Glasgow 2014 Candidate City File Summary Document 01 is an extraordinary city, in one of the most spectacular and sport hungry countries in the world. Our passion for competition and

respect for the Commonwealth Louise Martin cbe, Chairman, Tommy Yule, Chair, Glasgow 2014 Athletes’ Commission Commonwealth Games Games is shown by the fact that Council for we have taken part in every Games since they were established in 1930.

As Chairman of the Commonwealth Games Council for Scotland and as Chairman of the Glasgow 2014 Athletes’ Commission, it gives us great pleasure to introduce a summary of the plans for hosting the XX Commonwealth Games.

Glasgow is an extraordinary city, in one of the most In this document we have summarised just some spectacular and sport hungry countries in the world. of the key points of the 16 themes established by the Our passion for competition and respect for the Commonwealth Games Federation and on which our Commonwealth Games is shown by the fact that Bid is based.The whole Candidate City File can be found we have taken part in every Games since they were on our website at established in 1930. It is the only time Scottish athletes Our Bid has captured the imagination of the public. are able to compete in a multi-sport event as Scotland. They have shown, in large numbers, that they wish As we saw when the Games were held in , the honour of hosting this prestigious event. Glasgow for 11 days our nation was united in celebration and CONTENTS 2014 will be the ideal environment for records to be transfixed by the action. broken and personal bests to be set – the passion of Introduction 01 The Commonwealth Games Council for Scotland will the Scottish crowd will make sure of that. be the host for the Games in 2014. We will continue On behalf of everyone associated with Scotland’s Bid to work in close partnership with the Scottish Executive we offer you this invitation. Come to our City and to Theme 1 Summary 02 and in the planning and organisation our Country and celebrate the XX Commonwealth Games Theme 2 Summary 05 of the Games. Theme 3 Summary 06 with us. The Athletes’ Commission’s task throughout the Bid has Theme 4 Summary 09 been a simple one. It has been our role with the three Theme 5 Summary 10 partner organisations to make sure that these are the Louise Martin cbe Theme 6 Summary 12 most athlete centred Games ever. Every aspect of the Chairman, Commonwealth Games Council for Scotland Theme 7 Summary 14 Bid has been examined in great detail by the Commission, Theme 8 Summary 17 Tommy Yule tailoring everything from accreditation to the design Chair, Glasgow 2014 Athletes’ Commission Theme 9 Summary 24 of the Village and the Opening Ceremony – guaranteeing Theme 10 Summary 30 that the competitors who come to Scotland in 2014 Theme 11 Summary 32 will have the performance of their lives. Theme 12 Summary 35 Theme 13 Summary 38 Theme 14 Summary 42 Theme 15 Summary 43 Theme 16 Summary 45

Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File SUMMARY DOCUMENT 90 of the Village within a20minute drive and training venues willbe over 90%ofthecompetition % £1.25 accessible ever our Games themost will bespentmaking • • • • • • • • and Legacy Commonwealth Games Concept 1: Theme the continuing regeneration ofthecity Staging of the Games willcontribute to of the CGF Development ofthe Games andthebrand infrastructure provision toall A sustainableapproach of thecityandcountry cultural andenvironmental development social, The Games beingcentral toeconomic, for thecommunity World-class venues for the Games andalegacy world-class event friendly, Federation for aunique, Shared vision withthe Commonwealth Games Unprecedented localandnationalsupport Committed andtangible benefitstothe CGAs billion Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File2014 CommonwealthGlasgow GamesCandidate City the show. – allowingthemtotaketheiraccoladesandthenenjoy into thestadiumnearer thebeginning of the Ceremony wewant theathletes tocome permission of the CGF, the theathleteswilltakecentre stage.With , within walking distanceof the Village atthemagnificent Held Our Opening Ceremony willbreak newground. accessible ever. themost our Games, be spentonmakingourcity, £1.25billionwill Over significantly improved by2014. willbe already worldclass, Our transport network, notwhat theyhave todoget there. do inthevenues, that theathletescanconcentrate onwhat they have to will bewithina20minute drive from the Village –meaning 90%of ourvenues Over Ours willbeacompact Games. the extraordinary. toachieve everyone topushthemselvesthelimit, be abouttheathletesonmedalrostrum –wewant Our Games willnotjust the performance of theirlives. environment where willhave allathleteswho takepart Our plansfor 2014 are geared towards creating an to beacelebration achievement. andpersonal ofsport We wouldlikeour Games the entire worldtoshare. onethatwe invite We have avisionfor our Games, The Performance oftheirLives achievement. andpersonal of sport to beacelebration want our Games world toshare.We we want theentire that one our Games, We have avisionfor winning gymnast Scottishgold-medal Steve Frew, SUMMARY DOCUMENT 03 Commonwealth Games Concept and Legacy 01 01 02 03 Track will be held in the new build Velodrome

02 04 The 05 building in These will not just be a Games for Glasgow and We have a commitment to the spectators from around 03 Scotland, they will be a celebration of our shared the world.We will work with broadcasters to make sure The main chamber at ideals and an opportunity to develop the brand of that every nation and territory receives a feed from the the Scottish Parliament

the Commonwealth Games. Games. And for people who want to do more than watch 04 on TV, we have price guarantees for all of our hotels Members of Glasgow 2014’s We are committed to helping preparations for the leading up to and including the Games. Athletes’ Commission with Games in Commonwealth nations and territories Louise Martin, Chairman of the Commonwealth Games through a new sports development assistance fund. Glasgow and Scotland have been an integral part of Council for Scotland 04 We want to make sure that nations and territories don’t the Commonwealth Games Family since the inception 05 05 06 just have a successful Games, but that, through a new of the Games in 1930. We also have a long City Chambers active partnership, Glasgow 2014 leaves a legacy for successfully staging major sporting and cultural events – a magnificent example of all members of the Commonwealth Family. including international events in all the 17 sports in our late Victorian architecture proposed Sports Programme. 06 We have a commitment to making sure that teams Large scale inward who want to take part can do so. We will be offering We have served our apprenticeship. We have shown we investment has played a major role in the 100% flexible grants for accredited athletes and officials have what it takes to stage the largest sporting event that regeneration of to travel to Glasgow for the Games. we could ever hold in our country. Glasgow’s riverside Commonwealth Games Concept Games Concept and Commonwealth Legacy Climate and Structure and Economic Political

The support that the Bid has generated has reached Theme 2: Political and Economic Climate every part of Scottish life. All of our political parties and Structure have given their backing; businesses across the country • A stable, democratically elected Government have signed up to show their support and members of the public have said, in large numbers, that they want • Cross party support at national and local level Scotland to stage the Games. • A strong partnership approach evidenced in the Along with the political change, there has also been structure of the Organising Committee which a fundamental change – particularly in Glasgow – in our builds on the experience of the Bid phase economy. Once the home of traditional ‘heavy industries’ • Comprehensive support from all organisations such as ship building, Glasgow is now a bustling tourist, and institutions across Scotland IT and financial services centre. Our economy has been • A strong economic base in Glasgow and Scotland strengthened by this shift – with all predictions pointing towards continued growth between now and 2014.

Glasgow GDP per head 1995-2004 Political and Economic Stability GDP per capita Growth Rate (%) Scotland is a country that has undergone substantial 1995 13,264 – political change in the past 10 years. Still part of 1996 14,154 6.7 the , devolution in 1999 saw the 1997 15,323 8.3 re-establishment of the Scottish Parliament. 1998 16,372 6.8 The reconvened legislature has direct responsibility for 1999 17,333 5.9 a wide number of areas – including the vast majority 2000 18,265 5.4 of those – including sport – that will be necessary to 2001 19,370 6.0 host the 2014 Games.The UK Government, which fully 2002 20,602 6.4 supports our Bid, retains responsibility for areas such 2003 22,069 7.1 as defence and immigration. 2004 23,420 6.1 Source – ONS

SUMMARY DOCUMENT Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File SUMMARY DOCUMENT Artistic impression of Athletics at in 2014

We know how critical it is to hit the ground running. If we are awarded the Games, our first 100 days will be spent putting in place the detailed plans and structures that will help deliver an outstanding Games. 01 02 03 01 SECC Clyde Auditorium We have been

02 working with 08 A summary of our Government 09 the legislation has been drafted and immigration authorities to come 03 Glasgow University up with a system that will be easy 04 to understand, tied General Register House is Scotland’s into the accreditation national archive process and will 04 offer fast track entry through the airports in Scotland once the formalities have been concluded.

Glasgow International Airport Legal Aspects Legal Formalities Customs and Immigration

Theme 3: Legal Aspects Theme 4: Customs and Immigration Formalities • All guarantees provided • Clear and efficient processes based on experience • Venue agreements signed of major events • Summary of legislation drafted • Comprehensive advice available to visiting nations and territories • Company limited by guarantee established as basis for Organising Committee • Government guarantees on entry into the country • Transition plan developed for the first • Fast-tracking of accredited Games Family through 100 days of the Organising Committee immigration and customs • No restrictions on imports relating to the Games

Artistic impression of Hampden Park in 2014

Glasgow is famous for its friendly customer service Preparing to Hit the Ground Running Organising a global event such as the Commonwealth Not only do we have plans in place for the establishment Games is a significant undertaking.Venues have to be of the Organising Committee, we have set a plan to ensure Ensuring Effective Processes to Travel to Scotland In short, like so much of our plans, we want athletes built or adapted, accommodation has to be provided, a smooth transition from the bidding phase.We know how As even the most seasoned traveller knows, customs and to concentrate on their performances, not what they transport mapped out. Numerous public, private and critical it is to hit the ground running. If we are awarded immigration procedures vary depending on the country have to do in the days before they compete. voluntary sector partners are needed to deliver the event the Games we will spend the first 100 days putting in being visited. On many occasions applying for visas and We know that sometimes, no matter how much is and all of them have to deliver on time and on budget. place the detailed plans and structures that will help understanding the rules can be an important task. planned, things can change. If they do, we will have deliver an outstanding Games. In Glasgow we have the requisite guarantees in place That is why we want to help as much as we can.We have people both in Scotland and at sites around the world (over 200 of them) to make sure that this partnership been working with our Government and immigration who will be there to help. does indeed deliver.Venue guarantees and agreements authorities to come up with a system that will be easy are in place and legislation is drafted and ready to be to understand, tied into the accreditation process and will introduced should we be successful. We have used the offer fast track entry through the airports in Scotland bidding process to plan for the Games and beyond – not once the formalities have been concluded. just to do enough to win.

SUMMARY DOCUMENT Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File SUMMARY DOCUMENT 01 01 02

02 Glasgow has 11 a well established jogging network

+ 03 There is an extensive 05 network of cycle paths 70parks around the city 04 Glasgow has more public Glasgow’s Botanic parks than any other Gardens European City 03 04 05 Renewable energy through wind force Environment and Meteorology Environment

Temperature and humidity Theme 5: Environment and Meteorology Glasgow has an ideal climate for the Commonwealth • A ‘Green City’ with over 70 public parks Games. July and August weather is typically mild in the West of Scotland with warm pleasant conditions. • Excellent water quality • Air quality exceeding recommended standards Comparable annual rainfall in other ‘Games Cities’ • Stretching environmental targets • Sustainability in building design and Glasgow 889mm infrastructure development 2393mm • Enhancements to biodiversity Victoria Varies from 300mm to 1800mm • Positive Initial Environmental Assessment Melbourne 660mm 714mm 809mm Glasgow from the Gaelic language means “The Dear Green Place” 1053mm Scotland is a temperate country, with ideal conditions for the athletes to excel. Pleasantly warm during the summer The official IAAF website lists 46 World Records. Of these months, with low rainfall and low humidity, competitors 74% have been set in similar conditions in Europe during from every part of the world will find Glasgow has the the summer months – further emphasising the ideal optimum conditions in which to train and compete. conditions for athletes to perform in Glasgow. Our water comes from the natural lochs on the outskirts of our city and our air quality is excellent throughout the year. With the world famous Loch Lomond only 20 minutes away, athletes, officials and spectators can be out of the city and into the Scottish countryside in no time at all. Our Initial Environmental Assessment indicates that there will be a positive outcome from hosting the Games – particularly with the regeneration of previously derelict land for the new constructions. We live in a country of extraordinary beauty and, as such, every plan takes account of our responsibilities to future generations.

Pollok Country Park Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File SUMMARY DOCUMENT 01 01 Glasgow’s International Financial Services District overlooking the 12 13 02 Our Responsibilities to the Games • flexibility in the final number of athletes to be The Glasgow Hilton is the flagship hotel If we are given the honour of hosting the Games, supported, if through the development programme we appreciate that we accept a range of responsibilities outlined below, a case can be made for additional places. to the athletes, to the Commonwealth Games In both cases the precise details will be agreed in 03 Associations (CGAs) and to the Commonwealth Games Glasgow has committed conjunction with each CGA well in advance of the Games. to 100% travel grants Federation (CGF). for athletes and officials The costs of travel grants for CGAs has been included Specifically in respect of the CGAs, these responsibilities in the budget of the Organising Committee. include supporting them with their preparation for, and

04 attendance at, the Games in 2014. Sports Development Assistance Fund established Over recent months, during our visits to CGAs throughout Sports Development Assistance for CGAs the Commonwealth we have sought and taken the advice The initiative taken by Delhi in offering sports 0203 04 of many colleagues on ways in which these responsibilities development assistance leading up to 2010 has provided could, most appropriately, be met. We believe that three an example of how host cities can support CGAs. inter-related initiatives may be of assistance. Leading up to 2014, we will also develop a new and active partnership with CGAs by establishing a significant sports development assistance programme. A targeted Flagship Hotel approach, reflecting the agreed specific needs of CGAs, We know that the family atmosphere of the Games will be adopted. Finance is an important feature of the event and we believe it is Finance enhanced when the Games Family is together in the same The budget for this programme has been included in the hotel for the duration of the Games. As such, we will budget of the Organising Committee. provide complimentary accommodation for at least the President and Secretary General of each CGA with the Theme 6: Finance option also available for a third delegate to be supported. Our Budget The public purse will contribute £288m towards the • Capital cost of facilities and infrastructure all committed The cost of this accommodation has been included in the cost of running the Games.This will be split on an 80/20 budget of the Organising Committee. • Revenue support for organising and delivering the Games identified and committed basis between the Scottish Executive and Glasgow City Council. • Sports Development Assistance Fund established for CGAs In addition, we expect to raise some £50m through • 100% flexible travel grants for athletes and officials committed – numbers averaged Travel Grants broadcasting, ticket sales, sponsorship and merchandising. over previous two Games We will provide 100% travel grants for accredited athletes/officials.The final numbers will take account The full OC budget for the Games is contained in • Flagship hotel accommodation free for CGA President and Secretary General from of the average size of each team in the Melbourne and the General Assembly until the end of the Games our Candidate City File which is on our website at Delhi Games. However there will be a degree of flexibility in relation to two elements: • flexibility in terms of the origin of the journeys of individuals. For example if an athlete is training abroad, the flexible approach would allow the journey to Glasgow to start from the training location Entrusted with the Games With over 70% of our venues and infrastructure already Hosting the Commonwealth Games is a significant in place, and a further 20% committed, we can avoid undertaking – and not just for the 11 days of the event. many of the problems associated with delivering large For the four years following the handover from Delhi, capital projects.The Scottish public is trusting us to the host city is entrusted with the Games, its reputation deliver a world class event on time and on budget. and its future development. With the controls that we have in place, we will make sure we respect and continue to earn that trust. Glasgow and Scotland is ready and prepared to take up this challenge. We have huge experience of hosting sporting and cultural events. Not only do we know what is needed to make an event great – we understand the importance of strict financial controls and management.

SUMMARY DOCUMENT Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File SUMMARY DOCUMENT 01 02 03 01 Artistic impression of Kelvingrove Complex in 2014 14 02 15 Artistic impression of the new Projected income from domestic sponsorship

03 Level of Sponsorship Product Category Projected income by level of sponsorship (GBP 2007) 04 Promotion of Scotland’s Bid at the annual Norwich First Level (Highest level of National 1. Insurance £12 million Union Athletics International Sponsors) 2. Banking at the Kelvin Hall 3.Transportation 4. IT/Communications 04 will 5. Soft Drinks provide a beautiful location 6. Media for sponsor hospitality Second Level 1. Car Provider (s) £8 million 05 2. Supermarket Chain The recently refurbished 3. Recruitment or other consultants Kelvingrove Art Gallery 4. Consumer goods eg Confectionery and Museum offers 5. Utility Company another superb venue 6. Beer/Spirit Company for sponsor hospitality 7. Financial Services 06 8. Retail eg Shopping Mall/Retail Store The 2006 Tour of Britain Third Level 1. AV Services £3-4 million Cycle Race started 2. Furniture and Fittings (Principally VIK) in Glasgow 3. Temporary Structures 4. Printing and Publishing 5. Food and Beverages 6. Hotels and Accommodation Marketing Marketing 05 06 7.Transport 8. Medical Supplies

Proposed ticket price ranges (2007 prices) Attractive to the Commercial Sector; Theme 7: Marketing Attractive to the General Public Sport/Event A Price Level B Price Level C Price Level D Price Level Discounted • Joint Marketing Programme agreed Every aspect of our Bid is geared towards delivering Opening Ceremony £175 £150 £75 £50 £5 excellence. Be it for the athletes or spectators, the media Closing Ceremony £175 £150 £75 £50 £5 • Ambush marketing legislation drafted or sponsors – we want everyone who has a stake in our Lawn Bowls £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 • Existing commercial supporters for the Bid Games to have the time of their life. Aquatics – £90 £60 £40 £25 £5 provide confidence for the future acquisition That is why we have acted now to put in place the Aquatics – £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 of sponsorship relationships and agreements that will bear fruit over Athletics £40 £25 £15 £10 £5 • Inclusive ticketing strategy agreed the next seven years. A Joint Marketing Programme has Rugby 7s £40 £25 £15 £10 £5 • Strong brand identity developed been agreed with the Commonwealth Games Council £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 for Scotland and paves the way for the search for £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 commercial sponsorship for the Games. £40 £25 £15 £10 £5 Cycling – Mountain Bike £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 Legislation protecting the Games mark and identity has been drafted and is ready to be introduced should we be Cycling – Time Trial £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 successful. This not only protects the future Organising Cycling – Road £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 Committee and the Commonwealth Games Federation, Cycling £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 but it allows us to go forward in confidence to work £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 with potential sponsors and partner organisations. Hockey £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 We have attracted six Major Supporters during the Bid – Clay Target £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 phase – all of whom have made a substantial financial Shooting – Full Bore £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 contribution towards securing the Games for Scotland. Shooting – Pistol and Small Bore £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 This allows us to look forward towards Games £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 sponsorship with huge optimism. £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 Our inclusive ticketing strategy has been designed £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 in such a way as to cater for a variety of needs and Weightlifting £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 budgets.The prices will be comparable to other major £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 sporting events held in this country – meaning that even £25 £15 £10 £5 £3 the high profile events will be within reach of Scots and Note:The Closing Ceremony will take place immediately following the last session of athletics. The Glasgow 2014 Bid vehicle An example of our promotional visitors to our country. And with free public transport tours Scotland to promote the Bid. material.This leaflet was produced This has been kindly supplied by for Sport Accord 2007 included in the price of every ticket, ours will be an Verve Car Dealership accessible Games for all. Ticket prices are comparable or lower than the Games in 2002 and 2006.

SUMMARY DOCUMENT Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File SUMMARY DOCUMENT 01 01 02 The Velodrome is adjacent to the National Indoor Sports Arena and the Village 16 17 Examples of Glasgow 2014 Major Supporter promotional activity 02 The National Swimming Centre is situated in Tollcross Park, five 01 02 minutes from the Village

03 05 The Clyde Auditorium at the SECC, venue for weightlifting

04 World Gymnastics at the Kelvin Hall International Sports Arena 03 04

05 Lornah Kiplagat of 03 04 05 Kenya, has won the Glasgow Women’s 10k Road Race for seven consecutive years Marketing Venues Sport and

Theme 8: Sport and Venues • A further 20% of venues have their funding committed 01 06 • A balanced sports programme of 17 sports A vinyl bus wrap by First Group • The remaining 10% of venues have their costs • EAD events integrated into the programme included in the OC budget • Experience of organising all 17 sports 02 • Sign-offs by International Federations obtained The First Glasgow 2014 Bid Train and EAD events at international level • 90% of venues within a 20 minute drive • Extensive and dedicated Games Services 03 of the Village On-pack promotion by support for all delegations Highland Spring • Sustainability assured through innovative • 70% of venues in place refurbishment, design and management 04 Highland Spring have branded their fleet of delivery vehicles World Class Venues for a World Class Event Sport Venue The sports programme was selected to ensure the The National Stadium, Hampden Park 05 maximum number of athletes from the maximum number Marathon Hampden Park and the City of Glasgow Sporting Heroes exhibition Race Swimming National Swimming Centre,Tollcross Park organised by O2 of Commonwealth countries could compete and achieve Diving The Royal Commonwealth Pool success.The sports venues are at the heart of any Games. The National Indoor Velodrome 06 Our objective has always been to have a compact Games Cycling Time Trials and the City of Glasgow Clydesdale Bank have used press and TV advertisements – with over 90% of our competition and training venues Judo Kelvin Hall International Sports Arena to promote the Bid no more than 20 minutes from the Games Village. Wrestling Kelvin Hall International Sports Arena Hockey Glasgow Green Having the venues in clusters, means that every part of Badminton National Indoor Sports Arena 07 Artwork for the Clydesdale Bank the city will share in the Games experience.The world Table Tennis Leisure Centre head office building wrap class facilities that we will offer are a mixture of existing Squash Scotstoun Leisure Centre tried and tested venues complemented by state of the Triathlon art new builds.They will all be used by the community Rugby 7s for generations after the Games. Boxing Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre Netball SECC Arena With 70 percent of our venues already in existence, we Gymnastics SECC Arena are building on the legacy of past investment to deliver Lawn Bowls Kelvingrove Bowls Complex a new legacy for the future. Weightlifting Clyde Auditorium, SECC 07 Small Bore and Our venues will bring out the best in the athletes.The Pistol Shooting Strathclyde Police Training Centre, Jackton roar of the passionate Scottish crowd will push them Clay Target to their limits, helping them achieve the extraordinary. and Full Bore Barry Buddon

SUMMARY DOCUMENT Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File SUMMARY DOCUMENT 18 19 Venues and Transport Network

Rugby 7s Boxing Squash Judo Lawn Bowls Athletics Opening Cycling Aquatics Gymnastics Table Tennis Wrestling Marathon Ceremony Track Swimming Key Netball Games Venue Weightlifting Cycling IBC Road Planned Games Venue MPC Time Trial Hockey Proposed Games Venue MPC/IBC Games Village Commonwealth Hotel Training Venue

Motorway Proposed Road Main Road Cycle Route

Sport and Venues Sport and M80M80 Railway/Station Venues Sport and Planned Rail Link Underground/Station Glasgow International Games Lane Airport Venue Cluster M8M8 M73 M8M8 Scale: 1:100,000 0m 4,000m

To Edinburgh GGamesames Airport VillageVillage




Shooting Full Bore Clay Target

GLASGOW Aquatics Diving

To Glasgow Shooting Prestwick Athletics Small Bore This Map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with International Track and Field Rifle Cross Country the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Airport Closing Ceremony Pistol Mountain Bike Badminton Triathlon Controller of HMSO, ©Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100023379 2007

SUMMARY DOCUMENT Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File SUMMARY DOCUMENT Our venues will bring out the best in the athletes.The roar of the passionate Scottish crowd will push them to their limits, helping them to achieve the extraordinary.

Rugby 7s at Ibrox Stadium

Mountain Biking at Track and Field Athletics and the Closing Ceremony at The National Stadium, Hampden Park

Judo at Kelvin Hall International Sports Arena Track and Field Athletics and the Closing Ceremony at The National Stadium, Hampden Park

Lawn Bowls at Kelvingrove Lawn Bowls Complex Race Swimming at National Swimming Centre at Tollcross Park

Gymnastics at SECC Arena Triathlon at Strathclyde Country Park 01 01 Artistic impression of the Games Village

24 02 Artistic impression of a typical bedroom in the Games Village

03 The Games Village is central to the Clyde Gateway regeneration project in the city’s East End

02 03 Commonwealth Games Village Games Commonwealth

Theme 9: Commonwealth Games Village Although capable of housing 8000 people, it will cater for • Designed for athletes by athletes, through •upDevelopment to 6000-6500 mechanism , allowing teams identified; ample post-Games room to live, the work of our Athletes’ Commission workstrategy and prepare agreed for for the selling Games. on Withfor private no more and than 2 • 100% flexible travel grants for athletes and peoplesocial per housing room and no more that 2 rooms per officials – numbers averaged over two Games •shower/WCCommunity the legacy athletes through will have the one development of the best equipped villages of any major Games. • New build for the Games of a new urban suburb • Acreage twice the size of the Village in Melbourne • Major contributor to regeneration of the area • Capable of housing 8,000 athletes and officials •TheTimescales houses in theset forvillage construction will all be permanentand timely structures providing generous space for the anticipated andhandover after the to Games the Organising will be made Committee available for sale or 6,000-6,500 residents •sociallyResidential rented accommodation housing. Making excellentin permanent use of buildings derelict land, the development will breath new life in this area of • Maximum two athletes/officials per room •regeneration.Well planned International Zone, dining and • Maximum two rooms to shower/wc medical facilities

A Home From Home In developing our plans for the Village we have been increasingly conscious of the rising expectations of % athletes and officials. Our own Athletes’ Commission spent more time advising us on the Village than any 90 Artistic impressions of the other aspect of our Bid.They told us that the Village of venues within Games Village accommodation is not just a place to sleep, it is a place to live – a 20 minute drive a place that sums up the whole Games experience. With this in mind we have set about creating more than a Village. With the help of our athletes we have planned a new community on the banks of the famous The Village is not just a place to sleep, River Clyde.Twice the size of the Melbourne Village % it will give the athletes space to stretch out, make use it is a place to live – a place that sums of the on-site training facilities and prepare for the 100 challenges of competition. new build for the Games up the whole Games experience.

SUMMARY DOCUMENT Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File Artistic impression of the Games Village for 2014 28 SUMMARY DOCUMENT Commonwealth Games Village rudForSecondFloor Ground Floor During Games: 70 sqmat4storeys 2 Bed Apartments for private housing saleandsocial the availableGames –properties A legacy for thecommunity after Offices onground floor 1 Common room per4units 2 Showers 8 Beds 4 sleepingareas Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File2014 Commonwealth Glasgow GamesCandidate City @ i.12sqm min. Post Games: Storage Bathroom 2 Doublebedrooms (1en-suite) Kitchen/Dining Lounge Ground Floor Ground Floor Post Games: During Games: 110 sqm 3 BedSemiDetached Garage Storage Bathroom and WC 3 Doublebedrooms (1en-suite) Kitchen Lounge/Dining 1 Common room and Office per2units 2 Showers and WC 8 Beds 4 sleepingareas @ i.12sqm min. Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File2014 CommonwealthGlasgow GamesCandidate City First Floor First Floor SUMMARY DOCUMENT 29 Commonwealth Games Village 30 SUMMARY DOCUMENT Medical Services 304 03 01 • • • • • • • MedicalServices Theme 10: accredited laboratory inLondon Efficient andsecure transport tothe WADA independent samplingofficers Doping control inthehandsofexperienced delegations to CGA Availability ofadditionalmedical staff accredited specifically for teammedicaluse inteamareas, Allocation ofspaceinthe Village, experiencesports and massage andallwithmajorevents andelite physiotherapy medicine, Specialists insports in medicalresearch anddelivery A cityandcountrywithcenturies ofexperience Medical servicesfor theaccredited Games Family Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File2014 Commonwealth Glasgow GamesCandidate City tlts mindsontheir performance. athletes’ wewant the Like everythingelsewithour Games, and efficiently. securely sure thatallsamplesare dealt withquickly, dedicated transport arrangements inplacetomake willbe WADA accredited laboratory inLondon.There willanalyse samplesatthe independent personnel.We willbeinthehandsof experienced, doping control.This have wealso tothinkabout As withany major Games, be accredited totheirteams. will ifrequired, whom, be apoolofadditionalexperts For those CGAs wanting there will additionalsupport medicine/physiotherapy andmassage. insports experts These practitioners are complementedbyarange of or inthespecialmedicalareas inthevillage. you shouldyou require it–eitherinoneof ourhospitals Our worldclassmedicalstaff willbeonhandtohelp world classmedicalfacilities outlinedbelow. have arange of and nurses from across theworld.We you wouldexpectfrom acountrythattrains doctors iswhat Which in andaround Glasgow are impressive. themedicalfacilities However shouldthere beaneed, about that. We hopethatyou neverhave toworry facilities are like. when you travel tosomewhere newiswhat themedical The lastthingthatyouwant tohave toworryabout Always available 02 05 National Stadium Scotland’s Hampden Park, Athletics willtakeplaceat 05 Centre atHampdenPark Medicine The Sports 04 03, 02, 2014 Games the Glasgow carry outalltestingfor laboratory inLondonwill accreditedThe WADA 01 * including sports medicine, physiology, and biomechanical research andbiomechanical laboratories physiology, medicine, * includingsports students andpostgraduates receiving specialityteaching. Note – ofundergraduate clinicalteaching All Scottishhospitalsundertake medical unit for emergency cardiology interventioneg Angioplastics. GoldenJubileebeareceiving willalso bedsand25general40 –60orthopaedic beds. 48critical care beds, Note – Golden Jubilee willhave around 120cardiothoracic beds, Sports Medicine Sports Treatment ofseverely irradiated casualties Treatment ofcontaminatedcasualties (chemical/toxic) Treatment ofcontaminatedcasualties (radiation) Neuro-surgery unit Burns treatment unit services Non-acute/support accidentandemergency Acute Services/no Acute Service24-houraccidentandemergency Type ofhospitalservice 4 Total Children for Sick Hospital Royal Infirmary Western General Southern Infirmary Royal Glasgow Name Hospital (NHSGG&C figures Feb ’05) Teaching Hospitals 8 Total below) (see note Jubilee Golden Alexandra Royal Paisley Wishaw Monklands Hairmyres General Gartnavel Hospital General Stobhill Infirmary Victoria Name Hospital Feb ’05) (NHSGG&C andLanarkshire, Hospitals 16 21 22 19 14 10 7 5 (Km) Games Village Commonwealth Distance from 9 9 11 4 (Km) Games Village Commonwealth Distance from 3,925 Total 2014) by (240 168 978 633 478 494 419 385 370 of Beds Number Total 2,455 269 440 970 776 of Beds Number from Summer07) Intervention) (Primary Cardiac Emergency PCI (will receive Elective only #ECT #ECTS #ETCS #ESCT AS E E by speciality List ofDepartments EB E,SM ECNT EBCTR# by speciality* List ofdepartments SM R T C N B S A E Code letter 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 Equipment Heavy Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File2014 CommonwealthGlasgow GamesCandidate City – Scotlandand Glasgow Scottish Ambulance Serviceresources Helicopter/Fixed wing SORT/Emergency Unit Support (Renault Master/Renault Scenic) Patient Transportvehicles Rapid Response Units(Paramedics) Accident &Emergency Ambulances Vehicles Type Takers Supervisors/Dispatchers/Call Emergency MedicalDispatch Ambulance Officers Ambulance Care Assistant SORT TrainedStaff Special Operations Response Team (Full Time) Ambulance Technician Ambulance Paramedic Resource 2+4 21 spare 532+33 47 440 Total Scotland 184 113 962 383 53 1,078 962 Total Scotland SUMMARY DOCUMENT 1+1 2 spare 83+5 7 60 Total Glasgow EMDC) (West 75 12 178 47 17 125 161 Total Glasgow 31 Medical Services 32 SUMMARY DOCUMENT Security 405 04 03 02 01 • • • • • Security Theme 11: control structure Experienced androbust commandand activities inthecityatonetime with amulti-sports event andarange ofcultural Range andscaleofsecurity serviceabletocope major event experience Tried andtestedprovision through extensive Experienced anddiscreet security provision A safe country Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File2014 Commonwealth Glasgow GamesCandidate City and sensibly. we knowwhat it takestodealwithbignumbers safely the Rolling StonesatHampdenPark orthe G8 Summit, by arock concert top flightfootball weekend, each Whether itispolicingthe60,000peoplewho attend spectators orthemedia. will notimpinge onthe Games experience of competitors, capacity tomakesure thatsecurity that issomething services inthiscountryhave theknowledge andthe thepoliceandsecurity cultural andpoliticalevents, With atrack record of regularly hosting majorsporting, is rarely aproblem. up theatmosphere ofonetheworld’s great cities means thatlivinginorvisiting Glasgow andsoaking Our experienced anddiscreet approachtosecurity Scotland isasafe countryand Glasgow isasafe city. Safe andSecure at HampdenPark Command Centre Strathclyde Police 05 Police Helicopter Strathclyde 04 Emergency Services Strathclyde 03 and Rescue Strathclyde Fire 02 on thebeat Strathclyde Police 01 the Riverside café atthe City InnHotel. Enjoying theatmosphere ofthecityat The Armed Forces – Where appropriate, support from the support The Armed ForcesArmed Forces may – besought Where appropriate, British TransportPolice Ambulance Services Fire andRescue Police Service/Force Available policeandemergency services 35 Police Staff inScotland 209 ScottishPolice Officers Paramedic Staff in Glasgow and 500 Ambulance 750 Fire ServicePersonnel Staff 2,700 Support 7,500 Police Officers Officers/Personnel The annual Glasgow RiverFestival A&E Vehicles 200 Over 113 Fire Stations and Strathclyde 119 in Glasgow Locations Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File2014 CommonwealthGlasgow GamesCandidate City 1 Fixed Wing Aircraft 1 Helicopter 7 RapidResponse Units Marine Unit and rescue equipment chemical Full range offire, Police Marine Unit Counter Terrorism Public Order Firearms Air Support Underwater Dog Unit Mounted Police Equipment/Resources 704 Police Staff intheUK Police Officers 2,280 UKwide 3,000 Personnel 4 Fixed Wing Aircraft 2 Helicopters 50 RapidResponse Units 500 Ambulances on avoluntarybasis in Strathclyde –mobilised 2,000 additionalpersonnel Nuclear Personnel 500 Military,Transport and 6,000 UKPolice Personnel Personnel 2,000 ScottishPolice Additional Resource Capability SUMMARY DOCUMENT 33 Security 01 01 02 03 Strathclyde University Campus accommodation

34 02 35 The Mbeki Security experience Building at Glasgow Caledonian Year Event Duration No. of No. of dignitaries and No. of attending No. of Security University Campus of Event Participants VIP’s (Protected ) spectators personnel 04

Weekly Ibrox Stadium – Football 1 day 2 teams 50,000 1,000 03, 05 Weekly Celtic Park – Football 1 day 2 teams 60,000 1,000 The Glasgow Hilton is the Glasgow 2014 Annually Hampden Park – Final – Football 1 day 2 teams 52,000 1,000 flagship hotel Annually West End Parade and Carnival 1 day 1,000 50,000 200 Annually Mela Festival – Kelvingrove Park 1 day 500 10,000 100 04 Annually Glasgow Hogmanay Party 1 day N/A 25,000 400 The Radisson SAS Hotel 05 06 07 Annually Glasgow Fireworks Display 1 day N/A 60,000 250 06 Annually Great Scottish Run 1 day 20,000 50,000 300 The Crowne Plaza Annually World Pipe Band Championships 1 day 20,000 50,000 100 will be reserved for media accommodation Annually Tour of Britain – Cycling 1 day 96 5,000 100 Annually Scottish Golf Open – Loch Lomond 4 days 156 100,000 1,000 07 Annually May Day Parade 1 day 5,000 N/A 150 The Hotel du Vin at 2007 UEFA Cup Final – Hampden Park 1 day 2 teams 52,000 1,500 One Devonshire Gardens 2006 Celtic v Manchester United 1 day 2 teams 60,000 1,000 – Champions League

Security 2006 Scottish Grand National – Horse Racing 1 day 50 16,000 200 Accommodation 2006 Euro 2008 Scotland v France 1 day 2 teams 52,000 1,000 2006 Rolling Stones – Hampden Park 1 day N/A 50,000 780 2006 Robbie Williams – Hampden Park 2 days N/A 60,000 760 2006 Bon Jovi – Hampden Park 1 day N/A 50,000 750 2005 G8 Summit 3 days N/A 15 Varied eg, 11,500 Theme 12: Accommodation Peace March • Excellent range, number and quality of hotels and university residences in Edinburgh 100,000 • A 20 minute radius from Games Family Hotel to most venues and Village 2005 Special Olympics 7 days 2,500 23,000 200 • Guarantees on hotel prices in place for 2014 2005 GB v USSR v USA Athletics Grand Prix 1 day 85 7,000 50 • Exacting standards of accommodation for technical officials 2004 The Open – Golf,Troon 6 days 156 120,000 1,200 2003 Labour Party Spring Conference 3 days 2,000 5 N/A 500 • Five star price promise from accommodation providers, restaurants and clubs in the city – SECC Glasgow 2002 UEFA Champions League Final 1 day 2 teams 52,000 1,500 1999 Scotland v 1 day 2 teams 52,000 1,500 European Football Championships The Games Family Hotel 1997 British Golf Open – Troon 6 days 100 120,000 1,200 Like any great city, Glasgow has an abundance of accommodation at all levels. From the top of the range excellence of our hotels, to the affordable convenience of our university accommodation, staying right in the heart of the Games couldn’t be easier. Week in, week out Glasgow hosts some of the biggest conventions and conferences. In fact, we are the fastest growing conference destination in Europe.This has given us a wealth of experience in working with hotels to provide block bookings and price guarantees. And we will use this experience to best effect during the Games.We have already reserved the vast majority of accommodation in the city for the Games period – and we have made sure that there are guarantees on price which will be in place for 2014. We want as many people as possible to come to the Games. Making accommodation affordable will make that goal achievable.

The Hilton is Glasgow’s Games Family Hotel

SUMMARY DOCUMENT Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File SUMMARY DOCUMENT The Glasgow Hilton isthe Glasgow 2014flagship hotel Artistic impression of the new 4/5 star hotel proposed for the riverside at the SECC.This would complementtheexisting three h impression ofthenewArtistic 4/5starhotelproposed for theriverside attheSECC.This Outdoor café inMerchant City area star promise onprices for 2014. and clubshave entered intoafive- pubs many restaurants, room rates, In additiontoguarantees onhotel Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File2014 CommonwealthGlasgow GamesCandidate City otels onthesamesite. SUMMARY DOCUMENT 37 Accommodation 01 02 01 Glasgow International An electronic information system operates on main bus routes Airport around the city to keep passengers up to date

38 02 Glasgow’s Traffic Control Centre Whether you are walking, 03 City cycle path cycling or using public 03 04 06 04 Scotland has a modern, transport – getting around extensive rail network offering fast, reliable public transport across the country Glasgow will be convenient

05 and stress free. The Clyde Waterbus 05 06 Friendly customer service at Transport

A City on the Move Theme 13:Transport Glasgow is a city that built its name on transport. • An accessible country with three international Ships that were built in the famous Clyde shipyards airports less than one hour from Glasgow linked the world and supported the impetus of the city centre industrial revolution. Engines constructed in our works • Glasgow International Airport: 20 minutes to the powered the railways which spanned continents and city centre helped to create countries. • Procedures to ensure efficient and quick passage It is no surprise then, that a city with this fine tradition has through airports built a transport network fit for the 21st century – one • New and additional transport developments: that will make the Games run smoothly and efficiently. • Roads – extensive strategic road system which is being further improved With three international airports within one hour of the city centre – and the main Glasgow International Airport • Railways – new stations and links to the airports within 20 minutes of the Village – we are an accessible • Airports – extension to and development country, an accessible city. of existing terminals Significant sums of money are being spent to radically • Dedicated Games route network improve our already impressive transport infrastructure. • Network of cycle lanes and footpaths New motorways, new trunk roads and new rail lines – • Over 60% of Commonwealth nations and including one from the city centre to Glasgow International territories served by direct flight or one Airport – will allow us to meet our objective of having the hub transfer vast majority of venues within 20 minutes of our Village. • Robust Games Family and spectator transport plan With the largest suburban rail network in the UK outside • Free public transport – with Games Tickets and London, an underground Metro system, park and ride for accredited individuals facilities and plans for even more river taxis, our public • Games Transport Delivery Plan, with powers transport plans mean that there is no need for cars derived from a forthcoming Games Bill to be at our venues and we can help to ensure that the • Safe and efficient public transport systems Games are environmentally sound. • Over 90% of athletes within 20 minutes With this abundance of public transport we can go one of their event step further. We will make it free to anyone who has a ticket for that day’s Games.

SUMMARY DOCUMENT Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File 40 41 Major Transport Network and Venues

Rugby 7s Boxing Squash Judo Lawn Bowls Athletics Opening Cycling Aquatics Gymnastics Table Tennis Wrestling Marathon Ceremony Track Swimming Key Netball Games Venue Weightlifting Cycling IBC Road Planned Games Venue Time Trial MPC Proposed Games Venue Hockey MPC/IBC 2828 Games Village

3434 Motorway

2020 Proposed Road 3434 Main Road 2424 5959 Cycle Route 3434 5454 Railway/Station 9 6060 2222 5454 37 Planned Rail Link 41 5252 5588 2 8 Transport Underground/Station Transport 19 8888 5353 4499 5656 57 Games Lane 8989 5959 Venue Cluster

100100 3333 9999 14 6644 Glasgow International 8080 101 47 16 13 102 9898 116 Airport 1 3232 97 Scale: 1:100,000 72 1 0m 4,000m 2222 103 9494 81 74 7 6262 3333 73 112 2727 117 6633 4433 3939 104 9955 5599 105 8844 9696 4040 106 107 108 61 10 2323 5959 8822 6600 5566 17 4242 To Edinburgh 8833 5656 3 51 GGamesames 6565 Airport 18 4646 2626 3366 VillageVillage 11 3366 4 109109 78 57 5050 21 3434 6 79 3535 5 3366 4545 4848 57

12 4444 2525 4

Shooting Full Bore Clay Target 113

GLASGOW Aquatics Diving

To Glasgow Shooting Prestwick Athletics Small Bore This Map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with International Track and Field Rifle Cross Country the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Airport Closing Ceremony Pistol Mountain Bike Badminton Triathlon Controller of HMSO, ©Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100023379 2007

SUMMARY DOCUMENT Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File SUMMARY DOCUMENT 01 02 03 01 01 01 02 Lawn Bowls will be The SECC site will held at Kelvingrove host the MPC and IBC Bowls Complex 42 43 02 02-04 The new BBC Scotland Glasgow’s libraries Headquarters at Pacific offer free internet Quay on the south bank access, using up of the River Clyde, to date technology opposite the SECC including WiFi, in addition to the traditional lending services 03 An executive room in 04 05 the Crowne Plaza Hotel on the site of the SECC 05 The most up to date technology available is employed for major 04 03 04 sports events in the city A BBC live broadcast Technology Media Operations

A Window on the World Theme 14:Technology Theme 15: Media Operations While we invite as many spectators as possible to come • Extensive existing infrastructure and additional committed development • Extensive IBC/MPC with on-site integrated to Scotland for the Games, we realise that not everyone will be able to make the trip. So, if you cannot make it • Wireless City hotel accommodation to Scotland, we want to bring Scotland to you. • Strong credentials – International Intelligent Community of the Year 2004 • IBC/MPC situated in one of the major venue clusters We will work with broadcasters to make sure that • Cutting edge technology at venues and Village, extensively tried and tested in preparation for the Games television, radio and internet feeds are available to • Location adjacent to Scotland’s existing as many countries as possible. We know the enormous • Efficient accreditation conveniently located at the main airport for the majority of athletes and officials ‘media village’ sense of national pride that the Games instil – and we • With extensive past experience, an ability to handle all new technological change leading up to 2014 • Long-standing experience of broadcasting know how hard athletes train for that one moment of • Full technical support for sponsors, media and broadcasting and covering major events glory. We don’t want anyone to miss out. • 24-hour IT support available to the Games Family and at the Village • Strong partnerships with the BBC and Our plans for the International Broadcast Centre and Main other broadcasters Press Centre will see the media housed in the heart of one of the main venue clusters – part of Glasgow’s existing, The Future is Now • Aspirations for broadcasting feeds to all nations and territories exciting media village.There are even hotels on the site Technology is changing our world – and changing it rapidly. We will apply this principle to the Games. We will that will be dedicated to the media. There can be few aspects of our lives that have not been use technology to make accreditation easier, to make • No press or media restrictions on entry touched by the technological revolution. Scotland as communicating with home better and buying tickets to the country One thing is clear, if we can take the Games into more homes than ever before, we will be growing the Games a country has led the charge in this particular revolution. a simple exercise.This won’t be about technology for • National Media Centre for daily and and inspiring young people to take up the challenge of Be it the television or the telephone, the road surface that technology’s sake. It will be about doing whatever weekly newspapers our cars drive on, or the penicillin that helps us recover it takes to help the athletes have the performance sport in all corners of the globe. when we are ill – our ideas have helped to shape the of their lives and spectators the time of their lives modern world. in our city. Glasgow today is undergoing a new period of change. A wireless connected city, we continually embrace change and look for new ways to innovate. Our innovation though, is always grounded in practicality.You won’t find Scots impressed by gimmicks; we want, thorough tried and tested processes, to deal with things that make life better.

SUMMARY DOCUMENT Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File SUMMARY DOCUMENT If sport runs through the veins of Glasgow 44 and Scotland, culture 45 SECC Cluster is our beating heart. A diverse city, Glasgow is a place Key that knows how sway Media Hotels pres to put on a show e Ex esid MPC/IBC Clyd – and knows what Games Lane International it takes to lift Broadcast Centre Scale: 1:10,000 performances from 0m 200m Campanile great to outstanding. Main Press Centre City Inn Crowne Plaza

River Clyde Millennium Bell’s Glasgow Arc Bridge Bridge

This Map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of HMSO, ©Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Venue for Opening Ceremony, Celtic Park Media Operations Crown copyright and may lead to Culture prosecution or civil proceedings. 100023379 2007

The Time of their Lives:The Friendly Games Theme 16: Culture in the Friendly City • Distinct cultural identity in the country and city In a country steeped in history, tradition and culture it will come as no surprise that we have innovative plans • A vibrant city with strong cultural base in its art for our Games.The centrepiece of our Opening Ceremony galleries, museums, theatres, restaurants, pubs will be the athletes themselves.The Opening Ceremony, and clubs so often missed by athletes who are due to compete the • With a large university population, there is an next day, will be held within walking distance of the extensive range of entertainment outlets for Village at the magnificent Celtic Park stadium. athletes and officials With the permission of the CGF, we hope to break with • An inclusive, inspirational and enjoyable tradition and bring the parade of athletes nearer the start cultural programme of the Ceremony – allowing them to take their deserved • With agreement of the CGF, an innovative accolades, before sitting to watch the show. Opening Ceremony in location and format We recognise the importance of the Opening Ceremony • An extensive education programme to link and as such, we have consulted widely on its potential Scotland with all nations and territories in format with our own athletes and with the CGAs around the Commonwealth the world. • A strong culture of volunteering Away from the venues, competitors and spectators alike will have the opportunity to find out exactly why this • Increased awareness of the Commonwealth is The Friendly City. From the live sites across our many in Glasgow and Scotland public parks, to our restaurants, bars, museums and theatres, the Games will primarily be a sports event, but secondly a family party for athletes, officials and spectators alike. The MPC/IBC will be housed in both permanent and temporary accommodation in the extensive Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre.The main media hotel (the Crowne Plaza) is on the same site with panoramic views up and down the River Clyde.The whole site lies opposite Scotland’s media village on the south side of the river. Our 15,000 volunteers will be on hand to offer help, assistance and a smile in that unique Glasgow way.

SUMMARY DOCUMENT Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File SUMMARY DOCUMENT The World Pipe Band Championships is an annual summer event

From the live sites across our many public parks, to our restaurants, bars, museums and theatres, the Games will be a magnificent sports event but also a family party for athletes, officials and spectators alike.

Students on campus at Glasgow University Hogmanay celebrations in

The West End Festival is Glasgow’s largest Princes Square Shopping Complex Hampden Park, venue for the Closing Ceremony cultural festival with more than 400 events taking place over two weeks each June

SUMMARY DOCUMENT Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File 48

Glasgow 2014 would like to thank our Major Supporters for their invaluable support during the bidding phase.

We would also like to thank the numerous individuals, organisations and suppliers who have contributed, often on a voluntary basis, to the production of our Candidate City File and our wider efforts to bring the Commonwealth Games to Glasgow and Scotland in 2014.

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Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Candidate City File Summary Document