Modern Management Science & Engineering ISSN 2052-2576 Vol. 1, No. 2, 2013 Original Paper Delivering Management Training and Development Programmes: A Case of Non-Oil International Organizations in Post-Crisis Libya after 2011 Ahmed Mustafa Younes1, 2* 1 Leeds Metropolitan University, UK 2 Tripoli University, Libya * Ahmed Mustafa Younes, E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract This article investigates how non-oil international organizations in Libya (NOIOL) deliver and implement Management Training and Development Programmes (MTDP). The recent situation of MTDP in Libya after the crisis of 2011 and factors that may influence the implementation and delivery are explored. A questionnaire approach was applied and distributed to (150) participants at managerial level working in 19 NOIOL from different sectors. The SPSS analysis software was applied, several tests were used, and significant and non-significant outcomes were presented. The results indicated that most NOIO were delivering MTDP externally and assistance was acquired from external providers. MTDP was only delivered when new technology is updated. Likewise, different MTDP methods were used by either external providers or NOIO. The minority of participants agreed and strongly agreed that MTDP was delivered effectively. On and off-the-job-training was positively used by the construction and banking sectors as well as to some degree by small and international organizations. External training was used by manufacturing, service and banking sectors, and all small, medium and large sized organizations. Negative influence was also found when a new manager was recruited in joint venture and international organizations. Case studies, interactive video, conference/seminars and job rotation were the most positively used methods by both NOIO and external providers.