To whom it may concern,

What follows is public testimony data exported from the Victims Database ( on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 07:11:10 +0000.

A total of 160 victims with the following criteria is considered:

List: Deaths (2017-) The vast majority of testimonies presented come with supplementary materials - video, audio, pictures, and documents - the links to which are included here and which also may be consulted by accessing the testimonies via the original interface at

In compiling this information, all efforts have been made to faithfully and accurately convey that which has been put forth by the testifier. In many cases, the information was imported from public sources. In others, it was submitted to us directly by the testifier.

Despite our best efforts and most professional intentions, it is inevitable that some human error is nevertheless present. Many testimonies were inputted by non-native English speakers and still require proofreading. Finally, the majority of these testimonies have not gone through rigorous corroboration and as such should not be treated as fact. We hereby leave the way in which this data will be used to the reader's discretion.


the team 167. Qaliolla Tursyn (哈力尤拉·吐尔逊)

Chinese ID: 652522194905040055 (Dorbiljin)

Basic info

Age: 71 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Status: sentenced (20 years) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): challenging authority|--- Health status: deceased Profession: law

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1: Berikbol Muqatai, a citizen since 2008. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|16|20|24: Akikat Kaliolla, a musician from Dorbiljin County, now a Kazakhstan citizen. (son)

Testimony 11*|12*: Akikat Kaliolla, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (son)

Testimony 13: Akikat Kaliolla, as reported by Agence France-Presse. (son)

Testimony 14: Akikat Kaliolla, as reported by Global Voices. (son)

Testimony 15|21: Akikat Kaliolla, as reported by Apple Daily. (son)

Testimony 17|23: Akikat Kaliolla, as reported by Mandarin. (son)

Testimony 18: Akikat Kaliolla, as reported by Aid. (son)

Testimony 19: Akikat Kaliolla, as reported by The Believer. (son)

Testimony 22: Akikat Kaliolla, as reported by National Public Radio. (son)

About the victim

Qaliolla Tursyn was a legal consultant and a retired cadre from the Culture and Sports Department (文体局). Being literate in Chinese, he often helped people file legal complaints.

Address: 3 South Progress Road, Dorbiljin Municipality, Dorbiljin County, Xinjiang (新疆额敏县额敏镇前进南路3号).

Chinese passport: E23021968.

Victim's location According to what Akikat has heard, he may have been in Prison at the time of his death [as he had been sentenced and this is generally where people from Tacheng with heavy sentences are sent].

When victim was detained

First detained on March 15, 2018 and held in some sort of detention. Akikat reports that his father was allegedly taken to a hospital in handcuffs in April 2018 [before presumably being sent back to detention].

Akikat mentions that his father was held in various detention facilities, including the camp in Turgun Village, before being transferred to Wusu Prison.

That Qaliolla had been sentenced Akikat only learned in late January 2019, when Akikat's wife was told by Chinese consular officials in Kazakhstan that the victim had been sentenced to 20 years in prison [in his interview to The Believer, Akikat says that they got an official letter stating that he had been sentenced in October 2018 - this may be a mistake].

Dorbiljin County authorities allegedly reported that Qaliolla died on December 5, 2020 (another source reports this as December 14), though Akikat does not believe this, thinking that his father had died long before.

Akikat alleges that his father was buried at Wusu Prison, instead of his body being returned to his family.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

At the beginning of March 2018, local authorities in Dorbiljin County beat to death a 43-year-old ethnic Kazakh man named Zhumakeldi Ahai {2841}, after which Zhumakeldi's relatives begged for Akikat's father to write a formal complaint, which the latter did and sent to Beijing. However, the letter was intercepted and the victim arrested.

Victim's status

Reported to have died in custody. The alleged official claim was that he died of coronary heart disease.

(Even prior to his detention, Qaliolla Tursyn suffered from liver cirrhosis, heart disease, and rheumatic arthritis. He had difficulty walking, his teeth had all fallen out, and he had previously had surgery on his leg for a comminuted fracture. According to what Akikat heard, he has been tortured in detention, which is likely to have made these conditions worse.)

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Akikat has learned about his father's condition from numerous sources, some of which are firsthand but which he cannot disclose for fear of their safety being compromised [they have, however, been verified by staff]. Some information has been obtained from people having returned to Kazakhstan from Dorbiljin County.

The fact that Akikat's father was sentenced to 20 years was reported to Akikat's wife by the officials at the Chinese consulate in Almaty orally. There is still no written verdict.

In a mid-2020 call with Akikat, his mother told him that while she was in a holding cell - before being officially detained - she heard the authorities beat Qaliolla Tursyn until he screamed. Venera yelled at the authorities, telling them not to hit him, while one of Akikat's older brothers shouted "Stop! You're going to kill my father!"

Chinese authorities in Dorbiljin County have allegedly confirmed Qaliolla's death, but it isn't clear who exactly confirmed the news and how.

Additional information

Because of the victim's complaint letter, his two sons were detained also and sent to camp. His wife was allegedly detained soon after for asking about their detention. All three were released at the end of December 2018.

It is possible that the victim was subjected to forced labor at Wusu Prison [if he was held there], as the Zhongxin LLC (乌苏众鑫农工贸有限责任公司) is based there and labor has been documented at the facility.

Media coverage of the story: jiang-crackdown/尋親者/阿黑哈提-哈力尤拉/全文 yghurs

Some court cases that the victim was involved in:

Akikat's story in The Believer (

I’ll tell you a story that describes my father well. I met and fell in love with a girl from Kazakhstan. We planned to move there together and get married. I was living in China and we were both teaching at the music school in Ürümqi where we’d met. She was famous, actually, a famous traveling musician, at least in the world of traditional Kazakh music. I’d admired her long before we met. It was a dream to have such a girlfriend!

Before the wedding, when it came time to celebrate the qyz uzatu, the girl’s farewell, we were still living in China. My father is old—he’s seventy now—and in bad health, so in the end he couldn’t come to Kazakhstan for the wedding. But he attended the first wedding, as we call it, the girl’s farewell, and as a gift for my wife-to-be he brought two small books on China’s Main Law and Criminal Law. Now you should memorize the laws of China, he told her. You are married to a Chinese citizen. Both of you must know the laws of China and Kazakhstan. You see, he was so confident in the law, in the Chinese judicial system, but in the end he experienced the full and exact nature of that system—he got it exactly.

Before he retired, my father had worked for the Ministry of Culture. He was an educated man living in a place where the literacy rate was still low, and Chinese script in particular was not widely known. This was in Tacheng, which Kazakhs call Tarbagatai. In retirement, he spent his days helping people fill out papers in Chinese. Mostly, they were writing complaints. He wasn’t a lawyer but he knew the laws very well, so he helped people file complaints and petitions with local authorities. That’s just how he was.

With us, he was strict but loving. Education was everything to him. After I was born, he never spent a night outside the home. He was at my side while I studied; my brothers too. He sent the three of us to the Chinese-language school. You have to study, he would tell us. You have to learn calligraphy. He taught us both Kazakh and Chinese script. He devoted himself entirely to raising us. When I first showed an interest in music, he bought the family a piano. If he didn’t have the money, he borrowed it. We never heard a word about money in the house. We were always provided for. As I got older, my father bought me music-studio equipment—nothing big or fancy, but it was still an expense. We weren’t rich. Somehow he got the money.

I left home when I was nineteen and drifted, as musicians do: Ürümqi, Beijing, . In 2014, I met my wife, and we came to Kazakhstan looking for jobs. My father had never traveled anywhere, but when I told him we were moving, he accepted it. You know your own mind, he told me. It’s your life. As I said, he didn’t attend my wedding, but when my child was born, in 2016, he came, even though he was already in bad health. He had no teeth, and his legs were fractured everywhere. He suffered from cirrhosis, heart disease, arthritis. He could barely walk. Even now, I don’t know his feelings. Did they want to move to Kazakhstan? Stay in China? Should I have suggested it? I know they were afraid. If they died in Kazakhstan, would their relatives be able to attend the funeral? I regret that I never asked my father if he wanted to move here, but people in our town weren’t used to speaking openly about Kazakhstan. It’s considered almost treasonous in China to discuss it—to talk about leaving. I only ever talked with my two brothers. I urged them to come here. As for my elder sister, she’s married to a party official. Her husband doesn’t want to move.

In March 2018, I had just become a Kazakh citizen. Every day, I’d send my mother a picture of our daughter on WeChat. That was how we kept in touch. Gradually, her messages became less frequent. Of course I’d heard that Xinjiang was getting difficult. I suspected this was the reason for her silences. That month, she removed me from her WeChat contact list altogether. I asked my brother why. I called him on video chat. He was visibly upset but couldn’t cry. It’s difficult here, he said. Not like before.

I was afraid local authorities might not treat my father well. He was a thorn in their side, helping neighbors write complaints. Before I hung up, I told my brother to let me know if anything happened.

The complaint that finally did him in was about a murder. A man named Zhumakeldi Akai was beaten to death by security guards at a reeducation camp. They took his body to his home to be buried. He had awful wounds. His wife came to my father. She wanted to make a complaint. They killed him, she said. She begged him to help. So my father wrote a letter to Beijing, but the letter never left the prefecture. The local authorities confiscated it. They paid my father a visit. So, they said, you want to blame us for this death before our superiors?

This information came to me through different channels. I’ll tell you exactly how, but I don’t want you to write it down. I don’t want the authorities to close these channels, and I don’t want the people helping me to get in trouble. In short, my family members were all detained right after my father wrote this complaint about the murdered neighbor. Someone—I don’t want to say who—told me soon after it happened.

But even before I was told, the night before their arrest, I had a bad dream. My heart was aching. I saw security guards following me, trying to catch me, and in the dream I had a thought: What is going on at my house? When I woke up, I knew something had happened. As soon as I got the news, I called my sister in Ürümqi. Even with her husband’s status, she didn’t know anything. But she called our aunt and confirmed they were detained. I began to gather information from different sources. I called everyone I knew. In some cases, I don’t want to say their names. They’re still back there. These days, everyone knows about the weather code, so no one uses it. If I said that it was getting warmer, those listening would know what I was talking about. I have a different code. I don’t want to say what it is. But I have a code I use.

Eventually I got the whole picture from different people, some of whom had been detained with them, others who lived nearby or who heard secondhand. First, they detained my father and my two brothers. They did it without any warrant. They just disappeared. My mother went to complain to the local district authorities. She asked them for an explanation. The officials were happy she’d come. Ah, good, you’ve brought yourself in, they said, and detained her too.

After several months, my mother and brothers were released from the camps, but my father was taken somewhere else. He vanished. In the absence of any news, my wife compiled four invitation letters—the letters you write to bring family members into Kazakhstan—and sent them to the local council in my father’s village, if only to get some information about his fate. This January, we finally got a response: a letter stating that in October 2018 my father had been convicted to twenty years in prison.

Now I don’t know if he’s alive or dead. We didn’t get any information about the trial or any crimes he had committed. Not even my mother was aware of his sentence. All I know is that he’s no longer in the local prison where he was being held. I expect he was transferred to a place for people with long prison sentences. But he can’t eat, as I’ve said. Even in the local prison, they served him only stale bread and hot water. People who shared a cell with him there told me they would wet the bread in the water and feed it to him. He was handcuffed; he has no teeth. Without their help, he would have starved to death. [Despairingly] I don’t know—probably he already died.

I’ll tell you something else. My father was tortured. I can’t tell you where I got this information. It came from a prisoner who was released, and who managed to escape to Kazakhstan. There are many people like this. Most of them are simply in hiding. They don’t reveal what’s happening, because they’re afraid. This particular informant lives in Kazakhstan but won’t do an interview himself because his daughters are still in Xinjiang. I communicate mostly with people like this, often people I know personally from back in China. I know I can trust them. I don’t want to spread rumors or exaggerations. First, we should find the facts, what the reality is.

Now my brothers and mother are home, but a camera is installed in their house, watching what they are doing. I know they suffered in the camps. I am ready to die for them, and for my father too. I’m not sleeping. I cry. Men aren’t supposed to cry, but I cry. Twenty years? It’s a death sentence. And why? If there was an error in the last complaint he helped write—show me the error! My father was arguing that this man’s death was against Chinese law, which was not written by me or my father or any Kazakh. It was written by the government. It should not be subverted. Law is not like physics or mathematics—it’s not confusing. What it says is clear. We can understand it. It should be followed. My father did not break the law. He was following the law. It’s the authorities who are violating it. And now my family is back in China, but my father is nowhere.

Miscellaneous media evidence

Context: Kazakhstan-based musician Akikat Kaliolla's parents and two brothers were all disappeared in March 2018, soon after his father sent a formal letter of complaint to Beijing over the local authorities' alleged murder of a young man critical of the mass incarcerations and local corruption. While the father was allegedly sentenced to 20 years, the mother and two brothers were sent to camp and later released, to remain under close surveillance. In 2020, Akikat's mother video-chatted with him and told him what had happened. Later, she and her two sons also made a short video where, holding up their ID cards, they spoke about their situation frankly. Translation as follows.

(first video)

Venera (mother): Muqiat suffered too. And Parasat. Parasat experienced the hardships there. I heard him screaming when they beat him up. Akikat: Parasat's voice? Venera: I thought I would die. I fainted that day. They put heart medication down my throat and took me to my room there, dragging me by the shoulders, and then left. I spent the entire night lying like that. I couldn't come to myself. I wanted to talk, but my tongue wouldn't move. My son, this is the kind of hardship we've experienced. I've told you this today, and so I might disappear tomorrow for having done so. I don't care, even if I do disappear. They are putting pressure on Qaliolla, and he's being falsely accused. They are taking revenge on him. They've illegally taken him to the educational training center and locked him up in a solitary room, beating him until he fainted. He was taken back [to his cell] afterwards, with his injuries. We heard about all this. The people who stayed with him saw it, and told me about it. That's it. This is how terrible our situation is now. My son, stay strong. You’re looking for us, and don't stop looking for your dad. This is what our life is like, this is the kind of pressure we're living under. That's all, my son.

(second video)

Venera: Today, I told my son Akikat of all the hardships that we've been through. This isn't some state secret - all of us were wronged. So, today the three of us have put our lives into Akikat's hands. Son, we are in your hands. We have been wronged. Muqyiat (older brother): If we suddenly disappear, you have to look for us. Who knows what they might do to us... Parasat (younger brother): Everything we've gone through is the genuine truth. The criminals must be imprisoned.

Video: Source:,

Victims among relatives

Venera Muqatai (166), Parasat Qaliolla (164), Muqyiat Qaliolla (165)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: Testimony 5: Testimony 6: Testimony 7: Testimony 8: Testimony 9: Testimony 10: Testimony 16: 6474596&width=300 Testimony 20: funeral in absentia: Testimony 23: Testimony 6 (English subtitles): victim's home (winter 2019-2020): victim's home (winter 2019-2020): 2016 court case: judgment enforcement record: limit consumption order: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-10-23 Last updated: 2021-06-02 Latest status update: 2020-12-14 173. Juret Mahmut

Chinese ID: 65400219????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: concentration camp When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Azat Mahmut Kashgari. Has been living in the United States for 20 years.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is Azat Mahmut's younger brother.

About the victim

Juret Mahmut, 53. Lived on Baghwen Street in Ghulja (). [more exact address in video testimony]

Victim's location

Victim is deceased. Remains likely in the Yining region.

When victim was detained

In early 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Died in camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear, but his body was brought out, so likely that Azat Mahmut learned through relatives.

Additional information His corpse was taken out of the camp on November 16, 2017.

[A police list of people tagged as WASFRY (危安释放人员, "endangering-security released persons") includes a man named Juret Mehmut, ID: 654101196310151415. There is a possibility that this is the same person, but there is not enough information to establish a certain match.]

Victims among relatives

Sulayman Aman (424), Shehide Amanulla (5678), Muhter Mehmetniyaz (418), Hebibulla Metniyaz (5679), Melike Metniyaz (425), Mutellip Muhter (419), Mubarek Muhter (5680), Mehbube Muhter (5681), Shehide Muhter (5682), Ismayil Eli (430), Esidulla Abdulla (5461), Zulpiqar Hakim (5460), Selime Kerim (5462), Ilham Imammemet (5459), Qasimjan Abdukerim (426), Amanulla Metniyaz (423), Abdurehim Erkin (413), Ablikim Erkin (414), Pezile Perhat (416), Maynur Mahmut (417), Perhat Mahmut (415), Muhter Mutellip (11138), Sherwan Mutellip (420), Mehpuze Mutellip (421), Shohret Ablet (428), Shawket Ablat (429)

Supplementary materials video testimony: 7803015264196/&show_text=1&width=560

Entry created: 2018-10-24 Last updated: 2021-08-18 Latest status update: 2018-09-14 175. Nurgazy Malik

Chinese ID: 6501211966??????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 51-52 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: deceased Profession: religion

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1: Muhtar Mursaly, born in China in 1971, is now a Kazakhstan citizen and lives in Almaty. (relative)

Testimony 2|3: Qyzyrgazy Malik, a citizen of Kazakhstan. (brother)

Testimony 4*: Anonymous, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (colleague)

About the victim

Nurgazy Malik was a well-known Kazakh imam who worked at a local mosque in Ulanbay Village in Urumqi County. He graduated from the Xinjiang Islamic Institute in 1998.

A CPPCC member from the Urumqi region, he attended a meeting with Xi Jinping when the latter visited Xinjiang. He was also the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Zhuma Uagyzdary" ("Friday Sermon"), which publishes religous content in Kazakh and is approved by the Xinjiang authorities.

His wife and two children live in Urumqi.

Victim's location

Reported to have died in Karamay. It is not clear if his body was transported anywhere or if he was given a proper burial.

When victim was detained

Muhtar reports his detention time as April 2017, while Qyzyrgazy says that he was detained on May 20, 2017 and taken to "camp".

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unknown. (However, according to a former colleague of the victim, the majority of the government-approved imams they had worked with have been detained, suggesting general persecution of religious figures.)

Victim's status

According to Qyzyrgazy, they heard that he died at the "camp" at the end of November 2018. Although his death was not confirmed officially at the time, they still held a funeral in Kazakhstan for him.

In January 2019, Chinese officials allegedly confirmed that Nurgazy had died in detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Presumably through contacts in the region. The death was allegedly confirmed by Chinese officials.

Additional information

The family is now asking the Chinese government to explain his detention and death before the UN Human Rights Council.

BBC mention:

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: photo at Tian'anmen: photo:

Entry created: 2018-10-24 Last updated: 2020-06-14 Latest status update: 2018-11-30 178. Abdusemet Dawut

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: religion

Testifying party

Abdugheni Sabit, an Uyghur web activist. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Abdusemet Dawut was a well-known Uyghur Sheikh and Da'ee.

Victim's location

He was in Urumqi at the time of his death.

When victim was detained

Abdusemet had previously been imprisoned from 1993 to 2003, allegedly for teaching Islam underground.

It is not clear when he was detained more recently, but he reportedly died in February 2018, with Abdugheni Sabit claiming that he was killed by police torture at a prison in Urumqi.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The older detention had been for teaching religion underground. It is not clear what the recent detention was for.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2018-10-24 Last updated: 2021-06-09 Latest status update: 2018-10-10 192. Akmet Janagh

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Status: in custody When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: religion

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Muhtar Mursaly, born in China in 1971, is now a Kazakhstan citizen and lives in Almaty. (acquaintance)

Testimony 2: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Mandarin. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Akmet Janagh, worked as an imam

Victim's location

Died in police custody on June 4th

When victim was detained

Around April 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information Radio Free Asia report (Testimony 2): ng-06152017113623.html

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2018-10-25 Last updated: 2021-01-04 Latest status update: 2018-09-14 230. Emetjan Sayim

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (---)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Status: concentration camp When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Salman Uyghur, as reported by Bitter Winter. (brother)

About the victim

Emetjan Sayim was originally from a small town in southern Xinjiang. At one point, he moved to Kashgar with his wife, Patigul, and their five children, with the plan to make a living there washing cars. They had been living in Kashgar for 10 years when he was detained.

Victim's location

[He presumably died in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

The precise date of Emetjan's arrest is unknown.

He passed away in a camp in May 2018, at the age of 43, after having been detained for "a few months".

Emetjan's family was not notified of his death until many months had passed.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


He had been suffering from an unspecified health condition, for which he had started to receive treatment in Kashgar, approximately three years before his arrest. The treatment was reportedly starting to have an effect not long before he was detained. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier reportedly heard about his family's situation second hand, approximately one year "after the event". [In this case, "the event" seems to refer to Emetjan's death, but this is not certain.]

Additional information

At some point after Emetjan's death, his wife, Patigul, was also arrested and sentenced to 14 years in prison. A brother of Emetjan's has also been sentenced to 14 years.

After Patigul was arrested, their five children [names unknown] were reportedly taken to a government orphanage; their current whereabouts and statuses are unknown.

Bitter Winter article:

Victims among relatives

Tursungul Sayim (12278)

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2021-01-09 Last updated: 2021-01-23 Latest status update: 2018-05-01 256. Muhemmed Salih

Chinese ID: 6530011936??????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 81-82 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: scholar

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (neighbor of relative)

Testimony 2: Uyghur Human Rights Project, a non-profit organization in Washington, DC.

Testimony 3: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 4: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 5: World Uyghur Congress, an international organization of exiled Uyghur groups.

Testimony 6: East Turkistan Human Rights Watch, a Turkey-based Uyghur human rights organization.

About the victim

Muhemmed Salih (often "Muhemmed Salih Hajim") has been described as one of the most respected and influential Uyghur religious scholars. He is credited with the being the first scholar to translate the Quran into Uyghur in 1986, doing so with the permission of the Chinese government.

In 1990, he was chosen as one of the ten leading Muslim scholars in the world at the International Islam Congress in Egypt. He was also awarded a first-class science and arts medal by the Egyptian government, conferred to him directly by President Husnu Mubarak.

Victim's location

He died in detention in Urumqi.

When victim was detained

Chinese authorities detained Muhemmed Salih on December 25, 2017, along with his daughter and other relatives. He died in detention approximately 40 days later. Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The anonymous neighbor presumably learned of Muhemmed Salih's situation through sources in the region.

The local police officer that Radio Free Asia spoke to presumably had more direct knowledge of the case.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

Mention in the Economist: her

Uyghur Human Rights Project statement: ad-salih-hajim.html

World Uyghur Congress statement:


This victim is also included in the list of prominent detained , available at:

Victims among relatives

Aynise Salih (2330), Nezire Muhemmed Salih (1911), Asiye Muhemmedsalih (2291), Adiljan Tuniyaz (1910), Ayshemqiz Hajim (2333), Ihpal Adil (3324), Ihsan Adil (3325), Ilyas Adil (3326), Imran Adil (3327), Mehsud Abley (2332), Nurmemet Mehsud (2334), Nejip Muhemmed Salih (2331), Abdukerim Ablikim (5510), Qasimjan Abdukerim (5511)

Supplementary materials photo with daughter: photo: Arabic-Uyghur dictionary (by victim): book by victim:

Entry created: 2018-10-29 Last updated: 2021-08-09 Latest status update: 2018-01-29 279. Erbolat Aben (尔尔波拉提·阿宾)

Chinese ID: 654221198807261812 (Dorbiljin)

Basic info

Age: 31 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Tacheng Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3|4|8: Oralqan Aben, originally from but now a citizen of Kazakhstan. (sister)

Testimony 5: Abdolla Aben, born in 1976, originally from Emin County but now a citizen of Kazakhstan. (brother)

Testimony 6: Tursynbek Qabi, originally from Emin County but now residing in Kazakhstan. He is a survivor of the mass incarcerations in Xinjiang. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 7: Tursynbek Qabi, as reported by Eurasianet. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Erbolat Aben was 29 years old.

Address: Kurti Village, Emin County, Tacheng Region, Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China.

Victim's location

[Residing at home at the time of his death.]

When victim was detained

Erbolat committed suicide by hanging himself at home on August 13, 2018.

According to Oralqan, his mother was told that he had died in a motorbike accident.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Believed to have committed suicide because of political pressure. Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Tursynbek Qabi, Erbolat's brother-in-law, was in Emin County when this happened.

Additional information

Mentioned in Eurasianet's article:

Tursynbek Qabi, Erbolat's brother-in-law, has called for an investigation into: the head of the village Party Committee, Bayan Ramazanuly; Kurti village police officer, Parasat Qali; the head of the Kurti village, Wang (his Kazakh name is Quanyshbek). These individuals "were responsible for many innocent people's detention and death" (Tursynbek), including the victim's.

Victims among relatives

Tursynbek Qabi (277), Qalchan Amet (278)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: Testimony 5: Testimony 6: Testimony 8: photo: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2018-10-31 Last updated: 2020-08-06 Latest status update: 2020-04-20 331. Hamit Himit

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: scholar

Testifying party

Justine, French citizen

Victim's relation to testifier

No relation, information is publicly available in the press.

About the victim

Hydrologist at Xinjiang University, Director of the tourism department. Member of the Watarid Project between EPHE (France), University of Teheran (Iran) and Xinjiang University.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Unknown but probably around the same time as Tiyip Taspholat (2017).

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

"Deceased in obscure circumstances after being moved aside from University"

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

His death is mentioned in the testimony of the President of the EPHE (France) written to condemn the death sentence given to Tiyip Taspholat, also a member of the Watarid Projet : d=IwAR0YwH4Az1k59jWItv-YzQZu8vyf2qIph4XIbS3naFalBz1W-6SJ_VnyA9Q.

Additional information


Entry created: 2018-11-02 Last updated: 2018-11-02 Latest status update: 2018-11-02 372. Ablet Barat

Chinese ID: 6532221930??????O? (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 87-88 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Status: concentration camp When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): challenging authority|related to religion Health status: deceased Profession: scholar

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by World Uyghur Congress. (relative)

Testimony 2: Official court document, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 3: Radio Free Asia Uyghur, the Uyghur-language service of Radio Free Asia.

Testimony 4: Abduhelil Turan, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Ablet Barat (popularly known as "Abdulehed Mehsum Hajim") was a Uyghur Islamic Scholar who had dedicated his life to teaching the strictly peaceful practice of Islam to younger generations. He was the nephew of Mehmet Emin Bugra, the leader of the First East Turkistan Republic from 1933-1934. From 1950-1958, Mehsum studied Islam in Kashgar and after finishing his studies, returned to Hotan to teach. Six months after his return he was arrested and sentenced to 15 years of "reform through labour." (Testimony 3: sentenced to 12 years in prison for "religious crimes" in 1958 and reportedly placed in a labour camp for two years [upon his release from prison] because an official in his home village (located in Qaraqash County, Hotan) would not allow him to return [to the village] following his release.) After finishing his sentence in 1974 and being forced underground to continue teaching, he was arrested again in 1979 along with one thousand Islamic Scholars. He was released one year later. In 2001 he was re-arrested along with his son and released after two months, although he was officially banned from speaking in public. In Janurary 2004 he was arrested for the fourth time and served a five year sentence for teaching Islam to seven students. He spent the rest of his life at home under heavy surveillance until he was arrested at the beginning of November 2017, at the age of 88, along with other family members. He likely died in shortly after his arrest but his death was not reported until May 27, 2018.

Testimony 3: he used to ride his bicycle from village to village in Hotan to teach people [religion, presumably].

Testimony 4: he was also engaged in translation and writing.

Victim's location Camp in

When victim was detained

November 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 2: According to No. 13 Criminal Judgment issued by the Hotan Provincial Intermediate People’s Court on April 12, 2004, he was sentenced to five years in prison on the charge of having developed illegal religion textbooks for teaching and kept Arabic books for incitement in his home. [earlier detention]

Testimony 3: sent to camp for refusing to host a Han "relative"

Victim's status

Died in camp

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 2: this is an official document from the Xinjiang court system.

Testimony 3: not stated how RFA learned of the reason for his detention.

Additional information


RFA tributes: (Testimony 2) (Testimony 3-4)

Supplementary materials tweet with photos: photo (1): photo (2):

Entry created: 2018-11-04 Last updated: 2021-01-21 Latest status update: 2018-05-27 373. Mamutjan Raman

Chinese ID: 65310119700131??O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2|3|5: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (son)

Testimony 4: Nejmidin Raman, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (son)

Testimony 6: Nejmidin Raman, as reported by Global Voices. (son)

About the victim

Mamutjan Raman was a wealthy businessman from Kashgar and was previously an owner of the Beshkirem Agricultural Cooperative. He was very successful in the chemical fertilizer business, which he continued until 2008, and was well known in both the and much of southern Xinjiang. It is possible that his assets were later confiscated by the government.

He was around 50 years old at the time of his alleged death.

Address: House No. 50-55, Kokang (No. 14) Village, Qoghan Township, Kashgar City.

Victim's location

[Unclear where he was at the time of his death.]

When victim was detained

In 2015, he was sent from Kashgar to to serve a year in prison. Nejmidin's contact with his relatives was lost thereafter, and he had no way of knowing if his father was actually released. In March 2019, he heard news that his father had died in detention.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Possibly for contacting his son abroad (Nejmidin) over WeChat. Victim's status

He died in detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The initial sentence Nejmidin learned about from his mother, during a phone conversation in late 2015. He learned about the more recent events from someone living abroad who had some (limited) contact with people back home.

Nejmidin also called the Chinese consulate in the Hague to ask for clarification, as well as for help in contacting the local government. The consulate refused to assist him, however. He also tried calling the local police stations, but they would just hang up on him.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

Global Voices coverage: r-refugees/

Victims among relatives

Bawdun Idris (3638), Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 5: photo:

Entry created: 2018-11-04 Last updated: 2020-09-03 Latest status update: 2019-03-01 529. Abdusemi Obul

Chinese ID: 65900319????????O? (Tumshuq)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Tumshuq Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: art & literature

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Sirajidin, Uyghur man living in Norway.

Victim's relation to testifier unclear

About the victim

Abdusemi Obul, Uyghur man from Tumshuq. Well known actor and voice actor. His body was returned to his family on September 3rd (probably this year) after his death in detention. It's unclear if he was placed in camp or prison.

Victim's location


When victim was detained unclear

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information none

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-15 Last updated: 2018-11-15 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 575. Yasin Ibrahim

Chinese ID: 65??????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Seyit Tümtürk. He is now living in Kayseri, Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier close relative

About the victim

Yasin Ibrahim

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Died in the camp or prison (last year or beginning of this year)

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information ---

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-16 Last updated: 2018-11-16 Latest status update: 2018-10-23 618. Tohti Muhemmed

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: in custody When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Iman Hajimuxamed has been living in Turkey since 2013.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Tohti Muhamad was harrased by the local police after his daughter arrived to Turkey. He probably died under police custody and his corpus was returned to his family after his death.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

His daughter is in Turkey

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Did not state, probably through other relatives. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Imanhaji Muhemmed (616), Tursungul Hesen (617)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-17 Last updated: 2018-11-17 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 661. Abdusattar Qarahajim

Chinese ID: 65292819????????O? (Awat)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: --- When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: scholar

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Gülchichek, Aqsu City, woman of about 45-50 yrs, in Turkey since Nov 2001, has been visited by brothers and father and has regularly visited XJ and Aqsu every 4-5 years since, last visit was in 2015 (July–Oct) for 3 months. Testifying about what she saw there with her own eyes. Very upset with what she saw. Many of her relatives were sent to prison during this time. What she describes sounds like a trauma: not being able to breathe, no appetite etc. She attributes it to seeing so much injustice, and from not being able to see so many of her relatives as they had been detained. Stayed with her mother (80years of age). She was afraid to speak up about it, couldn't even express her shock towards her relatives. They wouldn't let her into the hospital because she was wearing a headscarf. She walked around carrying and showing her Turkish passport all the time. The Han police officiers have large sticks (shows about an arm's length) that they beat people with before taking them along and lock tehm up (solumaq). The police was beating someone and she saw this person (male) pay 500 yuan to them in order not to be taken along to the police station afterwards. Reports that in one district (dadöy, kent, 大队) the police had been given the assignment (wezipe) of arresting all men between 18-40. Presumably the Xorchöl District (Gongxi) in (nahiye) of Aqsu City, where seemingly most of her family lives.

Victim's relation to testifier uncle (taghimiz; can also mean more distant relative)

About the victim

Abdusattar Qarahajim, 80, from Xorchöl District (Gongxi) in Awat county (nahiye) Aqsu prefecture, scholar or intellectual (alim), deceased

Victim's location

Buried in Xorchöl District (Gongxi) in Awat county (nahiye), Aqsu

When victim was detained

Feb 2018, "was made a martyr by the Chinese" Likely (or given) reason for detention

He "was made a martyr by the Chinese" which could mean that he had been critical and treated violently or abusive or also just that he had died in custody.

Victim's status deceased

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Heard from others in Istanbul

Additional information

This video is a good one to text and put out as an example of testimonies: lots of detail, some eyewitness (or at least presence), emotional, feels trustworthy.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-19 Last updated: 2018-11-19 Latest status update: 2018-10-21 676. Ablikim Kerim

Chinese ID: 65??????????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: other

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Qurban Arif, living in Norway. He is originally from Bortala city.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Ablikim Kerim, was a teacher and later moved to a government's construction company.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

April, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

He was killed 45 days after detention and his body was given back

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information His wife, Zumrat, was a teacher. Whole family was detained together. The rest of the family was still in detention when Ablikim's died. Current condition is unknown.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-11-20 Last updated: 2018-11-20 Latest status update: 2018-10-23 684. Bekri Ibrahim (白克力·吾拉音)

Chinese ID: 65212219441021??O? (Pichan)

Basic info

Age: 75 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyg-Kaz Likely current location: Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Omer Bekri, also known as Omir Bekali or Omerbek Eli, is the first ex-detainee eyewitness of the mass incarcerations in Xinjiang. A businessman from Turpan, he was a Kazakhstan citizen at the time of his arrest. (son)

Testimony 3: Omer Bekri, as reported by Associated Press. (son)

Testimony 4: Omer Bekri, as reported by Radio Azattyq. (son)

About the victim

Bekri Ibrahim.

Address: Kariz Kol Village, Dighar Township, Pichan County, Turpan (新疆鄯善县迪坎尔乡坎儿孜库勒村).

Chinese passport: G38347291.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

April 24, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear, but the arrest took place just months after Omer returned to Kazakhstan and started telling media about his experiences. [It is probably safe to assume that his father and other family members were taken in retaliation.]

Victim's status He was initially reported as being in "camp" [perhaps this was just police custody, however]. In October 2018, Omer posted news of his father's death on his Facebook.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. [Presumably through contacts in the region.]

Additional information

One of earliest articles, from early 2018, mentioning this case (translation):

First major media story where this case was mentioned (May 2018):

Victims among relatives

Rizwangul Bekri (5195), Adile Bekri (687), Osman Bekri (5193), Abdurahman Bekri (686), Qamber Bekri (5194), Omer Bekri (3623), Aminihan Sadiq (685), Patigul Emet (522), Shirmemet Tashmemet (523), Eli Tashmemet (524), Reyhangul Tashmemet (1868), Halid Shirmemet (1865), Mujahit Shirmemet (1866), Hediche Shirmemet (1867), Sumeyye Eli (5650), Abdulla Eli (5651)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: photo: Chinese passport: photo with wife:

Entry created: 2018-11-20 Last updated: 2020-06-10 Latest status update: 2019-12-07 740. Sajidigul Tomur

Chinese ID: 65212319????????E? (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: forced job placement When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Halmurat Uyghur, a Finland-based activist, originally from Turpan but now a citizen of Finland. (nephew)

Testimony 2: Halmurat Uyghur, as reported by Voice of America. (nephew)

About the victim

Sajidigul Tomur. She was working in a forced labour cotton plant 托克逊夏乡棉花加工厂, which is located Chengxi Street, Xia township, , Turpan prefecture. She reportedly died in an 'accident at work'. After her death, local community management visited her family and offered compensation, however, no mention was made of the factory being held accountable for Sajidigul's death.

Testimony 2: The victim is reportedly 45 years old.

Victim's location

Toksun county, Turpan prefecture

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: The victim was detained in one or more concentration camps for an unspecified period of time prior to her forced work placement at the cotton processing factory in Turpan. The victim was released from her detention at a concentration camp and subsequently forced to work in a cotton processing factory in Turpan for minimum wage.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Deceased. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

[Presumably from sources in the region.]

Additional information

Phone number of the plant's manager Ekber Turaq (艾克拜尔·吐拉克): 09958856834.

Addresses of original Tweets by the testifier [currently unavailable as account has been suspended]:

Likely listing of plant:

Voice of America coverage (Testimony 2): wn-xinjiang

Testimony 2: The victim's husband [name unspecified] was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Testimony 2: The victim is reportedly the fourth relative of Halmurat Harri Elsoy that has passed away since 2017.

Victims among relatives

Seyitniyaz Ghopur (1671), Goherhan Tomur (1672), Adil Abdurazaq (8086)

Entry created: 2020-06-09 Last updated: 2021-01-16 Latest status update: 2020-04-02 866. Yasinjan Tohti

Chinese ID: 652901197905022539 (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 41 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: driver

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1|2|3|4*|5: Reyhangul Tohti, originally from Aksu but now living in Belgium. (sister)

Testimony 6: Muhlise Tohti, originally from Aksu but now residing in Turkey. (sister)

About the victim

Yasinjan Tohti was a driver from Aksu City's Qaratal Township. He was a father of five children (all underage).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

He was detained by the police on November 15, 2016 (though in some testimonies Reyhangul says that he was detained in October) and held for three months. After being released, he would be detained again later, though the dates here are unclear. He passed away in February 2018 from the mistreatment in detention.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


(There have been recent, as of September 2020, claims [presumably from the authorities] that he died of a heart illness, but his sister says that he was in good health and that this isn't true.) How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Through her younger sister.

Additional information

Yasinjan's wife was also arrested and taken to camp. The status of their five children is unknown.

Reyhangul also writes that he was forced to undergo humiliating treatment while in detention and wasn't allowed to have medical treatment when his health got worse.

Victims among relatives

Tursun Qurban (867), Aytursun Qurban (865), Rozihaji Zunun (870), Gulnur Tohti (4995), Abdullah Yasin (5077), Hebibulla Yasin (5078), Amine Yasin (5079), Teyibbe Yasin (5080), Sherinay Yasin (5076), Nurimangul Tohti (871), Ehmetjan Ghoja (872), Patimem Ehmet (5081), Salihe Ehmet (5082), Sidiqhaji Zunun (1604), Mukerem Tursun (6505), Hebibulla Tursun (6506), Intizar Parhat (873)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 5: Testimony 6: deos/935798663580643/&show_text=1&width=300 Testimony 4 (direct, Uyghur):

Entry created: 2018-11-26 Last updated: 2020-10-04 Latest status update: 2020-11-01 1006. Abduweli Ablet

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Kamran Abdusalam, from tengritagh district of Urumqi (Guangheyuan residency area). He came to Turkey for his study. He lost contact with his parents for 2 years.

Victim's relation to testifier

Uncle (Mother's younger brother)

About the victim

Abduweli Ablet, Uyghur man. He got arrested and got killed in prison 4 months ago (arround August, 2018).

Victim's location unclear

When victim was detained unclear

Likely (or given) reason for detention unclear

Victim's status got killed

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information

Male members of his family detained including children. 2 Han are living in two of their family members' houses as Qoshmaq Tuqqan.

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-12-04 Last updated: 2018-12-04 Latest status update: 2018-11-27 1175. Peyzulla Utuq (拜孜拉·鸥吐古)

Chinese ID: 654123198802272771 (Korghas)

Basic info

Age: 30 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: other When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion, "theft" Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier information publicly available

About the victim name: Pazil Utuq ethnicity: Uyghur gender: male date of birth: 27/02/88 place of birth: , Yili prefecture Chinese ID card no: 654123198802272?71

He was arrested by local authorities in May 2017 during a religious service for “participating in unlawful religious activities” and was released in August 2017. He was shot death by police on 1 April 2018, when trying to escape detention in a “reeducation” camp, while officially being charged with horse theft.

[Ishqiyar Abdurehim, who was friends with him: he was a really nice person, very smart and honest, grew up without a father - he was not a thief in any way]

Victim's location probably Huocheng county, Yili prefecture

When victim was detained died on 1 April 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention participating in unlawful religious activities, wanted for horse theft

Victim's status shot dead by police

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Bitter Winter:

RFA report:

Additional information


Supplementary materials friend's testimony: photo: search notice:

Entry created: 2018-12-09 Last updated: 2019-11-26 Latest status update: 2019-02-09 1176. Bauyrzhan Sabyrbai

Chinese ID: 652525196401120017 (Toli)

Basic info

Age: 56 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Tacheng Status: documents withheld When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Baqytgul Sydyq, born in 1970, is a citizen of Kazakhstan. (wife)

Testimony 4: Adalgazy Zhakai, born in 1978, is originally from Tacheng's , but is now a resident of Kazakhstan. He is a survivor of the mass incarcerations in Xinjiang, having spent almost a year in a camp. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Bauyrzhan Sabyrbai, born on January 12, 1964, is a Chinese citizen. His Kazakhstan Permanent Resident card number is 040663220. His Chinese ID is 652525196401120017. He went to China on December 25, 2017 as he is retired and required by the local authorities to visit them every two months. Address: Fuxing Road in Tuoli town, Tuoli county, . (Testimony 4: he lived in Aqbaldau Township)

Victim's location

Tuoli County, Tacheng Region, Xinjiang, China

When victim was detained

He had his documents confiscated in late 2017 after going back to China on December 25, 2017.

Testimony 4: he died while unable to leave his village (Aqbaldau Township) and return to Kazakhstan. The testifier attributes the death to all the psychological pressure - constantly being forced to fill out different forms, constantly being summoned to "chats" (interrogations), etc.

Likely (or given) reason for detention not detained

Victim's status

Deceased. He was known to suffer from heart problems.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 4: they were in the same village.

Additional information

Has a son Ardak Baurzhan, born in 1999, who lives in Kazakhstan.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4:

Entry created: 2018-12-09 Last updated: 2020-11-14 Latest status update: 2020-02-08 1248. Ayhan Memet

Chinese ID: 6529??19????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: in custody When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"extremism" Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|6: Dolkun Isa, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (son)

Testimony 2|3: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 4: Dolkun Isa, an Uyghur activist based in Germany. The president of the World Uyghur Congress. (son)

Testimony 5: Global Times, a daily tabloid that is closely linked to the People's Daily and is often known for loud, nationalistic views aligned with those of the Chinese Communist Party.

About the victim

Ayhan Memet lived in .

Victim's location

She was in the No. 2 Detention Center in Aksu (unclear in which county) at the time of her death.

When victim was detained

Detained in May or June of 2017, according to her son, who last spoke to her in April 2017. He says that he got the news of her death on June 12, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Religious extremism".

Victim's status

Deceased. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Dolkun Isa originally heard about the death from a close family friend.

The local police staff contacted by Radio Free Asia would presumably have more direct knowledge of the matter by virtue of their job and location.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia Coverage:

Additional mentions: l

A Global Times report ( has Dolkun Isa's sister confirm the victim's death, but says that she died of "old age and illness".

In his video testimony, Dolkun Isa mentions not having seen his mother in 25 years.

Victims among relatives

Eysa Memet (1249), Yalqun Eysa (1749), Hushtar Eysa (5634)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 4: Dolkun Isa's parents:

Entry created: 2018-12-12 Last updated: 2020-10-30 Latest status update: 2019-11-07 1249. Eysa Memet

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: --- When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|3: Dolkun Isa, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (son)

Testimony 2: Dolkun Isa, an Uyghur activist based in Germany. The president of the World Uyghur Congress. (son)

About the victim name: Isa Memet age: elderly, probably between 70 and 80 [over 90, according to his son] ethnicity: Uyghur gender: male Father of Dolkun Isa

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu, as that's where the family appears to be residing.]

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 1: cannot be contacted

[son in Testimony 2: don't know if he's alive or not]

Testimony 3: testifier learned through a Global Times propaganda article that his father had died. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 3: through the Global Times propaganda article.

Additional information

Testimony 1: (published 2 JULY 2018)

Testimony 3:

Global Times article (in which Dolkun Isa's sister is cited as saying that her parents died of "illness and old age"):

Victims among relatives

Ayhan Memet (1248), Yalqun Eysa (1749), Hushtar Eysa (5634)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Dolkun Isa's parents:

Entry created: 2018-12-12 Last updated: 2020-10-17 Latest status update: 2020-01-14 1458. Abdukerim Ismayil

Chinese ID: 65312319????????O? (Yengisar)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: sentenced (10 years) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Ismayil Abdukerim, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (son)

About the victim

In 2017, Abdukerim Ismayil and his wife were taken by the Police, they were told to send to the camps, however not after very long, he was sentenced to 10 years and sent to a prison in Daheyan, Urumqi [more likely: Turpan]. After that Abdukerim Ismayil died in the jail. He was 86.

They were arrested at their home address: No. 56 Yard, Heytgah Yengimehellisi, No. 2 Neighborhood, No. 2 Village, Sheher Township, , Kashgar.

Victim's location

Died in prison in Daheyan [presumably this is in Turpan, and not Urumqi].

When victim was detained

Detained in 2017 and taken to camp, but sentenced soon after.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

"from a reliable source" Additional information

RFA coverage:

[There is a good likelihood that the victim was subjected to forced labor at the Turpan Prison, as the Donghu Cement Factory is based there.]

Victims among relatives

Gulhesel Memet (11604), Omerjan Abdukerim (11606), Osmanjan Abdukerim (11605), Ababekri Abdukerim (11607), Elijan Abdukerim (11608), Abduwahit Abdukerim (11609), Helimegul Abdukerim (11610), Nurmuhemmet Ismayil (11611)

Entry created: 2020-12-13 Last updated: 2021-06-30 Latest status update: 2020-05-22 1539. Amine Qadir

Chinese ID: 65292219????????E? (Onsu)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier information publicly available

About the victim name: Amine Kadir gender: female ethnicity: Uyghur age: 30 or 31 (as of 25 Sept 2018) place of origin: Village No. 6 or Turman village in Onsu Jam Bazar township in Aksu prefecture

She died in a “re-education” camp, probably because she suffered from an untreated heart condition while in the camp. She died in the beginning of 2018 according to an officer at the Onsu Police Station. Her husband is said to have “died some time ago”. The couple has a three or four year old child (as of 25 Sept 2018).

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained prior to early 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown Victim's status deceased

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? (published 25 SEPT 2018)

Additional information


Entry created: 2018-12-23 Last updated: 2018-12-23 Latest status update: 2018-12-23 1570. Zelika Nurgazy

Chinese ID: 65????19????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Gulpan Esetai

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's mother.

About the victim

Zelika Nurgazy. After her daughter (the testifier) went to China in 2018 to attend her sister's funeral (and learned of her other sister being in a re-education camp) and relayed all this news to her, Zelika died from shock.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Not detained. Died from shock.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Presumably through friends/relatives. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Kulan Esetai (516)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2018-12-24 Last updated: 2018-12-24 Latest status update: 2018-11-07 1729. Yaqupjan Naman

Chinese ID: 653128200???????O? (Yopurgha)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: concentration camp When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: deceased Profession: minor

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier information publicly available

About the victim name: Yaqupjan Naman gender: male ethnicity: Uyghur age: 17 (as of 14/03/2018) place of origin: comes from No. 12 Village in Yekshenbe Bazar, Kashgar Yopurgha county

He traveled to Turkey as a tourist with his friends when he was 15 (in early 2016), but was taken back to China by his father Naman Qari immediately after his disappearance was noticed in order not to stir up trouble with the Chinese authorities. However, soon after Yaqupjan’s return to China, he was arrested and sent to a “re-education” camp in Kashgar prefecture. He died in March 2018 in detention. His parents were given the body and they had to bury him under police supervision. The circumstances of his death are not known.

Victim's location probably burried in his hometown, No. 12 Village in Yekshenbe Bazar, Kashgar Yopurgha county

When victim was detained probably from early 2016 (after his return from Turkey) until his death in March 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention probably for travelling abroad to Turkey when he was 15 Victim's status died in "re-education" camp

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? (published 14 MARCH 2018)

Additional information


Entry created: 2018-12-31 Last updated: 2018-12-31 Latest status update: 2018-12-31 1731. Abdulkerim Turan

Chinese ID: 6531??19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier information publicly available

About the victim name: Abdulkerim Turan gender: male ethnicity: Uyghur age: 80 place of origin: lived in a village near Kashghar

His son is Adam Turan, the General Secretary of the East Turkestan Australian Association. Abdulkerim Turan was held in a "re-educuation" camp for one year and passed away shortly after having been released from the camp (around Sept/Oct 2018). He was weak after having been released from the camp.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained mid-2017 to mid-2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention according to his son because the father had a beard and a relative who lives abroad Victim's status deceased

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? /10432924 (published 1 NOV 2018)

Additional information


Supplementary materials

Photo with son: photos before and after detention:

Entry created: 2018-12-31 Last updated: 2018-12-31 Latest status update: 2018-12-31 1739. Qeyser Qeyyum

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: other When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: art & literature

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Qutluq Almas, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (colleague)

Testimony 2: Juret Nizamidin, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

Testimony 3: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

Testimony 4: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

Testimony 5: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 6: Rushan Abbas, an Uyghur-American activist. (friend of relative)

About the victim

Qeyser Qeyum, 55-year-old editor-in-chief of literature translation magazine (“Literary Translations”), which was published under the Xinjiang Association of Literature and Art. He killed himself by jumping out of the 8th floor of his office building out of fear of being detained in a political re-education camp in August 2017.

Victim's location

Died in Urumqi.

When victim was detained

Killed himself in August 2017

Testimony 6: September 2018 [this is almost certainly confusion by the testifier, as this is when the death was reported by RFA, not when it took place] Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 2: It is believed Qeyser was shocked by the detention of Ilham Weli, Memtimin Obul, Juret Haji, and Mirkamil Ablimit, as Qeyser believed he would have been next in line (the Xinjiang Daily office being next to the Xinjiang Association of Literature and Art).

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1+2+4+5: not clear

Testimony 3: the source is in Xinjiang and close to the case.

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 1-4):

Mentioned in UHRP report:

Included in list of prominent Uyghur victims (Testimony 5):

Testimony 6:

Supplementary materials

AidET list:

Entry created: 2018-12-31 Last updated: 2020-04-14 Latest status update: 2018-09-28 1740. Abdusalam Memet

Chinese ID: 65280119????????O? ()

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: in custody When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: deceased Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 2: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Abdusalam Mamat from Korla had been studying at Al-Azhar Islamic University in egypt since 2015. After chinese government issued an order for Uyghurs living abroad to return home for inspection, he voluntarily returned to Korla for the safety of his family back in Xinjiang. After his return, he died in police custody.

He was the son of the imam of the Grand Mosque of Korla (Jama meschiti).

Victim's location

[Deceased in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: January 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Testimony 1: unclear

Testimony 2: this is the Communist Party secretary of the local village, and would presumably have more direct knowledge of the matter.

Additional information

UHRP report: RFA news (Testimony 1-2):

Entry created: 2018-12-31 Last updated: 2020-07-19 Latest status update: 2017-12-21 1835. Murselim Mutellip

Chinese ID: 654002??????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Ismayil Ibrahim. He is from Ghulja city. His address is Room 147, NO.14 road, Ghalibiyet street, Baykol, Ghulja city. He came to Turkey on May 20th, 2015.

Victim's relation to testifier neighbor

About the victim

Murselim Mutellip, from Ghulja. He died in concentration camp.

Victim's location died

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status died

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-01-03 Last updated: 2019-01-03 Latest status update: 2018-12-20 1902. Abdughappar Abdujappar

Chinese ID: 65410119????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: concentration camp When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: culinary

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier information publicly available

About the victim name: Abdughappar Abdujappar gender: male ethnicity: Uyghur place of origin: No 4 Village, Bayanday, Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture occupation: cook at a dumpling restaurant in Bayanday

He had been in a “re-education” camp, "School of Finance Re-education Camp" in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture since around June 2017. He died in Bayanday Township People's Hospital in December 2017 from health complications after having been detained for about 6 months. He has a wife and two children.

Victim's location unknown, he was detained in "School of Finance Re-education Camp" “re-education” camp in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture

When victim was detained approx. June 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown Victim's status desceased

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? (published on 12 APR 2018)

Additional information


Entry created: 2019-01-04 Last updated: 2019-01-04 Latest status update: 2019-01-04 1920. Abdulreshit Seley Hajim

Chinese ID: 654???19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: concentration camp When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier information publicly available

About the victim name: Abdulreshit Seley Hajim gender: male ethnicity: Uyghur age: 65 place of origin: Ghulja, Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture occupation: businessman location detention: “re-education” camp in Ghuja's Nilqa County

He died after 9 months in a “re-education” camp. He was in bad health before his detention (arthiritis).

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained

October 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status deceased

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? (published 8 JUNE 2018)

Additional information


Supplementary materials


Entry created: 2019-01-06 Last updated: 2019-01-06 Latest status update: 2019-01-06 1926. Azhekbar Toqtarhan

Chinese ID: 65422119????????O? (Dorbiljin)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Tacheng Status: documents withheld When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Ashat Azhekbar, born on July 22, 1978, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. His ID number is 038113184.

Victim's relation to testifier father

About the victim

Azhekbar Toqtarhan went to China with his wife on September 25, 2017, as they were summoned by their work unit to sign some documents to continue getting their pension. However, they both had their passport seized and forced to return their Kazakhstan green cards to the Kazakhstan visa-service office in Urumqi. He passed away on January 30, 2018, in China but his wife told her sons in Kazakhstan not to come and attend their father's funeral as they might be put into a re-education camp. Because according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, more than 30 Kazakhstan nationals have been put into the camp in China for no reason.

Victim's location

Emin county, Tacheng region, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China

When victim was detained had his passport seized since September 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention unclear

Victim's status passed away How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? from his mother

Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-01-06 Last updated: 2019-01-06 Latest status update: 2018-12-18 1943. Rusul Eziz (热苏力·艾孜孜)

Chinese ID: 652123194703152512 (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: 73 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: in custody When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: government

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1|2: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (son)

Testimony 3: Abdulla Rusul, as reported by Agence France-Presse. (son)

Testimony 4*: Abdulla Rusul, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (son)

About the victim

Rusul Eziz, 69 years old Uyghur man from toxsun, Turpan. He was famous in their village for seeking justice, and he was a famous person. He was poisoned and killed in a local officials tea invitation in February, 2018.

Address: House No. 2-8-330, Group 11, Jigde Village, Bostan Municipality, Toqsun County, Xinjiang (新疆托克逊县博斯坦乡吉格代村十一组2-8-330号).

Testimony 4: he was the head of the village before and was responsible for erecting many greenhouses. (according to a local media article, he was the local Party branch secretary.)

Victim's location killed

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: February 2018.

AFP report: the last video message Abdulla received from his father was in May 2017, saying that everything was fine but looking around nervously, suggesting he felt that he was being watched.

Testimony 2: The testifier states that he lost his father (the victim, Rasul Aziz) at the end of May, 2018, and got the information 3 months later due to the tight internet control in China. Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status died

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information

All adults of his family are in detention, no information about young children.

Mentioned in AFP report (Testimony 3):

He is mentioned and quoted in a local report:

Victims among relatives

Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Risalet Shemshi (1977), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2020-12-13 Latest status update: 2020-09-30 1977. Risalet Shemshi (热沙来提·先木希)

Chinese ID: 65212319480302??E? (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: 70 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: concentration camp When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abdulla Rusul, now living in Istanbul, Turkey. (nephew-in-law)

Testimony 2: Aqil Shemshi, originally from Turpan but now residing abroad. (son)

About the victim

Risalet Shemshi (Testimony 2: Risalet Hadablit), Uyghur woman. She was born on March 2nd, 1948. Her passport number is E63511941. She is in concentration camp. Her husband, daughter and 2 sons are all in concentration camps.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: Arrested in February 2018. Died in re-education camp three months after the arrest.

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown

Victim's status

Testimony 2: Had diabetes, but was otherwise of good health. Now deceased. The officials ordered the burial immediately, with no funeral ceremony, despite rumours that there was a suspicious bruise on her chest.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 2: testifier went to Turpan himself. Additional information

Testimony 2: When Aqil came back to Xinjiang to visit his mother’s grave in May 2018, two Chinese policemen were constantly spying on him. They checked his phone, his ID and warned him to go back to inland China.

Victims among relatives

Rusul Eziz (1943), Reshide Hashim (1944), Halidigul Rusul (1946), Reyhan Ablimit (1948), Ruqiye Ablimit (1949), Halinur Haliq (7738), Perizat Abdugul (1947), Perhat Rusul (1945), Shahadet Semi (1967), Jalalidin Eziz (1973), Ghopur Eziz (1974), Juret Ehmet (1956), Ayshemgul Ghopur (1959), Ehmet Ablimit (1958), Sumeyye Memtimin (257), Muhemmed Memtimin (10989), Abdurahman Jamaldin (10990), Yusup Jamaldin (10991), Mihrigul Abdugul (1951), Sheringul Ehmet (1957), Shemshi Qeyyum (1976), Nusret Shemshi (1963), Zulpiye Shemshi (1953), Qurban Hashim (1952), Zilajigul Hashim (1969), Rizwangul Hashim (1970), Mahire Hashim (1962), Hekimehan Ghopur (1960), Mahire Ghopur (1955), Saniyegul Ghopur (1954), Jamal Bawdun (1950), Helimehan Reshit (1971), Alim Hashim (1964), Adiljan Abit (1966), Abil Abit (1965), Abit Hashim (1968), Patigul Yasin (1972), Guljennet Shemshi (1975), Rehmet Allakirip (2551), Hekimjan Shemshi (2548), Adile Mehmut (2549), Abla Shemshi (2550), Zilaiha Rehmet (2552), Ibrahim Rehmet (2553), Ilyas Rehmet (2554)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-01-07 Last updated: 2021-01-07 Latest status update: 2018-05-30 2082. Rahmanqul Qalymet (热合买胡力·哈力米提)

Chinese ID: 654224198007100294 (Toli)

Basic info

Age: 37 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Tacheng Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: religion

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Saira Qatimolla, born in 1958, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (relative)

Testimony 2: Aiypqul Qalymet, born in 1988, moved to Kazakhstan in 2006 and obtained Kazakhstan citizenship. (brother)

Testimony 3: Qabekqul Qalimet, born in 1985, is a citizen of Kazakhstan. (brother)

Testimony 4: Manap Qabdirahman, born in 1974, is a Kazakhstan citizen. (cousin)

About the victim

Rahmanqul Qalmet was an assistant Imam and a graduate of the Xinjiang Islam Institute. He died because of the pressure from the local authorities in October 2017, having been interrogated several times by the local security bureau. His both parents and wife are in the camp.

Address: 246 1 residence, Qaragaibastau Road, Toly county, Tarbagatai region (新疆托里镇喀拉盖巴斯陶路1居246号)

Victim's location

[In Tacheng, presumably.]

When victim was detained not in detention

Likely (or given) reason for detention not in detention

Victim's status passed away

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

His wife Bagdangul Maqanqyzy and parents Qalmet Shegir, Qairlysh Muhametzhan all are in camps.

He was nominated for the second Tacheng youth federation committee (which mentions that he worked as a Friday imam at the Toli Municipality mosque):

Victims among relatives

Qalmet Shegir (1394), Qairlysh Muhametzhan (2081), Bagdangul Maqan (2083)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 4: Testimony 3: 582043078872745/&show_text=1&width=300 Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-01-11 Last updated: 2021-03-05 Latest status update: 2017-10-30 2111. Ghopur Hapiz (吾甫尔·阿皮孜)

Chinese ID: 65310119550105??O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 63 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: deceased Profession: driver

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Fatimah Abdughopur, as reported by Hanna Burdorf. (daughter)

Testimony 2: Fatimah Abdughopur, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (daughter)

Testimony 3: Fatimah Abdughopur, as reported by Citizen Truth. (daughter)

Testimony 4: Fatimah Abdughopur, as reported by New York Times. (daughter)

Testimony 5|6|7|8|10: Fatimah Abdughopur, an Uyghur poet, originally from Kashgar but now based in Australia. (daughter)

Testimony 9: Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, one of the thematic special procedures overseen by the United Nations Human Rights Council.

About the victim

Abdughopur Hapiz (sometimes "Abdughopur Sidiq") was a retired driver and business owner from Kashgar.

Address: Apt. 111, Unit 7, Xingxin Huayuan Neighborhood, Dazhong Road, Kashgar City, Xinjiang 844000.

Chinese passport: E31781359.

Victim's location

Unclear, as he was arrested in Korla but lives in Kashgar.

When victim was detained

According to Fatimah, he contacted her via WeChat on April 25, 2016, telling her to call him urgently. That was the last she heard of him until late 2019, when she heard that he had been sentenced to 10 years in prison. However, in mid-2020 it was reported by the Chinese authorities to the United Nations that he had died on November 3, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to Fatimah, for visiting Turkey (in 2016).

Victim's status

Deceased in detention [not completely clear what kind].

He was reported to have had health issues, and to have suffered from diabetes, high blood pressure, and migraines. While the Chinese authorities claim that he died of severe pneumonia and tuberculosis, Fatimah rejects this, saying he didn't have either.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Fatimah obtained the information from contacts in the region. The victim had also tried to contact her shortly before his detention, saying he had something urgent to tell her.

His death was reported by the Chinese authorities to the UN.

Additional information

Report by Citizen Truth:

Mention in :

Official communication(s)

Source: United Nations Human Rights Council


Report on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances

Session: 119


According to information received: It is reported that Mr. Apizi Wufuer, a Chinese national of Uyghur ethnicity, a retired driver, holder of passport number E31781359 was last heard from in April 2016 and has not been heard from since. It is believed that he disappeared in Kashi or Korla city of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China and that he may have been arrested by Chinese National Security Agents.

Mr Apizi Wufuer visited Turkey in 2016. Three of Mr. Wufuer's family members have also disappeared: his wife Ms. Adudureyimu Ruxianguli (case 10010029) and his children Ms. Bumairiyanmu Wufu (case 10010031) and Mr. Abudusemaiti Wufu (case 10010030).

Reportedly, at the time of the present communication, the fate and whereabouts of Mr Apizi Wufuer are unknown.

Transmitted to Government on: 31-Oct-2019 Transmitted to Source on: 18-Nov-2019

Session: 122


The Government replied that: Gupur Apizi (referred to in the communication as Apizi Wufuer) was a male originally registered in Kashi (Kashgar), Kashi (Kashgar) Prefecture; he died of severe pneumonia and tuberculosis on November 3, 2018.

Victims among relatives

Roshengul Abdurehim (2112), Abdusemi Abdughopur (2113), Bumeryem Abdughopur (2114)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 5: Testimony 10: Testimony 6: Testimony 7: Testimony 8: photos of family: family photo: WGEID mandate: Chinese passport: official communication(s):

Entry created: 2019-01-13 Last updated: 2020-09-08 Latest status update: 2018-11-03 2200. Adelet Teyip

Chinese ID: 65322319????????E? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: concentration camp When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: deceased Profession: housemaker

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier information publicly available

About the victim name: Adelet Teyip age: 63 (at the time of death) gender: female ethnicity: Uyghur occupation: housewife place of origin: Pishan (Hotan)

Adalet Teyip and her husband Ibrahim Sattar traveled to Turkey in 2016 to meet their son Abulaziz Satta. After the couple returned to China, Adalet was detained and interrogated for two days. The person who interrogated her said that her son was a "dangerous enemy of the Communist Party of China”. Several months later, her son learned that his parents were taken to internment camps. Adalet died in a camp. Her son received the news in spring 2018, but he does not know when his mother died, why she died or under which circumstances and by whom she was buried. Adalet’s body was not returned to her family members in China.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained first detention in August 2016, then detained again in 2017 Likely (or given) reason for detention second detention related to their son's living in Canada

Victim's status deceased

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? ed-region-into-no/ (published 10 AUG 2018), ety-guilt-as/ (published 12 AUG 2018) chinese-re-education-camps/ (published 25 JUNE 2018) _1424.pdf (published 11 OCT 2018)

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Ibrahim Sattar (2201)

Supplementary materials

Family photo: Photo:

Entry created: 2019-01-18 Last updated: 2019-01-18 Latest status update: 2019-01-18 2262. Abduhelil Hashim

Chinese ID: 652401196211072214 (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 58 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (19 years) When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|"inciting ethnic hatred", "extremism", past "transgressions" Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1|5: Zhumagul, a resident of Kazakhstan. (sister-in-law)

Testimony 2|7: Wahap Hakim, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (nephew)

Testimony 3: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 4*: Anonymous, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (relative)

Testimony 6: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

Testimony 8: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Abduhalim [RFA report: Abduhelil] Hashim, born in 1962. He was said to be detained in concentration camp first because he travelled to overseas. Beside being a business man, he was also a teacher. He was asked to teach Chinese while himself was in the camp, then was transferred to a prison after he confessed that he sent his son to study Quran.

Address: 38 Bahar Street, Ghulja City.

Victim's location

"New Prison" in Kunes County [according to RFA Uyghur report, exact source unclear but likely relative in Kazakhstan]. [This is the Kunes Maximum-Security Prison, as RFA reports it to be in Beshtope Village, which is where the prison is located.]

When victim was detained earlier: January 2017 RFA reports "around 3 months ago" [as of April 2019]. [this is presumably the prison sentence, not when he was taken to camp]

Testimony 5: arrested at his home on March 28, 2017.

Testimony 7: Abduhelil passed away at a prison hospital on May 2, 2021. Abduwahab found out through social media, held a nezir in Kazakhstan, and sent a video of that nezir to relatives in Ghulja. Those relatives responded, confirming the death.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

RFA report: Visited Egypt; sent his son to Quran class; spred ethnic hatred.

According to a previous RFA investigation [unclear which], he was charged with "religious extremism" for receiving religious education from a neighbour 40 years prior.

Victim's status original: in a re-education camp

RFA reports that he was sentenced to 19 years in prison after working as a teacher in camp.

Testimony 7: deceased.

Testimony 8: Two staff members from the prison confirmed Abduhelil's death.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 7: Abduhelil and his wife were able to video chat once a month. He appeared healthy in the last video chat on April 30, 2021. Abduwahab suspects that the cause of death was torture or mistreatment.

Additional information

This testimony has further been supplemented by info from the RFA report (Testimony 2-3):

RFA coverage of his death (Testimony 7-8): (original Uyghur:

[There is a high likelihood of the victim having been subjected to forced labor, as this practice has been documented at Kunes Prison.]

Victims among relatives

Merdan Helil (2263)

Supplementary materials Testimony 1: Testimony 5: RFA report (Uyghur): family photo: photo with wife:

Entry created: 2019-01-23 Last updated: 2021-07-02 Latest status update: 2021-05-02 2350. Asan Lapi (阿山·俄拉皮牙)

Chinese ID: 654126194805101610 (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 70 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: sentenced (22 years) When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: deceased Profession: education

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Gulzai Asan, born in 2002, is a Chinese citizen. (daughter)

Testimony 2|3|4|8: Nurzat Asan, born in 1970, is a Chinese citizen with residence in Kazakhstan. (son)

Testimony 5: Qyran Baqytkeldi, born in 1996, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (relative)

Testimony 6|7: Nurzat Asan, as reported by Radio Free Asia Mandarin. (son)

About the victim

Asan Lapiuly, 71 years old, was a teacher.

Address: 13 Fazhan Road, Qashazhar township, Mungulkure county (新疆昭苏县喀夏加尔乡发展街13号).

His Kazakhstan green card number is 026916122.

Victim's location

[Testimony 6: based on his son witnessing his death, it appears likely that they were both in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: October 2017

Testimony 2: He went back to China from Kazakhstan on September 25, 2017. He was arrested in December 2017.

Testimony 6: returned to China in October 2017, later to be detained and taken to camp.

Likely (or given) reason for detention praying and visiting Kazakhstan Victim's status earlier: sentenced to 23 years in prison

Testimony 6: sentenced to 22 years. Died in camp/custody, with authorities refusing to return the body to the family.

Testimony 3: He died in the camp [unclear if this is a contradiction, or if the testifier is referring to prison as "camp"] on May 5, 2019 (Testimony 8 gives the year as 2018). The testifier doesn't believe that he died because of his health, and assumes his father was beaten up to death. Previously, the victim had been allowed to have one video call and two phone calls with his relatives each month. He was strong and healthy before detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 6: his son Zhumanur Asan supposedly saw his father while they were being taken to work outside the camp, during which time the latter collapsed and passed away. [the specifics are really not clear as presented in the Radio Free Asia report]

Additional information

Testimony 3: There are voice messages sent by the testifier's sister-in-law after his appeal about his father's death. She asks why he is doing these things that bring them trouble. She criticizes the testifier, saying that this doesn't change the fact that his father has already died. The local authorities are blaming the family in Xinjiang for the testifier's actions - after his appeal, a radio station in the US broadcasted their story. She says in the WeChat audio messages that his uncle might be taken too because of the testifier's "good deeds". She also reminds him that he is still a Chinese citizen and hasn't cancelled his household registration, and so the Chinese authorities can get him no matter where he is.

Testimony 4: The testifier thinks that his father died not long after finding out that his son was also in a camp (when he had a video call with his family).

Testimony 7: Asan had a land of 20 mu which was not allowed to be sold. After his son's interview to the RFA, the local authorities suddenyl changed their decisions and said they could sell the land.

RFA coverage (Testimony 6-7):

Victims among relatives

Zhumanur Asan (2382), Zabira Nusypqan (2383), Shodi Aidyn (2534), Aman Kerei (2384)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: Testimony 5: Testimony 8: Chinese ID: Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2019-01-27 Last updated: 2021-08-09 Latest status update: 2019-05-05 2409. Barat Ababekri Tughchi

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Yarmamat Barat, from Ghulja. Currently living in Columbus, Ohio.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Barat (Hajim) Ababakri Tughchi. Hajim is title for people who have been to Hajj.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Released from the camp in July,2018 due to illness. He was sick since then and passed away on Jan 3rd, 2019.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear Additional information


Victims among relatives

Razigul Tursun (7063), Abdusemet Ablet (2403), Guljennet Ablet (2404), Ibrahim Barat (2407), Shakiram Barat (2405), Hamid Israyil (2408)

Supplementary materials video testimony: video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-01-30 Last updated: 2019-01-30 Latest status update: 2019-01-24 2469. Arzugul Qadir

Chinese ID: 65292319????????E? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: deceased Profession: government

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Rebiya Kadeer, a businesswoman and political activist, now living in the United States. (sister)

Testimony 2: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

Testimony 3: Rebiya Kadeer, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (sister)

Testimony 4: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Arzigul Kadeer

General info from RFA report: Arzugul was from Kuqa County. She was retired, having worked at the Kuqa County Bureau of Food and Beverages.

[Judging by the fact that she was turned over to the Saqsaq Neighborhood committee, this was presumably her neighborhood of residence.]

Victim's location

In Kucha at the time of death.

When victim was detained

Testimony 3: Contact between Rebiya and Arzugul ceased in mid-2014. Before that, Arzugul was repeatedly interrogated by police, and her home was once raided. Rebiya received information in late 2017 that Arzugul passed away in a camp.

Testimony 2: Arzugul was first detained for one month following the 2009 Urumqi incident. She was detained for a second time in June 2014 by Dongmehelle Township police and the Saqsaq neighborhood committee. She spent one year in prison, and was released in mid-2015. She was detained for a third time in 2017. In 2017, she was interrogated and tortured in detention. As a result, she became unable to move. Police turned her over to the Saqsaq neighborhood committee, who took her to Kuqa County Hospital. Arzugul passed away one week later.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Died in age of 69

Testimony 4: a local police office reportedly confirmed that Arzugul passed away in the hospital one week after her release

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage (Testimony 2-4):

Rebiya's whole family is missing including grandchildren.

Victims among relatives

Gheni Qadir (5280), Ehmetjan Qadir (5281), Helchem Qadir (2467), Mehmet Qadir (2468), Ablikim Abdurehim (3821), Qahar Abdurehim (3817), Aygul Abdurusul (4788), Alim Abdurehim (3822), Dildar Qahar (3820), Zulpiqar Qahar (3819), Aydidar Qahar (3818), Roshengul Abdurehim (4310)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-01-31 Last updated: 2021-07-02 Latest status update: 2017-12-30 2472. Yasinjan Moydin

Chinese ID: 6540??1965??????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 54-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: other When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Iminjan Moydin, originally from Ghulja and still a Chinese citizen. He has permanent residence in Kazakhstan and is married to a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother)

Testimony 2: European Uyghur Institute, a France-based initiative to preserve Uyghur culture.

About the victim

Yasinjan Moydin, Uyghur, 44.

Testimony 2: he was a businessman and owned a cafe in Ghulja. Born in 1965.

Victim's location

Testimony 2: he died in Ili [presumably, as he was returned to his family and died in a hospital].

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: End of 2016. Died in the "Re-education" camp in Nov, 2017.

Testimony 2: arrested in April 2017. In late November 2017, he was returned to his family in very poor health (because of torture) and taken to the hospital, where he died soon after.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 1: Could be because he has been to Kazakhstan.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Not stated.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Halide Moydin (2471), Rizwangul Moydin (2470), Merhaba Ablet (2473), Arafat Yaqupjan (2474), Imran Yaqupjan (2475), Perhat Aqchibay (2476), Qudret Alimjan (2477)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-01-31 Last updated: 2020-07-10 Latest status update: 2020-06-07 2517. Mirzahid Kerimi

Chinese ID: 6531011939??????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 81-82 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (11 years) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): "problematic" literature|--- Health status: deceased Profession: art & literature

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2|7: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

Testimony 3|5|6: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 4: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 8: Mirzahid Kerimi, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (the victim)

About the victim

(Haji) Mirzahid Kerimi was a writer and a retired editor at the Kashgar Uyghur Press. He generally wrote about Uyghur history and historians.

In 1959, when he was 20 years old, he was imprisoned for 13 years for the poem "The Baby in the Chest" ("sanduq ichidiki bowaq"), then kept for another 7 years under house arrest.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

It's not clear when he was detained in the more recent incarcerations.

He allegedly passed away on January 9, 2021. His death was confirmed by local police, though it is unclear if he died while in prison or while receiving treatment at the hospital. Likely (or given) reason for detention

According to an anonymous source who spoke to Radio Free Asia, he was detained for having written a number of books about Uyghur history, as well as for something he said during an event dedicated to his life.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

It is not clear how Abduweli Ayup or the anonymous source learned about the detention or the reasons for the detention, but the local police and local government worker who confirmed would presumably have more direct knowledge of the matter.

Mirzahid Kerimi himself also spoke to Radio Free Asia in June 2017 (before the recent detention) to talk about a police raid on his home, during which five of his historical novels were allegedly confiscated.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

This victim is included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs, available at:

Mention in Foreign Policy:

Supplementary materials

Twitter mention: photo:

Entry created: 2019-02-03 Last updated: 2021-04-29 Latest status update: 2021-01-09 2589. Aitqurman Qazhahmet

Chinese ID: 654224??????????O? (Toli)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Tacheng Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: religion

Testifying party

Amina Qudaibergen, a citizen of Kazakhstan. (relative)

About the victim

Aitqurman Qazhahmet was an Imam.

Address: Zharbas village, Tuoli county, Tacheng region, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained not stated

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

He hang himself in 2018 as he was continuously called by the police and interrogated

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

--- Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-02-07 Last updated: 2021-01-25 Latest status update: 2019-02-03 2610. Imam Husen Muhemmet

Chinese ID: 65300119????????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: concentration camp When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: government

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1: Gulshen Manapova, an ethnic Uyghur and Uzbekistan citizen, now living in Kazakhstan. (sister-in-law)

Testimony 2*: Gulshen Manapova, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (sister-in-law)

Testimony 3: Gulshen Manapova, as reported by The Believer. (sister-in-law)

About the victim

Imam Husan, Uyghur.

[from interview with Gulshan (Testimony 2): Imam Husan Muhemmet, around 70 years old, retired. Previously worked in a health inspection committee. His wife is a teacher. His daughter-in-law was a nurse at a camp.]

Victim's location

Died in a camp in Kizilsu.

When victim was detained

[from interview with Gulshan: taken to camp at the same time as Hesenjan Qari {1764}, so September 2017. Died in camp in November 2018.]

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status died in the re-education camp three months ago (as of February 3, 2019) How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

Gulshen's interview to The Believer (Testimony 3) (

Mostly men are taken to the camps. What happens then? The authorities send loyal Chinese families from the coast to live with the women in the homes of the disappeared. A man is sent to Xinjiang and placed in the house where the detained person had lived. Or it could be a couple. Or a family with kids. But sometimes it’s just one man who is sent to live in a house full of women…

They lecture their hosts about the Communist Party. They continue to live among the family even when the detained family member returns. Everyone I know who spent some time in the camp, who was released to their home in China—in every case I know about, they have Chinese families living with them, lecturing them. And the families will report on any misbehavior. If you so much as look at them in a disagreeable way, they might tell the authorities and have you taken away to the camp. My husband’s relatives have such people living with them. As a result, these days their phones are almost always switched off. They’re afraid. I try to reach them to find out about my husband, but they call only when the “visitors” are out of the house.

I grew up speaking Uighur. My family is Uighur. My parents escaped to the Soviet Union in 1969 and settled in Kazakhstan. Back in China they were cattle herders, but in Kazakhstan they became cooks. Later, when I was young, we went to Uzbekistan looking for work. They opened a café there. I’m an Uzbek citizen, actually. I met Aishanjiang and we were married in Tashkent in 1997. He was visiting from China, doing some business there. He worked with textile factories, importing fabric from China into Central Asia. The border was easy at the time: you just crossed it. I came with my husband to Kazakhstan and we opened a shop here. We were just starting our business when he was arrested.

He was going to visit some of our factories in Ürümqi. As soon as he entered China, his passport was taken from him. He was brought to Atush, his birthplace. And from there he wasn’t allowed to leave. At the time, we hadn’t heard anything about the camps. He went into China without any knowledge of them. Such cases of people being taken to camps are rare in Ürümqi, where he did business, so when they told him to come in for questions, he went.

The day he was taken, he had some idea of what was happening. He called me to say he was going to be taken to a camp. I don’t know if I’m going to be back or not, he said. He couldn’t say any more. He couldn’t describe his situation. What are you going to do? I asked. Why are you being sent to a camp? To study, he said. But you’re old, I told him. You’re almost fifty. He said that one of his relatives—almost eighty years old—was already studying in the same camp. Age is irrelevant, he said. That was last October. Since then, he’s vanished. I heard he’s in prison now.

And others—there are many others. My husband’s older brother died in the same camp where my husband was. He was almost sixty years old. The authorities said he had a precondition, an illness of some kind, but he was healthy when I knew him. And my husband’s sister’s son was sentenced to twenty years in prison for making hajj. My sister-in-law’s husband, the imam at Atush, was sentenced to fourteen years. I’ve heard from his wife that he’s in the prison hospital. His condition isn’t good. And there are many other relatives whose fate I don’t know. Probably they’re all in prison but I don’t know. I can’t tell. Victims among relatives

Hesenjan Qari (1764), Memtili Ablet (2609), Abdulla Weli (2702)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-02-07 Last updated: 2020-04-17 Latest status update: 2019-04-20 2841. Zhumakeldi Akai (朱马开尔德·阿海)

Chinese ID: 654221197311051614 (Dorbiljin)

Basic info

Age: 47 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Tacheng Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|4: Akikat Kaliolla, a musician from Dorbiljin County, now a Kazakhstan citizen. (relative of friend)

Testimony 3: Akikat Kaliolla, as reported by The Believer. (relative of friend)

Testimony 5: Registration cancellation notice, an official notice confirming the cancellation of one's household registration.

About the victim

Zhumakeldi Akai.

Address: Burhan Village, Quzhyrty Mongol Township, Dorbiljin County, Tacheng Prefecture (塔城地区额敏县霍吉尔特蒙古民族乡布尔汗村).

Phone number: 15099300572

Victim's location

He died in Dorbiljin County.

When victim was detained

It is unclear when he was detained. According to Akikat, he was beaten to death by "camp guards" in early March 2018. On Zhumakeldi's proof of household registration cancellation, it says that he died on March 9, 2018 because of "congenital heart disease" (the registration was cancelled on June 12).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

--- Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Akikat's entire family was detained after his father wrote an appeal letter to Beijing following Zhumakeldi's death. He presumably learned of the victim's situation via the same channels that provided him information about his family's detention.

The proof of household registration cancellation, which confirms Zhumakeldi's death, is an official document from a Chinese government office.

Additional information

Akikat's parents and two brothers were all detained following his father's legal action on behalf of Zhumakeldi's family.

Akikat's story in The Believer:

A list noting that Zhumakeldi's driver's license has expired (as of March 2019, over a year after his death):

Official notice(s)

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Victims among relatives

Raihan Slamhan (13583), Aizhan Amalyiat (13584), Maqsat Zhumakeldi (13585), Elaris Zhumakeldi (13586)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: 6474596&width=450 Testimony 4: gravestone: Testimony 5:

Entry created: 2019-02-23 Last updated: 2021-08-08 Latest status update: 2020-12-06 3158. Weli Memet

Chinese ID: 65300119????????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier information publicly available

About the victim name: Weli Memet gender: male ethnicity: Uyghur age: 55 place of origin: Atush occupation: businessman

Weli Memet died in detention in his hometown of Atush in a "re-education" camp or in a prison. The circumstances of his death are not clear. He passed away in late December 2018, even though he had no known health issues. His family was informed about his death on 27 or 28 Dec 2018. Weli's body was not turned over to his relatives.

Victim's location unknown

When victim was detained unknown

Likely (or given) reason for detention unknown Victim's status deceased

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? (published 28 JAN 2019)

Additional information


Entry created: 2019-03-21 Last updated: 2019-03-21 Latest status update: 2019-03-21 3160. Rehmutulla Shirbaqi (热合木图拉·西热瓦克)

Chinese ID: 653222201612270831 (Karakash)

Basic info

Age: 1 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: other When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: deceased Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|4: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 2: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 3|5: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 6: Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Rehmutulla Shirbaqi was a ~2-year-old boy, living with his grandparents because his parents had both been detained.

Address: Chokan Jilgha Village, Zawa Municipality, Karakash County, Hotan Prefecture (和田地区墨玉县扎瓦镇乔坎吉勒尕村).

Victim's location

Died in Karakash.

When victim was detained

His parents were both detained because of a "phone issue" and sent to the Bostankol (No. 1) camp in Karakash at some point in early 2018. Government records from April 2018 do not mention the parents as being in detention, so it is possible that they were detained in April or soon after.

Following their detention, Rehmutulla was being looked after by his grandparents, Mehtumhan Tursunniyaz and Metnuri Mehsut. On December 2018, he disappeared from home, with his frozen body being found in an irrigation ditch three days later. Likely (or given) reason for detention

His predicament is believed to be the result of both parents being detained.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

One of the police officers who spoke to Radio Free Asia said that the victim's sister's teacher contacted him about the case.

Other local officials and police did not specify how they learned about the incident, but would presumably have fairly direct knowledge by virtue of their positions and physical proximity.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

The Xinjiang authorities replied to the case (, in January 2020, saying that the parents' names were Shirbaqi Emetbaqi and Bujennet Jappar, and that they were never detained. This introduces an additional contradiction in that the grandfather's name, as reported by Radio Free Asia, would imply that either the mother or father should have Metnuri as their patronymic. [These contradictions cannot be reconciled at the moment.]

Entry created: 2019-03-21 Last updated: 2021-02-10 Latest status update: 2018-12-21 3180. Ibrahimjan Qasim (伊卜拉伊木江·喀斯木)

Chinese ID: 653123200008262911 (Yengisar)

Basic info

Age: 19 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Guly Mehsut, an Uyghur activist and YouTuber, originally from Turpan but now residing in Canada. (acquaintance)

Testimony 2: Guly Mehsut, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (acquaintance)

Testimony 3: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 4: Local court employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Ibrahimjan Qasim was an Uyghur man who was born on the 26 August 2000. He was originally from Kashgar. He was residing in inner China until authorities instructed him to move back to Kashgar approximately five months before his death. He passed away at his parents' home in Kashgar on 27 May 2020.

ID address: House No. 58, Group No. 3, Ostengboyi Village, Siyitle Township, Yengisar County, Xinjiang (新疆英吉沙县色提力乡乌斯唐博依村3组058号).

Victim's location

Died in Kashgar.

When victim was detained

In December 2019, when the victim was away from the family home and residing somewhere in inner China, the victim sent a number of messages to the testifier. According to the testifier, the victim had talked about discrimination towards Uyghurs in China and sent the testifier information in relation to Muhammad Memtimin (6207) and Memtimin Rusul (6206).

Directly prior to Memtimin Rosul (6206) being released in early 2020, local authorities were searching for a whistleblower who forwarded information in relation to Memtimin Rosul (6206) to the testifier; they reportedly searched the mobile phones of Memtimin Rosul's (6206) family members at local police stations. [It is plausible that the victim (Ibrahimjan Qasim) was the whistleblower they were searching for at the time.]

When the victim was in inner China, he informed the testifier that he was asked to go back to Xinjiang by local police [unclear if "local police" refers to police in inner China or police in Xinjiang]. The victim also told the testifier at some point in time that his life was in danger.

The victim told the testifier at some point in time that he was returning to his hometown (in Kashgar), but [trans. from Uyghur] "had a bad feeling about [it]". The victim told the testifier to assume that he was in "training" [a euphemism referring to a concentration camp] if the testifier was unable to reach him for two months. The victim also sent photographs of the front and back of his Chinese resident identification card to the testifier. (Testimony 2: Ibrahimjan also asked Guly Mahsut [before his return] to monitor his situation by following his WeChat account; he planned to "continue making posts and changing his profile photo periodically as a way of signaling to her that he was still free." He changed his profile photo regularly until suddenly stopping in May.)

After moving back to Kashgar, the victim stayed in Kashgar with his parents for approximately five months before he passed away at his home on 27 May 2020. The cause of death is unspecified in this testimony.

(The victim reportedly made a voice testimony in at some point in time in relation to a number of topics, including forced labour, sex slavery, discrimination, confiscated passports, the detention of [his] relatives and friends, police harassment and humiliation during lockdown [presumably referring to the COVID-19 pandemic].)

Testimony 3: in the last week of May 2020, Ibrahimjan Qasim and 44 (14, according to other people were "warned they would be detained in camps for periods of between six months and five years, with the length of their stay 'dependent on their behaviour.'" (According to that anonymous police officer, of the aforementioned 44 victims, eight were let go after investigations, and the rest are still in detention. Ibrahimjan Qasim was one of the eight who were released. The anonymous police officer confirmed that he took his own life "at home" after the incident. RFA asked the officer whether or not members of the group had committed any crimes, to which the officer responded "No, they only watched and shared sensitive materials.")

Testimony 4: An anonymous justice department employee in Setil Township also confirmed that a "young man by the name of Ibrahimjan Qasim died by suicide in the township in May [2020]."

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The victim presumably attracted police attention as a result of speaking out in relation to the Chinese government's treatment of Uyghurs via messages to the testifier and at least one voice testimony. The fact that the victim forwarded information in relation to Muhammad Memtimin (6207) and Memtimin Rusul (6206) to the testifier [apparently in December 2019] may have also been a contributing factor. [Before Memtimin Rusul (6206) was released from prison, local police were looking for the whistleblower who forwarded information in relation to Memtimin Rusul (6206) to the testifier.]

Victim's status

The victim is deceased. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier conversed with the victim via message in December 2019.

The testifier confirmed [via an unspecified source] on 20 September 2020 that the victim had passed away at his home in Kashgar on 27 May 2020.

Testimony 2:

At an unspecified point in time, Guly Mahsut called a telephone number that Ibrahimjan Qasim had previously shared with her. An unspecified individual picked up, and Guly Mahsut spoke with that individual. The individual said that Ibrahim Qasim "had learned he would be interned because he was born in the year 2000, thus falling within an age range for Uyghur men that is considered 'dangerous' by authorities." The individual who picked up the phone informed Guly Mahsut that Ibrahimjan Qasim had killed himself on 27 May 2020. The individual also said that upon returning to Setil Township, Ibrahimjan Qasim was regularly called in to speak with police. (According to that individual, after his return to Setil Township, Ibrahimjan Qasim and a group of similarly aged peers "had black hoods placed over their heads [by police] and were told they would be sent to internment camps.")

Testimony 3-4: these are people in the local government organs, and presumably have more direct knowledge of the case.

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 2-4):

Testimony 2: Guly Mahsut received audio messages from Ibrahimjan Qasim when he was in Fujian before he was contacted by the authorities, saying that he "knew of several peers in Yengisar who had been taken to the camps 'for no reason' -- including his 16-year-old cousin Muhammed Memtimin."

Testimony 2: Guly Mahsut says that Ibrahimjan Qasim "had explored ways that he could flee China, despite having no passport, and had asked her for advice on how to do so." Ibrahimjan Qasim was reportedly aware of how the mass incarceration campaign in the XUAR had ramped up in 2018 and 2019, and believed that he would also be sent to a concentration camp. Initially, he considered a route to either Tajikistan or Kazakhstan, but was afraid of the strict control that authorities exert over the movement of Uyghurs within the XUAR. Ibrahimjan Qasim contacted a smuggler, who told him that he could take him to Hong Kong, from where he would be able to escape to Southeast Asia. Ibrahimjan was concerned that he would be "unable to continue to another country from increasingly restrictive Chinese island territory." Ibrahimjan Qasim came to believe that there was no way to escape China, and after receiving the call from authorities demanding that he to return to the XUAR, he feared that evading the authorities would put his family in danger, so he traveled back home to Siyitle Township, Yengisar County [from Fujian].

Victims among relatives

Memtimin Rusul (6206), Muhemmed Memtimin (6207)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Chinese ID: photo:

Entry created: 2021-01-31 Last updated: 2021-05-02 Latest status update: 2020-05-27 3191. Erkinjan Abdukerim

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: education

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abduweli Ayup, an Uyghur scholar, linguist, activist now living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

No known relation.

About the victim

Erkinjan Abdukerim, a primary school teacher in Kashgar's Awat township.

Victim's location

Body in Kashgar, presumably.

When victim was detained

Not stated.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Released from camp on September 30, 2018. Died shortly after.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information This victim is included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals, available at:

Entry created: 2019-03-22 Last updated: 2019-03-22 Latest status update: 2019-01-01 3234. Ehmed Sherazi

Chinese ID: 65220119????????O? (Kumul)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Status: concentration camp When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: religion

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Eliekber Abdurahman, originally from Hami but now a resident of Turkey. (nephew)

About the victim

Ehmed Sherazi, 69 years old (as of February 2019).

Testimony 2: he was the imam of the local community [presumably in Edir Village, where Eliekber is from].

Victim's location

[Probably in Hami, as that's where the family is from.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1: Taken to a camp together with testifier's older brothers (July/August 2017).

Testimony 2: died at some point later (unclear if death was natural or not).

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Testimony 2: deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Sheringul Abdurahman (3225), Abdusemed Abduwahid (3226), Ebu Hureyre Abdusemed (3227), Mehriban Abdusemed (3228), Hebibullah Abdusemed (3229), Abdugheni Abdurahman (3230), Abdurahman Sherazi (3113), Abduweli Abdugheni (3232), Patigul Abdulhemid (3231), Nasir Abdurahman (3233), Mutteqi Ehmed (3235), Abdurahman Bunyamin (3236), Ebubekri Bunyamin (3237), Abdurahman Yaqup (3238)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: 95162910588327&width=300 Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-03-23 Last updated: 2021-03-14 Latest status update: 2021-02-09 3379. Mutellip Nurmehmet (木他力甫·努尔麦麦提)

Chinese ID: 6501??19780918??O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 40 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|3: Erkin Sidiq, an Uyghur-American NASA engineer living in the United States. He was born in Aksu and is a graduate of Xinjiang University. (friend)

Testimony 2: Rishat Musajan, the mayor of Hotan.

Testimony 4: Mir'ehmet Ablet, a Dutch citizen of Uyghur descent. (friend)

About the victim

Mutellip Nurmehmet earned two master’s degrees in the United States - one in business administration from California State University, and one in information systems from Northeastern University.

He had two children who had been born in the United States. In 2004, he returned to Xinjiang, where he would have several businesses, including the (previously foreign owned) "Ice Mountain" ice cream shop/factory.

Victim's location

Died in Urumqi.

When victim was detained

He was allegedly forced to revoke the US citizenship of his two children upon returning to Xinjiang.

In 2018, he was sent to a camp and kept there for about 9 months. According to Erkin Sidiq, he was nearly tortured to death there, before being returned to his parents and dying 8-9 days later in the hospital from internal bleeding.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Possibly for studying in the US. Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

It is not clear how Erkin Sidiq, the victim's friend and source of the original testimony, learned about Mutellip's detention and death.

The death has been confirmed by the Chinese officials.

Additional information

The "Ice Mountain" ice cream business:

Other businesses:

Mentioned in a report by the Uyghur Human Rights Project:

Originally reported by Erkin Sidiq on one of his websites:

Following the victim's case being mentioned in the 2019 Congressional-Executive Commission on China report, the Xinjiang People's Government Information Office held a press conference (, in which they confirmed Mutellip's death but said that he had "never studied at a vocational education and training center before his death" and "died of excessive drinking, respiratory failure and acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding". CGTN also produced a similar video, "interviewing" both Mutellip's father and wife.

Official communication(s)

Source: XUAR People's Government Information Office


[This is an excerpt from an official press conference held on March 2, 2020 by the XUAR People's Government Information Office.]

China Global Television Network: The CECC’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2019-China alleged that:"Xinjiang arbitrarily detained ethnic minorities including the Uygur and tortured the detainees. Nurmuhemmet Tohti, a famous Uygur writer, died in a detention camp; A Uygur named Mutellip Nurmehmet died 9 days after releasing from the Education and Training Center." Is it true?

Xu Guixiang: This question goes to Rishat Musajan.

Rishat Musajan, Mayor of Hotan City: Xinjiang fights terrorism and extremism in accordance with law, which doesn't target any ethnicity, and protect people under the threat of terrorism and extremism instead. This is the important principle we uphold all the time. In practice, we insist that everyone, regardless of his or her identity or ethnicity, is equal before the law as long as he or she breaks the law. Anyone who engages in terrorism and extremism related activities or endangers public safety and property, will surely be brought to justice. In line with the principle of the criminal law that advocates a combination of punishment and leniency, we resort to education and rehabilitation to bring about and educate people who are infected by religious extremism and committed minor offences in education and training Centers established according to the law. So-called “arbitrary detentions of ethnic minorities including the Uygur” have never existed at all.

In real practice, the education and training centers strictly followed the Constitution and laws to prevent any violation of the basic rights of the trainees. Trainees' personal freedom at the education and training centers were protected. The centers were managed in residential education model which allowed trainees to go back home and ask for leave to attend personal affairs. The trainees’ right to use their spoken and written languages were fully protected at the centers. The regulations, curriculum, and menus at the centers all used local ethnic languages as well as . The customs of all ethnic groups were fully respected and protected, and a variety of nutritious Muslim food was provided free of charge. The education and training centers respect the trainees’ freedom of religious belief. The trainees decided on their own whether to take part in religious activities when they went back home. The centers were fitted with clinics on campus providing the trainees with 24-hour medical care free of charge. Minor ailments were treated in the clinics, while acute and serious illnesses will be timely referred to and treated at hospitals.

The allegations in the CECC's report that writer Nurmuhemmet Tohti died in a detention camp; and Mutellip Nurmehmet died 9 days after being releasing from a education and training center are totally fabricated rumors out of thin air. Nurmuhemmet Tohti is a Uygur from Hotan who has never studied in any education and training center. He had been suffering from heart disease for 20 years, in which he either was hospitalized for treatment or stayed at home for recuperation for quite long time. On the evening of May 31, 2019, he was struck by a massive heart attack and rush to a hospital where he died after emergency rescue failed.

Mutellip Nurmehmet, male, Uygur, a native of Urumqi, Xinjiang, had never studied in any education and training center before he died. According to the information reporters obtained through a visit to his home, he died of excessive drinking derived acute alcohol intoxication, alcoholic encephalopathy, respiratory failure and acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

The death of one’s relatives is a heart broken experience. However, some Americans made rumors about it, which made them extremely angry. I think anyone with a conscience would never do such a immoral thing.


China News Service: It was mentioned in the CECC’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2019-China that the Washington Post interviewed the wife of Zharqynbek Otan, a Chinese Kazakh by ethnicity who had been held in a "Vocation Education and Training Center" for nearly two years before he returned back to Kazakhstan. After release, he suffers memory impairment, among other health problems". Can you give some more information on this?

Xu Guixiang: This question goes to Elijan Anayit.

Elijan Anayit, Spokesperson of the Information Office of the People's Government of XUAR: Zharqynbek Otan is a 33-year-old Kazakh from of Ili Kazakh Prefecture, Xinjiang. On January 16, 2017, he entered China via Horgas Port from Kazakhstan. Border check found his passport pages from 15 to 20 were missing and his Kazakhstan Visa on Page 22 was deliberately altered by him manually. According to Item 1, Article 71 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Entry and Exit Administration. he was handed an administrative punishment and his passport nullified by local police agency.

Since then, Zharqynbek Otan has been living in his father's house at No.186 Honghanai Street, Zhaosu Country. His personal freedom has never been restricted and he never studied at any Vocational Education and Training Center. On October 26, 2018, upon his personal application for visiting his family members in Kazakhstan, local authority issued him a new passport through due procedures and he departed China on November 11, 2018. His family members in China affirmed that he was in good health condition with no memory problems before he left, let alone such a thing that he barely recognizes his family members.

With this opportunity, I would like to remind journalists from some American media, the handful of so-called witnesses you had interviewed, especially "East Turkistan" members wandering overseas, not only fabricate rumors themselves but also exploit the international media coverage by every means to mislead public opinion. I hope that your future reports must be based on fact and truth. Don't fall into traps of these vicious people and become a spreader of rumors, which damages your public credibility.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: CGTN propaganda video: Twitter mention: Testimony 4: alleged hospital form (state media): alleged cause of death (state media): official communication(s):

Entry created: 2019-04-01 Last updated: 2020-06-01 Latest status update: 2018-12-22 3567. Zahirjan Ghopur

Chinese ID: 65300119????????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (8 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1-2: Ghupur Musa, from Azghan village of Atush city.

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: son

About the victim

Zahirjan Ghupur. He was detained in July, 2013 and sentenced for 8 years in 2014. He died in prison on March 15th, 2018. His body wasn't returned.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

July, 2013

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status died in prison

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear Additional information


Victims among relatives

Shairjan Ghopur (3566), Nurnisa Musa (3568), Memetimin Memeteli (3569), Mehmut Memeteli (3570), Memeteli Semet (4928), Aynur Memeteli (3571), Abdushukur Semet (3572), Weli Semet (3573)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-04-10 Last updated: 2019-07-05 Latest status update: 2019-01-26 3626. Ehet Aman

Chinese ID: 65290119????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: education

Testifying party

Testimony 1: @UyghurScientist, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2|3: Erkin Sidiq, an Uyghur-American NASA engineer living in the United States. He was born in Aksu and is a graduate of Xinjiang University. (former student)

About the victim

Ehet Aman was the principal of the Aksu No. 1 Middle School, where he had previously been an Uyghur literature teacher.

Victim's location

[In Aksu, presumably.]

When victim was detained

Ehet was taken to a concentration camp in 2018, and reportedly died while in camp in January 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated explicitly, though the Twitter user mentions "reliable sources".

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-04-14 Last updated: 2020-10-11 Latest status update: 2020-02-07 3631. Sagdolla Anarqan

Chinese ID: 65230119????????E? (Changji)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Changji Status: other When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): other|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|3|4: Alnur Ahat, born in 1973, is a Kazakhstan citizen. (relative)

Testimony 2: Zhenis Qazez, a citizen of Kazakhstan. (brother-in-law)

Testimony 5: Zhaqsylyq Dastan, born in 1960, is a Kazakhstan citizen. (relative)

Testimony 6: Official indictment, issued by a procuratorate and charging a given person(s) with an offense.

About the victim

Sagdolla Anarqan lived in Changji City's Ashyl Township.

Victim's location

She died at her home in Ashyl.

When victim was detained

According to her in-laws in Kazakhstan, she committed suicide on July 31, 2018 by throwing herself into a methane-generating pit. This was allegedly prompted by news that her husband would be detained again (he had already been detained and released in terrible condition).

The official version, as written in the Changji People's Procuratorate indictment, is that she and her husband got in an argument at 1 in the morning on July 31, 2018, with her husband murdering her and then throwing her body into the methane-generating pit.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

--- Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

It is not clear how his relatives in Kazakhstan learned about the events.

The indictment is an official government source, however.

Additional information


Court verdict

Original: Translation: Side-by-side:

Victims among relatives

Aqyl Qazez (1890)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 4: Testimony 5:

Entry created: 2019-04-15 Last updated: 2020-10-06 Latest status update: 2018-12-28 3638. Bawdun Idris

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: deceased Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*: Nejmidin Raman, originally from Kashgar but now living in the Netherlands. (great-nephew)

Testimony 2: Nejmidin Raman, as reported by Global Voices. (great-nephew)

About the victim

Bawdun Idris was a farmer and fruit seller from Qorghan, Kashgar. He was in his early 60s.

Address: Kokang Village, Qorghan Township, Kashgar City.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Unclear. Sometime between 2016-2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Presumably for praying and being a pious person.

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier was made aware through a second-hand source that Bawdun had died in a re-education camp sometime between 2018 and 2019. He called the Chinese Embassy in The Hague to clarify but was refused any information. Additional information

Bawdun’s older brother Raman Idris also died in detention.

Global Voices coverage: r-refugees/

Victims among relatives

Nurbiye Mamut (3676), Alimjan Mamut (374), Aynur Mamut (3678), Qunahun Memet (3691), Mahmut Qunahun (3692), Reyhangul Raman (3720), Arzugul Raman (3719), Raman Idris (371), Memtimin Raman (3639), Abduweli Raman (3640), Goyagul Raman (3997), Rizwangul Memet (12949), Qasimjan Ahun (4154), Mamutjan Raman (373), Hestili Ahun (4155), Idris Ahun (4156), Denagul Ahun (4157), Reyhangul Helptim (4162), Yehya Bawdun (5324), Zorigul Bawdun (5325), Ayshemgul Bawdun (5326), Ghopur Bawdun (5327), Imam Tohti (13334), Nurmemet Imam (5696), Ruqiye Imam (13332), Ehmetjan Qunahun (13337), Nuramine Imam (5521), Omerjan Abdureshit (5394), Nurmemet Eziz (4951), Rustemjan Eziz (13335), Buhelchem Memet (13336), Gheni Memet (13338), Reyhangul Abdureshit (13339), Busara Memettursun (13340), Abdurazaq Memettursun (13341), Memtimin Memettursun (13342), Hestili Abdureshit (13343)

Entry created: 2019-04-18 Last updated: 2020-09-03 Latest status update: 2020-07-17 3682. Waris Ababekri (瓦尔斯·阿巴拜克)

Chinese ID: 650102196502084512 (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 54 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: Jan. 2019 - Mar. 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"terrorism" Health status: deceased Profession: art & literature

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: World Uyghur Congress, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 3: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 4: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

Testimony 5: The "Shanghai List", as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

About the victim

Waris Ababekri, one of the former leaders of the 1988 Uyghur student movement. He was a writer and film producer at the Xinjiang Dolan Co. He also launched the Tengritagh Ekrani magazine.

Testimony 2: He was born in 1966 in Urumchi. He participated in orginazing "12th Novermber student movement" in 1985. In 1987, he and Dolqun Isa, Rushan Abbas built " Science and Culture Student Union" and he was secretary general of it and he was also the editor of "Science and Culture" magazine. He and Dolqun Isa were expeled from university because they participated in orginazing the Student Moment in 1988. In 1994, He started Yoluchilar Technology and Information Company. He has been arrested and released many times.

Testimony 2: According to the WUC, the student protest in 1988 that the victim helped organised in response to Chinese discrimination against Uyghur people also called for "an end to nuclear tests in the XUAR, democratic elections, and the halt of mass migration of majority Han Chinese to the region."

Victim's location

[Presumably passed away in Urumqi.] When victim was detained

Testimony 3: He was arrested and put in concentration camp in January 2019 for unknown reasons. He died of a sudden heart attack after being released. The funeral rites for the victim were performed at the Noghay Mosque in Urumqi.

Testimony 2: the victim died on 14 November 2019 (one week after being released).

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 5: the "Shanghai List" reported him as a "terrorist suspect" [though it's not clear what this really entailed]

Victim's status

Testimony 2-3: Deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1-2: Not stated.

Testimony 3: this is a local government employee and presumably has more direct knowledge of the case.

Additional information

This victim is included in the list of detained Uyghur intellectuals (Testimony 1), available at:

RFA coverage (Testimony 2+3+5):

Facebook group in his memory:

Supplementary materials photos: registration for TV show:

Entry created: 2019-04-22 Last updated: 2021-06-30 Latest status update: 2019-11-28 3911. Abdukerim Abduweli

Chinese ID: 6529231955??????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 62-63 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced (28 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|other Health status: deceased Profession: religion

Testifying party

Testimony 1|3: Amnesty International, a human rights organization.

Testimony 2: World Uyghur Congress, an international organization of exiled Uyghur groups.

.an unverified Facebook account ,"لىچائ" :Testimony 4

Testimony 5: Uyghur Human Rights Project, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 6: Muhemmetimin Abduweli, originally from Aksu's Kucha County, but living abroad since 1996. He now lives in Sweden. (brother)

About the victim

Abdukerim Abduwali (阿不都克热木*阿不都外力), resident of Kuche county in Aksu prefecture, was a religious leader.

Testimony 2: born in Aksu Prefecture in 1955.

Victim's location

Xinjiang No. 3 prison, Urumqi [at the time of death]

When victim was detained

Detained on November 17, 1990.

He was initially sentenced to 12 years on May 6, 1993, but has been given numerous extensions throughout his imprisonment. His consolidated sentence is set to expire on December 25, 2018. AI reported (20 September 12, Testimony 3) that prison authorities were denying necessary medical attention to Abduwali after he had developed bone and joint cancer.

Testimony 4: he died in prison in 2017. Testimony 5: Abduweli held several hunger strikes to protest his prolonged incarceration, including for nine months in late 2011.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Attempting to establish the "Islamic Reformist Party", which fell under the category of "counterrevolutionary" crimes.

Testimony 6: sentenced for "propagating and instigating counter-revolutionary ideology".

Victim's status

Testimony 4: died in prison.

Testimony 6: Muhemmet'imin had contacted his younger brother, Abdurahman, in 2014 and heard from him that the victim "was ill and couldn't walk". Abdurahman had met with the victim during one of the "handful of family visits [the victim] was allowed each year." The victim was reportedly also "very thin" and confined to a wheelchair.

[There is a high likelihood that the victim was subjected to forced labor while at the prison, as the Xinjiang No. 3 Lathe Factory is based inside the prison and is reported to employ the majority of inmates.]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1+3: according to family

Testimony 4: not stated

Testimony 6: In June last year, Muhemmet'imin heard from an Uyghur worker from Turpan who was helping to renovate his home in Istanbul, Turkey [where he presumably lived before moving to Norway/Sweden] that the victim might have passed away in jail. The Uyghur worker had a close friend who served some time in prison and told him that Kerem Qari died in jail.

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 6): _1424.pdf (Testimony 3)

Amnesty report (Testimony 1): r-after-prison-term-increased-fifth-time/

World Uyghur Congress entry (Testimony 2): Victims among relatives

Ayshe Muhemmetimin (8264), Salahidin Muhemmetimin (8265), Ruqiye Muhemmetimin (8266), Abdurahman Abduweli (11849), Ibrahim Abduweli (11850)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 4: 06258&show_text=true&width=300 photo:

Entry created: 2019-04-27 Last updated: 2020-12-26 Latest status update: 2018-12-14 3930. Salima Tursyn

Chinese ID: 6540261953??????E? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 65-66 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: outside China Status: free When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Zhumaghaly Tursyn, born in 1975

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Salima Tursynqyzy, born in 1953. Went from Kazakhstan back to China in October 2017, when her documents were confiscated. Her documents when given back when she decided to go to Kazakhstan again on December 5, 2017, but had to name her son-in-law as a guarantor that she would return after 30 days, otherwise he would be sent to a concentration camp.

Victim's location

Previously in Zhaosu county, Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture, but returned to Kazakhstan in early 2019.

When victim was detained

After she came back from Kazakhstan on January 15, her documents were confiscated again.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Update from someone whose family knows the victim (late May 2019):

After being stuck in China with her documents confiscated, she finally returned to Kazakhstan around March 2019. In April 2019, she passed away from heart disease and hypertension. From the sound of it, she was given only two months to stay in Kazakhstan, with her anxiety causing her poor health to deteriorate.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-04-28 Last updated: 2019-05-30 Latest status update: 2019-05-25 4103. Abdusalam Niyaz

Chinese ID: 65292719????????O? (Uchturpan)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Abdusalam Niyaz was the brother of Mamat Niyaz. He was a farmer by profession, and was a resident of Jambizim Street, No. 4 Group, No. 12 Village, Imamlirim Township, Uchturpan County. He passed away in detention in approximately February 2020. He was 50 years old at the time of his death [this is presumably an approximate age].

He is described as the head of a household. It is implied that he was married and had children.

Victim's location

[Presumably passed away in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Exact time of arrest unclear.

He was held at a camp called "Kuangtai" in Uchturpan County.

He was reportedly in good health prior to his detention.

Abdusalam Niyaz passed away in detention in approximately February 2020.

The precise cause of his death is unknown.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

--- Victim's status

The victim is deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. The testifier is a police officer in Imamlirim Township; he may have dealt with the victim directly at some point in time, or otherwise had access to official information relating to the victim.

Additional information

Link to RFA article:

Victims among relatives

Memet Niyaz (4109)

Entry created: 2021-02-27 Last updated: 2021-02-27 Latest status update: 2020-02-28 4109. Memet Niyaz

Chinese ID: 65292719????????O? (Uchturpan)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Mamat Niyaz was the brother of Abdusalam Niyaz. He was a farmer by profession, and was a resident of Jambizim Street, No. 4 Group, No. 12 Village, Imamlirim Township, Uchturpan County. He passed away in detention at some point in 2018. He was 55 years old at the time of his death [this age is presumably approximate].

He is described as the head of a household. It is implied that he was married and had children.

Victim's location

[Presumably passed away in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unclear when arrested.

He was held at a camp called "Kuangtai" in Uchturpan County.

He was reportedly in good health prior to his detention.

Mamat Niyaz passed away in detention at some point in 2018.

The precise cause of his death is unknown.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

--- Victim's status

The victim is deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. The testifier is a police officer in Imamlirim Township; he may have dealt with the victim directly at some point in time, or otherwise had access to official information relating to the victim.

Additional information

Link to RFA article:

Victims among relatives

Abdusalam Niyaz (4103)

Entry created: 2021-02-27 Last updated: 2021-02-27 Latest status update: 2018-12-31 4110. Turdi Osman

Chinese ID: 65292719????????O? (Uchturpan)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Turdi Osman was a farmer from Jambizim Street, No. 4 Group, No. 12 Village, Imamlirim Township, Uchturpan County. He passed away in detention at some point in 2018. He was "believed to be in his 40s" at the time of his death.

He is described as the head of a household. It is implied that he was married and had children.

Victim's location

[Presumably passed away in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

Unclear when first arrested.

He was held at a camp called "Kuangtai" in Uchturpan County.

He was reportedly in good health prior to his detention.

Turdi Osman passed away in detention at some point in 2018.

The precise cause of his death is unknown.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status The victim is deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. The testifier is a police officer in Imamlirim Township; he may have dealt with the victim directly at some point in time, or otherwise had access to official information relating to the victim.

Additional information

Link to RFA article:

Entry created: 2021-02-27 Last updated: 2021-02-27 Latest status update: 2018-12-31 4273. Imam Abla

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: concentration camp When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abduweli Ayup, an Uyghur scholar, linguist, activist now living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

Not stated

About the victim

Imam Abla (Imam hajim), a 45-47 year old businessman.

Victim's location

Re-education camp on Egiz Erik Road (艾格孜艾日克路), Kashgar city

When victim was detained

March 2016

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Died in camp on June 15, 2017

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony: 32015693500974&width=300

Entry created: 2019-05-16 Last updated: 2019-05-16 Latest status update: 2019-05-12 4274. Buzora Abliz

Chinese ID: 65310119????????E? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: housemaker

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abduweli Ayup, an Uyghur scholar, linguist, activist now living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

Not stated

About the victim

Buzora Abliz, a 45 year old housewife.

Victim's location

Kashgar city

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Died in camp in July 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony: 32015693500974&width=300

Entry created: 2019-05-16 Last updated: 2019-05-16 Latest status update: 2019-05-12 4275. Tahir Mijit (塔依尔·米吉提)

Chinese ID: 65????19720501??O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 47 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: other

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abduweli Ayup, an Uyghur scholar, linguist, activist now living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

Not stated

About the victim

Tahir Mijit, 40 years old, famous charity organizer, philanthropist and millionaire.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Died in camp on August 16, 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony: 32015693500974&width=300 Chinese passport:

Entry created: 2019-05-16 Last updated: 2019-05-16 Latest status update: 2019-05-12 4276. Hebibhan Meruf

Chinese ID: 65212319????????O? (Toksun)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abduweli Ayup, an Uyghur scholar, linguist, activist now living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

Not stated

About the victim

Hebibhan Meruf, a businessman.

Victim's location

Toksun county, Turpan prefecture

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Died in camp in February 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony: 32015693500974&width=300

Entry created: 2019-05-16 Last updated: 2019-05-16 Latest status update: 2019-05-12 4277. Eysa Rusul

Chinese ID: 65310119????????O? (Kashgar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abduweli Ayup, an Uyghur scholar, linguist, activist now living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

Not stated

About the victim

Eysa Rusul, a businessman.

Victim's location

Kashgar city

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Died in a camp in 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony: 32015693500974&width=300

Entry created: 2019-05-16 Last updated: 2019-05-16 Latest status update: 2019-05-12 4278. Gholam Memet

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abduweli Ayup, an Uyghur scholar, linguist, activist now living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

Not stated

About the victim

Gholam Memet, a businessman.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Died in camp in January 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony: 32015693500974&width=300

Entry created: 2019-05-16 Last updated: 2019-05-16 Latest status update: 2019-05-12 4279. Rehimjan Tursun

Chinese ID: 6542??19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Tacheng Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abduweli Ayup, an Uyghur scholar, linguist, activist now living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

Not stated

About the victim

Rehimjan Tursun, born in Tacheng prefecture, 41 year old.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Tacheng.]

When victim was detained

Around September-October 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Died in camps on May 30, 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony: 32015693500974&width=300

Entry created: 2019-05-16 Last updated: 2021-03-02 Latest status update: 2019-05-12 4280. Tewekkul Rozi (塔瓦库力·肉孜)

Chinese ID: 650103197807182819 (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 40 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abduweli Ayup, an Uyghur scholar, linguist, activist now living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

Not stated

About the victim

Tawakkul Rozi (塔瓦库力*肉孜), born on July 18, 1978. ID address: Urumqi city, , Shengli Road (胜利路) 358, Building No. 3, Entrance 2, No. 702.

Victim's location


When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Died in camp in 2018

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony: 32015693500974&width=300 Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-05-16 Last updated: 2021-03-02 Latest status update: 2019-05-12 4281. Reyhangul Muhemmet

Chinese ID: 65292919????????E? (Kelpin)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: education

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Abduweli Ayup, an Uyghur scholar, activist, and linguist now living in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

No known relation.

About the victim

Reyhangul Muhemmet, a teacher in Kelpin Township.

Victim's location

Presumably in Aksu.

When victim was detained

Not stated.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

She died in camp on February 27, 2018.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony: 32015693500974&width=300

Entry created: 2019-05-27 Last updated: 2019-05-27 Latest status update: 2019-05-12 4296. Qemergul Abliz

Chinese ID: 6531????????????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Muradil Emer, originally from Kashgar but now living in Turkey. (brother-in-law)

About the victim

Qamergul Abliz.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar]

When victim was detained

Between January and June 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Died in re-education camp

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

"From third party sources"

Additional information


Victims among relatives Mamutjan Emer (4294), Alimjan Emer (4295), Nurmemetjan Emer (4297), Hesenjan Emer (4298), Rusul Emer (4299), Rustem Emer (4300), Ekber Emer (4301)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-05-20 Last updated: 2020-04-01 Latest status update: 2019-05-17 4383. Nurimangul Memet

Chinese ID: 65282219930808??E? (Bugur)

Basic info

Age: 24 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: concentration camp When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|other Health status: deceased Profession: security/police

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

RFA reported

Victim's relation to testifier none

About the victim

Nurimangul Memet. She was born on August 8th, 1993 in Yengisar township (yeza) of Bugur county. She was arrested in December, 2017 from his working place at Transportation department of Hotan city. She was arrested for being irresponsible on checking a few suspects at check stations, then sent back to her hometown Bugur and placed in 27th camp. Her father was informed after her death and asked to pay for the treatment fee.

Victim's location

Bugur county, Bayingolin prefecture

When victim was detained

December, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Not being responsible enough at her work at checkpoints

Victim's status dead

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? victim's classmates testified

Additional information


Entry created: 2019-05-24 Last updated: 2019-05-29 Latest status update: 2018-06-04 4528. Tursun Ablet

Chinese ID: 65312519????????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: other When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party


Victim's relation to testifier

Information publicly available

About the victim name: Tursun Ablet gender: male ethnicity: Uyghur place of residence: No. 1 village Tomosteng township, Yarkand county, Kashgar prefecture

Tursun Ablet hanged himself at his home in No. 1 village Tomosteng township, Yarkand county, Kashgar prefecture. According to a police officer called by RFA, Tursun Ablet committed suicide because of 'verbal harassment' and 'abuse of his dignity' he had to endure during class in a "re-education" camp since he was having difficulties with his studies.

Victim's location possibly Yarkand county, Kashgar prefecture

When victim was detained not detained

Likely (or given) reason for detention not detained

Victim's status deceased

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? (published 9 MAY 2018)

Additional information


Entry created: 2019-06-01 Last updated: 2019-06-02 Latest status update: 2018-05-09 4615. Yalqun Qurban

Chinese ID: 65012119????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: other When problems started: Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: deceased Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Oqya Uyghur

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Yalqun Qurban. He is 37 years old, from Ananqu township of urumqi county. He was a rich farmer with a lot of farmland and domestic animals. He is also owner of a local hotel and restaurant. He never had passport. In 2015, His mother traveled for Hajj, and he was the supporter. He was arrested in December, 2017 and placed in concentration camp. 10 Months later (around September, 2018), he was returned to home severely sick, and died in hospital after 10 days treatment. His funeral was performed under censorship.

Victim's location

Urumqi (died)

When victim was detained

December, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention

For helping and allowing her mother to go for hajj. And keeping prayer's carpet brought back home from Mecca by his mother.

Victim's status

Died in around September 2018 How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Victim's wife sent him pictures and information

Additional information


Supplementary materials original testimony: 5953743394&width=300

Entry created: 2019-06-05 Last updated: 2019-06-05 Latest status update: 2018-10-13 4633. Gulbahar Tohti

Chinese ID: 65322419????????E? (Lop)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: other When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Tohtirozi, from Hoten's . Now residing in Europe.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's relative.

About the victim

Gulbahar Tohti, the late wife of victim Bekir Imin (4634). Ran a shop at the village bazar that sold oil and flour. Mother of four (two sons and two daughters), she was in her late 40s when she passed away.

Address: Hanggiya Township, Lop County, Hotan Prefecture.

Victim's location

In Hanggiya.

When victim was detained

She herself wasn't detained, but was left without a caretaker when her husband was taken to camp. As a result, she passed away approximately 2 years ago (as of June 2019). It's not clear when her husband was taken.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Deceased from illness. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Presumably through friends/relatives, as the testifier is from the same region.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Shireli Obul (5140), Aynisa Imin (4632), Turghun Tursunniyaz (5139), Bekir Imin (4634)

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2019-06-08 Last updated: 2019-06-08 Latest status update: 2019-06-08 4669. Omiruzaq Maqan

Chinese ID: 6522221980??????O? (Barkol)

Basic info

Age: 37-38 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Hami Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): other|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Mandarin. (from same town/region)

Testimony 3: Qydyrali Oraz, an activist in Kazakhstan and founder of the original Atajurt Kazakh Human Rights organization.

About the victim

Omiruzaq Maqan (RFA article: Omirzhan Markhan)

From RFA: Omirzhan Markhan died in police custody after he enquired at the county's police department about the whereabouts of his two younger brothers who had disappeared. Omirzhan was detained on Sept 1, 2017 and died the same day. According to 'Kazakh sources in the area' referred to by RFA, Omirzhan was "beaten to death by police". The body is said to have been taken back to the family and was burried soon after. The family of Omirzhan was warned not to speak to anyone about this incident.

Address: Sarchek Township, Barkol Kazakh Autonomous county, Hami region

Victim's location

[Presumably deceased in Barkol.]

When victim was detained

1 Sept 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention asking for the reason of his two brothers' detention

Victim's status

Testimony 3: sentenced to 13 years in prison and deceased after being beaten up by the local police How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

Also covered by RFA (Testimony 1-2): (published 8 SEPT 2017) report (Testimony 3):

Entry created: 2019-06-13 Last updated: 2020-08-09 Latest status update: 2018-10-20 4695. Nurmuhemmed Tohti (努尔买买提·托合提)

Chinese ID: 65322119491231??O? ()

Basic info

Age: 70 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|related to religion Health status: deceased Profession: art & literature

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Berna Ilchi, as reported by Voice of America. (granddaughter)

Testimony 2: Zohre Ilchi, as reported by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. (daughter)

Testimony 3: Babur Ilchi, as reported by Globe and Mail. (grandson)

Testimony 4: Chinese government spokesperson, as reported by Globe and Mail.

Testimony 5: Zohre Ilchi, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (daughter)

Testimony 6: Babur Ilchi, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (grandson)

Testimony 7: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 8: Rishat Musajan, the mayor of Hotan. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Nurmuhemmed Tohti was born in Hotan County's Tewekkul Township. After finishing school in Hotan, he initially became a farmer, but would later go on to study mathematics at Xinjiang University (1973-1977), and teach at Hotan Normal College.

In 1984, he started his writing career, and would write over 50 stories, in addition to working as a professional writer at the Xinjiang Writers Union. He also served as a Chinese Communist Party secretary in the Hotan region.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan at the time of his death.]

When victim was detained Detained in November 2018, then released in March 2019.

He passed away on May 31, 2019, with his relatives abroad claiming that he had had heart problems and diabetes prior to the detention, and that he was not provided with the necessary medicine while detained.

The Chinese authorities have replied with the claim that he had diabetes for over 20 years, and that he had a heart attack on May 31, dying on the way to the hospital.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

A Chinese government spokesperson, as reported by the Globe and Mail, said that the victim was "put under residential surveillance for illegal religious activities".

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

After his release from camp, the victim's daughter, Zohre Ilchi, had a phone call with Nurmuhemmed, while many other family members listened. Nurmuhemmed allegedly could not speak and instead cried throughout the call.

After his death, the family also had a phone call with the victim's wife, who confirmed the news.

The employee in the Radio Free Asia report and the spokesman reported in Globe and Mail are government sources, who presumably have more direct knowledge of the case.

Additional information

Story covered by Voice of America:

Story covered by The Guardian: ducation-camp

Story covered by CBC: hor-says-conditions-at-chinese-re-education-camp-killed-her-father-1.5183092

Globe and Mail coverage: ples-with-the/ was-under/

Radio Free Asia coverage: Press conference:

State-media coverage that explicitly confirms his detention:

Grandson's remembrance post:

Official communication(s)

Source: XUAR People's Government Information Office


[This is an excerpt from an official press conference held on March 2, 2020 by the XUAR People's Government Information Office.]

China Global Television Network: The CECC’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2019-China alleged that:"Xinjiang arbitrarily detained ethnic minorities including the Uygur and tortured the detainees. Nurmuhemmet Tohti, a famous Uygur writer, died in a detention camp; A Uygur named Mutellip Nurmehmet died 9 days after releasing from the Education and Training Center." Is it true?

Xu Guixiang: This question goes to Rishat Musajan.

Rishat Musajan, Mayor of Hotan City: Xinjiang fights terrorism and extremism in accordance with law, which doesn't target any ethnicity, and protect people under the threat of terrorism and extremism instead. This is the important principle we uphold all the time. In practice, we insist that everyone, regardless of his or her identity or ethnicity, is equal before the law as long as he or she breaks the law. Anyone who engages in terrorism and extremism related activities or endangers public safety and property, will surely be brought to justice. In line with the principle of the criminal law that advocates a combination of punishment and leniency, we resort to education and rehabilitation to bring about and educate people who are infected by religious extremism and committed minor offences in education and training Centers established according to the law. So-called “arbitrary detentions of ethnic minorities including the Uygur” have never existed at all.

In real practice, the education and training centers strictly followed the Constitution and laws to prevent any violation of the basic rights of the trainees. Trainees' personal freedom at the education and training centers were protected. The centers were managed in residential education model which allowed trainees to go back home and ask for leave to attend personal affairs. The trainees’ right to use their spoken and written languages were fully protected at the centers. The regulations, curriculum, and menus at the centers all used local ethnic languages as well as standard Chinese. The customs of all ethnic groups were fully respected and protected, and a variety of nutritious Muslim food was provided free of charge. The education and training centers respect the trainees’ freedom of religious belief. The trainees decided on their own whether to take part in religious activities when they went back home. The centers were fitted with clinics on campus providing the trainees with 24-hour medical care free of charge. Minor ailments were treated in the clinics, while acute and serious illnesses will be timely referred to and treated at hospitals.

The allegations in the CECC's report that writer Nurmuhemmet Tohti died in a detention camp; and Mutellip Nurmehmet died 9 days after being releasing from a education and training center are totally fabricated rumors out of thin air. Nurmuhemmet Tohti is a Uygur from Hotan who has never studied in any education and training center. He had been suffering from heart disease for 20 years, in which he either was hospitalized for treatment or stayed at home for recuperation for quite long time. On the evening of May 31, 2019, he was struck by a massive heart attack and rush to a hospital where he died after emergency rescue failed.

Mutellip Nurmehmet, male, Uygur, a native of Urumqi, Xinjiang, had never studied in any education and training center before he died. According to the information reporters obtained through a visit to his home, he died of excessive drinking derived acute alcohol intoxication, alcoholic encephalopathy, respiratory failure and acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

The death of one’s relatives is a heart broken experience. However, some Americans made rumors about it, which made them extremely angry. I think anyone with a conscience would never do such a immoral thing.


China News Service: It was mentioned in the CECC’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2019-China that the Washington Post interviewed the wife of Zharqynbek Otan, a Chinese Kazakh by ethnicity who had been held in a "Vocation Education and Training Center" for nearly two years before he returned back to Kazakhstan. After release, he suffers memory impairment, among other health problems". Can you give some more information on this?

Xu Guixiang: This question goes to Elijan Anayit.

Elijan Anayit, Spokesperson of the Information Office of the People's Government of XUAR: Zharqynbek Otan is a 33-year-old Kazakh from Zhaosu County of Ili Kazakh Prefecture, Xinjiang. On January 16, 2017, he entered China via Horgas Port from Kazakhstan. Border check found his passport pages from 15 to 20 were missing and his Kazakhstan Visa on Page 22 was deliberately altered by him manually. According to Item 1, Article 71 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Entry and Exit Administration. he was handed an administrative punishment and his passport nullified by local police agency.

Since then, Zharqynbek Otan has been living in his father's house at No.186 Honghanai Street, Zhaosu Country. His personal freedom has never been restricted and he never studied at any Vocational Education and Training Center. On October 26, 2018, upon his personal application for visiting his family members in Kazakhstan, local authority issued him a new passport through due procedures and he departed China on November 11, 2018. His family members in China affirmed that he was in good health condition with no memory problems before he left, let alone such a thing that he barely recognizes his family members.

With this opportunity, I would like to remind journalists from some American media, the handful of so-called witnesses you had interviewed, especially "East Turkistan" members wandering overseas, not only fabricate rumors themselves but also exploit the international media coverage by every means to mislead public opinion. I hope that your future reports must be based on fact and truth. Don't fall into traps of these vicious people and become a spreader of rumors, which damages your public credibility.

Supplementary materials

CGTN propaganda video: photo (with Y. Rozi and A. Heyt): photo with daughter and wife: photo with wife: thesis about his work: alleged hospital form (state media): official communication(s):

Entry created: 2019-06-14 Last updated: 2021-05-01 Latest status update: 2020-03-03 4701. Yaqup Rozi

Chinese ID: 65300119????????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: concentration camp When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim name: Yaqup Rozi gender: male ethnicity: Uyghur age: probably mid-40s (as of 18 APR 2019) place of origin: home in Shoroq village, Suntagh township, Atush city in Kizilsu prefecture

Yaqup Rozi died following a heart attack in a political 're-education camp', probably during the last week of March 2019. Yaqub had regularly conducted business in Kyrgyzstan and travelled to his home in Shoroq village, Suntagh township, Atush city in Kizilsu prefecture in early 2017 at the behest of local authorities. His passport was confiscated upon his return. One month after his return, he was summoned to the local police station for interrogation and was released. Another month later, police raided his home in the middle of the night, and took Yaqub away with a black hood over his head. Yaqup's family learned later that he had been taken to a political 're-education camp'. Following his death, authorities refused to hand over his body to his family. The family was only allowed to "observe as a state-appointed religious cleric washed his body and prepared it for burial according to Islamic tradition', according to a source cited by RFA. Yaqup died at a local hospital as the result of a heart attack, as one police officer confirmed. According to the official, Yaqup had originally been taken from detention to the hospital for medical treatment.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kizilsu.]

When victim was detained Testimony 1: early 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status deceased

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1: not stated.

Testimony 2: this is an employee at a local police station, with (presumably) relatively direct knowledge of the case.

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 1-2): (published 18 APR 2019)

Entry created: 2019-06-14 Last updated: 2020-10-11 Latest status update: 2019-04-18 4792. Sulayman Tohti

Chinese ID: 65302219????????O? (Aktu)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: religion

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Turghun Dawut, originally from Konasheher, Kashgar, but now living in Turkey. (former student)

Testimony 2: Istiqlal Media, an Uyghur media outlet based in Turkey.

Testimony 3: Abduqadir Jume, originally from Kashgar City's Nezerbagh Village, has been residing in Turkey since 2015. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Suleyman Tohti (Qarihajim), 91 (Istiqlal reports him as being 86). He is from in village of Pilal in Aktu, Kizilsu. "70% people in Kashgar know this scholar" says the testifier. He was detained in Ramadan 2017, which was around June. He was then released due to his age. However, officials detained him again during that period. He died during interrogation according to the officials. They buried him in front of his 2 sons. Suleyman had 16 children. They did not give his body back to his family.

Testimony 3: from Dondur Neighborhood (Village) in Pilal Township.

Victim's location

Presumably in Kizilsu.

When victim was detained

June 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status Deceased (unclear if in police custody or other type of detention)

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

Turghun could not get any info about Suleyman's 16 children or over 100 grandchildren since 2017. Turghun saw some recent photos of his village Bulaksuyi. The most populated Bazaars are now empty. People got vanished. He has over 150 relatives in the village. He has no idea about their whereabouts. html.14148--(10)_رالامىلۆئ_ناغنىلىق_تىھېش_ادرېگال/Also reported in (Testimony 2):

Supplementary materials video testimony: photo: daily life photo: Testimony 3:

Entry created: 2019-06-20 Last updated: 2021-02-25 Latest status update: 2019-02-28 4794. Nurela Hoshur

Chinese ID: 65290119????????E? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Hesenjan Amut, originally from Aksu's Awat County, but residing in Turkey since 2013. (son-in-law)

About the victim

Nur'Ela Hoshur. She was a 52-53 years old Uyghur woman. She lived in group 5 of Koktatchilik village (kent), Aksu city. She was arrested along with his husband in March, 2017 and sent to prison [sentence length not clear, so unclear if it was a formal prison]. Her body was returned on January 2nd, 2018 to her family.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

March, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention for having son in law in Turkey (testifier)

Victim's status died

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? unclear

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Abdukerim Imin (4793), Obulqasim Imin (4795), Amine Abdukerim (4796), Subhinur Obulqasim (4797), Asiyem Amut (4801), Horem Amut (4811), Awut Amut (4810), Dawut Amut (4807), Ayshem Amut (4803), Sawut Amut (4802), Guleysem Aqniyaz (4809), Aynisa Tuniyaz (4806), Ablajan Awut (4808), Merhaba Dawut (4805), Melikezat Dawut (4804), Ekber Niyaz (4799), Mujayidin Muhemmet (4800)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-06-21 Last updated: 2019-06-22 Latest status update: 2019-04-23 4841. Ekber Ablet

Chinese ID: 65292719????????O? (Uchturpan)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nejmidin Ablet, originally from Uchturpan County in Aksu, but residing in Turkey since 2016. (brother)

About the victim

Ekber Ablet.

Address: Uchturpan County, Aksu.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Aksu.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention

Most likely detained for having brothers who were living in Turkey.

Victim's status

Ekber died in detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Nesirdin Ablet (4846), Turghun Ablet (4847), Ezize Esqer (4848), Abdusalam Awut (1008), Ghopur Hoshur (4850), Abduqahar Wahap (4851), Mustafa Nejmidin (4844), Nerdan Nejmidin (4843), Sedirdin Ablet (4845), Gulayim Hoshur (4842), Esqer Ablet (4840)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-06-23 Last updated: 2020-08-03 Latest status update: 2019-02-07 4863. Qaharjan Qawul

Chinese ID: 65290119????????O? (Aksu)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: concentration camp When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): phone/computer|--- Health status: deceased Profession: driver

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Alfred Erkin (Twitter: @Alfred_Uyghur)

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Qaharjan Qawul, 41 (as of June 2019), a professional driver/chauffeur. He's from Aksu City and has two kids.

Victim's location

Presumably in Aksu.

When victim was detained

Taken to camp in July 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

There was a "problem" with the content on his phone.

Victim's status

Died 4 months into his detention, in November 2018.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information

RFA coverage:

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2019-06-25 Last updated: 2019-06-29 Latest status update: 2019-06-25 4881. Aytursun Eli (阿依吐尔逊·艾力)

Chinese ID: 6531??198???????E? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: in custody When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: deceased Profession: other

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Patigul Yasin, a resident of Kashgar. (mother)

Testimony 2|3: Hua An Tourist Company staff, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (colleague)

About the victim

Aytursun Eli was a 34-year-old tour guide in Kashgar. She had studied tourism and Japanese before joining the Hua An Tourist Agency, where she was a deputy director.

Victim's location

She died in Kashgar.

When victim was detained

She was called to a police station on June 4, 2018. Five days later, two officials came to her family's house and asked her parents whether Aytursun had been medically unfit before.

After the family asked whether she had fallen ill, they were taken to Kashgar's Yuandong Hospital, where the doctors told Aytursun's mother, Patigul, that her daughter had died and that they were going to perform an autopsy. After she panicked, two men grabbed her and informed her that if she refrained from crying, they would allow her to receive her daughter's body at her home and bury her. She was only able to see Aytursun's face before being taken away from the room.

Patigul said the authorities claimed that her daughter had a medical condition and, because she was so weak, had been “unable to cope with being questioned”. After signing some documents, Patigul received Aytursun's death certificate, which said that her daughter had been "an uneducated farmer" who had been suffering from four different heart conditions, including arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy.

Aytursun's body was taken to her home, but her family was not allowed to see her or even attend the burial, which was done in secrecy and supervised by several officials. After the burial, police handed Patigul 49000RMB, which she said included Aytursun’s pension contributions and a “death payment". Likely (or given) reason for detention

Presumably for having traveled to the UAE, which is among the "sensitive countries" [that ethnic minorities in Xinjiang may be arrested for having traveled to].

Aytursun's colleagues who asked the authorities about the reason of Aytursun's arrest were allegedly told to mind their own business and threatened with being sent to an internment camp themselves.

Victim's status

Deceased [presumably in police custody, given the officials' mention that she died during interrogation, though this is not confirmed].

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Patigul Yasin's is an eyewitness account.

The staff at Hua An would presumably know about the victim's status by virtue of being her coworkers.

Additional information

RFA coverage:

She was listed as one of "Xinjiang's Outstanding Tour Guides for 2012" (no. 29):

The Hua An tourist company's information, together with phone numbers, may be found at:

Radio Free Asia calls transcript

Call No. 1 (to the Hua An travel agency in Kashgar): Staff: Hello. RFA: Hi. Hello. Staff: Hello. RFA: Is this the Hua An travel agency? Staff: Yes, that’s right. … RFA: Did Aytursun work here? Staff: Huh? RFA: Did Aytursun Eli, who died in the education-through-transformation center, work here before? Staff: Yes, that’s right. She worked here before. RFA: Is that so? Staff: Before… You mean Aytursun Eli, yea? RFA: She worked here before, right? Staff: Yes, that’s right. … RFA: Did she die? Staff: She died… It was last year I guess, in July maybe… Last year somewhere around this time was when she died. At this time of the year.


Eyewitness account

[The following is the translated transcript of a publicly shared portion of an alleged phone conversation between the late victim’s mother, Patigul Yasin, and a staff member of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Women’s Union. While no names are mentioned and the claim that one of the sides really works for the Women’s Union has not been verified, the victim’s story has nevertheless been very well corroborated by other sources, thereby giving us reason to believe that the recording is very likely genuine.]

Patigul Yasin: Hi, Miss. How are you? I’m her mother.

Staff of the Autonomous Region Women's Union: I’m fine. I’m calling from the Autonomous Region Women's Union to ask why and where your daughter died.

PY: Okay… Thank you. Thank you.

WU: Where did she use to work? Did she work at a travel agency? As a tour guide?

PY: My daughter used to work at the Hua’an travel agency.

WU: Your daughter died while at “training”…?

PY: My daughter… Well, she was called by [place or the department not clear] at five o'clock on June 4…

WU: Okay…

PY: In the evening, like now. On June 4, 2018. She went there as soon as she was called, without us knowing. Aytursun was called to go to the training center around 5PM on June 4, 2018. On June 9, at around 11AM, two men came to my house. They knocked on the door. I was so worried about my daughter. I didn’t know where she was.

They knocked louder, while I was trying to ask who it was, and then just came in.

“Whose house is this?” they yelled.

“Mine!” I said.

“Where are your husband and children?” they yelled again.

“I don’t have many kids,” I answered. “I only have one.”

“Where is that one?” they asked.

“She was called by the center on June 4,” I answered. “I don’t know what happened after that. I haven’t seen her since.”

“What does your daughter do for a living?” they asked.

“She works at a travel agency,” I answered.

“Which agency?” they asked, as if they didn’t know anything about it.

“The Hua’an Travel Agency.”

They were the ones who had summoned my daughter, and now they were asking these questions as if they didn’t know anything.

“Was your daughter sick?” they asked.

“No,” I said. “If she was sick, then how could she have taken care of the elderly travelers, helping them with their luggage and taking them out on excursions to the mountains and gardens?”

“So, she’s never been in bad health before?” they asked.

“When she was still a baby, she told me that her stomach hurt,” I told them. “So I told her: dear girl, that’s fine, you probably got a cold.”

I remember that she never really gets sick.

“What happened?” I asked them. “Did she get sick?”

“Yes,” they said. “Do you want to come?”

[crying] They told me that she was not in good health, and that she was in the hospital. I didn’t know what happened. My husband was really worried and also very shocked. [cut] …and brought me to the Yuandong Hospital.

WU: To which hospital?

MV: To the Yuandong Hospital [远东医院]. They brought me to Yuandong Hospital, and then said: “Your daughter…” When I arrived at the front gate of the hospital, the people from [inaudible] – the ones who had come to call me – were with me. They had come to the hospital with me.

WU: Okay…

PY: They surrounded me and said that they would now take me into the hospital, and asked me not to scream or cry. Without really getting what they were saying, I said: "Okay, I’ll enter the hospital. I won’t scream as I know we shouldn't scream in the hospital, but if I end up wanting to cry, I’ll cry.” If only I had known that I’d find my daughter like that…

WU: Okay…

MV: When I entered the hospital [crying]… two men lifted me up by the armpits, bringing me in and taking me straight to [inaudible, probably a room] on the right. They let me sit there. Then, a person sitting across from me told me that they were going to cut open my daughter's stomach. “What?” I asked. “What happened to my daughter?”

They told me that they were going to do an operation.

“What happened to her?” I asked. “Why do you need to operate on her?”

“Are we going to operate or not?” they asked.

“No,” I said. [a few inaudible sentences]

WU: Don’t cry. Get a hold of yourself. Don’t cry. Go on.

PY: When they asked if not to do the operation, I told them not to, asking why they were planning to. Without waiting for me to say anything, they asked me to sign [a paper/document]. I insisted that I wouldn’t sign, and they forced me to sign it despite my insisting on not signing it – two men grabbed me by the wrist and [it sounds like someone in the vicinity asked if they should sign it for her] said: “No, she will sign it herself.” They forced me to write my name [on the paper]. I don’t know what I wrote. They ordered me to write my name and had me write it. Then, [short inaudible sentence], two men lifted me by the armpits in another direction…

I said: “The Party's policies are getting better and better nowadays, … [several inaudible sentences].”

They didn’t reply, then said: “Don’t cry, then we’ll give you your daughter's body and let you see it and take it home.”

To which I said that as long as they gave me my daughter back, I wouldn't cry or scream.

“But let me see her [short inaudible sentence],” I said.

They then dragged me somewhere, [short inaudible sentence], and told me to leave my fingerprint [on a paper/document]. I didn’t agree, asking them why I had to. A man then grabbed my hand. There was something like a [inaudible, maybe “red”] board.

“I’ll have her mark it,” he said.

Another man shouted to him to have me do it with all of my fingers, and he forced me to do so… [inaudible]… and my daughter… [inaudible]… my daughter was lying there as if dead. I touched her face with my hands and screamed: “Ahh...! My daughter…!” [inaudible]

They then grabbed me by the arm and took her out of there, and took me out of there as well … [inaudible]

I was sitting there and crying because they wouldn't bring my daughter to me. A few minutes later, they said that [inaudible] took her to [inaudible]. I didn't know. They brought me to her, but I saw only her face. When I saw her face, I said: “Ahh…! My daughter… [rest inaudible]”.

Source:, Supplementary materials photo: company information: XJ Outstanding Tour Guides 2012: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2019-06-27 Last updated: 2020-05-20 Latest status update: 2019-06-24 4979. Abdureshit Tohniyaz

Chinese ID: 65292819????????O? (Awat)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

J. Bagdonas, database volunteer

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Abdureshit Tohniyaz.

Address: Pawala village (帕万拉村) No. 1, Ingerik township (英艾日克乡), Awat county, Aksu prefecture

Victim's location

[Unclear where he was serving his sentence.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

He was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison. He died having served one year. During his funeral, his brother Abdurazak Tohniyaz saw traces of torture on his body.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Info from a testimony document

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Abdirazaq Tohniyaz (4978)

Entry created: 2019-07-09 Last updated: 2021-03-11 Latest status update: 2019-02-24 5039. Abdulhekim Muhemmed Qurban

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (10 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: religion

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Radio Free Asia Uyghur, the Uyghur-language service of Radio Free Asia.

Testimony 2: Abdulehed Ojatli, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (friend)

About the victim

Abdulhakeem Muhammad Qurban Damollam, 49, son of Muhammad Qurban Damolla Hajim. Both of them are well known religious scholars. His father, Muhammad, spent 5 years in China's prison. After that, he went back to Hotan to dedicate his time to religious work and contributed a lot to the construction of Nurluk mosque. Muhammad spent most of his life teaching and preaching in that mosque. Abdulhakeem was a student of his father. After father's death, he became the religious leader of Nurlik mosque. Seeing increased congregation number, Chinese officials started paying attention to him. Later on he was detained for being a "separatist" at age of 29 on Nov 15th, 1999. Not long after, he was sentenced to 15 years to server at No. 4 prison of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. At age of 44, he was out of prison, but still was not completely free. He was under house arrest until 2017. In July 2017, when many Uyghurs were being taken to the camps, he was detained again and sentenced to 10 years. He died in June, 2019 inside the prison. It was confirmed by his son and his relatives in Turkey on June 28th, 2019.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

First time detention: Nov, 1999. Second time detention: July, 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"Separatism" for the first time. Unknown reason for the second time. Victim's status

Died in June, 2019

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1: a funeral was held for the victim in Istanbul.

Testimony 2: the victim's son and relatives in Turkey confirmed the death.

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 1-2):

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2019-07-24 Last updated: 2021-02-09 Latest status update: 2019-07-02 5043. Qusman Qami (胡斯满·哈米)

Chinese ID: 654201194108080816 (Chochek)

Basic info

Age: 78 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Tacheng Status: documents withheld When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Testimony 1: Saltanat Qusmanqyzy, born on June 23, 1980, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. Her ID number is 018882061.

Testimony 2: Bagdat Qusmanqyzy

Victim's relation to testifier

Testimony 1-2: father

About the victim

Qusman Qami is a Chinese citizen. His Chinese passport number is E73167623. His Kazakhstan green card number is 041868846. He went to Tacheng city in September 2017 to resolve some personal matters. Residential address: 46, Baigetobek Street, Tacheng city

Victim's location

Tacheng city

When victim was detained

He had his documents taken on September 2017. He passed away on August 1, 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Passed away while his passport was confiscated. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Nurbatima Ibyray (5044)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Chinese ID:

Entry created: 2019-07-26 Last updated: 2019-10-06 Latest status update: 2019-09-09 5071. Alimjan Emet

Chinese ID: 65312319????????O? (Yengisar)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: concentration camp When problems started: Apr. 2019 - June 2019 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: deceased Profession: security/police

Testifying party

J. database part-timer

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Alimjan Emet, 22 years old from Ermudan township (艾尔木东乡). He lived next to Zhangquan Park. Worked as a security guard.

Victim's location

Yengisar county, Kashgar prefecture

When victim was detained

Presumably May 2019 (it says 40 days before his death)

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Tortured to death in the camp. His body was buried under close police supervision behind Zhangquan Park.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Additional information


Entry created: 2019-07-29 Last updated: 2019-07-29 Latest status update: 2019-07-15 5366. Rahymbergen Quttybai

Chinese ID: 65402519????????O? (Kunes)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: outside China Status: free When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): other|--- Health status: deceased Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Qalida Aqythan, a citizen of Kazakhstan originally from Ili's Kunes County.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

Rakhymbergen Kittybay. Originally from Kunes County, Ili prefecture, he spent his later years in Kazakhstan. When his sons got arrested in February 2018, he came down with a migraine. He then received news that his sons had been taken into political re-education camps. His health got worse by the day - he couldn't walk anymore. On September 9, 2018, he shouted all of his sons' names and told Qalida that he was entrusting them to God. He died later that day.

Victim's location

In Kazakhstan

When victim was detained

His health condition worsened after the news of his son's detention in February 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? She took care of him until his death.

Additional information

Qalida's interview to "The Believer" (

A small hamlet called Karagash is where I was born, in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture. A pasture for cattle. My mother died when I was two years old. I heard my father was a party activist, but — let me be frank — I never knew him. After my mother died, my father remarried and forgot all about me. I was sent to live with my mother’s relatives. I lived with them until I was five. Then they didn’t want me either. I lived here and there, with people who knew my mother and took pity on me. An orphan. I’m illiterate, to tell you the truth. There was no one to support my education.

In 1975, when I was twenty-one, I met my husband. He was an orphan like me. His relatives had moved to China during the famine, before he was born. When they moved back to Kazakhstan, he was left behind without anyone. His name was Rakhymbergen Kittybay. He died last year, on September 9.

I was pregnant eight times. My first four pregnancies, including one set of twins, were unsuccessful. Four sons, one daughter — I lost my first five children. Then my son was born. Among Kazakhs, when you have miscarriages, or when babies die one after another, a new child’s life is understood to hang by a thread. So when my son was born, we gave him immediately to our neighbor. The neighbor kept him and fed him for the first week of his life. We refused to see him at all. Then we bought our baby back. We brought presents, clothes, firewood. We passed the presents through our neighbor’s door and took the child back through the window. It worked. After that, I had more children and they all lived. But until our firstborn son was twelve, my husband held him like this—like an egg. He was always hanging on his father’s neck, even when eating. We were so afraid to lose him.

They were difficult times, those early years of our marriage. I would have my son strapped to my back all day while I worked, cutting cornstalks, threshing wheat. My husband did the same. We were sharecroppers. It was backbreaking work. When we had our second child, I would tie them both to a post in the field like sheep so they wouldn’t wander off.

In the '90s, the state allocated some land to us. Only then did we start to live decently. For the first time in our lives, we didn’t go to bed hungry. We planted wheat, corn, soy, sometimes beets for sugar. Our own crops, on our own land. After the border opened, my husband went to Kazakhstan to try to find his family. He managed to find his mother. His father had already died. From then on, he stayed in Kazakhstan to look after her. He would come to China to visit for five or six days at a time, then go back. I was raising my sons alone. His mother didn’t die until 2007, at the age of 103.

After my first son who lived, I had three more sons all in a row. The three eldest all work together in construction, building houses from the ground up. The fourth was still a boy when we moved to Kazakhstan, but the elder three all made lives for themselves in Xinjiang. All of them married. In fact, all of them found Uighur wives. It’s true we lived in an area of mostly Uighurs, but there was another reason: We were poor. We had no savings. When you marry a Kazakh girl, you have to pay a dowry. We couldn’t afford it. Uighurs don’t have dowries. So one by one they stole their Uighur wives and we didn’t pay a penny. We bought only their clothes.

When they started arresting people, my three eldest sons were taken first. They took all three on the same day, last February. They lived together in the same village in Kunes. The wife of my second eldest son called me to say they’d been arrested. The next day, she called me again. Mama, she said, they took my sister. Your daughter-in-law. They took Toktygul. They had arrested my eldest son’s wife. But I don’t know [breaks down crying] what happened to my grandchildren. They had five children. I don’t know where they are.

On hearing the news, my husband came down with a migraine. The next day, when our daughter was taken, it got worse. But we decided to wait and see. I told him to hold out. When we hadn’t heard anything by the end of the month, I called the administrator of Karagash, a man by the name of Nurlybek. I asked Nurlybek what had happened to my sons. Where are they? Where is my daughter-in-law? They’re being reeducated, Nurlybek said. He told me my other two daughters-in-law had also been taken to the reeducation camp. They, too, were being reeducated. Political studies was how he described it. I have fourteen grandchildren in China. Some are very young. I asked Nurlybek where they were. Where are my fourteen grandchildren? They are all studying, he said, and hung up.

After that, my husband could no longer walk. He lay in bed. From the end of February, he never walked again. I took care of him. I couldn’t go anywhere, couldn’t leave the house. He got weaker and weaker. Months went by. We didn’t tell anyone what had happened to our family. Then, on September 9, 2018, he had a bout of strength and shouted all his sons’ names: Satybaldy! Orazzhan! Akhmetzhan! He turned to me. I am entrusting my sons first to Allah, then to you, he said. As for me, I am finished. He died later that day, at 5:00 p.m.

After he died, I spent ten days at home. I didn’t say a word to anyone. Then I decided to find my children. I came to Atajurt and met with Serikzhan. Others wrote letters for me because I can’t write. The letters explain that my children are gone, and that my husband couldn’t stand to see his sons and daughters taken away. That it had killed him.

Only my youngest son is here in Kazakhstan with me. But even he’s married now, and their apartment is too small for me. I live alone, and I don’t have a pension here, so I have to work. My youngest son helps. He goes in together with a dozen other people to hire a truck to bring vegetables out of China. I take my share and resell them at the bazaar. Cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce greens. I can’t afford a stall. I sit on the street with my carrots and cabbages. But my youngest son is good. He doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke. He used to drink before, but he gave it up. He has a family to take care of.


Additional coverage in the Apple Daily: 88%E6%8F%90%E6%B1%97-%E5%93%88%E5%88%A9%E9%81%94/%E5%85%A8%E6%96%87

Victims among relatives

Tohtigul Memetjan (2541), Satybaldy Rahymbergen (391), Tahir Satybaldy (5352), Shayide Satybaldy (5353), Zubair Satybaldy (5354), Muhemmed Satybaldy (5355), Parida Satybaldy (5356), Qaisar Orazzhan (5357), Almira Orazzhan (5358), Qewser Orazzhan (5359), Abubakir Orazzhan (5360), Orazzhan Rahimbergen (392), Mihriay Bahar (5361), Arzu Aqmetzhan (5362), Fatima Aqmetzhan (5363), Halit Aqmetzhan (5364), Sapiya Aqmetzhan (5365), Ahmedzhan Rahymbergen (393)

Supplementary materials

Kazakhstan ID: Entry created: 2019-10-07 Last updated: 2019-10-21 Latest status update: 2019-08-22 5440. Turghunjan Obulqasim

Chinese ID: 65312319????????O? (Yengisar)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: medicine

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

His name is Abdukirem Siyit. He is from Urumchi. He lives in Toronto in Canada now.

Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Turgunjan Ubulkasim. He is a doctor in Yegisar County, Kashgar as well as the founder of the Umid hospital. He is a disabled man so he can not walk. According to the testifier, he was taken into camps and killed and his corpse was not given back. His other four relatives and his wife were taken into camps. Their whereabouts are unknown.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Yengisar County]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status allegedly killed

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? [Probably from social media]

Additional information

According to the testifier, about 20 his direct relatives are missing. He also has some relatives and acquaintances whose info is not in his hand, for example, a doctor from Umid Hospital, Turgunjan Ubulkasim, founder of the hospital, was taken into camps and killed and his corpse wasn’t given back; other four relatives of him and his wife were taken; Qurban Doctor, who has a hospital in front of the Bureau of Grain Of Yegisar County, was taken and killed, and his corpse wasn't given back as well, his wife and children were taken.

Supplementary materials original testimony: .5/videos/420381695453189/&show_text=1&width=300

Entry created: 2019-10-28 Last updated: 2019-10-31 Latest status update: 2019-03-10 5445. Qurban Rahman

Chinese ID: 652923198???????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"separatism" Health status: deceased Profession: medicine

Testifying party (submitted by third party)


Victim's relation to testifier

Not known relation

About the victim

His name is Qurban Rahman. He was a vet in Ishxila country Animal Hospital in Kuchar. He was about 35 years old (as of August 2019). He was married and had two children. He graduated from Xinjiang Agricultural University.

Victim's location

[In Kuchar, presumably.]

When victim was detained

According to the news report, he was taken to camp [unclear when] and one year later, his dead body was given to his family, saying that he died of a heroin. His family didn’t believe and when they wanted to know the real reason of his son' s death, they were threatened. He was taken from the workplace to Kucha County Detention House. After three weeks, he was moved to a "vocational center" (No.3 Vocational Center) in Yagaqli Bagh.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Listening to some separatism-related lectures online.

Victim's status Deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From a former classmate of the victim.

Additional information

His wife is also allegedly taken into camps.

Entry created: 2019-10-29 Last updated: 2019-11-02 Latest status update: 2019-08-26 5457. Shahmerdan Perhat

Chinese ID: 6501??198???????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party (submitted by third party)


Victim's relation to testifier

Not known relation

About the victim

Shahmerdan Perhat, 38 years old, was from Urumchi and he was a businessman who did currency exchange business. According to his relatives abroad, he was taken into camps in the end of March 2017 and was released on the 8th of August 2019. He passed away at the hospital on the 18th of August 2019.

Victim's location in Urumchi

When victim was detained

In the end of March in 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Not Stated

Victim's status

He passed away at a hospital.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? From the victim's relatives abroad.

Additional information


Victims among relatives

Shireli Perhat (5458)

Supplementary materials photo with family:

Entry created: 2019-10-30 Last updated: 2019-11-03 Latest status update: 2019-09-03 5489. Idris Quddus

Chinese ID: 653122196???????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)


Victim's relation to testifier

Not Known Relations

About the victim

His name is Idris Quddus. He is from [sounds like: No. 5 Neighborhood (Mehelle), No. 3 Village (kenit)], Ermudun Township, Yegisheher County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was 52 years old.

Victim's location

Died in Urumqi.

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the news, he was taken into Chengnan Camp in Yeghisheher County and then he was sentenced and transferred to a prison in Urumchi where he died. This news was confirmed by the head of this village [when he was interviewed by RFA journalist]. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From the head of the village.

Additional information

According to the news, Idris Quddus and Hezim Quddus's death was confirmed by the head of this village [when he was interviewed by RFA journalist.] and cruel punishment, poor food, poor accommodation and poor medical treatment in the camps cause detainees to die. But there is no clear number of whom died in the camps.

The bodies of him and his brother, who also died in camp, were not returned to his family. The Communist Party Chief of Ermudun said that that is the case with most of the detainees who die in camps

Entry created: 2019-11-05 Last updated: 2019-11-21 Latest status update: 2019-09-12 5490. Hezim Quddus

Chinese ID: 65312219????????O? (Shule)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: sentenced When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)


Victim's relation to testifier n/a

About the victim

His name is Hezim Quddus. He is from [sounds like: No. 5 Neighborhood (Mehelle), No. 3 Village (kenit)], Ermudun Township, Yegisheher County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was 45 years old.

Victim's location

Died in Urumqi.

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the news, he was taken into Chengnan Camp in Yeghisheher County and then he was sentenced and transferred to a prison in Urumchi where he died. This news was confirmed by the head of this village [when he was interviewed by RFA journalist]. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From the village head.

Additional information

According to the news, Idris Quddus and Hezim Quddus's death was confirmed by the head of this village [when he was interviewed by RFA journalist.] and cruel punishment, poor food, poor accommodation and poor medical treatment in the camps cause detainees to die. But there is no clear number of whom died in the camps.

The bodies of him and his brother, who also died in camp, were not returned to his family. The Communist Party Chief of Ermudun said that that is the case with most of the detainees who die in camps

Entry created: 2019-11-05 Last updated: 2019-11-21 Latest status update: 2019-09-12 5514. Muhter Abdulla

Chinese ID: 65312519????????O? (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nurmemet Abdulla, originally from Yarkand. He left the region in 2014 and now resides in Germany. (brother)

About the victim

Muhter Abdulla.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar, as that's where the family is from.]

When victim was detained

Not stated, but presumably in 2016 or later.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to Nurmemet, he was "killed in camp by the Chinese government".

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Nurmemet says that he hasn't been able to contact his family since 2016, and was only able to learn about their situation in 2019 (with great difficulty, he says).

Additional information

Seven people from Nurmemet's family were taken to camps. Victims among relatives

Mutellip Abdulla (5629), Muzepper Abdulla (5630), Mirkamil Abdulla (5631)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-11-14 Last updated: 2019-11-14 Latest status update: 2020-06-07 5544. Ren Cuifang (任翠芳)

Chinese ID: 15078319880430??E? (inner China)

Basic info

Age: 31 Gender: F Ethnicity: Han Likely current location: Karamay Status: in custody When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Anonymous, as reported by Bitter Winter. (relative)

About the victim

Ren Cuifang, 30, a resident of Karamay and Church-of-the-Almighty-God believer. This branch of Christianity is considered an extremist cult by the Chinese government. She was reportedly tortured to death by the Chinese police. Her family testified that her body had been covered in bruises and scars, traces of blood had been still visible. The police claim that Ren died of thrombosis as a result of her treatment in the "tiger chair" a form of torture common in Chinese detention centers.

Victim's location

Dushanzi district, Karamay city

When victim was detained

December 22, 2018. She died on January 3 next year.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Being a member of a banned Christian organization

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Information came from the victim's family

Additional information Her family travelled from Inner Mongolia to inspect her body, but were denied a lawyer and obstructed from getting more extensive information about her death. They were also threatened by the police not to go public with the case.

Bitter Winter report:

Entry created: 2019-11-17 Last updated: 2020-04-14 Latest status update: 2019-09-18 5575. Ghalipjan Ehmetjan

Chinese ID: 652122198???????O? (Pichan)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)


Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Ghalipjan Ehmetjan. He is from No. 3 Hamlet, No. 10 Village, Lemjin Township, Pichan County, Turpan Prefecture. He is 35 years old and he has a five-year-old child.

Victim's location in Pichan County, Turpan Prefecture.

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the news, he was beaten to death by a drunk police who was a Han Chinese and temporarily on duty in the camp on the 21st of August 2018.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? RFA learned this from a letter that was supposedly sent from Urumchi. RFA made several phone calls to Pichan. The news about the victim was confirmed by a Village leader during the phone interview.

Additional information

The victim's mother was informed that her son had a hidden heart disease and he died in the hospital during the treatment. He was buried by police and village cadres and his family wasn't allowed to wash his body.

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2019-11-20 Last updated: 2019-11-20 Latest status update: 2019-10-22 5613. Abdurehim Abliz

Chinese ID: 65212219????????O? (Pichan)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)


Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Abdurehim Abliz. He is 40 years old. He is from No.1 Hamlet (Mehelle), Muqam Village, Lvkchvn Municipality, Pichan County, Turpan Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

He has died in the camp

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

RFA made phone calls to Pichan to clarify another victim's death( in #5575) in the camp and during the telephone interviews, they learned about the victim situation.

Additional information

When RFA contacted the locals, an official has refused to answer RFA's questions about the victims, saying this is State Secret. Another police officer who received the call said that of them was Tomvr Pasar who was nearly 80, the other two were Abdurehim Abliz and Enwer Ziyawudun.

Entry created: 2019-11-25 Last updated: 2021-03-22 Latest status update: 2019-10-23 5614. Enwer Ziyawudun

Chinese ID: 65212219????????O? (Pichan)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)


Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Enwer Ziyawudun. He is 50 years old. He is from No.1 Hamlet (Mehelle), Muqam Village, Lvkchvn Municipality, Pichan County, Turpan Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

He has died in the camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

RFA made phone calls to Pichan to clarify another victim's death( in #5575) in the camp and during the telephone interviews, they learned about the victim situation.

Additional information

When RFA contacted the locals, an official has refused to answer RFA's questions about the victims, saying this is State Secret. Another police officer who received the call said that of them was Tomvr Pasar who was nearly 80 and the other two were Abdurehim Abliz and Enwer Ziyawudun.

Entry created: 2019-11-25 Last updated: 2021-03-22 Latest status update: 2019-10-23 5615. Tomur Pasar

Chinese ID: 65212219????????O? (Pichan)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)


Victim's relation to testifier


About the victim

His name is Tomvr Pasar. He is nearly 80 years old. He is from No.1 Hamlet (Mehelle), Muqam Village, Lvkchvn Municipality, Pichan County, Turpan Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.]

When victim was detained


Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

He has died in the camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

RFA made phone calls to Pichan to clarify another victim's death( in #5575) in the camp and during the telephone interviews, they learned about the victim situation.

Additional information

When RFA contacted the locals, an official has refused to answer RFA's questions about the victims, saying this is State Secret. Another police officer who received the call said that of them was Tomvr Pasar who was nearly 80 and the other two were Abdurehim Abliz and Enwer Ziyawudun.

Entry created: 2019-11-25 Last updated: 2021-03-22 Latest status update: 2019-10-23 5621. Dawut Abdurahman

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Zumret Dawut, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (daughter)

Testimony 2: Zumret Dawut, as reported by Globe and Mail. (daughter)

Testimony 3: Zumret Dawut, as reported by Washington Post. (daughter)

Testimony 4: , an English-language daily newspaper owned by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and published in the People's Republic of China.

About the victim

Dawut Abdurahman, originally from Urumqi, was a former employee of the Bureau of Non-Ferrous Metal Industry.

Victim's location

He passed away in Urumqi.

When victim was detained

According to Zumret, he was interrogated on multiple occasions [times unclear]. On October 12, 2019, he passed away. [The exact circumstances remain unclear, though Xinjiang officials have claimed that it was due to coronary heart disease.]

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Deceased. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

A former neighbor sent a message to Zumret on October 12, 2019, notifying her of her father's death.

The Global Times and China Daily are Chinese state-media outlets with essentially direct access to the information.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage:

Globe and Mail coverage: prayers/

Washington Post feature: inia-will-us-let-her-stay/

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has publicly commented on the case, denouncing the Chinese government’s treatment of Dawut. Chinese media have responded to Pompeo’s remarks (, claiming that Zumret Dawut is a member of the World Uyghur Congress.

Erkin Dawut, a brother of Zumret, was also interviewed by the Global Times for a piece that ran on November 17, 2019 ( He told the [state-run] outlet that his father had "never been oppressed". The same was reiterated by Abduhelil Dawut, another one of the brothers, who currently lives in Urumqi.

According to Zumret, Dawut was at one point bribed and coerced by government officials to stage religious ceremonies/prayers at a local mosque as well as make false statements to foreign journalists regarding religious freedom in the region. The mosque, which was closed in March 2017, was briefly reopened for the purpose of the staged presentation.

State-media report(s)



By Liu Xin and Fan Lingzhi in Yining

Source: Global Times

Published: 2019/11/17

Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region released a statement on November 9 refuting US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's remarks that claimed the so-called Uyghur activists' family members are detained in Xinjiang.

Pompeo issued a statement on November 5, titled "Harassment of the Family Members of Uyghur Activists and Survivors in Xinjiang, China," claiming that family members of the so-called activists Furkhat Jawdat, Alapat Arkin, Zumrat Dawut have been subject to harassment, imprisonment, and arbitrary detention.

The Xinjiang statement said what Pompeo stated "is simply not the case." The fact is the relatives of the names mentioned live and work normally in Xinjiang, and they are ashamed of the scum among their families.

The Global Times reporters visited the relatives of Furkhat Jawdat, Alapat Arkin, Zumrat Dawut in Urumqi and Yining and recognized that what Pompeo said is not consistent with the truth. No family members of the three people have been mistreated and they lead a normal life with numerous assistance from the residential community.


Zumrat attracted Pompeo's attention for her accusation that she made overseas against the Chinese government's Xinjiang policy. The Global Times reporters learned from Xinjiang authorities that before going abroad, Zumrat, 37, lived in Urumqi. She married a Pakistani national in November 2013. On January 3, the couple together with their three children went to Pakistan and later to the US.

The November 5 statement was not the first time Pompeo mentioned about Zumrat.

On October 2, Pompeo said in a meeting in Vatican that he listened to Zumrat's story and learned that she was summoned to the public security bureau in Xinjiang in April and was sent to a "concentration camp." Pompeo claimed that during her stay there, she was injected with some drugs.

A report on the Chicago Tribune on September 28 noted that Zumrat was forcefully sterilized.

Abduhelil Dawut, one of Zumrat's elder brothers spoke through a video about a month back to quash the rumors, saying "these are outright lies." In the video urging Pompeo to stop disturbing their peaceful lives, he said, "Respect the facts and do not make use of my sister Zumrat Dawut to make up lies."

The Global Times reporter visited Abduhelil, who lives in Urumqi. Abduhelil and his wife now work for a residential community in the city. The interior of their house and the cleanliness suggests that residents live a good life there.

Abduhelil told the Global Times his sister has never been to a vocational education and training center and "when delivering the third child, she was found to have fibroid and later had a surgery."

Abduhelil released a video on October 13 to refute Pompeo's remarks on her sister. Zumrat recently wrote on an overseas social media platform that the Chinese government spread rumors on her uterus being removed. However, no one has mentioned about anything on this.

The whole family was against Zumrat's marriage but Zumrat "was stubborn."

The relations between Zumrat and the other family members were "strained" after that. Abduhelil said, "She treated our father well when she was in a good mood, but when my father said something she did not like, she would slam the door and refrain from speaking to him for a year."

In 2018, Zumrat, her husband and the three children went to Pakistan and never came back. She finally went to the US without informing the family members, including their father. Their father died of a heart disease last month. Abduhelil had a video chat with Zumrat and "I told her to stop spreading rumors and retract the lies she peddled online previously. She cried and said yes. But later, she continued peddling lies online."

Pompeo claimed that Zumrat's father, who was reportedly "detained and interrogated multiple times by Chinese authorities in Xinjiang in recent years, recently passed away under unknown circumstances."

However, Abduhelil told the Global Times that their father lived a normal life with them, and had neither been "interrogated" nor "detained."

After suffering from serious heart diseases, he died at the age of 80 at a hospital in October 2019 after medical treatment was exhausted. While he stayed at hospital, his relatives looked after him.

The death certificate of Zumrat's father mentioned the cause of death as "coronary heart disease."

Erkin Dawut is one of Zumrat's elder brothers. He was the one who signed his father's death certificate. He thought his father's physical conditions worsened partly because he missed Zumrat very much.

Erkin did not want to talk to Zumrat since "she always uttered lies since childhood."

"She is the youngest one among us. She was my father's favorite. My father grieved as she left without telling him," he told the Global Times.

Erkin was visibly in tears, as he recalled their father. "I keep my father's phone number and hope that he could call me like before," he said.


Pompeo also mentioned about Furkhat Jawdat and Alapat Arkin, claiming that Alapat's mother was also put in the "concentration camp" since 2017 and his father was imprisoned in March 2018.

After meeting with Pompeo on Mar 26, 2019, Furkhat Jawdat claimed his mother was moved to a prison from a vocational education & training center.

The Global Times reporters learned from authorities in Xinjiang that Alapat and Furkhat were born in Yining. Alapat went to the US in 2015 and then joined the infamous violent terrorist and separatist organization "World Uygur Congress."

Furkhat went to the US in 2011 and later became a member of the "World Uygur Congress." Furkhat's father, brother and two sisters have obtained green cards in the US.

The Global Times reporters met with Alapat's mother who currently lives with Alapat's grandmother in Yining.

Gulnar Talat, Alapat's mother, told the Global Times that she lives a normal life and is not under detention. She plans to get medical treatment in Urumqi.

She said she wants to tell Alapat that "you should not be influenced by your father or take part in something bad. You should not be manipulated by others." "Do not believe those who have ulterior motives. We live a good life. You were born and grew up in China. Thanks to the development of the country, you have the opportunity to study overseas. Hope you can study hard in the US and come back to contribute to the country."

The Global Times reporters learned that Alapat's father Erkin Tursun is in prison for inciting hatred and discrimination among different ethnic groups and covering up criminals.

Alapat's deeds worried his relatives. Alapat's uncle Asat Talat hoped to tell his nephew that his father was imprisoned for breaching the laws. "You should neither believe in rumors nor spread it. We sent you abroad to study and to honor the country. Not for something bad," Asat said.

Pompeo also noted about Furkhat’s mother in his November 5 statement. Apart from Alapat, Furkhat's father, a younger brother and his two sisters, all live in the US now.

His mother failed to obtain her visa and now lives in their house in Yining.

Munawar Tursun, the mother, told the Global Times that she talks to her son almost every day. She pointed to a TV set in their house that her son bought online and was delivered to the house days earlier.

Furkhat did not admit that he is a member of the "World Uygur Congress." But he defended the organization on overseas social media and participated in its activities.

Munawar told the Global Times that she knows nothing about what her son has done overseas and persuaded him not to get involved in any illegal activities. "I told him, if he wants me to go abroad, it must be via legal means and that he must not engage in illegal activities."

Munawar believes Rebiya Kadeer, a separatist from Xinjiang, is a scum among the Uyghurs.

Furkhat claimed that the Chinese government harasses Muslim families in Xinjiang and they went abroad to seek asylum.

However, according to Munawar, Furkhat's father went to work in the US in 2006 and the children went to the US one after another within the next five years.

Furkhat's uncle Enwar Tursun told the Global Times that he used to be against all the children going to the US since Furkhat had good academic records and would have had a better future if he stayed in China and he can also take good care of his mother.

"Furkhat, you are a smart boy. What you are doing is wrong. You will regret it!" Enwar said, insisting that the "World Uygur Congress" is a separatist organization. "As for Pompeo, I think he took advantage of my nephew, which is ignominious."


In order to rally support from the overseas separatist groups, Zumrat, Alapat, and Furkhat distorted the truth and played victims. Separatists from China's Xinjiang share a common interest in hyping Xinjiang issues. "Detention" or "oppression" are the words usually mentioned by them.

The Global Times reporters did not find any oppression or detention of their relatives. Instead, family members of these so-called Uyghur activists are taken good care by the local residential communities. Alapat's mother Gulnar Talat told the Global Times that she was in hospital in Urumqi due to some ailment in her spine. Colleagues and head of the kindergarten where Gulnar works for, visited her and donated 2,000 yuan toward her treatment.

The Yining educational bureau also allowed her to take a long vacation so that she could fully recover.

Furkhat's mother Munawar has become "the relative" of Zhang Liping, secretary of the residential community, who has taken a good care of Munawar.

Munawar has no job or earnings aside from the governmental subsidiaries.

In September, there was something wrong with the water pipes in Munawar's house. Munawar also owed 500 yuan in water fees. Zhang paid that amount herself to help Munawar with the water fees.

"My monthly salary is around 3,000 yuan. I treat her as my family member and would not hesitate to help her," Zhang told the Global Times.

Zhang lost her 25-year-old son in 2017, while Munawar's children are far away in the US. The common emotion of parental love toward their children brings Zhang and Munawar together.

Zhang said she once saw Munawar shed tears while talking about her son. She comforted her by sharing the sorrow of losing her son.

"I often say to Munawar that I envy her because she can see her children via video chat. But I can only see the tomb of my son," Zhang said.

"There are many senior residents in my residential community. They comforted me and helped me get over my pang. As grassroots public servants, we need to devote our heart in helping the residents. The senior residents here also like me and greet me whenever we meet. This makes me happy," Zhang said.

Victims among relatives

Zumret Dawut (5524)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 4: Testimony 1: 442543412367&width=300 Global Times propaganda mention:

Entry created: 2019-11-25 Last updated: 2021-07-12 Latest status update: 2019-10-12 5632. Buhelchem Memet

Chinese ID: 65312919????????E? (Peyziwat)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced (7 years) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): contact with outside world|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2|3: Abdurehim Imin, also known as Abdurehim "Parach", is an Uyghur poet from Peyzawat County who now resides in Turkey. (husband)

Testimony 4: Abdurehim Imin, as reported by National Public Radio. (husband)

Testimony 5: Abdurehim Imin, as reported by Associated Press. (husband)

About the victim

Buhelchem Memet.

Victim's location

[Unclear, as sentenced.]

When victim was detained

She was detained on October 18, 2015 and sentenced to 7 years in prison. At the end of 2019, her husband heard that she had died in prison a year earlier.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Her husband sending a gift of olive oil from abroad.

Victim's status

Allegedly deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated. Additional information

National Public Radio coverage: -s-long-arm

Associated Press coverage:

Victims among relatives

Abdulhekim Imin (448), Abduqadir Imin (449), Imin Abdurehim (5584), Hornisa Hekim (5585), Jarullah Abdurehim (5586), Abdullah Abdurehim (5587), Seyfullah Abdurehim (5588), Bilqiz Abdurehim (5589), Shehide Abdurehim (5590), Halide Imin (3723), Shemshinur Imin (8498), Patime Imin (8497)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 3: Testimony 2: id%3D751044082057833%26id%3D100014567441201&width=300

Entry created: 2019-11-26 Last updated: 2021-04-11 Latest status update: 2020-03-13 5640. Abduweli Abdurahman

Chinese ID: 65402319????????O? (Korghas)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: --- When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Arafat Ruzimuhammet is from Ghulja. Now he lives in Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

His grandfather

About the victim

His name is Abduweli Abdurahman. He used to live in Telke, Qorghas (Huocheng) County Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

In Ili

When victim was detained

He wasn't detained, but his sons and one of his grandsons were detained.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, since his sons and grandson were arrested and thrown into the concentration camp for no reason, he couldn't bear the situation and passed away due to depression.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Rozimuhemmed Abduweli (5606), Hornisa Osam (5607), Irfan Rozimuhemmed (5608), Semet Abduweli (5609)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-11-27 Last updated: 2019-11-27 Latest status update: 2019-10-07 5936. Metrozi Kerim (麦吐尔孜·克日木)

Chinese ID: 653224194002222218 (Lop)

Basic info

Age: 78 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Metrozi Kerim. He was married and has an adult son.

Address: Ilquduq Village, Beshtoghraq Township, Lop County, Hotan Prefecture (洛浦县拜什托格拉克乡伊力库都克村).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Prior to February 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Deceased (去世), but also marked as a "special person" (特殊人员), which suggests that the victim was previously in detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data was obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang.

Additional information ---

Entry created: 2019-12-23 Last updated: 2019-12-23 Latest status update: 2018-02-26 5951. Dilmurat Abliz

Chinese ID: 654101195???????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: --- When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Gülziye Taschmamat is living in Munich .

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's cousin's father.

About the victim

His name is Dilmurat Abliz. He was about 66 years old and in a good health. He is from Ghulja City, Ili Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

The victim was not detained, but his daughter is detained. The detention of his daughter has made him sick and he passed away.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

He died due to depression after his daughter had been sentenced for 11 years in prison.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. But the testifier writes on Facebook on the 15th of October that she has received the news about the victim.

Additional information

The victim was in a good health and never has had heart issues. After the victim's daughter(in #5623) has been sentenced 11 years in prison, the victim couldn't bear this pain and died.

Victims among relatives

Raziye Dilmurat (5623), Gulgine Tashmemet (406), Nigare Abdushukur (2396), Irpan Abdushukur (2397), Abdushukur Memetjan (2394), Merhaba Abdushukur (2395)

Supplementary materials original testimony: 165952391268357&width=300

Entry created: 2019-12-19 Last updated: 2019-12-24 Latest status update: 2019-10-15 6076. Raziye Seydehmet

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Imam Tahawi Abdumelik is from Ghulja. Now he lives in Istanbul, Turkey.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's aunt

About the victim

Her name is Raziye Seydehmet. She is 64 years old. She is from Ghulja.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

According to the testifier, she was put in prison in Ghulja in 2016.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

She was allegedly killed [by authorities] after Qurban Eid in 2019.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Mehbube Seydehmet (6077), Mehpuze Seydehmet (6078)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-24 Last updated: 2019-12-26 Latest status update: 2019-11-26 6107. Tohti Mehmet

Chinese ID: 652923197512????O? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 44-45 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Nurmuhemmed Turdi, originally from Kucha County, but now residing in Canada. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Tohti Mehmet. He was born in December 1975.

Testimony 2: he has two daughters.

Victim's location

[Probably in Aku as the testifier is from Kuchar, Aksu.]

When victim was detained

According to the testifier, he was detained in 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

According to the testifier, he died in the camp in May 2018.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 2: Nurmuhemmed was able to talk to his uncle in Kucha during Ramadan 2018 with the help of someone in Canada, who then told him the news.

Additional information According to the testifier, the police informed the victim's family that he had died. But his corpse wasn't given back to his family.

Victims among relatives

Turnisahan Mehmet (6108)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2019-12-25 Last updated: 2021-01-15 Latest status update: 2020-12-20 6313. Rahmanjan Jelil

Chinese ID: 65312719????????O? (Mekit)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: manual work

Testifying party (submitted by third party)

Her name is Zumret Dawut(早热木·达吾提). She is one of Chinese detention [unclear if camp or police custody] survivors. She was born on the 16th of June 1982 in Urumchi. She married to a Pakistani businessman Imran Muhammed, who does business in Pakistan and China, in 2005. She is 37 years old and has got three children. She lives in America now.

Victim's relation to testifier

The victim is the testifier's acquaintance.

About the victim

Rahmanjan Jili is from Mekit County, Kashgar Prefecture. He was a doorman at Subhi shopping mall in Urumqi and rented the testifier's father's house for three years. he was forcefully returned to his hometown and put in a concentration camp in Mekit County. After two months, his sisters were called and informed that his brother died. When his sisters asked the reason of his death, the camp officials told that he had kidney failure and we treated him for free, considering your economic condition, but he died of major bleeding during surgery. His sisters were forced to sign some Chinese papers and were told not to inform others. Then the officials and his sisters buried him. When they buried him they saw a lot of blood seeping from bandages of the corpse.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

In 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unknown. Victim's status

He allegedly died in the camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

One of the victim's close relatives who came to Urumchi for treatment told the testifier about the victim.

Additional information

After a week of the victim's burial, his sister went to the graveyard and found their brother's and some other Uyghurs' tombs were guarded by armed police. The testifier heard this from their relatives who came to Urumqi for treatment. Then the testifier called two sisters for mourn, but they just kept saying "thank CCP, thanks to the government, thanks to Xi Jinping!" on the phone, and didn't even dare to mention their brother's death.

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2019-12-30 Last updated: 2019-12-30 Latest status update: 2019-11-27 6326. Heyrinisa Dimin (海日妮萨·迪敏)

Chinese ID: 653224194901212224 (Lop)

Basic info

Age: 69 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Heyrinisa Dimin.

Address: Yarkocha Village, Beshtoghraq Township, Lop County, Hotan Prefecture (洛浦县拜什托格拉克乡亚阔恰村).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Prior to February 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Deceased (去世), but also marked as a "special person" (特殊人员), which suggests that the victim was previously in detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data was obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang.

Additional information ---

Entry created: 2020-01-12 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2018-02-26 6348. Maymunhan Ehmet (玛依姆妮罕·艾合麦提)

Chinese ID: 653224196903062222 (Lop)

Basic info

Age: 48 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Maymunhan Ehmet.

Address: Toghraq Bostan Village, Beshtoghraq Township, Lop County, Hotan Prefecture (洛浦县拜什托格拉克乡托格拉克博斯坦村).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Prior to February 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Deceased (去世), but also marked as a "special person" (特殊人员), which suggests that the victim was previously in detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data was obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang.

Additional information ---

Entry created: 2020-01-12 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2018-02-26 6349. Bayime Hashim (巴依玛·阿西木)

Chinese ID: 653224194809222227 (Lop)

Basic info

Age: 69 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Bayime Hashim.

Address: Toghraq Bostan Village, Beshtoghraq Township, Lop County, Hotan Prefecture (洛浦县拜什托格拉克乡托格拉克博斯坦村).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Prior to February 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Deceased (去世), but also marked as a "special person" (特殊人员), which suggests that the victim was previously in detention.

She suffered from impaired vision (second degree).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data was obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang. Additional information


Entry created: 2020-01-12 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2018-02-26 6350. Guljamal Yusup (古丽加玛丽·玉苏浦)

Chinese ID: 65322419520926222X (Lop)

Basic info

Age: 65 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Guljamal Yusup. She is the only person registered in her household.

Address: Toghraq Bostan Village, Beshtoghraq Township, Lop County, Hotan Prefecture (洛浦县拜什托格拉克乡托格拉克博斯坦村).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Prior to February 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Deceased (去世), but also marked as a "special person" (特殊人员), which suggests that the victim was previously in detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data was obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang.

Additional information ---

Entry created: 2020-01-12 Last updated: 2020-01-12 Latest status update: 2018-02-26 6359. Tohtimeyit Dawut (托乎提麦依提·达吾提)

Chinese ID: 653224195002052225 (Lop)

Basic info

Age: 68 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Tohtimeyit Dawut. She has a son.

Address: Siyawish Village, Beshtoghraq Township, Lop County, Hotan Prefecture (洛浦县拜什托格拉克乡斯亚维什村).

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

Prior to February 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Deceased (去世), but also marked as a "special person" (特殊人员), which suggests that the victim was previously in detention.

She suffered from a limb impairment (first degree).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data was obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang. Additional information


Entry created: 2020-01-13 Last updated: 2020-01-13 Latest status update: 2018-02-26 6478. Ablimit Abdulla

Chinese ID: 65312119????????O? (Shufu)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: concentration camp When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: religion

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Turkistan Times, an Uyghur media outlet.

Testimony 2: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relative)

About the victim

Ablimit Abdulla [last name learned independently by staff] Damollom( well-known as Ablimit Damollam) was born in Bulaqsu Village, Konasheher County, Kashgar. Later he moved to Jangqorghan Neighborhood Committee, Chasakocha Section, Kashgar City. He was over 78 years old. He was one of the big scholars who not only learned religion but also science. When he was Iman of the Jangqorghan Mosque, he educated many students. In 1984, he built Toqquztassh Big Mosque near Kashgar Kirembagh Hospital and he had been Imam and preacher of it from 1984 to 1997. In 1997, the Chinese government forbade him from being Imam, reading Hutba, naming new-born babies, and leading weddings. In April 1988, he collected some donations from knowledge-loving and generous people in Kashgar and built the first private Language and Skills school which was a three-floored building and two-floored dormitory building with 14 classrooms. Apart from this, he also built Language and Skills school's hospital which was under the school's administration. From that time till the forcefully closing of the school, the school had taught students medicine, nursing, dentistry, English, Arabic, Chinese, Urdu, and Japanese on whole day as well as night course bases.

In September 1996, the Chinese government closed both school and the hospital, accused the school of having been educating rebels who are against the government. From 1997, he had been questioned for two years on the condition of not going out of Kashgar City. Then he spent most of his time educating his children and grandchildren until 2017.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 2: According to the RFA, the victim was detained in[April] 2017. Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

He was detained and put in the camp. According to the news on social media, he passed away in the camp.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1: from his relatives and formal students currently living in Norway, his friends in Turkey, and some news from Xinjiang that had gained by telephone interviews.

Additional information

According to his relatives and formal students currently living in Norway, his friends in Turkey, and some news from Xinjiang that had gained by telephone interviews, he was arrested with his whole family: wife, children, and daughters-in-law as well as grandchildren three years ago. His two sons, Peyzulla and Nurulla who studied in Saudi Arabia and were doing business there were also called back to Kashgar and arrested with the family. In addition, Ablimit Damollam's all relatives and former students were also detained.

Turkistan Times report (Testimony 1):

RFA report (Testimony 2):

Victims among relatives

Peyzulla Ablimit (6479), Nurulla Ablimit (6480), Hezibulla Ablimit (12938), Jarulla Rehmutulla (13960)

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2020-01-02 Last updated: 2021-02-10 Latest status update: 2017-05-12 6612. Zulpiqar Ilham

Chinese ID: 652801198605170512 (Korla)

Basic info

Age: 33 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: concentration camp When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: government

Testifying party

Elishir Ilham, an Uyghur now living outside China. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Zulpiqar Ilham. He is 33 years old.He graduated from university. He worked at Korla Land Administration Bureau from 2015 to 2017. At the beginning of 2018, he was suddenly fired from his work and taken into the camp. After one year, he was released because of internal organs wound and shortly he died.

Victim's location

[Presumably died in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

At the beginning of 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

He died a short time after his release.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not Stated.

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Ilham Tomur (6614), Aygul Musa (6613)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-01-04 Last updated: 2020-01-22 Latest status update: 2019-12-17 7116. Sadin Yasin (萨丁·亚森)

Chinese ID: 653125195904293811 (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 59 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Sadin Yasin. He was married.

Address: House No. 33, Group No. 1, Dong'osteng Village, Azatbagh Municipality, Yeken County, Kashgar Prefecture (莎车县阿扎提巴格镇墩吾斯塘村1组33号).

Victim's location

[Most likely in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Prior to December 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Deceased (去世), but also marked as belonging to the "slry" (三类人员, "three kinds of people"), which suggests that the victim was previously in detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data was obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang.

Additional information ---

Entry created: 2020-02-17 Last updated: 2020-02-17 Latest status update: 2018-12-14 7126. Mehmut Emer (麦合木提·艾麦尔)

Chinese ID: 653125195809103813 (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 60 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Mehmut Emer. He is married.

Address: House No. 91, Group No. 3, Dong'osteng Village, Azatbagh Municipality, Yeken County, Kashgar Prefecture (莎车县阿扎提巴格镇墩吾斯塘村3组91号).

Victim's location

[Most likely in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Prior to December 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Deceased (去世), but also marked as belonging to the "slry" (三类人员, "three kinds of people"), which suggests that the victim was previously in detention.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data was obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang.

Additional information ---

Entry created: 2020-02-17 Last updated: 2020-02-17 Latest status update: 2018-12-14 7771. Yqtiyar Satybaldy

Chinese ID: 65412819850501??O? (Nilka)

Basic info

Age: 34 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: other When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): past "transgressions"|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Baqtiya Satybaldy, born in 1987, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother)

Testimony 3: Serikzhan Bilash, as reported by Radio Free Asia Mandarin.

About the victim

Yqtiyar Satybaldy was born in May 1985. He was detained on September 15, 2015, and was sentenced to 1.5 years in prison. After serving his sentence in a prison in Kunes county he was released on April 10, 2017, and after three days he was put into a political re-education camp. However, due to his health problem, he was hospitalized in June 2017. He would be taken back to the camp in August the same year and was released to hospital on January 2, 2018 as his TB which he infected while he was in prison deteriorates and dies around March, 2018 (Testimony 3: January 19, 2018, from tuberculosis).

He is from Number Four Dadui, Nylqy county.

Testimony 3: he is from Shibikshi Village, Ozen Township, Nilqa County (尼勒克县乌赞乡什布克其村).

Victim's location passed away in a hospital in Kulzha around March 2018.

When victim was detained

September 15, 2015

Likely (or given) reason for detention being former prisoner and performing Muslim prayers Namaz

Victim's status passed away How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 3):

Victims among relatives

Kenzhaqan Orazbek (7773), Uali Satybaldy (7772), Zhumabek Abdurahman (2697)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: photo:

Entry created: 2020-03-02 Last updated: 2021-04-07 Latest status update: 2020-01-17 7776. Polat Ibrahim

Chinese ID: 6502??19????????O? (Karamay)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Karamay Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Munewwer Ablimit, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (wife)

About the victim

Polat Ibrahim is from Qarmay. He has two kids (a daughter and a son). He died after he was released from the camp.

Victim's location

In Qarmay

When victim was detained

He was arrested and sent to a concentration camp in 2017.

In February 2017, the victim fell into a coma as a result of his interrogation, which reportedly included torture and was sent by camp authorities for 20 days of medical treatment in intensive care. After that 20 days, he was sent home. The victim passed away 10 days after he was sent home.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unknown. However, the testifier claims that her family was detained because they are a religious family.

Victim's status

He died after his release from the camp. (The victim's wife reports that the victim was "a completely healthy person".)

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier's younger brother sent her a voice message about the victim's death via Wechat. (Members of the victim's family took a picture of the body of the victim in the room where they washed his body [after he passed away] and sent that picture to the victim's wife.)

Additional information

He was taken into the camp, and he suffered a heart attack at the camp due to heavy torture and was taken to a hospital, where he was treated for 20 days. However, 10 days after returning home, he died suddenly on March 3, 2017.

RFA report:

After the victim's death, the victim's older brother and his sister were reportedly taken away by Chinese authorities, but no further details are provided. The victim's wife reports that her brother-in-law also passed away, but she is not sure of the cause of death.

The victim's two children went to Turkey on 11 July 2015 with the victim's wife. They had both hoped to study in Turkey, so the victim's wife sent them to school in Turkey. Two months after the victim's wife travelled to Turkey and got their two children settled in at school, she returned home to the XUAR. As soon as the victim's wife had returned, she was approached by "security officials", who asked where she had been and what she was doing in Turkey. The victim's wife told the officials about her children's dreams of studying in Turkey. Four months later, the victim's wife was interrogated by the Public Security Bureau for "four consecutive days", insisting that her children come back to China. The victim's wife got worried after she heard that Chinese authorities were confiscating passports and returned to Turkey on 19 February 2016.

Victims among relatives

Senewer Ablimit (7777), Enwer Ablimit (5702), Ablajan Ablimit (6509), Muhbil Ablimit (7778), Reyhan Ibrahim (7779)

Entry created: 2020-03-02 Last updated: 2020-11-16 Latest status update: 2020-01-20 7793. Yrysbek Aitmambet

Chinese ID: 65412619????????O? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: 18-35 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"gang membership" Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Nurzat Asan, born in 1970, is a Chinese citizen with residence in Kazakhstan. (from same town/region)

Testimony 2: Qyran Baqytkeldi, born in 1996, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Yrysbek Aitmambet was put into a prison in 2017 and in 2018 his dead body was given to his family members. His body was delivered in a white sack and the family members were not allowed to open it. The testifier suspects that his inner organs might have been removed. He was in his early thirties. He is from Qashazhar township, Mungulkure county.

Victim's location

[Presumably his body was delivered to his family in Mongolkure County.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1-2: 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status died while he was in prison [unclear if pre-trial detention center or a formal prison, as there's no mention of a sentence]

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated

Additional information

The government spreads information that these people gathered in Zaupan Kadirzhuma's house to organize crime. The government information says that these people were equipped with guns and knives. Therefore they were detained and this is called Aqtompaq incident.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-03-04 Last updated: 2020-03-28 Latest status update: 2020-01-27 7794. Eskermes Dosymbek

Chinese ID: 65412619????????O? (Mongghulkure)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Nurzat Asan, born in 1970, is a Chinese citizen with residence in Kazakhstan. (from same town/region)

Testimony 2: Qyran Baqytkeldi, born in 1996, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Eskermes Dosymbek died soon after he was released from prison. He was in his fifties. He is from Kashazhar township in Mungulkure county.

Victim's location

[He presumably passed away in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Testimony 1-2: 2017

Likely (or given) reason for detention attending mosque and inviting imams to home

Victim's status

He was sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2017 and he was released in 2019 due to his health (Testimony 2: but died 5 days later).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? not stated Additional information

The government spreads information that these people gathered in Zaupan Kadirzhuma's house to organize crime. The government information says that these people were equipped with guns and knives. Therefore they were detained and this is called Aqtompaq incident.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2:

Entry created: 2020-03-04 Last updated: 2020-03-28 Latest status update: 2020-01-27 7929. Silahat Baiqulzha (斯拉哈提·巴依胡力加)

Chinese ID: 652701197109172228 (Bortala)

Basic info

Age: 47 Gender: F Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Bortala Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: Oct. 2018 - Dec. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): phone/computer|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|3: Tursyn Baiqulzha, born in 1962, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother)

Testimony 2: Baqytgul Baiqulzha, born in 1985, is now a Kazakhstan citizen. (sister)

About the victim

Silahat Baiqulzha (斯拉哈提 巴依胡力加) was taken to a camp around November 20, 2018, and she got very sick after 3-4 months in the camp. Not long after being released due to her health (it seems she was diagnosed with breast cancer), she passed away on March 19, 2019, at home. She is from Araltogay farm, Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture.

Victim's location passed away [presumably in Bortala]

When victim was detained

November 20, 2018

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Baqytgul Baiqulzha gave her phone bought in Kazakhstan to her sister Silahat Baiqulzha when she visited China. She was detained for having WhatsApp application on the phone.

Victim's status died at home no long after her release from a camp

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? through relatives Additional information

Her husband Baqyt has been released from a camp too. They have two daughters, Maqpal (15) and Mahpuda (10).

Testimony 3: Silahat is illiterate and only knows how to make phone calls, never mind installing other applications on her phone. She's not religious, she doesn't pray. Her husband has been detained several times and released and now he is having mental issues. The testifier doesn't have any news about them now. He's worried that his sister's two kids' safety. He doesn't know about their well-being. The testifier is not even aware if there was funeral according to the Islamic tradition. She had been very healthy until her detention. The testifier believes that she died of fear and panic after being falsely accused and detained. Even after her release two security guards came to her house and guarded her.

Victims among relatives

Altynbek Baiqulzha (7927), Erkin Baiqulzha (7928), Erkinbek Baiqulzha (7930), Asemgul Baiqulzha (7931), Yrysgul Baiqulzha (7932), Meirambek Zhumaqan (7933), Maqpal Baqyt (7934), Mahpuda Baqyt (7935)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1-2: Testimony 3: proof of relation:

Entry created: 2020-03-09 Last updated: 2021-08-09 Latest status update: 2019-03-19 8252. Abdulla Qurban

Chinese ID: 65292919????????O? (Kelpin)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: --- When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): "two-faced"|--- Health status: deceased Profession: education

Testifying party

Yasin Qurban, originally from Aksu's Kelpin County but now residing in Sweden. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Abdulla Qurban and he is about 45 years old. He graduated from Aksu Normal University. After graduation from university, he started to work in University of Finance.

Victim's location

[Probably in Aksu as the testifier (his brother) is from Aksu.]

When victim was detained

In 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Being double-faced.

Victim's status

He died due to heart disease.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

From a distant relative via Wechat.

Additional information

In 2017, the testifier heard that the victim was detained in the camp on the charge of being double-faced Two months ago (around in December 2019), he learnt from a distant relative that the victim died due to heart disease. And the testifier doubts that the victim might have died in the camps or he had the heart disease after he got out the camps and might have died away as the victim didn’t have any heart disease; plus, his relative told him not to ask any further as to let him live peacefully and safe.

Victims among relatives

Abdulmuheymin Abdulla (8253), Zileyhan Abdulla (8254)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-03-29 Last updated: 2020-04-09 Latest status update: 2020-01-28 8503. Abdulla Abbas (阿不都拉·阿巴斯)

Chinese ID: 65????19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Tatar Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: scholar

Testifying party

Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Abdulla Abbas was an ethnic Tartar professor with the Institute for Life Sciences and Technology at Xinjiang University.

According to his bio on the website for the Tartarstan Academy of Sciences (where he is listed as a foreign member), "Abdulla Abbas is one of the first scientists studied the lichens in China. The major areas of his scientific activity are medicinal herbs, plant morphology and biochemistry. 'Prof. Abbas graduated from the Faculty of Biology at Xinjiang University in 1976. Since then he has been teaching at Life Science and Technological Institute at Xinjiang University. Since 1995 he heads the Department of Botany, Faculty of Biology, Xinjiang University. In 1992 he became an associate professor and in 1995 a professor. Prof. Abbas is an Honoured scientific figure, his scientific projects are funded by the state. 'In 2001-2007 he joined the Advisory Center of Xinjiang People's Government (similar to Higher Attestation Commission VAK). In 2003 he became a member of the 10th National People's Congress of China and in 2008 of the 11th NPC. Prof. Abbas is a visiting expert of the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) in Xinjiang. Prof. Abbas is a member of the editorial board of several journals: Food Science (2002); Biotechnology in Pharmaceuticals (2003); Biotechnology (2004); Study of a Natural Area (in Uighur) (2006); and Review of Xinjiang University (2003) 'He is the author of 9 books and over 100 scientific papers published in world-wide prestigious journals." Source:

Victim's location


When victim was detained

On April 6, 2020, RFA reported that, per a source, Abdulla Abbas died "shortly after his release from a camp"

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

RFA attempted to speak to several Uyghur and Han employees at Xinjiang University but received no new informaton.

Article posted by the XUAR education bureau that mentions him:

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2020-04-19 Last updated: 2021-07-23 Latest status update: 2020-04-06 8732. Memettursun Sawut

Chinese ID: 653125196104053814 (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 57 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: sentenced When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Memettursun Sawut (potential Mandarin spelling: 麦麦提图尔荪·萨伍提).

Address: Group No. 3, Azatbagh Village, Azatbagh Municipality, Yarkand County, Kashgar Prefecture (莎车县阿扎提巴格镇阿扎提巴格村3组).

Victim's location

[Most likely in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Prior to October 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Marked as "sentenced" (被判刑) and deceased (死亡).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data was obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang.

Additional information ---

Entry created: 2020-05-16 Last updated: 2020-05-16 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 8756. Patem Semet

Chinese ID: 653125198706043823 (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 31 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Patem Semet (potential Mandarin spelling: 帕坦木·赛麦提).

Address: Group No. 5, Azatbagh Village, Azatbagh Municipality, Yarkand County, Kashgar Prefecture (莎车县阿扎提巴格镇阿扎提巴格村5组).

Victim's location

[Most likely in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Prior to October 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Marked as being "taken for education" (被收教, a euphemism for camp) and deceased (死亡).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data was obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang.

Additional information ---

Entry created: 2020-05-16 Last updated: 2020-05-16 Latest status update: 2018-10-24 8989. Qabdyrahman Qapysh

Chinese ID: 6523281962??????O? (Mori)

Basic info

Age: 57-58 Gender: M Ethnicity: Kazakh Likely current location: Changji Status: forced job placement When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: government

Testifying party

Ohab Qapysh, born in 1955, is a Kazakhstan citizen. (brother)

About the victim

Qabdyrahman Qapysh was the head of the Department at Education Bureau (教育局) of the Mori County. He worked from 1981 to 2018. He was a Party member. He was born in 1962. His wife Gulnaz is a director of a sewing workshop. He is from Mori Kazakh Autonomous County, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture.

Victim's location

Mori Kazakh Autonomous County

When victim was detained

He was assigned to work in a camp to monitor the surveillance cameras in a special room.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

He died of cerebral hemorrhage at his workplace because of too much work. When he died in monitoring room, nobody called for a doctor to rescue him. It seems he was about to get medicine, but he couldn't. Because when his wife got there after six hours, he was lying on the floor with a glass of water spilling beside him and pills.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? from relatives Additional information


Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-05-02 Last updated: 2020-05-02 Latest status update: 2020-02-17 9026. Chongahun Abdureshit

Chinese ID: 65410119????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Rukiye Turdush, an Uyghur activist living in Canada. (cousin)

About the victim

Chongahun Abdurishit.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Rukiye says that he was stabbed and killed in March of 2019 [she seems to suggest it was done by the authorities].

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information

Testifier thinks he might have been detained in Yingyar Vocational Skills Education and Training Center (伊宁市英也尔职业技能教育培训中心) in Ghulja municipality Victims among relatives

Sultan Memet (9006), Peride Sultan (9007), Perhat Sultan (9008), Reshide Sultan (9009), Gheyret Sultan (9010), Asiye Sultan (9011), Behtiyar Mijit (9012), Abdulitip Mijit (6630), Muyesser Mijit (9013), Abdushukur Abduqadir (9014), Sajide Abdushukur (9015), Weli Abdushukur (9016), Munire Abdushukur (9017), Zinnet Hajim (9018), Hakim Hajim (9019), Aliye Hajim (9020), Zumret Hajim (9021), Iminjan Emet (9022), Rishat Abduqadir (9023), Hemise Rishat (9024), Kerim Abdureshit (9025), Tuhan Abdureshit (9027), Hudayar Abliz (9028), Yasin Abliz (9029), Mehman Abliz (9030), Memeteli Abdurahman (9031), Turghun Qurban (9032), Yasin Turghun (9033), Pezil Turghun (9034), Buwimeryem Turghun (9035), Patime Turghun (9036), Merdan Qasim (9037), Mewlan Mutellip (9038), Helichihan Abdureshit (9039), Yarmemet Abduqadir (3998)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-05-05 Last updated: 2020-06-21 Latest status update: 2019-11-07 9509. Nesrulla Yusup

Chinese ID: 653224201???????O? (Lop)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: --- When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: deceased Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 3: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim

His name is Nesrulla Yusup. He is from Qarqiy Village, Sampul Township, Lop County, Hoten Prefecture. He is about 5 years old. He was pulled dead out of the ice in a stream in the village. According to the news report, his father was taken to a concentration camp, and his mother was sentenced for ten years. His grandparents were very old and very ill that they couldn't look after him. He fell into a stream while playing with friends and later was pulled out of the ice by local people.

Victim's location

He died in his village in Hoten.

When victim was detained

His parents were detained, but unclear when.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Possibly left in a compromised position because of his parents detention.

Victim's status

He was frozen to death in the ice-covered stream.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Testimony 1-2: presumably from hearing about it and being in the locality.

Testimony 3: this is a local government worker (presumably with more direct knowledge of the case).

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 1-3):

CGTN has issued a counter-report to the RFA report, in which they accused RFA of lying and put the victim's alleged parents on camera, saying that they were never detained. However, neither the child's nor the parents' names match those in the RFA report, making this difficult to interpret. (A press conference in January 2020 has echoed these claims:

Victims among relatives

Yusup Tohti (9510), Bupatem Tursunrozi (9511)

Supplementary materials

CGTN reply: photo of victim being pulled out:

Entry created: 2020-05-31 Last updated: 2021-05-19 Latest status update: 2019-12-18 9597. Ilham Memetjan

Chinese ID: 6530011990??????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 26-27 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: concentration camp When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: student

Testifying party

European Uyghur Institute, a France-based initiative to preserve Uyghur culture.

About the victim

Ilham Memetjan studied abroad in Egypt.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Kizilsu, as that is where his family appears to be from.]

When victim was detained

Ilham returned to Xinjiang in 2016 to protect his parents, who were reportedly being used as hostages by the authorities, and was detained.

He died in a concentration camp at the end of 2017.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information Ilham reportedly stayed away from Uyghur-related activities while studying in Egypt for fear of being accused [of separatism/terrorism] when he returned home.

Radio Free Asia mention:

Victims among relatives

Qurbanjan Abdukerim (14346), Seyitahun Abdukerim (14357), Ibrahim Seyitahun (14358), Ezimet Seyitahun (14359), Imran Hekimjan (14360), Medine Hekimjan (14361)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2020-07-18 Last updated: 2021-05-23 Latest status update: 2017-12-30 9599. Yasinjan Memtimin

Chinese ID: 65280119????????O? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: in custody When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 2: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 3: European Uyghur Institute, a France-based initiative to preserve Uyghur culture.

About the victim

Yasinjan Memtimin (birthdate unknown) was a student studying abroad at Al-Azhar Islamic University in Cairo, Egypt since 2016.

Victim's location

Deceased in Bayingolin.

When victim was detained

Returned to Xinjiang in April 2017 and was immediately imprisoned upon arrival. As confirmed by the Communist Party secretary of Aq-Eriq village in Korla confirmed to Radio Free Asia over the telephone in December 2017 (Testimony 2), Yasinjan Memtimin had died in prison that year.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Died "in prison".

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? Testimony 1+3: unclear.

Testimony 2: this is a local Party secretary who would presumably have more direct knowledge of the matter.

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 1-2):

The brother of Yasinjan Memtimin was a police officer from the Charbagh township in Korla who was dismissed from his police work prior to Yasinjan Memtimin's death. He was dismissed because he began to enquire about Yasinjan Memtimin's imprisonment.

According to the European Uyghur Institute (Testimony 3), he died from being tortured, and the Chinese authorities took his parents hostage prior to his return to Xinjiang.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 3: photo:

Entry created: 2020-07-18 Last updated: 2020-07-19 Latest status update: 2020-06-10 10326. Hawahan Abdukerim

Chinese ID: 65282719????????E? (Hejing)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1*|2|3: Rabigul Hajimuhemmed, an Uyghur now living abroad. (granddaughter)

About the victim

Hawahan Abdukerim was a Party member, and had worked for the Party for 30 years.

Possible address [her daughter's birthplace]: No. 4 Group, Ulanghazir Village, Qaramodun Municipality, , Bayingolin Prefecture.

Victim's location

[Presumably she passed away in her home region in Bayingolin.]

When victim was detained

She was not detained. However, she passed away in late August 2018, which her granddaughter believes is the result of the sorrow caused by her daughter's, Tuhan Haji's, detention.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

She heard about the death from local police (a year and three months after the fact).

Additional information ---

Victims among relatives

Tuhan Haji (3352), Heyithaji Qasim (3351), Yusupjan Heyithaji (3353), Tursunjan Qasim (3354), Memetjan Adil (3355)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 2: Testimony 3: Testimony 1:

Entry created: 2020-08-19 Last updated: 2021-04-03 Latest status update: 2020-12-08 10667. Ekrem Mehmet (艾克然木·买买提)

Chinese ID: 6521??19????????O? (place of origin unclear)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Turpan Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to going abroad|--- Health status: deceased Profession: education

Testifying party (* direct submission)

Testimony 1: Enwer, an Uyghur residing in the Netherlands. (friend)

Testimony 2: Nureddin Izbasar, as reported by Mehmet Volkan Kaşıkçı. (friend)

Testimony 3: @Mehmetjan5, an unverified Twitter account. (friend)

Testimony 4*: Anonymous, as reported by Gene A. Bunin. (friend)

About the victim

Ekrem Mehmet was a student at the Central University for Nationalities in Beijing and studied with the testifier (Enwer) at that university from 2005 to 2010. The testifier says he was one of the best students in their class. After graduation, Ekrem Mehmet went to Turkey to study higher education from 2012 to 2016. In 2016, Ekrem Mehmet achieved a Master's degree from Ankara University in Turkey, after which, he went back to Xinjiang and became a high school teacher. He was teaching Turkish in Urumqi.

Testimony 2: born around 1986, but not 100% sure. He was from a relatively poor family in Turpan, who sold raisins for a living. The testifier and Ekrem both graduated from the Minzu University in Beijing in 2011, where they had studied Uyghur language and literature. They then went to Turkey, with Nureddin going to Istanbul and Ekrem going to Ankara. Ekrem studied for a Master's degree in Turkish language and literature at Ankara University from 2012 to early 2016.

Testimony 2: The victim first taught Turkish to Chinese soldiers in Beijing after returning to China in 2016, then he found a job as a Turkish instructor a university in Urumqi (Testimony 3 says that he was forced to return to Xinjiang).

Testimony 4: his official Chinese name is 艾克然木·买买提.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Turpan.] When victim was detained

Testimony 1: Ekrem Mehmet was arrested at some point in 2018 and sent to a concentration camp. He died in detention at that concentration camp at some point in 2019.

Testimony 2: In 2018, the victim was detained and sent to a concentration camp. Two weeks ago (as of 7 July 2020), Nuretin found out that he was dead, likely sometime in 2019, but the exact time is unclear. It is also unknown whether he died in a concentration camp or detention center or whether he was sentenced to prison prior to his death. The official reason given for the victim's death was that he had a heart attack. The testifier suspects that he was tortured, but this is not yet known.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 2: probably for having studied in Turkey. (Testifier also mentions that Ekrem was active in Uyghur organizations in Turkey.)

Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

Testimony 2: The victim was married and some of the victim's friends were under the impression that the victim's wife was also in Ankara. When the victim was detained, his wife was pregnant. The victim's wife gave birth whilst the victim was in detention. The victim did not see his child.

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3: photo (1): photo (2):

Entry created: 2020-07-19 Last updated: 2020-09-03 Latest status update: 2020-07-07 10995. Memtimin Yunus

Chinese ID: 65322319????????O? (Guma)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: religion

Testifying party

Uyghur Times, an independent Uyghur news outlet based in Washington, DC.

About the victim

Memtimin Yunus was an Uyghur man who was 56 years old at the time of his death in June 2020. He was a religious scholar and lived in Guma county, Khotan.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Hotan.]

When victim was detained

The victim was arrested at his home in Guma county, Khotan in February 2016.

The victim died in a "prison" [not clear if police custody or formal prison] in June 2020.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is deceased ("killed by China's regime").

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information ---

Supplementary materials original testimony: photo:

Entry created: 2020-07-29 Last updated: 2020-10-04 Latest status update: 2020-07-26 11395. Ekber Awut

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: in custody When problems started: July 2018 - Sep. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: education

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Ekber Awut was an Uyghur teacher and athlete who worked at Urumqi number 22 primary school up until the point of his arrest.

Victim's location

The victim is deceased.

When victim was detained

The victim was arrested in September 2018 and passed away in the detention center in Urumqi in October 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information The victim is included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs, available at:

Entry created: 2020-08-17 Last updated: 2020-08-17 Latest status update: 2020-05-26 12925. Tursunjan Sawut

Chinese ID: 65412119????????O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: deceased Profession: farmwork, herding

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Tursunjan Sawut is an Uyghur farmer who was approximately 40 years old at the time of his death. He was married to Gulbehrem [surname unspecified], who is currently being detained for "re-education" at an undisclosed internment camp.

Tursunjan Sawut lived together with Gulbehrem in No. 2 Village, Dongmazar Township, Ghulja County. Together, the couple has three children [names unspecified].

The RFA article also specifies that Tursunjan Sawut and his wife have "a number of close family members still living," but does not provide further details on those relatives.

Victim's location

His body was allegedly delivered back to his home.

When victim was detained

Tursunjan Sawut was arrested at night from his home in Dongmazar Township in early 2017. According to the first source, on the night of the arrest, "more than 30 police cars" surrounded his home and arrested both Tursunjan Sawut and his wife, Gulbehrem, at the same time. All of the police cars involved in the arrest had their lights turned off at the time. Approximately 10 police officers dressed in black "scaled the wall of their house, pulled hoods over their heads, and drove them away."

Tursunjan Sawut was taken to a concentration camp after his arrest. He was separated from his wife, who was taken to a different concentration camp.

Tursunjan Sawut was reportedly in good health at the time of his arrest, but died in detention 10 days later. According to the first source, 10 days after the arrest, more police cars arrived in the village; the police brought Tursunjan Sawut's body wrapped in white cloth (with the face covered) and left his body in the courtyard of his family's home "for several hours." Tursunjan Sawut's body was then taken by police to a nearby cemetery.

The second source [the anonymous police officer] confirmed Tursunjan Sawut's arrest.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

The second source [the police officer] reportedly specified that Tursunjan Sawut [and his wife] were arrested for "engaging in improper studies." According to the RFA article, this phrase likely indicates involvement in Islamic prayer or other religious practices. The second source also confirms that Tursunjan Sawut and his wife prayed, but adds that he does not know much else about them.

Victim's status

The victim is deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1: not stated.

Testimony 2: this is a policeman from the township where the victim resided, and presumably has relatively direct knowledge of the case.

Additional information

RFA article (Testimony 1-2):

The second source [the police officer] also confirmed that Gulbehrem was arrested and is currently being detained for "re-education" at an unspecified internment camp. She was reportedly not allowed to attend the victim's burial and it is unclear whether or not she has been informed of the victim's death.

Entry created: 2020-10-15 Last updated: 2021-02-13 Latest status update: 2017-05-01 13921. Qurbanjan Mehsut

Chinese ID: 65280119????????O? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: librarian

Testifying party

Ablet Mehsut, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (brother)

About the victim

His name is Qurbanjan Mehsut. He graduated from Nankai University and after graduation he started to work at the library of Xinjiang University. Later in 2017, he was sent to Qaghiliq for work. He was in touch with the testifier during his time in Qaghiliq and he didn't mention what his work was, but he complained that they work for at least 16 hours a day, and there is no rest even at weekends; and the system is very strict and the work is too heavy. At last in Oct 2019, Qurbanjan came back to Urumchi. He was diagnosed with meningitis. He was taken to the hospital that day as his condition had already worsened. However, he was discharged from the hospital for unknown reasons after 8 days in the hospital and was taken home with the help of his roommates. He passed away in a hospital on the 30th of October 2019.

Victim's location

[Presumably passed away in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

The victim was sent (by the government)to Qaghiliq County for work in 2017 and he had a leave to Urumchi in the middle of October 2019; He passed away on the 30th of October 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

He died of an illness. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier was in touch with the victim when the victim was in Qarghiliq; and the testifier was have a video chat with his relative while the victim passed away at a hospital.

Additional information

The testifier thinks that the victim might been sent to work at a center which "educates" women whose husbands were detained into the camps. The victim told the testifier that he was in poor health, and was unable to sleep at night, but could not ask for permission to see a doctor. According to the testifier, his relatives didn't dare to speak in Ugyhur when they had video chat. Also, 14 of the testifier's relatives have been detained after his visit to Korla 2017.

Radio Free Asia coverage:

Victims among relatives

Mehrigul Abla (8485)

Entry created: 2020-12-19 Last updated: 2021-04-16 Latest status update: 2019-10-30 13931. Omereli Dawut

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: deceased Profession: religion

Testifying party

Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Maya Mitalipova.

About the victim

Omereli Dawut was an imam and muezzin of the Grand Mosque in Tianshan District, Urumqi.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Urumqi.]

When victim was detained

Omereli Dawut was initially arrested in 2017.

In 2019, he passed away in either a concentration camp or a prison, and his body was given to his family.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear, but possibly related to religion.

Victim's status

The victim is deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

--- Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2020-12-23 Last updated: 2021-04-17 Latest status update: 2019-12-31 13941. Patigul Musa

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????E? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: corporate work

Testifying party

@Uyghur_Oghly, an unverified Twitter account. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Patigul Musa, a worker in a water management company in Urumqi.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Arrested in 2017, but released later because of lack of evidence.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

She was diagnosed with a brain tumor after her release. After a year of treatment, she died in January 2020.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated

Additional information

--- Supplementary materials original testimony: photo:

Entry created: 2020-12-28 Last updated: 2021-04-17 Latest status update: 2020-01-30 13991. Sattar Dawut

Chinese ID: 65410119????????O? (Ghulja City)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: art & literature

Testifying party

Ramile Ablimit, a resident of Canada. (cousin once removed)

About the victim

Sattar Dawut was a singer who was very well known in Ghulja.

Victim's location

[Presumably in Ili.]

When victim was detained

Sattar Dawut was not detained, but passed away after learning of the prison sentences of his son and grandson. The testifier believes that he died from grief.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not stated.

Additional information

--- Victims among relatives

Nurzat Sattar (13988), Daniyar Abdugheni (13989)

Supplementary materials video testimony:

Entry created: 2021-04-20 Last updated: 2021-04-20 Latest status update: 2020-12-12 13992. Abdulbasit Sayim

Chinese ID: unknown

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: --- Status: unclear (hard) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Abdushukur Abdulbasit, an Uyghur activist residing in Turkey. (son)

About the victim

Abdulbasit Sayim.

Victim's location


When victim was detained

Abdulbasit Sayim (the victim) appears on a poster held by Abdushukur Abdulbasit (the testifier). The poster includes the question "China! Why did you kill my father?".

Based on this poster, it appears that Abdulbasit Sayim was detained by Chinese authorities and was killed in detention.

The dates and form of his detention are not specified in this testimony.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Not specified. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Ayshemgul Molla (13993), Abduweli Abdulbasit (13994), Asemgul Abdulbasit (13995)

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2021-01-22 Last updated: 2021-04-20 Latest status update: 2020-12-29 14013. Ehet Ibrahim

Chinese ID: 65280119????????O? (Korla)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Bayingolin Status: concentration camp When problems started: Apr. 2017 - June 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Anonymous, but with a verified identity. (relation unclear)

Testimony 2: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway.

About the victim

Ehet Ibrahim (Ahati Wulayin, 艾哈提·乌拉音) [spelt "Ahat Ebrahim" in the testimony] was a 47 year-old Uyghur businessman. He was well-educated, and was the founder and director of the [sic] "Tabassum Conventional Centers" in Korla City [unclear if plural on "Centers" is intentional].

He also owned more than 50 pear fields in Korla. The testimony specifies that the pear fields were approximately 4 hectares in size [presumably each]. Annually, he exported a few hundred tonnes of pears internationally.

Ehet Ibrahim was a father to two daughters.

Victim's location

Testimony 2: passed away at a camp in Korla.

When victim was detained

Ehet Ibrahim was detained in a concentration camp in May 2017.

He later passed away under mysterious circumstances at a concentration camp in December 2019, despite the fact that he had no health issues prior to his detention.

Neither of the two daughters of Ehet Ibrahim were able to see Ehet Ibrahim at any time during his detention. Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?


Additional information

This victim is also included in the list of prominent detained Uyghurs (Testimony 2), available at:

Supplementary materials original testimony:

Entry created: 2021-02-12 Last updated: 2021-07-09 Latest status update: 2019-12-31 14167. Zohrehan Memet (祖热汗·麦麦提)

Chinese ID: 653125194510055242 (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 73 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: --- When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Zohrehan Memet.

Address: Group No. 4, Sawalla Village, Arslanbagh Township, Yarkand County, Kashgar Prefecture (莎车县阿尔斯兰巴格乡萨万拉村4组).

Victim's location

[Most likely in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Problems started prior to January 27, 2019 [when the record was generated].

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Marked as belonging to the "three kinds" (三类/SL), which suggests that the victim is in some sort of detention (prison/custody/camp).

Also marked as deceased (死亡).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data were obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang. Additional information


Entry created: 2021-04-27 Last updated: 2021-04-27 Latest status update: 2019-01-27 14175. Hashihan Abdulla (阿西汗·阿布都拉)

Chinese ID: 653125194408055262 (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 74 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: --- When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Hashihan Abdulla.

Address: Group No. 6, Sawalla Village, Arslanbagh Township, Yarkand County, Kashgar Prefecture (莎车县阿尔斯兰巴格乡萨万拉村6组).

Victim's location

[Most likely in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Problems started prior to January 27, 2019 [when the record was generated].

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Marked as belonging to the "three kinds" (三类/SL), which suggests that the victim is in some sort of detention (prison/custody/camp).

Also marked as deceased (死亡).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data were obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang. Additional information


Entry created: 2021-04-27 Last updated: 2021-04-27 Latest status update: 2019-01-27 14176. Sadiq Talip (萨迪克·塔力普)

Chinese ID: 653125192605105215 (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 92 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: --- When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Sadiq Talip.

Address: Group No. 6, Sawalla Village, Arslanbagh Township, Yarkand County, Kashgar Prefecture (莎车县阿尔斯兰巴格乡萨万拉村6组).

Victim's location

[Most likely in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Problems started prior to January 27, 2019 [when the record was generated].

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Marked as belonging to the "three kinds" (三类/SL), which suggests that the victim is in some sort of detention (prison/custody/camp).

Also marked as deceased (死亡).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data were obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang. Additional information


Entry created: 2021-04-27 Last updated: 2021-04-27 Latest status update: 2019-01-27 14280. Mihray Erkin

Chinese ID: 65312119900223??E? (Shufu)

Basic info

Age: 31 Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: in custody When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): relative(s)|--- Health status: deceased Profession: scholar

Testifying party

Testimony 1: @Uyghurspeaker, an unverified Twitter account.

Testimony 2|4: @UyghurInfo, an unverified Twitter account.

Testimony 3|5: Abduweli Ayup, a language activist, linguist, and writer, originally from Kashgar but now residing in Norway. (uncle)

Testimony 6: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 7: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 8: Abduweli Ayup, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (uncle)

About the victim

The victim's name is Mihray Erkin (JP: ミヒライ エリキン).

Mihray Erkin is originally from Kashgar, and was born on 23 February 1990.

Mihray Erkin passed away in China (possibly in Kashgar) at some point in January 2021.

Based on a partial image of what appears to be the Japanese version of her curriculum vitae (T4), Mihray Erkin first graduated from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (上海交通大学) in China before moving to Japan and studying at a graduate school of the University of Tokyo (JP: 東京大学大学院). She graduated from the University of Tokyo with a master's degree (JP: 修士).

In Japan, Mihray Erkin worked as a teacher, offering mother-tongue science classes to Uyghur children (Testimonies 1+4+5).

It is unclear precisely when she graduated from the University of Tokyo and when she began working as a teacher, but she is shown teaching a group of children in a 2018 photograph (Testimony 4). RFA report: she is originally from Toqquzaq in Konasheher County. Her degree from Jiao Tong University was in plant biotechnology. Her Master's degree at Tokyo University was related. After her Master's degree, she became a researcher at Nara Institute of Science and Technology.

Victim's location

Testimony 6: passed away in Kashgar.

When victim was detained

Mihray Erkin returned to China from Japan on 17 June 2019 (RFA report: returned to Xinjiang in August 2019) in order to visit her family in Kashgar. At the time, her father and aunt were both detained in Chinese concentration camps and she was unable to contact her family.

Testimony 6: At Tokyo airport, before returning to Xinjiang, Mihray sent a message to a friend. The message hinted that Mihray's life was in danger.

Testimony 6: Mihray died at Yanbulak Detention Center (Doletbagh, Kashgar) in November 2020 whilst being investigated by Kashgar PSB, possibly as a result of interrogation. (Testimony 7: a local official confirmed that Mihray was detained and interrogated at Yanbulak before her death.)

Testimony 6: Mihray was buried on December 20, 2020. Three family members participated. Reports of her death came out on the same day.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 8: Abduweli Ayup believes that she was detained in an effort by the authorities to gain leverage over him.

Victim's status

The victim is deceased.

Testimony 6: Police officially attributed her death to a "disease", and falsified a medical report.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1+2+4: The testifiers apparently learnt about the victim's death through a Japanese television program entitled "虎ノ門 ニュース".

Testimony 3+5: Not stated.

Testimony 6: the testifier claims to have seen the falsified medical report.

Testimony 7: this is a local official with presumably relatively direct knowledge of the case.

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 6-8): Testimony 8: A few months before her return to the XUAR, she "repeatedly urged her uncle to cease his activism." Mihray was the only other member of Abduweli's family outside Xinjiang.

Testimony 6: After her death, police told Mihray's family to remain silent, or they would be imprisoned for "disclosing state secrets" and "defaming the police". Police forced family members to record a video saying that Mihray suffered from a disease and that she died at home. The video was never released.

Victims among relatives

Abduweli Ayup (4616), Sajidigul Ayup (2886), Erkin Ayup (4915), Ablikim Tohti (5519), Gheyret Eysa (3147), Turkizat Gheyret (4829), Kamal Gheyret (6204), Nurmemet Ebeydulla (5518)

Supplementary materials

Testimony 1: Testimony 2: Testimony 3-4: Testimony 5: last exchange with Abduweli:

Entry created: 2021-02-26 Last updated: 2021-07-18 Latest status update: 2021-05-25 14335. Nebijan Rozi

Chinese ID: 653121200???????O? (Shufu)

Basic info

Age: under 18 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: forced job placement When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: student

Testifying party

Testimony 1|5: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 2|3: Local school employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 4: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 6: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Nabijan Rozi was a 16-year-old high school student. He was originally from No. 2 Neighbourhood, No. 14 Hamlet, Qarabagh Village, Bulaqsu Township, Konasheher County, Kashgar Prefecture.

Testimony 2: According to the head of a different, unspecified school in Toqquzaq Town, Kashgar Prefecture with whom RFA spoke, Nabijan Rozi was a student of a school in Bulaqsu Township.

Victim's location

The victim is deceased. He passed away in Aksu Prefecture.

When victim was detained

At some point in time [possibly October 2020, but ambiguous], Nabijan Rozi was sent to Aksu Prefecture to harvest cotton as part of a forced labour scheme.

In October 2020, Nabijan Rozi died in a fire that engulfed the dormitory in which he and 31 other classmates were sleeping. Of the classmates, one other boy also perished in the fire. Nabijan Rozi was one of more than 2,000 students who were sent to Aksu Prefecture as part of the forced labour programme.

Nabijan Rozi's body was discretely buried by government officials who "sought to downplay the incident and avoid public anger over their negligence".

Testimony 3: According to an anonymous teacher who helped with rescue efforts on the day of the fire (as reported by RFA), the fire occurred at approximately 3:00am [date unspecified], killing two students and seriously injuring four other students. The anonymous teacher also confirmed to RFA that Nabijan Rozi had been brought from Kashgar Prefecture to Aksu Prefecture to pick cotton as part of the forced labour programme on multiple occasions of the last "year and a half".

Testimony 4: According to an anonymous security chief of a village in Bulaqsu Township, Konasheher County, Kashgar Prefecture (as reported by RFA), the number of students from Konasheher County that were sent to Aksu Prefecture to harvest cotton as part of the forced labour programme was "two or three thousand", and there were a total of 32 students in the dormitory that caught fire.

Testimony 5: According to multiple anonymous sources (as reported by RFA), the authorities who investigated the fire declared it a "natural disaster" in an attempt to deal with the incident quietly such that it would not become material for "negative propaganda". On-site personnel were reportedly never questioned in relation to the fire, and parents of the students sent to Aksu Prefecture as part of the forced labour programme were not notified of the fire at the time.

Testimony 6: According to an anonymous village cadre (as reported by RFA), Nabijan Rozi was buried by local authorities, and none of his family members attended his funeral.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1: News of the victim's death reached the testifier (the anonymous relative of the victim) at the end of November 2020 (one to two months after the fact).

Testimony 2-6: these are local sources, some in the police/government, and presumably have relatively direct knowledge of the case.

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 1-6):

Victims among relatives

Abduqahar Rozi (14336), Rozi Tohti (14337)

Entry created: 2021-02-26 Last updated: 2021-04-30 Latest status update: 2021-02-18 14346. Qurbanjan Abdukerim

Chinese ID: 65300119????????O? (Atush)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kizilsu Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): related to religion|--- Health status: deceased Profession: private business

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur.

Testimony 3: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

About the victim

Qurbanjan Abdukerim was a Uyghur textile trader and entrepreneur from Böger Village, Azaq Township, Atush City, Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture. In the 1990s, Qurbanjan Abdukerim became the first textile trader in Atush to build a factory, from which he produced scarves. His family reportedly traded Chinese fabrics in Kyrgyzstan and Saudi Arabia.

Qurbanjan Abdukerim passed away on 27 February 2021 at the age of 54 years old, four days after he was released from detention.

Qurbanjan Abdukerim is survived by his wife and four children.

Victim's location

The victim passed away in Böger Village, Azaq Township, Atush County, Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture.

When victim was detained

Testimony 1:

Qurbanjan Abdukerim was arrested from his home in Böger Village, Azaq Township, Atush County, Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture at some point in early 2018. He was released from detention on 23 February 2021, and died four days later on 27 February 2021.

According to Zibibulla (the testifier), Qurbanjan Abdukerim was healthy at the time of his arrest in early 2018, weighing approximately 100 kilograms. When he was released approximately 3 years later on 23 February 2021, he weighed 53 kilograms.

Testimony 2: RFA spoke to an anonymous woman who answered the phone at the home of the chief of the Böger Village police station in Azaq Township. The anonymous woman said that her parents were attending a nezir (a Uyghur mourning ceremony) and confirmed to RFA that the nezir was for Qurbanjan Abdukerim. She also added that local authorities had placed restrictions on the nezir, limiting the number of attendees to 20.

Testimony 3: RFA also spoke with the newly appointed head of the neighborhood committee in Böger Village, Azaq Township [date of interview and name of committee head unspecified]. The committee head confirmed to RFA that a man by the name of Qurbanjan Abdukerim was released from detention "last week" weighing 53 kilograms. The committee head also explained that Qurbanjan Abdukerim had passed away after his release, but that his wife and children were "still there". According to the committee head, Qurbanjan Abdukerim was "buried under the supervision of local police."

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Testimony 1: Zibibulla (the testifier) believes that the reason for which Qurbanjan Abdukerim was arrested in early 2018 was that he went on a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia in approximately 2015 (three years prior to his detention). Zibibulla (the testifier) reportedly told Qurbanjan Abdukerim not to go on the pilgrimage, as he knew that it would be viewed by Chinese authorities as a sign of "religious extremism".

Victim's status

The victim is deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1: not stated.

Testimony 2-3: these are sources in / close to the local administration, and presumably knew of the situation/funeral by virtue of their position and location.

Additional information

Radio Free Asia coverage (Testimony 1-3):

Victims among relatives

Ilham Memetjan (9597), Seyitahun Abdukerim (14357), Ibrahim Seyitahun (14358), Ezimet Seyitahun (14359), Imran Hekimjan (14360), Medine Hekimjan (14361)

Supplementary materials photo:

Entry created: 2021-03-24 Last updated: 2021-05-02 Latest status update: 2021-02-27 14366. Abdulla Rahmanjan (阿布都拉·热合曼江)

Chinese ID: 65402120080218??O? (Ghulja County)

Basic info

Age: 13 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Ili Status: other When problems started: Jan. 2021 - Mar. 2021 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: minor

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Anonymous, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 3: Local government employee, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 4|5: Local police, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (from same town/region)

Testimony 6: Missing persons notice, publicly posted to search for a specific individual.

Testimony 7: Radio Free Asia Uyghur, the Uyghur-language service of Radio Free Asia.

About the victim

Abdulla Rahmanjan was a 13-year-old Uyghur boy from Tohuchi'yusi Village, Uchon Hui Township, Ghulja County, Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.

He was in the sixth grade at the Central Middle School in Uchon Hui Township, Ghulja County, Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture when he passed away at some time on or shortly after 2 March 2021.

Victim's location

The victim was reportedly murdered in a remote field around Uchon Uyghur Township, Ghulja County, Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.

When victim was detained

Testimony 6: According to a missing persons notice that reportedly circulated on [Chinese] social media during the week of 7 March 2021 to 13 March 2021, Abdulla Rahmanjan disappeared on 2 March 2021 on his way to class at the Central Middle School in Uchon Hui Township, Ghulja County, Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.

Testimony 7: Information that reportedly circulated on WeChat "days later" [i.e. after the missing persons notice] indicated that Abdulla Rahmanjan "had been taken to a remote field by 'human traffickers' who murdered him and removed his organs."

Testimony 7: According to RFA, at around the same time, a video was posted [presumably to Chinese social media] that "purported to show [Abdulla] Rahmanjan's family members crying and wailing in the field where his body was found."

Testimony 1: An anonymous male Hui resident of Uchon Uyghur Township reportedly confirmed to RFA that he had heard about the incident, but was unable to provide any further details, as the incident had occurred in Uchon Hui Township, which is relatively far away.

Testimony 2: An anonymous female resident of Uchon Uyghur Township also reportedly confirmed to RFA that she had heard of the incident, adding that the victim was from Tohuchi'yusi Village, Uchon Hui Township.

Testimony 3: An anonymous employee from an unspecified neighbourhood committee office reportedly told RFA that "local authorities had held a meeting in [Tohuchi'yuzi Village] after [Abdulla] Rahmanjan's body was found and urged residents to vigilantly watch over their children."

Testimony 4: An anonymous officer of the Ghulja County Police Station reportedly confirmed to RFA that the incident occurred in Tohuchi'yusi Village, Uchon Hui Township (which is far away from his station).

Testimony 5: A separate police officer from an unspecified police station reportedly told RFA that the notice related to the murder of Abdulla Rahmanjan (as circulated on Chinese social media) was also shared within his police station. The notice in question is reported to have contained details relating to Abdullah Rahmanjan's "disappearance, murder, and organ removal."

Testimony 5: The officer reportedly told RFA that his station was informed of the murder of Abdulla Rahmanjan by the head of the local Public Security Bureau (PSB), who had been "holding meetings for [the police officers at that station] every day" following the murder. The officer also reportedly said that he and the other officers at his station "were unaware of who the suspects in the crime [were] and whether they had been caught," adding that that local police "had been ordered to become 'stricter with surveillance' and have been 'investigating every district' in response to the murder".

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Testimony 1-2: Not stated.

Testimony 3: Unclear, but presumably from the meeting that was held by local authorities in Tohuchi'yuzi Village after the victim's body was found.

Testimony 4: Unclear, but presumably from official sources. Testimony 5: This officer either learnt of the victim's murder via a notice that was circulated on Chinese social media, or when his station was informed of the murder by the head of the local PSB. It is unclear which of these two events occurred first.

Testimony 7: additional information obtained by RFA was obtained from monitoring local social media.

Additional information

RFA coverage (Testimony 1+2+3+4+5+7):

Supplementary materials

Chinese ID: Testimony 6:

Entry created: 2021-04-09 Last updated: 2021-05-04 Latest status update: 2021-03-16 14373. Amine Memet

Chinese ID: 6532??19????????E? (---)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Hotan Status: in custody When problems started: Apr. 2018 - June 2018 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Turghun Memet, as reported by Amnesty International. (brother)

About the victim

The victim's name is Amine Memet [surname inferred from that of the testifier].

Victim's location

[She was presumably in Hotan at the time of her death, as her brother lived in this region and this is presumably where the family is from.]

When victim was detained

Turghun lost contact with Amine in June 2018, being notified a few months later by his sister-in-law that Amine had been killed in police custody during an interrogation.

(Amine had previously informed Turghun of their mother's detention and Turghun's children having been taken to Aixin Kindergarten (a de-facto orphanage). They would communicate via coded text messages.)

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The testifier learnt about the victim's death through his sister-in-law. Additional information

Amnesty International report: ression/

Prior to contact being cut off in June 2018, Amine was reportedly able to visit Turghun's children at Aixin Kindergarten on a weekly basis. This persisted for a number of weeks, before Amine was suddenly no longer allowed access to the children.

Entry created: 2021-04-16 Last updated: 2021-05-06 Latest status update: 2018-12-31 14644. Kenjihan Hapiz (坎吉汗·阿皮孜)

Chinese ID: 65292219????????E? (Onsu)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: concentration camp When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1: Elijan Anayit, a spokesperson for the XUAR People's Government Information Office.

Testimony 2: Meryem Sultan, as reported by Elijan Anayit. (granddaughter)

About the victim

Kenjihan Hapiz.

She was presumably from Wensu County, Aksu Prefecture [as this is where Meryem Sultan is from, according to Elijan Anayit].

Victim's location

The victim is deceased. [She was presumably in Aksu at the time of her death.]

When victim was detained

At the 3rd Press Conference on Xinjiang-related Issues (held on 20 January 2020), Elijan Anayit briefly spoke about the family of Meryem Sultan. According to Elijan Anayit, Meryem Sultan claimed that her grandmother, Kanjihan Abiz (the victim), was killed at a "vocational education and training center" [i.e. concentration camp]. Elijan Anayit says that when a [Chinese state media] journalist interviewed Aygul Sultan (9050), Aygul denied that Kanjihan Abiz (the victim) had ever been to a "vocational education and training center" and said that Kanjihan Abiz (the victim) had passed away from an illness on 27 January 2019.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is deceased. (Testimony 2: According to her granddaughter, she was killed at a concentration camp.)

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Elijan Anayit presumably has access to official information relating to the victim's case.

Additional information

Xinjiang press conference transcript (Testimony 1-2):

Victims among relatives

Aygul Sultan (9050)

Entry created: 2021-05-02 Last updated: 2021-05-19 Latest status update: 2019-01-27 15068. Melikem Abla

Chinese ID: 65292319????????E? (Kucha)

Basic info

Age: 55+ Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Aksu Status: concentration camp When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Nuriyem Abla, an Uyghur residing abroad. (sister)

About the victim

Melikem Abla was 63 years old.

She resided in Kucha.

Victim's location

[Presumably passed away in Aksu.]

When victim was detained

All contact between Nuryem and Melikem ceased in September 2017.

Melikem was sent to a concentration camp at the beginning of 2018, and passed away at that camp.

Melikem's body was not returned to her family for burial.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

The victim is deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

Unclear. Additional information


Victims among relatives

Meryem Abla (15069), Salahidin Enwer (15070)

Supplementary materials original testimony: .3/videos/156069716196413/&show_text=true&width=300 photo:

Entry created: 2021-05-31 Last updated: 2021-05-31 Latest status update: 2018-03-30 15396. Memetimin Momin (麦麦提依明·木民)

Chinese ID: 653125196906105233 (Yarkand)

Basic info

Age: 49 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Kashgar Status: sentenced When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Xinjiang government records, as reported by Adrian Zenz.

About the victim

Memetimin Momin. He was married with two daughters.

Address: House No. 255, Group No. 4, Yuqiri Alwaqichi Village, Arslanbagh Township, Yarkand County, Kashgar Prefecture (莎车县阿尔斯兰巴格乡尤库日阿勒瓦克其村4组255号).

Victim's location

[Most likely in Kashgar.]

When victim was detained

Problems started prior to January 27, 2019 [when the record was generated]. At some point in time, the victim was sentenced, and then passed away.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status

Deceased (死亡).

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

The data were obtained from internal sources in Xinjiang.

Additional information ---

Entry created: 2021-06-20 Last updated: 2021-06-20 Latest status update: 2019-01-27 16184. Reyhan Emet

Chinese ID: 65430119????????E? (Altay)

Basic info

Age: --- Gender: F Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Altay Status: in custody When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|"separatism", challenging authority Health status: --- Profession: education

Testifying party

Muhter Abdurahman, as reported by Radio Free Asia Uyghur. (relation unclear)

About the victim

Her name is Reyhan Emet. She was the principal of the No.5 Middle School in (the city's only Uyghur school). She was detained in early 2017 and died in the detention.

Victim's location

She reportedly died at the detention center [in Altay, presumably].

When victim was detained

She was detained in early 2017 [probably in May or June 2017], as in July 2017 the Public Security Bureau informed the school leadership that the victim had been arrested on charge of "opposing national language education" and "attempting to divide the country." A month later, She was pronounced dead of a heart attack during the detention, but students were asked to keep the news of her death a secret.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

"opposing national language education" and "attempting to divide the country." According to the testifier Muhter Abdurahman, when the teaching in Uyghur was canceled at that time, the principal, Reyhan Emet, commented that such a sudden implementation would undermine the overall teaching of the school and this was considered as "separatist" by the authorities.

Victim's status

The victim died in 2017.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status? The testifier reached out to his friends in Altay city and got some news about the victim.

Additional information

RFA coverage:

Entry created: 2021-08-12 Last updated: 2021-08-14 Latest status update: 2017-08-31 24097. Enwer Tursun (安尼瓦尔·吐尔逊)

Chinese ID: 6501??19????????O? (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 35-55 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: --- Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: law

Testifying party

Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Enwer Tursun was 46 years old and worked as a judge of the Intermediate Criminal Court.

Victim's location

In Urumqi at the time of death.

When victim was detained

Not detained. He is reported to have had anxiety and depression, and committed suicide in the basement of his home at Tianping Neighborhood (天平社区) on the afternoon of June 29, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention


Victim's status


How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

These data come directly from police databases in Urumqi.

Additional information

--- Entry created: 2021-08-20 Last updated: 2021-08-20 Latest status update: 2018-06-29 24104. Bari Semet (巴力·赛买提)

Chinese ID: 650103197612142315 (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 41 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: concentration camp When problems started: before 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): past "transgressions"|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Testimony 1|2: Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Bari Semet.

Residential and registration address: Apt. 601, Entrance No. 1, Building No. 24, Shuiyun Kangju Garden Residential Area, 360 Herong Alley, Shuimogou District (水磨沟区和融巷360号水韵康居苑小区24号楼1单元601号).

Victim's location

He was in Urumqi at the time of his death.

When victim was detained

Bari had previously been taken to a drug rehabilitation facility on March 5, 2015, to be held there for 2 years and 15 days.

On March 15, 2018, he was sent to a re-education camp.

Bari was released from camp on August 15 because of illness. One day later, he went to the No. 6 People's Hospital in Urumqi for a doctor's appointment, but would suddenly die on the way home from the hospital. A memorial service was held at a mosque the next day, and he was buried at the Qimashan Ethnic Minority Cemetery.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

[Likely for having a record of drug use, but this is not explicitly stated.]

Victim's status Deceased.

How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

These data come directly from police databases in Urumqi.

Additional information


Entry created: 2021-08-20 Last updated: 2021-08-20 Latest status update: 2018-08-16 24290. Ababekri Mollaniyaz (阿巴白克热·莫拉尼亚孜)

Chinese ID: 650105197412070073 (Urumqi)

Basic info

Age: 43 Gender: M Ethnicity: Uyghur Likely current location: Urumqi Status: unclear (soft) When problems started: July 2017 - Sep. 2017 Detention reason (suspected|official): ---|--- Health status: deceased Profession: ---

Testifying party

Urumqi police records, as reported by Yael Grauer.

About the victim

Ababekri Mollaniyaz.

Residential address: Zhongtai Neighborhood, Urumqi.

Registration address: Apt. 102, Entrance No. 3, Building No. 16, Shuiyun Kangju Garden Residential Area, 360 Herong Alley, Shuimogou District, Urumqi (乌鲁木齐市水磨沟区和融巷360号水韵康居苑小区16号楼3单元102号).

Victim's location

In Urumqi at the time of death.

When victim was detained

He was sent to re-education camp in July 2017, to be released to community surveillance two months later because of health reasons (he suffered from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and tuberculosis).

He died at Urumqi's No. 6 People's Hospital on December 3-4, 2018.

Likely (or given) reason for detention

Unclear. The police report notes that he was marked as an "important intelligence" person by the "front command" of the autonomous region (自治区前指要情推送人员).

Victim's status

Deceased. How did the testifier learn about the victim's status?

These data come directly from police databases in Urumqi.

Additional information


Entry created: 2021-09-08 Last updated: 2021-09-08 Latest status update: 2018-12-04