This series of lesson plans is designed to build a solid foundation of carriage-driving basics for the beginner student. The program focuses on the relationship between , harness, carriage, and driver. The individual will progress in each instructional area of the lesson plan while continuously making and completing mini goals developed by both student and instructor. The student will understand safety concerns and the appropriate responses. This series provides a backbone that encompasses all students with varying abilities, with the intention of being tailored to the individual. Qualitative performance assessments are based on goals reached by the individual.

Competencies Knowledge, Content and Qualitative Assessments Assessment Tools (Statement that provides the Skills (Student and instructor will overview and defines the (Goals that form the backbone collaborate to formulate instructional area) of the instructional area) obtainable goals for each lesson)

Student will: Student will: Goals focused on:

Understand the various Explain the role of the harness - Changing various components components of the harness, and it’s various components, of the harness in the ring to see fitting the horse, and how to how they should fit, its ___ Parts of the harness how one change affects the assemble it onto a horse properly handling and ___ Harness fit entire fit assemblage on a horse ___ Assemblage on horse - Teaching the teacher how to assemble harness

Properly and safely hitch and Explain and demonstrate how 1 2 3 4 - Teach the teacher unhitch a horse to carriage, to hitch and unhitch a horse to understand safe various carriage in the proper ___ Hitching and unhitching - Mock environments to environment, demonstrate horse hitch/unhitch, understand proper carriage entrances and ___ Carriage and horse the carriage/horse fit, and exits, and demonstrate a compatibility proper entrances and exits knowledge of safety concerns ___ Carriage entrance and exits from the carriage and procedures ___ Safety concerns and procedures

Safely demonstrate Explain and demonstrate Demonstrations proper steering of at the control over the horse ___ Steering walk and trot, have a including steering and ___ Vocal commands - Steering through a knowledge of transitional transitional commands at the ___ Safety of horse cones course in a commands, and walk and trot, demonstrate a ___ Safety of driver confined and gated understand potential knowledge of safety risks ___ Safety of passengers arena safety concerns and involving horse, driver, and ___ Safe environments procedures while driving passengers, and recognize safe driving environments

Understand the bridge, Explain and demonstrate the Demonstrations double bridge, Achenbach, purposes for the bridge, ___ Bridge and the use and handling double bridge, and Achenbach ___ Double Bridge - Demonstrate ground of the driving styles, and demonstrate ___ Achenbach driving and explain the use of a ___ Driving Whip driving whip - Teach the teacher/trivia Understand and safely Demonstrate the bridge, Demonstrations demonstrate the three double bridge, and Achenbach ___ Bridge styles of reinsmanship rein styles for one horse using ___ Double Bridge - Steer through cones and their uses, the driving a driving whip (for light horse ___ Achenbach course with different whip, and explain the ), and explain the ___ Driving Whip rein styles and driving different styles required reinsmanship and rein type ___ Knowledge of reinsmanship whip for various numbers and required for different ___ Knowledge of types of arrangements of numbers/sizes of horses and - Teach the teacher their arrangements

Understand and Explain and show how the Demonstrations demonstrate the overall unit (horse, ___ Knowledge of position positional relationship carriage, and driver) are ___ Contact - test moves between horse, carriage, related in position to the ___ Aids for balance and including center lines, and driver - understand ring, demonstrate proper continuity serpentines, 20-meter how a horse must carry contact and aids to create a circles, and diagonals itself for proper balance balanced unit (preferably in a freshly and demonstrate groomed arena so different turns and carriage tracks are appropriate contact visible) Understand and Explain and demonstrate Demonstrations demonstrate the how speed affects different ___ Knowledge of speed as it is relationship of speed and aspects of driving, when it related to balance - Cones course; its affects on balance for is appropriate to ask for ___ Safety concerns with speed collaborate with the horse and carriage more speed, and the and balance for horse, another student to (including safety) - dangers associate with carriage, and driver formulate an ideal understand when speed excess speed and an ___ How to regain balance strategy for turns and is applicable unbalanced carriage unit ___ Safety procedures speed

- Games, magic circle Understand the adaptive Explain and demonstrate Drive using the equipment used for how adaptive equipment is ___ Knowledge of adaptive adaptive equipment, , used including the seat, lift, equipment use cones course, understand its and two sets of reins, ___ Understanding of limitations dressage test, etc limitations and understand the added and advantages advantages, understand dangers and how to ___ Understanding of added the added dangers respond to them dangers