Section I. RHP Organization RHP Participant Texas Provider Texas Ownership Organization Name Lead Lead Representative Contact Type Identifier (TPI) Identification Type (state Representative Information (address, email, phone Number (TIN) owned, non- number) state public, private) Anchoring Entity (specify type of Anchor, e.g. public hospital, governmental entity) 1304 South 25th Avenue County Non-state, Edinburg, Texas 78542 governmental 1746000717 0 000 Hidalgo County Eddie Olivarez public eddie . oliva r e z @ hchd . o rg entity 956-383-8858 IGT Entities (specify type of government entity, e.g. county, hospital district) 1500 Pappas Street CMHA (Community Non-state, Border Region Daniel G. Laredo, Texas 78041 Mental Health 1219891-02 1742944931 1 000 public Behavioral Health Castillon daniel c @bo r de rr egion . o r g Center) 956-794-3003 555 N. Carancahua, Suite 950 Non-state, Nueces County Hospital Corpus Christi, Texas 78401-0835 Hospital District 1746000604 6 000 Jonny Hipp public District
[email protected] (361) 808-3300 Starr County Hospital P O Box 78 Non-state, District, DBA Starr County Rio Grande City, Texas 78582 Hospital District 136332705 1741794256 6 501 Rafael Olivares public Memorial
[email protected] Hospital (956) 487-9025 RPH Plan for South Texas RHP Participant Texas Provider Texas Ownership Organization Name Lead Lead Representative Contact Type Identifier (TPI) Identification Type (state Representative Information (address, email, phone Number (TIN) owned, non- number) state public, private) 1901 S 24th Avenue CMHA (Community Non-state, Tropical Texas Edinburg, Texas 78540 Mental Health 138708601 1741565510 3 006 Jim Banks public Behavioral Health j ban k s @ tt bh .