unwin Ltd, 2004), 228. 17 Ibid., 245. 18 Ibid.,239 19 Ibid., 242. 25

3) Courage

Courage is an element of adventure in any situation. These

are all things that have effort. The element courage is to take a

risk and to face an extreme danger.20 In this case, courage is

someone that takes in dealing with all things, taking into

consideration all the decisions and considering what to face.

4) Self-Control

Hartman in the book said things like instinct, emotion, and

lust are not neutral in the own right. These can be negative if not

use properly.21 Hartman added that “self control means having

oneself in hand and being master of oneself.”22 It means that

control that comes from within yourself against something

unwanted. This control is a refusal not to do so.

5) The Aristotelian Virtues

Aristotelian virtue in Hartmann explained that the main

point of virtue is everything must have been right. Virtue as moral

value, it is an ideal information.23 So far, virtue has a contact with

other dimensions. The dimension in question is the values that

makes it called virtue. Something called virtue if it is good value

such as justice, wisdom, encourage, self control, etc.

20 Ibid., 245. 21 Ibid., 249. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid., 257. 26

b. The Second Group

1) Brotherly Love

Hartman stated that brotherly love is similar with altruism

that it is not egoism and transferred of interest from oneself to

others….The nature of brotherly love is familiar enough and

know each other.24 Hartman also stated that “brotherly love

affirms and welcomes the entire well-being of others, deploring

and contending against their hardships of every kind”.25 In short,

brotherly love is a loving sense of another person. Brotherly love

is solidarity with another person, a fundamentally positive

devotion to the general humanity for who are near us; we love

them for who they are, not for what they can become.

2) Truthfulness and Uprightness

Hartmann in the book said that “truthfulness is agreement

of one‟s word with one‟s thought or conviction. Truthfulness is a

moral value. One„s word, the object of which is to be a witness to

one„s real opinion, conviction and attitude, ought to achieve this

end solely”.26 Truthfulness also not only expressing one‟s actual

mind but also there is together between truthfulness of word and

act.27 The word that has been spoken can be answered so that the

authenticity of the word is reliable.

24 Ibid., 268 25 Ibid.,269. 26 Ibid., 281. 27 Ibid., 282 27

“Uprightness is related to pretence not otherwise than

truthfulness to a lie; mere silence can be a lie. One who pretends

and conceals is a liar in the wider sense of the word”.28 In

uprightness is an attitude where people must have a moral nature

that is not prejudiced against others so that his heart can get good


“In truthfulness and uprightness there is an element of

purity. A lie is a kind of stain-which one cannot say of a failure to

love.It is a degradation of one‟s own personality, something to be

ashamed of in it there is always a certain breach of trust”.29 In

truthfulness and uprightness there is a purity of belief. Both of

them are self-reliance on others and the reliance on sanctions on

offense. This belief can be obtained by truthfulness that speaks in

accordance to actual facts or events. Uprightness can be obtained

when the person is truthfulness. When there is no deviation, the

person will get the trust of the other person.

3) Trustworthiness and fidelity

Hartmann stated, trustworthiness is a guarantee of

agreement where the words vouch by his deed. Trustworthiness

also rests upon the certainty of a future deed and will be

28 Ibid., 282. 29 ibid. 28

actualized in future.30 It means that trustworthiness person if said

about something, it will be done next time.

Besides, Hartmann stated that “fidelity is not confined to

the keeping of promises and agreements. Its field is wider”.31

Hartmann added that an obligation in fidelity wil be continue not

only for a moment like sympathy, friendship, and love. If it is not

sincere, it just a transient mood. Fidelity remains the same


4) Trust and faith

Hartmann mentioned about faith and trust as requiring

moral courage and spiritual strength…. The trust is far reaching

while faith is impregnable.33 Far-reaching here means the real

trust is always a claim that given to other person, whereas put

trust to the others is not easy. The person is really entrusts own

interest.34 Impregnable of faith because it is the situation where

people believe in matters of spiritual and religion. So if the Trust

form is hung in humans, then faith is hung to God.

5) Modesty, humility and aloofness.

Based on Hartman, a modest person not more important

than usual and never compare with others. The modest man also

30 Ibid., 286. 31 Ibid., 288. 32 Ibid.,288. 33 Ibid., 292. 34 Ibid. 29

not arrogant and always look at upward.35 While in other

statement Based on Hartman, modesty is relationship with other,

at the same time humility is an inner of character person.36

Hartmann added that “humility is far removed from the word of

arrogant to self-admiration”37. People who have these characters

tend to be humble towards others and never distinguish people

from their status.38

Then Hartmann stated that

Aloofness or keeping one‟s distance is a kind of moral shame. This is a feeling arising from the exposure of oneself. The ethos of the reserve, on the contrary, is shame felt out of respect for another because his nearness and his exposure, or even only at the thought of his defencelessness.39

Keeping this distance is not meant to boast, but keep the

distance here as limiting itself in being so as not to do the

undesirable to others and have particular goal.

6) The values of social intercourse.

Hartman in the book explains that humans see the round of

the surface, where there is in contact outside the individual, such

as social relations with the other.40

35 Ibid., 298 & 299. 36 Ibid. 37 Ibid., 300 38 Ibid., 299 & 300. 39 Ibid., 301. 40 Ibid., 304. 30

Neighbourliness applies very seriously to social

preservation, where there must be conformity with them, respect

and not to offend others.41

“Whereas justice and love are remaining values of inner

ethos reappear in social forms, diminished and yet unmistakable.

This is most clearly seen offence agains social custom”.42 Another

explanation about it is “then reliability and trust play a special

role in society… . Trust of this most external kind is a condition

of social intercourse,one who violates the form cannot be relied

upon”.43 So, in making the social intercourse should incorporate

some of the previous moral values.

c. The Third Group

1) Love of the remote

Hartman in the book stated that love of the remote is a

form of love that does not require a reply. This love is sincerely

just given, emitted, and sacrificed to loved ones.44 Love of the

remote as love of the best, as love of the worthiest and the

noblest. It is the love of creative spirit in humanity. It means that

love is the most sincere given to others. This love is given

selflessly, without expecting any replies.

41 Ibid. 42 Ibid., 305. 43 Ibid. 44 Ibid.,317 & 318. 31

2) Radiant virtue

Nietzsche in Hartmann stated that radiant is like gold that

bright and mellow in lustre. Hartmann added that the

characteristic of virtue is impart spiritual virtue. The virtues are

justice, brotherly love, wisdom, courage, and self-control.45

3) Personality

Hartman said that the fact is personality from its value and

character.46 Moral value in personality based on Hartman can be

described as existence of character in oneself.47 It means that

personality does not make the values, but the values make the

personality like great personality. The values that included of

great personality is like brave, wise, just, loving, and faithful or

truthful man.48

4) Personal love

Hartman stated that personal love means love to herself by

looking at her like a mirror. This is means also self-introspection.

When you've made observations about yourself, people can fix

mistakes in themselves and start liking the personality.49

45 Ibid., 338. 46 Ibid., 341. 47 Ibid., 344. 48 Ibid., 353 49 Ibid., 369. 32

3. Benefits of Moral Value

Machmud in his journal said that good moral will create the

good and perfect personality.50 Further explained by Jamal in

Machmud, because it is a praises, the benefits of moral value are:

a. With moral value, individual know about where right and bad things.

b. Individuals can be spared from wrong behaviour.51

Susana made point of the moral value. The moral value make

positive things like :

a. For individual, it make learn to have good attitudes and right the way

to make decision and keep spirit to do something or action.

b. For Social human, moral value learn to people how interaction with

other. The personal and social so close because action or something

that did, it relates to other people. So, with moral value, people can

respect each other.

c. In religion, people have suitable attitude. People can know if all

activity is connected with God, so people watchfully do in their


50 Hadi Machmud, “Urgensi Pendidikan Moral dalam Membentuk Kepribadian Anak,”Jurnal Al-Ta‟dib. Vol. 7, No. 2, 2014, 76. 51 Ibid., 77 52 Elya Susana, “Moral Value in Charlotte Bronte‟s Novel Jane Eyre,” in The 1st Annual International Conference on Language and Literature, KnE Social Sciences. DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i4.1940. 2018, 290 33

C. Concept of Educational Value

1. Definition of Educational Value

Education is derived from Yunani that is “paedagogie whose

roots are word pais that the meaning is child and word again that the

meaning is guidance”53. This means the guidance given to the child to be

led to grow up and develop.

While stated on Singh in his book that education is borrowed

from Latin that is duco that means to lead or guide. The word of duco

was cutted from educo - educare- educavi- educatum that give wider

meaning and aspect that are leadership, cultured; knowledgeable and


HSBC Group stated that “Education is a crucial enabler in the

modern world, giving skills that are essential in later life.”55 According

to this, education is a teaching by supplies of children with various

sciences and skills that can be used and needed for later or future.

Education is very important because through it, people can know and

develop that potential inside. The goal of human gets education so at

later, people get a better life than before.

In line with the previous understanding, John Dewey in Qiqi

stated that education was the process of establishing intellectually and

53 Zakiyah dan Rusdiana, Pendidikan Nilai Kajian Teori dan Praktik di Sekolah, 85. 54 Divya Singh dan Christoph Stückelberger, Ethics in Higher Education Values-driven Leaders for the Future (Switzerland: Globethics.net, 2017), 22. 55 Simon Williams, The Value of Education Springboard for success (London: HSBC Holdings plc, 2014), 6. 34

emotionally fundamental skills towards nature and fellow people.56

Education is a way to supply his students about knowledge and skills.

The purpose of the education is people has various abilities in all things.

When people already have the ability, the ability will be used at a nice


Educational value according to Soelaeman in Qiqi Yuliati

Zakiyah is a form of activity development expression value of existing

values through a systematic and critical process so that they can improve

or improve cognitive and affective qualities.57

Based on Dwi Suryati, education value is education in the

concerned with the development of the total personality of the individual

intellectual, social, emotional, aesthetic, moral and spiritual. It involves

developing sensitivity to the good, the right and the beautiful, ability to

choose the right values in accordance with the thought and action.58 It

means that educational values have more context-defections. In addition

to intellectual, the educational value concept also includes other things.

The sign, educational value is also not only grown from school, but can

also be from the friends, home environment, family, etc. Education value

is the spirit of education, so wherever they are taught the value of

education will preview itself.

56 Zakiyah dan Rusdiana, Pendidikan Nilai Kajian Teori dan Praktik di Sekolah, 86. 57 Ibid., 63. 58 Selvy Dwi Suryati, “An Analysis Of Educational Values In „Life Of Pi‟ Movie” (Lampung, Raden Intan State Islamic University, 2018), 13. 35

2. Function of Educational Value

Educational Value has a role in life. Based on Ghosh and Haryana,

educational value has functions such as:

a. To bring quality for life and to keep develop activity or

communication well in the society.

b. To keep in right way and guide for the human.

c. To give direction and firmness to make life well and it can bring joy

and peace of life.

d. To give attention in our culture so it is can keep going on.

e. To develop morality and character.

f. To keep the peace and harmony in the individual and society.59

3. Types of Educational Value

Eyre separated of the value into two groups, namely: values of being

and value of giving.60

a. Values of Being

1) Honesty

Honesty based on Concise Oxford English Dictionary is

“the quality of being honest”. Honesty define as a human attitude

when be faced with something or phenomenon and tell the

information without change the information. The characteristic of

honesty tells the truth to other individuals, institution, society, and

59 Saket Ghosh and Sonepat Haryana, “Role of Value Education in Teacher Education”. Interdisciplinary Multilingual Referred Journal. Vol. 1,No. 8, 2014, 45 60 Linda and Richard Eyre, Teaching Your Children Values (New York: R.M. Eyre & Association, 1993), 6 36

self. The inner strength and confident that is bred by exacting

truthfulness, trustworthiness and fidelity.61

2) Courage

Courage based on Eyre stated that “daring to try many

things. The things are like difficult things that are good, have

strong base and strength not to follow the crowd, to say no and

mean it and influence others by it, being true to convictions and

following good impulses, even when they are unpopular or

inconvenient and last boldness to be outgoing and friendly”62.

3) Peace

Peace in Eyre is a ability to make calmness, peacefulness

and serenity in one situation. The peace is tendency to try to

accommodate rather than argue and avoid of any problem. Peace

also can know about feel of other and help to control the temper or

himself in feel calm.63

4) Self-Reliance and potential

Self-reliance and potential is human attitudes appear as

boundaries awareness of ability. Potential can define as a prepared

and able to do something that command. Potential is related to what

we can and what we have. Self reliance also is one of manner to

61 Ibid. 62 Ibid. 63 Ibid. 37

believe to the ability. Characteristic of self reliance and potential is

commitment to personal excellence.64

5) Self-Discipline and Moderation

Self Discipline also can define as a human consistency and

consequences level to a commitment or agreement which have

relation with the purpose that will be reach. The control of self

discipline is like physically, mentally, strength of body, mind, and

financial. While moderation is the way of moderate person in

speaking, eating, exercising, controlling and bridling of one‟s own

appetites, understanding the limit of body and mind , avoiding the

dangers of extreme, unbalanced viewpoints, and also the ability to

balance self discipline with spontaneity.65

6) Fidelity and Chastity

Eyre in the book said,

The value and security of fidelity within marriage and of restraint and limits before marriage, the commitments that go with marriage and that should go amoral thing and know about a grasp of the long-range and widespread consequences that can result from sexual amorality and indefidility.66

b. Values of giving

1) Loyalty

Loyalty according to Eyre is the state or quality of being

loyal, faithfulness to commitments or obligations for family, work,

64 Ibid., 7 65 Ibid. 66 Ibid. 38

school, employers, country, mosque, and other organizations,

institutions, or person which commitments are made. While

dependability is give a support, service, contribution, and also can

be trust in making reliability and consistency in doing what say and

will do.67

2) Respect

Respect is a way of treating or thinking about something or

someone. It also can define as manner for life, parents, elders,

nature, the beliefs and rights of others. The deeds in respects are

courtesy, politeness, and manners, and self-respect.68

3) Love

Love is defined as a feeling of liking and caring for someone

or something. Love is more than just a loyal and respectful. The

value want to give attention and love for friends, or otand also a

prioritized her person who want to lifelong commitment for


4) Unselfishness and Sensitivity

Based on Eyre, unselfishness is one attitude that less self-

centered and more care or attention to others. While, sensitivity is

becoming more extra-centered to self. The both are learn to feel

togetherness with and for others. The values are shown by

67 Ibid. 68 Ibid., 8 69 Ibid. 39

empathy, tolerance, brotherhood, sensitivity to needs in people and


5) Kindness and Friendliness

Kindness based on Eyre is an awareness that being kind and

considerate toward those who are younger and weaker. Friendliness

that capable of making and keeping friends.71

6) Justice and Mercy

According to Eyre, Justice is the person who obedience to

law and fairness in work or play. The person understands about the

natural consequences and harvest of law.72 While in Mercy in

Cambridge Dictionary is an understanding about mercy, kindness,

and forgiveness of futility that shown towards someone have bitter


D. Concept of Song Lyrics

Based on Clifton in Erik Christensen, music is an ordered

arrangement of sounds and silences whose meaning is representation from

his feelings, minds, and senses.73 Music is made by human from productive

of sound and can be representative of to express so music make people more

fun. Music also can be medium to representative of feeling, meaning,

messages that want to deliver including value and message.

70 Ibid. 71 Ibid. 72 Ibid. 73 Erik Christensen, "Music Listening, Music Therapy, Phenomenology and Neuroscience" (Denmark: Aalborg University, 2012), 14. 40

Clifton in Christensen suggested that it is importance to advisedly

about quality of particular timbre, gesture, dynamics, texture, and

duration.74 According from text above, one characteristic of music is the

texture. This Texture is an arrangement in music that also contains the lyrics

of a song.

1. Definition of Song Lyrics

Based on Juslin and Laukka in Thompson and Russo, “song

involves a strong and complex connection between melody and

lyrics”.75 It has been mentioned if the melody and lyrics are the main of

elements in a song. The melody and lyrics worked together to make the

song beautiful. If music only has a beautiful tone or melody but does

not have the lyrics that are beautiful, then the song will not get a lot of

positive response. If there is no good combination between the lyrics

and the melody, then things will not be delivered well to the audiences

including the emotional meaning of the song.

Definition song by Douglas in Sutini is “a short piece of music

with words that are sung. The words in a song are called lyrics that may

consist of an intro, verses, choruses, bridges and a coda. Lyric derives

from the Yunani word for a song sung by the lyre, lyrikos and came to

be used for the words of a song”.76 Songs are music that has lyrics

inside. The lyrics are written by a song writer and sung by the singer. In

74 Ibid. 75 William Forde Thompson dan Frank A. Russo, “The Attribution of Emotion and Meaning to Song Lyrics,” Polskie Forum Psychologiczne Vol. 4, No. 1, 2004, 51. 76 Pipit Rahayu, “Figurative Language in Westlife Second Album Coast To Coast” (Riau, University of Pasir Pangaraian, 2016), 1. 41

the lyrics of the song are divided into several phases such as intro,

refrain, and outro. This part is what is later sung with different stress.

Refrain is the climax of song. So here, normally lyrics at the part are

made deeper meaning.

Lars stated that lyrics are sung and that the meaning of the

words is set in relation to the musical meaning of their vocal

embodiment and, if applicable, musical accompaniment.77 Rob Diaz

stated that “lyric text is a kinetic text system that visualizes intonation

in lyrics using visual variables such as font size, color, vertical

positioning, and motion”.78 Song lyrics are sung according to the

situation or the message what will be conveyed whether it is a sense of

happiness, sadness, spirit, etc. Text lyrics are usually mentioned with

the above mentioned things. In this case, the lyrics are sung so that the

listener will focus more on the pronunciation and the passion of the

singer. But it is because researcher will analyze the lyric of the song, so

that theory is used by researcher is just focus to analyze the lyrics of the

song that form the text. Writing the lyrics of a well-done song will

make researcher easier in conducting the analysis.

The song lyric is essentially a language in its formulation which

is not separated from the rules of music such as the rhythm, melody and

77 Lars Eckstein, Reading Song Lyrics (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010), 67. 78 Rob Diaz-Marino, Sheelagh Carpendale, dan Saul Greenberg, “LyricText: An Animated Display of Song Lyrics” (Department of Computer Science University of Calgary, 2005), 1. 42

harmony of the song.79 Song lyrics have many of elements therein.

Song lyrics can be sung along with the rhythm, melody and harmony

that were created by the singer. The lyrics of song can be sung

beautifully if something can be carried out simultaneously.

Then, Lars Ecktein added that :“song lyrics is language in

specific situations of performance, and their meaning is affected by

generic conventions which shape the lyrical register and performance

arena with regard to communicative, social, ideological, economic and

juridical conventions”.80 The meaning of the song lyrics can be

conveyed when the feel it gets in accordance with the situation that is

created. Awe in Kondoahi explained that figure of language can be a

vocal game, a language style or a deviation of the word meaning and

strengthened by the use of music melodies and notation adapted to the

lyrics of the song so that listeners get carried away with what is thought

by the author.81 Language or diction in the lyrics can also function as a

tool to convey its contents from the author to listeners.

The five song lyrics that is taken by researcher is in Wherever

You Are Album was released in 2010. Wherever you are album has 15

singles. Its are Wherever You Are, Salaam, Without You, You came to

79 Suharto dan Edi Subroto, “The Equivalence Of Translated Songs Lyrics and thei reffects : The case of translate decclesial Songs,” Harmonia Vol. 14, no. 2, 2014, 131., https://doi.org/10.15294/harmonia.v14i2.3294. 80 Lars Eckstein, Reading Song Lyrics, 67. 81 Chrestavius Kondoahi, “Analisis Semiotika Pragmatik Lirik Lagu Krisis Kepercayaan Dan Republik Sulap (Study Pada Komunitas Punk Street Di Manado),” Journal Acta Diurna Vol 2, no. 4, 2013, 5. 43

me (English version), Give the young a chance, Trials of life, Worry

Ends, Fragile World, In Every Tear He is There, Make me Strong, No

Word is Worthy, Healing, You came to me (Arab Version), You came

to me (Turkey Version), and You came to me (Persia Version).82

Researcher takes five song that are Wherever You are, Salaam, Trials of

Life, Fragile World, and Make me strong. The songs there are still of

elements religious, life and humanity.

E. Moral and Educational Values of Sami Yusuf’s Song Lyrics

1. Moral Value of Sami Yusuf‟s Song Lyrics

Cung Ho explained that song lyrics includes of several value,

especially how someone acted in the family and society. The value that

making person has moral are also expressed in the lyrics.83 The meaning

of it is moral value makes a person to behave well with others. Good

attitudes is governed by moral value. As mentioned above, moral value

can be expressed through Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics.

2. Educational Value of Sami Yusuf‟s Song Lyrics

Shaonian in Wai Chung Ho explained that education has

important role in make personal value in the learning process. In give

encouraged it, educational values are usually encouraged through song

lyrics.84 Education has important role in learning process. Education can

82 Elmiyati dan Juanda, “An Analysis of Figurative Language in Sami Yusuf Songs on Wherever You Are Album,” 2. 83 Wai Chung Ho, School Music Education and Social Change in Mainland China (Boston: Brill, 2011), 115 84 Ibid., 54 44

give learning like value. In support of educational value, the lyrics of song usually have values inside like in Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics.




This was the first phase in analyzing the song lyrics, in order to

simplify the lyrics to be easily identified. Additionally, the phase answered the

problem formulation. The song lyrics was collected from the internet, then also

have been analyzed and classified into each indicator that suitable at the

meaning of each lyrics.

Researcher gave the clues for coding the lyrics, for example, the first

line was marked by L1 (line one), then the second line is L2 (line two) and so

on. The researcher also provided coding for each song title such as Wherever

You Are (WYA), Salam (Sa), Fragile World (FW), Trials of Life (ToL), and

Make me Strong (Mms).

So, the researcher provided code in each lyric that was considered to

have a value like „WYA.L1‟ which means in Wherever You Are song on the

first line, or „ToL.L3&L4‟ which means in the song Trial of Life the third and

fourth lines, or Sa.L5-L7 which means in the song Salaam at the fifth to

seventh lines.


1. Moral and Educational Values that was found in Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics

Before analyzing, this phase was done to show the finding of song

lyrics that containing moral or educational values. The data has been

displayed in the table to make it easier to see as below:

Table 1 Data Coding Result of Moral Value in

Sami Yusuf‟s Song Lyrics

Indicators of Avai Distribution

Moral Value Labi Data ∑Data Perce

Lity Coding Lyrics Findings ntage

First Justice  Sa.L14 Where we put aside our 1 3%

Group differences

Courag WYA. To see Your smile 4 13%

e L16 & I would pass every trial


ToL. Trials of life upon me

L20-L22 Are more precious than

diamonds and gold

Tested with fire I may be

FW. Need to get something of

L7&L8 my mind

Don‟t let this silence be

misunderstood 47

MmS. But this waiting comes with

L4&L5 Trials and challenges

Self  ToL. Cause I don‟t need anyone 2 6%

Control L13-L19 Nor anything in life

But You

No I don‟t need anyone

To show me my way

No I don‟t need anyone

But You

FW.L6 But my mind says: “Don‟t be

a fool”

Secon Truthfu  WYA. Everything fell apart 6 19% d l L3&L4 Moment I strayed from You

Group ness WYA. Cause you're the one my

and L14&L1 heart is to

Uprigh 5 I need You

t FW.L4& A pain I‟ve never felt before

ness L5 My heart says: “Just speak

the truth”

FW.L12 I don‟t know where I‟m

&L13 destined to be

Rich or poor, famous, loved

or lonely 48

FW.L22 Cheat and lie, have it your

&L23 way

But you can‟t cheat death, no


MmS. Nothing in life is free


Trustw  WYA. Wherever you be, I'll be with 3 9% orthine L13 You ss and WYA. Desperately I await

Fidelit L18& The day when I'm by Your y L19 side

WYA.L Wherever you may be

21&L22 I'll follow till I see

Trust  WYA. In every your smile 12 38% and L5-L8 In every single sigh

Faith Every minute detail

Traces of you are found there

WYA. In every single smile

L25-L28 Every single sigh

Every minute detail

Traces of you are there

Sa.L11 I pray for a day

Sa.L16 Just a little faith 49

& L17 To make it a better place

ToL.L4 To doubt you would be the

worst mistake

ToL.L8- I know that You exist

L11 You are the light

That guides me through my

darkest nights

That shows me right from

wrong in life

ToL. But I know I‟ll come out

L23 stronger in this world

FW.L1 I know that I‟m not alone

FW.L10 But I know Your light will

protect me

FW.L14 But I know, without Your

&L15 light I‟ll never cope

In this fragile world

MmS. I know I'm waiting

L1&L3 Waiting for something

Something to happen to me 50

MmS. My Lord show me right from

L13-16 wrong

Give me light make me strong

I know the road is long

Make me strong

Modest  ToL. Cause I don‟t need anyone 2 6%

y, L13& Nor anything in life

Human L19 But You

ist, and No I don‟t need anyone

Aloofn To show me my way

ess No I don‟t need anyone

But You

MmS.L12 Help me find my way

Third Love  Sa.L8 & We‟re here for a day or two… 2 6%

Group of The L9 Let me show my way…

Remot ToL.26- I‟d gladly sacrifice

e ToL.31 If that‟s what You decree

I would break and

Mourn in eternity

Perish into the sea

If that‟s what You want for


∑All Data 32 100% 51

Table 2 Data Coding Result of Educational Value

in Sami Yusuf‟s Song Lyrics

Indicators of Avai Distribution Perc

Educational Lab Data ∑Data enta

Values ility Coding Lyrics Findings ge

Values Honesty  WYA. Everything fell apart 6 19% of L3&L4 Moment I strayed from

Being You

WYA. Cause you're the one

L14&L my heart is to

15 I need You

FW.L4 A pain I‟ve never felt

&L5 before

My heart says: “Just

speak the truth”

FW.L1 I don‟t know where I‟m

2&L13 destined to be

Rich or poor, famous,

loved or lonely

FW. Cheat and lie, have it your

L22&L way

23 But you can‟t cheat death, 52

no way

MmS.L6 Nothing in life is free

Courage  WYA. To see Your smile 4 13%

L16&L17 I would pass every trial

ToL. Trials of life upon me

L20- Are more precious than

L22 diamonds and gold

Tested with fire I may be

FW.L7 Need to get something off

&L8 my mind

Don‟t let this silence be


MmS.L But this waiting comes

4&L5 with

Trials and challenges

Peace  WYA. My best times 1 3%

L1&L2 When I felt close to


Self-  WYA. Wherever You are, I'll 4 13% reliance L9 find You and WYA. Wherever You may be

Potential L29 & I will search till we meet 53


ToL. But I know I‟ll come out

L23 stronger in this world

MmS. Something known only to

L23 me

Self  ToL.L1 Cause I don‟t need 3 9%

Discipline 3-L15 anyone

& Nor anything in life

Moderatio But You

n FW.L6 But my mind says:

“Don‟t be a fool”

MmS. Help me find my way


Loyalty &  WYA. Wherever You be, I'll 3 9%

Valu Depend L13 be with You es of ability WAY. Desperately I await

Givi L18&L The day when I'm by ng 19 Your side

WYA. Wherever You may be

L21& I'll follow till I see

L23 In my heart You will be


Respect  ToL. If that‟s what You decree 1 3%


Love  Sa.L8 1 3%

& We‟re here for a day or

L9 two…

Let me show my way…

Sensitive  ToL. My life is not the same 4 13%

& L1&L2 When I‟m too concerned

Unselfishn by what they say ess ToL.L3 Why should I? When I

have You

MmS.L18 I feel that I've lost touch

Sa.L11- I pray for a day

L13 When there‟ll be

Kindness  Sa.L11- Justice and unity 2 6% and L13

Friendline Sa.L8 We‟re here for a day or ss two…

Justice and  Sa.L14 Where we put aside our 3 9%

Mercy differences

MmS. That on that day You'll

L29 forgive me 55

MmS.L I beg for Your mercy


∑All Data 32 100

2. Explaining about Moral and Educational Values which are represented

in Sami Yusuf’s Song Lyrics

In this part, the result of data was found, analyzed and has a

presentation of its meaning. The objective of this research is to explain

about representation of moral and educational values in Sami Yusuf‟s song

lyrics. The moral value which is represented in Song Lyrics of Sami Yusuf

album as follows:

a. Justice

Justice is a condition given to the same people and matches what

is needed. Justice also does not make different to others. Justice that is

represented in song lyrics is like below:

1) Sa. L14 (Where we put aside our differences). The lyrics can be

represented of justice because in this lyrics explain about a hope

which is the world without discrimination to anyone; a world is

appreciating every difference of people.

b. Courage

Courage is a condition which who brave to surface of risk or

everything. The courage value that is represented in song lyrics are like

below: 56

1) WYA.L16&L17 (To see your smile, I would pass every trial. The

lyrics can be represented of courage because the lyrics directly

describe that a singer who dares to fight and pass many risks for a


2) ToL.L20-L22 (Trials of life upon me, Are more precious than

diamonds and gold, Tested with fire I may be) The lyrics directly

represent that singer bravely faced of everything challenge and trial

and also make a solution from that. The challenge can be life learning.

3) FW.L7&L8 (Need to get something off my mind? Don‟t let this silence

be misunderstood). The lyrics indirectly represente about the value of

courage because one of characteristics courage bravely speak although

just a statement or anything. The important way of it is in right thing.

4) MmS.L4&L5 (But this waiting comes with, Trials and challenges)

The lyrics can be represented of courage because indirectly represent

that even if much test, singer keeps to waiting and fighting for the

anything. c. Self-control

Self control means referring to the attitude of a person who is able

to control and keep self either out of desire or others who do not suitable

with kindness. The value of self-control that is represented in song lyrics

are like below:

1) ToL.L13-L19 (Cause I don‟t need anyone, Nor anything in life, but

You, No I don‟t need anyone, to show me my way, No I don‟t need 57

anyone, But You) The word of „don‟t‟ indirectly represents about self

control. Something bad could have been influenced from an external

such as an environment or a friend. Therefore, singer limits himself

and chooses which one would otherwise be able to make him a better

person. The way limit himself is a way of protection or care from self.

2) FW.L6 (But my mind says: “Don‟t be a fool”). The word of lyric

„don‟t' it directly expresses about the singer control. The lyrics

represent about singer hold everything that didn't have to do even if

just a suggestion or direction. d. Truthfulness & Uprightness

Truthfulness and uprightness are dualities that are both have

connection. Truthfulness is a real thing and according to existing or fact.

While the person who uprightness means that is said to be in the form of

truth. The values of truthfulness & uprightness that are represented in

song lyrics are like below:

1) WYA.L3&L4 (Everything fell Apart, Moment when I strayed from

you). The lyrics mean that singer feel far from God when singer does

not follow the right way. Singer has a bad condition. The singer who

was honestly tell about the condition.

2) WYA.L8 (Traces of You are found there). The word of lyrics „found

there‟ express about the fact of God that really exist although there is

nothing can see God. 58

3) WYA.L14&L15 (Cause you're the one my heart is to, I need You).

The lyrics explain about honesty of singer who says and realizes his

limitation. Singer realizes when without a right direction, singer will

cross the line. Singer speaks about the condition because the condition

is the fact that will be happen.

4) FW.L4&L5 (A pain I‟ve never felt before, My heart says: „just speak

the truth‟) The lyrics „speak the trust‟ directly represent about

uprightness. The lyrics explain that singer honestly speak up about

anything (truth happen). The anything truth is the pains condition that

singer never feel. The condition can be honesty because the one of

characteristic honesty is speaking about truth.

5) FW.L12&L13 (I don‟t know where I‟m destined to be Rich or poor,

famous, loved or lonely.) The lyrics are directly represented as

truthfulness and uprightness. The lyrics explain that singer tells about

the fact which does not know about his future condition, even the truth

will no one know one's destiny.

6) FW.L22 &L23 (Cheat and lie, have it your way, But you can‟t cheat

death, no way). The lyrics can be represented as truthfulness and

uprightness because the lyrics honestly expressed about truth that

death will surely come and no one can escape from it.

7) MmS.L6 (Nothing in life is free). Lyric is indirectly represented as

truthfulness. The lyrics indirectly explain about anything that has to 59

attempt first or barter. The lyrics are true because the condition that

happen and relate in activity. e. Trustworthiness & Fidelity

Trustworthiness is a talk or wish that is proven by deeds and then

fidelity is the condition of a person who is able to keep all things such as

promise, act, and beliefs. The values of trustworthiness & fidelity that are

represented in song lyrics are like below:

1) WYA.L13 (Wherever you be, I'll be with you). The lyrics directly

represent about these value. The values can be seen by words of

„wherever‟ and 'I'll be with you'. The words explain about singer will

be always together and keep the words in actual deeds.

2) WYA.L18&L19 (Desperately I await, The day when I‟m by your side)

The word „await‟ directly show that singer has fidelity and loyalty.

These lyrics express about singer who always waiting of God even

singer did not know what he will get then.

3) WYA.L21&L22 (Wherever you may be, I'll follow till I see). The

lyrics can be represented of loyalty because the lyrics directly explain

about a singer loyalty will always exist and always follow wherever

and whenever even that loyalty embedded in the singer's heart. f. Trust & Faith

Trust & Faith both are similar. However, trust believes to human,

while faith believes to God and has been attached to the heart. The values

of trust & faith that are represented in song lyrics are like below: 60

1) WYA.L5-L8 (In every your smile, In every single sigh, Every minute

detail, Traces of you are found there). The lyrics can be represented of

trust and faith because the lyrics represent about singer believes that

get to know that God is exist and always beside him.

2) WYA.L25-L28 (In every single smile, Every single sigh, Every minute

detail, Traces of you are there). The lyrics can be represented because

the lyrics have meaning that the singer believes of God will always to

be with singer.

3) Sa.L11 (I pray for a day). The lyrics can be represented as faith

because the lyrics represent to keep the trust in God and always pray

for the expected will be happen then.

4) Sa.L16&L17 (Just a little faith, To make it a better place). The lyrics

can be represented as faith because singer realizes that without

guidance from God he cannot cope on his own.

5) ToL.L4 (To doubt You would be the worst mistake). The lyrics

represent that singer tells about the condition that not better when

doubt and it make distance so far from God.

6) ToL.L8-L11 (I know that You exist, You are the light, That guides me

through my darkest nights, That shows me right from wrong in life).

The lyrics can be represented of trust and faith because the lyrics

directly speak about God and believe about learning that will become

more good people. 61

7) ToL.L23 (But I know I‟ll come out stronger in this world). The lyrics

explain about belief of singer that can overcome and find solutions to

all the trials given so that singer can learn to make solution of the


8) FW.L1 (I know that I‟m not alone). The lyrics can be represented of

trust because the lyrics directly express about belief of singer are

surrounded by others who have always supported to do positive


9) FW.L10 (But I know Your light will protect me). The lyrics of 'Your

light will protect me' explain that singer believes to God who always

leads him in the right direction and provides protection from danger.

10) FW.L14&L15 (But I know, without your light I‟ll never cope). The

lyrics can be represented as trust & faith because the lyrics explain

about singer is humble and realizes that without guidance from God,

singer cannot cope on his own.

11) MmS.L1-L3 (I know I'm waiting, Waiting for something,

something to happen to me). The lyrics can be represented of trust

because the lyric of 'I know' shows that singer believes to wait for

good reward come to him.

12) MmS.L13&L16 (My Lord show me right from wrong, Give me

light make me strong, I know the road is long, Make me strong). The

lyrics can be represented of trust and faith because the lyrics clearly

explain about singer who always believes in God. 62

g. Modesty, Humility & Aloofness

Modesty realizes everything as it is. Humility is a kind to human.

While Aloofness is keeping its distance with a specific goal (a good

goal). The values of modesty, humility & aloofness that are represented

in song lyrics are like below:

1) ToL.L13&L19 (Cause I don‟t need anyone, Nor anything in life, but

You, No I don‟t need anyone, to show me my way, No I don‟t need

anyone, But You). The lyrics are represented about these value. The

word of „I don‟t need anyone or anything‟ indirectly represent of

aloofness because singer choose a way to avoid the world and person

and keeping distance to them the aim to getting closer to God.

Something bad could have been influenced from an external such as

an environment or a friend.

2) MmS.L12 (Help me find my way) this lyrics indirectly represent about

modesty and humility because singer doesn't arrogant and approval a

helping of others in make good things. h. Love of the remote

Love of the remote is similar with unconditional love which is

characterized by being able to sacrifice everything. The values of love of

the remote that is represented in song lyrics are like below:

1) Sa. L8&L9 (We‟re here for a day or two, Let me show my way) The

Lyrics explain that afterwards the singer continues to sincerely give

his best to the intended person. The person was helped before, so 63

become a special person. It can be seen from a singer who always

cares and selflessly invites others to follow a better way than before.

Singer want to help without expecting a reward like money, singer

sincerely did that.

2) ToL.L26-L31 (I‟d gladly sacrifice, If that‟s what you decree, I would

break and, Mourn in eternity, Perish into the sea, If that‟s what you

want for me) This is called real love where singer is able to sacrifice

everything even himself. It is nothing but infinite love.

At the same time, researcher explained about the educational Value which is represented in Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics are: a. Honesty

Honesty is telling the truth without change the point. The point is

based on the fact. The value of honesty that is represented in song lyrics

are like below:

1) WYA.L3&L4 (Everything fell apart, Moment I strayed from you). The

lyrics explain that the singer has a bad condition. The condition

because singer is far from God. The singer who is honestly tell about


2) WYA.L14&L15 (Cause you're the one my heart is to, I need You) The

lyrics describe the honesty of singer who says and realizes that

without God, singer will cross the line. Singer speaks about that

because that is the fact. 64

3) FW.L4&L5 (A pain I‟ve never felt before, My heart says: “Just speak

the truth”) The lyrics directly represent about honesty. The value can

be seen by the words „just speak the truth‟. Singer honestly speaks

about anything (truth happens). The truth is singer feeling of pain.

4) FW.L12&L13 (I don‟t know where I‟m destined to be, Rich or poor,

famous, loved or lonely) The lyrics directly represent about singer tell

about the fact which does not know about his future condition, even

the truth will no one know one's destiny.

5) FW.L22&L23(Cheat and lie, have it your way, But you can‟t cheat

death, no way). The lyrics directly represent of honesty. The value can

be explain by singer tells the fact about death that will surely come

and no one can escape from it.

6) MmS.L6 (Nothing in life is free). The lyrics indirectly explain about

anything that has to attempt first like can be trough money, effort, or

barter. The lyrics are true because it happen in our daily activity. b. Courage

Courage is a situation where one dares to face the difficult thing

like follow the truth and right, express of statement (agree or disagree),

etc. The courage value that is represented in song lyrics are like below:

1) WYA.L16&L17 (To see your smile, I would pass every trial. The

lyrics can be represented of courage because the lyrics directly

describe that a singer who dares to fight and pass many risks for a

purpose. 65

2) ToL.L20-L22 (Trials of life upon me, Are more precious than

diamonds and gold, Tested with fire I may be) The lyrics directly

represent that singer bravely faced of everything challenge and trial

and also make a solution from that. The challenge can be life learning.

3) FW.L7&L8 (Need to get something off my mind? Don‟t let this silence

be misunderstood). The lyrics indirectly represent about the value of

courage because one of characteristics courage bravely speak although

just a statement or anything. The important way of it is in right thing.

4) MmS.L4&L5 (But this waiting comes with, Trials and challenges)

The lyrics can be represented of courage because indirectly represent

that even if much test, singer keeps to waiting and fighting for the

anything. c. Peace

Peace is feeling good condition through recover mood and

condition. The peace value that is represented in song lyrics is like


1) WYA.L1&L2 (My best times, When I felt close to you). The lyrics can

be represented of peace because the lyrics „best times‟ indirectly

explain about when singer felt close to God, the singer feels better

without worry about anything.


d. Self-reliance & Potential

Self-reliance has confidence to be able to do a job. Potential is an

ability possessed by a person. The self reliance & potential values that

are represented in song lyrics are like below:

1) WYA.L9 (Wherever You are, I‟ll find you). The lyrics of song directly

represent about self-reliance & potential. In these lyrics „I‟ll find you‟

explain about a sense of his confident to find God who direct singer to

always in right thing and way.

2) WYA. L29&L30 (Wherever you may be, I will search till we meet).

The lyrics explain about the confidence of a singer who is aware of his

abilities and has a determination to find God.

3) ToL.L23 (But I know I‟ll come out stronger in this world). The lyrics

explain that singer believes through the abilities, singer can overcome

and find solutions to all the trials given so that she can learn from the

problem. The words of „I‟ll come out stronger‟ it represented about

the singer self-reliance of potential. Singer believes that can pass the

trial and challenge that was given.

4) MmS.L23 (Something known only to me). The lyrics indirectly

represent of self-reliance because the feeling of singer who believes

that just singer who know about what happen is. e. Self Discipline & Moderation

Self discipline is person that knows the limits of self.

Moderation is act like normally (not over) in speaking, eating, exercising, 67

and doing something else. The self-discipline & moderation values that

are represented in song lyrics are like below:

1) ToL.L13-L19 (Cause I don‟t need anyone, Nor anything in My life,

But You, No I don‟t need anyone, To show me my way, No I don‟t

need anyone, But You) The lyrics are represented about these value.

The word of „I don‟t need anyone or anything‟ indirectly represented

of self-discipline. Something bad could have been influenced from an

external such as an environment or a friend. Therefore, singer limits

himself and chooses which one would otherwise be able to make him

a better person. The way to limit by self is a way of protection or care

to singer individuality.

2) FW.L6 (But My mind says:‟Don‟t be a fool‟. The words of lyrics

„don‟t' it directly represents that singer control. The lyrics explain that

singer hold everything that didn't have to do even if it was just in a

form of suggestion or direction.

3) MmS.L12 (Help me find my way). This lyrics indirectly represent that

singer doesn't arrogant and admits that need a helping of others in

make good things. f. Loyalty & Dependability

Loyalty is almost the same as fidelity. Dependability is similar

with trustworthiness. The loyalty and dependability values that are

represented in song lyrics are like below: 68

1) WYA.L13 (Wherever you be, I'll be with you). The lyrics directly

represented of the values. The value can be seen by lyrics „wherever‟

and 'I'll be with you'. The lyrics explain that singer will be always

together and keep the words in actual deeds.

2) WYA.L18&L19 (Desperately I await, The day when I‟m by your side)

The word „await‟ directly shows that singer has loyalty. These lyrics

express about the singer who always waiting of God even singer does

not know what singer will get then.

3) WYA. L21&L22 (Wherever you may be, I'll follow till I see). The

lyrics „wherever‟ and „I‟ll follow‟ is directly represented as loyalty.

The value will always exist, and singer always follows wherever and

whenever even that loyalty is already embedded in the singer's heart. g. Respect

Characteristics of respect are treat with good manner to others

like parents, elder, nature, or statement. The respect value that is

represented in song lyrics is like below:

1) ToL.L27 (If that‟s what you decree). The lyrics can be represented of

respect because indirectly singer going ahead to other person to make

decision. The value is represented by the word of lyrics 'what you

decree'. The lyrics make singer respectful and obedient to the

commandments aimed at singer.


h. Love

Love is a deeper love than affection. The characteristic is caring.

The singer value that is represented in song lyrics is like below:

1) Sa.L8&L9 (We‟re here for a day or two, Let me show my way). The

lyrics explain about singer continues to sincerely give the best effort

to the intended person. The person was helped before, so become a

special person. It can be seen from a singer who always cares and

selflessly invites others to follow a better way than before. Singer

wants to help without expecting an reward like money or anything

else. i. Sensitive & Unselfishness

One of the sensitive characteristics is to think too much about

self, while not-selfishness tries not to outsize itself and think others. The

sensitive & unselfishness values that are represented in song lyrics are

like below:

1) Sa.L12&L13 (When there‟ll be, Justice and unity). The lyrics

indirectly represent about value of unselfishness. These lyrics have

explanation about a hoping of singer that the world will be better

without any problem. Lyrics represent unselfishness because singer

not only prays for himself but also prays for the welfare of the


2) ToL.L1&L2 (My life is not same, when I‟m too concerned by what

they say). The Lyrics can be represented of sensitive because the lyrics 70

indirectly express about singer who too sensitive and too concerned

about what others say so that has effect to self.

3) ToL.L3 (Why should I? When I too concerned by what they say) The

word of „I‟ in the lyrics that repeated indirectly explain about singer

feels too focused on self, so singer just goes back to being a constant

topic to self.

4) MmS.L18 (I feel that I‟ve lost touch) the repeat word of 'I' indicates

that singer centers and thinks about the self individuality, when the

condition is not good and lost the direction. j. Kindness & Friendliness

Kind & friendly does good anything to younger and weaker

others. Friendliness is ability to make and keep friends. The kindness &

friendliness values that are represented in song lyrics are like below:

1) Sa.L8 (We‟re here for a day or two). The lyrics of 'we're here' directly

explain about singer has the value of kindness by helping and

accompanying people who need help.

2) Sa.L12&L13 (When there‟ll be, Justice and unity). The lyrics

indirectly represent values of kindness. The lyrics have explanation

about a hoping from singer that the world will be better without any

problem. It shown kindness because singer have a motivation to help

other without a direction or enforcement.


k. Justice & Mercy

Justice are the same conditions and do not discriminate to

everyone. Mercy is forgiveness. The justice & mercy values that are

represented in song lyrics are like below:

1) Sa.L14 (Where we put aside our differences). The lyrics of

‟differences‟ represent about justice. The lyrics explain about a

singer‟s hope which is the world without discrimination to anyone. A

world appreciates every difference of people.

2) MmS.L29 (That on that day You‟ll forgive me). The word lyrics of

„forgive‟ directly represent of mercy. The lyrics explain about singer

has an expectation to no longer feel sinful and return to the right way.

3) MmS.L32 (I beg for Your mercy). The word lyrics „Your mercy‟

directly represent of mercy. The lyrics explain about singer is

expecting to no longer feel sinful and return to the right way.

3. Analyzing of moral and educational values that found in song lyrics of Sami


a. Analyzing of Moral Value that was found in Sami Yusuf song lyrics

The results showed that researcher found about thirty two of

moral value contained in the song lyrics. With the following percentages: 72

Figure 3 Chart of Number Moral Value in Justice Sami Yusuf's song lyrics Courage 3% 6% self-control 6% 13% Truthfulness & Uprightness 6% Trustworthiness & Fidelity

38% 19% Trust & Faith Modesty, Humanist, & 9% Aloofness Love of the Remote

Based on the chart above, the highest percentage of moral value is

trust & faith with 12 times with a percentage of 38%. Then successively

from second place to last, truthfulness& uprightness which is found 6 times,

which has percentage of 19%. After that, there is courage which is found 4

times, which has percentage of 13%. Then, trustworthiness is found 3 times,

which has percentage of 9%. Next, 2 times is found which has percentage of

6% namely are self-control, modesty, humility & aloofnesss, and love of the

remote. The lowest percentage is justice which is only found once which has

percentage of 3%. The average that is found of moral value in the song

lyrics are two times. b. Analyzing of Moral Value that was found in Song Lyrics of Sami Yusuf

The results also showed that researcher found as many as thirty two of types educational values contained in song lyrics. With the following percentages: 73

Figure 4 Honesty Chart of Number Educational Value in Courage Sami Yusuf's Song Lyrics Peace Self-reliance & Potential 6% 9% Self-discipline & moderation 19% Loyalty & Dependability 13% Respect 13% Love 3% Sensitive & Unselfishness 3% 9% 13% 3% 9% Kindness & Friendliness Justice & Mercy

Based on the chart above, the highest percentage of educational

value is honesty which is found about 6 times, which has percentage 19%.

After that, the types of values are courage, self-reliance & moderation, and

sensitive & unselfishness which are found 4 times, which has percentage of

13%. Then, the types of values are self-discipline & moderation, loyalty &

dependability, and also justice & mercy which is found about 3 times,

which has percentage of 9%. Next, 2 times is found which has percentage

of 6% that there is kindness & friendliness. The last one, the values which

are only found once are peace, respect, and love, which has percentage of



In the previous chapter, the researcher reveals that not all the type of

moral and educational values is found in the song lyrics of Sami Yusuf song.

Researcher only finds a few types contained in the song lyrics. Moral values

are based on Hartmann that moral values include the three groups. The first 74

group contains justice, wisdom, courage, self control and the Aristotelian virtues. Then, the second group contains brotherly love, truthfulness and uprightness, trustworthiness and fidelity, trust and faith, modesty, humility aloofness, and the values of social intercourse. And the last, the third group contains love of the remote, radiant virtue, personality and personal love.

Whereas the moral values are found in song lyrics are justice, courage, self- control, truthfulness & uprightness, trustworthiness & fidelity, trust & faith, modesty, humility & aloofness, and love of the remote. Furthermore, the educational value is based on Eyre that educational value covers in two kinds.

The kinds of values are values of being and values of giving. In values of being consists honesty, courage, peace, self-reliance and potential, self discipline and moderation, and fidelity & chastity. While in values of giving consists loyalty

& dependability, respect, love, unselfishness & sensitive, kindness and friendliness and last justice and mercy. Whereas the educational values that are found in the song lyrics of Sami Yusuf are honesty, courage, peace, self- reliance & potential, self-discipline & moderation, loyalty & dependability, respect, love, sensitive & unselfishness, kindness & friendliness, and justice & mercy.

After the researcher finds the moral and educational values, researcher explains of its representation. There are eight moral values that are analyzed by researcher, then there are eleven types of educational values that are analyzed by researcher. Here, the researcher gives an explanation about its representation of each value. One of explanation of representation is courage. 75

The courage is action by taking a someone to dare about everything problem, danger, person, etc, and so on.

And here, the researcher gives a percentage about the moral and educational values that are found. The percentage of moral value in the song lyrics as follow:

Table 3 Percentage of Data Finding in Moral Value

No Moral Value Percent No Moral Value Percentage

1 Justice 3% 5 Trustworthiness 9%

& Fidelity

2 Courage 13% 6 Trust & Faith 38%

3 Self-cotrol 6% 7 Modesty, 6%

Humanist &


4 Truthfulness & 19% 8 Love of the 6%

Uprightness remote


And then, the percentage of educational value in Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics as follows:

Table 4 Percentage of Data Finding in Educational Value

No Educational Percent No Educational Percentage

Value Value

1. Honesty 19% 7 Respect 3%

2 Courage 13% 8 Love 3%

3. Peace 3% 9 Sensitive & 13%


4. Self-reliance & 13% 10 Kindness & 6%

potential friendliness

5. Self-discipline 9% 11 Justice & mercy 9%

& moderation

6 Loyalty & 9%


From that tables, we can see that researcher has found some value in the song's lyrics. The finding data is then processed into percentage to determine the most often and seldom found value.



This chapter consists the conclusion of analyzing and discussing the song lyrics in the previous chapter. This chapter also presents the suggestion for the next researcher and others.

A. Conclusion

The song lyrics has been analyzed and discussed based on types or

indicators of moral and educational values. From the results of data analysis,

researcher concluded that:

1. The song lyrics has moral and educational values. The moral value in this

song lyrics deals with justice, courage, self-control, truthfulness &

uprightness, trustworthiness & fidelity, trust and faith, modesty, humility

& aloofness, and love of the remote. At the same time, the educational

value that are found in Sami Yusuf‟s song lyrics deals with honesty,

courage, peace, self-reliance & potential, self-discipline & moderation,

loyalty & dependability, respect, love, sensitive & unselfishness,

kindness & friendliness, and justice & mercy.

2. The moral and educational values are represented by the based on the

representation meaning of each song lyrics. Researcher gets the meaning

of the lyrics, and then make group based on the types or the category by

moral or educational values. The lyrics My heart says: "Just speak the

truth" was classified in the type of moral values that is uprightness and 78

the type of educational value that is honesty because based on the

representation of meaning, the lyrics just speak the truth directly

expresses about one of characteristic honesty and uprightness, that is

speak about truth, and so on.

3. The highest moral value that is found is trust & faith which is 12 times

and percentage of 38%, while the lowest is found justice because is only

found once with a percentage of 3%. Furthermore, in educational value

the highest percentage is 19%, which is honesty as many as 6 times,

while the least rarely are peace, respect, and love that is only found once

with a percentage of 3% each of them.

B. Suggestion

From the conclusion above, the researcher recommended some

suggestions. The following suggestions are:

1. To the Teacher

The song lyrics in Sami Yusuf album can be used as a reference by

teachers as a medium in learning. Teachers do not have to worry because

the songs in this album really have a lot of value that can be used as


2. For next researcher

This research is expected to be a reference and can be helpful for

other researchers who will research with the same topic or type of

research. The researcher also suggests the other researchers to develop a

similar research with different data source and a better research technique. 79

3. For the English Department

English department can be used this research to add the reference

about the moral and educational values and add reference in literature.

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Song Lyrics in Sami Yusuf‟s song

a. Wherever You Are/ WYA

(L1) My best times (L2) When I felt close to you (L3) Everything fell apart (L4) Moment I strayed from you (L5) In every your smile (L6) In every single sigh (L7) Every minute detail (L8) Traces of you are found there (L9) Wherever you are, I'll find you (L10) Cause you're the one I turn to (L11) Wherever You are I‟ll find you (L12) Cause You‟re the one I turn to (L13) Wherever you be, I'll be with you (L14) Cause you're the one my heart is to (L15) I need you (L16) To see your smile (L17) I would pass every trial (L18) Desperately I await (L19) The day when I'm by your side (L20) Wherever you are, I'll find you (L21) Wherever you may be (L22) I'll follow till I see 85

(L23) In my heart you will be (L24) Your love is all I need (L25) In every single smile (L26) Every single sigh (L27) Every minute detail (L28) Traces of you are there (L29) Wherever you may be (L30) I will search till we meet (L31) In my heart you will be (L32) Your love is all I need (L33) Wherever you may be b. Salaaam/Sa

(L1) I dream for a day (L2) When there‟ll be (L3) No more misery (L4) When there‟s no more hunger (L5) No need for shelter (L6) Isn‟t there enough to share (L7) Or is that we just don‟t care? (L8) We‟re here for a day or two… (L9) Let me show my way… (L10) Salaamu alaik, Salaamu alaik, Salaamu alaikum (L11) I pray for a day (L12) When there‟ll be (L13) Justice and unity (L14) Where we put aside our differences (L15) Fighting makes no sense 86

(L16) Just a little faith (L17) To make it a better place c. Trials of Life/ToL

(L1) My life is not the same (L2) When I‟m too concerned by what they say (L3) Why should I? When I have you (L4) To doubt you would be the worst mistake (L5) Deep inside I know (L6) That amidst all the darkness (L7) And everything, which makes no sense (L8) I know that you exist (L9) You are the light (L10) That guides me through my darkest nights (L11) That shows me right from wrong in life (L12) In a world that often lies (L13) Cause I don‟t need anyone (L14) Nor anything in life (L15 )But You (L16) No I don‟t need anyone (L17) To show me my way (L18) No I don‟t need anyone (L19) But You (L20) Trials of life upon me (L21) Are more precious than diamonds and gold (L22) Tested with fire I may be (L23) But I know I‟ll come out stronger in this world (L24) I only want the things 87

(L25) You know is best for me (L26) I‟d gladly sacrifice (L27) If that‟s what you decree (L28) I would break and (L29) Mourn in eternity (L30) Perish into the sea (L31) If that‟s what you want for me d. Fragile World/FW

(L1) I know that I‟m not alone (L2) What I‟ve seen, has been seen before (L3) But it hurts just like a thorn (L4) A pain I‟ve never felt before (L5) My heart says: “Just speak the truth” (L6) But my mind says: “Don‟t be a fool” (L7) Need to get something off my mind (L8) Don‟t let this silence be misunderstood (L9) I don‟t know where my heart will take me (L10) But I know your light will protect me (L11) From this fragile world (L12) I don‟t know where I‟m destined to be (L13) Rich or poor, famous, loved or lonely (L14) But I know, without your light I‟ll never cope (L15) In this fragile world (L16) Did you think you can silence me? (L17) With your lies, games and deceit? (L18) You can continue robbing me (L19) But you won‟t rob my dignity 88

(L20) I know that life is just a game (L21) An illusion that will fade (L22) Cheat and lie, have it your way (L23) But you can‟t cheat death, no way e. Make Me Strong/MmS (L1) I know I'm waiting (L2) Waiting for something (L3) Something to happen to me (L4) But this waiting comes with (L5) Trials and challenges (L6) Nothing in life is free (L7) I wish that somehow (L8) You'd tell me out aloud (L9) That on that day I'll be ok (L10) But we'll never know cause (L11) That's not the way it works (L12) Help me find my way (L13) My Lord show me right from wrong (L14) Give me light make me strong (L15) I know the road is long (L16) Make me strong (L17) Sometimes it just gets too much (L18) I feel that I've lost touch (L19) I know the road is long (L20) Make me strong (L21) I know I'm waiting (L22) Yearning for something 89

(L23) Something known only to me (L24) This waiting comes with (L25) Trials and challenges (L26) Life is one mystery (L27) I wish that somehow (L28) You'd tell me out aloud (L29) That on that day you'll forgive me (L30) But we'll never know cause (L31) That's not the way it works (L32) I beg for your mercy



Web Page of Song Lyrics

Source : https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/samiyusuf/whereveryouare.html



















Silvia Gestiana was born in Trimulyo, August 3,

1997. She is the only daughter of two children from

the happy family couple Mr. Sugirin and Mrs.

Towiyatin. She was enrolled her study at at SD N 01

Bujungburing in 2004 until 2010. She decided to

continue her study at MTs N Seritanjung Mesuji in

2010 until 2013. After graduating in the Islamic

junior high school, she studied in MAN 1 Mesujion

2013 until 2016.

Since she has been very interested in English, as an result, she made IAIN

Metro as her next step to study in academic year 2016/2017. Being a University of

IAIN Metro, English Education Department.