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OCCASION This Publication Has Been Made Available to the Public on The OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] r-*^»«^ S- FOUNDRY wmwmnwmm mmmmmmmmmm •••••«PB ,~V- NATIONS INU'lTtlAL DEVELOTKENT ORGANIZATION VIENNA ffc§ ONTHiB w UNITED NATIONS New York,! 73 wmmmmmmmmmm Uniwml Dr «mal aM»ific*tkin/ClM«iflc«ioi» Dfciimto Notations ft» foundry industry: 621.74 621.74 :651.2 669.13 621.74:669... «9.1* IN ï. ni W»kMn>M«MIIÉ|M«>M^>llMMilM •Aloi,7«7,A.I«n •Unii •(••••mMi Hi CONTENTS IOTlOajCTIOII and BCPLANàTOBY »OTB *M* Iftfliáh frenali lamían *f,, Sjwniah *"* wii LUST!» 80CMTm AVO SPKUL IWGIOUTION 8BVICS3 j. a, IntwnaUonal «oramMattl otcmniutions « . , i B. Ittfioaal fov>»;iNMnttí o*f«nicfttif>n« ..,.,, ,.,«•, i 0. Int«w.tt«ul noB-fovmatnfl offtaiíaüon. # . i ft* MmgíoMl aoB~fay«MMat*l orfaniwiUwui ....,,.,,, 2 •• »»tional bodlta ••»»«..••.,.... g H, smofatm 2g A. Quidw to di Motorics 2? B. a»B«m directorías t . « . 2* C. ftranoh directoría« ........t...,,...,.,, ga in. aotaoM » IBATISTICS A» Rotane M« Jd A* Vorld-vida aovara*» , « Oanaral aouraoa «••........,.,.,,,,,, jg •eweae on iron and ««««l induatjy , 4© 1» tafionai oovaraga ....«.,, di 0. National aovara«* , ....,,, 43 XV. BMIC HaKKXXS, TWTBCOM AND KAXUAL8 4e i i V. — - 50 VI. mWttAtH «IBS 53 VII. SPtCIàtlBD OZßTIORASin AID INCYCLOPAIDIA8 55 i viti* BiBLionunin # II. CUWOWT WRIODICALS 57 x. curaarr ABSTAACTMQ AUS INUMINO HBIOMCALS 69 i IV Page XI. PBOTBS!H'«S, FAP3R3 AND SEP0RÎ3 k, .-nU-i M*tt..a» IniMirial >v.-lo«.v. Or^iWt on 72 U i. lrttepn««io!ial Lal-vtf Of^'«u*i S. KiSixUwiw*' 74 XJÏ, FILMS 0:l FOuSafiY F3A-TI IE eâ un. orHSR POTWV-UL soi«» OP inroMài-ion A. CoiuwUins *aà •vg^ntmag servie«« .... 8ì B. Paira and exhibition* a. »ai*«**» tr«à« *nd pr«4.ttta • ,.....• B, ÜMtinga wiá oeuf«*«»«* ..»..••••*»**•'••* _ I. p»t«ntB and U«WH * * * * p. Stmndstfae and spaeifiOfcUans . ... *à . t ••«»•••• • • 0. Information on UHM*«- aotiviUts . 91 HibH-^iMhiafcl ooa-.oe u»*J ia ^«piHng the preMnt (iiwoiory 92 ÉtadtemiMAluli T INTRODUCTION The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (iJTJTDO) r-rorw•'• .• the use of industrial information in developing countries by givii.* cuidan-; for the improvement of local information facilities to organizations involved in industrial development. On© important measure for suoh development l:=. in*' compilation of directories of and guidas to basic information sources. The USÎSO »fork programme for 1972-1973 oalls for the compilation of * series of such directories and guides, listing selected information sourc-i: on branches oí' industry of primary concern to developing countries, The present «aide, Information apura«, on ^ ftundrv Industry. ia the fifth in the serie«, «tills* Quides te Infos—Ai«, a^^ /nwim/f.»/«» M rtm previous ones were on the "Heat-Proceseing Industry«, th '•Cement and Concrete Industry*» the "leather and leather Coeds Industry and the "furniture and Joinery Industry", future guides will deal with information so-ircos on industrial quality control and on the vegetable oil industry. These directories and guides are not intended to be exhaustive nor aro they intended as research tools, but rather a selection of sources cons id«red to be of practical valus to th-i immediate neods of the users. To assist these users, the data have been or «piled to give as much information as possible for rapid scossa to the bodies referrod to, and to facilitate ac<*uisition of the publications listed. The two»!* y industry, covered in the present issue, is an industry of vital imrortanoe to the industrial development of a country, although oaatingj may rosjpriss only a minor portion of the metal consumed in a country. I« fact, the first stag« in the creation of a metallurgical industry in a developing oountry usually involves the installation of amali foundries which may later he expanded into operations for the mass production of castings. UMIDO has provided technical assistance to a number of developing countries in establishing and developing a foundry industry. As many information sources may not have been included in this directory, Buggestions for the inclusion of additional information in a futuro, iwinod version will be welcome. i•i vii EXPLANATORY SOTBL Publication« have been Belected mainly fro» literature Ui th<^ offl-ial languages of the united Natîonej wh«n appropriât-, publication; in oth-¿ languages have also bean included. The names of organisations listad in section I are givn mainly »n anglisti or in another official lsnguags of tha United Rations. Names of organisations in other than the official languages of the UnUed Nations havs been tranciatali into English. Where available, the date and nuotar of pages oí the nosi recont know* •dition are indicate« as ««ell as the address or the issuing organisai ion or publisher. In the descriptions of general reference sources, the relevant sections ani pages concerning the foundry «ndustry are given. Prices are givtr wherever available and ar* quoted in the original ourrenoy and/or in United States dollars, The prices should howaver be considered only as general indications, they are subject to change, and conversions of original currency into dollars are subiect to fluctuât ions. indKltodli0" f0r p*riodloal8 *r* <?i"en for «*• i«**. ««I««« otherwise United Mations sales publications should be ordered by salos number. They aro available thro»»gh authorized distributors or may bo ordered fro»« Salos Section Sales Section Publishing Service or United Rations Office United Kations Palais das Hat ion« Mow iorfc, Hew York 1001' 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland United SUtes of teorica Request« for United Mations documents ( those bearing only dootamnt symbols •nrt no salos numbers) should l» node direct to the i suing Oife*nisation. The following abbreviations have boon used ir. this issue« <%pprox, - approximately disi, • distributor EM - Deutsche Nark (currency, Foderai Republic of r noany) «*% - editionf editor Pr. • Pronos KDH • Mark dor Deutschen Notenbank (eunancy, German Democratic Republic) p* - page(e) pubi. « publisher rev, • revised vol.(e) • volume(s) e • British pounds sterling l • United States dollars, unless otherwise rdioated wBmm ix MTBQBUOTIOB L'CWDl ar.oenraca l'anploitation da l'tnfomaUon induatrUlle dans IMI paya M voi« d« ddwloppanent an damant dt« conaaila aux organianas «al • •ooeuptat d( industrialisation rw leur paraattra d'anéliorar les •«/mm d'infomation locaux. L'una d«a aetivitaa m pim «meaoaa «»••11« «atreprand à cat ««ard «at l'établiaaaaant da riparto! raa ai da «aiaaa daa prineipala« eouroaa d'infornation. te prm«! te travail da l'CaTJM paw 19T2-73 privait l»dtablia- •••i* «»ans acri« da rdparteira« at da «uldea da« aotiroaa d'iafomanon «nr laa aaotaura industrial« qui praaanteat un intdrtt parti «rollar MUT tel yaya ta vaia da ddveloppaaant. U prenant «aida daa Bouraaa d'tafa» ÜJl« inmuta i *+*yj fil IfiriM IMlfHinlUll (WXKAZB/M/ä). law fapaitairaa da* pam« aartaiant «nr l'industria da ta vianda, l'isAattrla da oinaat a« du »sten, l'industrie du euir «t daa artici«. an «ait, «t 1'industria du anubla at da U nanuinari«. Lea prochain« «•tant nrwanria «nz «anroa« d» infornati«! eur la «entrala da la •7>nti*4 dann l'industria at l'iaduatri« daa nulla« Tagftalea. Oat rapertolrea at oaa guidaa na prdtandant pan «tra exhaustifsi ea as «ant paa daa inatrunanta da reoharehe, naia da alaplae liataa daa Marnas d'lafametien ani nanalant affrir un intérêt ienrfdiat pour l»uti- Uentanr. C» a'aat efforce* da domar la plat da ranaatjnanant« passible pan» lai ptrnettro da arañar« rnpidansnt eontact «vao laa erfanianaa Bantlanséi et pour lui fanali tar 1'aoquiaition daa punlioatiena indinadas. LMadnttil« da te fandarla, à fintanti« da lassali« ot guida a «M «inali, a ana inserta*«« esaltai« pour la ddvaloppaaant iadastri«l *»a» paya, nana ai las pi«««« nealees na rapréaantant qu'uni patita •nrtia «a atta! nu'an y nana ami. an fait, In araaiare «tape da 1« wénMai d'una inaastrle abiuratane daña na pars an aal« da ddvaley- panant eouportn «aaft«Iianni l'Installation da patitaa fonderiee ani »•want piua tnr« ttr« anjrs*aies «t produira das pieeea aeuldM an grnada •aria. l'OWDI n nid« an «rand nonbra da paya an vola da dévaloppanant à ordar at à développer una industri« da ea typa. B« nonbrauaaa aouroee d* infornati«! ayant pu «tra eniaaa, noua eoouail- larans volontiere tanta sufaestion d'inaartion da reaeeisnanente eonpléaen- tairea, at il an aara tanu oenpta dana una nouvelle ¿di ti on révieée.
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    View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Juelich Shared Electronic Resources John von Neumann Institute for Computing Parallelization of the C++ Navier-Stokes Solver DROPS with OpenMP C. Terboven, A. Spiegel, D. an Mey, S. Gross, V. Reichelt published in Parallel Computing: Current & Future Issues of High-End Computing, Proceedings of the International Conference ParCo 2005, G.R. Joubert, W.E. Nagel, F.J. Peters, O. Plata, P. Tirado, E. Zapata (Editors), John von Neumann Institute for Computing, J¨ulich, NIC Series, Vol. 33, ISBN 3-00-017352-8, pp. 431-438, 2006. c 2006 by John von Neumann Institute for Computing Permission to make digital or hard copies of portions of this work for personal or classroom use is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise requires prior specific permission by the publisher mentioned above. http://www.fz-juelich.de/nic-series/volume33 4311 Parallelization of the C++ Navier-Stokes Solver DROPS with OpenMP Christian Terbovena, Alexander Spiegela, Dieter an Meya, Sven Grossb, Volker Reicheltb aCenter for Computing and Communication, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany bInstitut fur¨ Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik, RWTH Aachen University, 52056 Aachen, Germany 1. Introduction The Navier-Stokes solver DROPS [1] is developed at the IGPM (Institut fur¨ Geometrie und Prak- tische Mathematik) at the RWTH Aachen University, as part of an interdisciplinary project (SFB 540: Model-based Experimental Analysis of Kinetic Phenomena in Fluid Multi-phase Reactive Sys- tems [2]) where complicated flow phenomena are investigated.
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