An R.Olnn "Colrnbofocb"Co Ogas 10Scolgb
Fishery Leaflet Number78 1976 an R.Olnn "CoLrnbofocb"Co ogas 10SCOlgb Bibliography of Irish Sahnon Compiled by Eileen Twomey DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES FISHERIES DIVISION DUBLIN.1. ·T "aUlDM;]; uaana .£q pandUlDO NOI'l'I'fS HSIlII aO li.Hd\I1!~OI'I\lI\l Avondhu 'IS! O"i; e t,:,'i 0 Xl :s U:01 ':,:J and B:rOlffl Trout. 1957 :,:)J>* '1 56."" 1 Browne. J.~. 1966 Cummins, N.P. 1 Some rd,',':;;,; d~i:l o:r 'C ,-'.L;,:LG G.i_tnm:Lrv't l:;:ion:~ of salmOll 1962 fro.l:>:! O-~'fQ,UiJJ(;~(::;' ~e:i_-'\;' i"{C' (ej,Ttd ::t (:'dlr~'Parison of those O~Jenduff River, App. III. Frost, lITinefred ;:} LJJ: i/';:j.\/ I:Lr c. I,f.ihe growth and food of and A.E.J. Went 1940 Vol. 46. Section B. No.4. Hamil ton. N. l:n'.lE.: :fee streams with 1963 J' ':~ i t,u: ; t;" >;n 'If" R£:20 :Flayl€; Fish.~ Hewetson, Ann 1958 , 1957 and 1958. pp. 49~79. Hewetson, Ann S-al.moL, ur 11' j,\- f{i"' i}-';'l'{;;TiJ;:>'::-i', 1961 ""::"'."o .• c".:,5o" ..•.. L.L:;L,~lL.,. PI' • 6 4-72 Hewetson, Ann 1961 " 1960 and 1961. PI'. 73-87 Newman, Hazel W. 1958 and. 1945. • S'eetion B. No.5. PI'. 53-69 O'Driscoll, D. 1950 25. No. 10. PI'. 117-150. Figgins, D.J. Some 1958 of the aalmon of the H!"pp &llm. Roo, Trust. Ire. (1958). App.2. Piggins, D.J. Salmon and ;f;tea trout keltS 1961 0 lli'.& S1jlJ.m~1£!,t0 l:1', Ire, (19~ App.
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