'VFVV. The VOLUME XXVIII. No 14 PLYMOUTH, MICH., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1916 THINK THIS OVER Announcement.. “The Church of Jesus Christ is an organization founded in the world for the sole purpose of of bams helpful. Her membership-is composed, not of these who are perfect, or make any claim to I perfection; but rather of those whoin Weakness and humility, recognize their dependence on a source We wish to announce to our patrons and friends our appointment as dis­ OU can make a photograph with a pin hole outside themselves for strength in'the time of temptation, for courage in the Hour of despondency, for comfort in the hour of mourning, and for release from the bondage of the sins which beset us. Y for a lense. Cheap cameras have small tributor for the VICTOR PHONO­ lenses, with correspondingly small openings—but To all such this church swings wide her-: doors and bids you welcome in the name of the Master GRAPH COMPANY. We will car­ fast enough for snap-shots in a good light. As Helper who bids us to love and to help one another.” ry in stock at all times a complete you get into the better grades, the lenses grow x THEN COME TO CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY. line of VICTROLAS and VICTOR larger. RECORDS. True efficiency requires a lens of fairly long focus that will FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Our prices will be the same as Det­ work with a large opening—a big lens in a big shutter. That’s ♦ the kind you find in the No. 1 Autographic Kodak Special. And Sunday, October 8th: roit or Chicago. with it a shutter that has speed up to 1-300 of a second. Here We earnestly solicit your patron­ is true efficiency with nothing sacrificed to mere littleness, 11:20 a. m.—Sunday-school. age. Our m otto will be, “SERVICE And in every detail of construction and finish this little camera 10 a. m.—“More Than Conquerors.” shows evidence of having come from the factory where workman­ FIRST.” ship has become a habit. 7 p. m.—“The Dangers of Drifting.” BEYER PHARMACY W B O O M B 6*ock South of Pinckney’s Pharmacy THE PEOPLES DRUG STORE. S t o r e p VI- D eo o t Always Open. Free Delivery N. P. L Start Mem­ Former Plymouth Boy Former Plymouth bership"lip r fjunnaifin.........11 15 T Heads Big Company Teacher Weds . The following from the Mason, Mich., Plans were completedi forlor a N. P.P L. 1 The many friends of Lynn W. Van­ Vleet, a former Plymouth boy, and son Ipgham County News will be of interest membership campaign at the Plymouth tj> our readers: Mueller Hotel parlor, Friday evening last. of Mr. and Mrs. Will VanVleet, will be DRUDGERY j A very pretty and simple wedding The members of Plymouth Legion No pleased to know that he has been given N the position of general manager of the solemnized at the home of Mrs. - 1 1 ■ - ~ 965, listened to a talk by the district Ellen Ward, Saturday, Sept. 30, when manager, Cbas. E. Cooper of Dotroltil J ? ell-Co,ora«“ “nd / le! ^ fades to u memory when you banish the hot stove, the ^ ’ * ; A Company at Trinidad, Colorado ./T h e her daughter, Helen, was united in Boilers.. and plaos were made for a membership heavy irons and the many weary steps of the old-fash­ marriage to Wiliis H. Collar, son of campaign to terminate October 24th, as livening Picfeetwire of that city, has the following to say regarding the es­ Mr. and Mrs. Ira Collar, of Vevay. ioned ironing day by using an a climax of which an elaborate ban­ Promptly at 3 o’clock, as Miss Lena quet will be given by the home office at tablishment of the new concern by the ARE STANDARD Isbell Bean Company of Detroit: Drake began the strains of Lohengrin’s the Plymouth Hotel. No places-will be The Isbell Bean company is the wedding march, the bridal couple, un­ Electric Flat Iron sold at the banquet table, but it is to be attended, took their places before a given entirely free to the old and largest concern in the country for Let us figure on heat­ handling beans. It deals in the various a bower of ferns, where Rev. B. F. Fhr- The electric iron makes ironing a light task quickly and new members. Northville members are ber, of the First Presbyterian church £f pleasantly performed. Attach it to the lamp-socket in ing your home and en­ e xpected to join in the banquet, and the Varieties of beans which are grows in all parts of the world. It was mainly Plymouth, performed the impressive the dining room, the porch, any room in which you joy a warm house, national president, George A. Soofct, ring Ceremony, in the presence of im­ from the home office atr Wsvmrly, N. Y., thru the efforts of this concern last have electric service, that’s all. No changing of irons, year that our Pinto beans became so mediate relatives and friends. Master no walking, no scorching of delicate fabrics. Costs will be in attendance as the honorary Harold Ware, nephew of the bride, act­ guest of the evening. Similar affairs well known in the East, and are now in such great demand. ed as ring bearer. only a few cents to.operater have recently been given by local Le­ L. W. VanVleet, who for the past The bride was attired in a Yery pretty gions throughout the state, resulting in Sold on easy monthly installments. Come in and^see. Newhouse 8 Hillman two years has acted as sales manager gown of white net and lace. a splendid increase in membership. The house was tastily decorated with Phone 2H7. The Heating Men. District deputy, Kate L. Murray of for The Isbell Bean company, arrived in the city Saturday from Detroit to act ferns and pink asters. Charlotte, is here to assist in the cam­ Refreshments were served by Misses paign and is stopping at the Plymouth as general manager of the local com­ pany. When interviewed this morning Ruth Grow, Margaret May and Marion Hofei. Charles G. Curtis of Plymouth, Post, cousins of the bride and groom. The Detroit Edison Co. is secretary of the local organization. by a staff reporter Mr. VanVleet said in part: The numerous and beautiful gifts, MAIN STREET, PLYMOUTH. “ We intend to make Trinidad the which consisted of a piano, silver, cut bean center of the West juot as De glass, china, money and linen, show the troit is now the center of the Eastern high esteem in which the bride and The Council in Session bean industry. To do this it is our groom are held. purpose to handle as-forge a majority as The guests from out of town were The counoil met in regular session possible of the beans raised thruout Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kilbourne of Les­ last Monday evening. The special as­ Colorado, New Mexico and Idaho.1 lie; Miss Marguerite Kerns of River sessors were to have mat with the coun­ Rouge; Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Moore cil at this time for the purpose and son Milford and Mr. and Mrs. Roy veiwing special ftsieeecaent roll No, Beyer Will Build Collar and son Durwood of Eaton covering the amount assessed Rapids; Miss Lena Drake of Hillsdale; various property owners in the fine New Garage Miss Anna Lappeus of Detroit; Mr, assessment district for the paving and Mra.-B. F. Farber and the Misses portions df Union and Depot streets. Irene Carn, Genevieve MoClumpha, Bsyer, proprietor of the Bona- Margaret May and Nina Munch oi YOU CAN BE FREE For sorno reason the special assessors fide Garage, has commenced the build­ were- net preset^ aethimp -was done Plymouth, where the bride was for four ing of a fine new garage on the north in tfato matter. A letter from 'Ml. Cox, years a successful teacher. side of his present garage on Main from the irksome task of the engineer, who has charge of the The groom is a graduate of the street. The new building will be con­ keeping a record of your ex-, preliminary work of the psving of these University of Michigah and was as­ structed of cement blocks and will be D O N T Y O U Bfcresm, stated th a t h e w a s b a t in g sistant instructor in chemistry at the penses by opening a check 136x45 feet^The new garage will be diffidulty^n secttiUlrthe sefriote af an University three years. modern in every particular and - will be account with us. engineer to superintend the work, and The young couple will make their N E E D equipped with everything pertaining to gave It as bis opinion that it was rather home in Vevay for some time. - service and convenience. The front if your income or business late in the ssahsirto-start the work at WARM WINTER part of the Building will be devoted to' I is small there is an added this time. However, Mr. Cox said that a salesroom, stock and accessories roods he q$>uld be re ad y w ith in a few d a y s i f reason for doing this. and a ladles* writing room. Back or y New Office Elected .u n d e r w e a r the council decided to go ahead with tfafe w B l be a stora ge room fo r cars, the paving this fall.
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