Michael Gravelle, M.P.P. / , M.P.P. Thunder Bay – Superior North / Thunder Bay - Atikokan

Bethammi Nursing Home to Remain Open Continues to Enhance Care and Services Provided to Residents in LTC Homes

NEWS June 3, 2016

The Ontario government is improving capacity for long-term care in Thunder Bay & Region by ensuring that Bethammi Nursing Home remains open to provide access to high quality health care services in the community.

Construction of the Hogarth Riverview Manor Project is expected to be complete by the end of 2016. The completion of the Hogarth Riverview Manor Project, along with Bethammi remaining open, will improve long-term care capacity in Thunder Bay.

It will also reduce pressure on organizations assisting community members with transitioning to long-term care, including the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and the North West Community Care Access Centre (CCAC).

The province is also announcing that in 2016/17, the government will continue to support the hospital and local organizations by providing transitional funding to ensure the maintenance of key long-term care services, including:

• $4.03 million to the North West CCAC to support clients in the community while they wait for placement in a long-term care home. • $3.89 million in targeted hospital funding to support patients in transitional beds or through nurse-led outreach services.

Ontario continues to enhance the care and services provided to residents in long-term care homes. Investing in long-term care home redevelopment is putting the well-being and safety of our residents first.


“Our government is committed to ensuring that all Ontarians have equal access to high quality health care services, no matter where they live or who they are. It is important to our government to continue supporting access to long-term care for the community in Thunder Bay.” - Hon. Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care

“I am pleased to announce that we will continue supporting long-term care capacity building in Thunder Bay through our investment in the Hogarth Riverview Manor Project and our renewed commitment to supporting Bethammi Nursing Home. Enhancing our long-term care homes is an important component of our plan to put residents first.” - Hon. , Associate Minister of Health and Long-Term Care PRESS RELEASE / COMMUNIQUÉ

Michael Gravelle, M.P.P. / Bill Mauro, M.P.P.

Thunder Bay – Superior North / Thunder Bay - Atikokan

“Today’s announcement continues our government’s investment in health care in Thunder Bay. By keeping Bethammi open and increasing long term care capacity, we are addressing the alternate level of care issues in our community. More seniors and patients will receive timely care in the appropriate setting with the significant benefit of reducing pressure on our acute care beds at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.” - Bill Mauro, MPP Thunder Bay-Atikokan

“Keeping Bethammi open and improving long-term care capacity in Thunder Bay has been a community led effort. I am thrilled that the residents at Bethammi can now rest assured that this long standing and high quality long-term care residence will remain open for years to come. By investing in new long-term care capacity and transitional supports, our government is helping to alleviate the capacity challenges faced by Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and the North West CCAC.” - Michael Gravelle, MPP Thunder Bay-Superior North

"The North West LHIN is very pleased with this announcement. Having additional long-term care beds at Bethammi remain open is a good news story for the people of the City of Thunder Bay and the Northwest region. These additional long- term care spaces will ensure that patient care will continue to be delivered at the right time, in the right place, and by the right provider, across the continuum of care.” - Dan Levesque, North West LHIN Interim Board Chair

"On behalf of St. Joseph's Care Group, we thank the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care for this wonderful announcement, which recognizes the need for more long-term care here in the City of Thunder Bay and in Northwestern Ontario. It is comforting news for the residents of Bethammi Nursing Home, who will now be able to remain in their home." -Tracy Buckler, President and CEO of St. Joseph's Care Group

"At St. Joseph's Care Group, our Mission is to meet the unmet needs of the people of Northwestern Ontario. We know that there is need for long-term care capacity and with this announcement that Bethammi Nursing Home will remain open, we will certainly be able to meet that need." - Linda Pauluik, Chair of St. Joseph's Care Group's Board of Directors

For Media Inquiries

Lindsay Fron James Carleton Office of Bill Mauro, MPP Thunder Bay-Atikokan Office of the Honourable Michael Gravelle (807) 623-9237 (416) 327-1208