Five Year Housing Land Supply Assessment 2019 – 2024
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South Kesteven District Council Five Year Housing Land Supply Assessment 2019 – 2024 August 2019 Five Year Housing Land Supply 2019-2024 South Kesteven District Council Executive Summary National planning guidance requires local planning authorities to identify and maintain a rolling specific deliverable sites, sufficient to provide five years’ worth of housing against their annual requirement. This paper sets out an assessment of whether there is a five year supply of deliverable housing land within South Kesteven District. The South Kesteven Local Plan was Submitted to the Secretary in January 2019. As the Local Plan was Submitted to the Secretary of State in January 2019, the ‘transitional period’ of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the Local Plan is to be Examined under the 2012 NPPF. As such, this report is in accordance with the 2012 NPPF. Following the Examination in Public and per the Inspector’s post hearing letter, the Objectively Assessed Need (as identified in the March 2017 Strategic Housing Market Assessment) has been increased from 625 to 650 dwellings per annum from 2016 to take into account market signals. This requires 16,125 homes to be built over the plan period 2011-2036, at an average of 650 homes per year. Since the plan period started in 2011, there has been a shortfall of 569 dwellings. Spreading the shortfall across the plan period results in a requirement of 11,619 across the remainder of the plan period, and 3,417 in the 5 year period. The Council has under delivered when housing delivery is assessed against the housing trajectory set out in the Proposed Submission Local Plan. As such, in accordance with the NPPF, a 20% buffer has been added to the housing requirement (including shortfall) resulting in a requirement of 4,101 dwellings in the first 5 years. The Liverpool method, which spreads the shortfall over the remaining Plan Period is the Council’s preferred method due to the number of strategic sites within the housing supply of the draft Local Plan. The Council will then switch the method to Sedgefield, after the 5 year period and spread the shortfall over the first 5 years, as the larger sites gather pace. South Kesteven currently has an identifiable and deliverable housing land supply of 4878 homes expected to come forward over the next five years which equates to 5.95 years supply. This is made up of the following: Supply Total Small Sites with planning permission, including under construction 460 Windfall Allowance expected to contribute to the supply in later years (2020/21 - 90 2022/23) Large sites with Planning Permission not under-construction 1039 Large Sites Under-construction 101 Sustainable Urban Extensions with Planning Permission 1002 Proposed Local Plan Allocations (Deliverable Sites) 2038 Council Capital Programme 148 Total 4878 Five Year Housing Land Supply 2019-2024 South Kesteven District Council Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 2 1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1 National Planning Policy Framework Requirements ........................................................................ 1 2.0 Housing Delivery 2011-2019 ............................................................................................................ 2 3.0 Housing Land Requirements ............................................................................................................ 3 4.0 Housing Supply ................................................................................................................................. 3 Strategic Large Sites & Proposed Local Plan Allocations .................................................................. 4 Windfall Allowance ............................................................................................................................ 4 Small Sites with Planning Permission ................................................................................................ 6 South Kesteven Council’s Capital Programme Sites .......................................................................... 6 5.0 Five Year Housing Supply Calculation ............................................................................................. 6 Five Year Housing Land Supply 2019-2024 South Kesteven District Council 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires local planning authorities (LPA’s) to identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites to provide five years’ worth of housing land against their housing requirements with an additional buffer to ensure choice and competition in the market for land. 1.2 The South Kesteven Local Plan was Submitted to the Secretary in January 2019. As the Local Plan was Submitted to the Secretary of State in January 2019, the ‘transitional period’ of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the Local Plan is to be Examined under the 2012 NPPF. As such, this report is in accordance with the 2012 NPPF. 1.3 This report sets out South Kesteven District Council’s assessment of housing land supply and identifies specific sites which the Council considers are likely to contribute to the delivery of housing development over the coming five years to 2024. This includes small and large sites already under construction but not yet complete; those sites with planning permission but where building work has not yet commenced; sites to be allocated through the emerging Local Plan, which are deemed deliverable; and other sites not yet in the planning system but are considered deliverable within the 5 years. 1.4 The assessment also includes a provision for small windfall sites which are likely to be developed during the five years including sites. National Planning Policy Framework Requirements 1.5 LPAs should identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites to provide five years’ worth of housing, against their housing requirement, with an additional buffer of either 5% or 20% (moved forward from later in the plan period) to ensure choice and competition in the market for land. 1.6 The NPPF states that for sites to be considered deliverable they should be: • Available – the site is available now • Suitable – the site offers a suitable location for development now • Achievable – there is a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years, and that the development of the site is viable • Sites with planning permission should be considered deliverable until permission expires, unless there is clear evidence that the scheme will not be delivered within the 5 years. 1.7 The 2014 National Planning Practice Guidance reiterates that deliverable sites could include those allocated in a development plan and with planning permission, unless there is clear evidence schemes will not be implemented within 5 years. It goes on to also indicate that: ‘planning permission or allocation in a development plan is not a prerequisite for a site being deliverable in terms of the five-year supply. Local Planning authorities will need to provide robust, up to date evidence to support the deliverability of sites, ensuring that their judgements on 1 Five Year Housing Land Supply 2019-2024 South Kesteven District Council deliverability are clearly and transparently set out. If there are no significant constraints (e.g. infrastructure) to overcome, such as infrastructure, sites not allocated within a development plan or without planning permission can be considered capable of being delivered within a five-year timeframe.’ ID 3-031-20140306 1.8 The housing land supply assessment therefore includes a figure for the contribution to the supply from sites which are not currently in the planning process, but which are considered capable of delivering housing within the five-year period. This includes sites which are proposed for allocation through the new Local Plan. 2.0 Housing Delivery 2011-2019 2.1 Table 1 sets out housing delivery rates from 1 April 2011 to 1 April 2019. A physical survey was undertaken in 2015/16 of all outstanding commitments. This was considered necessary as a number of sites (particularly small sites) were known to have been completed but still featured on the commitment list as sites under construction but not completed. As a result of the survey the sites are now counted as completions. However, the actual year of completion cannot be confirmed. 2.2 In addition to the surveys, a more recent desk based review of completions was undertaken which resulted in an additional 6 completions in 14/15, as such 6 dwellings have been added to that year. 2.3 The requirement since 2011 totals 5,075. With 4506 units delivered there has been a shortfall of 569 dwellings since 2011. Table 1: Housing Delivery Rates from 1 April 2011 to 1 April 2019 Year Annual Target Units Delivered 2011-2012 625 494 2012-2013 625 497 2013-2014 625 541 2014-2015 625 652 2015-2016 625 495 2016-2017 650 454 2017-2018 650 428 2018-2019 650 676 Survey Year 269 District Total 5075 4506 2 Five Year Housing Land Supply 2019-2024 South Kesteven District Council 3.0 Housing Land Requirements 3.1 The Strategic Housing Market Assessment (updated in 2017) identifies an Objectively Assessed Need (OAN) of 16,125 over the plan period of 25 years (2011-2036), resulting in 650 dwellings per year from 2016 to take into account