Congressional Record—House H982

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Congressional Record—House H982 H982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 10, 2004 PERSONAL EXPLANATION Whereas on January 26, 1950, India adopted from South Carolina (Mr. WILSON), the its Constitution, which formalized India as a distinguished head of the Indian Cau- Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- parliamentary democracy; ably absent during some of the votes on cus, and our colleague on the Com- Whereas the celebration of India’s Repub- mittee on International Relations, the amendments to H.R. 339, the ‘‘Personal Re- lic Day on January 26th is the second most sponsibility in Food Consumption Act.’’ I would important national holiday after Independ- gentleman from New York (Mr. CROW- like the Record to reflect that, had I been ence Day; LEY). It was considered and adopted present, I would have voted in the following Whereas the framers of India’s Constitu- without amendment by the committee manner: tion were greatly influenced by the Amer- on February 25. ican Founding Fathers James Madison, Alex- Watt No. 6/ Scott (exempt state agency ac- As Members are aware, in recent ander Hamilton, and John Adams; years the relationship between the tions to enforce state consumer protection Whereas among the rights and freedoms laws concerning mislabeling or other unfair United States and India has been fun- provided to the people of India under its Con- damentally transformed in exception- and deceptive trade practices): ‘‘Yes.’’ stitution is universal suffrage for all men ally positive ways. Thankfully, the Watt No. 7 (preserve the right of state and women over the age of eighteen; courts to hear cases brought under state law): Whereas India’s Constitution adopted the time has long since passed when it ‘‘Yes.’’ American ideals of equality for all citizens, could be said that India and America Andrews No. 2 (exempt manufacturers of regardless of faith, gender, or ethnicity; are democracies estranged. Instead, in Whereas the basic freedoms we cherish in genetically modified foods that do not disclose recognition both of the end of the Cold America such as the freedom of speech, free- War and India’s embrace of market ec- that the food is genetically modified from the dom of association, and freedom of religion legal immunity provided in the bill): ‘‘Yes.’’ onomics, our two great countries have are also recognized in India; not only rediscovered each other but Ackerman No. 1 (exempt manufacturers and Whereas Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi is developed a remarkable degree of sellers of foods that have not taken steps to recognized around the world as the father of prevent meat from being tainted with mad cow India’s nonviolent struggle for independence; amity and rapport. The United States/India political re- disease from the legal immunity provided in Whereas people of many faiths, including lationship is rapidly maturing. We are the bill): ‘‘Yes.’’ Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians, were united in securing India’s freedom from colo- having regular meetings at the highest f nial rule and have all served in various ca- levels of government. At the summit in ELECTION OF MEMBERS TO COM- pacities in high-ranking government posi- Washington in November 2001, Presi- tions; MITTEE ON GOVERNMENT RE- dent Bush and Prime Minister Whereas the Republic of India has faith- Vajpayee articulated their vision of the FORM fully adhered to the principles of democracy relationship our countries should Mr. LEACH. Mr. Speaker, I offer a by continuing to hold elections on a regular enjoy. The prime minister insightfully resolution (H. Res. 553) and I ask unan- basis on the local, regional, and national lev- described it as a natural partnership. imous consent for its immediate con- els; Whereas the people of the United States Our deepening government-to-gov- sideration. and the Republic of India have a common ernment relationship is complemented The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bond of shared values and a strong commit- by a rich mosaic of expanding people- Clerk will report the resolution. ment to democratic principles; and to-people ties. In many ways, the more The Clerk read as follows: Whereas President George W. Bush and than 2 million Indian Americans in the H. RES. 553 Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee are elected leaders of the world’s two largest de- United States have become a living Resolved, That the following Members be mocracies and are actively cultivating bridge between our two great democ- and are hereby elected to the following strong ties between the United States and racies, bringing together our two peo- standing committee of the House of Rep- India: Now, therefore, be it ples, as well as greatly enlarging the resentatives: Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Committee on Government Reform: Mr. United States’ understanding of India Senate concurring), That Congress— Tiberi and Ms. Harris. and Indian understanding of the United (1) commends India on its celebration of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there States. Republic Day; and In short, this timely resolution ap- objection to the request of the gen- (2) reiterates its support for continued propriately honors the world’s largest tleman from Iowa? strong relations between the United States democracy, a country with which the There was no objection. and India. United States is enjoying increasingly The resolution was agreed to. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. warm ties and a people for whom A motion to reconsider was laid on MILLER of Michigan). Pursuant to the Americans have a great and enduring the table. rule, the gentleman from Iowa (Mr. affection. LEACH) and the gentleman from Cali- f I urge the adoption of this resolution. fornia (Mr. LANTOS) each will control Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER 20 minutes. PRO TEMPORE ance of my time. The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- from Iowa (Mr. LEACH). yield myself such time as I may con- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair GENERAL LEAVE sume. will postpone further proceedings Mr. LEACH. Madam Speaker, I ask I rise in strong support of this resolu- today on additional motions to suspend unanimous consent that all Members tion. the rules on which a record vote or the may have 5 legislative days within Madam Speaker, I first would like to yeas and nays are ordered or on which which to revise and extend their re- commend the chairman of our com- a vote is objected to under clause 6 of marks and include extraneous material mittee, the gentleman from Illinois rule XX. on H. Con. Res. 15. (Mr. HYDE), for moving forward with Record votes on postponed questions The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there this legislation so expeditiously. will be taken tomorrow. objection to the request of the gen- This important resolution commends f tleman from Iowa? India on its celebration of Republic There was no objection. Day which occurs on January 26. While COMMENDING INDIA ON ITS Mr. LEACH. Madam Speaker, I yield we may be a few weeks late in com- CELEBRATION OF REPUBLIC DAY myself such time as I may consume. memorating this important event, our Mr. LEACH. Madam Speaker, I move Madam Speaker, I rise in support of enthusiasm for reaffirming the strong to suspend the rules and agree to the House Concurrent Resolution 15, a and unbreakable ties between the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 15) measure commending India on its Re- United States and India remain strong. commending India on its celebration of public Day and reiterating congres- Madam Speaker, a new chapter in the Republic Day. sional support for continued strong re- bilateral relationship between the The Clerk read as follows: lations between India and the United United States and India was opened H. CON. RES. 15 States. with President Clinton’s historic visit Whereas the Republic of India is the This thoughtful concurrent resolu- to India 4 years ago. President Clinton world’s largest democracy; tion was introduced by the gentleman and Prime Minister Vajpayee broke VerDate jul 14 2003 02:16 Mar 11, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10MR7.054 H10PT1 March 10, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H983 decades of ice which covered our rela- resolution which praises India’s firm on East Asia and the Pacific, and the tionship and ushered in a new and un- commitment to democratic principles. gentleman from Illinois (Mr. HYDE), precedented form of cooperation be- On January 26, 1950, after a long chairman of the Committee on Inter- tween our two great democratic na- struggle for freedom led by Mahatma national Relations, for allowing the tions. Gandhi, India began its formal exist- committee to consider and pass this The most dramatic demonstration of ence as a parliamentary democracy. historic and important resolution. I our new friendship with India was In- Republic Day is the second most im- urge my colleagues to support House dia’s immediate offer of full coopera- portant national holiday in India after Concurrent Resolution 15. tion in the war on terrorism after the Independence Day, which is celebrated Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I September 11 tragedy and its willing- on August 15. yield 3 minutes to the distinguished ness to allow the use of Indian bases India modelled its constitution after gentleman from New York (Mr. ENGEL), for counterterrorism operations. But in America’s and both our nations believe an important member of the House so many other ways, the tenor and that the freedoms enshrined in the con- Committee on International Relations. tempo of our bilateral cooperation has stitution are universal for all human Mr. ENGEL. Madam Speaker, I thank continued to improve remarkably over beings. the gentleman for yielding me time.
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