
The Scoville Series: Part III Reprinted from Impressions, CDEA Fall 2006, pgs 18-19 $%DVLF:RUOG0XVLF/LEUDU\ By Jon Scoville One of the singular joys of living on a newly , with Indonesian and Korean forms, digital planet is how much access we now have to a and of course the Beatles encounter with the music of remarkable treasury of . Of course it wasn’t ,QGLD1RZHYHU\RQHLQHYHU\JHQUHLVEHLQJLQÀXHQFHG always that way. I remember vividly seeing Indian by everyone else. It’s a yeasty brew and it’s growing. PXVLFLDQ5DYL6KDQNDUIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHLQWKHODWH¶V Similarly, in the dance world, the explorations on the tv program Omnibus. It was like nothing I’d ever LQLWLDWHGE\5XWK6W'HQLV0DUWKD*UDKDP.DWKHULQH KHDUGEHIRUHJURZLQJXSLQDKRXVH¿OOHGZLWKFODVVLFDO 'XQKDPDQGRWKHUVLVFRQWLQXLQJ0DQ\FRQWHPSRUDU\ PXVLF DQG P\ RZQ OLWWOH FROOHFWLRQ RI &KXFN %HUU\ FKRUHRJUDSKHUVIURP0DUN0RUULVWR$NUDP.KDQWR DQG /RXLV$UPVWURQJ  1RZ LQ D VHFRQG RU WZR \RX *UXSR&RUSRDUHDYDLOLQJWKHPVHOYHVRIWKHUHVRXUFHV can download Ravi’s daughter Anoushka on iTunes, of world dance and world music, not in an attempt to DQGVKH¶VWKHUHUHDG\WRSOD\IRU\RX0\VHFRQG recreate dances of those cultures but to ask the audience world music revelation came around 10 years later to bring fresh ears to new movement. when I heard a collection of Bantu recorded With that in mind, I have assembled a basic E\ +XJK 7UDFH\ ,PSUHVVLRQV¶ 3DXO 7UDFH\¶V IDWKHU  survey of some of what’s available, much of which has IRU &ROXPELD 5HFRUGV 7KH OLIH IRUFH DQG UK\WKPLF particular dance forms associated with the music. Along invention woven into the music left an indelible mark ZLWKWKLVOLVWRIVW\OHV ZKLFKLVLQQRSDUWLFXODURUGHU  on me as a . are a few of the best-known practitioners. Amazon.  0XFKOLNH3LFDVVR¶VHSLSKDQ\ZLWK$IULFDQDUW com, www.sternsmusic.com, www.worldmusiccentral. LQ'HEXVV\¶VHQFRXQWHUVZLWK%DOLQHVHJDPHODQ com, and www.calabashmusic.com are all good sources in in the 1880’s forever altered western music. In of various world music recordings. his footsteps, Bartok and Stravinsky sought resources 0RVWKDYHGRZQORDGDEOHVDPSOHV for their compositions in the folkloric music of DQG5XVVLDDVGLG&RSODQGZLWK$PHULFDQWUDGLWLRQDO About Jon Jon Scoville is a , author and musician. An Associate Professor/Lecturer at the University of Utah, Professor Scoville teaches music resources for dance, rhythmic analysis, percussion accompaniment, aesthetics, and choreography. He KDVWRXUHGLQWHUQDWLRQDOO\DVFRDUWLVWLFGLUHFWRURI7DQG\%HDO &RPSDQ\DQGLVWKHDXWKRURISound Designs. Professor 6FRYLOOHLVDSUROL¿FFRPSRVHUIRUGDQFHLQFOXGLQJVFRUHVIRUWKHIDFXOW\DVZHOODVFKRUHRJUDSKHUV$OZLQ1LNRODLV0XUUD\ Louis, Laura Dean, and Sara Rudner, among others. Edited from http://www.dance.utah.edu/people/faculty/Scoville.html


Depending on the skills of the teacher or accompanist, a --which I like to think of as 88 tuned drums -- is certainly the ideal, though an expensive one. Beyond that a bass drum, a pair of toms, perhaps a djembe (the African hourglass-shaped drum which initially is easier to get good sounds out of than a conga GUXP  PD\EH D WRQJXH GUXP VPDOO UHVRQDWHG ER[ ZLWK WKH WRS KDYLQJ XS WR  WXQHG EDUV ± WR DGG WKH SRVVLELOLW\RIPHORG\WRWKHFODVV DQGDVPDOOJRQJRUF\PEDOIRUDFFHQWV Ask a Musician Do you have a question that only a musician can answer? Do you need recommendations for music to use in you studio or performance? Now is your chance to ask Jon Scoville. Submit your questions to [email protected], and after Jon answers them we will print them in a future newsletter. 12 The Scoville Series: Part III cont...

Argentine Tangos &DUORV *DUGHO WR $VWRU---World%RWK\%DQG%R\VRIWKH/RXJKWKH&KLHIWDLQV Music---Musikás and similar Hungarian and 3LD]]ROOD %HVW RI &DUORV *DUGHO 3LD]ROOD 0RYLQJ6WRUP,ULVK-LJV 5HHOVDQGQXPHURXV  0DUWD6HEHVW\HQ /LEHUWDQJR RWKHUFRPSLODWLRQV Quitiplas: bamboo stamping pipes from Korean : exotic vocal story-telling style Flamenco: music of the Spanish gypsies 9HQH]XHOD -DFNHOLQH5DJR .LP6RKHHRQ1RQHVXFKUHFRUG (Legends of Gypsy Flamenco—compilation, Garifuna and other African diaspora music Japanese : the world’s oldest orchestral 0DQLWDVGH3ODWD.HWDPD9LYD(VSDxD±QXHYD from  3HQ &D\HWDQR$QG\ PXVLF *DJDNX %H\RQG ÀDPHQFR 3DODFLR Tuvan throat : multiphonic vocal music Portuguese : expressive of Music from Cabo Verde: A Portuguese- African IURP 0RQJROLD 7XYD $PRQJ 7KH 6SLULWV IDWH $PDOLD 5RGULTXH] &ULVWLQD %UDQFR VWHZRIVRXQG &HVDULD(YRUD%DXDQGRWKHUV 6RXQG0XVLF$QG1DWXUH,Q6DNKD$QG7XYD 0DGUHGHXV Kayageum Sanjo: lap instrumental music E\ 9DULRXV $UWLVWV 2USKDQV /DPHQW +XXQ : South African music IURP.RUHD %\RQNL+ZDQJ +XXU7X /DG\VPLWK%ODFN0DPED]R0LULDP0DNHED Iraqi Music: (the Bachir Brothers play Tex-Mex ERUGHU PXVLF %HVW RI )ODFR 0RWHOOD4XHHQV'ROODU%UDQG improvisations on a stringed instrument which -LPHQH] music: music used to accompany the LVWKHSUHGHFHVVRUIRUWKHJXLWDU SkaSURWRUHJJDH ORWVRIFRPSLODWLRQV ,QGLDQ %UD]LOLDQPDUWLDODUW *UXSRGH&DSRHLUD$QJROD Mbira (sanza, kalimba) Music: thumb piano Dhrupads: old-school classical singing from 3HORXULQKR PXVLFIURP&HQWUDODQG6RXWKHUQ$IULFD 6KRQD 1RUWKHUQ,QGLD WKH'DJDU%URWKHUV : metallophone orchestras from the 0ELUD 0XVLF RQ 1RQHVXFK DQG %DWD0ELUD Klezmer: Eastern European and Lower East LVODQGVRI%DOL -DYD 0XVLFRIWKH0RUQLQJ  D \HDVW\ EOHQG RI PXVLF IURP &XED DQG Side Jewish street music (Klezmatics, The RIWKH:RUOG =LPEDEZH .OH]PRULP Armenian music PHGLWDWLRQDO ÀXWH PifanosPHVWL]RGUXP ÀXWHPXVLFIURPWKH Bulgarian vocal music: closely harmonized PXVLFIURP$UPHQLD 'MLYDQ*DVSDUD\DQ Sertão, ’s northeast (Banda de Pifano, women’s choral music (Bulgarian Women’s Norwegian medieval folk songs: (Agnes Buen 3LIDQR0RGHUQD &KRLU.LWND *DUQnV $IULFDQ$PHULFDQ GUXP  ¿IH PXVLF IURP Juju1LJHULDQGDQFHPXVLF .LQJ6XQQ\$GH Japanese Enka: folk/pop songs (Akiko Wada, the South Pygmy singing: interlocking singing styles from .HLNR)XML Bal Musette: traditional music from the forest peoples (Pygmies ot the Ituri Forest Australian Aboriginal didgeridoo music: 3DULVLDQ FDIpV  ¶V¶V (PLOH 9DFKHU RQ)RONZD\V$ND3\JP\PXVLFRQ2FRUD 'LGJHULGRR'UHDPLQJFRPSLODWLRQ &KDUOHV3pJXUL Brazilian Forro: music of the northeast of Inuit throat singing: from the arctic circle Coçek: Brass & accordion bands from & %UD]LO WKH VRXUFH RI ODPEDGD %UD]LO 5RRWV -HX[9RFDX[GHV,QXLW0XVLTXHGHV,QXLW &URDWLD ,YR3DSDVRY%REDQ0DUNRYLF )RUUR0XVLFIRU0DLGVDQG7D[L'ULYHUV Gospel Music: music of the African-American : hyper fast street music from Recifé : the afro-Brazilian motor for carnaval religious life (where to begin?: start with Thomas %UD]LO 0HVWUH'XGD&DSLED DQ\WKLQJ E\ WKH (VFRODV GH 3DGUH 0LJXHO Dorsey and continue through Rosetta Tharpe, Al Ketjak%DOLQHVHPRQNH\FKDQWV 0XVLFIURP %HLMD)ORUDQG9LOD,VDEHOHWF *UHHQ7KH:LQDQVXSWR.LUN)UDQNOLQ±LW¶VDOO WKH0RUQLQJRIWKH:RUOG±1RQHVXFKUHFRUGV Samba : a blend of Jamaican reggae and PLUDFOHPXVLF Khayals &ODVVLFDO LQVWUXPHQWDO DQG YRFDO VDPEDIURP%DKLD 2ORGXP,O\$L\H Cuban Rumba: afro-cuban dance forms: PXVLF IURP 1RUWKHUQ ,QGLD ± VLWDU VDURG Polynesian choral music: sweet rich harmonies guaguanco, columbia, & yambu (anything by sarangi, santoor, and tabla styles (many names from Tonga and Samoa (Nonesuch Explorer /RV3DSLQHVRU/RV0XQHTXLWRV 3XHUWR5LFDQ to chose from: Ali Akbar Khan, , VHULHV6RXWK3DFL¿F,VODQG0XVLF ERPEDVDQGSOHQDV .DNR\&RUWLMR%RPEDV\ $PLU.KDQ9LOD\DW.KDQ%ULM1DUD\DQHWFIRU Taksim: instrumental improvisations from 3OHQDV VWDUWHUV WKH 0LGGOH (DVW PDQ\ VW\OHV DQ\WKLQJ E\ music from Madagascar:  0DODJDV\ Maculelê: percussion & stick dances of the Bachir Brothers, Art of Taksim by Goskel JXLWDUE\'¶*DU\ in northeastern Brazil (Senzala de .DUWHO Qawwali: Pakistani ecstatic party music (Nusrat 6DQWRV&DSRHLUD6DPEDGH5RGD0DFXOHOH Tibetan chanting: from )DWHK$OL.KDQ %XGGKLVW PRQDVWHULHV 7LEHWDQ 7DQWULF &KRLU Bantu Music: music from the indigenous *\XWR0RQNV SHRSOHV RI 6RXWKHUQ $IULFD ± LQYHQWLYH DQG SalsaWKHPXVLFRI&XEDDQG3XHUWR5LFRZLWK rhythmically vital. (One of my desert island D1HZ