ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 7, 2020

Overview of Ubiquitous

Dr. C S Yadav1, Mr. Mohit Kumar2

1Dept. of and Engineering 2Dept. of ,Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh Email Id- [email protected], [email protected]

Received:20 January 2020 Revised and Accepted: 06 March 2020

ABSTRACT: The world has moved from the information environment to the contextual environment. Since ubiquitous computing is the current trend in computer technology, in the coming years all current technology may switch to ubiquitous computing environment. Ubiquitous computing, contemplates a world in which integrated devices, computers, detectors and online communications innovations are affordable goods accessible all over. Ubiquitous computing can provide people with an efficient and safe knowledge setting along with an that combines spatial and digital technology into an interconnected environment. This environment will display a spread of hundreds of systems and detectors, offering new additional features, providing additional services, and enhancing efficiency and communication between machines and users. Ubiquitous computing finds a different area in the life of all. Besides, the use of pervasive computing in distinct areas of study has progressively including areas such as safety, availability, learning, exchange and games. The introduction of pervasive computing will have the same effect as Web use has had in different sectors of operation like “e-commerce and e-learning. KEYWORDS: Characteristics, Pervasive computing, Ubiquitous computing

I. INTRODUCTION Ubiquitous computing’s main objective is based on efficient and reliable utilization of smart areas, invincibility, regionalized usability, and background understanding[1]. Pervasive computing technology aims to simplify systems to the extent of simplicity in their use. Transparent processing for several applications allows the system to be context-aware. Such systems, therefore, need to be meticulously crafted; or they can become a ubiquitous monitoring system. Ubiquitous computing is seen not as a hidden field of software, but as an evolving form of ICT technology that is more than ever incorporated into the social world[2]. Ubiquitous computing is a term in which computation occurs anywhere using any computer, everywhere and in any medium. The calculation is integrated into pervasive computing environments. The machines operated in a connected and autonomous setting and were able to interact with each other and with the person. Such apps enable context-conscious usage, migratory users, location-conscious applications and wireless access to information. Ubiquitous networks offer access to data and utilities at every place and every point, thus rendering the user's device existence "undetectable." The ubiquity components present a potential for new software products. An independent pervasive computing technology or approach cannot be implemented. The framework should be able to combine, communicate and integrate perfectly with established facilities[3]. Ubiquitous computing is, therefore, a concept comparable to . Instead of replicating and recreating the environment with a device, pervasive computing renders all entities in the actual world component of a communication technology network. Throughout ubiquitous computation, several tasks operate in the context continuously and communicate on the user's side. The person does not need to give directions or make choices specifically. Ubiquitous computing includes digital systems designed as the collaborative companion of an individual. Ubiquitous computing will alter how computers are used significantly. Ubiquitous computing can be defined by a series of characteristics and abilities defining the scope of its features. The various characteristics of ubiquitous computing are- Context- awaree, Adaptation, Distributed, and Autonomous as shown in Fig.1.



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 7, 2020

- Context-awareness which means that devices need to be informed of the ecological context to improve the system operation in the physical and human setting.  Adaptation- The application can change its actions based on the observed background. This process is called Adaptation, in which the program adjusts as per the detected information.  Distributed- involves connectivity, storage and open accessibility of devices/systems. They will communicate with each other and with as with people.  Autonomous- This allows a system to freely monitor its behavior. It is represented as a self-governing system that is proficient in autonomous choices and activities of its own. Ubiquitous computing can be located in a sense and accessible to clients when appropriate, rather than rendering computational resources open to all computers worldwide. To minimize the obstruction of social interactions, instantaneous associations and choices are required; thus, specific social interactions are not essential across all systems and maybe less feasible with nano-sized systems[5]. Pervasive computing enables to build integrated utilizing advanced technologies simultaneously. Pervasive computing is also referred to as Ubiquitous computing. Pervasive computing extends outside the idea of individual computing as it can attach simple home, restaurant, appliances, and computer chips can be operated from everywhere. Pervasive computing is a new sector in which knowledge is processed by several smart devices. Pervasive computing is going to perform a key role in daily basis human actions in the coming years. This technology will make it possible to incorporate various technologies such as Wi-Fi, mobile technology, , robotics, speech restructuring, signal processing, and digital computing. A significant number of “smart objects” interact with each other or with the client in ubiquitous computing. Most of these encounters must be as unobtrusive and depending on the situation and should, therefore, happen semi-automatically. Ubiquitous computing might see the collection of massive data that can provide an analysis of a person's actions, wealth, and wellbeing. Therefore, data privacy is an important requirement for safeguarding privacy in ubiquitous computing[6]. Pervasive computing aims to shift devices out from the user's main focus in the intangible world, in which they are used unconsciously, to improve available types of equipment or interactions, and to liberate the client from temporal restrictions. The aim of pervasive computing, therefore, is to create tools that are so ubiquitous and easy to use that they almost become intangible as shown in fig.2.



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 7, 2020

II. ARCHITECTURE All electronic tools are classified as Tablets, Pads and Displays in three basic forms. Portable centimeter-sized systems are included in a tabs kit(fig.3). A pad contains portable distance measurement-sized screens, and digital screen devices for tables include meter-sized screens. The fundamental architecture of any ubiquitous network system consists of three areas: Computer or Smart Pervasive Devices, Connectivity (Network) and Software. The application will be given by these three essential areas of a pervasive computing system[7].

Software or smart devices are nothing more than the source or display devices such as phone detectors, displays, cell phones, monitors, tools for the realignment of the human figure, cellular devices that capture information and send information over the channel used for communication. It is feasible that the web will be linked to even more than one system. Various types of channels are used in ubiquitous computing for the interconnection of ubiquitous computing systems. Conventional LAN, Wifi, WAN, and MAN are used. These channels attach all of the system's ubiquitous devices. To link "end devices" to the network, the system requires "". The purpose of the ubiquitous system is to gather information using ubiquitous devices via a channel that will transmit the information to programs that analyze information for production.




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Fig.4: Issues in Ubiquitous Computing  Architectural-There are several architectural problems on the software base: it is possible to create and use different applications including Smart Space, Smart Directions. Instant setup adaptive labeling, monitoring system, free changes between diverse networks are some of the architectural issues.  Security-Different types of Ubiquitous Computing threats are- Compromise client information, Complete system failure, rendering resources inaccessible, Resource damage, Damage users and even life. Prevalent security flaws in wireless devices such as physiological tapping, passive listening and congestion assessment, text infusion and effective eavesdropping termination and blocking of messages[8].  Capturing Data-Security degrading frameworks allows hackers to buy the very same texts. At the time of interception, an intrusion may be there on the information. That is what a sensor's processing power maybe, rather than encrypting functions, it will most probably be used on detecting activities. Data modification can also arise if the attack happens.  Access Control-It is necessary to prevent unintended or unwanted control. According to technical restrictions the validity of “sensor data” could not be verified explicitly by the sensor themselves. Furthermore, such events should also be registered if proper procedures or laws are breached. If there is any illegal activity, the unintended person must not be able to gather the data.  Reliability-Building a secure network like other ubiquitous appliances at the household phone or laundry device that is practically cashless is a huge challenge. Reliability affects the environment of development, technical methods, and administrative expectations as shown in fig.4.

IV. IMPACTS Ubiquitous computing can penetrate daily life including personal and working and is supposed to have great impacts that will be expressed in several cultural economic environments. On many levels, both good and bad results are expected to be similar.  Privacy-The ubiquitous data protection architecture that corresponds to data privacy requirements is seen as a privacy prerequisite and is compared to the downstream idea of "context-dependent data" privacy filtering[9]. Much more important is the clear faith of a customer in a specific pervasive network system that will be managed safely by the provider. This implies that the sudden and unexpected accessibility of an innovative pervasive computing implementation could lead to restricted publicity to data protection throughout its important execution stage.  Economic impact-In general, work performance is supposed to improve among the economic consequences of ubiquitous computing. It should be mentioned that no substantial gains in productivity from pervasive computing are required for households, household practitioners, and older and/or sick homecare. Nonetheless, because of its capacity to auto-arrange and regulate manufacturing processes, the ability of ubiquitous computing for exchange and development is enormous. This organization relies on many factors, including the existence of information-based systems that are fully formed.  Social impact-Strong positive effects are expected in private activities in pharmaceuticals, personal care, information systems and vehicles, whereas mildly potential benefits are anticipated in direct and indirect safety and in manufacturing, logistical support and exchange. Ultimately, pervasive computing is not required to generate any detrimental relapse results that would compensate for or even counteract its positive impacts.



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V. APPLICATIONS Ubiquitous computing succeeds at pervading and interlocking all aspects of life, allowing a pervasive flow of information, information, or even awareness through incorporating knowledge capabilities. The following are applications in which pervasive computing is still identifiable and is inclined to perform a crucial role in the development.  Communication-As a boundary-application, the field of interaction involves all modes of communication, data and expertise sharing and distribution. Therefore, communication is a prerequisite for all contexts of computer technology.  Logistics-Supply chain analysis of commodities across the whole supply chain of materials, non-finished goods and manufactured goods reduces the difference between external movement and sharing of data in IT monitoring systems[10].  Motor traffic-Vehicles already have several support networks that instantaneously support the operator. For the long term it is expected that automobiles will program with each other and the encircling driver assistance structures.  Military-The defense sector needs the availability of data as sensitive, dual-dimensional and interdependent as necessary to prevent and counter existential threats. It includes information gathering and analysis. This also involves the creation of new technologies for arms.  Production-The movement and distribution of production components in the digital factories are managed by the products itself and by the storage and distribution centers.  Smart homes-A significant number of tools like ventilation, illumination, cooling and communication devices in home automation are smart objects that immediately respond to citizens ' requirements[11].  E-Commerce-Pervasive computation smart objects enable new technologies to be applied with a range of online services. It includes site-based services, a change towards sales to leasing goods, and computer representatives which will advise elements in pervasive computing to separately execute and perform work and commercial activities.  Inner security-Recognition devices, such as digital visas and card readers that are already popular, are all-round software applications in internal safety. A surveillance system becomes extremely beneficial in the long run – for example, to combat climate change or to monitor essential infrastructure like airlines as well as the electricity grid.  Medical Technology-Progressively self-sufficient, multipurpose, remotely operated and integrated medical uses in ubiquitous computing provides a variety of options for tracking the safety of the sick and the senior citizens in their residences and for smart implants[12].

VI. CONCLUSION Currently, ubiquitous computing is still quite a technical concept. Ubiquitous computing is the new trend in computer technology, involving improvement in mobile technology and pervasive computing to introduce a worldwide computing scenario. Since ubiquitous techniques and applications have entered customer dwellings and sometimes precede their proprietors during the day, it became more essential than ever before to model security procedures that safeguard a customer from ill-educated espionage, ruin the assets of both the machine or even threaten the safety of an individual. This technology blends computers and detectors with networking technologies and sophisticated applications to build a life-enhancing interactive world. Ubiquitous computing is indeed a fast-changing model that has enormous possibilities. The goal is to observe its growth closely and consciously influencing it to maximize its beneficial effects while minimizing as much of its possible negative impacts.

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