TIIK Ml MHKR '!' TMK WLATHKR ... ,i TKI I'HKSS u TODAYS NeW 1 Uc (Sulumzt JCUI5 TufKibiy. VOLUME XXI. CALUMET, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 31, 1912. NUMBER 232 4'M' 1 l":"l""lH' I ARE - I I If L. Ml : NATIONS PROSECUTOR OBJECTS II ill 0 PRETTY CHICAGO GIRL i 1 "OON'TS" TO FIND OUT TO GRAND JURY FOR TELLS PITIFUL STORY v DETROIT BRIBE CASES. OF BRING KIDNAPED, v 4. 1 KANSAS SOON mmu '7)L ' TO BE TOLD Dntr ii. ,ii. i,. jui 3. Klgln, 111.. July 31 Hearing WHO GOT THE IVaaaautlaf Attomai sin ajuard v evidence of exposure .1 four- - J' has anneaacad he win not - teen - v ear-ol- d girl, Ramonia grint th.. request of the com- 5 French of Chicago v as found KEEP mon aannaM far a ajrand kjrj Lively Contests Among Candi on a ountryi road near Klgin TO 00T to Investigate the chargta of ' late last rrtghi. The girl clalma GRAFT CASH alleged corruption In the muni dates For Nominations on v sh was uidnetoed Mi ihIhj after- - ctnaj kajrialatura, noon ly three men m an auto- - Th' re.i.e.i( s the lesult of v mobile from near in hoote. It ! I the arrest lusl week r nines!' Two Party Tickets S la alleged slgf was drugged. Will Not York United States Permit v nertnen and tin secretary ..f the The a;lrl teld Ii..,. sh was ! New District Attorney Will council eenasnltteea on bribers seUcd hy one of ttn- three men Foreign Owned Bases on I charges. Tie nine aldermen v who drove up In an auto on Have Thorough Investiga- nana are at liherty on hail. DEMOCRATS VERY CONFIDENT Bast Flfty-1ft- li srreet. 'hi-- : Hemisphere vnted laat night for a .ftBRd , cago, how anotu. stilled her Ogfi Doa'T tion of Blackmail Western J . : Jib r cries with' a black cloth ! "I am net 140:11 to spend $.").- - thrown over ger be. el and how - MM to ex. not 'I" some .1.1. iinen she whs placed In Ihe trunk of This I v whe have been uiidwr anspielon Believe Republican Discord V tile Ilia, lllll H i' I. w- - htgb speed. a SENATE IS ASKED TO ACT v for ears. but "ho kc.w avvav at a At v WALDO MAKES A DENIAL could net gel them in tin- aawat Year Will Help Them I lonely spot, ehi' li she thinks v of the lane that sun oiiihIh a v was mar Flgjn. she - .1.1 Ihe v ! grand Jury." sal,' the proae three men aajHcked her. Her cutor. crlej and Rpleadlngs were a I dj of Monroe Doctrine to be 1 laughed at. ' Commissioner Declares the Story Terms Ti.peka, Kas., Julv :il If the pich-- CHIN WITH lot-- ice WAS I ASP ni political campaign lr Kansas had 0ONT nasi complain of aoT '" Made Clear to World much longer to run the nig wheat and Coprri.t.j of Blackmail is RdiculousJ corn and other crops prom lead fxri the RUNNING MATE COLONEL'S his year acoajM be In grawt dan HOTEL '' siate ' ST. LOUI8 CLOSES. ger of neglect. But fortunately for the REDUCE SIZE OF SPANISH NAVY DESTROYED WILL DE A DEMOCRAT state and the plospe'"ity of Its: cltl.ciis Ht. Louis Mo., Julv al. The South LODGE PREPARES A RESOLUTION ANOTHER MAN the campuign wii: end with the pri- crn Mot. lor ma;, one .vf th DY U. S. TO RE RERUILT WILL SURRENDER maries neN t T.iestlay. leav ing the pen best known hostagries in tl e country. pic free to turn their attention In U) loses its dM ra jpni'-'h-t The clualng PAPER MONEY Oyater Bay, July 31. A movement poll.h u. of the hotel iM Kg. 'I o b. illle to the la on foot to name a DemoCM'nt Madrid. July :p. - is com- July 31. 'I'll- - from Sailn - . lingtoti. gltl On the eve of the primarica for tin disimlinntlon of tin propihtois to r v a York. July H.- Kv i v brag and adopt-..- I the south iih UooKeVelts male, the mitted to a mprehens4ve naval foreign relations committee has choice f can.liihitts for all puhllc IT1 new their lease age the failure of th h ad la to be poralatent!) Mowed oy t'ohmel said today It 1411 available man a aerlous effort is bstng mad" Lodge's rccniiimcnd.it in that the cers from the UnUed owners of the preV'it find anoth- Distrht Atl. rm v W hitman (.. u. Im- Studs to - rt-S- 1'im agreed upon replace Hie Vessels! lost et San- mi., States n the Moiiroc and governor deem to county officials er lease. The futU:-- ' of the hotel is II. All Government and National Bank to whom it is asserted. $'.4ai.nn, ,, had a let- Mggga da Casba ,. .. t Rooaevelt said tie received ami Candto. Tin gm( Tin.' In terms cleat all the world the situation is admit telly the most doubt, but it is geherallv be'icved that graft money, was distributed. "Hal.: to expreea ter from William Allen Whit, of Kan-Ha- Hpiinish dreadnouuhl. the Kspuna, und idepted a resolution histo'r.v it will be reopened One-Thir- ,'ack" Rose t. i.i complicated in the political of Notes Will be Made d the prosecutor thai anv making a strong statement in will he .on. missioned In Noveenber. oval i.f the pure ha "I the Sunlh wer State. Ahout th M tills httgh sum was obtained bv poll regard t the . (Tort of the regulars of and win be ki follow.-.- bj two ,. itblfl naval bMM on the American in eunnaatkan with the oant it P. C. ACKLEY FASSES AWAY. iii blackmail from the gamblers and di Kansas, in making an appeal to the i.atine "thers. Tins' vessels ea continent! hy foreign powers. out learlv is the fact thai Smaller latlj elderly houses, and that Lieut. BeV'kO Federal court, to revise the action of that stands ii h t ?!..". nt inieter vans, mounted The Senate will be asked to endorse RepubNeaa darnmfd haa Mgveaejnal ttn Mlnneapolla, July :tt V Ackley. toM him tlie morie.v wen; to tour police the Kansas state judges as to the de- in pairs in bafbMtl a i nd bv committee. lU'ospectS of I atlc success 'n millionaire lumberman and philan- efhclals. The prosecutor has atranged taken tti' cision allowing the RooaeVell electors ileal sums hav. beeg spent in put- k.i next November to an extent thropist, is dead, age, 76. was a p. kgep the grand jur m ail iinii st.iifiiH'iit the United to he on the Republican bnNni." lie ting the L,.,v .1 nm, ni ars. ua it III would marcelv have heen tho aght veteran of the Ctvll war. ere teil REVOLUTIONIZE summer to investigate th- reUttton Btatea l asked for H the NNll Ot tlM men," writes, "are that and WILL DESIGNS in a lit gtata te turn out ves- "The Taft White r 'riol 1. pgaaible twelve months ago. That the .1 memorial building ,i the of between the gamble ra ixdi.e, 1. iiii Bay incident, where It whs taking the case tiefore Justice I'ltney oldfr sels of this tvK'. and thus ostobHaa. ani Democrnta are alive t. rJMdr opportenl Vermonl at V'l He also found- which Is, in th opinion r the shown " Japanese ayndlcate had boon of the Federal .supreme court, on a Stowe. afresh a national industry which hail lisitci re .1 ; im- t i 11 of ity is evidenced hy the fact tha' tin ed a bchoel al djran.l Haven, Mich. aitornev. matter of mote iTili. K fol' tour million acres constitutional qjMeetioa involved in the been allow. '. p. - ay. It n.w h - is great to get on the v lie formerly ii ed portance than the IIa aw thaf cage-- t land along tin- area! ooanl of loafer fourteenth amendment which guaran- a scramble hen comes obvious that on the compieibm ballot, there helna an Will be Convenience For Public verllDv witnesses w ill be subiwa'tia- - d California in Mexico. WThUa Japan tees every man political righta." Democratic of this Initial Breejrajp lresh vvorl; ahutulatice of candidate 'n the .i - to appear before the graml Jury to tell found to have no con licet inn with "Kninuaa people feel the appeal can- must be given to th.- arsenal, or the gamrst olBce what they know of the alleged Ida? k ttx lyndicate. the Pennfa I- mevtei tor innM tted, RETURNING ATHLETES ARE and Prevent Counterfeiting Jfeatfgaen Will hav,- to be not lie successful and it la a fresh disbanded mall. i.. loaded hy Lodge, r.'ini ted In tin' llustration of the wicked way in which Stuhbs After Ssr.Ainrahip. (and inevitably lha win aeahrrale), otreuna-atance- a Whitman will hold another confer- inii committee today thai the effort is made to twist the constitution The oonteat for Repuaimaa ppogt" WELCOMED IN NEW YORK an the fruit of the nations sa. npgropiiatri doea ence with ftr.se this afternoon. KoUl afforded an so as to protect privilege against the delltlal i lei tors has lai n so hitter as to will be lost. Thus fresh con- aaauyad htm ha can ImplhaiUi others .in fexfvaaaton oC the viewa people. of protecting the peo- '.vide Th. al Washington, July :tl The hi..' ..I all structions become inevitable, and th" Instead attract nation attention. and there Is much talk of "men higher ,, Hi.
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