Abellán, José Luis (Spanish Philosopher), 86-87 Acevedo
INDEX Abellán, José Luis (Spanish anti-intellectualism, 26, 69, 85, 142, philosopher), 86-87 143 Acevedo, Jesus (Mexican Caso’s a., 140 writer), 95 Unamuno’s a., 140 adaptation, 127 antinom(ies)(y), 113, 115 a. has for its final cause, 118 a. between egoism and morality, 114 a. is the utilitarian law, 118 a. between eternal and advocacy, 70, 72, 156 temporal, 114 a. defends a thesis, 70 Apologie de la Religion degenerating into a., 70 Chrétienne (Pascal), aesthetics, 5, 44, 106 52 agonía [agony], 64, 79, 117 Aquinas, Thomas, 33 a. of Christianity, 74 Aristotle, 38, 95, 114 a. means struggle, 74 art, 135 Agony of Christianity a. and logic, 132 (Unamuno), 73-75 a. for art’s sake, 131 Almas Jovenes (article) Ateneo de Juventud (Ortega y Gasset), 86 [Atheneum of altruism, 103, 112, 139, 145 Youth], 96, 97, 98 a. or self-sacrifice, 135 Athanasius (Church Father), 59, 60, 61, a. shifts the emphasis, 94 62 absolute a., 82 De Incarnatione, 61 Caso’s concept of a., 94 atheis(m)(t)(s), 46, 75, 155 defense of Christian a., 112 attitude(s), 1, 114, 154, 156 egoism and a., 143 Augustine of Hippo, 33, 111 the good is simply a., 134 Ávila, Theresa de (Spanish mystic), 23, moral a., 139 24, 49 possibility of a., 40 pure a., 136 Bacon, Francis, 8 reconciling egoism and a., Balfour, Arthur James (English 131 philosopher), 46 amor de Dios [love of God], The Foundation of Belief, 46 25, 49 Barreda, Gabino (Mexican Amor y Pedagogía [Love and educator), 6, 7, 8, 91, Pedagogy] (Unamuno), 10 92 An Enquiry Concerning Human beauty, 71, 106, 107, 108, Understanding (Hume), 29 contemplation of b., 115 analogy, 150, 155, 156 b.
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