CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. Elaine Fahey Reader in Law Associate Dean (International) The City Law School, City, University of London Northampton Square, London, EC1V 0HB, Email: [email protected]

EDUCATION 2007 Ph.D. in Law, Trinity College 2005 Attorney-at-law, State of New York 2005 Barrister-at-law, Honorable Society of Kings’ Inns, Dublin 2003 Master of Law (LL.M) (European), Faculty of Law, Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge (1st Class Honours) 2002 Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), School of Law, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (1st Class Honours)

ACADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS 2016- Reader in Law, Institute for the Study of European Laws, The City Law School, City, University of London 2014- Senior Lecturer, Institute for the Study of European Laws, The City Law School, City, University of London 2011-2014 Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, Amsterdam Centre for European Law & Governance (ACELG) and ‘Architecture of Post-National Rule-Making Project’, University of Amsterdam 2009-2010 Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellowship, European University Institute (EUI), Florence, 2010-2011 Lecturer in Law, Department of Law, Dublin Institute of Technology 2007-2010 Assistant Lecturer in Law, Department of Law, Dublin Institute of Technology 2007 Stagiaire, European Court of Justice, 2006-2007 Lecturer in Law, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin 2005-2007 Barrister Pupillage, Four Courts, Dublin, Ireland 2004-2006 Broad Curriculum Teaching Assistant, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin 2003-2004 Judicial Research Assistant, Judges Library, Four Courts, Dublin 2003 Mini-Pupillage, Brick Court Chambers, London 2001 Judicial Extern, United States Federal District Court, Los Angeles, CA

FELLOWSHIPS 2017 Spring Emile Noël Fellow, Jean Monnet Center for International & Regional Economic Law & Justice, NYU Law School 2014- Associate Researcher, Amsterdam Centre for European Law & Governance (ACELG) 2013-2014 Visiting Scholar, European Legal Studies Department, College of Europe, Bruges 2012 Fall Visiting Research Scholar, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Law School 2011-2012 Visiting Fellow, Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, London 2010-2011 Visiting Fellow, Global Governance Programme, Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute (EUI), Florence

GRANTS, PRIZES &AWARDS 2017-2021 Horizon 2020 EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks (ITN) Grant (On the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)) (Co-PI, led by University of Birmingham) Total project award €4,099,318.20, City award 7% €273,287.88 €273,287.88 2017-2018 British Academy/ Leverhulme Small Research Grant ‘Between Internal Laws and Global Practices: UN Instruments in the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’ £9120 2016 City University WOW Student Nomination 2015 Two-part workshop co-funding, City Law School and KCECL, University of Kent £2000 and £600 2015 Teaching Excellence Nomination 2011 COST Action IS1003 Research Action grant €2000, not taken up 2010 Jean Monnet Module award (EU Legal Studies) €35,000 2009 Nomination, Teaching Excellence Award (Dublin Institute of Technology) 2008 LTTC Learning & Teaching Technology Grant, / Oscola Ireland’ €9000 2004 Broad Curriculum Doctoral Studentship Award, Trinity College Dublin €43,000 st 2004 Leonard Coling Prize & Lyndon Stanford Prize, 1 Place LL.M Examinations, Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge £100, £300 2000-2005 Non-foundation Scholar (Law), Trinity College Dublin €60,000 approx. 1999 Trinity College Dublin Law School Prize, 1st Place Law & French Junior Freshman Examinations €100 1998 Trinity College Dublin Entrance Exhibitioner Award €100



ORGANISATION OF SCIENTIFIC EVENTS 2016 EUSA Miami Biennial Conference Law Section Convenor 2014-2016 Project co-organiser, Framing the Subjects and Objects of Contemporary EU law, City University London (co-funded with University of Kent) 2016 Panel co-convenor, The Democratisation of EU International Relations, EUIA, Brussels 2015 I.CON-S Panel organiser, The Subjects and Objects of EU law (I.CON-S, NYU, New York) 2014 Conference organizer, The Actors of Postnational Rule-Making and their Legitimacy, University of Amsterdam 2013 Multidisciplinary panel organizer, The Constitutional Dimensions of EU Security, Council for European Studies, Amsterdam 2013 Symposium co-convenor, European Integration through Law, Michigan Journal of International Law (with Samo Bardutzky) 2013 Conference organiser, Towards a Transatlantic Community of law, University of Amsterdam, 2012 Symposium co-convenor, EU Law qua Global Governance, UvA ACELG-VU CELS symposium (with Ester Hernell-Karnell) 2011-2014 Seminars, conferences and roundtable co-organiser, ‘Architecture of Post-National Rule-Making’ Project, University of Amsterdam, the

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2015-2018 Routledge Series Editor (Contemporary European Studies) (Law, IR, Politics and Political Science) Editor (with Chad Damro and David Howarth) 2017- Senior Editorial Board, European Journal of Risk Regulation 2016- Co-Editor, City Law Research Papers Series 2015- Co-convenor EU Law section, European Law Institute (ELI) (with Lawrence Gormley) 2015-2017 Editorial board ‘European Papers’ 2015-2018 External Examiner, School of Law, Middlesex University 2012-2013 Judge, Irish Law Awards 2010, 2012 National Rapporteur, FIDE Congress of European Law Associations Country Report (Ireland) 2010-2011 Chairperson, Irish Society for European Law 2009 Regional Judge, European Law (ELMC) Competition, Regional Finals, Bangor, UK 2005-2010 Secretary; Committee Member Irish Society for European Law

INSTITUTIONAL AND ORGANISATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES 2016-2019 Associate Dean (International), the City Law School, City University London 2015-2018 Member of the Board of Studies; Research Committee, the City Law School 2015- Co-convenor, Institute for the Study of European Law (ISEL) 2013-2014 European Law Moot Court (ELMC) Convenor, University of Amsterdam 2010-2011 Jean Monnet Module Director, Dublin Institute of Technology 2010 Editor, Supreme Court Reports of Ireland 2007-2010 MA in law Programme Co-ordinator, Dublin Institute of Technology 2005-2007 Coordinator, Broad Curriculum (Law) Junior Sophister Programme, Trinity College Dublin

PEER REVIEWER Journal Reviewer: European Law Journal, Journal of Common Market Studies, European Journal of Risk Regulation; Irish Journal of European Law, Utrecht Law Review, European Journal of Law and Economics, European Journal of Security Studies, Grant Reviewer: Czech Science Foundation; Irish Research Council for the Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS) Grants/ Fellowships renewals Manuscript reviewer: Cambridge University Press; Oxford University Press Conference reviewer: Council for European Studies proposal reviewer

MEMBERSHIPS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES EU Studies Association (EUSA), Council for European Studies, University Association for Contemporary European Studies, Europaeus law network, European Law Institute (co-ordinator EU law stream), I.CON.S, UKAEL, FIDE


CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. Elaine Fahey PUBLICATIONS (*Key publications highlighted) MONOGRAPHS AND EDITED BOOKS 1. *Framing the Subjects and Objects of EU law (Edward Elgar, under contract (co-edited with Samo Bardutzky)) 2. *The Global Reach of EU law (Abingdon: Routledge, 2016). 3. *The Actors of Postnational Rule-Making: Conceptualizing the challenges of European & International Law (Abingdon: Routledge, 2015) (editor). 4. *A Transatlantic Community of Law: Legal Perspectives on the Relationship between the EU & US legal orders (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014) (co-edited with Deirdre Curtin). 5. How to think, write and Cite: Key skills for Law students (Dublin: Roundhall, 2011) (with Ronan Kennedy, Jennifer Schweppe & Larry Donnelly). 6. EU Law in Ireland (Dublin: Clarus Press, 2010). 7. Súil ar an dlí (Dublin: Lonsdale Blackwell Publishing, 2010) (co-edited with Caroline O’Connor) (as Gaeilge/ in Irish). 8. Practice & Procedure in Preliminary References to Europe: 30 years of Article 234 EC caselaw from the Irish Courts (Dublin: Firstlaw, 2007). PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES 1. ‘On the Benefits of the TTIP Negotiations for the EU Legal Order: Legal Perspectives’ (2016) Legal Issues of Economic Integration (forthcoming) 2. *‘Joining the dots: external norms, AFSJ directives & the EU’s role in the global legal order’, (2016) 41 European Law Review 105. 3. *‘On the Use of Law in Transatlantic Relations: Legal Dialogues Between the EU and US’ (2014) 20(3) European Law Journal 368-384. 4. EU’S Cybercrime and Cyber Security Rule-Making: Mapping the Internal and External Dimensions of EU Security, European Journal of Risk Regulation (1/2014) 46-60. 5. *‘Law and Governance as Checks and Balances in Transatlantic Security: Rights, Redress and Remedies in EU-US Passenger Name Records & the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program’ (2013)33 Yearbook of European Law, 368-388. 6. ‘Judicial Review of Eurozone Law- The Adjudication of Postnational Norms in the EU Courts, Plural’ (2013)1 Michigan Journal of International Law Online, 101-111 (with Samo Bardutzky). 7. ‘The Validity of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA): Perspectives from European Union, US and International Law’ (2012) XX(2) Currents: International Trade Law 20-44 (with Christina Eckes & Machiko Kanetake). 8. ‘The EU Emission Trading Scheme and the Court of Justice: the High Politics of the indirect promotion of global standards’ (2012) 13(11) German Law Journal 1247-1268. 9. *‘Does the Emperor have Financial Crisis Clothes? On the Legal basis of the European Banking Authority’ (2011) 74 Modern Law Review 581-595. 10. *‘Swimming in a sea of law: Reflections on water borders, Irish(-British)-Euro Relations and opting-out and opting-in after the Treaty of Lisbon’ (2010)47(3) Common Market Law Review 645-672. 11. ‘Interpretive legitimacy & the distinction between “social assistance” and “work seekers allowance”’ (2009)34 European Law Review 933-949. 12. ‘Going Back to Basics: Re-embracing the Fundamentals of the Free Movement of Persons in Metock’ (2009)36 Legal Issues of Economic Integration 83-89. 13. ‘Being a Third Pillar Guardian of Fundamental Rights? The Irish Supreme Court & the European arrest warrant’ (2008) 33(4) European Law Review 563- 576. 14. ‘Reflections on the Scope of the European Union (Scrutiny) Act, 2002’ (2007)13 European Public Law 85-96. SPECIAL ISSUES EDITED ‘European Integration Through Law- Emerging Scholarship Project’; (2013) Michigan Journal of International Law Online 101- 111 (with Samo Bardutzky); ‘Introduction: EU Law qua Global Governance Law’ (2012)13(11) German Law Journal, 1147- 1150 (with Ester Hernell-Karnell). CHAPTERS IN BOOKS 1. ‘Transatlantic Relations’ in Florian Trauner & Adriadna Rippoll-Servent (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Justice and Home Affairs (Routledge, forthcoming). 2. ‘Between One-Shotters and Repeat Hitters: A Retrospective on the role of the European Parliament in the EU-US PNR Litigation’ in Fernanda Nicola & Bill Davies (eds.) EU Law Stories (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017). 3. ‘Transatlantic Criminal law’ in Valsamis Mitseligas, Maria Bergström & Theodore Konstadinides (eds.) Research Handbook on EU Criminal Law (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2016). 4. ‘Judicial Review of legal instruments of the Eurozone’ in Maurice Adams, Pierre Larouche & Federico Fabbrini (eds.) The constitutionalisation of European Budgetary Constraints (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2014) (with Samo Bardutzky) 341- 358. 5. ‘Towards a Transatlantic Community of Law? The Use of Law between the EU and US Legal Orders: Questions of Legal Form and Characterisation’ in E. Fahey & D. Curtin (Eds.), A Transatlantic Community of Law: Legal Perspectives on the Relationship between the EU and US legal orders (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014). 6. ‘A Postnational Marketplace: Negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)’ (with Marija Bartl) in E. Fahey & D. Curtin (Eds.), A Transatlantic Community of Law: Legal Perspectives on the Relationship between the EU and US legal orders (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014). 7. ‘Transatlantic Relations and Flexibility within the AFSJ’ in S. Blockmans (ed.) Differentiated Integration in the EU from the


CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. Elaine Fahey inside looking out (Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies, 2014)(with Juan Santos Vara). 8. ‘Jagged-Edged Jigsaw: The Limits of Multi-Speed Integration and AFSJ Policy’ in Martin Trybus & Luca Rubini (eds.) the Future of EU Law and Policy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012). 9. ‘Ireland-Competition law and Article 234 EC’ in Barry Rodger ( ed.) Article 234 EC and Competition Law: An Analysis (Hague: Kluwer, 2008) (with Dermot Cahill).

*Other publications not included: 10 non-peer reviewed articles; 1 Op-eds, 2 Research Reports, 5 Working Papers.