Bushman’s Recommended Podcasts, Blogs, Books, Videos and more

Recommended Podcasts: Brilliant people, great interviews  EconTalk with of the One of the best interviewers out there  Making Sense Podcast with Sam Harris philosopher; author; practiced meditator  Mindscape Podcast with physicist Sean Carroll (Cal Tech) Also Sean’s The Biggest Ideas in the Universe series  The Jim Rutt Show Jim Rutt is an Entrepreneur &Trustee at the Santa Fe Institute (don’t let his gruffness turn you off)  Joe Rogan Experience with Joe Rogan Comedian, martial artist, great interviewer; Rogan Kicks 1 Kicks 2 With Elon Musk  Conversations with Tyler podcast with Tyler Cowan. Deep, funny, insightful, intellectually entertaining  Lex Fridman Lex is one of a kind.  Jordan Peterson A brilliant fellow (if you think he is evil, check out these podcasts: Yeonmi Park; Bari Weiss)

Recommended Blogs and Websites: I learn a lot from these  Marginal Revolution with (again) Tyler Cowan. I am always finding cool, entertaining, deep stuff here  The Grumpy with John Cochrane Insightful views of a hardcore, Chicago-school economist  Musings on Markets with Aswath Damodaran Really insightful analyses of capital markets by a master of valuation  City Journal Very intelligent essays from really smart people. The Manhattan Institute  Quillette Eclectic essays by interesting people. Motto: Free Thought Lives  ProMarket Chicago Booth George J. Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State  Think Inc. Think Inc. YouTube The name speaks for itself  Finematics Short, informative videos on everything crypto and DeFi  Pursuit of Wonder Eclectic meaning of life videos

Business, , Law and Society  The Aristocracy of Talent: How Meritocracy Made the Modern World Podcasts: Adrian Wooldridge Michael Sandel  The Social Dilemma  Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit by Alex Edmans  The Lords of Strategy: The Secret Intellectual History of the New Corporate World  When Genius Failed by Roger Lowenstein  Liars Poker by Michael Lewis (also Moneyball, The Big Short, a lot more )  The Bankers’ New Clothes Econ Talk Podcasts Admati 1 Admati 2 Pfleiderer  Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists Econ Talk 1 Econ Talk 2  Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty Podcast  Discrimination and Disparities by YouTube 1 Intellectuals and Society  The Chickenshit Club ; Why They Do It: Inside the Mind of the White-Collar Criminal  Free to Choose & Capitalism and Freedom by ; Free To Choose Media Podcast; Friedman Fundamentals  Hoover Institution: Human Prosperity Project on Socialism and Free- Capitalism POLICYed: Topics Series  Marginal Revolution University  The Use of Knowledge in Society by Econ Talk 1 Econ Talk 2  Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis by Ludwig Von Mises Econ Talk 1; Econ Talk 2 ; Mystery of the Kibbutz  : Atlas Shrugged/The Fountainhead; What is Capitalism?; Capitalism vs. Communism; Ayn Rand and the Goddess of the Market


The Search for Meaning  The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself by Sean Carroll  Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion by Sam Harris  Siddhartha; The Journey to the East by Hermann Hesse  Man's Search for Meaning Victor Frankl  Survival In Auschwitz (Primo Levi); If not now, when? (Primo Levi); Night (Elie Wiesel); The Source (James Michener)  How Soccer Explains the World by Franklin Foer YouTube  The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene YouTube  Meetings with Remarkable Men by George Gurdjieff ; In Search of the Miraculous by P. D. Ouspensky YouTube  The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge by Carlos Castaneda (the trilogy + Separate Reality & Ixtlan)  The Five Tibetans by Christopher Kilham Demonstrations: YouTube 1 YouTube2  Autobiography of a Yogi ; The Way of Zen Alan Watts Lectures  Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body by Bruce Frantzis

Science  Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds & Emergence of Spacetime by Sean Carroll; Lecture  Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!  Chaos by James Gleick  The Elegant Universe & Secrets Of The Universe by Brian Greene  At Home in the Universe Stuart Kaufman YouTube  The Jazz of Physics: The Secret Link Between Music and the Structure of the Universe by Stephon Alexander  A Brief History of Time by Steven Hawking  Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality by Anil Seth; Consciousness and the Self  Deep Learning Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 The math behind cryptocurrencies  Sean Carroll Interviews with great scientists: Carlo Rovelli; Kip Thorne; Roger Penrose; Brian Greene; David Albert; Leonard Susskind; Max Tegmark; David Baltimore; Robin Carhart-Harris; Sara Imari Walker; Janna Levin; Patricia Churchland; Melanie Mitchell; Coleen Murphy; Cailin O’Connor; César Hidalgo; Malcolm MacIver; David Poeppel  Veritasium ; 3Blue1Brown

Dance  Dance Theory and History: The King Who Invented Ballet; Ballet's Secret Code; Diaghilev; Serge Lifar; Balanchine; Turns Jumps Jumps&Tours; Martha Graham: A Dancer’s World Technique; Dance Rebels  Ballet: Baryshnikov ; Sergei Polunin D1 D2 ; Vaganova Academy: Exam 1 Exam 2 Future Prince of Ballet Future Prince 2 Little Swans; Bolshoi; Xander Parish; How Beauty is Born; Ballet Closure; Top Ballet Dancers: Male Female Female2 ; Svetlana Zakharova; Ballerina with Alzheimer’s hears swan lake  Eclectic: Thousand Hands of Buddha; Moon; Peacock Dance; Beauty in motion; Pilobolus; Yana Kremneva ; Justice; Grupo Corpo: 21 & Parabelo  Young Energy: Electro Swing D1 D2 D3 ; Brian Friedman ; Mary J Lee ; Nika Kljun; Jojo Gomez; Quick Crew; Best Powermoves Sets 1 song, different choreographers: Series 1: Nika Kljun Kyle Hanagami ; Series 2: Nicole Kirkland JoJo Gomez Pussycat Dolls

Martial Arts  Male: Top 20 Exciting Knockouts in the History of MMA ; Top 20 MMA Knockouts; Most Creative Knockouts; BEST UFC KNOCKOUTS OF 2021; Top 20 MMA Submissions; Sumo wrestling 1; Incredible Sumo; All of Mike Tyson Knockouts; Muay Thai vs. Kickboxing  Female: Paige VanZant Fighting: Montage 1 Montage 2; Paige VanZant Dancing: Dance 1 Dance 2 Dance 3 Valentina Shevchenko & Valentina 2 ; Top 30 Knockouts; Relentless; Holm vs. Rousey; Top 25 Finishes:1-15 16-25


The influence of Postmodernism on society  The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker YouTube  Cynical Theories by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay; Podcast Interview  Political Correctness and Postmodernism; The Queen's University Talk  Explaining Postmodernism by Stephen Hicks YouTube Lecture Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Lecture 4  Fools, Frauds and Firebrands by Roger Scruton YTube Lecture

Far out, Insightful, Strange, Disturbing  25000 Feet With No Parachute  Ant War ; More ant wars ; Spider Dances for His Life!!;  Hell's Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga; Hunter S. Thompson meets a Hell's Angel; Hunter S. Thompson  The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe ; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey  The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley  The Basketball Diaries by Jim Carroll  Junky by William S. Burroughs ; Podcasts: Heroin, the Opioid Epidemic, and Dreamland ; Narconomics  Tales of Ordinary Madness (DO NOT READ if you are overly sensitive or easily offended); Reading; Documentary  American Juggalo (DO NOT WATCH if you are overly sensitive or easily offended)  What makes Ringo a Great Drummer  Studio 54  MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL After Skool  Afghanistan: the Great Game Part I Part II  9 Muses Of Star Empire  Tapped Out: Rear Naked Chokes, the Octagon, and the Last Emperor: An Odyssey in Mixed Martial Arts (Watch the fight)

Interesting Views of China  I-Ching Translation 1 (best starting point) 2 3 ; Tao Te Ching Alan Watts Alan Watts 1  The Man Who Stayed Behind  American Shaolin: Flying Kicks, Buddhist Monks, and the Legend of Iron Crotch: An Odyssey in the New China  Foreign Babes in Beijing: Behind the Scenes of a New China  Madame Mao: The White-Boned Demon  Cinema + Series: To Live ; Farewell My Concubine ; Xiu Xiu ; Mao’s Last Dancer ; Youth ; The Last Emperor ; Hero ; Fearless IP Man (1-4) + Master Z ; Xuan Zang ; The Sword of Destiny ; The Princess Weiyoung ; The Rise of Phoenixes ; The Legend of Fuyao