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Annexure -V List of Sample Villages state District Taluka Village Pop (HHS) J & K Jammu bishna mojoa uttami 164 J & K Kathua billawar billawar 250 J & K Udhampur ramnagar pernarra 181 J & K Pulwama pulwama bandzoo 231 J & K Anantnag kulgam asnur 306 J & K Baramula sopore braman 239 J & K Srinagar ganderbal kur hama 309 Himachal Pradesh Lahaul& Spiti spiti kiber khas 82 Himachal Pradesh Kinnaur nichar dharmaling 218 Himachal Pradesh Kullu kullu neol 318 Himachal Pradesh Chamba sihunta sarog 126 Punjab Rupnagar anandpur sahib tarapur 179 Punjab Nawansahar nawanshahr pallian khurd 188 Punjab Ludhiana payal sirthala 344 Punjab Amritsar tarn-taran gidri bhagiari 284 Punjab Patiala patiala kheri gujran 246 Punjab Fatehgarh Sahib amloh ramgarh 207 Punjab Moga nihal singhwala barewala 130 Punjab Muktsar muktsar bhullar 598 Uttaranchal Rudraprayag rudraprayag bag seer 96 Uttaranchal Uttarkashi puraula hudoli 211 Uttaranchal Tehri Garhwal tehri pajaint 207 Uttaranchal Bageshwar bageshwar than dangoli 97 Haryana Ambala naraingarh kathe majra 164 Haryana Rohtak maham mokhra kheri 409 Haryana Panipat panipat babarpur 246 Haryana Faridabad faridabad paota 319 Haryana Mahendragarh mahendragarh balana 256 Haryana Rewari kosli nangal pathani 347 Haryana Sirsa sirsa shahidan wali 162 Haryana Jind safidon malsari khera 200 Rajasthan Churu ratangarh chhajoosar 102 Rajasthan Barmer sheo gorsiyon ki tala 142 Rajasthan Hanumangarh rawatsar poharka 40 Rajasthan Pali jaitaran raniwal 258 Rajasthan Jhunjhunu udaipurwati majhau 157 Rajasthan Alwar rajgarh bhajeda 117 Rajasthan Bharatpur rupbas panduri 220 Rajasthan Tonk deoli titriyan 193 Rajasthan Rajasamand rajsamand amloi 202 Rajasthan Udaipur vallabhnagar adinda 294 Rajasthan Dungarpur aspur kanthri 264 Rajasthan Banswara ghatol mahuwal 234 Rajasthan Bundi indragarh baswara 249 Rajasthan Baran chhipabarod manpura 228 Rajasthan Chittaurgarh rawatbhata jawada 289 Rajasthan Jhalawar gangdhar jagdishpura 181 Uttar Pradesh Meerut mawana dayalpur 254 Uttar Pradesh Jyotiba Phule Nagar dhanaura paharpurinayat 234 Uttar Pradesh Etawah chakarnagar kachahari 144 Uttar Pradesh Hathras sikandra rao tatidandia 270 Uttar Pradesh Barabanki rudauli nagara 231 Uttar Pradesh Kanpur akbarpur lamahara 301 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur bindki ranmast pur 182 Uttar Pradesh Rae Bareli tiloi alaipur 250 Uttar Pradesh Sonbhadra ghorawal khutaha 349 Uttar Pradesh Faizabad milkipur kaoorah 268 Uttar Pradesh Sidhharthnagar bansi urwaliya 156 Uttar Pradesh Pratapgarh patti sarai sher khan 193 Uttar Pradesh Lalitpur mahroni banoni 306 Uttar Pradesh Jalaun madhogarh atrauli 177 Uttar Pradesh Banda banda gauri khurd 147 Uttar Pradesh Chitrakoot karwi kothil hai 175 Uttar Pradesh Jhansi moth lawan 285 Uttar Pradesh Hamirpur maudaha bamhrauli 268 Uttar Pradesh Mahoba kulpahar dadri 256 12

Bihar Madhepura alamnagar singhar 316 Saharsa kahara dighia 464 Bihar Muzzafarpur gaighat jahangirpur 219 Bihar Champaran west ramnagar 213 Bihar Khagaria parbatta thebhao 525 Bihar Munger bargajwa 70 Bihar Buegusarai bakhri danrha than singh 181 Bihar Buxar rajpur rupapokhar 156 Sikkim Nimachai rongli lingtam 201 Sikkim Gyalshing gyalshing barphok 232 Arunachal Upper Siang mariyang circle mariyang h.q. 239 Arunachal Changlang vijoynagar circle gandhigram bl.i & ii 248 Nagaland Mokukchung ongpangkong aliba 198 Nagaland Dimapur dhansiripar doyapur vill. 200 Manipur Thoubal lilong sub-division oinam Manipur Bishnupur moirang sub-division ithai Manipur Ukhrul kamjong chassad sub-div. grihang Manipur Churachandpur churachandpur sub-division khengmual Mizoram Aizawl tlangnuam (part) n.lungleng 118 Mizoram Saiha tuipang serkawr 168 Tripura West Tripura bishalgarh madhya pathalia 392 Tripura South Tripura amarpur purba taichhlong 267 Meghalaya South Garo baghmara dabigre Meghalaya East Khasi pynursla iewmawiong Assam Dhemaji jonai rangpuria 210 Assam Lakhimpur subansiri (part-i) chinai 159 Assam Cachar silchar barjalenga pt i 226 Assam Karimganj ramkrishna nagar eraligool pt vi 188 Assam Darrang sipajhar nizsipajhar 262 Assam Sonitpur biswanath ratowa pathar 244 Assam Kokrajhar gossaigaon lotamari-i f v 112 Assam Marigaon bhuragaon dighali aati 306 Assam North Cachar maibong hajadisa 177 Assam Karbi Anglong donka deramukam 68 West Bengal Kooch Bihar mathabhanga - ii kharikabari 255 West Bengal darjeeling kurseong north shibkhola tea garde 253 West Bengal Jalpaiguri maynaguri dakshin putimari 357 West Bengal Nadia kaliganj chakundi 345 West Bengal Birbhum bolpur sriniketan darpashila 227 West Bengal maldah kaliachak - iii chak domai 323 West Bengal Murshidabad suti - i najirpur 140 West Bengal Bardhhaman raina - i ausara 217 West Bengal North-24 parganas basirhat - i atkaria 207 West Bengal Howrah bagnan - i masiara 305 West Bengal South-24 parganas magrahat - ii taldi 304 West Bengal Paschim Medinipur sahid matangini agar 300 West Bengal Bankura indpur puara 297 West Bengal Puruliya hura kusumjuria 167 Jharkhand Dhanbad ramgarh jogia 239 Jharkhand Ranchi ratu hehal 281 Jharkhand Pakur litipara patrapara 285 Jharkhand Lohardaga kuru sinjo 137 Orissa Jajapur binjharpur(p) kampagarha 250 Orissa Cuttack salepur deuli 230 Orissa Nayagarh khandapada balaramaprasad 290 Orissa Gajapati rayagada badagan 118 Orissa rayagada rayagada pindapadar 164 Orissa Koraput koraput paidaput 145 Orissa Baudh manamunda(p) talapadar 101 Orissa Nabarangpur nabarangapur sagarmunda 251 Orissa Kendujhar turumunga(p) mahisamundi 197 Orissa Angul kishorenagar bamur 192 Orissa Sambalpur kochinda bhoipali 199 Orissa Debagarh manamunda(p) talapadar 101 Chhatisgarh Mahasamand basna banipali 163 Chhatisgarh Korba katghora konkona 422 Chhatisgarh Bastar kondagaon manjhiborand 267 Chhatisgarh Dantewada bhopalpattanam pusbaka 259 Madhya Pradesh Satna raghurajnagar tikara 75 13

Madhya Pradesh Rewa teonthar barua 116 Madhya Pradesh Shahdol jaisinghnagar banchachar 270 Madhya Pradesh Umaria bandhogarh kumurdu 187 Madhya Pradesh Bhopal berasia untkheda 202 Madhya Pradesh Vidisha sironj pipaliya 99 Madhya Pradesh Sehore sehore rafiqueganj 240 Madhya Pradesh Raisen baraily mahragaon kalan 302 Madhya Pradesh Neemuch manasa lasudiya istmurar 132 Madhya Pradesh Dewas khategaon kakardi 130 Madhya Pradesh Ratlam jaora shakkar khedi (dewas) 143 Madhya Pradesh Jhabua jhabua umari 269 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur jabalpur sagda jhapani 263 Madhya Pradesh Chhindwara amarwara karapatha 175 Madhya Pradesh Mandla bichhiya manjhipur 228 Madhya Pradesh Dindori dindori ghanaghat mal. 258 Madhya Pradesh Khargaon (West Nimar) khargone idaratpur 295 Madhya Pradesh Badwani rajpur kukadiya kheda 209 Madhya Pradesh Harda harda kayagaon 196 Madhya Pradesh Betul bhainsdehi raksi 139 Madhya Pradesh datia seondha chitai 179 Madhya Pradesh Gwalior gird karahi [karai] 282 Madhya Pradesh Guna guna bans khedi (rampur) 129 Madhya Pradesh Shivpuri shivpuri rator 244 Madhya Pradesh Chhatarpur bijawar chopra 45 Madhya Pradesh Tikamgarh tikamgarh kati khas 291 Madhya Pradesh Damoh tendukheda ramadehi 120 Madhya Pradesh Sagar khurai dhanori 259 Madhya Pradesh Panna ajaigarh partappur 193 Gujarat vadodara kavant samalvant 277 Gujarat panch mahals shehera vijapur 204 Gujarat The dangs the dangs ghana 136 Gujarat mehsana satlasana mumanvas 266 Gujarat kheda thasra dabhsar 183 Gujarat navsari jalalpore sandalpor 307 Gujarat surat kamrej ghaludi 132 Gujarat patan harij masa 203 Gujarat dohad dhanpur limdi medhari 361 Gujarat Surendranagar limbdi gedi 236 Gujarat kuchh nakhatrana deshalpar 287 Gujarat jamnagar jodiya fatsar 208 Gujarat bhavnagar sihor bordi 193 Gujarat junagarh una naliya mandvi 262 Gujarat rajkot tankara harbatiyali 287 Maharashtra Sindhudurg vengurla mhartale 259 Maharashtra ratnagiri khed devghar 295 Maharashtra Raigarh murud talekhar 182 Maharashtra Thane palghar tighare 177 Maharashtra Pune purandhar tekavadi 287 Maharashtra Satara satara dabewadi 280 Maharashtra Ahmednagar akola kelungan 236 Maharashtra sangli miraj kalambi 577 Maharashtra jalgaon chalisgaon kargaon 282 Maharashtra Dhule shirpur khankheda pr. thalner 295 Maharashtra nandurbar akkalkuwa singpur bk 168 Maharashtra nashik nashik shevgedarna 271 Maharashtra osmanabad kalamb pimpalgaon dola 271 Maharashtra hingoli basmath jawala bk. 200 Maharashtra aurangabad vaijapur manegaon 260 Maharashtra bid shirur (kasar) narayanwadi 132 Maharashtra akola nandura jawala bazar 257 Maharashtra washim washim bitoda teli 102 Maharashtra amravati warud wadala 251 Maharashtra yavatmal yavatmal kamathawada 224 Maharashtra chandrapur bhadravati dhanoli 198 Maharashtra bhandara mohadi dhop 320 Maharashtra gondiya sadak-arjuni ghatbori k. 282 Maharashtra gadchiroli kurkheda shirpur 235 Andhra Pradesh west godavari tadepalligudem nandamuru 438 Andhra Pradesh east godavari maredumilli thadepalle 271 14

Andhra Pradesh vishakhaptnam butchayyapeta kondapalem 238 Andhra Pradesh nellore kaluvoya yerraballe 110 Andhra Pradesh warangal gudur keshavapatnam 262 Andhra Pradesh nalgonda gundla palle rahmatpur 259 Andhra Pradesh nizamabad madnoor lachan 278 Andhra Pradesh adilabad tamsi belsari rampur 225 Andhra Pradesh anantpur bommanahal bollanaguddam 758 Andhra Pradesh kurnool kowthalam nadichagi 483 Andhra Pradesh cuddapah atlur muthukur 458 Andhra Pradesh chitoor srikalahasti penubaka 199 Karnataka Udupi udupi innanje 610 Karnataka dakshin kannada mangalore sasihithlu 432 Karnataka uttar kannada sirsi bengle 236 Karnataka kodagu somvarpe kattepura 110 Karnataka chikmanglur koppa bhuyanakote 230 Karnataka hasan arsikere neeragunda 136 Karnataka shimoga sorab ginivala 266 Karnataka mysore tirumakudal narsipur ranganathapur 312 Karnataka kolar bangarapet chinchandlahalli 184 Karnataka bangalore rural kanakapura ramapura 232 Karnataka dharwad hubli katnur 287 Karnataka koppal yelbarga bhairnaikanhalli 177 Karnataka davangere honnali siddapura 66 Karnataka haveri byadgi hireanaji 224 Goa south goa sanguem sigao 355 Goa north goa satari mauzi 231 Kerala pallakad palakkad mankara 287 Kerala mallapuram ponnani perumpadappa 318 Kerala kannur thalassery muzhakkunnu 333 Kerala ksargod kasaragod enmakaje 327 Kerala thiruvananthpuram neyyattinkara amboori 334 Kerala idduki udumbanchola mariapuram 301 Kerala allpuzha kuttanad veliyanad 289 Kerala ernakulam kochi kuzhuppilly 193 Tamilnadu cuddalore chidambaram chinna nerkunam 238 Tamilnadu kancheepuram cheyyur palur 175 Tamilnadu villupuram gingee melarangunam 250 Tamilnadu tiruvanamali cheyyar kunnathur 276 Tamilnadu nagapatinam mayiladuthurai sivanaragaram 234 Tamilnadu thiruvarur kodavasal manapparavai 220 Tamilnadu puddukotai thirumayam kovanur 213 Tamilnadu perambulur veppanthattai pandagapady 358 Tamilnadu dindigul nilakkottai kodanginaickan patti 850 Tamilnadu madurai vadipatti andipatti 340 Tamilnadu kanyakumari vilavancode killiyoor 865 Tamilnadu ramanathpuram ramanathapuram ekkakudi 326 Tamilnadu coimbatore udumalaipettai deepalapatti 224 Tamilnadu dharmapuri harur bodinaickenhalli 56 Tamilnadu salem vazhapadi mettur 144 Pondicherry pondicherry villianur commune panchayat thondamanatham 692


Ministry of Rural Development Socio‐Economic Survey 2010 This questionnaire intends to collect some socio‐economic information related to the household. The information collected as part of this questionnaire will in no case entitle any household to any benefit nor will it deprive any household of any existing benefit that it receives. Honest cooperation in this process is solicited for this purpose.

Block‐0 Identification

Name Code Name and Signature (1) (2) 8 Investigator Name 1 State 9 Supervisor Name 2 District 10 Respondent Name 3 Block Date Month Year 4 Gram Panchayat 11 Date of the survey 5 Village 12 Start Time __ __ / __ __ 6 Hamlet/Tola 13 End Time __ __ / __ __ 7 Household Block‐1 Household Basic Characteristics Social (post‐ 13Name of the Head group code) 2Caste/Tribe (specify) 4 Religion (code) Social Group: 1=Scheduled tribe; 2=Scheduled caste; 3=Mahadalit; 4=Most Backward Caste; 5=Backward Caste; 3 6=Other Backward Caste; 7=Primitive Tribal Groups; 8=Denotified Tribes; 99=Other (specify) 4 Religion: 1=Hinduism; 2=Islam; 3=Christianity; 4=Sikhism; 5=Jainism; 6=Buddhism; 99=Other (specify) Block‐2 Sources of Household Income 1. In the past one year, did your household receive any income from the following sources? (1=yes, 2=no) 18aCultivation If Yes in Q8, what type (code): 29Fishing Own non‐agricultural enterprises 310Forest gatherer Interest and dividends 411Livestock/other agric enterprise Pension Remittances/Transfers from friends or 512Casual wage employment (agricultural) family (cash or kind) 613Casual wage employment (non‐agricultural) Alms/Begging 714Regular salaried employment Other (specify) Traditional 815professions/Handicrafts/Artisanship Other (specify) What are the two main sources of household income in the past one year? (use serial number of 2 source from list in Q1): Codes Traditional professions: 1=Barber; 2=Cobbler; 3=Ironsmith; 4=Carpenter; 5=Goldsmith; 6=Sweeper/rag‐picker; 8a 7=Washermen; 8= Potter; 10=Weaver; 99=Other (specify) Block‐3. Participation in public programs 1 Type of ration card (code) 2 Do children in household go to aanganwadi? (1=yes, 2=no) 3 Number of MNREGA job cards Number of days 2006‐07 2007‐08 2008‐09 2009‐10 worked (all Did any member of household work in MNREGA during members 4 the year (April‐March): combined) in 2009‐ (1=Yes, 2=No) 10:

Codes, q1: Type of ration card 1=Antodaya; 2=BPL; 3=APL; 4=no ration card; 99=Other (specify) Block‐4. Household Members Details Relation Possess with Marital Educational Name of the members Gender Age education Sl. (Before asking Q.3 to 10 make a list of household status attainment Father's name Mother's name certificate? No all family members, in order of nuclear head families) (1=male, 1=yes, (years) (code) (code) (code) 2=female 2=no (1) (2) (3)) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)












12 Codes 5 Relationship to household head: 1=Head; 2=Wife/husband; 3=Married child; 4=Spouse of married child; 5=Unmarried child; 6=Grandchild; 7=Father/mother; 8=Father/mother‐in‐law; 10=Brother/sister; 11=Brother/sister‐in‐law; 12=Grandfather/grandmother; 13=Niece/newphew; 14=Other relative; 99=Other (specify) 8 Marital Status: 1=Never married; 2‐Currently married; 3=Widowed; 4=Divorced; 5 = Separated; 6 = Abandoned; 99=Other (specify) 9 Educational Attainment: 1=Illiterate; 2=Literate but below primary; 3=Primary; 4=Middle; 5=Secondary; 6=Higher Secondary; 7=Graduate or higher; 99=Other (specify) Block 4.1: Details of household members living outside village Is there any member of the family who is normally resident in this household but has been living outside 2 the village for more than six months in the past one year? (1=yes, 2=no)

If yes in Q2, please provide details of members living outside the village Number Relation of months Father's Mother's with Purpose Gender Age since serial serial Sl. Name of the members household of leaving leaving number number No head the village (1=male, (use Block 4, Col.1 for (years) (code) (months) (code) 2=female) Serial No.) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1





Codes q7: Purpose of leaving: 1=employment/business; 2=transfer or service/contract; 3=studies; 4=natural disaster (drought, flood); 5=social/political problems; 99=Other (specify) q5 Relation with household head: 1=child; 2=grandchild; 99=Other (specify)

Block‐5. Disability and Chronic Illness

Is any member of the household disabled or does anyone (1=yes, 2=no) 1 suffer from chronic illness? (If no, skip to next block) Disability Chronic Illness Possess disability Serial Number of individual certificate? (code) (code) (Use Block 4, Col.1 for Serial No.) (1=yes, 2=no) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 2 3

4 Codes: 3&4 Disability: 1=blind; 2=deaf; 3=mute; 4=lame; 5=mentally challenged; 99=Other (specify) 5&6 Chronic illness: 1=cancer; 2=asthma; 3=HIV; 4=TB; 5=leprosy; 99=Other (specify) Block‐6. Employment Details (1=Yes, 1 Does any member of the household have a regular salaried job? (If no, skip to Q2) 2=No) Serial Number of Government or Mode of salary Nature of job Monthly salary individual private? payment (1=cash, (Use Block 4, Col.1 for (1=Govt., 2=cheque, (specify) (code) (Rupees) Serial No.) 2=Private) 3=bank account, 99=other) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1 2 3 4 Codes q4: Nature of job: 1=Professional/Clerical; 2=Sales workers; 3=Machine operators; 4=Manual workers; 5=Service workers (drivers, security guards, peon etc); 99=Other (specify)

Does any member of the household own a trade/shop/business? (If (1=Yes, 2 no, skip to Q3) 2=No) Do you hire or Serial Number of all Monthly income Nature of enterprise subcontract owners (approx.) workers? (Use Block 4, Col.1 for (specify) (code) (Specify) (1=yes, 2=no) Serial No.) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)



3 Codes q4 Nature of enterprise: 1=shop; 2=repair/service; 3=petty manufacturing; 4=handicrafts/artisan; 99=Other (specify)

3 List Serial Number of any person in the household who: (Use Block 4, Col.1 for Serial No) S.No 1 S.No 2 S.No 3 S.No 4 S.No 5 1 Pays income tax 2 Is a self‐employed professional (e.g., doctor, lawyer) 3 Pays professional/service tax/VAT 4 Is a government contractor (Skip to Q5 if No) 4a If govt.contractor, what type? (code) 5 Is a private contractor 6 Is legally released bonded labor 7 Works as attached labor 8 Receives a pension (Skip to next Block if no pension) If receives pension, what is monthly pension? 8a (Rs.)

8b If receives pension, type of pension (code) Codes q4a Type of govt.contractor: 1=Grade 1, 2=Grade 2, 3=Grade 3 Q8b Type of pension: 1=Old age; 2=Widow; 3=Disabled; 4=retired govt. employee; 99=Other (specify) Block‐7. Land Ownership (excluding homestead) Cultivation land Non‐cultivation land/non‐ Land type Unit (specify) S.No Irrigated Unirrigated farm land (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Land owned Land possessed but not 2 owned Do you own an orchard or plantation? (1=Yes, 2=No) If no, skip to 3 next block

3.1 Type of orchard/Plantation (specify) 3.3 Unit 3.2 Area owned (specify)

3.4 Number of trees

Block‐8. Housing Characteristics 1Do you own land on which your homestead is situated? (1=yes, 2=no) 2 Total number of rooms Of which, list number of rooms which are: 2.1 kuchcha 2.2 semi‐pucca 2.3 pucca 3Is there a separate kitchen? (1=yes, 2=no) 3.1If yes, what type? (1=kuchcha, 2=semi‐pucca, 3=pucca) 4 Number of storeys

5 Nature of plinth (1=concrete, 2=kuchcha, 3=no plinth, 99=Other (specify) Did you ever receive a government grant (IAY or other) for house 6construction or repair? (1=yes, 2=no) 7Do you have an electricity connection? Skip to Q8 if no (1=yes, 2=no) 7.1 If yes, average monthly bill (in Rs.) 8Do you have a piped water connection? Skip to next block if no (1=yes, 2=no) 8.1 If yes, average monthly bill (in Rs.)

Block‐9. Domesticated Animals Animals Do you possess? Number used for S.No (1=Yes, 2=No) Number possessed commercial purposes (1) (2) (3)(4) (5) 1 Cow/Buffalo (she) 2 Bullock/Buffalo (he) 3 Camel/horse/mule/donkey 3 Pigs/Goat/Sheep 4 Hen/Chicken/Turkey etc 5 Other (specify) Block‐10. Other Assets Do you Any Used for Any Used for Do you own this governmen commercial government commercial own asset? S.No asset? t subsidy purpose? S.No subsidy purpose? (1=Yes, (1=Yes, (1=Yes, (1=Yes, (1=Yes, (1=Yes, Asset 2=No) 2=No) 2=No) Asset 2=No) 2=No) 2=No) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1 Two‐wheeled motorized vehicle 17 Factory 2 Three‐wheeled motorized vehicle 18 Brick Kiln 3 Four‐or‐more‐wheeled motorized vehicle 19 Generator 4 Tractor 20 Inverter 5 Mechanized Tiller/Harrow 21 Computer/Laptop 6 Trailer (for tractor) 22 Landline Telephone 7 Thresher 23 Mobile/Cell phone 8 Harvester/Combine 24 Refrigerator 9 Processing plant for agricultural commodities 25 Radio 10 Tube well 26 Television (color) 11 Bore well 27 Cable TV connection or DTH 12 Diesel/Kerosene Engine28 Licensed Firearm/Weapon 13 Bullock‐cart/other cart29 Bicycle 14 Fish pond 30 Watch 15 Mechanized fishing boat31 Other (specify) 16 Non‐mechanized fishing boat 32 Other (specify) Block‐11. Financial Assets Does any member of household have: 4 Any loan outstanding? (Skip to next block if no) (1=yes, 2=no) 1 Life insurance policy? (Skip to Q2 if no) (1=yes, 2=no) 4.1 Is it a institutional or non‐institutional loan? (code) 1.1 Number of members on which life insurance taken4.2 Total amount outstanding (principal plus interest) 1.2 Total insured amount (Rs.) 2 Kisan Credit Card? (Skip to Q3 if no) (1=yes, 2=no) Codes Q3.1‐3.3: 1=National Savings Certificate; 2=Postal Savings Account; 2.1 Credit limit on Kisan Credit Card (Rs.) 3=Public Provident Fund; 4=Indira Vikas Patra; 5=Kisan Vikas Patra; 6=Bank 3 Other savings instruments (Skip to Q4 if no) (1=yes, 2=no) account/FDs; 99=Other (specify) Type (code) Amount (Rs.)Type (code) Amount (Rs.) Q4.1: 1=institutional; 2=non‐institutional; 3=Both 3.1 3.3 3.2 3.4 Block‐12. Household Members Details Declared, Verified or Possess ID Date of birth Sl. No of household Estimated? Proof? If yes in Q6, what types member (use Block 4, of ID proof? (1=Declared; 2=Verified; (1=yes, Column 1) 3=Estimated) 2=no) Date Month Year (code) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Codes Q7‐9 Type of ID proof: 1=Voter ID card; 2=Driver's license; 3=PAN number; 4=Passport; 5=School ID; 6=Employer ID; 7=Bank/Post office passbook; 99=Other (specify) Block‐13. Perception of the Household

If you were to classify your household, based on your income and asset position, where will 1 (code) you place yourself among the households of your village?

In your hamlet/tola, which are the poorest five households? (list names of household head) Post‐code Household 2 ID using village master list Name code Name code

2.1 2.4

2.2 2.5

2.3 In your hamlet/tola, which are the riches five households? (list names of household head) Post‐code Household ID 3 using village master list Name code Name code

3.1 3.4

3.2 3.5

3.3 Code q1: 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=average, 4=rich, 5=very rich Block‐14. Investigator remarks Ministry of Rural Development Socio‐Economic Survey 2010


Block‐0 Identification Name Code 6 Investigator name (1) (2) 7 Supervisor name 1State 8 Respondent name 2District 9 Respondent codes

3 Block Date Month Year 410Gram Panchayat Date of survey

511Village Start Time ___ / ___

12 End Time ___ / ___

Codes for Q9: 1=Sarpanch; 2=Patwari; 3=Gram Sewak; 4=School teacher; 5=Health personnel; 99=Other (specify)

Block‐1 Village basic characteristics 18Current population of village Total number of TV sets in village

2 Total number of households Total no. households with Of these: 9 telephone connection 210Destitute households Type of drainage facility (code) 211Homeless households Any epidemic in village in last one year: 2Household with disabled member 11.1 3Area of village (in hectares) 11.2 4Total arable land in village (in ha) 11.3 4 Irrigated land What is local unit for measurement of cultivable land? 4 Unirrigated land 12 5 Main source of irrigation (code) What is conversion factor for local units into acres? 6 Major crops grown: 13

Crop Yield (per ha) 6 6 6 7 Village electrification (code) Codes: 5 Source of irrigation: 1=Rainwater; 2=Tank/Pond; 3=Stream/River; 4=Canal; 5=Well; 6=Tubewell; 99=Other (specify) 7 Elecctrification: 1=Not electrified; 2=Electrified but irregular supply; 3=Electrified and regular supply 10 Drainage: 1=Underground drainage; 2=Open drainage; 3=No drainage facility Block‐2 Presence of facilities in the village (1=yes, (1=yes, Availability of health provider in village Other facilities (contd.) 2=no) 2=no) (1) (2) (3) (4) 112Private doctor Weekly market 213Visiting doctor Fair price shop 314Village health guide (VHG) Paan shop 415Traditional birth attendant (dai) Medicine shop/Pharmacy store 516Mobile health unit/visit Mahila Mandal Other facilities: 17 Youth club 618Mills/small cale industries (M/SSI) Anganwadi centre 719Credit cooperative society (CCS) Community centre 820Agricultural cooperative society (ACS) Adult education centre 921Fisherman's cooperative society (FCS) Community television set 10Milk cooperative society (MCS) 22 Cable connection 11 Kirana/General market shop (K/GMS)

Block‐3 Distance from major facilities Distance Distance Facility Facility (code) (code) (1) (2) (3) (4) Educational facilities Other facilities (contd.) 119Primary school Bus stop 220Middle school Boat jetty 321Secondary school Metalled road 422Higher secondary school All‐weather road 523College Wholesale market Health facilities 24 Fair price shop 625Sub‐centre Marketing society 726Primary health centre Fertilizer/Pesticide shop 827Community health centre/Rural hospita Cold storage 928Government dispensary Bank 10Government hospital 29 Land develoment bank 11Private clinic 30 Cooperative credit society 12Private hospital 31 Post office 13Medicine shop 32 Telegraph office Other facilities 33 STD booth 14Gram panchayat headquarters 34 Video parlor/cinema hall 15Block/mandal headquarters 35 Police station/police outpost 16District headquarters 36 Industrial training institute 17 Nearest town 18 Railway station Codes for Col 2 & 4: 1=within village; Outside village, 2=less than 2 km; 3=2 km or more but less than 5 km; 4=5 km or more but less than 10 km; 5=10 km or more but less than 20 km; 6=20 km or more Block‐4 Beneficiaries of public programs Number of beneficiaries Program in village (1) (2)

1 Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Program (MGNREG)

2 Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY)

3 National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS)

4 National Biogas & Manure Management Program (NPMMP)

5 National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS)

6 Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IBNWPS)

7 Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS)

8 Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme (IGNDPS)

9 Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)

Block‐5 Information about hamlets/tolas in village Main social Main No. of Sl.No Name of hamlet/tola group Main religion occupation Type of road households (code) (code) (code) (code) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)










10 Codes: Social Group: 1=Scheduled tribe; 2=Scheduled caste; 3=Mahadalit; 4=Most Backward Caste; 5=Backward Caste; 4 6=Other Backward Caste; 7=Primitive Tribal Groups; 8=Denotified Tribes; 99=Other (specify) 5 Religion: 1=Hinduism; 2=Islam; 3=Christianity; 4=Sikhism; 5=Jainism; 6=Buddhism; 99=Other (specify) 6 Occupation: 7 Type of road: