4'M' 1 l":"l""lH' I ARE - I I If L. Ml : NATIONS PROSECUTOR OBJECTS II ill 0 PRETTY CHICAGO GIRL i 1 "OON'TS" TO FIND OUT TO GRAND JURY FOR TELLS PITIFUL STORY v DETROIT BRIBE CASES. OF BRING KIDNAPED, v 4. 1 KANSAS SOON mmu '7)L ' TO BE TOLD Dntr ii. ,ii. i,. jui 3. Klgln, 111.. July 31 Hearing WHO GOT THE IVaaaautlaf Attomai sin ajuard v evidence of exposure .1 four- - J' has anneaacad he win not - teen - v ear-ol- girl, Ramonia grint th.. request of the com- 5 French of Chicago v as found KEEP mon aannaM far a ajrand kjrj Lively Contests Among Candi on a ountryi road near Klgin TO 00T to Investigate the chargta of ' late last rrtghi. The girl clalma GRAFT CASH alleged corruption In the muni dates For Nominations on v sh was uidnetoed Mi ihIhj after- - ctnaj kajrialatura, noon ly three men m an auto- - Th' re.i.e.i( s the lesult of v mobile from near in hoote. It ! I the arrest lusl week r nines!' Two Party Tickets S la alleged slgf was drugged. Will Not York United States Permit v nertnen and tin secretary ..f the The a;lrl teld Ii..,. sh was ! New District Attorney Will council eenasnltteea on bribers seUcd hy one of ttn- three men Foreign Owned Bases on I charges. Tie nine aldermen v who drove up In an auto on Have Thorough Investiga- nana are at liherty on hail. DEMOCRATS VERY CONFIDENT Bast Flfty-1ft- li srreet. 'hi-- : Hemisphere vnted laat night for a .ftBRd , cago, how anotu. stilled her Ogfi Doa'T tion of Blackmail Western J . : Jib r cries with' a black cloth ! "I am net 140:11 to spend $.").- - thrown over ger be. el and how - MM to ex. not 'I" some .1.1. iinen she whs placed In Ihe trunk of This I v whe have been uiidwr anspielon Believe Republican Discord V tile Ilia, lllll H i' I. w- - htgb speed. a SENATE IS ASKED TO ACT v for ears. but "ho kc.w avvav at a At v WALDO MAKES A DENIAL could net gel them in tin- aawat Year Will Help Them I lonely spot, ehi' li she thinks v of the lane that sun oiiihIh a v was mar Flgjn. she - .1.1 Ihe v ! grand Jury." sal,' the proae three men aajHcked her. Her cutor. crlej and Rpleadlngs were a I dj of Monroe Doctrine to be 1 laughed at. ' Commissioner Declares the Story Terms Ti.peka, Kas., Julv :il If the pich-- CHIN WITH lot-- ice WAS I ASP ni political campaign lr Kansas had 0ONT nasi complain of aoT '" Made Clear to World much longer to run the nig wheat and Coprri.t.j of Blackmail is RdiculousJ corn and other crops prom lead fxri the RUNNING MATE COLONEL'S his year acoajM be In grawt dan HOTEL '' siate ' ST. LOUI8 CLOSES. ger of neglect. But fortunately for the REDUCE SIZE OF SPANISH NAVY DESTROYED WILL DE A DEMOCRAT state and the plospe'"ity of Its: cltl.ciis Ht. Louis Mo., Julv al. The South LODGE PREPARES A RESOLUTION ANOTHER MAN the campuign wii: end with the pri- crn Mot. lor ma;, one .vf th DY U. S. TO RE RERUILT WILL SURRENDER maries neN t T.iestlay. leav ing the pen best known hostagries in tl e country. pic free to turn their attention In U) loses its dM ra jpni'-'h-t The clualng PAPER MONEY Oyater Bay, July 31. A movement poll.h u. of the hotel iM Kg. 'I o b. illle to the la on foot to name a DemoCM'nt Madrid. July :p. - is com- July 31. 'I'll- - from Sailn - . lingtoti. gltl On the eve of the primarica for tin disimlinntlon of tin propihtois to r v a York. July H.- Kv i v brag and adopt-..- I the south iih UooKeVelts male, the mitted to a mprehens4ve naval foreign relations committee has choice f can.liihitts for all puhllc IT1 new their lease age the failure of th h ad la to be poralatent!) Mowed oy t'ohmel said today It 1411 available man a aerlous effort is bstng mad" Lodge's rccniiimcnd.it in that the cers from the UnUed owners of the preV'it find anoth- Distrht Atl. rm v W hitman (.. u. Im- Studs to - rt-S- 1'im agreed upon replace Hie Vessels! lost et San- mi., States n the Moiiroc and governor deem to county officials er lease. The futU:-- ' of the hotel is II. All Government and National Bank to whom it is asserted. $'.4ai.nn, ,, had a let- Mggga da Casba ,. .. t Rooaevelt said tie received ami Candto. Tin gm( Tin.' In terms cleat all the world the situation is admit telly the most doubt, but it is geherallv be'icved that graft money, was distributed. "Hal.: to expreea ter from William Allen Whit, of Kan-Ha- Hpiinish dreadnouuhl. the Kspuna, und idepted a resolution histo'r.v it will be reopened One-Thir- ,'ack" Rose t. i.i complicated in the political of Notes Will be Made d the prosecutor thai anv making a strong statement in will he .on. missioned In Noveenber. oval i.f the pure ha "I the Sunlh wer State. Ahout th M tills httgh sum was obtained bv poll regard t the . (Tort of the regulars of and win be ki follow.-.- bj two ,. itblfl naval bMM on the American in eunnaatkan with the oant it P. . ACKLEY FASSES AWAY. iii blackmail from the gamblers and di Kansas, in making an appeal to the i.atine "thers. Tins' vessels ea continent! hy foreign powers. out learlv is the fact thai Smaller latlj elderly houses, and that Lieut. BeV'kO Federal court, to revise the action of that stands ii h t ?!..". nt inieter vans, mounted The Senate will be asked to endorse RepubNeaa darnmfd haa Mgveaejnal ttn Mlnneapolla, July :tt V Ackley. toM him tlie morie.v wen; to tour police the Kansas state judges as to the de- in pairs in bafbMtl a i nd bv committee. lU'ospectS of I atlc success 'n millionaire lumberman and philan- efhclals. The prosecutor has atranged taken tti' cision allowing the RooaeVell electors ileal sums hav. beeg spent in put- k.i next November to an extent thropist, is dead, age, 76. was a p. kgep the grand jur m ail iinii st.iifiiH'iit the United to he on the Republican bnNni." lie ting the L,.,v .1 nm, ni ars. ua it III would marcelv have heen tho aght veteran of the Ctvll war. ere teil REVOLUTIONIZE summer to investigate th- reUttton Btatea l asked for H the NNll Ot tlM men," writes, "are that and WILL DESIGNS in a lit gtata te turn out ves- "The Taft White r 'riol 1. pgaaible twelve months ago. That the .1 memorial building ,i the of between the gamble ra ixdi.e, 1. iiii Bay incident, where It whs taking the case tiefore Justice I'ltney oldfr sels of this tvK'. and thus ostobHaa. ani Democrnta are alive t. rJMdr opportenl Vermonl at V'l He also found- which Is, in th opinion r the shown " Japanese ayndlcate had boon of the Federal .supreme court, on a Stowe. afresh a national industry which hail lisitci re .1 ; im- t i 11 of ity is evidenced hy the fact tha' tin ed a bchoel al djran.l Haven, Mich. aitornev. matter of mote iTili. K fol' tour million acres constitutional qjMeetioa involved in the been allow. '. p. - ay. It n.w h - is great to get on the v lie formerly ii ed portance than the IIa aw thaf cage-- t land along tin- area! ooanl of loafer fourteenth amendment which guaran- a scramble hen comes obvious that on the compieibm ballot, there helna an Will be Convenience For Public verllDv witnesses w ill be subiwa'tia- - d California in Mexico. WThUa Japan tees every man political righta." Democratic of this Initial Breejrajp lresh vvorl; ahutulatice of candidate 'n the .i - to appear before the graml Jury to tell found to have no con licet inn with "Kninuaa people feel the appeal can- must be given to th.- arsenal, or the gamrst olBce what they know of the alleged Ida? k ttx lyndicate. the Pennfa I- mevtei tor innM tted, RETURNING ATHLETES ARE and Prevent Counterfeiting Jfeatfgaen Will hav,- to be not lie successful and it la a fresh disbanded mall. i.. loaded hy Lodge, r.'ini ted In tin' llustration of the wicked way in which Stuhbs After Ssr.Ainrahip. (and inevitably lha win aeahrrale), otreuna-atance- a Whitman will hold another confer- inii committee today thai the effort is made to twist the constitution The oonteat for Repuaimaa ppogt" WELCOMED IN NEW YORK an the fruit of the nations sa. npgropiiatri doea ence with ftr.se this afternoon. KoUl afforded an so as to protect privilege against the delltlal i lei tors has lai n so hitter as to will be lost. Thus fresh con- aaauyad htm ha can ImplhaiUi others .in fexfvaaaton oC the viewa people. of protecting the peo- '.vide Th. al Washington, July :tl The hi..' ..I all structions become inevitable, and th" Instead attract nation attention. and there Is much talk of "men higher ,, Hi. Senate regarding BUCh OUM ple ag ilnst privilege. tempt of the Taft following to Uett&t current) and national bank notes proh government has in principle decided 11, urv" The attorney gropoeet i - prob-- New York. Jni distaict ii.- Lodge resolution, which RooaeveM said today he had over- he enemy by Injunction proeaaMVgajg The advance i.hiy win he redubed i paietnlrd and upon the enlargement of the naval guard re- ' bi "i.v uri the relations said to exist ill ho adopted, declares the looked the fact that John M. PaffcOl failed, Willi the lesult thai hoth the of the American athletes their designs revolutionized bv Secre- program bv the addition of three more BOa turned today from 'in Olympic games between the gainhhurg and the pellce uited States cannot without of Ne Orleans, ws t make one ..f regulars end th" progressive will have tary of the Treasury MacVeagb loi dreadnoughts of ja.cai) t,,ns agirif.t when-ti- n and Indicated he will do so if he has urave concern'' a harbor oi advents-genu- s the speeches seconding his nomination, nets of presidential electors on the pri- ai Stockholm, carried Re the sake or economy by the gnVeifl tons ..f the Eeaaaa aanj get ggt 'UjBBJlerU so to victory) to pr areet everv msn involved in Uie spot in the Hemis- therefore he aouM not serve as per- mary hallots. The orogt essi ves ar- - stars and stripes often m.nt, convenience af the puhllc and lets. ii, an the gsnnaei trader murder of .Rosenthal exc.pt thoeo who phere taken over bf a foreign govern il, aiicnt chairman. Anothe? southern lighting vvllh might and main lor a niived safetv against counterfeit Inn Tim Meaiiwhlle m pr.. vision has beeg i a of relatives, tired Ihe fatal shots. i fori'icn corporalton gearing Democrat prwbabty win ha choaea, victor) in th" primaries. The haul- it land ml emwil friends dU'i'lslon has heen practically reached mada for the autnnliig oi the ships it were Whitman is in txissesslon of h list of (InSe relation! to tin' government, Bartholdt Attacks Colonel. being directed bv iovernor Rtubba, and admirers on Ihe wharf to hy the secretary. the l!in program; niic h h ss ha.s - (hem. v i names of bli; anil little gamblers given h occupancy wdartd threntes the 31. 'Repreaenta-tiv- e Allen Itoosr meet ision an taken for tha three M Washington, July William White and other gaghteen months win be reealred to Rec'-e- otaaage .1. by !..-- . with which it Is alleged i romtnrirce or safety of the United of an velt of reputation. Under ni Michael Murph) ger shii.s to be ahortlj laid down. ltartllol.il, Missouri, made leaders national the ballge by preparation ol i Harrj Rurmeyei md Olen WSviiei eifect d. rmined bow much money each states. attack on Roosevelt ill the Mouse to- liovcrnor Rtubba is lighting for tic designs, engraving plants and print- tl.ere were Ih.'iiIi uiif track ami Raid NEW MIKADO'S FIRST gambler was to I." assessed. Some, repotted the resolution t. th day In a speech .'.'fencing Tart's nom- Republican IndoraemeM for t'n'te.; ing of tin notes. SPEECH. athletes. The MMMltiltfJ team also .alli. IE"Hi said, paid ti hundred dollars Senate today, imt action w.is deferred ination. Roosevelt, he Bald, had gone States senator 111 opposition to Sen,. on Vaderland. com Thci" are now nineteen glfterenl SI, per month. until nmorrow. to the Chicago convention "when ii" lor Charles Curtis, whose t"ini will ex back the und. Toki.. Julv The new empcrcc. fjajg Libby. designs of enrrency. The claesgea will Meanwhile itecker In the tombs Is no longer at henrt a Republican." pire next Match lid who is a uuli niand ol Lieutenant Not Vowbihito. lead Ms first pro da mat ion Three Bills Sent Back. whs to nine. denomina-Uo- n saying nothing. la . of who returned reduce these hlh todav b. an There no conhrSR had heed- i" i. Senator Curth-- one the Americans f.t" immens gntketing uf machine-lik- e prectaton, "If the national committee date for enomltiat hy a dis- with the today had a had word to say for the will he eharaciell.e.l SiteIs la and s of all at ion of the report that his defense ed the Injunction. Thou ball not la a Taft supporter, while Qovai BUI por- reijreventativ 1. inoi iiitic House yeaterday forced. stal ..ml the tinctively American historical will he that Rose. Yallon and Webber, me," i puvar arrangements al Stockholm. urancbaa of the service. The amparm except for all would have hen siui.bs is ane the "seven tln-m- . ill appoailen, three meaeurea by jinli;es In the stadium trait engraved In the center of the paid finding the case going again;-- ' well," Marthold continued. nnrs" who persuaded Room velt to ei. work the a lengthy tribute to the lead cm .... U upon senate. They were note. In time the portrait will be the got together and framed a story to the goverm r was praised hy all pctor. and aakti 'Wc shall endmvoi bUla "A icw party is horn, hut it Is not ter the presidential race. The of each denom- ool and angar tariff revtalon distinguishing feature to austatg and gram w involve Backer. hound In he still horn'.' Can the patty is making his tight on 1111 farther the Mnd tin- excise lux hiii and nil arera ination aiui would ie a aafeguard The police authorities said todav it Its hlrth-ligh- t done hikI Bndertekoti by the former - live, or ought to live when progressive platform. pre- hi back with Hon.- oi tin- ienate'a BaTgJaet counterfeiting, eepaoaslly emp 'l or." that the blackmail story is ridiculous. is a Ih "" Four Demot rats aspire to su aaad WILL BREAK NEWS OF m.iidments accepted. n the venting the practice of raising the A statement was made with thi 'urtis in the Benate. The) arc Judffa 1. wool hill no oenfenence. waa aaked n te to a higher denominating. orlr.it Ion Of Commissioner Mfalde Thomaa 1. Rond 0 Rallaa i, nV 11 Allen NOMINATION TO TAFT rii. Mo-is- left it to tha Senate wheth department is considering us-fn- u that with the system of clicks and f Topefca, W, Thcmpeon ol Qarden The WANT REVERIDGE TO RUN ct ii to RED AND BLUE ARMIES it im- th.it hr.un dialrad eureua the ' portraits as faHoera: counter checks employed was i and P. Fi rrellj t Thanute let $1 Washington; $.'. erSOU I possible for any Individual or any Ion turther. Are Spirited. note. left Contests Jaek-go- FOR GOVERNOR OF INDIANA In TO TOOAY A" I t.'.. Lincoln; $10. Cleveland; $'.'t. hianch of the service to collect bktk The Sciiati' Inst night was FIGHT FINISH The Republican contest for the gu- isiungier. '., July L Mag 11 1110, mall anv thing like enormous sum luandary as to the pftafrani would, Arthur who will he gromlnent ht the neeMace Ufa Orant; Kninklin: f."00. the bernatorial nomination are by Inspectors udopi in further oonaMeratlon f the Hon of PreadReni f t of his renomlnn Chase; II.OOii. Hamilton. mentioned Rose. and Capper, the Topeka editor, ami BYaak deny :tl.-T- other ageetela were quick te they in ittta. -- I, Ryan of worth. Capper is al Hon began to arrive in the capital Itulianaisdis, Ind., Julv hc nom- Tomah. WNs.. July 31. An early 'seven a finger In i man- h .1 had the funds collected. The wool revision till was l rogresshes and Ryan today. Much public interert DARR0W DENIES CHARGES. ination of Slate ticket on in. tariff morning obnarvatlon "t tin- action of lied with the Counsel for Samuel Schepp. an the first up In the Hauaa e th" regulars. The Dem ifested in the notification exerctam. lorn, declaring fot woman suffrage, mo taken both Red and RlUe armies Indicated hHns towards of the "murder car." sp fir- whs efTtuellS no de ocratic ontcsi lor Mi.- gubernatorial which are gehedul'd to take (dace at Every Ac initiative, referendum and itvall. a that today would aee th" end of the He VrhaMy Sweens Away ed In the district attorney's office ;y ii. Motion i'v m'. Payne of Maw is between J. H. Millard. the White Mousi tomorrow forenoon. minimum wage for women, ihe .010-- ten days' campaign of the two forces. nomination cusst'on Againat Him. and. said his client is willing to m If the weather a favorable. Mr. Taft issi.ci form of citv government and i.i ahreeentattve Crumnevckee It la understood hostilities opened Just in tyoi oi Topeka, and leorge CaL, onna tin notification commit- Los lanmlesi Julv t. Tha the election of nMed aeaav surrender provided he Is accorded the to in Mm Senate i of a member of the will receive Sintea Indiana aeacnt beyoa inokaon Paaa this morning. Hodges Olathc th- bribery ol or of - defense in thf trial tors b vote, is same treatment given to Rose, Vallen R were voted down. III to Senate. "hid' pi. ink in tee on the rear portico the ahecutlvt direct the oicui annii" mendmenta and the Reds, instead of id r.atlnr.. Slate 'lie Clarence 1 Danow reached Ita cUman and YVct.i, r.r,. I esiibmi-slo!- . mansion, overlooks the ellipse ii'Hpp.'.t out for the In, liana Stat, con- ind ITJ to The hist named l caval-r- v il s pUltfot m la tlv of which hrought up their entire for. " sesterdav in a mass .l .teiii.ls and The police department announced In Is op. and down past th Washington monu- tention of th.. Piug reaetve pait.v to lutomatiaalry rejected the lenata In- tin prohibitory law. which he v and nineteen hiindrcd and titty Put. wtl, contraifl lions bv the law todav il is read.V for h most search i ment toward th im.ie. He here tomorrow The party hopes to hangae a of for poeed bj rlodgea .wen; fantry and hattcty aitilhrv himself in which he vcrballv f.n-m- Ing Inv "stigation. or. pal speak from the portico, with the com- peisuad" Mbert J. Hcvcridgc. floor Leader LTnderw i next called ih" purpose of making deckled stand In addition t" "overt. both avvav evcrv harge and a. pUM iof grouped beiow him on the l r senator ind ti arakmi . will nominate candidates for jus mitteemen sited states 'in Hi.' xclse tax measure. Me charged against the Itlues, whose strength la ties r trial I" lawn. At the inclusion of the cer made agaim-- him sice tie RooeeVelt man, to accept the nomina- CHURCH PRESS AGENTS Ihe Semite with having sought to kill ngiments of infantry from Illi- tices of the supreme court. Ileutettaal pattn 'e of gt' three will ! gueeta gun. Kvetv shred and for Ii de - governor aecretarv m .mate, am i, m. monies the visitors the tion goveri.or. l;ev,r.de Ihi meaaUM by tacking on as amend- nois and Wisconsin, one hattety and crlmlnntcng testimony, larj feci avetrj "Whv g agent"' general, superin- .f th" President al hinoheon. dines, the gubernatorial nomination not church prejj re- - To treaaurer, attornev . the repeal of the Canadian a squadron of cavalrv. captute bit of evidence purpertinarto Inveevc pYedi asks n writer in the Ct ntim-nt- Tl,c f instruction, superin- Mra. Taft and Son Return. may go to former onareeaanan law hiwI a th" ol supplies of the tendent public was ghhigt prep-n- iricih provision for Sparta, the hase -- him in hiiv wrongdolnv. I hief reason whv not is that the r I Washington. July K, Mrs. Taft end ri"k Landla of taiga uapuf or Horn t i and printer. n in ii.i i. in 10. across tendent oi neurones state w ' in of (he tariff hoard. Reds and force th. retreal 10 terircd bv Darn us falac. ' 11 person. Oemhlnlllg Interest and all) of tba peansnl at ita odl- - her ydungei aot fhaltaa. returned aHifwi of An brreon. rii.. leelnrocM amendment wna i,;i the Mississippi, which Is the frontier Prsctli all always be round1. t Reverlj to he present to- Xf'er th. rentals nine mirratlor Ma ne Proyi Meet. ability, cannot Seal ctalg arc .audi. lit. for i enomina mi day from asives lo Mi7. wIiIIh providing for of the hostile slates, was the inten- w I llgh'ti An- that morrow at tin president'! oanctel no i.v UM deft ndar.l .if r.egolial iops hi. Portland, Ma, Jul) insur-uen- t fot Is one ejuaMgf tOW. ih 110 today. Distrlci Indues and members of th" ItarTne in hi board met the same late, tion of tin- itiue commander nomination. ulmln.it". tng impromise UlfSM Repubtlcnna who oaVrted Mntna other is ihe tfift of appreclateng the to light to legislature ataa are to be nominated. tiHcatlon of his Conferees were then named ir hoth armies decide of the htcNsmara hrothers, These go l..r list mini; laill.cd newspHpei t of view, some have Whan hiii was of the firing ptrlted contests are on in nearl' 'a. the free sugar reach' finish today, the front tails pgrnerted i show lack of aaotivi for a state convegtlon todaj te gaaxi It. Others nimli acpilre It. Manv .a I of the congressional districts. Al! ii... House otcd for a conference, lines will extend OVOT it least wo ail tors are m line. - for the cen nptlon of lurorn. delegatee to tten.i tht National exfarts 'his Others M4 to M, shots were of the present representatives an ia.i- SEVEN STRIKERS ARE SHOT miles, 'fifteen thousand it was tin hogmlaaaineaa of th. nveattton ' ChJcngo acx. are necteVdl not. ain' never COtdd be. were didat.s for , i" mm.ition Anthonv .1 The Dsmooratfc leaders, Includlnf hied yesterday, and sixty men which prevailed upon him ( week. Accridlng present Rut some km of mutm.l undersfinit the 'lrst district and Campbell ol th he said, to the piat. millions and Martin, were authorised "killed" and three hundred and twen- IN LONDON DOCK RIOTS agree SteiT.ns prop,. ttepubttuaii in ni eaanrj t. eocene Third district have opposition. VfctM to the Lincoln the rcgaktr state tnk.t will undertake h asttlauieal of ail tariff ty "w uinded." he little faith at Uf g new wet St. Ran; olty'a Christian Bnd " Mnrdcck of the Ktghth anettlot, or." Hon, in which had be indorsed, but af hills now Ht iBHUe in the two lm b i.r.ion s sggcrter " Km Is ini eption. elect, n will rcinin tel. has hired to "eovef MARTIN-PLAT- WEDDING, of the prominent sevelt leaders. .wing to the Third Prty in Dalawara. its hews events- he ts paid by :h. esa aaajMaaed for reneualnataon b) J. h. Ad- n gfrtkera "I felt," he Mid. "thai London. Jul) hi'-'- pu- - $4,000,000 FOR PEACHES. e Dover, Del., July 31 Roeaevetl anv umn. Ifoung women, h vho.il ams KHorarlo. ..s-- ph Taggarl. (he twen- number of Uvea lost In the Times Jul) ' The if were shot, one llng later, ami i Daffvet, om. pnr aablkana tot Dehnware aammbled gfta ati-- others In sm::ii toarun are 1.. .mlv Democratic menilier the K.m by plosion and the bitter feettrgj In 4ln here Fruit Apparantly t hnje or Mis- Harriet Piatt, daughter if ty others seriously wounded atlcks iritiv '"pa Growsra t ! difficult to toddy for a State convention to com- ajjrnlned this areth osgethhes sas delevatlon In the lower house, win and stones In rioting nl tlm Victoria community. would Satufiad With Year'a Crop. or the late Mrs. Saiah Piatt lek.r. mer plete opgantsatlon and select delagnfeg the 1. potter bj paid i.v the pap. r. gf be ill Ihe Second district In avoid the deettt panaka fat both Ma Qsfc, atoffraajtet ffuinnn'g atun nominated nnd other dot ka Lonfmn today. The r on. iuli M WHh tha tbip th.. noted ""i If pons to ihe Progressive National con- ten tin pap-- prints the grit WeM w II opposition. I wanted to ave tin Ir liv.s attend tins '"'nt of 140 pnuchesi Ht.d Caldwell Martin. hout chief encounter at the Victoria docks, - r. . cara of frm the leader. plall se"tll.d ImpeleSS vention at Milcng. . and- the reM,rter is paid at siwe-- ' OJUletly G. 0. P. Looks For Harmony. hie bit tile l" II Valley rHirtrlct llic p.a.h known Denver lawv.r. w.ia where two thousand laborers have bv the he serves. ggjg r tftf11 1, s ajng time before .hutch 'The to in .1 in u.n to the Republican! nn? and it was 'mi. iic laaenjni . lone celehrat.sl to.liy. It Is wild have been on strike tot ten weks. appeared a more Interesting mensajre (cT am" ton it to n v iml my FOUR BOYS AND TWO GIRLS. has There Mrs Deck-- r on Democrats, the Socialists will have all n compliance with the manifesto of assistants will he scattering shipment for heen the icpiest of the wort, I than tl.e illcus." sa s tic- we.l-dln- on Qm clients. ' Uim days yet. that her daughter s almost complete state ticket the doceera' federation ordering them eg her dath tad General!:) and specifically. Darrow niiths recent! report in Cakaaset Continent writer. Ih postponed. primary ballots. The Swiallst pait.v resume work The) found fhejr " cetlmateci thnt QeOTUjll aTOWera should not he to oi tow RShlp are . a fOf is A. - denied ever charge against him " $t,oia,(ioii creat hoi. United States senator places occupied bv Hon Unionists who IN 8T. ''"1 for th.. ihla col I muting witnesses or sons to Mr and Urn. tanria shatv KIMMELL LOUIS. AM HAND. W. lib ker of ((Irani unrl for Governor, aegjpd men to algal them brlldng lurorK Ike total shJpments (..' WICKERSH TAKES the union i for tlm v im-- law of U Tamaiack Jut location; helraj fi. W. Kledh. ge of Lawrence. The s. otherw ise lol.it the about 4,'oa earn. severe light ensued. Mr. b an .f St Julv 31 Regiaterinp . 1 and Mis ler ftwlnton laiis. al 1 Jen- - will b v. amluiat. in six of ' WhaJ Washington. July H 4teUej clalists -- and rHln Htorm rananUl OaSl WILL VISIT CORNWALL. 179 CWuaget avenut Mr. ani m a hotel today as John Do. Anv lha grnwerw deetgaated wes ihe eight cohgreaaakanal dtsirute. SURGEON 18 DEAD. ' 3M rera of the fruit, a hl h nrnl fftetrnfahani ims NOTED Maurice Iforphj M "lv Fourth stret v lo re, ticorgc A Klmmel. claimant, Deegdta the the pieS, I 11 t H nteana a v special assistant, to act bitterness al loston, Julv DT Maui n flg-U- hum of abeul lnfl.101. h lirmn. his w ho Mr. Mrs Herman Jnokkala f man of mysterv. nnd the hading Impeach- fight between the two factions ot tile John diver .r Nebraska, has and and as In the ArehbuM Rlcharoon, on "f' the foremost sin In the life involv- ...iinel Republicans th" minion prevail; heen visiting at ihe home af Mr. Kea rssru. insurance suits ''nrlntlsn Kndeavore hjiv. he.gim a ment trial. It will he the first time geons in the country, Is dead. aed ing - for some time wst. Daughters h.:v, arrived at the home, twent.v live thousand dollars. ever the foremost f the party loasl- sixty-on- Lobb In Faiurlum "ili;.,U, Ot fuatlce lias amoiiK v rexlvs! In Waahlngton. the department New V. fif Mr and Mr- - Andrew Jarohenu of 11 .1. an nnexpe. ted isit to St. Louis. . the primary hi 1. aves Wc.lnei.-da- for rk from ''troicum prodiK represented hi hii Impeachmeot. id that after battle In tlon In 1911 In the been vvh.-i- OS steamer Ma- Calumet Junction and to Mr. and Mrs. The daimant said he had been 1,1 over the rank and flic of the pwrtv frill he will sail Ihe '"I State wh 22l.44!.31 hat-r'lH- . Knglami Thi Mil h- - d id I'lKi'i of Keara irgg Omaha. He said he knew nothing PotX commlsahm get together for a united tight auaJnst fact that even Ihe most enthusiast" jestic for lav averaatits M (enta a harrel. The liitm national to Cornwall fot t'nlr. ghoOt 'he valise marked with his name ' ' l liut-Inn- - the Democratic opposition at tlw No- of the pr.mr-.- i have hesitated Mllver's fltK isit hn.dimlf.n in 1011 convene iii Rome durlna the 111., BJgj In the Unit will it, tv v.vrs. He has been located In Iff Ksnas Citv. Mo. orders dogs niuy. found enr lwcatur. le emn. Rtaiea w,m Int. i ..at io ial geo- vember election The harmony work suegest placing third state ticket nasjafi txai ooo tone of the tenth flv e or tied. Rabi. i,("mic. n.usta he waa ehaved off. April 2, 1913. ers Und tnu( h encouraa;emnt in the I the Held. bra ska fcr twent.v ?ears. lied lued at $W6,9to,iu at the mlnea. graphical vongress, on