COMMON Edible Mushrooms
Plate 1. A. Coprinus micaceus (Mica, or Inky, Cap). B. Coprinus comatus (Shaggymane). C. Agaricus campestris (Field Mushroom). D. Calvatia calvatia (Carved Puffball). All edible. COMMON Edible Mushrooms by Clyde M. Christensen Professor of Plant Pathology University of Minnesota THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS Minneapolis © Copyright 1943 by the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA © Copyright renewed 1970 by Clyde M. Christensen All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the writ- ten permission of the publisher. Permission is hereby granted to reviewers to quote brief passages, in a review to be printed in a maga- zine or newspaper. Printed at Lund Press, Minneapolis SIXTH PRINTING 1972 ISBN: 0-8166-0509-2 Table of Contents ABOUT MUSHROOMS 3 How and Where They Grow, 6. Mushrooms Edible and Poi- sonous, 9. How to Identify Them, 12. Gathering Them, 14. THE FOOLPROOF FOUR 18 Morels, or Sponge Mushrooms, 18. Puff balls, 19. Sulphur Shelf Mushrooms, or Sulphur Polypores, 21. Shaggyrnanes, 22. Mushrooms with Gills WHITE SPORE PRINT 27 GENUS Amanita: Amanita phalloides (Death Cap), 28. A. verna, 31. A. muscaria (Fly Agaric), 31. A. russuloides, 33. GENUS Amanitopsis: Amanitopsis vaginata, 35. GENUS Armillaria: Armillaria mellea (Honey, or Shoestring, Fun- gus), 35. GENUS Cantharellus: Cantharellus aurantiacus, 39. C. cibarius, 39. GENUS Clitocybe: Clitocybe illudens (Jack-o'-Lantern), 41. C. laccata, 43. GENUS Collybia: Collybia confluens, 44. C. platyphylla (Broad- gilled Collybia), 44. C. radicata (Rooted Collybia), 46. C. velu- tipes (Velvet-stemmed Collybia), 46. GENUS Lactarius: Lactarius cilicioides, 49. L. deliciosus, 49. L. sub- dulcis, 51. GENUS Hypomyces: Hypomyces lactifluorum, 52.
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