

“The Church of Jesus Christ is an organization founded in the world for the sole purpose of of bams helpful. Her membership-is composed, not of these who are perfect, or make any claim to I perfection; but rather of those whoin Weakness and humility, recognize their dependence on a source We wish to announce to our patrons and friends our appointment as dis­ OU can make a photograph with a pin hole outside themselves for strength in'the time of temptation, for courage in the Hour of despondency, for comfort in the hour of mourning, and for release from the bondage of the sins which beset us. Y for a lense. Cheap cameras have small tributor for the VICTOR PHONO­ lenses, with correspondingly small openings—but To all such this church swings wide her-: doors and bids you welcome in the name of the Master GRAPH COMPANY. We will car­ fast enough for snap-shots in a good light. As Helper who bids us to love and to help one another.” ry in stock at all times a complete you get into the better grades, the lenses grow x THEN COME TO CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY. line of VICTROLAS and VICTOR larger. RECORDS. True efficiency requires a lens of fairly long focus that will FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Our prices will be the same as Det­ work with a large opening—a big lens in a big shutter. That’s ♦ the kind you find in the No. 1 Autographic Kodak Special. And Sunday, October 8th: roit or Chicago. with it a shutter that has speed up to 1-300 of a second. Here We earnestly solicit your patron­ is true efficiency with nothing sacrificed to mere littleness, 11:20 a. m.—Sunday-school. age. Our m otto will be, “SERVICE And in every detail of construction and finish this little camera 10 a. m.—“More Than Conquerors.” shows evidence of having come from the factory where workman­ FIRST.” ship has become a habit. 7 p. m.—“The Dangers of Drifting.” BEYER PHARMACY W B O O M B 6*ock South of Pinckney’s Pharmacy THE PEOPLES DRUG STORE. S t o r e p VI- D eo o t Always Open. Free Delivery N. P. L Start Mem­ Former Plymouth Boy Former Plymouth

bership"lip r fjunnaifin...... 11 15 T Heads Big Company Teacher Weds

. The following from the Mason, Mich., Plans were completedi forlor a N. P.P L. 1 The many friends of Lynn W. Van­ Vleet, a former Plymouth boy, and son Ipgham County News will be of interest membership campaign at the Plymouth tj> our readers: Mueller Hotel parlor, Friday evening last. of Mr. and Mrs. Will VanVleet, will be DRUDGERY j A very pretty and simple wedding The members of Plymouth Legion No pleased to know that he has been given N the position of general manager of the solemnized at the home of Mrs. - 1 1 ■ - ~ 965, listened to a talk by the district Ellen Ward, Saturday, Sept. 30, when manager, Cbas. E. Cooper of Dotroltil J ? ell-Co,ora«“ “nd / le! ^ fades to u memory when you banish the hot stove, the ^ ’ * ; A Company at Trinidad, Colorado ./T h e her daughter, Helen, was united in Boilers.. and plaos were made for a membership heavy irons and the many weary steps of the old-fash­ marriage to Wiliis H. Collar, son of campaign to terminate October 24th, as livening Picfeetwire of that city, has the following to say regarding the es­ Mr. and Mrs. Ira Collar, of Vevay. ioned ironing day by using an a climax of which an elaborate ban­ Promptly at 3 o’clock, as Miss Lena quet will be given by the home office at tablishment of the new concern by the ARE STANDARD Isbell Bean Company of Detroit: Drake began the strains of Lohengrin’s the Plymouth Hotel. No places-will be The Isbell Bean company is the wedding march, the bridal couple, un­ Electric Flat Iron sold at the banquet table, but it is to be attended, took their places before a given entirely free to the old and largest concern in the country for Let us figure on heat­ handling beans. It deals in the various a bower of ferns, where Rev. B. F. Fhr- The electric iron makes ironing a light task quickly and new members. Northville members are ber, of the First Presbyterian church £f pleasantly performed. Attach it to the lamp-socket in ing your home and en­ e xpected to join in the banquet, and the Varieties of beans which are grows in all parts of the world. It was mainly Plymouth, performed the impressive the dining room, the porch, any room in which you joy a warm house, national president, George A. Soofct, ring Ceremony, in the presence of im­ from the home office atr Wsvmrly, N. Y., thru the efforts of this concern last have electric service, that’s all. No changing of irons, year that our Pinto beans became so mediate relatives and friends. Master no walking, no scorching of delicate fabrics. Costs will be in attendance as the honorary Harold Ware, nephew of the bride, act­ guest of the evening. Similar affairs well known in the East, and are now in such great demand. ed as ring bearer. only a few cents to.operater have recently been given by local Le­ L. W. VanVleet, who for the past The bride was attired in a Yery pretty gions throughout the state, resulting in Sold on easy monthly installments. Come in and^see. Newhouse 8 Hillman two years has acted as sales manager gown of white net and lace. a splendid increase in membership. The house was tastily decorated with Phone 2H7. The Heating Men. District deputy, Kate L. Murray of for The Isbell Bean company, arrived in the city Saturday from Detroit to act ferns and pink asters. Charlotte, is here to assist in the cam­ Refreshments were served by Misses paign and is stopping at the Plymouth as general manager of the local com­ pany. When interviewed this morning Ruth Grow, Margaret May and Marion Hofei. Charles G. Curtis of Plymouth, Post, cousins of the bride and groom. The Detroit Edison Co. is secretary of the local organization. by a staff reporter Mr. VanVleet said in part: The numerous and beautiful gifts, MAIN STREET, PLYMOUTH. “ We intend to make Trinidad the which consisted of a piano, silver, cut bean center of the West juot as De glass, china, money and linen, show the troit is now the center of the Eastern high esteem in which the bride and The Council in Session bean industry. To do this it is our groom are held. purpose to handle as-forge a majority as The guests from out of town were The counoil met in regular session possible of the beans raised thruout Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kilbourne of Les­ last Monday evening. The special as­ Colorado, New Mexico and Idaho.1 lie; Miss Marguerite Kerns of River sessors were to have mat with the coun­ Rouge; Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Moore cil at this time for the purpose and son Milford and Mr. and Mrs. Roy veiwing special ftsieeecaent roll No, Beyer Will Build Collar and son Durwood of Eaton covering the amount assessed Rapids; Miss Lena Drake of Hillsdale; various property owners in the fine New Garage Miss Anna Lappeus of Detroit; Mr, assessment district for the paving and Mra.-B. F. Farber and the Misses portions df Union and Depot streets. Irene Carn, Genevieve MoClumpha, Bsyer, proprietor of the Bona- Margaret May and Nina Munch oi YOU CAN BE FREE For sorno reason the special assessors fide Garage, has commenced the build­ were- net preset^ aethimp -was done Plymouth, where the bride was for four ing of a fine new garage on the north in tfato matter. A letter from 'Ml. Cox, years a successful teacher. side of his present garage on Main from the irksome task of the engineer, who has charge of the The groom is a graduate of the street. The new building will be con­ keeping a record of your ex-, preliminary work of the psving of these University of Michigah and was as­ structed of cement blocks and will be D O N T Y O U Bfcresm, stated th a t h e w a s b a t in g sistant instructor in chemistry at the penses by opening a check 136x45 feet^The new garage will be diffidulty^n secttiUlrthe sefriote af an University three years. modern in every particular and - will be account with us. engineer to superintend the work, and The young couple will make their N E E D equipped with everything pertaining to gave It as bis opinion that it was rather home in Vevay for some time. - service and convenience. The front if your income or business late in the ssahsirto-start the work at WARM WINTER part of the Building will be devoted to' I is small there is an added this time. However, Mr. Cox said that a salesroom, stock and accessories roods he q$>uld be re ad y w ith in a few d a y s i f reason for doing this. and a ladles* writing room. Back or y New Office Elected .u n d e r w e a r the council decided to go ahead with tfafe w B l be a stora ge room fo r cars, the paving this fall. The elertc w a#in­ Do your banking with us . with a ftoertpaoe Of 4*682. The work At a meeting of the Citizen’s Enter­ structed to Writs Mr. Cox bo meet with room Bfrd'repidr department will be at tainment Course committee held last and let us be your book­ the council a ext Monday sight, when tfae'rear of the building. Mr. Beyer wefek Thursday evening, the following the matter will be taken up again. The keeper. h a s lo n g felt the need o f m ore robm and officers were elected for the ensuing council are aatitsis to finish this paving better' facilities for handling his in­ ya a r: this fall, or at least a part of it. creasing business. H is efforts to give President—Dr. Luther Peck George Wiloox was preserit and re­ So take advantage of the Low Price? we (junto on all -Mk patrons add Plymouth an up-folate Vice Pres.—W. J. Burrows P ly m o u t h quested the council to open up' Elisa­ garage and-tire best poOttfle service, Secretary—C. F. Reebs _our merchandise. beth street from Roe street' to'Eaet’Afcn TrefSdrer— Karl W. Hillmer will be appreciated. Mr. Beyer 'In­ United Savings Arbor street. The aasattmont ha* been tends to use (tie old garage for this wear­ made for this improvement, but the COME Di, LOOT THEM OVER, BE CONVINCED i n g Of ears. B a n k . ° street has never been opened. The Read the ads in the Mail. The mer­ PLYMOUTH,______MICHIGAN. matter was referred to the committee chant who advertises wants your trade. ) street* v flk power to act. FallCoate, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, The Adams street drain which has Wsaas’s Literary (M .been haaging fire with the council for Start Year’s Werir Waists and Millinery some time, oocupied their attention again "Monday evening. This street has been iu a bad stale for some tifeoe The Woman’s Literary Club will in­ on account of the drainage conditions augurate tfeafr yetrY work with the there, and the council have been de­ first meeting ofthe season, at the (home Blue Tip Day S P E C I A L S! sirous of getting the drain relaid, but “ “ C. Leash thfo, Friday after­ h a re se e m in g ly been un a b le to g e t a n y ­ noon, October 6th. program for - Men’s Regular 50c Silk Neckties...... 25c one to do the work. Prof. Hoad, who the year has been given, over to mis- consulted by-the couaaQ re­ oelU taedus subjects add many plaAsabt S a t u r d a y , October 7th Man’s Regular 15c Sox._...... 10c garding m aking this improvement, will arid profitable afternoons fee promised as’ Regular $5.00 Skirts, all wool_____ 53JT5 meet with the coonaS next Monday by the Year Book.. The fedtete of evening with the necessary profile for program for this afternoon reU be an as' Regular $1.00 Waists, aH sizes_____ 45c going ahead with the work. Prof. Hoad Practical Club ttVrk,” by will also have his plans and specifica­ Miss Elisabeth Smith of Drirofe The tions for tiie improvement of the water oCoere of the' Club are aa follows: fpSkirts Made To Measure With Year Own Material system re ad y a t t h is time. President— Mrs. R. B. Cooper ^ X . O O T h e raaneat n f D m Phnmnrtth Mntnr Vine Pres.-M rs. C. H. Bennett ^% P^Pi^|if»lM P.'f


A section of the floor a t tha First children under two yean of age. 402. Preabyterian chnrch of Johnson Oity, The total number a t deaths reported N. Y„ fell in during the dedication cer­ la st m onth w a s SJ522, n d e c re a se . o f emonies, carrying about 290 people -to NUMBER OF AUTOS 126 as compared with July. Dtefe 2lbtetlung tft fur bie the cellar Ijelow, a drop of 18 feet The total number of birth* reported All were hurt. last month arias 7,219, A decrease' a t • e a 64 as compared with July. I m SHOOT FORM Gov. Frank B. Willis, his wife and SETS HEW RECORD 5am ilienglieber, ir>dd?e am Alma.— The freshmen of Alma daughter Helen received Injuries when Would Avenge Soldier's Death. a heavy truck ran into a taxicab in lege won the annual flag rush from tUB 1»*$ OF THE NEWS BOILED El Paso, Tex.— Maj. Sam D. Pepper which they were riding at Delaware, O. Total of 143,550 Registered in of Port Huron, M l 61k, judge- advocate sophomores in less than five mi nates. DOWN TO.LIM IT, liebften Deutfcf? tefen. The sophs were outnumbered two to I • • • State on September 1. general of the Eleventh division sta­ Col. Milan Prlbitcbevitch, who com­ tioned here, has taken charge of tbs one. manded the fighting rear guard that work of gathering evidence from sol­ Lansing.— George S. Brown of Owoa- ARRANGED FOR BUSY PEOPLE saved a remnant of the Serbian army diers in tile trial of William Sands, so has been reappointed by Governor in its historic retreat last year, arrived EXCEEDS ALL EXPECTATIONS Texas rahger, who kilted SergL Wen Ferris to the state board of barber ex­ at New York on the American liner Blerne, Twenty-third United States In­ ttienn baS nidjt ber gaH toare, barm aminers. Brown was president of tha HM m Covering Meet Important H a^ fantry, in a saloon. miiftte bei gleidjen 93retfen ein briii- board la st “year. F in lan d . Secretary of 8 tate Vaughn Believes panlnga of the World Compiled • • a Major Pepper, hgs taken the state­ f$er Stetpfunb - 2atb in SDeutfd)- Birmingham.— Joseph Rinaldi, 203 That 160,000 Motor Car Owner* Hawthorne street. Highland Park, ar­ la Briefest- and Moat Suoelnct When a piston rod on the engine of ments of fc'dozen soldiers who were lanb. iiber 90 ^fennige foften, todb* Will tfavs Paid the License , &cs amtyfiifdieii rested on a charge of violating the | Form for Quick Consumption. train No. 1281 on Hie Pennsylvania witnesses. Hundreds of soldiers sur- ( r , bet Bjutenbfte ober 11 ent3 pro $funb auf 28 ^ren- record for the state registration of lodged In tbe county JblL killed while working on one of the the Somme line have made an advance tOIiierte unb milttarifdje ©adjDer* Evelyn Arthur See, notorious as the autos. When the licenses were first Sergent Bierne, member of the pro­ ftig ober 7 6eni3 pro $funb rebu* newly laid street cor rails on Straight o a a 8,000-yard front from east of fiaubige fiir bie imiterten ©reffe, former leader of the Absolute Life ordered a year ago the state officials vost guard, charged With maintaining 3iert, unb ber $rei§ fin entfjiilfte avenue. Five hundred volts of elec­ Bancourt 1'Abbaye to the Albert-Ba- in ber SWcio gtorf tribune Dor cult, the expose of which resulted In figured that 150,000 would cover all order among soldiers In the down­ Oerfte Don 40 pfennig ober cnoa 10 tricity passed through M s body. pamne road, according to the state- einigen SBbdjew einei*. Sirtifel IoS, Muskegon.—To be struck a n d In ­ . meet from London. Eancourt l'Abbaye one of the most sensational chapters that would be needed. town district, was one of the most 6ent3 baS $funb puf 30 HSfenntg In Chicago’s criminal history, was re­ Up to September 1, according to fig­ popular enlisted men- on the border. luorin cr imberljotjlen bic (rrfolge ber ober ettDa 7 6ent3 pro v^funb. jured by a chair thrown, across the itself is reported to be In the hands 3eniralmatftte sugibt. street, when an automobile ra n into it, fused an audience by the state parole ures complied by Secretary of State For five months he had been winning 21 He biefe ^rcisrebuftiouen finb «f the British. atoei&'i’iccjsiabren", f0 fdjrcibt vas the experience of Charles Schroe- m e * board at Joliet, HL, when be applied Vaughn, there were 143,550 machines local fame by the samaritan-like man­ auf bie gute ©rute 3uriicf3ufiU)ren. for clemency. der here. The cmill was left near the The victory of General von Falkon- licensed, and he expects that the total ner in which he took care of men who er, „ljat Teutjdjlanb bie ^nbuftrie • • • will reach 160,000 by January 1. The had fallen in with evil company. It 2Iud) fiinbigeh bie Qn» baft •urbing by a fruit seller. hayn over the Roumanians around Don granfreid), ©clgien unb ©olen robftrenb bcji 2Binter3 ber 'J>rei3 fiir Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the September registration will be heavy was on such a mission as this in a dis­ Kalamazoo. — Rather than suffer Hermannstadt, In Transylvania, grows ocrftort unb bie ®d)inaljrt femes ei- ^artoffeln surudgeften roirb unb bie from fears that he might be run over with every new dispatch to Berlin United States Steel corporation, spent owing to the fact that licenses are now reputable saloon that he lost his life. gentlidj afleiu inbetradjt fommenben three weeks In Japan bunting for evi­ given for one-half the original price. einaelneu Stable fdjou bctradjtlidje by an automobile. Isaac Till lie, aged from the front. The Roumanian first Although armed with an automatic ©egner£ arg uerfriippelt." dence of the “yellow peril.” He an­ Of the 143,550 cars registered 10,- at the time Sands drew, Bierne made Summon fiir biefett gtoeef beroiUigt forty, asked to be locked up In the army was shattered. Three thousand Siienn morgen griebeit gefdjloffen nounced in Chicago that he was firmly 196 are commercial cars or trucks and no attempt to use his gun. The flap ftaben. £ te beutfdjc '4?reffe briieft Kaliunazoo Jail. He was accommodat­ prisoners were captured. iDiirbe, fo loiirben £eutfd)lnnbs ga- ed and his sanity will be probed. convinced by his investigation that 133,354 pleasure cars. Of this number of his holster was still fastened when iftre 3 ufricbent)eit mit biefen iUiaft- Japan’s feelings toward the United 309 licenses \vere issued, to nonresi­ his body was picked up. brifen, ^nbuftrie anlagcn, bie8 d)ifts»* Grand Rapids.—Word was received The two-pronged advance of the ualjtnen auS unb teilt mit, baft audj here l)y Mrs. Arthur J. Mitchell of the Russians on Lemberg is again gather­ States are friendly. dents. There were also registered 652 gclegenl)citen etc. in befferer '^ofition ber '^reis> Doit 9iinbfleifd) unb Sialb- m m m manufacturers and dealers; 8,185 mo­ fein roie im Jfuguft 1914. aBbfjrenb drowning of Rev. B. F. Cunningham, ing full headway, and the Austro-Ger- Families Suffer From Delay. fleifd) fefjr balb rebu^iert roerben former pastor of the First United man armies of Prince Leopold of Ba­ Ifrs. Frederick Li Small, wife of a torcycles and 9,787 chauffeurs. A pathetic letter from Mrs. Hurry ©eutfdjlanb feine ^nbuftrie in s43e- wealthy Boston real estate broker, The largest registrations are shown toirb. Brethren church here, and his wife in varia and Archduke Karl have been B. Alrlie to the war department has loegung fcfcen rourbe, uni ben 2Belt- California. Three children, Mary Ellen, poshed back. The Russians have cap­ was murdered Jn the Small summer in the following counties: Wayne, 4,- come all the way down the line of marft ju fiitten, toiirbc granfreid), home at Lake Osslpee, near Mountain Isubelle und Franklin survive. tured more than 4,000 prisoners, says 671 commercial cars; 36,704 pleasure; commanding officers to Capt. David E. 9ieto ?)orf „9lmcrican" befennt bie View, N. H. Small Is under arrest SBelgicn unb s$oIcn itjrcgabrifen auf- Alum.—Many college presidents will Petrograd. Russian gains are admit­ Kent, 843 commercial; 7,328 pleasure; Cleary of the machine gun company pending Investigation. The body was Berrien, 220 commercial; 2,400 pleas­ bauen, fHiafdjincn faufen unb Don USaljrljctt. be in Alma for the inauguration of ted by Berlin. of Detroit. Mr. Alrlie and Horace C. Dome anfangen mujfcn. President Harry Means Crooks Octo­ • • • found after a fire had destroyed the ure; Genesee, 339 commercial; 4,168 Freer are the men whose .approved pe­ home. A rope was around the wom­ 2L'a& bic 2lmerifaner iefct nod) nidjt ber 31 and November 1, including some Despite tfie refusal of the Italians pleasure; Ingham, 358 commercial; 4,- titions for release lay forgotten in the 6 ine SRcnge in englifdjcr Spradje a n 's neck. 363 pleasure; Kalamazoo, 250 com­ flar Derflcljen, if* ber Umftanb, baf* of the best known educators in t M s to agree to an armistice, Austrian • • a trunk of a regimental staff officer for erfdjeineuber geitungeu in Slmerifa, troop* rescued Italians wounded and mercial ; 3.119 pleasure; Lenawee, 99 cin griebe, ber icfci gcjd)lo}ien h>iir- part of the country. Others have more than a month. In the meantime fdjrcibt bas $earflblatt 9t'en> 2)orf made tentative acceptances, including burled in the debris when Monte The widely exploited sympathetic commercial; 3,709 pleasure; Oakland, be, einen grofjen ©ieg fiir £cutfd)- the department order permitting the „2tmerican", Ijaufen tdglid) bie bit- Gov. Woodbridge N. Ferris and Fred CSmone was blown up by Austrian walkout of trades unionists In Greater 279 commercial; 3,933 pleasure; Sag­ release of the men with dependents lanb bebeutete. Tie (Sriinbc babe id) New York in aid of the striking car­ inaw, 325 commercial; 3,526 pleasure; terften 93erleumbungeu unb Sdjina- M. Keeler, superintendent o f public mines, says Vienna. was revoked and these men losl out. eben angegeben unb bas tft and) bie • • • men, which was supposed to have Shiawassee, 52 commercial; 2,197 Ijungen auf unfere beutfeft • anierifa- instruction. New petitions with explanations were Urfadje, rocsbalb £cutfd)lanb fort* All of Europe is “ready for peace," started, has not materialized, accord­ pleasure; St. Joseph, 52 commercial; nifdjen 58iirgcr. 2Sir fdnncn meber Pontiac.—Virgil Elliott of Detroit sent, but the slow-moving machinery trdljrcnb gricben anbietet auf gruitb was convicted of manslaughter In the but Germany wants “only a truce.” ing to the police. The labor leaders 2,133 pleasure; Washtenaw, 226 com­ of the government hasn’t developed ac­ gefunben 2Jienfd)enDcrftanb nod) 'ifJa- This statement was made In London claimed that upward of 110 ,0 0 0 quit mercial ; 3,363 pleasure. ber „europaifd)en Canbfarte." trioti5mu§ in foldjen 2tngriffen fe- circuit court, after a Jury had delib­ w ork. tion either in the affirmative or nega­ erated all night, in the case growing by Lord Robert Cecil, minister of war, The average price of a license runs tive yet. S£eutfd)lanb IDiirbe ju r 3ctt ben Ijen. SSarum follte ber Xeutfcb*2Ime- about $12, although In some of the out of the deatli of J. P. Leukahauf. trade and blockade, in answer to Chan­ In the meantime the families of the ffrieg gemonnen baben, felbft toenn rifancr nidjt ein ebenfo niiftlidjer unb cellor von Bethmann-Hollweg’s speech Sporting counties this average is high, while in eg feinen gufj Sanbes in Selgien, in an auto accident July 2, on the men are the ones who suffer most. guter 2)iirgcr fein, mie ber Slmerifa- Royal Oak roud. The Jury hn d re­ at.the opening of the German relchs- others the average price per car runs granfreid) ober $olen beanfprudjte, tag. John Altken won the Astor cup race In the neighborhood of $15 and $18. ner irlanbifdjer, cnglifdjer, franadfi* turned when court opened and de­ • • • of 250 miles, driving a Peugot car, at Sam’s Luck la Against Him. ba el ben Ginflufe auf ^onftantino- fd)er, italienifdjer ober fauabifdjer clared it could not agree, but w a s se nt Roumanian forces have been repulsed the • Sheepsbead Bay (N. Y.) course, Sam Acker’s luck, seems to be pel, auf ben 2Beg nad) &lein-3lften SIbfunft? back by Judge Smith. at Hermannsstadt, Transylvania, and thereby earning the applause of ap­ Seta Fire Prevention Day. against him. He is the man who has befifct, babei battc e§ nid)t untcr $n- ©egen Ieftterc Sinbcfiricft - 2Interi- Port Huron.—The Detroit Edison the heights south and southwest of proximately 50,000 persons. Altken “State Fire Prevention day” will be been traveling since June 19 in an bafion j$u leiben unb feinc ^nbuftrie faner finbet man in ben genaimten Light company hus asked the city com­ broke the world’s record. His average mission for a franchise to enter the the town have been captured by Aus- held Monday, October 9, the anniver­ effort to join his unit. Company L of ift iiberaCC intaft geblieben. 3 eitungen niemaI6 Slitgriffe fpotti- tro-German troops, says the official for the entire distance was 104.08 sary of the greatl Chicago fire, accord­ Ann Arbor. Acker was in Kansas 9?aturlid)ertt>eife miirben Oefter city with its wires and proposes to miles an hour. Altken’s time was fdjer ober Dcrlcumberifdjer f^atur, statement Issued from Vienna. ing to a proclamation by Governor Fer­ City at the time of the president’s rcicb, ©ulgaricn unb Oerbien and) erect a substation on Military street • • • 2:28:04.02. bagcgcit locrbcit bie Scutfd) • 9Imeri- ris. call, and when the state of Michigan nad) bent S?ricge unter beutfdjer $on- to cost $75,000. if an ordinance to fancr fortgcfeftt Derunglimpft unb that effect Is pussed by the city offi­ Germany will persevere until victory In his proclamation the governor ur­ refused to pay his fare to the mobili­ trolle ftefien, tudbrenb SRwnanten unb Is hers, the reichstag at Berlin was zation camp Acker started hoboing bcfdjimpft. cials. This proposition is separate W ashington gently recommends that residents of ©riecbenlaitb bemfelbcit (Jicflug nidjt -assured by Chancellor von Bethmann- Michigan observe the day by cleaning southward. After three months ha SCatfadjc ift, baft fein Sanb un§ ci- from the powerhouse which the Detroit Hollweg. The chancellor asserted The pension office at Washington an­ learned where his company was sta­ entgeben fbnnten. Xie beutfdje'Sabn nen intefligenteren. flciftigcren, ge* concern proposes to build at Bunco nounced the list of array and navy vet­ up and removing all rubbish, trash and reek. that the harvest this year had made inflammable waste and material from tioned and wired Capt. A. C. Wllsoc IDiirbe unuitterbrodjen Don Hamburg fetjliebenbcrcn, Dortrefflidieren unb Germany's position much more secure erans who will receive an additional their premises, And asks nil newspa­ from Amarillo. Captain Wilson's men bt§ Sagbab Iaufen unb beutfdjcGncr- nuftlidjorcn 3 ulDnd)$ au unferer 2.*iir- 1’ontiuo.—A coroner’s jury In the than was the case last year. pension of $10 a month under a recent case of Frank Miller, victim of a com­ pers, public officials, school teachers raised the money to bring Sara to El gie hmrbe balb Sues erreicben, nad) gerfdjaft gegeben bat, ale* Teulfd)- • • • act of congress by reason of the fact Paso. Sam got here the other day pressed uir joke in the Wilson Foun­ that they are holders of medals of and fire departments and all civic so­ Hegpptcn unb fogar nad) $nbien bin lanb. Tie bcutfdj - amerifauifdjen The British forces have captured and reported to regimental head­ fid) fiiblbar ntadjen. $eutfd)Ianb dry und Machine company’s plant last honor granted for having distinguished cieties and property owners to take an Siirger finb in iljrer groften iDJaffc the greater part of a German redoubt Interest in the observation of the day. quarters. IDiirbe in furjer Beit ebettfo loie auf .veck, exonerated Adam Solomon of north of Thiepval, which overlooks the themselves conspicuously above and einc 6 E)rc fnr bae’ 2 anb ibrer .^cr- criminal Intent in the prank which he He says that the result will be the “F want to report to Company I ban europdifdjen Continent fo ber northern valley of the Ancre, taking beyond _lhe call of duty. for duty,” said Acker. fuuft unb ein ©eroinn fiir ba^ £anb pluyed on Miller. Witnesses said that • • • removal of fire hazards and that there Skberrfdjer ber afrifantfcben $iiften nearly 600 prisoners, according to the “Your company isn’t here," he was ins common for the workmen in will be a corresponding promotion of be§ awittcltanbifcbcn $DZeerc§ fein. iftrer official statement Issued in London. Politics the beauty and sanitation of the state told. ©g ift im ftodiftcn ©rabc nieber* the molding room to nudge each other • • • 3Ba§ 2Kiflfioncn granjofen, fRuffen with the nozzle of the compressed uir In a vigorous denunciation of the and a pronounced influence In lower­ “Lord!’’ exclaimed Acker with bulg­ traefttig unb Deradjtlid) unb burdjauc- Serbian and French dispatches re­ unb Gngldttber jefjt feben, mar ib* and Unit- there had never before Republican party, President Wilson at ing the fire losses and excessive insur­ ing eyes. "Where Is it?” unamerifanifd), biefe adjtbarcn, iu- ceived at London make evident that He sighed with relief when he lien nod) Dor 2 ^abren unbefannt. been any serious results. Long Branch, N. J., told a delegation ance rates that have afflicted the state tefligenteu unb Iopalcn burger 311 the Bulgarians are holding the road learned that Clint was but 20 miles 28a3 bamalS m tr al§ etn £raum er- Ann Arbor.—Five new instructors, to Mopastlr against the advance of the of young Democrats from New York in the past. Derfpotten, 3U Dcrleumbeu unb “An ounce of prevention is worth a from town and that his company was fdjien, ift fefct beinabe £atfad)e. 63 all with extensive practice iu electrical entente allies on the western Macedo­ that "the certain prospect" of Repub­ ©dpndbungcn auf ba« grofte, bcrrli- lican success In November Is that “we ton of fire-fighting apparatus,” the gov­ an outpost there for a few days. tuirb eine bauernbe £atfad)e fein, engineering, have been obtained for n ia n f r o n t dje freie fReicft 3U Ijdufen/bem fie ent- shall be drawn in one form or another ernor remarks. He mentions that 75 menn nidjt ein Sieg iiber £eutfcb- the electrical section of the engineering • • • college of the University of Michigan. into the embroilments, of European per cent of the fires and accidents are Killing Time at Grayling. Ianb errungen tDtrb, ber bie ©runb- ftammen. A n ultimatum to Bulgaria and a Camp Ferris. Grayling. — To the Tie bcutfdj • amerifanifd)en b u r ­ They are 1’. H. Evuns, Frank Zumbro declaration of war to follow it were war." * j 1 due to preventable causes and could lagc feiner ifJIdne aerftort. $odj e§ • • • • 1 easily be avoided by the exercise of Guardsmen here, who have taken ger ftaben fid) unter ben erfdjroercnb* ami Fred Davidson, all graduates from prepared by the Greek cabinet at Ath­ fcauerte 3ebn Safae, um ben napoleo- With bitter Invective and scathing reasonable care and precaution. long hikes, solved all kinds of ften Umftanben, unter ben gcmcinftcu the Michigan Engineering college, and ens, following the decision of King ilifeben £raum ein Snbe 3u rnacben. sarcasm directed at President Wilson, He also quotes statistics showing that war problems and indulged in ma­ unb feigftcn Hngriffcn, Siigeu unb all eomnig here from resimnslble asso­ Constantine to enter the war. Slnjunebmen, baij^cutfdbranb nad) ciation with the Westlnghouse Electric • • • Theadore Roosevelt delivered his “skin 141 persons lost their Uves an* 183 neuvers of most intricate natures, 93erleumbungcn mit ciner tmirbcDoI- ’em alive" speech, to use his expres­ were seriously injured f^om fire acci­ since the president’s call, the delay In Srreidjung foldjer SOorteile, iefct au- & Manufacturing compuny. und G. A Domestic sending them to the border has taken fjerft roidjtige £eile berfelben fteittnl- Ien ©elaffenbeit betrngen, bic ibret* Moore, u graduate of the Carnegie In­ sion of a few weeks ago, and opened dents in the year 1915. The fire losses groften ^8oIfe§ miirbig ift unb bie his stumping tour in the interest of for the first eight months of 1915 were an appearance of "killing time." lig fallen Iaffen IDiirbe, obne jutior stitute of Technology, and George Charles #Eyser, marshal, was shot Although the troops are consistently ibren Ecrlcumbern Sdjrocigcn gebie- Pomeroysa graduate from the Univer­ and Instantly killed in a raid on a the Republicans at Battle Creek, Mich. $159,535,220. which is nearly $50,000,- einem @d)lage, abnlid) nrie er Napo­ • • • drilled dally, they are acquiring noth­ ten follte. Hub roir finb and) Dofl* sity of California. rooming house at Fort Morgan, Colo., 000 larger than for the same period of leon bei SKosfau, bei Ceipaig erreidj- ing now which coulfj' not be attained ftanbig baoon iibcncugt, baft bie Ann Arbor.—While on a visit to rel­ and Mrs. Godfrey Weymer, wife of the President Wilson made It plain at the previous year. te, au§gefefct ju fein, Da3 ift miber- Long Branch, N. J., that he wants no bettor at the border, and there are signs grofte fDZaffe anftdiibiger unb Dcr- atives In Webster township. Rose proprietor received wounds from which of restlessness at tbe Walt, especially finntg. ■ he died. Eyser was seeking violators "disloyal” American to vote for him. niinftiger Hmerifancr biefe 2tngriffe Hunnschlager, twenty-eight years old, Good Roads Workers Meet. when there is no apparent reason for $ te 2THiierten ba&cn auerftfDeutfd)- of the prohibition law. He expressed indignation over a tele­ gegen iftre 2Witbiirgcr beutfefter ?Ib* of Chicago, went on a sudden rampage, • • • gram from Jeremiah A O’Leary of Fifty road commissioners in the low­ it. Ianb bie Srobcrungen biefe£ Sabres hurled soup at the members of the 3 funft nid)t billigt. Racing 800 miles to port when flames New York, president of the Ameri­ er peninsula and several good road Don ber £onau bi§ um ©olbenen family at dinner, chopped doors and were discovered in the hold under­ can Truth society, accusing him of be­ promoters who hold no official posi­ Thinks Pay Must Be Raised. #o rn ab3unebmen. ©obann ba&cn furniture and whipped^ two of her sis­ neath the steerage quarters, the steam­ ing pro-British and saying he had tion met here with State Highway Increased monetary inducements In fie SRotbfranfreid), Selgien unb $o* £cl)ren bed Stricge^. ters and mother. The girl, who was ship Philadelphia of the American line failed to obtain compliance with Amer­ Commissioner Frank Rogers. The state the National Guard and regular United Icn au befrefen. Stn3unebmen, bafe formerly a domestic in Chicago, was arrived at New York with the fire ican rights. The president sent Mr. official explained his plans regarding States army is predicted by Gen. John bie StHiierten bie§ in biefem ober im $er fficltfrieg t>at bie iiberflug recently committed to the home for ■ till smoldering. O'Leary a short telegram which offi­ the federal appropriation passed by the P. Kirk, who said that a higher rate nadbften Sabre erreidjen fonnten, er* ftd) biinfenbe mobernelDienfcbbeit gar feeble minded at Elgin, III. A sister, • . • • cials indicated Mr. Wilson had desired last congress. of pay for the army will be necessary residing in Chicago and about to come fdjeini unDemiinftig. £arum teile S3ielc^ gelcijrt unb niancftcs aite to put In stronger language. Rogers’ plan is to finish the legisla­ if -the conntry remains even fairly here for a visit, had secured permis­ Iceland RJce, one of four bandits • • • id) ben ©Iauben bieler im 2lu§Ianbe, aufter ©ebrputft gcfomntcuc ©ute who robbed the State Bank of Home­ tive trunk lines If possible with fed­ prosperous. sion to bring the girl along. Rose will bafe ber £rieg bis aum Sobre 1918 triebet 3U ©been gebradjt. Ta§ gilt stead. Fla., of 86,000, was shot and Mexican War News eral money. Many gaps in these roads “I w ish we might do what Canada be sent back to Elgin. killed on Chokoloskee island. In Flori­ are caused because the county authori­ has done,” he said. “There enlisted bauem toirb." audb Don ben 9?obrnngsmittelu uub Anu Arbor.—It took a Jury In Justice da, by Rollo Wiggins, a resident. More than a hundred Villa followers ties did not have sufficient funds to men are paid $1.10 a day. Unless ac­ ?fu§ obigen 9fngaben erfeben tnir, cs fei in biefer ^infidjt nur an bae Doty’s court just five minutes to a cq uit were killed, the bandit leader, Baude- complete them. “Upper peninsula road tive service Is assured, there la little toie ein berbtffener 3fHiierter bie ge* „.Qrieg?brot" crinncrt, meEdjcv an- Harry Schwab of selling milk when Ten persons were killed and S3 in­ lio Uribe, was taken prisoner and builders met with Rogers at Marquette Chance tor enlistment as long as men gentodrtige ilriegSlage 3ugunften fdnglitb mit fo groftem Siberftrcben there was a contagious and Infections jured when a Grand Trunk' train, heavy casualties were suffered by Car­ recently and heard his plans. He pro­ are receiving from $2.75 to $4 for com­ ®eutfd)lanb§ beurteilt. SDeutfdflcmb aufgeuommen mutbe, otioobl es an disease in his home. The recent epi­ ranza forces in a fight at Cusibuira- demic of typhoid had been blamed on •outh-bound, crashed Into a crowded poses that the government pay one- mon labor, as they are now.” bat nad) ibm bereitS geftegt; nur bie 9iabrgcbalt bos au® uusgciiebtcm chlc, a mining center near Chihuahua Placing the clothing allowance at 81 the milk Schwab sold to George C u rry crosstown street car at Detroit, Mich. half, the state one-qnarter and the lo­ J^offnung Icbt nod) in ben 3fHiicrten, 'DZeljl bergeftelltc 93rot rreit iiber- City, according to a message received cents a day General Kirk pointed out to deliver to customers in this city, The bodies of the killed were badly cal communities one-quarter. baft fie ben ftentralmadjten burd) tnfft. iBcfaniitlid) feftrei ben bie m angled. by General Trevino at Chihuahua City. that the enlisted man Is better off when Schwab’s duughter was ill in her • • a " • • • than appears at first glance, as board §inau§3tcbung be§ STriegcS ben 6 ieg derate ben iiberbanb nebmenben frii- father’s house with typhoid fever. Rt. Rev. Dr. Huysche Wolcott Yeat- Three American troapers and four Child Paralysis Kills 28. and medical attendance are also in­ rauben fonnten. 6 ’me neue 2Rab* ben iBcrfafl ber 3 abuc bauptfacblid) Schwab contended that he never sold man-Biggs, lord bishop of Worcester, Mexicans were killed in a clnsh nt In­ Infantile paralysis caused 28 deaths cluded. The soldiers here will re­ nunq fiir bie beutfdje #eerc§* unb auf Stedpiuug be§ fdjon feit ©enera* milk after he was notified that his who arrived in New Fork from Eng- dio. on the Mexican side of the Rio in Michigan in August, according to ceive a large part of their clothing SWarincIeihma, mtt alien an ©ebote tionen anbauernben ©enuffc^ Don daughter was suffering with a con­ land; corroborated the statement of Grande, according to reports received the mortality report Issued by Secre­ allowance In cash. Men on the border ftebenben SKitteln rutffidjtSloS brein- ©rot au§ an ©bo^Pbor- unb anbern tagious disease. At least five deaths at Presidio. Tex. Nine United States tary of State Vaughan. a naval officer as to the navy operating get 10 per cent, additional, making aufabren unb Dor allem ba§ perfibe 9?dbrfal3cn armem Shinftmcbl unb from typhoid have ben traced to infect* soldiers attended a dance at Indio. A Other Important cases of deaths their total for clothing allowance and ed milk. There were nearly 75 cases the lanka. The bishop said that 100 of SUbion, ben eigentlidjen ©torenfrieb, feit S ab « n baben fie unb anbctc ths tanks were sent to the czar. ctaah with Mexican troops followed. w e re : T u b e rcu lo sis 213, cancer 220. pay 81 cents a day, approximately $25 of the dlseuse. • * • violence 344, diarrhea enteritis among per m onth. auf bie ftnie 3U stoingen. ^ijgienifer auf 9tiic!febr auc a te ” Grand Rapids.—Ernest Baan. nine­ The department of labor at Wash­ The war department at Washington 2Ref>I* unb ©rotbereitung gebrun- teen years old. was crushed under an ington has given $ergt. Maj. Robert has ordered 10.000 additional members New Corporations. ©finftige £e6en*mUteI - Sitnatiim gen. Tie burd) ben itrieg berbei* automobile wMcb turned turtle on tbe STATE NEWS IN BRIEF. Mlddemoa, a British soldier who bad or the National Guard to the Mexican Alpha Kappa Alumni Unildlng asso­ in $etttfdjlanb. gefiibrte 9?ot bat jeftt basu gcsmuii- Monroe avenue road. Four others who been blinded In battle, permission to border Immediately. A similar num­ ciation, Ana Arbor, $10,000. gen. Kun bat man in Teutfdjlanb were ffe the machine escaped Injuries, remain six months longer in the coun­ ber of. militia Infantrymen now on the Saginaw.— Nearly half of the plat­ The Roumania Building and Realty in ben ©rbbcerbtattern aucb einen but H n u n is said to have received in­ try. He came here ta collect funds for border will be released from service. form scales used in Saginaw have com pany, H a m tra m ck, $10,000. SBerlin, brafftloS. £ie beui- bcrrlicften erfaft fiir ben faft uner- ternal Injuries. Attempting too short • • • been found to be incorrect by^tba In­ United Electric Service company, a turn on a wet pavement caused the blind soldiers. ftben Seiinngen fteflen anldftlidfc ber f(bffiinglir. VnA tft: w*8 W«nnte tat- framblid) sum ©aft: «©lcflci(bt eim w e n t a s 1 pofiee rounaterioner -of Jf*e- register. Ha was about 1 ortwysSn* a t Michigan Steel Exchange. Inc. Dm von-Bethmanu-Hoiwegg declared in hi Ufld$oit :«afinibratei» gefaSig?- — war pwMMted :trait. He aupwteds-John GUIra- age. poorly dressed and said be had Ir a n . 81OJB0& building undt Hy. before the. reichstag,...... ©aft: .Xein, bante, bin feQ>|t Obaft- been working at Keego Harbor. He Capital City Goal company. Lag- grimed ttaritt oicr fe«t BurL* • 4 - . . THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1916.

FRENCH USE MONSTER AMERICAN RIFLE that he had taken hie loot dHnk. On succeeding days neighbor* paused, as usual, at Madame Henri’s garden gate, to gossip a bit, and she Central Meat Market TUteatoerW the Information to all of. them that her husband had quit drink­ ing and was going to settle down. He had gone away to look at several prop- Call Central Meat Market, erties which were for sale, and she didn’t know when he’d be back. After­ ’phone 23, for wards the neighbors remembered that she had harped upon this matter In­ sistently, bringing it up every time she Olioice Meats, talked with them. A quarter of a milemue away fromirom theme Henri cottage therehere was a stream, and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, — ------; of this stream there stood a gristmill. One morning as the miller was going to his dally task, he Home Made Bologna and Sausages, observed a queer-looking object on one of the'blades of the waterwheel. With the help of a long pole, hooked at the Try them and you won't eat any other. end, he pulled the thing off the water­ wheel and brought It to land. It was a coarse sack, containing something FRANK RAMBO, M a n a g e r heavy. He opened the sack and beheld BOTH PHONES a port of a human body. With his FREE DELIVERY dusty hair on end, he went to the vil­ lage police station, and the officer In charge accompanied him to the river Oao of the great guns now being used by the French on the Somme front. This gigantic rifle la mounted on a bank and Inspected the ghastly discov­ Dr. E. L. Ferguson, WHY MEN HATE RELATIONS specially constructed gun caisson, which rests on steel trucks and Is easily moved from point to point. The gun Is M. HENRI QUIT8 DRINKING. ery. one of the many made in America and shipped to Europe for use agnlnst the Teuton powers. “This was done by a woman,” said Veternary Surgeon Natural and Vary Real Reason fog Eighty years ago Madame Henri had the village sleuth. “Only a Woman Strange Dlallka That All Too ( no Idea that her fame would extend Office at Plymouth Hotel Improves; the patient with a stiff knee dler’s worst trench enemies in cold would have used a needle and thread Frequently Exists. from the village of Brittany In which on a sack. A man would -have tied it." Calk innrend day or night. Is put to exercise on ~ stationary bi­ weather. she lived to all corners of France, or cycle; others, according to the nature About ten million doses of these The Alarm was given, and the vil­ PHONE NO. 19. Relationship amounts to a license t J USE NO BANDAGES that her name would ever be spoken lagers helped to comb the' stream, and be rude, to the right to exact respect] und ■ situation of the defect, practice vaccines have been sent out from Mil- la whispers by a nation’s story-tellers. rowing, climbing ladders, pulling on wall ^Ince the war began. Among during tbe day various similar sacks from the young and service from the them l^ a most valuable mixed vac­ She fully expected to lead a quiet and were found, all containing fragments old; there is the fact that, however* weighted ropes; and with these cura­ useful life, and in the end be buried Detroit United Lines IN NEW SURGERY tive exercises Is combined massage, cine whldli gives protection from both of a human body, and all sewn with high you may rise In the world, youri typhoid And the two forms of paraty­ with her forbears in the churchyard. needle and thread. The head alone aunt will never see 1L There Is also! with electric treatment, and other She was a quiet, practical woman, a Ptysntti T in Table remedies. phoid feVer. This has been In use couldn’t be found, and the head was the fact that if your aunt does seel fine housekeeper and an excellent man­ necessary to the Identification of the (KA8TEBN STANDARD TIMS) she brags of it behind your back) Latest Method of Healing Ob­ In the laboratories of the Royal since January last Quite new, since EAST BOUND the w a^egan, are the measures tak­ ager, and everybody respected her. victim, and the solution of the mys­ and Insults you about it to your facej stinate Wounds Proves Army medical college vaccines are For Detroit vie W ayne 6:K a m, 6:4? e m end made to secure the men against ty­ en fori? discovering whether anyone When she was married most of the tery. The days went by and no prog­ There Is all that, but still I believe! Great Success. phoid fever, which used to be more who^romes in contact with soldiers is girls of the village envied her and per­ ress was made, but the village sleuth that one could not to a certain ex-| fatal In war than the bayonet and the carrying the infection of spotted fever haps a few hated her; for divers dam­ studied and worried over It day and NORTH BOUND tent agree with one’s relations If onel sels had made strenuous efforts to night, and finally concluded that the ab­ Leeve Plymouth for Northrllle 6:08 e v met only those who are of one’s own! bullet combined; paratyphoid fever, so at the back of his nose, for, although end every hour to 7:06 d m ; a lso 9:08 p m rare formerly, so common now In himself quite free from the disease, capture the young man who became sence of M. Henri would bear Investiga­ 1 0 :4 lp m . en d 11:86 e. m. age, for compulsory groupings of peo­ her husband. M. Henri was extremely tion. So he disguised himself after the L e ev e D etro it for P ly m o u th 4 :U0 e m e n d e v er y ple of the same age are not always un-i ARE SPRAYED WITH OZONE France; the cholera of Salonlkl and such a carrier might create an epi­ hour to 6:80 p m; 7:80 p m; eleo 9 p. m. handsome, and had a hundred charms manner of Vldocq and managed to be­ end U p. m. pleasant; boys are happiest at school,! Egypt; and pneumonia, one of the sol- demic in a camp. Leeve Wayne for Plymouth 6:48 e m end and graces. He was the best singer in come well acquainted with Madame every hour to 6:43 p, m. 8:43 p m; elao and there Is fine fellowship and much! Stream of Gaseous Substance Flows the countryside, he was full of witty Henri, and soon concluded that her sto­ 10:17 p m e n d 12:09 e. m . merriment In armies. On the other| Cere connect et Weyne for Ypellenti end Into Deepest Recesses, Killing All At the first splash a score of huge stories, and the way he could dance ries about her husband were false. point# weetto Jeokeon. hand, there often reigns a peculiar dls-j Microbes Horrors of Dressing “crocs” on a point of land down gtreara • was a caution. Everybody admired the Then he accused her of his murder In like In offices. I do not want to con-L Wounds Eliminated. CR0C0DI1ES FOE, made for him. There followed a race young man. Well. It is true that the so many words. elude too rashly, but I cannot help be-V. between the maneaters and the quarry old cure shook his head now and then, The madam, strong as she was, fell lng struck by the fact that in a school London.—Bandages are eliminated that nearly ended disastrously for the when Henri was mentioned. The young In a swoon, and when she recovered or In an army the differences of agel Irishman. The last few yards were man was too flighty, said that reverend consciousness confessed everything. are very small, while In an office or a I In the latest methods of healing ob­ AFTER GERMANS heartbreaking, for as he glanced back man. But the cure was hopeful when After finding that her husband was Beautiful Monuments family they are considerable. Add on stinate wounds here. This is one of lie heard the name of Henri’s bride. the marvelous developments of surgery over his shoulder he could see the dead, she carried his body to the cel­ are often marred by ill shaped and to the difference of age compulsory In­ yawning mouths and ridges of jagged This girl came of a thrifty family, lar, and there chopped him into con­ poorly cut letters. Note the work tercourse, and you have the seeds of to which the war hag, given impetus. Irish Aviator. Shot Down in we have erected; or better still, One of the horrors of hospitals is teeth straining to reach him. As be and she abhorred waste, without being venient chunks with an ax. The hatred. pieces she sewed up In sacks, and ev­ visit our works and see the claw dressing wounds. Strong, brave men Africa, Tells of Remarkable scrambled up the muddy bank he heard avaricious. She was distinguished for work we are turning out in. This applies particularly where the| scream Involuntarily with pain every a dozen vicious snaps. ’ her beautiful complexion, which re­ ery night, until the whole body was dis­ his line. units of a family are adult. The child.! Adventures. Almost exhausted, he trudged minded people of cream and roses ; and posed of, she carried a bundle to the loves the grown-ups because he ad-i day when the bandages are removed river and threw it In. All Raised W ork and the wounds treated. through the tangled brush near the her face was framed by masses of mires them; a little later he finds! At Queen Alexandra’s military hos­ river. Gaining a point on some high­ curling brown hair. And she was cele- Even when tills was known most of Every letter and figure raised, out them out; still a little later, he lets; pital today several patients were ex­ THREE DAYS IN THE JUNGLE er ground, he looked back at the scene good and deep and square in on them see that he has found them out,, hibited undergoing the new treatment. of his escape. To his horror, he saw the beat quality of granites ob­ and then family life begins. In many the shaggy mane of a Uon, which was tainable. We have a reputation cases It Is a quite terrible life, and' Two of these men were most severely for doing good work, and we are wounded In September of last year, Escapes From a Lion by Climbing a coming toward him with nose glued to bound to keep It. Before placing the more united the family Is the more his trail. The nearest place of safety and for ten months had been treated Tree—Three of His Ribs Broken your order, call on the house It resembles the union between the In the customary way without any sign was a tall tree, which he cllmbec^, where quality prevails and get shirt of Nessus and Hercules’ back. When Machine Is Brought monkey fashion. The king of the for­ the best. But It must be endured because we: of healing. On August 2 they were Down. brought to this hospital, the bandages est nosed about the tree for some time, have no alternative.—W. L. George, Ini were flung away, the wounds were whining In disappointment over his lost LYON GRANITE CO. Harper’s Magazine. subjected to repeated applications of London.—Tales of adventure from meal, but eventually he went his way. the Jungles of South Africa, where Two Shops; Pontiac, Rear of a stream of ozone, being lightly cov­ By this time O’Brien was well-nigh Pontiac Steam Laundry. 'Phone ered with a loose layer of lint in the General Smuts is operating against exhausted. His clothes were torn and 1262J. Plymouth, Main street. WHY DEMAND FOR BIG MEN! intervals, and In four days healing was the Germans, are not uncommon, but his flesh lacerated by the brush. The Phone 251 in rapid progress. it Is seldom that the wild events en­ pain of his wounds produced a high Development of Great Business lnsti-> This treatment is simplicity itself. countered by Capt. A. T. O’Brien of fever, and the brackish water which tutions Has Drawn Too Heavijy Oxygen passes from a reservoir Into the Royal Flying corps, told here, have he was forced to drink made him ill. W. H. BETTEYS, M. D. on Country's Resources. an electrical machine which converts been equaled. All night long he staggered on, but he it Into ozone; the ozone flows out The details pf his adventures were remembers little after sundown of the Office and residence 11 Mijl Street Before the steam engine created our! _ , fine metal tube. The ma- contained lu a letter from his wife to second day. Sixth door south of Baptist ohurch, Industrial armies, the owner of thei- business was its chief executive and,! » fes wheeled close to the patient’s relatives In England and have Just be­ Toward noon of the third day after Hours—Till 0 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m.. evenings end the wound uncovered, and come public. It is probable that his disappearance a sentry far out Sundays by appointment. quite likely, half a dozeq other things,; of the microbe-killing ozone O’Brien will be decorated for )\ls serv­ ahead of the British lines saw a Telephone 3 . sven usurping in some cases 1 duties; flows Into the deepest recesses. No ices to the British government and in movement in the brush and thought an which the expert accountant' would: painful dragging off of bandages, no recognition of his hardiness in surviv­ animal had strayed near. He raised br. A. E. PATTERSON classify under the head of janitor1 of the limb to hurt and ing an ordeal that would have meant his gun to flpe, s. hen a human hand service, remarks Engineering Maga­ exhaust the patient. death to the average soldier. was raised above a cluster of brush. Office and residence, Main street, zine. He was in personal touch with] He reported to General Smuts last Amazed, the sentry went forward, and next to ExpresBoffice. every detail of the business and knew; New Treatment a Success. April far down lu Gerpan Africa be­ there found O'Brien half crazed with Hoora—until 9e. m„ 2 to 4p. m. end after personally every employee, and quite, Here was seen a soldier who had low Konnoa Irangi. His work us an thirst, soaked with mud and covered Telephoned, Plymouth, Mlcb likely also, all the members of each: loet his right foot, with s stump cov­ aerial scout ahead of the British with blood from scores of slight cuts. employee’s family; perhaps he bbasted; eted with skin so healthy and hard troops operating against the Germans His wife, to whom he had been even a personal acquaintance with; that he could walk upon it, a surgical won him fame. Flying over the Jun­ married but a few weeks before he left C.G.DRAPER each employee’s dog and cat, since; marvel. gles and tangled brush country during for South Africa, had left England to apartments and tenements were not In; What might be called the open-air the rainy season Is difficult. When an join him before he was reported miss­ Every Night, Till the Whole Body Wat Disposed Of, She Carried a Bundle to JEWELER »nd vogue at that time. Such Intimate, treatment of wounds has come to stay. army of’vigilant enemies is added, the ing. When he recovered from the the River and Threw It In. OPTOMETRIST knowledge of personnel and conditions!' A t the H erbal hospital is a soldier task becomes more than dungerous. a now obviously impossible. fever and opened his eyes for his-first the people sympathized with the wom­ with a bad compound fracture of the The Intrepid Irishman finally engaged conscious look at his surroundimjs his brated In her own neighborhood for Business has grown so fast in Amer-: Iqp The Hmh Is not swathed In many on the losing side of an argument with wife was sitting by his side, having ar­ her physical strength. Without bring an, knowing how much she had en­ ica and corporations have grown sol yards of bandages as was the custom, enemy anti-aircraft guns. bulky or awkward, she had the power dured. The terrible story was carried large, so quickly, that the complexl-i rived In the meantime, and nursed him all over Europe, and for weeks to­ hut Uea between sandbags to secure His Machine Brought Down. through the critical Illness.

1 invite you to inspect and compare the values of my FALL STOCK OF MEN’S FURNISHINGS I call your attention to just a few of the seasonable lines in which ' we offer strong values: Fall and Winter Underwear Woolen Hosiery Sweaters Outing Flannel Night Gowns Flannel Shirts Gloves and Mittens Hats and Caps

Plymouth Plymouth North Side North Side

Mrs. Nancy Bradner of Lansing, is Melton Weir of L >ndon, Out., is vis­ CHURCH NEWS M, E. Sunday-school News THE PLYMOUTH MAIL visiting at Lewis Cable’s. iting at H. Wills. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. With Sunday, October 1st, the three — BY— Glen Harwood visited friends in Regular meeitng of I the O. E. S.Jnext First Church of Christ Scientist, cor­ months contest between Dearborn and F. W. SAMSEN Grand Rapids last week. Tuesday evening, Oct. 10. ner Main and Dodge streets. Sundny Plymouth Methodist Sunday-schools morning servic.', 10:30 o’clock. came to an end. Dearborn’s total at­ Big Reduction in L. B. Palmer of Jackson, is visiting J. W. Clark of Omaha, Neb., is "visit­ L. B. SAM SEN , Editor and Manager Subject, ‘♦Are Sin, Disease and Death tendance for the twelve Sundays was his cousin, Mrs. Charlotte Passage. ing at M. S. Miller’s for a few days. Real?” Sunday-school at 11:30 a. m. 1783 or an average of 148, while ours was __ Mrs. F. A. Dibble is visiting her A. A. Holling and wife of Leslie, are Wednesday evening, testimony service, 1567, an average of 130. Our Dearborn ** Dr. J. L. Olsaver is driving a neW sister, Mrs. Robt. Baird, at Howell. visiting their niece, Mrs. A. G. Burnett. 7:10. Reading room in rear of church friends worked hard and olanned well, Price for 1917 Ford automobile. open daily except Sunday, from 2 to 4 and they are certainly entitled to the Miss Anna Johnson of Mooreville, Mrs. D. L. Harwood has returned p. m. Everyone welcome. A? lending victor^. When we had our contest R. W. Shingleton baa a large ad in visited friends here the latter part of home from a week’s visit with her sister library of Christian Science literature with Northville we were in the church this issue to which your attention is a t M u ir. is maintained. and our average attendance was 184. last week. We shall look forward to another Ford Chassis $325.00 called. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hannan and two James Pierce and wife of P6ru, Ind., Presbyterian i chance at Dearborn, for we are con* Richard Vealey and wile of North- children of Flint, visited relatives here are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ray ttev. B. F Farmer. Pm»tor. vinced we can defeat them.. Ford Runabout $345.00 vflle, visited relatives here the first of over Sunday. Stewart. Services of this church will be held on Our new pastor, Rev. Field, appeared the week. Sunday, Oct. 8th, as follows: Morn­ before the Sunday-school for a few Mr. and Mrs. L. Losey and children Mrs. L. C. Hall left Wednesday for a ing worship at 10 o’clock. The pastor minutes on Sunday and gave a short Ford Touring $360.00 Earl Lauffer taaa returned to the M. of Dearborn, virited her father, Eugene two weeks’ visit with friends at Lansing preaches. Theme, “ More Than Cou and inspiring little talk. A. C. where he will attend college Rooke, last 3unday. and Corunna. querors.” Sunday-school at the close The attendance Sunday was the larg­ Ford Coupelet $505.00 again this year. of the morning service. Evening ser­ est of any Sunday during- the last three Several members of the W. C.T. U. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Anderson and vice at 7 o’clock. Preaching by the months. All our 36c and 40c Box Stationery little Qttherine visited friends at Flint pastor. Theme, “The Danger of Drift- Ford Town Car * $595.00 have been attending the convention at The following teachers were absent for only 26c on Saturday, October 7th. Northville this week. over Sfinday. ! ing.” Prayer meeting on Thursday Pinckney’s Pharmacy. ‘ evening at 7 o’clock. The public is last Sunday: Mrs. Hillman, W. B. Ford Sedan . $645.00 ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rambo and two Mrs. Ella Lyon Pierson of Flint, will most cordially invited to attend these Lombard and Pearl Jolliffe. Miss Clarabell Lundy has gone spend Sunday with h<*r daughter, Mrs services. Anyone interested in the State Sun­ Ypeilaftti where she will attend the sons and Mrs. Etta Stiff visited friends F. O. B. Plymouth, add $4.40. at Rochester last Sunday. O. C. Anderson. day-school convention which is to bt State Normal this year. held November 15, 16 and 17 at Holland; James Stewart and wife and Mrs. J. will please confer with the superintend­ How could they ever do it? H. H. Passage, who has been at George Lee. Jr., and wife and Wirt Lee, wife and little son of Detroit, were F. Stevens of Detroit, visited Mrs. Con­ ent. [arper hospital for treatment for the Steel is at war prices and the highest wage in the rad Springer last Monday. Morning worship, 10 o’clock. Theme past few days, has returned home. Sunday guests at' the home of George W hen You Take Cold world is being paid to the men that make them. Lee, Sr. Mr. aDd Mrs. D. M. Vardon and of sermon, “The World for Jesus.’ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vealey and 11:15 a. m., Sunday-school. 6 p. m.. _ With the average man a cold is The Ford car is just as good as they ever were and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Wills of Grand daughter Florence of Detroit,, spent serious matter and should not be trifled guest, Mrs. Charles Crawford of Lake young peoples meeting. 7 o’clock, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Var­ evening service. Subject of sermon, with, as some of the most dangerous the very best, steel that can be made is used in the Orion, visited relatives at Romulus last Rapids, are visiting tne former’s par­ diseases start with a common cold. ents, Mr. ana Mrs. Harry Wills and don. “Conquerors Through Christ.” Mid­ making. Order a Ford today. Sunday. week prayer meeting, Thursday even­ Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy other friends here. Mrs. George Springer and Mrs. Con­ ing, 7 o’clock. and get rid of your col$l as quickly as Mrs. E. B. Smith of Dearborn, is possible. You are not experimenting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merritt and rad Springer left Thursday for a week’s here helping to care fcr her mother, when you u=e this remedy, as it .has daugnter Leona, Mrs. Huldah Knapp visit with the latter’s daughter and been in use for many years and has an The Bonafide Garage Mrs. Charles Millard, who is very and guest, Mrs. Brealey and little family at Toledo, Ohio. established reputation. It contains no Phone No. 87 F-2 Wm. J. Beyer, Prop. seriously ill. There will be no services in this opium or other narcotic. Obtainable daughter Mary, and Henry Root, Jr., Mrs. Elizabeth Wyckoff, Mr. and church next Sunday on account of Mr. everywhere.—Advt. ^ Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hamilton have leave tomorrow (Saturday) for a motor Mrs. T. C. Barnes and Lawrence Page, Midworth’s absence at the Brotherhood returned to their home at Fremont, trip to South Haven. son and daughter jot Marshal, were Convention in Cleveland. Ohio, after a few days’ visit with their Mrs. Giles Foster of Laing9burg, and week-en d guest* of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BIBLE STUDENTS nephew, Coello Hamilton and family, Mro. 0. F. Richards of Perrinsville, Spioer. Mrs. Wyckoff and MrsyBarnes Services as usual at I. O. O. F. hall | are sisters of Mrs. Spicer. who were called here the latter part of at 2 o’clock. Ten minute talk by David I Mrs. Ernest Vealey visited her sister Birch. Topic, “I am satisfied with, I J .at Lake Orion and other friends last week on account of th° serious The Misses Gladys Passage and Jesus, is Jesus satisfied with me?” j Rochester and Oxford last week. She illness of their sister, Mrs. Charles Ethel Smitherman entertained several Berean at 3 o’clock, led by A. K. Dolph | New Fall Stock returned home Saturday accompanied Millard, returned to their homes last young lady friends at a miscellaneous of Northville. Wednesday and Friday , by her sister, Mrs. Charles Crawford, Wednesday. Mrs. Millard continues shower in honor of Miss Anna Johnson evening meetings as usual. who was her guest over 8unday. very iH. of Mooreville, former teacher in the High school here, at the home of Miss A T R I G G S ’ Passage last Friday evening. •'•sPink and Pulpit themes for October 8, “ My white was the oolor scheme and daioty Ideals for the Christian Ministry,” and refreshment^ were served. The* guest “A Great Discovery.” Services held in the tabernacle in Central Park as * Our new fall stock is in andievery department is complete with nice ♦ of honor received several handsome follows: Morning worship and sermon See the Beautiful gifts. at 10 o’clock. Sunday-school at 11:30. I bright new merchandise. Although most all lines of goods have advanced I Evening gospel service at 7 o’clock. ! in price from 25 to 50 per cent. We bought early and can offer most of i Mid-week devotional service for every­ Fire Prevention Day body, Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. j these goods at old prices. j Governor Ferris has issued a proc­ LUTHERAN Its time for that New Cloak or Suit ladies/ and we are prepared to | lamation, designating Monday, Oct. 9, There will be no services next Sun- j | show you a handsome line of - ' , ‘ 1 as “Fire Prevention Day,” requesting day, as the pastor is attending the mis- | ALLEN■J ______CAB_ sion festival at Northfield. that on that date all property owners and tenants shall thoroughly clean up their premises, removing or destroying all inflamable waste or rubbish of any Young Woman Disappears ! NEW REDFERN and CONDE GARMENTS! Favorite Hill Climbers and General sort. This is urged not only as a means of protection from the enormous losses At the time we go to press the dis­ in all the new styles, colors and makes. Also a great AD Around Purpose Car Michigan suffers every year from fires, appearance of Mrs. Vera Corkins, wife ! line of Cloaks for the children. 7 but also in the way of property im­ of Claude Corkins, on the afternoon of provement. The proclamation states Saturday, September 23, still remains a that “seventy-five per cent of the an­ mystery. Mrs. Corkins bid her bus- Classics, Regular, Roadsters nual fires and accidents are due to pre­ band good-bye Us usual on the morning ventable causes,” also that in 1915, 141 of the day of her disappearance, as he | Men’s and Boy's Clothing Department and Sedans persons were killed and 185T-’seriously left for his day’s work. On his return injured because of fires. be found his wife gone and had left no is filled with all the new styles in Suits and Overcoats. word as to her whereabouts. His search 1 Latest Models and Prices Low. NOT HINDERED BY SOLITUDE extended to Detroit, and failing to find Donald Smith, Who Became Famous, her he appealed to the police. Mrs. Chas. Greenlaw Corkins, who was employed in the local Was Too Busy in Labrador to AGENT Become Lonely. laundry, was at her work as usual on 1 Men’s-Suits and Overcoats $7.50 to $20.00 the day she disappeared and left th e' Back In 1847 a young fellpw named; laundry shortly after one o’clock. The | Donald Smith was sent to'take charge! husband is unable to account for the of an isolated fur-trading post in the! young woman’s absence. Mrs. Cor­ Interior of desolate Labrador. It was] Boy’s Suits and Overcoats $3.50 to $12 kins’ home before her marriage was in a terrible place; blizzard-swept In' California, where she has relatives liv­ Don’t fail to look over this department. winter, tormented by midges and mos-' ing. qnitoes through the short hot summer The Low 20th Century — the sort of .place where a modern, novelist's hero turns to brandy and: ends with suldde. Smith was there. Plymontli Pastor Speaker New Shoes for Ladies, Men and Children | 20 yean. He read books, learned the. Manure Spreaders j country, built up an experiment farm at Church Dedication All Newest Styles at Lowest Prices. that excited the admiration of the . \ Smithsonian Institution, saved money, Rev. Frank M. Field, who baa just and started the career that ended in; New Fall Hats and Caps, Ladies’ and Gents’ Fonisluigs, Dry Goods, Blankets, Will Hustle Ever; Minute of the Day for You and Westminster abbey. Donald Smith; been appointed to the local-Methodist became Lord Strath cons and Mount] church, is to be one of the speakers to­ Quilts, Outing Flannels, Underwear, New Curtains, Draperies, Carpets, Keep h o p for Years Royal, and his place in history is se-i night at a dedication banquet in connec­ cure as one of the great builders of tion with the dedication of the new They are spreaders of straight lilies, few parts, low down, our modern North- America. It all be­ $50,000 church erected in Flint by the Rugs, Mattings, Linoleum, Oil Goth, Trunks, yet with plenty of clearance. They combine gan in the unllkellest place Imaginable, O a k P a r k Methodist society. that lost fur-store in the wilds of Lab-! This church .was organized b y M r. Rand Bags, Suit Cases, Etc. strength and simplicity with a neat rador, and Smith tells ns the secret in Fie ld in J u ly , 1900. Beginning with no tils own words, says Comer’s. appearance. membership and no money, in a pas­ Don't fail to look over our great new stock. Do your fall trading at “People apeak of the solitude of Lab-, torate of neatly five years he gathered this store, where you can find anything you need to wear for the whole rador. It wasn’t a solitude for me. I Easy to handle, light in draft, the Low 20th Century a membership of nearly four hundred knew everybody there, from the oldest- family. It pays to trade at this store. and raised #22,000. A large portion ot, spreaders are marvels of mauure spreaders. white traders and fishermen to the Let us prove it to you. youngest Indian hunters anda Eskimos, the magnificent structura which has just j and even their dogs. I knew every turn been completed was built under his SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ALL PEPARTMHTTS, SATURDAY, OCT. 7 Remember, the Low 20th Century Manure In the coast line and bend in the river,, direction. For the dedication Mr. and every natural object bad an Inter­ Field is assigned the subject, “Some qf -Spreader* Pay Their Way. est for me. A s for timid I can honest­ My Early Experiences.” Last Sunday ly say I did not know: the meaning of evening be preached to nearly a thous­ Plymouth, the term. Time never hung heavilj and people at the formal reopening of HENRY J. FISHER on my hand*. I was always busy, and the church and also gave an address Michigan. whan I had .9 0 actual and definite task Monday evening. He will .return to I w p U l I l t ' P&mpiith on Saturday and have charge: IM f t tkM sort m t t iw h w at M tS m 1 offetvieeaheeeapctSunday. .


<~1 Mr. Automobile Owner:

% Are you aware of the fact that We Maintain One of the Most Up-To-Date Garages in Southern Michigan

WHERE REPAIRING IS DONE to your satisfaction or money refunded. W H ERE when you pay your hill YOU WILL NOT FEEL as if you had been ROBBED. Where only skilled mechanics are employed. Where your every need can he taken care of. WHERE IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE whether you own a Ford or a Packard Twin Six, we can take care of your needs ami the WHERE YOUR STORAGE BATTERIES can he recharged or re­ same courteous treatment is extended to all. paired. your tires vulcanized.

WHERE A COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES are always on WHERE A CHAT WITH MR. SCHMIDT, our Service Superin­ hand tendent, will make you feel that at least you have found a place to come WHERE A SERVICE CAR STANDS READY night and day, equipped to the minute, to answer all calls within the 25 nile where you feel at home and that where you leave your car you are limit. Where your.ears are 9tored in a clean, fire-proof, steam positive it is in the hands of men who know what and automo­ heated room. bile is. How to repair it and do it without experimenting. 7 : :

If you are not already familiar with these facts, drop In and give us a call. Make youself at home. Ask all the questions you wish. Estimates Freely Given No Job too Large No Job too Small Studebaker Cars Our Specialty

S&tdefeaker Salesroom in Connection

Storage space in our new addition is being rapidly taken up. A few can still be taken care of. Better reserve your space at once. Rates reasonable. Call, write or phone.

Yours Very Truly 7

S d r a d e r i r .• Bfaaicy Our Motto Tires, Accessories, Expert Repairing Efiaacy 0* Motto Phone 375 W YPSILANTI, MICH. Phone 375 W W. C. T. U. The tea meeting held by the W. C. A Three Years’ CrrisTj iT. U., Thursday, September 24th, at | the home of Mrs. E. O. Huston, was a very pleasant affair. About 3ixty In a Whaling Ship j ; members and friends were present and all listened with great attentiou to the MR.HENRYROBIN^>IN I , interesting and instructive talk given by Mrs. Simp9on of Detroit, one of the ! diy campaign speakers. We begin this week the first install­ In order to give the speaker more ment of an interesting account of the i time the elocutionary contest was experiences of Henry Robinson on a I omitted. three years’ cruise in a whaling vessel. Five new members were enrolled. Eleven delegates were chosen for the Mr. Robinson spent the early years of 1 District Convention, October 4 and 5, his life as a sailor before the mast and at Northville. his experiences of those days are very The next meeting occurs Thursday, interesting indeed, and we are pleased October 12, at the home of the Misses to print the following story as written Pelham, 78 East Ann Arbor street. by him: | The program will be conducted by Mrs. Who’ll Be the Next to Build? i Safford and Miss Ada Salford. Topics, j “ Franchise,” “ Miscellaneous,” “Cur­ Look W hat A Wide Choice! On the 20th of July, 1853, we sailed rant Events.” Meeting at 2:30 p. m. A Good Store Building—for use or for rent. from New Bedford, Mass., in the ship I Everyone welcome. A Nice Horae, Cottage, Bungalow or Mansion. Majestic, Capt Percival and a 1 We clip the following from the Dry A' Good ~ ~Barn, on the he farfarm or in town. full crew of 32 men. For the first six Booster of Sept. 14: A S^ed, for automobile, stock or machinery. or seven weeks we had a good deal Every drunkard was once a moderate A New Porch, or Addition to the House. of dirty weather, some of it was de­ j drinker. A Hennery or Fence. * cidedly nasty, and some a great deal nastier, anyway there were very few j A saloon is a place where moderate Be the Next and See Us For of my shipmates, exempt from that drinkers are converted—into drunkards. Lumber and Building Material pleasant pastime called sea sickness. The corkscrew will never pull any 1 was one of the exempt, never hav­ man out of trouble, ing been in that condition in my life, Go to the police court to see the and therefore do not know how to finished product of the liquor traffic.— sympathize with those who have. Supt. Press. Plymouth Lumber & Coal Co. You may think it strange that sailors should ever be sea sick, but the CHAS. MATHER, Sec. 6 Manager owners of whaling ships will not ship When You T a k e Cold old sailors before the mast, they are With the average man a cold is a all green hands, I suppose the reason serious matter and should not be trifled is they can abuse them as they please, with, as some of the most dangerous as well as get them much cheaper diseases start with a common cold. than seamen. The first land we Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy made after leaving our own coast, was to every woman I ever became performer, but yvh-at they could beat. want from their canoes without price. and get rid of your cold as quickly as the island of Payable, one of the east­ acquainted with. But we got a fair They seem .to enjoy it so much, and' Looking into the water 1 discovered possible. You are not experimenting ern islands, where we left two Portu­ wind at last, made all sail and put keep up a continuous challenge to one some splendid specimens of white when you u-=e this remedy, as it has Clover Growers! been in use for many years and has an gese who took passage with us to that for a warmer climate. We cruised another to perform some particularly coral, and made my friend understand island, that being their home. One along the coast of South America, hard piece of horsemanship. 1 pitied I would like some. He came on deck, established reputation. It contains no peculiarity of the inhabitants was touched at a place named l’aytie in the horses, for although 1 never saw and took my knife from its sheath, opium or other narcotic. Obtainable that every man who was able owned Chili, went into a cafe to get a drink any of them use a whip, they would took it in his mouth, and dived over everywhere.—Advt. HYDRATED LIME in 50 pound sacks, easy to handle a slave. They lived altogether, all of water, was informed by the pro­ keep them going as fast as possible, board regardless of sharks, and worked togeUier, and looked so much prietor we could not get any there, and continue the exercise almost all brought up all 1 wanted, a shipmate Probate Notice. alike, that the wonder lo us was, how but might go behind the bar and help day. There was one thing part- who. had seen one of the natives of one and highest available agricultuial lime on flic market. they could tell which was master or ourselves to aguadente, but one taste ticularly noticeable in all their houses, of the South Sea islands tackle a CTATE OF MICHIGAN, rountv of Wayue ° At u sfKM.»n ..r tin- Court for which slave. The island is veFy moun­ of that satisfied, it was the most no matter how poor they appeared to shark, under similar circumstances, said county oi Wayne, field at tlio Protiat* tainous, and on every possible place villainous stuff in the shape of liquor be, you could always find a bible on told me that he got across its back, Court Kooui in the city of Detroit, on th« 1 ever tasted, by asking questions we twiMity-ei»;litli .lay of Scptemlm'r in the vwr there was perched a bald eagle. •whatever they used as a table. and repeatedly stuck the knife in its on.- thousand nine hundred and sixteen. When we left Thyale we sailed direct found out that all the water used in told you how hospitable they are, as head, which is the only part that Preseiit Kdum-u Dm-ree. .Indue «.i Pr.il.al- to Cape How, which is the wildest the city, was brought in gourds on soon as they see you passing their ! seems to be sensitive. 1 remember In the matter ol the estate or John 300 lbs. to 500 lbs. per Acre doukies- backs seven miles. With a Shaw, deceased. place on earth or water, we took a house they will invite you in, and if long after this, it was my duty to go William H. Shaw, administrator With the real hurricane right in the teeth, and splendid natural reservoir on the side it happens to be meal time ask you (overboard to make the tackle fast to ' .....‘xed of said eMafe. having rendered it seemed to us as though all the wind oi the mountin' (the Andes) and a to. cow, co\\\ that means eat with j the fin, as we were about to cut in, > this ourt Ids final adimnistri...... decent every foot of the way, one and tiled therewith his j*tiri..ii prayin* that there was anywhere, had special I hem, and are hurt if you do not ; and as there were plenty of sharks residue of said estate 1 assigned to the Will sweeten your land sufficiently to grow clover. We business right there, anyway we were American would in two weeks have comply, (it would be a grand place for 1 around, three of the officers got their persons entitled thereto had pipes laid, and furnished the (rampsj. almost always you find ! spades ready to defend me, just as It is Ordered. That the ildrtv-firat day of held there forty-two days, imagine, if "'•toiler next, at ten o'clock in'the forenoon have one car load on hand which we will sell at you can, what a nice position we were whole city at one tenth of what it bread fruit the staple article, and 11 told them all ready a spade came so eastern standard time, at said Court Room, lie in, with icebergs all around us, some cost them in this way, and he would that must be tasted to understand the i close to my ear that I made up my appointed lor examining and allowing said ac­ become a niillionair in live years. luxury, all description would fail to mind someone was careless, and count and hearing said |»>titi.iu. of them as tall as the ship's masts, And it is further Ordered. That a copy* continually crumbling to pieces, We soon had enough of Paytie and describe it. The way of cooking it is j looked up to chide the second mate, rdei ■lishud tin. .... eks huge pieces falling into -the water, made sail, soon fell in with black singular: they dig a hole in the as the shark lie had wounded in ...... il time nl lmariiif fish, caught some and had our first li Mail, a in-wspapiT rcnlat - sometimes so close to the ship that ground, make a tire in it. cover the going down, struck me full in the : in said fiuintv Of \Vi. .... $7.50 per ton water was splashed aboard, we had experience in making oil, these fish ith stones until they become face with his tail, instead of scolding KD(JAil O. Df’KFEE. to be ready at all times to push the on au average will make six or seven hot. then, take the fire out, put the I thanked the officer, and shall never true copy, | Judge .if Prnliate smaller ones away with poles, and barrels of oil, about equal in quality fruit on the hot stones, cover them up forget him, and when I hear his name. Alli-rr W . Flint Register. keep clear of large ones the best way to wright oil. worth at that time about with dirt, and in time there is a meal Howard,’ that incident is brought to we could. If it were not for the thirty dollars a barrel. We saw no lit for a king. The fruit grows on a mind. Probate Notice. assurance, that the Almighty Loving sperm whales until we arrived at tree about tiie size of an apple tree, We sailed around looking for whales TATE OF MICHIGAN, count or Whs Father’s eye was upon us, in this our Panama bay, where we caught seven is the color of a lemon, and between but not finding any had to be con­ '*• At a session ol' th- Pm.,a time of need, there is no doubt in my small ones one afternoon; about the four or live inches in diameter and tent with black fish; we took enough aid "duty or Wayne, held ai the Proliaie time we were ready to cut them in, is covered with what the sailors call went to the Sandwich Islands and got Room in the city of Detroit. 011 the mind, we should never have met here y-flftli day ol .September, in tin- year diu- today. a young hurricane came along, so warts, that word describes it better fifty or two hundred barrels, and then thousand nine hundred and sixteen After some days we got to the Falk­ our only chance to save the ship, and than any other. Of course the whole went to the Sandwich islands got Present. Edgar O. Dnrfee. Judge of Proliant land islands and by running to lee­ very likely our lives, was cut and get meal did not consist of bread fruit, what we wanted in the way of pro­ fn the matter ol the estate of Fred Williami. Wheat Growers! ward of one of them we had things a out to sea where there was plenty of there was poi, which looked and visions and after filling our casks once ' >n reading and filing tile petition of Alice room. We sailed around looking for tasted like mashed potatoes cooked in more at the same place, and with I.. William*, praying tlint Rdministration of great deal more comfortable for a said *siate he granted lo Claude E. Williams J^me. but we were soon driven out to whales about two months, and then eoeoanut oil; bananas fried in cocoa- about the same surroundings, we took or Bom- other mntuole person sea again, we set storm staysails, went to a place called Lomboz in nut oil, and several other articles anchor and started for the far north. Disordered. That the twentv-flftb dav ol fished the wheel, and. as under these Peru, where we got supplies in the ton numerous to mention. They seem We sailed along without incident ' letober next, at ten o'eloeb III the forenoon shape of water, potatoes, thirty-two eastern standard time, at said Court Room, lie circumstances only one man was to think you must always be in worth mentioning, until we came to npjKiinted lor hearing said iMjtitioii. Use our EU R EK A 1-8-2 F E R T IL IZ E R this season. required on deck at a time, the rest hogs, and a good supply of fruit, then the condition to partake with thetq^ llieAleufian or Fox islands. We were .... further ordered. That a iopyr.1 could -do as they pleased. 1 re- went ashore on liberty, that is, half but you all know that, even that de­ ■sailing by dead reckoning, not having reoHaivew There is none better made. Ask about our long time the crew went one day, the other half lightful and necessary proceeding has s)?en the sun for ten days, and a dense > said time of hearing. lu the Plvi this time as 1 ever was in my life. I ith Mail. - -ewBpaper printed aud uImi- member being as badly frightened at next, each having three days, and each its limits. There is a pastime that fog surrounding us. When the fog nty of Wayi payment system. Think of it a 1-8-2 Fertilizer at allowed one dollar per day, which in ■mis to please the women and chib lifted out. the land or rather rocks, . DURFEE. was standing my watch on deck and Judge of Probate as vigilent as I knew how to be. when most ports 'was ample for a good time, dren above all others, that is swim- appeared almost close enough for us t'lias c Chadv irk Probate Clerk all at once I heard, what I supposed Sailors think more of themselves now filing.“O'fo They take «.a piece|/.v v. v,.of board V...... six to- ---- have - stepped - t-I------from the end of J*jib was a pack of hounds giving their than they used to. there are a good r eight inches wide and about two fee1 1 boom to the shore, had there been peculiar bark, 1 did not know what many Christians amongst them, but •1 place large enough to form a to do. if we were so close ashore as to fifty-seven years ago it was not my j foothold. lull these islands are simply $28.00 per ton hear dogs bark, there would be no use fortune to meet any. I fully believe solid rocks, coming out of the water ■ailing the crew, for before they could the world is thinking more of that mostly like sugar loaf and entirely get on deck the ship would be on the eternity to which we are all hasten-* hare, aiul the water so clear that in a rocks, and of course that would mean ing. than at any period since the world e.ci il ,*-ii 1 nj you can see, the bottom. death to all hands, but just at this was blesied by the presence of our ,although from fifteen i<> twenty fatli- rirical moment, the second mate Saviour. I do not deny that there are ( ms deep. There was work for all Join Our Association and Get happened to come on deck, before I greater crimes by individuals, hut that • lan d s light oil. ami we took in sail as could tell him what was the matter, there are not so many people engaged quickly as possible alter letting go the he wanted to know how many ghosts in criminal practices as formerly; anchor, and we all felt so thankful for Our Members Special Prices. T had seen, as he was sure no single the great crimes that electrify a the narrow escape, that there was no ghost could make me look so scared, nation are mostly committed by ed­ ; work done for days.. onljy^gcttingonlyy-gctting a when I informed him what was the ucated people, which proves that ed-1 I supply of rock cod. off whic/li there was trouble, the great fool nearly split Ills ucatlon wrongly applied makes men [ I au almost unlimited quantity, fas we sides laughing, and kept it up so long. worse. Liquor is the principle cause ‘ | took about thirty barrel:relAl :\ hut it was •of men going to sea on w-hailng ships; | now time to.be getting'g j'Ai/ ibe. Aretic ■ hat 1 did not expect he would ever 'ocean and of course We had to cross do anything else but laugh, at last man}’ men are in such a condition i that they do not know how they g o t1 j the Kumscatcha or Behring sea. which he quit long enough to tell me they | we accomplished without seeing a New Shipment of Plymouth Vegetable Growers were fur seals, and not dogs that made aboard until they find themselves i whale When we arrived at Behring that noise, and then he commenced at sea. We had one shipmate whose father was a southern planter.and sent 1 >tr:iie:.T. we •Yni- d that the ice had laughing again, and every time he not broken up yet. so we went into a thought about it when we were alone, his son to college. In Long Island, j Chocoiaies.... one night he and some of his school ! place of safety on the Asiatic coast, Association he would bark-and laugh. T felt at the protected by al neck of land that mates stole a vessel, and went down ; time if I could have my way with formed a bay. w-hicli prevented the ice CMYK (H I! those seals, there would be in my po- | to New York, a ferry boat ran into j Telephone 177 F-3. them and sank the vessel, so rather I when it should break up. doing us isession, enough seal skins, to make any harm We arrived there early in cloaks, so that I might present one. than go home, he shipped in the same ship with me. 1 have related this i Jure, ami a tbure was upwards of incident, that you may understand sixty v*. els lying at anchor, we Princess and Dream what intoxicants can cause men to do. ; had gay old times gaming, which is Young men shun it as your greatest the nautical term for visiting, but A complete—high enemy, and never forget that our dear Henry Rasinson those good times came to an-end on Box Candies Saviour cannot look on us with pleas­ the afternoon of July 3rd. when the ice grade Family Car! ure, as we disgrace ourselves and began to come down, and of all noises A Ti'iiil. I Iivy Art) Fine. i X u T e l l loved ones by the use of that which long, and put it across their breast I ever listened to, this beat them all, not only ruins us here, but shuts the to support them, and go outside the the huge cakes would strike one an­ gates of Heaven against us, for the reef, and come in on the crest of the other with such force that sometimes ------Also------bible tells us no drunkard can enter next breaker,. To see the dark faces they would jump clear over each other chere. of women and children (some of the and splash back into the water, throw­ As we sailed for the Sandwich Is­ children so small it did not seem right ing at way up in the air In great lands we got fast in two black fish, to put them near the water, not to quantities. This noise was kept up $ 5 9 5 mention going through the breakers, the rest of that day and the next, and Tobacco and Fruit they gave us quite a fast ride. When -they slacked up the captain was ex­ surrounded by foam and all enjoying by noon on the fifth the straights were f. o. b. Detroit cited and went to hauling line, and it so fully), is a very pleasant sight clear so we could go on our way to dropping it around by hla feet, soon to witness. I once heard a sailor say a still colder climate. We cruised they could not be drowned, that was around without seeing any whale until including it caught him and pulled him over­ not so of course, but think they about the fifth of August, when the board, (man nearest cutting the line), might almost be called amphibious, whole fleet had to leave on account Electric when he came up he went 6 or 7 feet as I know they spend a good share of of frequent hurricanes, the sure sign out of the water, and was almost gone. their time in the water. the season was over, and to stay Starter We now arrived at the Island, the Talking about water brings to would endanger our lives as well as HOWE most beautiful group I ever saw vand the loss of the ship. and Lights as I became acquainted with the in­ memory the source from which we procured our supply to take aboard [To be continued] habitants I found them to be as hos­ the ship; quite a nice stream comes pitable a people It was ever my priv­ down frem the mountains Into a ilege to meet The people vie with natural Reservoir, which was used by one another to make you welcome, the ladies as a wash tub, with this Paying More Will Not Secure Greater and, as many of them speak good difference, instead of standing by It Plymouth Gun Chib pigeon English. It Is easy, to under­ and putting the clothes and their stand each other. Amoungst other hands into it, thew went in bodily up Satisfaction things of note was the Missionary’s to ftie waist, and would sometimes Considering the cool weather there home, situated on the side of a moun­ use their neighbor's backs, not as a was a larJ>e crowd of spectators and tain at least two miles from the We say that you cannot buy greater motor­ The Maxwell will give you twenty-five miles landing place, surrounded by a beau­ wash board, but as a post to whip the 6hooters at Henry’s flats Sunday, ing satisfaction than the Maxwell will fitfve. per gallon of gasoline—five hundred miles per tiful grove, making a much needed dirt out. while this operation was 1 several new shooters took part and did You are asked to believe that it offers the ut­ quart of oil. These are averages reported by *hade in that warm climate, cool ; going on. we at. the outlet were filling j weu for their first time. H. Passage, most economy— thousands of owners. our casks with fresh water which was who led the 25 bird event, did ,/iome water running close to the house, and to supply all our liquid wants in the great shooting, in view of the fact1 that —that it is good looking, comfortable and It' has electric starter and lights—one-man everything that was possible for a | future. You may think you would this is his first year at the sport. Score rofcmy. top—instrument board—demountable rims—and loving people jto do, to give comfort never drink such water, but one .of aR fallows: all other modem ideas of motor car equipment. to their dear Missionary was done. the things we learn aboard ship, is The specification list shows that it is absolute­ I remember seeing him two or three 50 BIRD EVENT ly complete in every detail. It is the ideal modern family car. There is not to be too fastidious, and then nothing to buy extra—you couldn’t buy more times. He was quite a large man. remember, it is that or none and R. Wheeler 46 out of a possible 50 Not one single feature that adds convenience no matter how much you pay. Let us prove and had a native wife, and I think when a person gets real thirsty any­ M. Murray 40 “ “ “ “ 50 or satisfaction is omitted. these claims. could not have been more pleasantly thing that is wet will be thankfully M. Murray 35 “ “ “ “ 5o situated, and It paid us well for our received: but. as we shall have to J. Patterson 34 “ “ “ ” 50 walk. I say walk because when I visit these islands again, and have M. Powell 31 “ “ “ “ 50 went there, you could not get a horse got about four months to pass before G. Johnson 29 “ “ “ “ -30 for love or moaey, it being Friday, or C. Rathburn 29 “ “ “ “ 50 For further particulars and demonstration the time to go north, we will use the 28 «« « “ as they call it.women’s day. they hav­ time in trying to catch some sperm G. (xebhardt “ 50 ing a standing bargain with the L- Cameron 19 “ “ “ “ 50 whale. We visited the Society is­ W «< « « ... call on or phone owners, for every horse on the Island, lands, and found there a people whose J. Rutebar « 50 It is a comical sight to see them ride, ambition seemed to be to have a white 25 BIRD EVENT w. E. SMYTH t’*ir riding habit is something H. Passage 22 “ “ “ “ 25 Watchmaker and sngular; they take several yardB inhabitants of the . South Sea islands. \V. Baxter 18 “ *“ “ “ 25 of fancy colored calico, bind They come to the ships with fruit to T. Passage 17 « .« ti “ 28 Optician A. D. MACHAM, Agent around their limbs, beginning R. Rietnan 15 “ “ “ “ & Watch inspector lor. the Michigan I at one foot and ending at one will single out some one on board. M. Fullerton 11 ^ “ Central R- RR. for * J“17 years. Plymouth, Michigan. the other, and then mount Just as G-Band 6 “ “ “ 1 Phone No. 6 F-2. men do, and then the riding. I think W. Whittaker 4 “ “ « “ 28 PLYMOUTH, - MICHIGAN there could be no feat done by.a circus H. Wagenschultz 3 “ “ “ “ 25

MM ...... ■ ‘ ------«mi,i«. iwiimyii- i " ’■J - - - - , THE PLYMOUTH, MAIL

M rs. W infield Btroh is on toe rick Hst. B y your oew full shoes at Riggs’. It pays. WANTED! Davis Hillmer of Detroit, over Sunday. Q. C. Raviler was in Lansing on bus­ Relationship amounts to a license to iness yesterday. be rude, to the right! to exact respect Miss Helen Tighe is attending (be from the young and service from the SMALL University of Michigan. old; there is the fact that, however Miss Hilda Smye of YpBilanti, visited high you may rise In the world, your aunt will never see lit. There Is also FARMS her parents over Suuday. the fact that-If your aunt does see Clyde Laslett of Detroit, visited It, she brags of it behind your back The demand for friends in Canton, Sunday. and Insults you about It to your face. AS we told you, a Low Cloverleaf gives the manure a (arms from 15 to 40 acres ex­ ■**- a double beating, and spreads manure eight feet wide Albert Crannell of Lawrence, Mich., There Is all that, but still I believe ceeds the supply. haw moved his family to Plymouth. that one could not to a certain ex­ P-y -or better. But the wonderful thing is that it does this from Owners of such places who tent agree with one’s relations if one 7 a box only 45 inches wide. The spreader itself is so narrow wish to sell, should list their C. J. Bunyea was tbe guest of Mr. met only thpse who are of one’s own that it can be drven into any modern barn and loaded from places with me AT ONCE as and Mrs. Wm. Showers at Wayne, last age, for compulsory groupings of peo­ now is the time of the year Sunday. the gutters. Only one handling of the manure for the when prospective purchasers ple of the same age are not always un­ quickest, best job of spreading you ever did. How does are getting located for next Dr. Bertram Stevens and mother pleasant ; boys are happiest at school, that sound to you? v year. spent Sunday with H. E. Newhouse and there Is fine fellowship and much and family. merriment in armies. On the other If you have even begun to think about buying a spreader, D O IT N O W ! hand, there often reigns a peculiar dis­ All our 35c and 40o box stationery for come in and see this Low Cloverleaf. You will say you ______only26con Saturday, Got. 7th. "" like In offices. I do not want to con-, never saw a better manure spreader. It won’t take long to _ _ j. ney’s Pharmacy. elude too rashly, but! I cannot help be­ look it over. We have one set up for you to see. ing struck by the fact that In a school R . I \ . # I A K R O l P 1 \ Charles Greenlaw has taken the or in an army the differences of age agency for the Allen automobile. See Phone 39 No. 136 Mein St are very small, while in an office or a Special attention given to repair orders. his ad in this issue. family they are considerable. Add on {Plymouth, Mich. ^ Mr*. Hulda Knapp baa purchased a to the difference of age compulsory In­ OPPOSITE 'new Ford touring car of Wm. Beyer, tercourse, and you have the seeds of PARK D. L. DEY the local Ford agent. hatred. Miss Esther Strasen of Detroit, This applies particularly where the TELEPHONE 33G. units of a family are adult. The child X ocal IKtewe the guest of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. loves the grown-ups because he ad­ Strasen over Sunday. mires them; a little later he finds Christian Science lecture at the opera Ladies, pick out your new cloak or them ont; still a little later, he lets liouse tonight. it now at Riggs’ while the assortment them see that he has found them out, is complete. Prices low. * MissRuth Huston is attendingcollege and then family life begins. In many Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaw motored cases it is a quite terrible life, and at the U. of M. this year. to Ovid Tuesday and are spending the the more united the family is the more THE HOME OF QUALITY GROCERIES J. B. Pattison and George Lee motor­ week with friends there. it resembles the union between the ed to Monroe last Monday. shirt of Nessus and Hercules' back. I WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Frank Corkins and wife of California, But it must be endured because we Want a carpet or rug? Buy at have arrived in Plymouth to make their Riggs and save a few dollars. have no alternative.—W. L. George, in >. home. UUUIO. They X UOjr formerlyiviuiniljl resided .vnxvw here.mv. v. Harper's Magazine. 'VERY one should arm Miss Rub, Brooks of McHenry, HIT V O orge Arthur has commenced tbe GOOD PROVIDER S F A M IL Y is visiting Mrs. John Quartell, Jr. / himself to meet the foundation for a new house on Harvey cold w e a th e r this ■SK • C. A. Fisher left last Saturday for a street. Bert Cnunbie has the contract. WHY DEMAND FOR BIG MEN several weeks’ visit at Walloon Lake. pcom i n g winter. Eat Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson and little Development of Great Business Insti­ F. D. Schrader was in Grand Rapids sons of Detroit, were over Sunday tutions Has Drawn Too Heavily the proper foods and get ICE CREAM on business Wednesday and Thursday. guestsgl of Mr. and Mrs. ArthurSbarrow. on Country's Resources. your blood in condition to Mrs. S. O. Hudd was the guest Wm. Sutherland left Wednesday for friends in Detroit several days this Embro, Ont., to attend the fair there Before the steam engine created oiy laugh at the cold weather. week. industrial armies, the owner of the Fine Candy and will also visit friends at Woodstock, business was Its chief executive and, ______The properly-packaged, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobbs of Kala­ Ont. lulte likely, half a dozen other things, FoIK s S h o u l d give move politely-sold groceries to be mazoo, Mich., visited at E. O. Huston’s Miss Eleanor Kensler of Salem and a ?ven usurping In some cases duties thought. to |- — e--«** a tin g!-• foun(j jn tills store will Postcards..... Saturday. graduate of the Plymouth high school, which the expert accountant would Thousands of yards of new outiDg i8 attending the Ypsilanti Normal this classify under the head of janitor In the Fall eat fooci whet the edge of your appe­ flannels worth 15c, at 10 and 12^ cento year. service, remarks Engineering Maga- t h a - t s h e a t i n g !! at Riggs’. eine. He was In personal touch with tite’s intentions. Mrs. John Bennett left Tuesday for a ^ Alfred Lyndon of Ann Arbor, was every detail of toe business and knew a few days sojourn at her brother’s personally every employee, and quite Courtesy, Cleanliness, Honesty, Murray’s Ice Cream Store calling on Plymouth friends several cottage near Fair Haven on Lake St- days this week. likely also, all the members of each Penniman Ave., Plymouth. N. UliClaire. employee’s family; perhaps he boasted Service. E. L. Riggs is a new advertiser tola. * ^Albert Gayde and wife, Henry Sage even a personal acquaintance with week. See what he has to say abou^P^'and wife and Wm. Sutherland, wife and each employee’s dog and cat, since new fall goods. son Donald visited friends in Detroit Apartments and tenements were not In vogue at that time. Such intimate Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lee of Saginaw, Sunday. Brown 8 Pettingill, were the guests ot Mrs. O. Wingard mowledge of personnel and conditions Mrs. Clara Taylor, who had been vis­ THE WHITE FRONT GROCERY and family last week. is now obviously Impossible. iting her mother, Mrs. Mary Lyon, re­ Business has grown so fast In Amer­ Telephone No. 40. Free Delivery Miss Bessie Olsaver of Rushton, vis­ turned to her home in Detroit Monday ica and corporations have grown so ited her sister, Mrs. R. G. Samsen last afternoon. arge, so quickly, that the complexi­ HEADQUARTERS! week Thursday and Friday, Miss Vera Hengeratefer, who has ties have in many cases become more Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Chapman and him a sjngle human, mind can gra^p. been spending the summer with her According to Darwin, evolution takes children spent Sunday afternoon with mother, Mrs. Carl Heide, has returned -FOR- their aunt, Mrs. John Bennett. .line and our supermen haven’t been to Ann Arbor. level oping as fast as our super-corpo- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Russell and D. T. Knepper and family, who have •ii tions. This fact Is responsible for SEPTEMBER FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS daughter Elizabeth of Windsor, Ont., been living in the Wilcox house in. he country-wide search for super-ex- yere Sunday guestsof Mrs. 0 . Wingard. north village, have moved onto a fruit •cutives, for innumerable physical Mrs. Wm. Smith of London, Ont., is farm la near Toledo. tnd mental-breakdowns among execu­ BIRTHSTONES of the highest quality at the lowest prices. tives, and in a large part for the fact visiting his sister, Mrs. Robert Mints i The total enrollment of the Plymouth A complete line of fresh seeds. mack and her brother, Wm. Suther­ that only about half toe corporations schools aC this time is 435. This is n the country pay dividends. SAPPHIRE land. about the same number as was enrolled Our brands of Alsike, June, Mammoth, Alfalfa Harry C. Robinson conducted a large for the fall term last year. Clover, Timothy Seed, Rape, Hungarian, Building True Knowledge. We have a very nice se­ sale at Monroe yesterday. Mr. Robin­ C. J. Bunyea is visiting friends and Constant associations with objects Millett, Vetches, Field Peas, Field son has several large sales booked for relatives at St. Louis, Mich. He will which Impart knowledge render the lection of Sapphires, Corn, Etc., are the best. this Jail. also visit friends at Alma and Mt. acquisition of It easier, and if your mounted in Rings and The Girls’ Dancing Club of Cherry Pleasant before his return. children are surrounded with beauti­ other Jewelry. They are Our many varieties of Garden Sweet Corn, Peas, Radishes, Hill, will give a dance at Cherry Hill Rev. F. M. Field, the new Metbbdiat ful and Instructive books and pictures Beets, Onions, Turnips, Cucumbers, Muskmelons, Etc, Friday evening, Oct. 6. Everybody they will turn In short time from toe , of several colors, namely: guarantee a most satisfactory, garden. welcome. 44tl pastor, has moved his household goods story of the “Three Bears” to things F The Blue, Pink, Golden here from Gladstone, Mich., and is get­ Hollow’een dancing party given by which train the mind. The carefully and W hife. Early Rose Seed Potatoes, $1.25 per bushel. the Catholic ladies, Tuesday evening, ting settled in the parsonage. chosen library Is the best foundation Seed Potatoes, $1.00 per bushel. Oct. 31, at the Grange hall. Every­ Pinckney’s Pharmacy have been ap­ for genlns. Given pictures, books and body welcome. 44t4 pointed agents for the Victor Phono­ a cheery open fire where toast can be Place your order early, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pettingill and graph Co. They will have a complete browned for the nursery tea, and pop­ We Have A Large • Selection Of Mrs. Ida Dunn were guests of friends One of victrolas and records in stock. corn popped, you have a charming in Grand Rapids from last Saturday Miss Olga Lasslett of Detroit, who is playroom where many profitable and Jewelry, -Silverware, China, Cut Glass, Kodaks, until Thursday. visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. pleasurable hours can be spent. Plenty Books and Fountain Pens, J. D. McLaren Co. Titus Ruff, was the guest of friends at of good reading lanfps must not be O. C. Hepley and wife and Albert forgotten, and arrange them so that ' j" # TELEPHONE 91. Everett and wife motored from Clyde, Wayne from last Friday until Tuesday Which make very appropriate Birthday Gifts. Call and let us morning. toe light comes ftom toe left side, for Ohio, and were over Sunday guests of the tendency of all young people is to show them to you. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. - Harvey Springer, George Burr, face the glare and ruin their eyes. Mrs. Mariette LeFurge of Ypsilanti Donald Ladd, John Jones and James A box seat will be built under every and Mrs. Sheldon Gale of Plymouth, Spencer went to Ann Arbor Monday to window for holding games and toys C. G. DRAPER. enroll as students in the Uuniversity of when cleaning-up time comes.—Worn- Jeweler and Optometrist visited their cousin, Mrs. Geo. Macoru­ 140 Main st« Phone 247 ber, last week Wednesday, Michigan. zn’s Home Companion. Ladies, the new styles of corsets are The Sohrader Motor Sales Co. of Yp- in R. & G., Nemo and American Lady, silanti have something to say in a full Three of, the greatest lines manu­ page advertisement in this issue that Wants, For Sale, To Rent, etc. I Delicious Syrup factured, fit Riggs’. Try one. will interest all automobile owners. 5c. p# Line. One Insertion | The little ten-year-old daughter of Look for it. Frank Hake of Livonia township, had WANTED—A Round Oak hard coal | Mr. and Mrs. A. Eckles, Mrs. Geo. stove. Phone 261-W. 44t and Molasses the misfortune to break her left arm Bunyea and Mrs. Elizabeth Simmons while playing at school, Tuesday. of Leslie, Mich., motored to Carleton FOR SALE—One Shropshire ram, three years old. Inquire of C. W . Mrs. Rosalthe Gilmore spent hei Wednesday, and will spend the week Honeywell, phone 253F-5. Route^l. ^ eighty-third birthday with her sister, with relatives. Mrs. John Bennett, also her daughter and J. R. Rauch it Son have taken large FOR SALE—guilding known as family, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and Miss space in The Mail this week to an­ Methodist Tabernacle on Main street. Those fine, fla- Ruth. nounce a big blanket sale October 7th, Leave bids at Gedrge Richwine’a store. J. H. Patterson is building the foun­ 9th and 10th. Don’t fail to read the WANTED- pa vory hot cakes taste dation walls for the house formerly advertisement. at Eloise. Apply to Dr. Jno. J. Mar- all the better when owned by Dr. J. J . Travis, on Church Don’t forget the ohioken-pie supper ker, 8 apt. 44tl street, which will be moved to the new Carve Your Way to Fame? covered with some of and bazaar given by the yoang people’s FOR SALE—Peninsular base burner location on Penniman avenue. society of the Livonia Lutheran church, stove, in very good condition. Enquire AND our clear, tweet syrup The ladies of the Lutheran Aid So­ at the town hall, Livonia Center, Thurs of Henry Simpson, 39 Maple street. 44cl The Favor of Each Guest that comes to you ciety enjoyed a thimble party at tbe day, October 12th. FOR SALE—Upright tyiiano. In- fresh and dean. home of Mrs. Ernest Rewald Wednes­ Doctor B. E. Ch&mpe, successor to quire at A. G. Burnett’s, 67 Ann Ar- By Carving the Meats We Offer You day afternoon. There were twenty- Doctor J. J. Travis, who has practised bor at. 44tl FOR THEN< eight ladies present. Refreshments dentistry in Michigan for toe las^ two and one-ball years, wishes to announce FOR SALE—Lot on Depot street. W e sell the best known, were served. that his dental office will be open-' from Inquire of Wm. Waterman. 27tf The Plymouth High school foot ball 8 to 12 a. m. and 1:15 tr " ~ - ’ You’ll Carve the Best team journeyed to Royal Oak last Fri­ pointmento in all kinds FOR SALE—Mare coming five Jyeare most reliable brands on old- Sound and well broke. Cf. E, the market— cage, corn day and were defeated by the decisive The marriage of Frank Lewis of this Durham, Route 3, near Plymouth. 43t2 WILLIAM C. PFEIFER score of 41 to 0 by Royal Oak High. vicinity to Miss Ethel Ormston of and maple syrup — at prices The local team will meet the Ypsilanti Wayne, took place at the Methodist TOR SALE—King 4-cylinder, Local ’Phone 90-F2 1 Free Delivery that you can not beat passenger touring car in good condition. High team on the home field today. parsonage Wednesday afternoon. Two extra rims and tires. F. A- anywhere else. Mr. and Mrs. August Miller enter­ They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Dibble. Harry Lewis of Plymouth. RevrTrank tained -the members -of the Friendship WANTED- Club at the pleasant farm home of Mr. M. Field performed the ceremony. McLaren Co. And our stock of mo­ and Mrs. W. A. Eckles Saturday even­ Before their decision to bpild their lasses for baking and cook­ ing. five hundred furnished the new plant here, the Plymouth Motor amusement of tbe evening. Refresh­ Castings Co. reoeived a very flattering ing purposes will please you ments were served- and all had offer to locate in B iy City. The Bag’i in every w ay^in quality, rich enjoyable evening. City people offerwTa ninety-acre site with a $90,000 building ^hereon, with a flavor and price. Miss Florence Giles ot Peoria, IH., liver irootage and dockage and and Min Harriet Mitchell of Mi shipping faciRtka q# three railroads, keta, Io w a , spent the week-end but toe- lochl nompnay considered Plym­ M in Ruth Huston. They were on their outh the best location for their business, Orders Given Prompt Attention way back to Mount Holyoke eollege, with the big inducements offered M an., where they have been attending at Bay City, which school the past three years End will look, pretty.gaed as GAYDE BROS. » there next Jane. THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1916.

means It! ;I never heard Mm rave so. There were many gayetle* to enliven Quite s compliment, my dear!” W ith a tbe party, and, eltbteghalthough ontwoutward de­ playful -pat she went on her way, leav­ cencies were observed after a fashion, ing the young wife weak with dismay. LofeleL-was sickened by the ebeer When Bob came in' be betrayed an license,. that sh^:^ej|''«n every tend. elation only too familiar. She had,a wild fedlre % make Her ex­ TKHWttjrOOAUTY “You’ve been drinking!” cried Lqre- cuses and- .eeedpO' from Fennellcoort, but Bob bjMTdifopQritiwl, fe d ahageth- MACARONI ^‘^ S O V E L or T^EVC' YORK" L IFE “I had to; I ran fifteen three times. - A u th o r o f ered thatTie knd'BerfW eft'piaylng off My abstinence Is the marvel of the some fabulous wager in the billiard '"The Iron Trail'* " whole party:" room. Pleading a headache, she ex­ “I’m afraid—" cused herself as soon as she could. < ^ fR E X E C A C r t t t 0 "The Spoilers" “Say! You can’t help sneezing when “So sorry,” said Mrs. Fennell: then, “ The Silver Horde" Etc. yo u h a v e a cold. ^ W h a t ’s a fello w gd- wjth a knowing langh: “There’s no ihg to do lh a crowd like this? But Otpright, »} Harper V Bnthtrt likelihood; of Bob’s annoying yon for 'TLLUSimriom 4^rPARKER. don’t worry, I know when to ^nlt-*’ some time.” In truth he did seem better a^Ie tk> Once in her room, Lorelei gave way C H A P T E R XXI—Continued. ts uch aa bone racing was no longer He seemed to choke over the last word. upon him with envy: Kurtz’ bearing take care of himself than most of thje;, to the Indignation that had been slow­ — 1S— fashionable, opportunities for a Pitts­ “Well. It’s worth something to get men changed In a way that was extremely men Lorelei had seen, so she said no' ly growing in her breast. How dared Otar dally actions are controlled by burgh Phil future seemed limited. like these on the books, but— thirteen gratifying to one who had been uni­ more. Bob Introduce ber to such people! If * variety'of opposing Influences which 'Moreover, he had never saved a Jock­ hundred and seventy-six dollars— ” versally accounted a failure. And Bob lacks As he throttled himself with his eve­ this was the world in which he had B * are tflte threads pulling at us from ey’s life nor a jockey’s mother from “And twenty-five cents.” expanded under success: he began to ning tie Bob gasped: “Having a good moved before his marriage, he had Returned It, All Right. variooe direction*. When for any rea­ eviction, hence feed box tips were not Mr. Kurtz gulped. “In one day! feel more than mere amusement In his tim e ?” shown his wife an .insalt by bringing Over the garden fence the conversa­ son . certain of these -. threads are likely. Nor did be know a single soul Why, I could buy a farm for that. experiment. “Ye-es!” Lorelei could not summon her Into It. Surely people like the Fen­ tion had suddenly turned acrimonious. snapped and the -balance is disturbed In the business of Inventing rat-traps How much will yon have to ‘earn’ to H is marriage had become public, but courage for a negative answer: she nells. Bert Hayman, Mrs. Thompson- “An* if. yore boy, ’Elbert, ties any ire are tfrawp Into strange pathways, or shoe buttons. As for going w< cover yonr living expenses for six the affair was too old to be of much could not confess that her dream had Bellaire, the Madden woman, were not more cans to our pore dog’s tail;” was and otrf whole lives may be changed be was clearly of the opinion that a m o n th s?” news value. Now that he had escaped turned out wretchedly, and that what typical members' of New York’s exclu­ Mrs. Moggins’ stern ultimatum, “ ‘efl through the operation of what seems a search for abandoned gold mines “Ah. there we jonrney in the realm the disagreeable notoriety be had ex­ Bob seemed to consider .simply the sive circles! Applied to them, ‘smart* ’ear about It, that’s all. Oh, an’ per- moat trivial case. In Bob’s case the forgotten waterfalls wasn’t In bis Hne; of purest speculation.” Bob favored pected and was possessed of larger usual thing impressed her'as abnormal was a laughably lr adequate term; they ’aps you’ve done wlv that saucepan cause approached, all nnheralded. In and the secret of creosotlng railroad him with a sonny smile. “As well ask means. Bob— inordinately proud of his and wanton. were worse than fast; they were frank­ wot you borrowed last Monday.” the person of Mr. Richard Cady, a ties, now that he came to think of It. me bow much my living expenses must wife’s beauty and boyishly eager to “Well, that’s good," he said. "I’m ly vicious. This was more than a gay “ ’Erbert,” asked Mrs. Grubb shril­ youth whose magnificent vacuity of was still locked up In the breast of Its be In order to cover my earnings. display it— undertook to win social rec­ not strong for these week-end slaugh­ week-end party; it was an orgy. Lore­ ly; “wot ’av you bln doin’ to Ifnu purpose was the envy of his friends. affluent discoverer. Besides, as the Whatever one is, the other will be ap­ ognition for ber. It was no difficult ters, but it’s something you’ll have to lei’s anger at her betrayal was so keen Maggins’ dog?” CometHke. he was destined to appear, whoie episode had occurred In the sec­ proximately ditto—-or perhaps slightly Cask for one with his wide acquaint­ do.” v that she dared not send for Bob imme­ “Nothin’ raa l” replied the small boy flash brightly, then disappear below ond act of the play, the safety of in excess thereof. Anyhow, nothing ance to make a beginning. Lorelei “Is all society like— this?” B b e in ­ diately for fear of speaking too vio­ nnblnshlngly. the horizon of this tale. Mr. Cady building upon It wtt« doubtful at best but rigid economy— bane of my lif< was surprised and delighted one day to quired. lently, but she assured herself that she “There!” said his mother triumph­ greeted Bob with listless enthusiasm, Bob’s wrinkled brow smoothed Itself, w ill m ake the one fit In to the other. B u t receive an Invitation for her and ber “Um-m. yes and no! Society is like would leave in the morning, even antly. “An’ you returned ’er sauce­ teetering the while upon bis cane like and he nodded. H is path was plain: It I have a thought. Something tells me husband to spend a week-end at Fen- a layer cake— ” though he chose to remain. pan yesterday, didn’t yon, dearie?” a Japanese equilibrist led around the nearest corner to his these boys need white flannels, so get nelleourt, the country home of Bert tailor’s door. “Because it’s made of dough?” Still in a blazing temper, she dis­ “Sent It back by ’er dog I*’ said He­ “Haven’t seen you for ages,’’ he be­ out your stock. Kurtz. If they can’t Hayman's sister. She had not been Mr. Kurtz’s greeting was warm as Bob laughed. “Partly! Anyhow, the robed and sat down to calm herself and bert calmly. gan. “Been abroad?” play teunis they must learn, for my sorry to give up her theatrical work, Bbb strolled into the stately showroom upper crust Is Icy, and while the lower to wait for her bnsband. A half-hour Bob explained that he was spending sa ke ." and the prospect of meeting nice with its high-backed Flemish-oak layer Is just as rich as those above, passed, then another; at last she sent the summer In New York, a statement Bob’s remarkable stroke of fortune people, of leaving for good and all the it’s more Indigestible. There’s the a maid in quest of him, but the report that filled his listener with the same chairs. Its great carved tables, Its pan­ called for a celebration, and his four sordid, unhealthy atmosphere of Broad­ she received was not reassuring; Bob What the Doctor Knows horror he would have felt had he eled walls with their antlered decora­ heavy, soggy layers In "between, too. way, bathed her In a glow of anticipa­ was scarcely in a condition to come to learned that Bob was passing the heat­ tions. This, it may be said, v a i not a I don’t know any of 'that crowd. tion. his room. Lorelei’B lips were white as ed season in the miasmatic jungles of shop, not a store where clothes were They're mostly Dodos—the kind that KIDNEYS MUST BE RIGHT TO Fennellcourt is one of the show she dismissed the servant the Amazon. sold, but a studio where men’s dis endow colleges. This younger ‘places of the Wheatley Hills section. keeps tbe whole cake from getting By and by the music ceased. She INSURE HEALTH. “Just ran down from Newport” tlnctlve garments were draped, and the Bert Hayman drove the Whartons out Cady volunteered. “I’m sailing today. difference was perfectly apparent on tasteless.” •tbeard people passing In the hall, and the first of each month. from the city, and Lorelei's first After a while Lorelei ventured: "I’m distinguished Betty Fennell’s voice bid­ Few people realize to what extent their Better Join me fgr a trip. I know—” glimpse of Fennellcourt was such that “Knrtz,” began Bob, abruptly. " 1 still a little nervous. I wish you’d ding good night to someone. Still she health dependa upon the condition of the - he cut Bob’s refusal short—“travers she forgot ber vague dislike of Hay­ kidneys. just bet Dick Cady five thousand dol­ stay close to me this evening." waited. an awfnl nnisance; I get seasick my­ man himself. Bert, who bad met her The physician in nearly all cases of lars that I can make my own living “Can’t be done." Bob declared. “It’ When at last the door opened Hay- ' self.” and Bob for luncheon, had turned out serious illneaa, makes a chemical analy- for six months.” This falsehood trou­ a rule at Fennellcourt that husbands man stood on the threshold, peering at “Then why play at it?” to be. Instead of a polished man of the ria of the patient’s urine. He knows that bled him vaguely until he remembered must Ignore their wives. Betty doesn’t her. She saw that he was considerably unless the kidneys are doing their i Cady rolled a mournful eye upon his world, a glib youth with an artificial -✓ friend. "Girl!” said he, hollowly. that high finance most be often con-* Invite many married couples, and drunker thau when she had escaped properly, the other organa cannot I laugh and a pair of sober, heavy-lidded be brought back to health and i ‘ “Show girl! If I stay I’ll marry her, ducted behind a veil. wife-lover Is considered a pest. When from his attentions, but evidently he eyes. That be possessed a keen ap­ When the kidneys are neglected er and that wouldn’t do. Posl-tlve-ly not! Mr. Kurtz, genial, shrewd, gray, in Rome do as the tonrists do.” knew quite well what he was about. preciation of feminine beauty he abused in any way, serious results are raised^admiring eyes and said: Lorelei finished dressing in silence. "Kindly get out, and close tbe door So I’m running away. I’ll wait over showed by surrendering uncondition­ sure to follow. According to health sta­ Dinner was quite different to any­ after you.” she directed, still witbour tistics. Bright’s Disease, which ia really If yon’ll join me.” “I’ll take another five thousand." ally to Lorelei's charms. “I’m a working man.” Bpt Bob declined. “No. I’m going thing Bob's wife bad ever experienced, raising her voice. an aavspced form of kidney trouble, to w ork.” As Hayman’s car rolled up the drive­ and if the afternoon had been embar­ The intruder took no warning from caused nearly ten thousand deaths in one “Haw!” Mr. Cady expelled a short year, in the State of New York i laugh. This announcement Interested the way and tbe beauties of Fennellcourt rassing to her tbe evening was a trial. her crisp tones nor from the fact that displayed themselves, Lorelei found her twilight eyes were as dark as a Therefore, it is particularly neceaear; “True! And I’ve quit drinking.” tailor deeply. “Who’s going to hire As the cocktails were served, Harden pay more attention to the health of t Now Cady was blase, but he had a you?" he asked. , ber heart throbbing violently. Was not Fennell distinguished himself by los­ midnight sky. She! stepped to her important organs. heart: his sympathies were slow, but “You are.” S this tbe beginning of a glorious adven­ ing his balance and falling backward, dressing table nnd pressed tbe pearl A n ideal herbal compound that has had he was not insensible to misfortune. Kurtz blinked. “Maybe you’d like ture? Was not life unfolding at last? to the great amusement of his guests. push-button, bolding ber finger upon remarkable success as a kidney remedy is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the gnat ■ to bet on that, too,” he ventured. " I ’ll Was she not upon the threshold of a it and staring at Hayman. He moved Accordingly be responded with a cry of No one went to his assistance; be re­ kidney, liver and bladder remedy. pity, running his eye over his friend give you odds.” new world? Tbe flutter in ber breast gained his feet by climbing a high- toward her. but she snatched oue of was answer. the candlesticks from among her toilet The mild and healing influence of this to estimate the ravages of temperance. “Work Is one of the few things I backed chair, hand over hand, and dur prepailaration, in most cases, is soon real- “Up against it?” Inquired the other. haven't tried. You need a good sales­ Bert led tbe way through an Impres­ lng tbe dinner be sat for tbe most part . according to sworn statements and “So says my heartless father. He man.” sive ball that bisected tbe building, in a comatose state, bis eyes bleared verified testimony of those w ho have need has sewed up my.pockets and scuttled “No. I don't.. I have seven already." then out’ upon a stately balustraded and staring, his tongue unresponsive. the remedy. my drawing account, hence the dinner “Say. wouldn’t you like the trade of stone terrace, where, In the grateful Lorelei had llttje opportunity of watch­ When your kidneys require attention, shade of gaudy awnings, a dozen get Swamp-Root at once from any phax- pall on my arm. I’m in quest of toll.” the whole younger set? I can bring ing him, since Bert Hayman monopo­ macy. It is sold by every druggist la “I’ll bet you starve.” brightly pre­ you a lot of fresh customers—fellows people were chatting at tea tables. lized her attention. The latter made bottles of two sizes— 50c and $1 .00. * * dicted Mr. Cady. In an efTort at en­ like me." Mrs. Fennell, the hostess, a plain­ love openly, violently now. nDd it However, if you wish first to test this couragement. “I’ll lay you five thou­ “ 'Fresh customers' Is right." laughed He Made Love Openly, Violently, Now. faced, dumpy young matron, welcomed added to her general disgust to see great preparation send ten cents to Dr. sand that you make a flivver of any­ Kurtz, then sobered quickly. “You’re the newcomers, then made Lorelei that Bob had again fallen Into the Kilm er & Co., Binghamten, N ; Y., foror A . , customers clamored that he squander known. As for Bob. he needed no in­ clutches of Miss Wyeth, who made no sample bottle. W hen, writing bb sure thing you try.” joking, of course?” his first profits forthwith. Ordinarily mention this paper. Adv. “ * A “I’ve quit gambling, too.” "I’m so serious 1 could cry. How such a course would have been just troductions: a noisy outburst greeted secret of her fondness for him. As they shook hands Cady grunted: much Is It worth to you to make clothes to his liking: but now he was dying to him. and Lorelei’s heart warmed at Lorelei was not the only one to take O bliging. "My Invitation to globe-trot is with­ for my crowd?” tell Lorelei of his triumph, and. fearing tbe welcome. special note of the blonde girl’s infatu­ Mrs. Simmons was rather drawn. Flue company you’d be!” "Well—’’ the tailor considered to trust himself with even one drink, A few moments of chatter, then she ation. Mrs. Thompson-Bellaire was aback by learning that her new d<^ * As Bob walked up the avenue he “Quite a bit." be escaped from his friends as soon as and Bob were led into the bouse again equally observant and at length made mestic’s name was the same a s h e r pondered deeply, wondering If he real­ “The boys like to see Dick trimmed possible. Thus it chanced that he ar­ and up to n cool, wide bedroom. As her disapproval patent by a remark own daughter’s. ly were so lacking In ability as his —It’s a matter of priuelple with them rived home sober. Lorelei removed her motor coat and that set the table laughing and drove “Your name, Katherine, and m y friends believed. Money was sneb a never to let him win a bet—-‘and they’d bonnet she exclaimed, breathlessly: the blood from Lorelei’s face. Some­ daughter’s being the same makes m a t­ common thing, after all; the silly It was a happy home-coming. Boh time later Lorelei heard her explain do anything for me. You're the best was in a state of exaltation. He had "What a gorgeous house! And those ters somewhat contusing.” said Mm . labor of acquiring it could not be half tailor in the city, but too conservative. people! They weren’t the least'' bit to the man on her right: Simmons. Suppose^we change. It!*' • *. *o Interesting as the spending of It. no desire to bind himself to Kurtz’ i Now I'm going to bring you fifty new service for six months or for any other formal." “We weren’t surprised In the least. “Oi don’t inoind, ‘mum,’’ replied the Anybody could make money, but to accounts, every one good for better Bob laughed. “Formality Is about . . Bob’s always doing some crazy girl. enjoy It. to circulate It judiciously, one period: nor had he the least thought of thing when he’s drunk. . . . His than two thousand a year. That's a living up to his agreement until Lorelei the last thing they’re famous for. "That’s very nice,” said the mis trees. must possess Individuality—of a sort. hundred thousand dollars. How much There’s liable to be too much infor­ latest fancy . . . pretty, of course, “How do you like, say, the name at Honey seemed to come to some people began to treat the matter seriously. but . . from some western village. am !l offered? Going! Going!—” Then he objected blankly: mality. Say! You made those dames Bridget?” without efTort, and from the strangest “Walt a minute! Would you stick look like the Monday- morning wash- I believe . . . can't possibly Inst. “Well, mum," returned the dom estic, sources—Kurtz, for Instance, bad “Why, It wa* all right as a joke, but to me for six months If I took you on?" I don't want to be n tailor. There’s no ladles’ parole. I knew you woitld, Why should It?" The words were pur­ “It’s not mesilf that’s over particular. grown rich out of coats and trousers! “My dear Kurtz. I’ll poultice myself “You aald this was the younger set— posely made audible, and during the Ol’ra willing to call th’ young lady ony Bob halted, frowning, while Ylng romance In woolen goods.” rest of the meal, when Mrs. Thomp­ upon you for life. I'll guarantee my­ “How much do you owe?” she asked. but that awful Thompson-Bellaire wid- name ye’d suggist, mum." peered out from his hiding place at self not to slide, slip, wrinkle or skid. t i t Is here, and that blonde girl I met son-Bellaire was not bltlngly sarcastic the passing throngs, exposing a tiny, “Really, I’ve no Idea. It's some­ Thirty years hence, when you come thing you don’t have to remem ber- — with her.” to Lorelei, she was offensively patron­ Looked Comical. limp, ping-rlbbon tongue. If Kurtz, hobbling down to business, you'll find "Alice Wyeth?" izing. Mrs. Flatbush—And you la u gh e d armed only with a pair of shears and somebody always reminds you lr. plen­ me here." ty of time, and then you borrow “Yes. I thought she was going to After dinner Lorelei bad a better op­ when you saw your husband in h is so l­ a foolish tape, had won to affluence, dier clothes? Mr. Kurtz dealt In novelties. and the enough to pay up.” kiss you)” portunity than during tbe afternoon of why couldn't another? Stock broking Bob grinned. “So did I. She will, becoming acquainted with the women Mrs. Bensonhurst— Yes; you ought Jdea of a society salesman was suffi­ “Let’s forget the romance and pay ■was no longer profitable: and old too. If she feels like It." of the party, hat the experience was to have seen him. ciently new to appeal to his commer­ up without borrowing. Remember you Hannibal’s opposition evidently forced “Won’t you have anything to say not pleasant She was made to under­ Hayman Reeled Away. “But I should think you would have cial sense. have two families to support." Noting a change of occupation. abo ut It ? " stand that they regarded her not as cried.” “I’ll pay you twenty per cent." he that the Idea of permanent employ­ articles, swung It above ber bead, and The prospect^of such a change was Bob’s wife in any real sense, but rather “Well, I done that, too; I la u gh e d offered, “for all the new names you put What coold I say? Alice does just brought the weapon down. Hayman annoying, but scarcely alarming to an ment galled him, she added, craftily. as his latest and most fleeting fancy. ’till I cried." on my books.” as she likes. So does everybody else, reeled away, covering his face with hla ingrained optimist, and Bob took com­ ‘O f coarse you’ll never sell another lot His marriage they seemed to look upon “Make It twenty-five on first orders of clothes like this, but— ” for that matter. I’ve never gone In for hands and cursing wildly; then. Lore­ fort In reflecting that the best-selling as a bizarre adventure, such as might No Fun In That. and twenty on repeaters. I’ll bring my Why not? It’s like selling candy to this sort of tiling very much.” lei, guided more by Instinct than by literature of the day was replete with happen to any man In their set who “Why did you break the engage­ own luncheon and pay my car fare.” After a moment Lorelei ventured. “I reason or memory, found Mrs. Fen­ Instances, of disinherited sons, impor­ a child.” was looking for amusement m e n t?” “There wouldn't be any profit left.” suppose .they’re all hard drinkers— ” nell’s chamber and pounded upon Its 'You can’t go with that crowd with­ There was more dancing during tne “Well, my fiancee got to Imitating demurred Kurtz. out drinking.” “That wasn’t spring water you savf door with blind fury. She heard a stir In their glasses.” evening. Miss Wyeth continued to one of these movie queens. She “Good! 'Hipn It’s a bargain— twenty- “Is that so? Now you sit tight and from tbe direction whence she bad “Are you— going to?” Lorelei eyed monopolize Bob. and Lorelei was of­ thought It was cute to shoot me a five and twenty. Now watch me grab hold yonr bat on. I can make that come, and Hayman’s voice calling him anxiously. fended to note that his resistance gave ‘swift kiss under the ear.” adolescent offshoots of our famous business pay if I try. and still stay something unintelligible; then Mrs. “I can’t very well make myself con­ 6igns of weakening. She smothered Four Hundred." Bob took a bus up In the Rainmakers’ union. There’s big Fennell’s startled face appeared before H a rd Luck. spicuous by refusing everything; I her feelings, however, and remonstrat­ her. the avenue to the College club for money in It— enough so we can live “Did you catch hpythlng on your don’t want to look like a zebra In a ed gently, only to find that he was In luncheon. the way we want to. I'm sick of this .... - „ . „ .. . | ‘What’s the matter? My dear!, fishing trip?” j! • henyard— and a cocktail before dinner DO condition to lloten The dinner b.d wate ererrbody In the home.' At three o’clock he returned, accom­ telephone booth, a n yh o w : w e ’ll present been too much for him. 1 “No; not ee^%fM M st train home.” panied by four flushed young men It to some nice newsboy and rent an wouldn't hart anybody." Noting bis (TO BE CONTINUED.) whose names gave Kurtz a thrill. In apartment with a closet This one’s wife’s expression, he kissed her lightly. “Now don’t spoil yonr first party by spite of their modish appearance they so small I don’t dare to let my trou­ feeling somehow that there Is a con­ worrying over me. Just forget you’re ATTIC A THING OF THE PAST declared themselves Indecently shabby, sers bag. Besides, we’ve been under necting link between him and the his­ married and have a good time.” and allowed Bob to order for them— cover long enough, and I want you to Treasure House of Family Relics Has tory of his country. As for the pad­ Music greeted them as they descend­ a favor which he performed with a ra­ meet the people I know. We can af­ Completely Disappeared in Thee ded silk brocaded vest his grandfather ford the expense—-now that I’m mak­ ed the stairs, and they found some of jah’s lofty disregard of .expense. He . Modern Days. wore on his wedding day, It Is a pat­ sat upon one of the carved tables, se­ ing thirteen hundred and seventy-alx tbe guests dancing to tbe strains of ent of respectability equal to a suit a giant orchestrion built Into die mu­ lecting samples as If for a quartet dollars and twenty-five cents a day.” A very modern Indictment against of armor— besides looking a good deal sic room. Hayman promptly seized of bridegrooms. Being bosom cronies “I should like to know nice people,” the architects and builders of this lik e one. upon Lorelei and whirled her away, of Mr. Cady, the four yooths needed Lorelei confessed. “I'm slqk of the town has been returned by a young but not before she saw the Wyeth little urging. When they had gone In kind I’ve met; the men are Indecent married couple who have spent con­ How German Army Horses Are Dyed. blonde making for Bob as an eagle to be measured Knrtz said guardedly: and the women are vulgar. I’ve al­ siderable time looking-for a home. Because of the shortage of horses In makes for its prey. “Whew! That's more stuff than I’ve ways wanted to know the other kind.” They report the Incredible- fact that Germany It has been found expedient Guests continued to arrive from sold In two weeks!” Bob was delighted; his fancy took there are no attics in the newer class to dye white and dappled horses a time to time; some from Westchester “A mere trifle," Bob grinned, hap­ fire, a n d already he w a s fa r alo n g of houses, or very few. Where the field-gray, as already noted in Popular and the Connecticut shore, others pily. “Say, Kurtz, this Is the life! toward prosperity. “Yon’ll make a attic ought to be there are finished Mechanics Magazine, thereby giving •Tom neighboring estates. One conple This Is tfie Job for me— panhandling hit with the younger set; yon’ll be a rooms with regular floors, papered ’ them the same protective coloring as In riding clothes, out.for a gallop, dis­ “Another Article * juvenile plutocrats— no office hoars, no perfect rave. Bert' Hayman told me walls and lighting fixtures. the soldi ere’ uniforms and making mounted and stayed for a trot Tbe heavy lifting, and Thursdays off. Fm today that his married sister is enter­ To the philosophic mind this is a them available for military purposes. huge tiled terrace began to resemble A^abut Coffee”— going to make yon famous." taining a lot, and, since the drama will state of affairs of the gravest mo­ The coloring when first applied- gives a Broadway the dansant. - "You’ll break me with another run be tottering on Its Way to destruction ment, for in the swift moving tide of the horse a violet hue, which later like this. You don’t think they’re bluf­ without you in a few days. I’ll tell him There was more freedom, more vi­ American life that has swept away so changes into greenish-brown by reason In .piteof brand publicity. fin g ?” that we’re invited ont to Long Island vacity than Lorelei was accustomed to, many of the moorings of the home of the chemical action of the sweat people do not reaEi* “Why' should they bluff? They’ll for a week-end.” even In tbe gayest downtown resorts; and family the attic was about all retained in tiie hair. A staff apothe­ tbe ^nn-tbe 2) stupe of never discover how many suits they the fun was swift and hilarious, there that .was left to tie to, remarks cary of the German army has found have. No# figure it up and tell the CHAPTER XXII. was a great deal of drinking. Bob. writer In the Indianapolis News. Not that the best dye Is a 1 per cent solu­ •i Should Like to Kpsw Nice People,' after a manful struggle against bis everybody can nave ancestors, por- tion of permanganate of potassium. Under Lorelei's encouragement Bob desires and a frightened resistance '■ 3 /iK LofoJel Confess**. Kurtz did as directed, announc­ traits, family skeletons, and the other This ts applied to the head, legs, and n e f c e i M g r jtu y t r y a ing. “Fifty-five h u n d re d ,five dol- put In tiie next two weeks to good ad­ to the advances of Miss Wyeth, had things that go with lineage, but ev­ upper part of the body with a brush dey*' rh.ntu te men, rained iaya." - ‘ vantage. In fact so obsessed was be fled to the billiard room. erybody can1 have an attic If they will and to the more sensitive parts with _ • Mlera, w h o b y ’ -flier,!- «etaftn~l fti-w w ulee- with hla hew employment that It was Lorelei became Interested In watch­ make a stand for It and not allow a a sponge. The coloring ts permanent, If 6f genius had mended efttaajwfeaep tagtfcuir te com- not long before his imaginary bet with ing M iss Courtenay, tbe girl in the rid­ mere style In houses to deprive them harmless, and costs About 50 cents per eg overnight. Sotte few; In a s Cady assumed reality In Ms mind. ing habit, one of the season’s debu­ of their rights. An attic Is the near­ horse.— Popular Mechanics Magazine. ) P O S T U M dgfe or M a w l _ir Moreover, it became gossip around bis tantes. who, ft seemed, w as especially est substitute for a faniily ..tree that flayed the market, others the ponies, teriah "Thlrteea hundred and cruba; and In quarters where be was susceptible. to the influence of Uqnor. has been discovered. It takfes only a Sickness and Death Frdm Milk. Poetum eUrefie. tbe de­ ^etill others had gone west and derot, seventy-six dollars and twenty-five well known his method of winning the Lorelei was glad when it came time few generations to furnish it with me­ It is well known that the records sire for a-bgt teHle ybieb. oped abandoned gold mines or obscure cents ts my blackmail; Kurtz. That’s wager was deeded not only character­ to dress for dinner. As she went to mentos, that constitute a complete of many cities* show that dirty milk Water powers. A number, also, had, wjbat 1 call *a safe and sansUFoarth.’ istic but Ingenious. H is exploits weft- her room Mrs. Fennell stopped her on genealogical history -of the occupants causes much sickness and death from end its peers generally eleqp Kf : * .grown disgustingly rich from pal stan t- ■ ftpt t o d fo r d u ll tim es, a d d y e t It fa moua; and bis friends, rejoicing In the stairs to say; of tbe house. And these are the things diarrheal diseases among children one better, feel betto ~ Jog ^at-traps or shoe buttons. <&* m ig h t be batter., A n y h o w ^ It’s the one more display of eccentricity, and “M y dear, Elizabeth Courtenay was* •=-IIke portraits and skeletons— that go’ to five years old and that it is in hot oftenex an d enjo y i bid discovered a way fa hardest thirteen hundred an% seventy- relishing any mOd misfortune to Dick frantically jealous of yon.”'' to preserve family pride. weather that dirty mihr & m ost HA of railroad ties fe d ___six______dollars I__ ever _ earned." . r ‘ 1 Cady, in the majority of cases changed “O f roe? I don’t understand.” - N o m an can g o in to the attic afad deadly. " ‘ ' ~ 1 ■■‘‘A . hdf-trttl-4*, _ bludgeoned the raUrwnf '"Hard!” - T*a jasaurg Bps tallonk, “She and Bert'are great friends— see the first rcopper-toed boots he wore* o sf rf fabulous royalties- twitched, oscillating his . fcaiflpdleutly. .B u sin e ss a t K u rts’ increased- jto su b ­ god b#a gone perfectly daft over you. as a boy banging to the rafters with­ A wire.hairbrush; su b as you can F it bet .tboeev.feUnro even ‘ « stantially that Bob .jwas treated .with a JYfcy, he’s telling everybody.” .Lorelei out feeling-some sort of a stlr-withln buy for ten cents, is just the thing for bought your lunch. I suppose you mean reverential amazement by everyone In flashed, to A s evident smnsetnept of He cannot see tiie remains o f keeping the cat’s far in good ebodJ- it*a the first j the shop, _fbe' other salesmen cased bueufc wb m e o»: U s grandmo ther’s hoopskirta> without thorn m ■ M i m m p S S S M penw^ere, 1 UNITED STATES HOSPITAL TRAIN as-‘fas' Was heard iris \ ride. J a s p e r s ( •'How long have wait, ma? * Father our marrying, I know, and got to wait till he drops oif. W e ll b y L j Experiment good for another thirty years, the old brute 1” “Well, what about me?” cried the son petulantly. "Don’t I want to get the farm. Instead of being hustled to By HAROLD CARTER death on a dog’s wages? Why can’t we get rid of the old man and eujoy lifer’ a pain tn my right (Copyrights 1318. by W. G. Chapman.) “Heaven knows I’ve wished It long **** eo?ild m t “What’s the matter, father? Got a enough,” said their mother. “But ®*t anything witb- new craze?” Inquired Mehitabel Bal­ what’s the use of wishing? If I had oat hurting my sam, as she handed her husband his the nerve Td put poison in his coffee, m v t m i caaid third cop of coffee at breakfast In but I haven’t—so there.” ^ 1 sotdrink cold water Jasper Balsam turned white with at ail nor eat tm f the farmhouse. “I hare, Mehitabel," answered Jas­ rage. He had always been a kind fa­ 1‘M H H y n kind of raw fruit, per Balsam, looking first at his wife ther to his children, he had thought ^r'v-’ 1 , not fr®ah meat Dor and then at his son and daughter, Jun­ his wife loved him. And now his daugh­ chidtem- From ITS ter wanted to marry Jim, a farm-hand, pounds I went to ius and Octavla. LOOK FOR W. L Doer*oa “Well, don’t bottle It up longer thftn a shiftless sort of fellow who seemed the retail price USsndwoald get ao weak at time* that the last person on earth for any de­ I fell over. I began to take Lydia E. you have to, father,” said Junius, stir­ ring up his egg. cent girl. He had never suspected Ptriichfgn,a Vegetable Compound, and th a t! And his wife wanted to poison ten day* later I could eat and it did not M Sm m “It’s this,” said Jasper. “Lnst Sun­ STARTING, LIGHTING AND IGNITION day in church the minister was saying him, and all three longed for his Mag_ neto Guaranteed work at prices you’ll be glad to pay hurt my stomach. I have taken the death! He jumped out of his chair. 24-hour Out-of-Town Service medicine ever since and 1 feel like a that the world would he a better place If everybody said exactly what he was “I heard you!’’ he bellowed. “Now Repairing new woman. I now weigh 127 pounds I know your hearts, thanks to my new Detroit Magneto Exchange, 97 W. Aunt, Detroit to you fan see what it haa done for me thinking. Now why can’t we start a movement that will revolutionize so­ plan. You want me dead and our of An Eye to Business. At a Disadvantage. already. My husband says be knows the way. so that you cun handle the medicine has saved my life.”— cial life in this country? Why can’t “This play is the worst ever. 1 am “Have any trouble with your sum­ old man’s money, do you? I suppose going to demand my money back.” mer boarders Tills year?" K J. S. Barlow. 1624 South 4th S t, we have done wtth hypocrisy and say just what we want to say?" you’d like to get married again t«*o. "Wait until after tlie next act. old “No," answered Mr. Cobbles. “That Columbus, Ohio. man. Ten years elapse %cvween acts Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ “I’m willing.” announced his wife. Mehitabel?" is, none wortji mentionin'. There was “I would,” answered his wtfe 1 and 3. and you can demand interest lady school teacher stayin’ with us 1 pound contains just the virtues of root* "Lord, there’s a whole heap of things and herbs needed to restore health and I’ve wanted to say for years and never promptly. “I’d like to marry a man on your money for that length of time.” who didn't seem to think much of my Strength to the weakened organs of the had a chance to. I want a new silk without scrubby black whiskers, who grammar, but as I wasn't chargin’ didn’t chew tobacco." Important to Mothers nothin’ for my grammar, she couldn't body. That is why Mrs. Barlow, a dress.” Examine carefully every bottle of chronic invalid, recovered so completely. “And I wish—I wish I were rid of coinc right out and make no regular “Don’t talk foolishness, Mehitabel,” CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for complaint.” said her husband severely. “I mean ye all!” snorted the farmer, turning infants and children, and see that it away. sensible things. For example, this Bears the Nearly Always, Willie. egg’s cold. Now usually I wouldn’t He went hack into the parlor, filling It with a cloud of smoke us he puffed Signature of “I’a, I know which is the most war­ say It was cold. I’d Just eat It. But like nation." If we agreed to speak our minds, no­ morosely at his pipe. That bad always In Use for Over 30 Years. Tabloid Aeroplanes. been his privilege; unlike many wom­ Children Cry for Flctcher’B Castoria “Well, m.v son, which Is It?” The British reuson, quite logically, body could take offense.” en. Mehitabel had never raised objec­ “Vacci-nation, pn. 'Cause it’s al­ that the smaller the aeroplane and the “I’m willing,” replied his wife again. tions to his smoking anywhere In the Where Are the Boys? ways in arms. Isn’t it?" faster It can fly the less danger of Its “When do we start?” The Minden Magazine, the organ of “We start now,” said Jasper Balsam, house. She had been p good wife to being hit by shots fired from earth. him. and he had never guessed the the Lancashire Fusiliers, observes In John Rebqiv of Wilkes-Barre, Pa^ So the British airmen fayor an unusu­ feelings which she hud harbored In a recent isue: “We are not, of course, has adopted !k) orphans. He has seven ally small machine, which they call her heart. His children, too—what allowed to say where we are, but we children of his own. the “tabloid.” A very light frame is vipers he bad been nourishing! He niay venture to say that we are not fitted with an 80-horse power motor, had offered to send the boy to college, where we were, but where we were be­ which will drive the frail machine but Junius had declined. And Octavla fore we left here to go to where we SPECULATE!! through the air at the rate of 100 had been promised a new piano and have Just come from.” miles an hour. The engine is covered music lessons only the day before. —provided you can afford to lose. with armor. The aviator seeking to He striked angrily upstairs at length drop a bomb on the enemy approaches The first United States hospital train patients, one standard Pullman, a com­ CLEAR RED PIMPLY FACES But it is well to remember that put Into service consists of ten coaches bination baggage and library car and a and shut himself up in the spare room. 6% of the people die rich, 95% dia his target at a height of 5.000 feet. His mind was filled with turbulent When straight above It he turns the built by the Pullman company, and is kitchen. Red Hands, Red Scalp With Cuticura poor, 00% die penniless. as complete as any train on the Euro­ for patients contain nine and vindictive thoughts. If they did Soap and Ointment. Trial F|;ee. nose of his machine straight down and not want him around he would go WHY? drops at terrific speed. When within pean front It has every modern hos­ floor cots of steel on each side, in ad­ pital convenience. dition to which upper berths may be away, but he would uo longer support The soap to cleanse and purify, the Much of this 95% must have had 600 feet of the target he drops his them. bombs as quickly as possible and then The train consists of a service or utilized, as in standard Pullmans, mak­ Ointment to soothe and heal. Nothing money some time during their‘lives. combination first aid and surgical car, ing the car capacity 36 people. The Suddenly he henrd low voices In better, quicker, safer, surer at any It is beyond possibility thut they shoots skyward at a tremendous pace. the ball outside his room. At first he ' —American Boy. which Is in Itself a thoroughly train will be used to transport men price for skin troubles of young or were always poor. What did they equipped operating room, six cars for from field to base hospitals. could not distinguish what they were old that itch, burn, crust, scale, tor­ do with their money thaf they saying, but then he heard his own son British Columbia’s estimated 1910 ture or disfigure. Besides, they meet should die poor—CG% penniless? speaking. every want in toilet preparations. revenue Is $5,944,015; expenditures, Government records and reports 01300,000. DOES AWAY WITH DEFECTS COST WOULD BE ENORMOUS “Of course father means well, if he Free sample each by mall with Book. wouldn’t take up with those crank Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept, L, of business failures, collapsed stock promotions, the fall of big-return Dizcovery of Railroad Expert Will Only Obstacle That Stands in the Way ideas." he was saying. Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv. fake schemes, etc., etc., furnish the Add Many Years to the Life of the General Electrification “I think you were too mean for any­ Didn’t Want Much. strangest of proof that thousands Thousands Tell It of Steel Rail. of Railroads. thing, Juny,” protested Octavla. “Say­ every year lose their all—all their ing that you wanted to get rid of him One Saturday night u lady who pos­ Why dally along with backache and sessed a fruit and vegetable shop hur­ money and all their hopes—in a kidney or bladder troubles? Thousands Forty years of experimentation on It has been said that almost no so as to have the farm instead of be­ vain struggle for big profits—to get tell you how to find relief. Here’s a the most efficient method of manufac­ public work lasts more than a genera­ ing hustled to death on a dog’s ried to serve her lust customer, u very case to guide you. And it’s only one red-faced wonhiu. rich quick! of thousands. Forty thousand Ameri­ turing steel rails has culminated In an tion without requiring in some fashion wages!” can people axe publicly praising Doan’s announcement by the New York Cen­ to be reconstructed; practically, to be “And what about you, calling him She asked for a penny's worth of Any established, substantial busi­ Kidney Pills. Surely it ia worth tbs tral railroad of the perfection of a replaced. The Erie canal has been an old brute and wishing him to drop vegetables, and wanted u piece of ev­ ness man will tell you thut safety erything. while of any one who haa a bad back, piocess for the elimination of hidden rebuilt once a generation, bigger. There “Your Face la Worse Than the Whisk­ off so that you could marry Jim of principal and surety of reasona­ who feels tired, nervoua and run-down, When she had been given what she ble returns are chiefly responsible who endures diatreaaing urinary disor­ defects in rails, which has been the Is alrendy talk of making the Panama ers." Griggs?” demanded Junius. ders, to give Doan’a Kidney Pills a trial. chief cause of the country’s railroad canal a sea-level ditch, even before It “You knew I didn't mean that!” desired, she politely asked if they for the 5% of successes as against wrecks. The process, It Is declared, Is really completed as a lock canal. The and there followed a few minutes of cried the girl. “When I marry I'm could be wrapped in a piece of paper the 95% of failures. A M i c h ig a n C ase has solved a problem that has baffled railroads are everlastingly in process ominous silence. going to try to find a man as good as and tied with a string. I The shopkeeper turned to her, quite Safety of principal and surety of "Ik ™. Alice Barnum. Twn fwrt TdSiSbfy" •xperts since the railroad Industry In of rebuilding. Rails of 120 pounds to “I have been thinking. Mehitabel," father. I was just pretending in or­ reasonable returns are offered you 0 W. Caroline St., Fen- - - the United States began. The man the yard have replaced those of 60; the continued Jasper presently, “that at der to teacli him a lesson. But you— calm, and said: ton. Mich., a a y a : “Walt a minute, and I will run In our 5% GUARANTEED First ■•Kidney t r o u b l e primarily responsible for the process big freight car of today would well- your age—fifty-two, and you looking you let the thoughts out of your Mortgage Bond Certificates—$50, It pays forme women gradual- suffering from any Is Pllmont Henry Dudley, consulting nigh carry a trainlond of freight of considerably older than that, thut you across to the butcher’s for a bone, female ailments to insist upon having heart!" $100. $500 and $1,000 parts of 50%- engineer of the road, who has spent the first decades of railroading. ought to have learned to make a pie "No I didn't either. Tabby, because and I think that will complete your of-vnlue First Mortgages on Im­ Lydiad iz z E. y andPinkham’g nervoua Vegetable Com- by now. When a man sits down to Sunday dinner.” \ and nights waa reat-i nearly half of his life In what he mod­ Now comes promise of the greatest he told me only lately thut I could go proved Detroit Real Estate. Every lees. Mornings. I waa estly termed “the labor of love." Mr. revolution of all. The convention of breakfast, he expects n piece of pie to college any time I wanted to. And $1 of Investment secured by more hardly able to do my Dudley Is seventy-two years old, and that is pie, not cinders and dough.” A GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGMENT. work. When I aaw Master Mechanics of American Rail­ it was ma who started the game, say­ than $2 of actual Income-producing Doan’a Kidney PI 11a has contributed at least six important ways expresses the serious view that “True, Jasper," replied the wife. “I ing she wanted to get married once property. advertised. I got a Inventions to the railroad Industry. shall try to do better. Rut what a dis­ Mr. F. C. Case of Welcome Lake, supply and they soon universal electrification will take place more, and talking ubout pu's whisk­ The flaws, or Interior fissures, as they soon. couragement It Is to sit down facing a Pa., writes: “I suffered with Back­ Ask us to send you location and ve me relief. That ers." ’ full particulars. Bank reference* Kppened s e v e r a l , are called, never can be detected visi­ It would be In the end chenper. man with scrubby black whiskers and “My dears, I was trying to teach him ache and Sidney Trouble. My head years ago and I have had little kidney bly In a rail. It has only been by fol­ to know I’ll have to go on seeing thut ached, my sleep was broken and un- upon request. A safe, sane and ^ 4 ^ trouble since.” safer, more rapid and efficient. Then n lesson.” answered their mother. profitable investment. Guaranteed / ■ lowing specifications laid down by Mr. why not? face till I die. Not that I want you to "I'll tell you a secret. It was your fa­ refreshing. I felt Gat Dm i’i at Aay S*ara, SOa a Bex shave, you understand. Jasper, m.v by Dudley In the manufacture of the rail If there is a real obstacle. It Is, to­ ther's whiskers that made me fall in heavy and sleepy _ 1 1 D N K dear, because your face Is worse than after meals, was PILLS and then reheating the finished prod­ day, the difficulty of financing such a love with him. There!" IUKN CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. uct In a special plant, that any hid­ gigantic operation. It must be raised the whiskers.” always nervous “Well, say!” began the farmer, and But Jasper Balsam was outside his Urban Realty den defects can be removed. It Is said from private investors; it can only be door, smiling n little sheepishly, and and tired, .>ad a that extensive experimentation with then he checked himself. "I don’t hitter taste in my raised If there is such confidence In the know that I haven’t had as much to fingering his whiskers nstW^fcooke. Mortgage Company this process, has proved that this is earning power of the roads, and in “I guess you fooled theand i^aan all mouth, was dizzy, a sure way of elimlnatlngsgvery pos­ the governmental attitude toward suffer seeing your face so long, my h a d f lo a tln g $200,000.00 Paid-up Capitol dear,” he said. “You wasn’t a beauty right.” he said. “But w»e vStetn ain’t sible defect. According to recent fig­ them, as will guarantee stable condi­ a bad one. Only I forgot Ao say. we specks before my ures broken rails caused 3,045 acci­ tions. when I married you, but 1 didn’t reckon eyes, was always 46-48 W. Congress St, Detroit your complexion would get so like a must only speak when war re thinking Mr. F. C. Case. dents in 1915, the death of 205 persons> ox pleasant things.” thirsty, had a Injuries to 7,341 persons and a loss of One way to produce this confidence tortoise shell tabby cat’s.” dragging sensation across my loins, would be to unify and centralize, un­ “I was thinking, Octavla," put In difficulty in collecting my thoughts Y O U N EED * about $4,000,000. Mr. Dudley’s Inven­ der the national government, all the in­ tion, so far as It has been applied on the son, “that since you haven’t any Hot Weather Hike to Japanese. and wsb troubled with short­ to aid nature occasionally when your strumentalities of governmental co» chance of getting married, with that Under a scorching sm that at tlrqes liver is sluggish, your Stomach dis­ the New Central lines, has already re­ troL—Washington Times. ness of breath. Dodds Kidney JPllls duced rail breaks from one break In fiend’s temper which you Inherit from drove the mercury u» to 130 degrees have cured me of these complaints. ordered or your bowels inactive* Let 800 rails to one break in 142,000 rails. pa, you might as well go out and work Fahrenheit, 2,000 solofrereof the Jap­ You are at liberty to publish this let­ this safe, mild, dependable remedy Inexperienced Drivers. anese army, stationed In^Fe^mcea and regulate these organs and put them for your living.” ter for the benefit of any sufferer who in a sound and healthy condition. Truck* Beat Railroad. The seemingly large dumber of auto­ “That’s odd, Juny,” answered his the Pescadores, made n 12-daymareh doubts the merit of Dodds Kidney Recently a fleet of flve-and-one- mobile accidents which have occurred sister. “I was wondering why you In Formosa between July 1 and July Pills." half-ton trucks, hauling three flve*ttn recently lead one to believe that there don’t hustle a bit more, instead of go­ 12. Only three eases of sunstroke are Dodds Kidney Pills,'50c. per box at trailers, operated in military convoy is either a great deal of carelessness ing around like a dressed-up dude, that reported. The first nine days were your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co., BEECHAM’S fashion, made an overland run from on the part of drivers or else that the all the girls laugh at.” spent In marching, and the troops ac­ Buffalo, N. Y. Dodds Dycpepsla Tab­ tually covered more than one hundred l W o b m m i W a n t s New York to Hartford with 44 tons of presence of too many Inexperienced “What do you mean?” stuttered lets for Indigestion have been proved. partly finished ball bearings. drivers has had something to do with Junius. miles. The hist three days were spent 50c. per box.—Adv. PULS The material had been received at i t A reckless driver is often less of "Why, the girls say. If your face In maneuvers. With a view to finding New York by steamer from Sweden, a menace to traffic than a driver who, isn’t a cross between pa’s and the the best clothing to protect soldiers Incidental Embellishment. and although urgently needed in Hart­ by reason of his inexperience, has not blue-nosed mandrill's, It’s uear from the heat, the soldiers were al­ “Remember,” said the man who lowed to wear any costume they ford was being held In the custom­ perfect control of his car. How often enough.” takes life seriously, "that riches have WHY NOT THY we hear of cases in which pedestrians “Come, children,” Interposed their pleased. Some wore helmets, some wings.” house owing to the existing frig h t straw hats; some wore nn ordinary embargo along the Atlantic coast. have been run down or collisions have mother, rising, “let’s leave father to “Well/* replied Mr. Dustin Stax, “the occurred because a driver has become himself. We don’t have to^see him all uniform with a hole on either side, or facf that a fried chicken has wings Nbk atutk,i The Heavy Haulage company of n knitted undershirt, or a thin kimono; New York offered a quick solution of nervous and has forgotten “which the day, so why should we?” doesn't prevent me from enjoying it.” ______hy Lydia E. Jasper experienced the sensation some wore their heavy boots; some ___MmL Co, for tea yoate. the problem by starting the truck train lever to poll” under trying conditions, that his latest reform was'‘uniting the tnbL Besides their clothing, the best The Style of It. WHAMS URL CR, mpK A t o l f w * J . r for at 5:30 one night, and after a con­ when a little more experience would food and drink for soldiers under these have made it instinctive for him to do melnbers of his family against him, “Read my palm, please.” tinuous run of 140 miles arrived at like his earlier ones. He resolved to conditions were also studied. “Ah, yon want a hand-picked fu­ Hartford at 11 o’clock the following the right thing. The state now re­ ture, do you?" W. N. U., DETROIT, NQ. $1-1010. night. • quires an applicant for a driver’s license to have had at least one hun­ A Sensible Heroine. people. Everyone Is now acquainted British Gasoline Card* Possible. dred miles of actual driving expert* One of our heroines has been Sarah with nt least one other field of chem­ ’t Persecute Now regulations concerning the use ence before receiving license. (burran, the daughter of John Philpot ical endeavor—dyestuffs—and thus of automobiles for pleasure purposes Curran, the great Irish advocate, and chemistry has made a clear advance Bowels are to go into effect in England. The Mileage and Driving. the sweetheart of Robert Emmet, say* of 100 per cent lq popular estimation. They a r t shortage of gasoline, due to demands Considerable increased tire mileage a writer In the Cincinnati Tlmes-Star. Among technical men, however, it is CARTER'S LITTLE made hy the armieb in France, is so may be obtained through the careful We remembered the story of the Irish electro-chemistry that is now attract- great that all motoring on Sunday has Ing greatest attention. Of coarse, ns KJVER PULS a handling of a car. If the driver starts patriot hovering near the Curran home been prohibited except under special and stops his car with a jerk a ad while the authorities were looking for long ns Faraday’s law has been taught CARTERS licenses. The use of gasoline cards, on | tries to turn corners on two wheels him. He paid with his life for his en­ In schools those who hud to learn It ITTLX the plat? of the German bread cards. he may soon expect blowouts. It Is deavor to induce his Sarah to fiy with knew of electro-chemistry. But for Is contemplated. Even the omnibuses estimated that by careful driving one him to the United State*. He was many Its scope was restricted to bat­ in London are to be Included in the may increase the mileage fully 90 prehended and then came his trial, his teries and plating, ^aturally electrical regulations. per cent. betrayal by McNally and his execution. engineers knew better, as they bad to Sarah Curransllved on to be celebrated buy their copper from the electrolytic fllA U .nJU SMWLWJffi. SMALL FKKB. Will Eclif A u to Suspicion. lU and story* Shf was the he­ copper refinery, an

,v.v rugg

“ SSP I Want a new soft Tor . over ©oat, mac? See -the great line at Riggs’. Save a few dollars. Your Opportunity to Save Now the Time to Buy Auto raqpt will be stag#? at Wayne, Saturday, October 7. Some attractive purses have bee if bung up. This B lanket SaJe E^rduordinary The Michigan Milk Producers’ As­ sociation has declared itself for two dollar milk in Michigan after Novem­ -WILL TAKE PLACE- ber 1. Earl Stimp8on was in Detroit the latter papt of last week looking for,.* flat. Earl has secured employment for Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, October 7. 9. Absolutely Pure the winter with the Anderson Electric Made fromtiroam of Tartar Automobile Co.—Northville Reoord. The trees in the apple orchard of D. ALL OVER THIS PART OF THE UNITED STATES* PHOSPHATE W. Packard, west ef the village, are |0AL|P-I0 loaded with fine fruit this fall. Mr. A .great-distributor of- blankets' realizing the -conditions governing ? xner- This distributor decided that these blankets should be offered by his chaijdigefeie 1816, both as to prices and deliveries arranged with hie manu­ customers to all the people of the country at the same time and at prices Packard gives much care and attention facturers etariy last year, before brices advanced, for very large quantities of based on the low costs of last year— much less than the goods are worth to­ FIRST TO CROSS CONTINENT to hia orchards and he gets the result*. high grade staple blankets. day. This is the opportunity which is now offered you. The first white man’s settlement in Vlexander Mackenzie on Record as Oakland county was made in Avon in Remember, Prices on these Blankets are the Low Prices of Last Year Having Traveled From Ocean to 1817. Rochester, through its business Ocean in the Year 1793. men’s club has started the ball rolling I The first white man to cross this for a centennial celebration in August An Extra Large and Extra continent by a route north of Mexico, 1917. These Blankets will We Want You to s'as Sir Alexander Mackenzie, a Scots- By a vote of 229 yes to 29 no, Ndrib- Heavy Special nan who rose high in. the service gt ville decided Monday to-sell the muni­ A larger size cotton blanket in a very heavy weight. Come to Our he old Northwest company which was cipal lighting plant to the Edison com­ be on Sale in Our Very strong, soft, warm and fleecy. Colors, grey, tan amalgamated with the Hudson’s Bay pany for $36,000. The company plana -nmpany in 1821. Mackenzie was in and white wi th striking borders of blue, pink, tan or to e^ect an office building and make grey. Size seventy inches wide by eighty inches Store and See che far West when he planned his. trip Northville headquarters for the entire Store, October icross country to the Pacific coast In ‘long. An extra large double bed size. For warmth the autumn of. M9S -WfiMl -ht^ p sgty local district outside of Detroit as far as and real service you can’t beat it. These1 Blankets Car np the Peace river where they Romeo. built a poet and wintered. On May 9, There will be a meeting of the Plym­ - 7, 9, 10 1793, the party set out passing up the outh Vegetable Growers Association at $1.29 a Pair Peace river, through the Rocky moun: the Grange hall, Saturday evening, tains, aeroee to the Fraser river which October 7th, at 7:30 o’olock. An in ­ Sterling Woolen Mills was foSowad doyn stream for some teresting report of the National Vege­ Sterling Woolen Mills distance, and then across country table Growers convention, held at Chi­ Two Wonderful Values Extra Quality through an unexplored region, until the Fine Wool Plaids party came out on - th e ' Pacific coast cago last week, will be given. Every­ in CStton Blankets Mixing a quantity of vermilion tejfti body is cordially ifivited to attend this Beautiful, big and warm. The kind that grand- 1 Plains and Plaids melted ggens^Mhcfcansfe wrote on the meeting. A cotton tygnket of improved real German finish mother used. Full double bed size, sixty-six inches These are the guest room favorites. Full double Inland side of a high rock rising Axjm The Canton Center road is now. open made from American cotton by eastern mills. Full wide by eighty inches long. Shrunken fleecy texture. tied size in fleecy two-tone effects, in two inch and the .shore- these words to mark his to the public and is one.-of the finest double bed size, sixty-four inches wide by seventy- Soft shadings'of pink, blue, tan. and grey in black four inch block plaids, and plain colors. Plaids are visit: "Alexander Mackenzie from plaid and broken plaid designs, with modern double in two-tone effects of blue, pink, tan and grey. We pieces of concrete highway in ; the six inches long. Comes in grey, tan or white with also show this grade in plain silver grey, sani­ Canada by land, the twenty-aecond of coqnty. The new road extends from ... handsome blue, pink, grey or tan borders. braided stitch edge. A full assortment of exquisite tary tan and snowy white, with handsome blue and July, one1 thousand seven hundred and Michigan avenue to this village, a dis­ styles and colors to select from. pink borders. ninety-three. L a t 52 degrees, 20 min­ utes, 48 seconds north." Mackenzie tance of eight miles, and traverses then retraced his course and returned through some of the beet farming v - 98c a Pair to the East. Ah excellent life of Mac­ country to be found in Wayne county. $3.98 a Pair $4.98 a Pair kenzie has been written by Rev. George Many Plymouth automobile drivers are Bryce.*D. D. The book forms part of now taking advantage of the new road the “Makers of Canada" series, and, in going to Detroit. besides the life of Mackenzie, It con­ THE FAMOUS SLEEPY HOLLOW BLANKETS tains accounts of the lives of Lord Sel­ kirk, founder of the Red river settle- STARK The most exclusive feature of this great offering is the famous SLEEPY HOLLOW Blankets. These goods'are produced from cot­ igient, and of Sir George Simpson, ope ton grown, in a certain section of China, the Teientsien Valley, and only a limited amounts has ever been marketed. The feature of this of the great governors of the Hudson's John Turner and son, Harold, Mrs. Bay company. Hannah Kuhn of Farmington, and the cotton is that it has a natural curl instead of being straight, as is all of our American cotton. This curled cotton when manufactured be­ Misses Delia Kuhn, Edna Eric, and Hattie Demsey of Detroit, were guests comes to all intents and purposes so far as appearance and touch are concerned, like, the finest wool. These blankets have splendid HESITATION KEEPS ONE BACK of George Kuhn and family Thursday evening. wearing qualities. They look like wool, they feel like wool, you can hardly tell them from wool. We sell them for what tliev are— v . 4 J Irviug Tuttle of Detroit, spent Sun­ SLEEPY HOLLOW Blankets. Cultivation of Quick Decision Mean* day with his father, Chas. Tuttle'. Much in the Success of Modern Geo..Helm and Wm. Maynard are on Buaineee Man. the sick list. Dainty Fleecy Popular Price “Once decided, you ought not to Mre. T. V. Kerbysonj Mrs. George Plain Colors Soft Fluffy Plaids Kuhn and their children and Mrs. Wm. waste time. If a man decides rightly, Maynard were recent callers on Mrs. Plaids Plaids then he has a running start on rivals Standard solid colors—silver grey, The height of perfection in the Sleepy Will Cort and Mrs. Dell Maynard. Women who appreciate unusual val­ who hesitate. If he decides, wrongly, sanitary tan arid snowy white—with The beauty of design and splendid Hollow line. Exquis'e colorings in blue, ues cannot resist the temptation to buy then he has discovered his blunder, tasteful border effects in blue and pink. harmony of colors in these plaid blank­ pink, gray and tan, two-tone assorted backed up, and is ready to start on Finished with two»inch binding. Full some of these. splendid range of block plaids. Strong and durable yet even ’terms with the hesitating rival, EAST PLYMOUTH ets are a delight to the eye and will be /■ double bad size, sixty-four inches wide harmonious colorings and blending of soft as eiderdpwn. Warmth equal to -Cl for a man of decision can decide he Is a source of satisfaction to you. Beauty dainty soft shades, just the color you Mrs. L. A. Thomas spent Saturday and. severity-:six inches long. all wool and at one-third the cost. Ex­ right Also, ln a greater number of shopping in Detroit. and service at a low price. Double bed wish to harmonize with your room- size, thick, heavy, warm ahd comfy. tra large double bed size. cases, the manHwBo decides quickly Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hager motorqd to Full double bed size, soft and service­ may fail to deeTde the. best way and Detroit Sunday. Mrs. Hager remained still carry It through to success, and to spend a week among relatives and j $1.79 a Pair able. High quality at a popular price. even convince others he was right all friends. $2.98 a Pair the time. This has happened to me Miss Louise Speck was a Sunday $1.98 a Pair $2.48 a Pair ^ I j n ^ llmeB In cases where there were visitor at Julius Miller’s. -a number of ways In which a thing A.' Brown, mother and two sisters of might beidone. ' '' t Pontiac, were week-end visitors at John Only Eight Numbers are Especially Priced and Described in this offering, but We Have Everything "While we blunder Inevitably, I be­ Cool’s. In Blankets. Come and see them. lieve our batting average is higher tTmn Lila Wright of Free Soil, Mich., is | that of timid ones, and the rewards visiting her sister, Mrs. Lee Cool. much greater. I do not think I have Mr. Shoof and family, motored to j erred in 15 per cent of my decisions in North villa fod viqinity 'Sunday and Big White Fluffy Blankets, Soft Snowy Blankets with delicate borders in pink business, and not In 5 per cent seri­ report an enjoyable time. ously. Marvin Schrader of Livonia,-viaited at and blue, blankets soft as Eiderdown, grey blankets, tan blankets, plaid the Sbooi home over Sunday. “The gteat advantage of quick de­ Mr. and Mrs. Thompson spent the blankets, novelty blankets—every kind of blanket, and all underpriced. cision lies in the larger rewards th^t week with their son, John, on the come tojtjtfcese who are bold, for it Is Plymouth road. bold to decide vital matter? quickly. Arthur Walker of Detroit, spent Sun­ The timid and'the hesitating get small day at tha home of Arthur Tillotson. profit.”—American Magazine. Miss Sadie Bowles of Sombre. Can., is the guest of Mrs. Arthur Tillotson The Bed in Colonial Day*. this week. Mia* Gladys Bell and Misa Elsie R . R A U C H & Toward the dose of the seventeenth Aprel of - Plymouth, spent -.Saturday century the bed Increased in lmpoZ- with MrsrArthur Til lotsoni PLYM OUTH, M ICHIGAN. J tance. A list of the household fur­ Mr. and;Mrs. H. S., Shattuok and Mr. nishings of a Salem merchant, in 1090, and Mrs. GTC*. JRaviler and son, George, * > >i .. i neluded “1 great oaken beddfr truckle bate Tethrriod from Chioego, where bedd of maple, 1 large sack bottom they attended «Wf National Vegetable r r l>edd, 0 Camblett bedd curtains,, 2 GrowenP; convention.- One of the in­ , call cop bedd curtains, 8 blankett teresting features of the convention Mrs.'AlUe Nelson went to the home tee greenhouse and truckfennJn- LIVONIA CENTER. Willow Creek FRAIN’S LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Floyd.Wilnftk of Rwn,-:'.. sheets, 1 paire silk bedd curtains^” pf her eon, Floyd, on'Tuesday to spend ulus, visited the latterfe parent*,. Mr.^ ■ The settee, which **ru a link -between: speohnu tour, which required 75-agto-, Wed. Sump sad son Albert.and Mis. Miss Lulu Hefner returned Friday the winter. :5he wishes through the Fred Shuart and family were called W W r e convey die convention mrigr columns- of. this paper to thank her and Mr8. M. Steinhauer^ Supjay. -iJk'- ' • '«the settle and the sofa, was sometimes Morton’s Grove, whore the Psulnuui Agaea'Lde and son Harold were Suur ter several weeks’ visit with friends to Hamburg last Friday to attend the E. Holmes and wite< eatehainei, . $»ed ah a bed. This piece of furniture nelghbosvr ,and friends who have so funeral of Mre. ShuauUs father, Wm, others' gTeenl— are located. 4*y -gteste of Mr. ind Mrs. Fran% a t Huntington, Ind. ' *. kindly remembered her with flower#, lattof’a brother lmt Mvnfthy. was both of imported and1 domestic, said »Jo be-the large** green-, Featherly. SMsjiSplDetroit. Mr ajuMHra. Robert Hatton and Mr. fruit, post cards, letters of sympathy, D. M. Merryiees^ui4- wife were Pljmtevy ^ make. The back and seat .were •use plant in the world. It. oonwstaof etc., during bet long illness and will be Edward Lyke and wife and Fred Rribert Les visited George Hay ball in, agfl-Mrs. Herman Stiem attended the outh cuUere Wednesday. ^ _ ^ .1:^1 neaped in turnkey work^ JVHlf__ over 2,000,000 square feet of glass. glad to see any of her friends at her Judson and wife motored to Maoon Deteq^Sunday and attended the Billy Pomona Grange at Romnlas, Tuesday. Chas. Wright, and* sw , Erwm?^#«ri» 'C ««pti^»rof the arma and bribes the new honlb ip Plymouth. Sunday and spent the day with friends. entire fragje vas conceded. The c*M- , -... ___ _ _ The-JoBy Club at E. Harahbatger’s HaroldTMvey and wife spent Sundky- Detroit shoppers-Wednesday. sanction Of the colonial settee w tt .Mias Dora^Haa? was the. guest .tft Saturday night, was well attended, with relative sin Northville. Mrs. -Maud Lemen.'speat Sunday with M U R R A Y ’S C O R N E R S . her daughter in-Jackson. ------; -■■’'SflH -identical with-one type of the Renais- fripndairt D etrojtorer Sunday, There will be a sock social at J: W. Chas. Bovee, Chas: Tait ahd Roy For a Muddy Complexion Fred Fishbcfek was called to Howel i Usance seal From Italy .lt passed Into Mr. and Mrs. 8. TSTv'BpIbtf and chil­ DeU Maynard was in Plymouth on Blaokmoxe’s fer tile^benefit of the Jolly Lyke^were? in Plymouth on business Take Chamberl^fti'e T abkia/ France, and from Fralfcje to p ^ p o * . dren and Hiram Murray spent Sunday bntfneea Monday. .Club, Saturday evening, Oct. 14. Monday." Wednesday. adopt a diet of Yegcjbu&lea and .< Mollamd had no part in 4ts*,rie*«tep- with Mr. and Mn. C; W. Austin. Mr. and lira. John B av enter­ 'Ladiee bring'* pair of socks. Chas. Blaich and family were Sunday Mrs. Wm. Rooke entertained the W. Take ontdoor &cerciBeg daily ar “teht* From the Itaflan palaorof'th* M r .u a S. w . SWwr, Hiram j * jcnjM Uoftbt-w ir^o *rrtT«d Mr, K&hn and family and George guests of relatives in Chelsea. F. M. 8 ., Wednesday. complexion will be greatly-I# within a few mootbs. Tsy.tTtfcti r sixtp%thjcentury ta the New iEngltfnd Murray ahdffir. and Mrs. H. A* Spicer al their home Ootober 1st. The little Ortenberger and family of Detroit, Sheldon Gale and wife have been vis­ Rev. Garmah motored to his new ap­ home- of -the seventeenth was a f*r- iting their son, Hannon, and family. tain able everywhere.—Adtt. motored to Flint one has been named Ruth Alice..,, spent Sob day at Robert Hutton's. pointment at Juddville, Sunday. djwy-'gty and yet, barring crpde work- Mr. and MrS. Chester Shoebridge and Orson Wpstfikll ar^ Harvey Bales a rt Mr. and Mrt. Warren Brinkerbott of . Theodore Harmon and wife were Sun- and family and Harry Tyler and wife of Mrs. Eogene Keck of Ypsiianti, en­ tnanstfp, the colonial; bench wW a tertained the Dixboro L. A. S., Thurs­ faithful copy o f the Renaissance de- YirivingneirFora*. Dete]B$tj~-’Wre Sunday guea$a at the dam evening call ere at Frank Tillotson'a. Aim Arbor, were guests Sunday of wtsr Pt^fliOWrH. ' Alien Wisely has baen on t* r sttk k m t l b i * Loo. "* Hr. arid Mrs. Harris and children and their parents’, Mr. and Mre. George day. / Miss Hilda Otto of Dtendt, spent the - «Si* D1ittk -a ^ i■ Shoebridge. -s ^ with this l„. ,£st the past week. away at Ms home Grandma Blaekmore of Detroit, and Mrs. Wm. Gale and Mre. Burton past week with MrS/ GunbQptea^ , ^ Sunday motsifig at 11 o’doek, after a •oChaa. Tait and wife entertained last Galpin called on Mary Rice, Thursday. Rev. Homrtghaus nad-wife o f t _ htheNew 1 Mr.'and Mre. Rice spent Sunday at J, week the former's aunt and cousin. toai^pttofnlillm ite,* the age o* were gaeste hf Mr^Aod Mrt. Gua C W. Blaekmore’sV 'Mrej Maybehe Wilson spent Tuesday Mrs. Zerepha Barto: from the normal HOT1CC1 blgdfcr*. Oe iost hi»,eyesight aboet » Mr. Southard and wife of Ypsiianti, with Mrs. lna Tait. .college, spent the week-end with Mrs." ^S'Misees Bertha and^atb Heeger ► started a church In I will not be reaponaO yeerege'arid tins * Winston along w*th were Tuesday evening callers at J. W. Mre. i Geo. Weed entertained the Soap Fred Fishbeck. ^ and Mrs. Otto i Jown, but. for wantr-F. ontraoted by my wife i aervoQ8-t?oebl®r caused hie suffering to BlaekmoreV club Saturday. ' / Sunday gneaf* i t « Mrs. fiffie Howe has been spending - .Mrs. Nellie Bush is expected home postw ar soon <*ttged be jnteose.^M r. Zelgier waa born in Mrs. Hsogen, Mrs. Fritzt Mrs. Diet- from Charlevoix, Monday, where, she Little Noriaa Btoji several days with her parents here. Mrs. Simon Brewb v ajHhL j^w eflrJteaoo Redlord township and haa been ;.»■ re«K and Mr. Bridenbaugfa John Smith was in South Lyon, Mon- baa spent the hay fever season. ^brethren war ‘ or two & Ha ^ ' dentof Livonia fer a nnmberef jests. of Pfttefeurg,, Ohio, are visiting at E. dey. derwent an heat than i The W « sacra's, where held .at hi# Several from this way attended the “At th»li Farmers' club at W. P. Lane’s, Wed- late home, Wednesday' afternoon, Bin. Genevieve Everett' spent Saturday S m o o t JioOfom. Ioter- . PIKE'S PEAK l_3t*5*5sr. night with Blanche Hutton. ___Mias__ . Rose . Nelson. . of _ -- Detroit, w married mi Monday, October 2nd, Otis Hetsler df Plymouth, is spend- W a y to- - * :-of her" brother, Engeoc Nel-« LAVMASrS-CORNERS & , to WUHauri Swaoepo. ing this wete: *iffs grandparents, < yl*rdr;and,a< ______Carter officiating. A Mr. andMrs. thka. Wright. ' - g f * ‘ i few friends fronb Plymouth, Ypsiianti Wm. and Roy Badelt' ? a o ra rj,0 .4 rtfo.»o«r Aon Aibor. aad Detroit were present. .The happy couple left for-tbeir new home In Brife^ Hjraehlieb were Detroit oallere 4 J X - l w i f e Permsyivanio, Monday aight. 'IlM CIWs Wright visited he* aWrthPon.. . Mw-Lidi*** AM society . at the home of Mrs. C. j « V'lllllv j l v a » . . veek-i Iraae. Mrs. fright, Wedne^ay. p ; % ______»K rf raws 4 r •V.-tSt - v 1 :'-S t j a i s a ^ • - v*-- • Iv- I / • >' > . - m