Victorian London - Charities - List of Charities See Also Herbert Fry's Royal Guide to the London Charities (1917) - Click Here
Charity für Kinder in Not Mit ihrer großartigen Unterstützung können wir täglich Hilfe schenken! If you enjoy why not ... Victorian London - Charities - list of charities see also Herbert Fry's Royal Guide to the London Charities (1917) - click here "The Charity for the Houseless Poor affords nightly shelter and sustenance to the absolutely destitute working- classes, who are suddenly thrown out of employment by inclement weather. The asylum accommodates 600 persons; the amount of relief afforded in night-lodging is one and a half millions, and in rations of bread over three and a half millions. "The charities for relief of specific distress comprehend one for accidents, two for widows, several for relief of small debtors, three for distressed sailors, one for Scotch, one for foreigners, two for French, one for Germans, one for Poles - making over seventeen, with an aggregate income of 30,000l., two-thirds of which are raised by annual subscriptions. The Jewish miscellaneous charities comprise over· twenty-five institutions, with an average income of about 12,000l. There are over twenty for the benefit of needlewomen, servants, and other industrious classes, and for aiding emigration, with an aggregate income of about 10,000l. a year, the result of subscriptions. There are six Benevolent Pension Societies, with about 600 pensioners. There are six requiring specific claims, with between 600 and 700 pensioners, of about 24,000l. a year, half of which is raised by subscriptions. There are fifteen for granting aid to aged and necessitous clergymen and ministers, and their families, possessing about 36,000l.
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