VOLUME 534 SIXTH SERIES INDEX TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (HANSARD) SESSION 2010–12 24th October—3rd November 2011 £9 . 00 © Parliamentary Copyright House of Commons 2011 Applications for reproduction should be made in writing to the Copyright Unit, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, St Clements House, 2-16 Colegate, Norwich, NR3 1BQ Fax 01603 723000 e-mail:
[email protected] Her Majesty’s Stationery Office is independent of and separate from the company now trading as The Stationery Office Ltd., which is responsible for printing and publishing House publications. PEFC/16-33-622 Printed in the United Kingdom by The Stationery Office Limited 03/2012 19960 19585 INDEX TO THE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT SIXTH SERIES VOLUME 534 SESSION 2010–12 24 October—3 November 2011 Printed indexes to Hansard SCOPE The index is derived from the headings that appear in Hansard. The index includes entries covering the names of all Members contributing to the Parliamenatary business recorded in Hansard, including Divisions. REFERENCES • References in the indexes are to columns rather than pages. • There are separate sequences in Hansard for the material taken on the floor of the House, Westminster Hall sittings, written statements, written questions, ministerial corrections and petitions: • References consisting of a number by itself indicate material taken on the floor of the House. • References ending in ‘wh’ indicate Westminster Hall sittings. • References ending in ‘ws’ indicate written statements. • References ending in ‘w’ indicate written questions. • References ending in ‘p’ indicate written petitions. • References ending in ‘mc’ indicate ministerial corrections. (Where a volume number is given, the correction appears in a later volume).