VITA Jong-il Kim, Ph. D. PERSONAL Home Address: 1719 Ridgewood Ave. S.E Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Phone: (616) 956-9534 Work Address: Spoelhof Fieldhouse 245 3195 Knight Way S.E Grand Rapids, MI 49546-4406 Phone: (616) 526-6118 Fax: (616) 526-6118 E-mail:
[email protected] HIGHER EDUCATION Ph. D. Washington State University 1996 Educational Leadership (Sports Management emphasis) Dissertation: The Experiences of Elite Athletes in an Athletic Training Village M. S. Washington State University 1993 Physical Education Thesis: The Effects of Perestroika and Glasnost in the Soviet Sport System B. A. Dong-A University, Pusan, South Korea 1986 Physical Education PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Calvin College associate professor (Present) Women’s assistant soccer coach (2005-present) Assistant men’s track & field coach (2010) Assistant women’s track & field coach (2010) Head men’s track & field coach (1997-2009) Head women’s track & field coach (2002-2009) Teaching - P.E 233 Coaching of sports, Coaching track and field - P.E.R Core: Nordic walking, jogging & road race, aerobic cross training, core strength & balance, strength & conditioning, frisbee, badminton I & II, tennis I & II, volleyball I & II, and soccer. - Interim courses: Sport and fitness management: Career strategies and job opportunities Modern Olympic Games: The trends and issues Coaching - Calvin college women’s assistant soccer coach (2005-present) - Korean national track and field team (3/14-3/19/2011) - Calvin College man’s and woman’s assistant men’s track & field coach (2010) - Calvin