Geologica Acta, Vol.5, Nº 2, 2007, 167-175 Available online at

Is there a Grenvillian basement in the -Morelos Platform of ?


1 Programa de Geofluidos, Centro de Geociencias, UNAM Campus Juriquilla, Carr. Qro-SLP km 15, Querétaro, México CP 76230, México. Levresse E-mail: [email protected]

2 CRPG-CNRS UPR A2300 BP 20, 54501 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cédex, France

3 IPICYT, Dept. Geología Económica San Luis Potosí, S.L.P. México

ABSTRACT In the Guerrero-Morelos platform (Guerrero State, Mexico) the adakitic rocks of Early Tertiary age contain abundant hornblende-rich tonalite xenoliths. Zircon crystals have been concentrated from both adakites and xenoliths, and dated using in-situ U-Pb ion microprobe analyses. These analyses indicate the presence of inher- ited Grenvillian and early Triassic/late Permian crust ages, as well as a Paleocene age related with the adakite rock intrusion. This range of inherited ages is reported for the first time in the Guerrero-Morelos platform, sug- gesting that a continous Grenvillian crust exists between the Oaxacan complex,to the East, and the Guerrero- Morelos platform.

KEYWORDS U-Pb dating. Zircon. Guerrero. Grenvillian Age.

INTRODUCTION structural units as well as the nature and mutual relation- ships between the intrusives and the deformation patterns The (SMS) is an orogen thought to (Campa and Coney, 1983). During the last 10 years a be formed through the accretion of several arc-related terranes series of studies coupling absolute dating with isotope (Guerrero, Mixteco, Zapoteco, Xolapa and Cuicateco; Campa systematics allowed the reinterpretation of the paleotec- and Coney, 1983; Fig. 1), each of whom seem to present a tonic settings and the geodynamic evolution of the west- specific paleotectonic evolution. The Guerrero-Morelos ern part of Mexico. Also, a wide calc-alkaline magmatic platform is a part of the sedimentary cover of the Guerrero te- province has also been defined in the SMS (Morán-Zen- rrane that has been intruded by tertiary magmatic bodies. teno et al., 1999), with ages ranging from early Paleocene to Miocene. These authors also suggested that the SMS Previous SMS geodynamic reconstructions were volcanism took place after the Laramide Orogeny (post- mainly based on the accurate description of the litho- collision) in a fast, convergent regime characterized by

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the subduction of oceanic crust underneath a thick conti- Lately, Levresse et al. (2004) used the ion probe zir- nental crust. con U-Pb technique just to discern the age of the Mezcala adakite stock emplacement and skarn formation, without An important key to decipher the geodynamic evolu- discussing the possible meaning of the inherited ages. So, tion of the western SMS is to ascertain the age of the the main goal of this paper is to interpret and place the basement and its relationship with the subsequent mag- zircon rim and core inherited ages found in the Mezcala matism. Unfortunately, most of the age techniques based adakite stock within the geological and geodynamical upon isotopic determinations, such as Rb-Sr or K-Ar, do scenario of the Guerrero terrane in order to discern the not necessarily yield crystallization ages (Ortega-Gutiérrez, possible presence of a Grenvillian and pre-Upper Jurassic 1980; De Cserna and Fries, 1981; Linares and Urrutia- basement underneath the Guerrero-Morelos platform. Fucugauchi, 1981; Bellon et al., 1982; Herwig, 1982; Hernández-Treviño et al., 1996; Correa-Mora, 1997; Alba-Aldave et al., 1998; Ortega-Gutiérrez et al., 1999). THE SOUTHWESTERN MEXICO TERRANE Moreover, the abundance of xenolithic material pre- ARCHITECTURE cludes the use of conventional dating methods, as only mixed ages can be obtained. Recently, U-Pb studies The Guerrero terrane is thought to be formed by the using the isotopic dilution method applied on multi- accretion of island-arc sequences, mostly of Early Creta- grain fraction of zircons in the Guerrero terrane yielded ceous and Late Jurassic ages (Centeno-GarcÌa et al., discordant ages, suggesting an unclear possible heritage 1993). Both the stratigraphic relationships among these (Herrmann et al., 1994; Schaaf et al., 1995; Elías-Herrera arc sequences as well as the nature and age of their base- et al., 2000). ment are not yet clear (Campa and Coney, 1983). Campa

FIGURE 1 A) Tectonostratigrafic division of southern Mexico and location of Mezcala district (modified from Campa and Coney, 1983). Ac: Acatlán complex; Oax: Oaxacan complex; Gren: Grenvillian; Meso: Mesozoic; E. Paleo: Early Paleozoic; TMVB: Trans Mexican volcanic belt; MXC: . B) Tectonostratigrafy of southern Mexico (modified from Keppie et al., 2003) and the relationship between the Guerrero terrane and the Oaxa- quian Grenvillian formations (Novillo gneiss, Huiznopala gneiss, Guichico complex, Oaxacan complex) including the Ordovician-Devonian Acatl·n complex. C) Map of southern Mexico showing the study area (modified from Ortega-Gutiérrez et al., 1999); MXC: Mexico City.

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and Coney (1983) proposed the inclusion of the Guerrero- Grenvillian basement for the Xolapa and terranes. Morelos platform into the Guerrero terrane, locating the In addition, the Xolapa, Mixteco and Oaxaca terranes terrane boundary at the west side of the platform. Sedlock have Gondwanan geochemical affinities (Dickinson and et al. (1993) proposed the boundary to be located between Lawton, 2001). the Mixteco and the Nahualt terranes, east of the study area. Some evidences indicate that the sedimentary THE GUERRERO-MORELOS PLATFORM GEOLOGICAL sequences attributed to the Guerrero terrane, outcropping SETTINGS northwest of , unconformably overlie a pre- Cretaceous rock assemblage of oceanic affinity (Centeno- The Guerrero terrane is unconformably covered by a García et al., 1993). The materials outcropping in the more than 2000 m thick sequence of carbonate rocks that thrusts overlying continental crust, located in the eastern- consists of moderately to strongly folded Mesozoic lime- most sector, are probably related with the basement of the stone and clastic units of the Morelos, Cuautla and Mez- Mixteco terrane, which includes the Acatlán Complex cala Formations (Fms) (Fries, 1960). (Campa and Coney, 1983). The Albian-Cenomanian Morelos Fm is made up by The Acatlán Complex (Fig. 1) is a pre-Mississippian an alternance of gray limestones and dolostone beds, with tectonically heterogeneous assemblage, mostly with an some flint nodule rich horizons and silicified fossil frag- oceanic basin affinity, affected by metamorphism (green- ments. Locally, a pure anhydrite member is located at the schist to eclogite facies) combined to form a poly- base of this formation (Fries, 1960). The Morelos Fm is deformed and metamorphosed basement unit (Fig. 1; conformably overlain by the Cuautla Fm of Turonian age, Yáñez et al., 1991; Campa and López, 2000). The rocks which consists of an alternance of calcareous shales and of the metamorphic basement are interpreted to represent limestones. The upper Cretaceous Mezcala Fm (Conia- an early to middle Paleozoic suture after the collision of cian to Campanian age) conformably overlains the Cuautla oceanic and continental crusts (Proenza et al., 2004). Fm and consists of calcareous shales, and bedded sand- stones. The sedimentary sequence was deformed by the The Acatlán Complex roots, of Grenvillian age, were Laramide Orogeny. identified indirectly in several locations by interpreting U-Pb discordia ages (Esperanza Granitoid, Ortega-Gutiérrez Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary plutons of adakite et al., 1999; Magdalena Migmatite and Tultitlan gabbro, affinity and younger mid-Tertiary dacite plugs intrude the Keppie et al., 2004). The Acatlán Complex is uncon- carbonate sequence. Locally, these intrusives developed formably overlain by a deformed volcano-sedimentary Fe-rich skarn bodies, including some with associated gold sequence attributed to a volcanic arc of presumed Missi- mineralization. ssippian to Permian ages (Navarro-Santillan et al., 2002). Ignimbrites and andesites of apparent Triassic age, epi- N-S and WNW-ESE structural trends control the dis- continental and marine sediments of Middle Jurassic and tribution of the granodioritic stocks (De la Garza et al., Cretaceous ages, and Cenozoic continental clastic and 1996), which intruded the whole sedimentary sequence volcanic rocks complete the stratigrafic column (Morán- (Fig. 2). Meza-Figueroa et al. (2003) determined the Zenteno et al., 1999). Laramide age (64±1 Ma; 40Ar/39Ar on biotite) for the calc- alkaline granodiorites; these intrusive rocks were re- The available information on the deep structure and classified as adakites by Gonzalez-Partida et al. (2003). lateral changes of the lower crust in southern Mexico is, so far, scarce. Ortega-Guitiérrez (1993) proposed that the Mid to late Tertiary volcanic rocks of the Sierra Madre general arrangement and tectonic history portrayed by the Occidental province, including rhyolite, trachyte and exposed basement units suggest that fragments of conti- minor andesite, unconformably cover the Mesozoic nental crust, gradually younger, were aggregated around series. the Oaxacan Complex during Paleozoic and Mesozoic times. The Oaxacan Complex (Grenvillian), a granulite- Adakite petrography facies complex with associated mafic and felsic orthogneisses, paragneisses, meta-anorthosites and char- The adakites always present a porphyritic texture, nockites, presents two tectonothermal events at ca. with phenocrists composed by plagio-clase (oligoclase- 1100Ma and ca. 990Ma (Solari et al., 2003). The post- andesine; 50-60%), microcline (7-15%), quartz (20-30%), metamorphic cover includes sedimentary sequences of biotite (15-20%), and magnesio-hornblende (5-10%), and Tremadoc, Mississippian–Permian and Jurassic–Cretaceous a groundmass composed mainly by microcrystalline ages (Schlaepfer, 1970). Recent geochronological studies quartz and plagioclase (Fig. 2, Table 1). Minor phases (Ducea et al., 2004) suggest the existence of a common include apatite, titanite, zircon, hematite and titanomag-

Geologica Acta, Vol.5, Nº2, 2007, 167-175 169 G. LEVRESSE et al. Is there a Grenvillian basement in Morelos - Mexico?

FIGURE 2 Geological map of the Nukay adakitic pluton area in the Mezcala mineral district.

netite. This rock is lately altered by a low temperature sieved using 200-50 µm sieves. Mineral fractions were propillitic event. obtained by density preconcentration with the use of heavy liquids. The non magnetic fraction was separated with a These intrusives are characterized by the high abun- Cook isodynamic magnet. Final zircon fractions, suitable for dande of tonalitic xenoliths, mainly composed by horn- analysis, were hand picked under a binocular microscope blende (60-70%), plagioclase (15-20%), rare inters- and cold mounted in an epoxy resin with a zircon standard titial orthoclase, abundant apatite (15-20%), and (91500, Wiedenbeck et al., 1995), polished and gold-coated. biotite (5-10%). These xenoliths are always affected by All grains were examined using a SEM in back-scattering the hydrothermal alteration event that produced a perva- mode in order to characterize their internal structure. The sive albitization of the plagioclase, with local sericitiza- selected grains present well-preserved prismatic shapes and tion, and the subsequent formation of epidote after Ca euhedral growth zones (Fig. 3), indicative of their magmatic release during the albitization process. Primary ferromag- origin (Pupin, 1983), and are devoid of any significant subse- nesian minerals (hornblende, biotite) and apatite remain quent resorption and/or recrystallization. almost undisturbed by this alteration phenomenon, sug- gesting that the fluid involved was a high temperature, Analytical techniques Fe-K-rich magmatic fluid. The presence of these tonalitic xenoliths provides the possibility of sampling parts of the Zircon U-Pb analyses were performed on a Cameca Guerrero-Morelos platform basement (lower crust?). IMS-1270 ion microprobe at the CRPG-CNRS, Nancy, France (Deloule et al., 2002). The instrument was used in monocollection ion counting mode, and the measure- ION PROBE ZIRCON U-PB GEOCHRONOLOGY ments were made by peak jumping. An empirical linear correlation (Compston et al., 1992) was defined between Sample selection UO+/U+ and Pb+/U+ from the standard measurements to determine the relative sensitivity factor for Pb and U. Fifty Kg of rock sample from the Nukay stock were col- Correction for common lead was made by measuring the lected for zircon separation. Samples were powdered and 204Pb amount and using the Stacey and Kramers (1975)

Geologica Acta, Vol.5, Nº2, 2007, 167-175 170 G. LEVRESSE et al. Is there a Grenvillian basement in Morelos - Mexico?

model for terrestrial lead isotopic composition. The 206Pb/204Pb ratios were always higher than 1,000, U error 235 indicating relatively low 204Pb amount. Pb / 207 Isotopic data with their analytical uncertainties and calculated ages are listed in Table 1 (Levresse

U error et al., 2004). All the ages were calculated using the 238 Isoplot program (Ludwig, 2000) and the weighted Pb / 206 mean at 95% confidence levels. More details on the analytical techniques can be found in Levresse et al. (2004).

Results U error Correl.err 238 Pb / 206 The twenty-one 206Pb/238Pb ages obtained scatter between 59±1Ma and 1057±17Ma (Fig. 4). Fifteen 206Pb/238U and 207Pb/235U ages are concordant or sub- U error

235 concordant and seven are discordant. The higher 206 238 207 235 Pb / intrinsic error on Pb/ U vs. Pb/ U values yield 207 elliptical-shaped representative points in the con- cordia diagram (Fig. 4). The 207Pb/235U ages are very sensitive to a common lead contribution because the

Pb ± 207

206 signal of the Pb ion is about ten times lower than 206 207 Pb /

207 the Pb ion signal. Additionally, the Pb, product of the 235U disintegration, presents a very low con- centration in young zircon grains. Therefore, the individual 206Pb/238U ages are more reliable. Pb ± 206

U / Ion-probe data on selected zircons define a 238 geochronologically homogeneous group consisting of eight concordant analyses taking into account the youngest ages (Fig. 4). These yield a weighted mean age of Early Paleocene (63±2Ma), that was interpreted by Levresse et al. (2004) as the emplacement age of the adakite and skarn forma- tion.

Six other concordant ages reveal the existence of three older magmatic events located at Early Cretaceous (ca. 135 Ma, n=2), Triassic (ca. 240 Ma, n=1) and Grenvillian (ca. 1000 Ma, n=3) ages. U UO / Pb U Th Th/U

238 Seven discordant ages, ranging from 67±1Ma to Pb /

206 516±12Ma, represent mixing-ages of the inherited

Pb cores from plutonic rocks probably belonging to 206 Guerrero-Morelos platform basement. Five of them Pb / 204 are distributed along a discordia line, where the

Pb lower intercept is well defined by the youngest 206

Pb / group age (ca. 63 Ma), whereas the upper intercept 207 plot into the Grenvillian age range (between 1,000

Pb Ma and 1,150Ma). 206 U/Pb isotopic data for single zircon crystal from Nukay adakite obtained by ion microprobe analysis (CAMECA IMS 1270). Is It is noteworthy that the age distribution of the LABEL MEASURED DATA CONTENT (in ppm) CONCORDIA INVERSE CONCORDIAAGES U-Pb APPARENT mx1mx4mx2 1928mx17 3323mx15 2248 0.04921 1691mx13 0.04906 1272mx12 0.04780 0.00047 1375mx6 0.04844 0.00010 2659 0.04890 0.00013 0.022mx19 0.04732 0.00038 2206 0.024mx18 0.04821 0.00057 0.024 10320mx16 0.00034 0.014 7.73 0.04711 9460mx20 0.00010 0.015 7.01 0.04872 2251mx11 0.018 7.01 0.00021 0.8 6.15 7440mx5 0.04892 0.025 20096 6.4 0.00003 6.30 0.05195 0.027 3.1 99.4 6.72 15202mx10 0.07316 0.00003 0.5 775.8 0.07845 0.056 7.01mx3 0.00035 0.4 377.8mx9 0.07808 0.00003 0.056 8.10 840 0.5 47.3 55.8 0.00003 232.2mx7 0.046 1325 4.6 45.8 7.37 112.8mx24 0.00010 0.427 0.04885 64.1 779 1.9 0.338 7.32 0.5mx22 22.5 526.3 0.3 0.04883 390 15.1 5.68 3893mx23 13.7 0.508 0.3 0.00040 211.9 10892 0.04910 7.20 15.1 25.4 109.26 0.00019 213.1 826.3 104.92 6.90 0.4 0.05120 9111 0.05643 0.8 104.18 0.027 0.3 0.07196 0.00044 821.4 8.43 10.4 84.4 0.031 0.4 1.92 0.00027 472.5 103.22 0.4 6.7 1.00 0.06320 0.00011 24.6 0.00003 103.08 0.033 1.17 457.2 72.9 7.96 4.7zircons 0.4 101.32 0.031 0.00010 44.9 0.084 8.49 0.6 0.049 2.05 97.95 0.049 0.177 10.6 2.53 30.7 8.67 0.6 0.5 0.048 33.0 0.254 96.75 1.94 8.27 0.9 0.000 13.5 47.13 7.52 0.000 0.048 0.95does 7.13 0.4 61.2 0.6 0.000 0.049 10.0 46.73 0.5 0.060 1.60 0.063 98.6 8.11 0.3 0.047 0.3 6.5 0.001 0.44 18.7 0.048 0.061 59.4 26.15not 0.000 40.4 0.3 0.44 0.001 20.2 0.001 0.066 246.8 27.5 6.02 0.000 0.047 312.5 47.6 0.000 0.049 0.001 0.066correlate 5.73 0.009 1.39 282.9 19.3 0.7 0.010 0.068 0.049 0.002 5.61 0.000 0.06 0.066 126.8 52.4 0.5 0.010 7.2 0.000 0.002 0.21 0.000 0.000 0.3 0.052 0.010 0.002 0.070 84.2 96.03 0.000 0.10 0.001 0.142 0.000 0.4 0.2 0.073 0.010 92.32 0.3with 0.770 0.078 0.010 0.143 0.783 0.000 0.000 0.001 89.37 0.3 0.010 1.97 0.001 0.941 0.000 0.000 0.078 14.35 32.50 59 1.47 85.89 61 0.272 0.000an 0.000 0.010 0.001 0.766 0.000 62 0.021 1.60 1.668 12.00 0.049 0.696 0.000specific 0.76 1.37 1.893 62 0.049 0.021 1.56 0.015 0.811 0.000 2 2 0.792 0.000 62 0.016 1.900 0.000 0.049 0.15 2 63 0.038 0.070 0.000 0.072 0.000 0.056 0.811 65 0.051 0.166 2 0.080 0.911 0.033 60 0.000position 62 0.063 0.175 4 0.081 0.002 66 0.894 135 0.000 0.000 60 0.000 2 0.002 0.178 0.003 0.087 2 136 0.006 65 0.000 2 0.689 0.002 0.233 0.957 2 0.119 64 0.010 2 0.968 0.003 2 2 0.002 242 0.710 67 0.011 0.999 0.037 0.010 65 990 4 2 0.003 0.000 1037 0.011 0.983 4 0.010 0.000 134 68 0.070 0.031 23 1057 4 0.012 2 16 0.656 0.000 136 0.083 70 0.004 0.755 0.001 0.000 2 2 244 67 34 0.666 0.001 996 69 2 1078 0.998 0.983 0.650 72 24 1081 434 195 2 0.915 12 75 48 2 516 24 2 44 16 78 2 79 12 532 213 85 4 114 4 545 44 16 4 6 12 TABLE 1 TABLE

Geologica Acta, Vol.5, Nº2, 2007, 167-175 171 G. LEVRESSE et al. Is there a Grenvillian basement in Morelos - Mexico?

FIGURE 3 BSE images for some of the dated zircon from the Nukay adakitic pluton. The elliptic holes on the grains represent the analyzed spot positions. The 238U/206Pb age are also indicated.

(core, rims) of the analysis within a single crystal: while considered: 1) the presence of a thrust of the Guerrero some zircon crystals present single Grenvillian, Paleozoic Terrane over an Oaxaquian crust of Grenvillian age, or Tertiary ages, some others present an old (Grenvillian or located East of the Guerrero terrane, that does not out- Paleozoic) inherited core and younger (Paleozoic, Tertiary) crop; 2) a supposed thrust of the Guerrero terrane over a outer rims. crust of Grenvillian age from the Mixteco terrane (in agreement with Campa and Coney, 1983 ; in opposition with Sedlock et al., 1993), and 3) the existence of an in GEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE INHERITED situ Grenvillian crust underlying the so-called Guerrero MEZCALA AGES terrane. This last proposition is strongly supported by previous U-Pb zircon dating studies carried out by Elías- The eight concordant younger ages found during this Herrera et al. (2000) on the Tizapa metagranite north- zircon study were already interpreted in Levresse et al. west of the Mezcala area. These authors also identified (2004) exclusively to place the Mezcala gold-bearing the presence of an old continental crust (ca. 1,000 Ma) skarn deposits into the Lower Tertiary geological sce- beneath at least the eastern part of the Guerrero terrane, nario. The rest of gathered data were disregarded in that which can now be extended south-eastward to the Mez- study as they are not related with the Mezcala mineralizing cala area. events, the main focus of the 2004 paper. The presence of an Early Cretaceous thermal episode The inherited component of the Nukay zircons contain suggests a link between the magmatic history of the the most complete history found on the magmatic events Mezcala basement with the Guerrero terrane (Hermann that affected the basement rocks of the Guerrero-Morelos et al., 1994; Elías-Herrera and Ortega-Gutiérrez, 2002; platform. These newly uncovered magmatic events can be Keppie et al., 2003). Similar U-Pb ages on zircons were crucial to understand the origin and evolution of the reported by Robinson et al. (1989) and Hermann et al. Guerrero and associated terranes in SW Mexico. (1994), even though the latter considered the pre-Ceno- zoic ages as speculative. Evidences for an Early Trias- The Grenvillian inherited ages clearly indicate the sic-Late Permian magmatic episode for the Guerrero ter- existence of a Precambrian basement underneath the rane are rarely reported, but they have been already Guerrero-Morelos platform and, in extension, under- found in the Acatlán (Mixteco Terrane; Yáñez et al., neath the Guerrero Terrane. The existence of this base- 1991; Elías-Herrera and Ortega-Gutiérrez, 2002) and the ment has important implications on the geodynamic his- Juchatengo complex (Grajales-Nishimura et al., 1999) tory of the SMS. Three different possibilities can be of the Xolapa terrane.

Geologica Acta, Vol.5, Nº2, 2007, 167-175 172 G. LEVRESSE et al. Is there a Grenvillian basement in Morelos - Mexico?

FIGURE 4 Adakite. 206Pb/238U versus 207Pb/235U plot from ion microprobe analyses of zircon. Ages are calculated with the Isoplot program (Lud- wig, 2000). Errors are given in 1. See text for further discussion.


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Manuscript received November 2005; revision accepted October 2006.

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