Revista del CESLA ISSN: 1641-4713 ISSN: 2081-1160
[email protected] Uniwersytet Warszawski Polonia The making of a visionary culture: connected histories among Marian apparitions in Portuguese-Brazilian world (1917-1936) Silva de Moura, Carlos André; Marques Marroquim, Dirceu Salviano The making of a visionary culture: connected histories among Marian apparitions in Portuguese-Brazilian world (1917-1936) Revista del CESLA, vol. 26, 2020 Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polonia Available in: DOI: PDF generated from XML JATS4R by Redalyc Project academic non-profit, developed under the open access initiative Debate e making of a visionary culture: connected histories among Marian apparitions in Portuguese-Brazilian world (1917-1936) Carlos André Silva de Moura
[email protected] University of Pernambuco (UPE), Brasil hp:// Dirceu Salviano Marques Marroquim
[email protected] University of São Paulo (USP), Brasil hp:// Revista del CESLA, vol. 26, 2020 Abstract: is paper will analyze the shaping of supposed Marian apparitions in Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polonia Pesqueira, a Brazilian city located in Pernambuco, as part of a series of events related to Received: 05 May 2020 the devotions to Our Lady representations in modern and contemporary periods. Based Accepted: 01 September 2020 on the propositions of Cultural History, regional newspapers, ecclesiastical documents, and personal letters were used in order to understand the relation of these events to DOI: https://, economic, and social issues of the first half of the 20th century.