June 18, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6481 campaign finance reform in over a dec- VACATION OF SPECIAL ORDER where there is risk, you cannot cal- ade. S. 1219, the McCain-Feingold regu- AND GRANTING OF SPECIAL culate the cost or be guaranteed deliv- lation, has the support of a coalition of ORDER ery from pain or loss. Bosnia is a land 30 grass-roots organizations and edi- Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, of grief and turmoil and none of us are torial board from all across America. I ask unanimous consent to claim the immune from it.’’ Those were the Last year LINDA SMITH, CHRIS SHAYS, time of the gentlewoman from Ohio. words of his father upon learning of his and I introduced the House version of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there son’s death. this campaign finance reform bill. H.R. objection to the request of the gen- Adam was working for the Commerce 2566, the Bipartisan Clean Congress tleman from California? Department when I arrived. He served Act, was the result of months and There was no objection. on the staff of the press office for sev- months of negotiations between groups eral months before becoming a per- of Democrats and Republicans. Both f sonal assistant to the Deputy Sec- bills are a remarkable example of what TRIBUTE TO ADAM DARLING retary for 2 years. Adam was also in- can happen when Members put aside strumental in bringing state-of-the-art their partisan differences and sit down The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a science to the central coast and to the to the same table to try to make Con- previous order of the House, the gen- country. Just 1 year ago he helped or- gress more accountable. tleman from California [Mr. FARR] is ganize the first-ever link between the H.R. 2566 eliminates PACs, caps lob- recognized for 5 minutes. classrooms across America and marine byist donations, requires 60 percent of Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, biologists working in the Monterey campaign contributions to originate in tonight I rise on the third anniversary Bay. a candidate’s home State. It eliminates of the day on which I took the oath of Ron Brown had asked Adam to han- loopholes and large political party con- office 3 years ago in this Chamber to dle press relations and advance plan- tributions and sets voluntary spending replace then-Congressman Leon Pa- ning for the economic development limits, offering candidates discounted netta, who had gone to work in the mission in Bosnia. According to broadcast time and large mailings if White House as head of OMB. Adam’s family, Adam saw it as an op- they sign a pledge not to spend any Standing in the well before me, I portunity to make a significant con- more than $600,000. thanked the California State legisla- tribution to the peace effort where it If enacted, the Bipartisan Clean Con- ture, which I had left the night before, was severely needed. gress Act will halt special interest in- for the good work they were doing in Rather than working hard to gain fluence in Washington and really clear guiding the State of California. At the personal attention, Adam worked hard the way for the truly representative same time I paid tribute to my mother, for the sheer pleasure of doing well and democracy which our forefathers envi- who had died of cancer while I was in the satisfaction of knowing he had sioned 200 years ago. the Peace Corps; and to my sister, who helped make someone else’s life a little Now, it is difficult to change a sys- was killed while visiting me in the more livable. tem that is so favorable to incumbents, Peace Corps. Adam saw life as an opportunity to given the fact incumbents have access In the gallery at the time was my fa- serve the world, telling his family at to PAC and lobbyist contributions. ther, Fred Farr, and my sister, the age of 5 that he would be President They help us win reelection in the Con- Francesca Farr. Also in the gallery of the United States someday; a young gress over 90 percent of the time. In- from my district was Rev. Darrell Dar- boy made his commitment to bettering cumbents receive 70 percent of their ling and his son Adam Darling, who the country at any cost. During the few PAC contributions in each cycle. Sev- grew up in Santa Cruz, part of the dis- years that he was afforded, Adam enty percent of all PAC contributions trict I now represent. worked with the dedication and com- go to incumbents. Compare that with Tonight, on the third anniversary, I mitment of a President and accom- less than 12 percent for challengers; want to pay tribute to that beautiful plished more for the good of human- less than 12 percent. young man, Adam Darling, who lost his kind during his lifetime than many Mr. Speaker, the time for campaign life in the plane crash with Secretary even attempt in 100 years. finance reform is now. We have to act Ron Brown in Bosnia. The loss of Adam Darling and 34 oth- in this Congress while we have a Presi- Adam Darling died doing precisely ers in Bosnia will be sorely felt by all dent willing to sign this bill. Let us what he wanted: serving his country and will remain in our hearts as a me- give President Clinton this bipartisan while working to make the world a bet- morial to all who pay the highest cost bill and pass it into law. ter place. He was an eternal optimist. possible in order to keep the world by f Adam had once offered to ride his bike serving their country. I want to thank REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER across this country from his home the Darlings for being here on this day AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 2618 State of California to Washington, DC of my anniversary of being sworn into for then-Governor because Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Congress, and I want to pay tribute to he felt that he could make a difference unanimous consent that my name be Adam Darling who was here to greet in the 1992 presidential race just by removed as a cosponsor of H.R. 2618. me when I first arrived, and wish that riding a bicycle across the Nation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there he was still here today. After the election he ended up in Wash- objection to the request of the gentle- Mr. Speaker, thank you for allowing ington working for the Commerce De- woman from New York? me this time to pay tribute to this There was no objection. partment. great young American. When I arrived to be sworn into Con- f f gress, Adam was there to meet me. He The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a brought his father, Rev. Darrell Dar- WHITEWATER previous order of the House, the gen- ling, with him from Santa Cruz all the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a tleman from California [Mr. DORNAN] is way here to Washington, DC. Accord- previous order of the House, the gen- recognized for 5 minutes. ing to his father, Adam Darling was a tleman from Indiana [Mr. BURTON] is [Mr. DORNAN addressed the House. leader among his peers, his friends, his recognized for 5 minutes. His remarks will appear hereafter in family and in his work. His leadership Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- the Extensions of Remarks.] grew from a keen and uncluttered er, I was kind of distressed today when f mind, a character free of shame, given I turned on the television set and saw The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a or received, and thoroughly generous the report that came out from the Sen- previous order of the House, the gen- in spirit. ate Banking Committee on tleman from Illinois [Mr. HASTERT] is He was very realistic about both pub- Whitewater. I was not upset about the recognized for 5 minutes. lic policy and public service and the report; I was upset about how it was [Mr. HASTERT addressed the House. limitations and temptations of both. presented by the media and that it was His remarks will appear hereafter in Adam’s realism never was cynical. pooh-poohed as though it was nothing the Extensions of Remarks.] ‘‘When you decide to make a difference significant. H6482 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 18, 1996 The fact of the matter is it is very, licans, and they were sought without and it would limit the length of time very significant and there were some justification. The Secret Service has that insurers could refuse to cover a very real possibilities of violations of said there was no way that they could preexisting medical problem. law and obstruction of justice. For in- have accidentally provided the White Essentially what this legislation does stance, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the House with this out-of-date list. Usu- in its original form is to simply make President’s wife, said she did not know ally, almost always, when the White it easier for people to get health insur- anything about or have copies of the House asks for evidence or an FBI ance because we know that fewer and billing records from the background check on somebody, it is fewer people, fewer and fewer Ameri- that dealt with in the prospective, to find out if there is any- cans today have health insurance as Whitewater episode. thing wrong with that person before compared to, say, 5 or 10 years ago. But I should point out, Mr. Speaker, that b 1845 they hire them and bring them into the Government. These were people who this legislation was originally crafted Yet 2 years after they were subpoe- had already been investigated and they to keep premiums affordable because it naed by the independent counsel, 2 went back and got 408 files of Repub- would not impact the insurance risk years after they were requested by the licans, and we believe it was because pool by encouraging healthy individ- Congress of the United States, they they wanted to find some dirt on them uals to drop coverage. were found in her living quarters in the that they could use in later political It had bipartisan support in both the library right next to her bedroom. Not campaigns for political purposes. Senate and the House of Representa- only that, her fingerprints and the fin- The files of two of the Travel Office tives in its original form, and the gerprints of were all over employees, Billy Dale and Barnaby President indicated that he would sup- the documents. For her to say that she Brasseux, were requested with the ex- port it or sign the bill in his State of did not know that those documents planation that they were seeking ac- the Union Address. However, from the were there, did not have any idea or cess to the White House. This was sev- very beginning the Republican leader- recollect where they were and they eral months after they had been fired ship in the House insisted on messing were next to her bedroom for 2 years from the White House. Apparently the up this very simple legislation with and many believe were taken out of White House was not content with controversial poison pill amendments. Vince Foster’s office right after his launching an unjustified FBI investiga- I mention this today because this death is just hard to believe. tion of these two men. They apparently morning during special orders the The billing records contradict her decided to dig up a little dirt on them Speaker, Speaker GINGRICH, got up and previous sworn statements that she did themselves. talked about how good this legislation very little work on the Castle Grande The FBI Director appointed by Bill was. But He refused or he did not men- real estate project which helped bring Clinton, Louis Freeh had this to say tion, I should say, one of the provisions about the downfall of Madison Guar- about the incident in his report to the that he and others in the Republican anty Savings and Loan and the convic- public. This is an appointee by the leadership insist on including. That is tion of of Arkansas. President himself. He called the White the poison pill of the medical savings The records document that Mrs. Clin- House actions ‘‘egregious violations of accounts, or MSAs, which will favor ton had 14 meetings or discussions con- privacy.’’ the healthy and the wealthy and will cerning Castle Grande and drafted an He went on to say, ‘‘The prior system be just another tax shelter for the rich. important legal document. She said she of providing files to the White House I say this because Americans who do had nothing to do with it. That is just relied on good faith and honor. Unfor- not choose to join the MSAs because of one thing. tunately, the FBI and I were victim- the high risks involved will see their Second, during the last week of May, ized.’’ health insurance premiums actually the House was scheduled to vote to That is really a criticism, a severe increase, and the MSAs among other hold White House counsel Jack Quinn criticism, of the White House and their extraneous provisions that have been in contempt of Congress for refusing to policies. placed in the Kennedy-Kassebaum bill turn over thousands of pages of docu- Once again, Craig Livingstone is at here in the House will guarantee the ments concerning another matter the center of a White House dirty failure of any health insurance reform called Travelgate. At the last moment tricks operation. He will be called be- in the Congress. he turned over 1,000 pages of docu- fore our committee to testify before I just wanted to read, if I could, a ments. However, the White House has too long. As you will recall, earlier in section from edi- refused to turn over 2,000 pages of docu- 1993, he was seen by a Secret Service torial on April 9, 1996, where they ex- ments that are more sensitive and have agent leaving the White House coun- plained in some detail why MSAs to do with this scandal. The White sel’s suite with a box of documents would essentially drive up insurance House is claiming executive privilege from the deceased assistant to the costs and ultimately cause fewer peo- so it can keep these documents secret; President, Vince Foster. However, it ple to have insurance, just the opposite they must contain some very damaging does not stop there. of what the Kennedy-Kassebaum bill is information. Craig Livingstone is 37 years old. He intended to do. It says in this editorial These documents include 600 pages is a midlevel White House aide. He that the goal of the underlying bill is relating to Vince Foster, whose body would not be gathering these political to strengthen the health insurance sys- was mysteriously found over at Fort intelligence reports from the FBI with- tem by making it easier for people who Marcy Park. They include a 54-page out authorization from somebody up can afford it to remain insured between analysis of custody and disclosure of above. We need to find out who that jobs. Foster’s travel office file, a 22-page was and whether there was obstruction Mainly it would help the part of the chronological analysis of the handling of justice or a violation of the law. population that already has insurance of Foster’s documents, and 33 pages of f rather than one-seventh that largely handwritten notes that were in his for reasons of cost does not. But the briefcase that nobody even knew about HEALTH CARE LEGISLATION likely effect of medical savings ac- until just now. His briefcase was empty The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. counts would be to push in the opposite when they found it, and they started STEARNS). Under a previous order of direction, weaken the insurance sys- talking about it. They found two little the House, the gentleman from New tem and in the end add to the number pieces of paper that was allegedly a Jersey [Mr. PALLONE] is recognized for of uninsured. suicide note, but nobody has ever men- 5 minutes. If the medical savings proposal be- tioned these 33 pages of documents Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I sup- comes law, those who chose would buy that they are trying to keep the Con- port the health care reform legislation so-called catastrophic insurance poli- gress from seeing. that is known as the Kennedy-Kasse- cies that kick in only after the first Then we have now the confidential baum bill because it would make it $3,000 or so of annual expenses. FBI files. The White House asked for easier for workers who lose or change The savings accounts would also like- and received files on 408 people, Repub- jobs to buy health insurance coverage, ly split the insurance market. They