CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at Provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector Advances in Applied Mathematics 29 (2002) 471–497 Inversion formulas for the spherical Radon transform and the generalized cosine transform Boris Rubin 1 Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel Received 23 January 2001; accepted 1 December 2001 Abstract The k-dimensional totally geodesic Radon transform on the unit sphere Sn and the corresponding cosine transform can be regarded as members of the analytic family of intertwining fractional integrals α α+k−n R f (ξ) = γn,k(α) f(x) sin d(x,ξ) dx, Sn d(x,ξ) being the geodesic distance between x ∈ Sn and the k-geodesic ξ.Wedevelop a unified approach to the inversion of Rαf for all α 0, 1 k n − 1,n 2. The cases of smooth f and f ∈ Lp are considered. A series of new inversion formulas is obtained. The convolution–backprojection method is developed. 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved. Keywords: Spherical Radon transform; Cosine transform; Sine transform; The convolution–backprojection method 1. Introduction In the present paper we focus on inversion formulas for the following transforms of integral geometry which have numerous important applications E-mail address:
[email protected]. 1 Partially supported by the Edmund Landau Center for Research in Mathematical Analysis and Related Areas, sponsored by the Minerva Foundation (Germany). 0196-8858/02/$ – see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved. PII:S0196-8858(02)00028-3 472 B. Rubin / Advances in Applied Mathematics 29 (2002) 471–497 (see [2–6,12–15,18,20,22] for references).