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I{Ju Re Read!! Jor the Alithemlc Samurai Classic /Rom {Japan • .Single Copies Due to the .increase in transient 2nd Class (newspaper) rates, requests far extra copies by mail of the regular issues will be3O¢ each when eigbt-pages and 45¢ each when l2-pages. Paymentin •• •• US mint stamps is ~Ie . aCl lC Cl lZen Septe~erll,1981 NS~ The National Publication of the Japanese, American Citizens Lt!ague ISSN: 0030-8579/ Whole No. 2,155/ Vol. 93 No.11 (3O¢Postpald) ........ 'JI\n~ PSWDG opposes Reagan's proposed immigration policy BUEN~ PARK, C:a - The JAQ.. Pacific Southwest District I status in 10 years, but there are no guarantees: Also, at the end of poraxy residency status" were among the points that both Cowtcil passed a resolution QRX>Sing the Reagan Administra- 10 years, the worker must demonstrate English language capa- MALDEF and the PSWOC fowxl objectionable. Both groups felt ~m's immigration refonn p~am at its third quarterly meet- bility and ~~ be "otherwise excludable". .. that the existing policy is "harsh and ineffective" and that the mg here Aug. 23, supporting the stand of the Mexican American -Leg~ refugees from CUba and HaitI Wlthin flVe years. ' proposed refonn was "harsher and probably more ineffective." Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF). -AdmittIng up t~ SO,OOO Mexican "guest workers" a year for Both MAIDEF and the PSWDC also felt that the p~ 1he new U.S. Immigration and Refugee Policy, proposed July ~ m:o:year test xx:nod. ~owever, these guest workers would be program would have a heavy impact on A.siarrIPacific immi- 30 by the Department of Justire, contains five key elements· meligi.ble fOF baslc :;ervlces such as welfare, food stamps, un- grants as well as Hispanic newcomers. .. ..'. employment benefits and federally assisted housing, even At the JACL Tri-District Cooference last April, a resolutioo . II'1J1'?SID8 ~ctIms agamst employers ~y hiring though they must pay federal, state and social secwity taxes. had been passed supporting the need for a guest worker ~egal ~ens, Wlth rmes of $S(X}1,000, together Wlth a general Also, the workers' spouses and children are excluded as well program, specifically the ooe proposed in Senate Bill 47 spoo- tigb~ of Border Patrol and other enforcement m~ -Raising the annual immigration allotment for Mexico and sored and introduced by Sen. Harrison Schmitt of New- Mexico -GMDg legal status to what may be as many as 6 millioo Canada to 40,000 each, with the unused visas from one trans- on Jan.5. undorumen.ted aliens living here.as of J~ 1, 1980, ~,~ting fe~ble to ~ther. Schmitt's bill called for controls over smugglers of illegal ~ "renewable teJ?ll tempocary residency ~tus , if they Asiao-Pacif'lClmpadCouidBeHeavy,PSWDC-MAlDEFFears Mexican aliens and a legal framework for Mexican labor (PC regISter now. 1he action would enable them to gam pennaoent The guest wOrkt:r program and the "renewable temi ~- May 8). # CWRIC staff director Bannai to resign his post Sept. 20 WASHINGTON-Paul Ban­ who was recently hired as as­ nai, executive staff director of sociate director of research the Canmissioo on Wartime Cnnrinned OIl Next Page Relocatim and Internment of Civilians, has decided to ten­ CWRIC site in der his resignation effective Chicago changed Sept 20, it was learned last CHICAGO. ill-Site of the week from sources close to CWRlC hearings here Sept 22-23 the CWRIC. Upon learning of ' has been changed to Northeastern this infonnation 00 Sept 4, the illinois University Commuters PC was unable to rontact Ban­ Center, Alunmi Hall, SSOO N. St nai or chairperson Joan Z. Louis Ave., according to JACL re­ Bernstein for oomment gional director Bill Yoshino. As a prelude. Dan Kuzuhara, It was also discovered that asst professor of psychology at Dr. Tom Taketa, associate NIU, is co-director of a campus staff director of the cwruc, symposiwn Sept 19 and 21, on the resigned frun his post Aug. 31 wartime evaruation and redress issue: "With Uberty and Justice for persooaI. reasons. for Some: the Case for Compensa­ Sources here have also re­ tion of Japanese Americans Impri­ vealed that Olarles Smith, soned During World War il". California labeled the 'melting pot of the 80s' by N.Y. Times LOS ANGELES-Over the last population researcher for the decade, California has supplanted Rand Corporation. New York as the principal ethnic Just as New York's Ellis Island melting pot eX America, according was a gateway for the tide of Eu­ to data from the 19m census, says ropean immigrants, noted the The New yen. Times in an article Times, California's proximity to Aug. 23. Uitin America and the Pacific has Monuments at Rohwer, Ark., shown in this picture taken in 1961, honor the Center's dead (at left); the other, the 30 young The tide of immigration from made it the gateway for the CUl"­ men from Rohwer who died in U.S. military service in Europe. Constructed by the Issei and Nisei at Rohwer in 194445, rent wave of immigrants. Southeast: Asia. UlI:in America and these cement monuments are rapidly deteriorating. Contributions are being solicited for a permanent memorial. many ocher coontries with ear White Popdatjoo Dedioes nomic and political troubles is While the numbers of immi­ making California, the nation's grants and other ethnic groups most ~ state, a port of en­ have increased, the white popula­ Permanent Rohwer memorial proposed try for tens of thousands of ref- tion has declined, according to the of interned families, who died fen~" said Hunter, who U.S. Census Bureau. Fnm 1970 to LI'ITLE ROCK, Ark-A new Griswold. ~lifomia Rohwer and Jerome were on European battlefields while served as an assistant director has becoole the Ellis 19m, Californians whose roots are and pennanent memorial serving with American mill- of the Rohwer center. Island of the 19IDs," says Dr. Ber­ predominantly frun Western Eur the two relocation centers lcr marker for the site of the tary forces. Some of the men Hunter and Griswold, who tram Brown. a psychiatrist and cared furthest east among the 0IIIfIn""" OIl P-. s fonner Rohwer Relocation were also from the Jerome were directors of community Center was proposed here re­ ten that were built to incar­ cerate the over 120,000 Japa­ center. activities at the center. met re­ 'Pacific Overtures' may be cently, it was reported by the ''We need a pennanent cently with the Yadas in North Arkansas Democrat The idea nese Americans during World Warn. marker to remind us Ameri- Little Rock to plan a fundrais­ was originated by two fonner cans that America will never ing campaign for the proposed totally reworked for England internees of Rohwer-Mr. and About the only reminder of SAN DIEGO, Ca-The Sondheim-Prince musical show. "Pacific the Rohwer center is a small, again do the sort of thing she memorial. Mrs. Sam Yada of Sherwood. did here, sending boys off to The Yadas chose to remain Overtures", is being reworked totally for England and it may Ark.. and two Little Rock re­ well-kept cemetery with a ra­ come off as a kind of a Gilbert & Sullivan copy of ''The Mikado" pidly deteriorating cement war while keeping their pa- in Arkansas after the war in­ tired ministers who served on rents and sweethearts con- tead returning to Califor­ production-wise. if what Harold Prince is quoted as saying to obelisk which bears the names of the Rohwer staff, Or. Joseph fined behind barbed wire nia Their two sons, one of Scott Hewnann succeeds. Boone Hunter and Rev. Nat of 32 Nisei soldiers, members whom was born in Rohwer. The Heumann article, appearing in the San Diego Civic Light are graduates of the Univ. of Opera program Aug. 20, quotes Prince: 100th/442nd/MIS exhibit foundation fanned Arkansas. "Everything he (Steve Sondheim) does" may include a total "What w will be able to do fundraising and Richal'd K Haya­ reworking of Pacific Overtures for England. "Steve wants it SAN J.1W\lCISCO-Represcnta­ Th missioo and obj tive of about the Rohwer memorial badly. lives from the 100th, 442nd and this new foundation is to raise shi. public relations. funds for th coll tion, preserva­ onsultants to the uti will depend upon the contribu­ "Ihaveagreed--if'wecan do it totally differently. All I mean is Military Intelligence Sel>'1ce comrruttee are: Eri Saul, Presidio tions we receive." Mr. Yada very simply, that's all. Cut it Everything's too long (about the clubs and associations held a three tion and exhibition of aU artifacts -day conference on July 24-26 to and memorabilia pertaining to the Museum lU'ator; Col. Jam ' 1. musical dramatizing the opening of Japan to the West which met 0J0tin0 ..... OIl Pa&e establish a permanent foundation extraordinary World Warn mili­ Hanley (ret) of Mountain Vi w s an Wltimely death on Broadway because, the director feels, it tary history of the lOOth Infantry and Col. Tom Kobayashi (l~t.) of for the 100th/442nd Exhibit at the Daly City. Contra Costa JAn lacked universality for the mostly Caucasian audience). Presidio Army Mwewn. Battalion, th 44.2nd lK'T and rvu . "I think it should be done with Caucasians. And I don't think The name "lOOth/442nd Muse­ in the Pacific and EW'Opea!l thea­ Held coordinators from Hawaii looking for off"JCe site and oth r outlying cities will be they should wear make-up. Now of COllrSe we could never have wn foundation" was adopted as t rs of operation. RICHMOND, Ca-TOOl Arima K. '[bomas Kawaguchi. of Rich­ appoUlted to augment tile various has accepted to chair the Contra done it with Caucasians in this country because the Asian com­ the official name.
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