คำ�ชี้แจง หนังสือเรียน รายวิชาพื้นฐาน ภาษาอังกฤษ ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 6 หนังสือเรียน รายวิชาพื้นฐาน ภาษาอังกฤษ Smart English 6 ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 6 กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ ภาษาต่างประเทศ ตามหลักสูตรแกนกลางการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน Student’s Book พุทธศักราช 2551 เล่มนี้ จัดพิมพ์โดย สำ�นักพิมพ์ บริษัทพัฒนาคุณภาพวิชาการ (พว.) จำ�กัด

ผู้เรียบเรียง Mr. Jamie McCabe ผู้ตรวจ 1. อาจารย์สุนันทา อินคำ�เชื้อ 2. อาจารย์มารียาดาร์ ธีดาอักษรสกุลส์ 3. Mr. Seth Thomas Barter บรรณาธิการ อาจารย์จิลลา กิติกรวรเดช

หนังสือเล่มนี้ประกันคุณภาพโดยผู้ผลิต และจะต้องส่งให้สำ�นักวิชาการและมาตรฐาน การศึกษา สำ�นักงานคณะกรรมการการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน ตรวจประเมินคุณภาพทางวิชาการ ตามหลักสูตรแกนกลางการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน พุทธศักราช 2551 เพื่อออกใบอนุญาตให้ใช้ในสถานศึกษาแทนใบประกันคุณภาพของสำ�นักพิมพ์ กรณีที่พบ กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ข้อบกพร่องหรือข้อผิดพลาด กรุณาแจ้งให้สำ�นักพิมพ์ทราบเพื่อดำ �เนินการตามที่ระบุในใบประกัน คุณภาพสื่อฯ (ปกหลัง) พร้อมทั้งแจ้งให้สำ�นักวิชาการและมาตรฐานการศึกษาทราบด้วย ผู้เรียบเรียง เพื่อใช้เป็นข้อมูลประกอบการพิจารณาอนุญาตให้ใช้หนังสือในสถานศึกษาต่อไป Mr. Jamie McCabe ผู้ตรวจ อาจารย์สุนันทา อินคำาเชื้อ สำ�นักวิชาการและมาตรฐานการศึกษา อาจารย์มารียาดาร์ ธีดาอักษรสกุลส์ สำ�นักงานคณะกรรมการการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน Mr. Seth Thomas Barter 6 บรรณาธิการ อาจารย์จิลลา กิติกรวรเดช

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©TTL Education 2018 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, retrieval system, or any other means, without prior written permission of the publisher.

Author: Jamie McCabe

First published 2018 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN: 978-616-05-4320-5

Printed in by Rung Silp Printing Co., Ltd. บริษัท พัฒนาคุณภาพวิชาการ (พว.) จำากัด UNITUNIT 1 Happy Smart Speak 1 Smart Practice 1 A. Say what you can see in the pictures. A. Say the sentences and match them to the pictures.

1. We spend time with relatives.

Songkran Day (Thai New Year) 2. We clean the house.

3. We have a water fight. B. Ask and answer the questions. Do you celebrate New Year? 4. We give food to monks. How do you celebrate it?

5. We set off firecrackers.

8 Smart English 6 Student’s Book Smart English 6 Student’s Book 9 B. Write the activities in three groups.

6. We watch the lion dance.

Thai New Year Chiness New Year

1. 1. We set 7. 2. 2. animals free. 3. 3. 4. 4.

8. We eat lots of food!

Both Thai and Chinese New Year We get 9. money in red 1. envelopes. 2.

We pay 10. respect to older relatives.

10 Smart English 6 Student’s Book Smart English 6 Student’s Book 11 Smart Speak 2 Smart Song Ask and answer the questions with your friends. Chant together and do the actions. How do people celebrate Thai New Year? The Song

They have water fights and … The children in the streetw they run and shout. Run and shout run and shout. How do people celebrate The children in the street they run and shout. Chinese New Year? Three days long! The water in the street goes splish splash splosh. Splish splash splosh. Splish splash splosh. They clean their houses and … The water in the street goes splish splash splosh. What�s the same? At both Thai and Chinese Three days long! New Year people … The people in the street they smile and laugh. Smile and laugh smile and laugh. The people in the street they smile and laugh. Three days long! What�s different? The first difference is that …

12 Smart English 6 Student’s Book Smart English 6 Student’s Book 13 Smart Study Smart Practice 2 Listen and say. A. Ask your friends about the children below. Hi, Lily. How was your Songkran? It was great. What did she / he / they do for Thai New Year?

Where did she / he / they go?

I spent time with my family. What did you do? What? Where? In the morning, we gave food to the monks. Then I paid respect to my grandparents and we ate lots of food together.

How about you?

I spent time with my family too. We went to a temple and set some fish free in the river. Then we had a big water fight with everyone in town. It was so much fun! Sound goood! Yes! I love Songkran!

14 Smart English 6 Student’s Book Smart English 6 Student’s Book 15 B. Ask your friends and complete the table. Smart Check My smart words - read the words. What did you do for Thai New Year? Present - Past + Activities Tense Verbs

Where did you go?

eat - ate lots of food set - set animals free give - gave food to monks watch - watched the lion dance get - got money in red envelopes Name What? Where? pay - paid respect to older relatives spend - spent time with relatives 1. set off – set off firecrackers have - had a water fight 2. clean - cleaned the house

3. My smart grammar 4. Question: How do people celebrate ? 5. Answer: They + present tense verb + activity. Question: What did you do for ? 6. Answer: I + past tense verb + activity.

16 Smart English 6 Student’s Book Smart English 6 Student’s Book 17 Smart Read A. Read about Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year Chinese New Year also known as the Spring Festival is celebrated every year by Chinese people all over the world.It starts at the end of January or in During Chinese New Year people light firecrackers February depending on the lunar and the to scare away evil spirits. They go to Chinese temples to celebration lasts for fifteen days! pray and burn incense sticks. They also exchange gifts including money in red envelopes. The most famous part of the festival is the lion dance which brings good luck. The celebrations end on the 15th day with the Lantern Festival when people carry lanterns in a parade at night.

Before New Year people clean their houses and sweep away bad luck. Then on New Year�s Eve all the doors and windows in the house are opened to let the old year leave. Chinese people also have a big reunion dinner with all their relatives on this day. 18 Smart English 6 Student’s Book Smart English 6 Student’s Book 19 B. Answer the questions. Smart Listen 1. What is Chinese New Year also known as? Listen and tick the activities you hear. A. 2. When does it start?

3. How long does it last?

4. Why do people clean their houses before New Year?

5. What do people have on New Year�s Eve?

6. Why do people light firecrackers? B. Listen and write the missing activities.

In the morning on the next day I 7. What do they exchange? with my family. We prayed to the Buddha and into the river. Then in the 8. What is the lion dance for? afternoon we went into town and with lots of other people. It was fun but tiring. I was 9. When do the celebrations end? happy at the end of the day.

10. How do the celebrations end?

20 Smart English 6 Student’s Book Smart English 6 Student’s Book 21 Smart Sound Smart Write A. Say the sound. Write the missing words from the box. sp- sp- sp- sp- sp- sp- Spring x2 spend x2 special x2 B. Say the words. spirits speaking respect The Spring Festival

In we call our New Year celebrations the Festival. It�s my favourite time of year spend spring because I get to lots of time with my family. On New Year�s Eve everyone in my family gets together for a dinner. We eat a lot and have a great time! On New Year�s Day we light speak respect firecrackers to scare away evil . We always pay to our grandparents on New Year�s Day and I lots of time to them. Another reason I like the Festival is because I always get new clothes to wear. whisper passport 22 Smart English 6 Student’s Book Smart English 6 Student’s Book 23 Smart Play Smart Draw Play ‘What did you do last Songkran?’ with your friends. How did you celebrate last New Year? Where did you go Do the actions! and what did you do? Draw and write!

What did you do last Songkran?

Did you eat lots of food?


What did you do last Songkran?

Did you clean the house?


Play again with different New Year activities! 24 Smart English 6 Student’s Book Smart English 6 Student’s Book 25 What Do I Know? C. Unscramble the words to make questions. A. Write the missing words. 1. Thai/celebrate/New/How/do/people/Year/?

Present Past Activities 2. do/celebrate/New/How/people/Year/Chinese/? eat lots of set animals 3. New/you/celebrate /last/How/did/Year/? give food to watch the lion D. Answer the questions from exercise C. got money in 1. They paid respect to

spend time with sey off firecrackers 2. They have a water cleaned the house 3. I

B. Write the missing word in each sentence. 1. We spend time relatives. 2. We give food monks. 3. We get money red envelopes. 4. We pay respect older relatives. 5. We watch lion dance. 6. We clean house.

26 Smart English 6 Student’s Book Smart English 6 Student’s Book 27