The NCAA News
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The NCAA News Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association March 3,1993, Volume 30, Number 9 Reorganization streamlines enforcement staff In an effort to cultivate more in the pasl. about by the rnforrcmc-rit rqjre- dwelling more on Ilk- grncral frus- coordinating the staffs overall sources throughout thr country The tour areas in which the sentativrs themsclvcs. Thr stafl, tlmations of where WC ought to be investigative effons and the prw and to orient itself more toward representatives will work are: new Rrrst said, bclicvrd il would be or if we know enough i~ho~~t what crssing of major infractions casts. uncovering violations of NC&I inform;1tion, srcondary infrac- morn hrnrfic ial to work more in is going on in intrrcollcgiate ath- Hr said the emphasis on drvelop- legislation, the NGYA cnfr)rcement tions, srtf-rcporls and major in- teams with personnel drsignalrd Irt its,” Rust said. “The hope (with ing new information is a key com- staff rcccntly re0rganil.ed its pei-- fractions. to cultivate new sources arid corif‘i- rrorgani7ation) is that wc’rc going ponent of the restructuring plan. sonncl. dants. Also, Rust said the stafl lo IK bettcr able to serve thr intcr- “We want to have a better frrl Suggested by staff Effective February 15, the en- bcticvcd ;I group of rrprcscntalives est of iritcr~collcgiate athletics:’ for what’s going on,” Smrt said. forccmrnt staff was restructured S. David Ber-sr, NOIA assistant nrcdcd to work spcc ific ally on the “Wr want to bc closer to the rr- Develop information into four arcas with enforcement cxcculivr director for enforcrmrnl, increasing numhcr ofsrlf-reported cruitmrnt ofhighlyrccruited pros- rrprcsriitativcs ;0suming more said thr recommendations to rc- violations by mrrnl)cr inslirutions. (:h;irlcs E. Smn, direr Ior of cw streamlined rcspomsihilitirs than organi/r thr staff were brought “Over the past yr;ir, I tiwt- k-en tort rmcnt, wilt be rrsponsihlr for See Reorganized, page 24 b Upgraded computer database ready for membership use By Ronald D. Mott THE NCAA NEWS STAFF Tllc com~,utcr database, which has been in operation since.Janu- arv I!)X7, Ilas uridc-rgonr so 111c riiaj01 ici”.‘)gr-arnrnirlg in o~ctrI to offrr ~ilhaucciiients th,it lhc NCAA Icgi<;l;ltivc sctviccs stall hopes will rnakc it c;1sicr to use and more rffic icnt than its plmcdc- C‘C’.\!d)I’. ( hoi I’. Prmcll, NC :M Iegislativc. ;issist.inl, w;ts aclrriiriislr;itor for See Computer, page 24 b Hagan named to Commission J;Llllt.s F.. H;lllig:;trl, president 01 sity, Long Beach, to become presi- Fayettcvillc. Ht ;iIw has been ii Ncu Mcxic o Sratr has dent ar Millikin University Mxch ~~ic~iil~cr ;uid ( ~iairof~lhr c hemic-al I,twl .q,- 1. p”lnl”t as tt1c Hal&an will seive the remain- Big Wcsl (:orb der of Mc(:ray’s term, which cx- frr CIl( c’s rrp- pircs ill~January l995. Hc thrn will 1 t3t.iilalivt~ ori bc cligiblc to SCTVC a full term on the N<XA Ihe (;ommission, if so designated Prcsidcnts by IhC tc,nfrrrrlc~r. Title hunt (:oiiiniission. Halligan became president at Paulette King and Florida Institute of Technology are llr I-rpl;l~rs New Mexico State in July 1984. hoping to play thf role spoiler at th.e Division II Women 2 G1rtis M. Belore that, he W:IS dc;m of the qf Mc(:ray, who (:ottcgc of Fnginrrririg anti then Ha.&etball Championship. See championship preuiew, page tcft thr presi- vlcc~ch;u~ccttor for xxtrrnic ;Itl 10. dcncy at blifu fairs at the LJnivcrsity of Arkansas, N In the News N On deck State legislation Page 5 n Regional seminars promoting continuing edu- March 8 Special Committee to Review Recom- cation for institutional and athletics administrators mendations Regarding Distribution of Administrative are planned this spring by the membership services Revenues, Chicago Committee minutes group of the NCAA national office staff: Page 3. March 8-9 Ad Hoc Committee to Study Enforce- Championships previews 6-10 ment Issues, Arlington, Virginia n A Pepperdine University philosophy professor Interpretations believes that athletes are receiving too much March 9 Special Committee to Review the Mis- Committee minutes criticism for a perceived lack of ethics: Page 4. sion of the NCAA Foundation, Chicago Basketball statistics 13-16 n Furman University men’s tennis coach Paul March 11-14 Division I Men’s Basketball Committee, NCAA Record Scarpa has devised a team-match format that Kansas City, Missouri 21-23 Division I programs are using to shorten matches The Market Scarpa March 12-14 Division I Women’s Basketball Commit- while retaining doubles play: Page 11. Legislative assistance 24 tee, Kansas City, Missouri Page 2 The NCAA News March 3, 1993 The NCAA News DIGEST A weekly summary of major activities within the Association approach in completing its work: ( I ) an inloiniial gathering of information to dctcr~ chedule of key dates for mine concerns and interests, (2) formal Full task force arch and April 1993 rcseal~ch, and (3) ~dy and dIscusdon on to receive recommendations finding> to form i~ecoiiiitieiicl;1tions. Stt~clcrlt~~~lhlete wclfitrc is the primary The institutional standards and NCAA March April topic l’or the third year or the Prexidcnts rtandards subcommittees of the NCAA Commission‘\ strategic plan. The Gender-Equity Task Force have devclopcd timetable calls l’or the special committee to recommendatmns l’or the full task li)rcc to have legislation lor the 1995 Convention. consider when it meets March 23 in Dallas. For more detail, bee the Fcbi~u;lry 10. The institutional standards cubcommit~ January 77 and Novcmbcr 9 issues of The tee developed a statement on participation NCAA News. opportunities when It rnct February 16. Next meeting: April .3tl-Mny I in After it conducts a tclcphone conlcrcncc. Chic:lgo. the group will ti)rward the statement to the full task force. The NCAA standards subcommittee, MARCH 6 (noon)-7 (8 a.m ) ____.__.....Quiet period RECRUlTlNG 7 (8 a.m.)-12 (8 a.m.) __...Contact period. which met Fchruary IO, I‘ocus~i on new Men’s Division I basketball 12 (8 a.m.)-16 (8 a.m.) Dead period. ant1 emcrping sports for women. dlrcussing Survey deadline l-3 __................ Quiet period. 16 (8 a.m.)-23 ._.____.___....Contact period. less than a month away possibilities for the use of such sports to 4-22 _____..__..._........... _._._Contact penod 24-30 ____._.._._._.._.____.__.__.....Quiet period. meet mcmbcrship requlremcnts. I‘he ~,ub 23-31 ____._..______._.....Quiet period. Women’s Division I basketball’ committee emphasi/cd the need to grt Men’s and women’s Division II basketball l-5 (noon) ._.............. .._.___Dead period. Divlslon I members have until April I reaction from the membership in lormulat- l-31 _.____._.__._.___.Contact period. 5 (noon)-12 (8 a.m ) __._,_Contact period. to respond to a curvey that seeks their ing il list of emcrgine women’s sport\. Division I football 12 (8 a.m.)-16 (8 am.) __..... Dead period reaction to the NCAA Executive For more detail, see the January 27. l-31 __..___._.._._.__._...Quiet period. 16 (8 a.m.)-30 __.__.___.....Quiet period Committee‘s proposal to enhance the January 20 and November I6 issues ot The Division II football Men’s Division II basketball Association’s championships program. l-8 ._.____.__............. .Contact period NCAA News. l-6 (noon) .____.____._.____._.......Dead period. The deadline for responding tn the 9-31 . ..Quiet period, except during 6 (noon)-12 (8 a.m.) _.__._..Contact period. Next meeting: March 23 in Dallas. description of the plan, which was mulcd to high-school all-star game that occurs in 12 (8 a.m.)-14 (8 a.m ) ______Dead period. Division I members January I I, II, April I. the state In which the member institution 14 (8 a.m.)-30 ___._.__._.....Quiet period Divlslons II and III member institution\ is located Women’s Division II basketball cl~scusscd the proposed revisions ;tt the DEADLINE 1-l 2 (8 a.m ) __.___.._._.__._..Contact period. January Convention in Dallas. Committee’s first meeting 31 ~ Graduation-rates disclosure form 12 (8 a m.)-14 (8 a.m.) .Dead period. for Division I tnstitutions due at national 14 (8 a.m )-30 ._.._._.__._____.Contact period. The Executive Committee’s plan would set for March 31 in Dallas office. ‘See page 90 of the 1992-93 NCAA base Field siLcs on sponcorxhip and would MAILINGS Manual for exceptions. Also, see pages dcemphasi/.c the revenue potential of’ 3 The NCAA Committee on Athletics 5 ~ Conferences to have received 93-94 for dead periods in Division I cha~npior1stlip. Per diem. traveling partie\ Ccrtiilcation will meet lor the lirst time materials for coaching certification tests women’s gymnastics, Dlvlsion I men’s and colllllllttec \lr1lclurc aI\0 WtUlltl hc March 7 I m Dallas. in Divisions I and II. ice hockey, Division I women’s softball alfectctf. 12 ~ Requests for information to be immediate responsibilities facing the and other Divisions I and II sports. After reviewing the response from the mailed on the special-assistance, sports- committee include tlcvclopment of a certi- MAILING mcmbcrship, the Executive Committee sponsorship and grants-in-aid compo- fication schedule. creation of R certification 23 - Checks to be mailed to Division I nents of the revenue-distribution plan.